22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2022
    1. public controversy could be 00:33:45 carried out more expeditiously if you read something that seems controversial you can ask if anybody's filed a reply and I was hoping that this together with 00:33:57 an author's ability to revise the original statement would lead people to converge on considered positions more quickly than at present even if they do not come to actual agreement and maybe 00:34:11 that's happened a little bit I'm still sort of hopeful for the future but I didn't see it 00:34:25 happening in this philosophy meeting um well to set up formally discussions of some controversial if you can find some 00:34:43 issue where there are yes or no sides then the yes nose might hit on considered positions as best they can by 00:34:57 by iteration and I so I'm not going to do it but you should do it
      • converge on considered positions more quickly
    2. I predicted was that there would be frequent revisions of articles and books and author can take into account new facts or other people's criticism and the reviews the revision would take effect immediately it's been a little 00:33:17 bit of that I frequently revise the web versions of of old papers or put a dated 00:33:32 footnotes in it but it certainly hasn't happened very much
      • revise versions
      • take into accounts of new facts criticisms
    3. hoping advertising would 00:32:08 mainly go away and that was um didn't happen


    4. there were 00:31:53 people to tell him what to read

      what to read

    5. Herbert Simon once complained to me said we're drowning in this glut of information

      drowning in glut of information

    6. even if certainly society has survived 00:30:25 Bill Gates being so rich

      would not be so sure about that

    7. the best guy is a lot 00:29:22 better than the second-best

      best guy is better than the second-best

    8. the phenomenon of stars


    9. Richard Stallman who has been 00:28:03 a hero in many spects has been a negative force

      Stallman Hero negative force

    10. now in 1970 I ignored the copying problem

      copying problem

    11. world of the future whereby an individual could compete with the large organizations at 00:27:06 least find a place among the large organizations and we'll see how that develops

      individual compete with large organization

    12. underestimated the resistance to being displaced these organizations would be able to mount even the publication organization of nonprofit scientific 00:25:43 societies have been able to resist displacement like American Physical Society and so 00:25:56 forth ACM at triple-a I as once you've created a bureaucracy then it's going to maintain itself so the biologists have 00:26:14 taken the lead in creating online journals page where things work now the blog's come closest to my predictions but they still can't afford famous 00:26:25 professional writers

      resistance to being displaced

      blogs come close

    13. feel your 00:23:55 pain and and so forth III think it will only produce annoyance it really has to have some understanding of what you need to know

      have some understanding of what you need to know

    14. fad for emotional computing for 00:23:29 sympathetic computing

      emotional sympathetic computers

    15. now everyone has trouble using something new 00:21:42 and no matter how much experience you have of using some things other things are going to come up for which you are a beginner and you will have typical 00:21:52 beginners troubles

      beginners troubles

    16. a major development that's required is for the systems to 00:22:05 understand the users confusion how is he confused

      system to understand the users confusion

    17. the dot-com crash was that there were just too many bad or trivial ideas

      too many bad or trivial ideas

    18. present web is pretty good the users will do okay even without new ideas in my opinion there's a shortage of good new ideas

      web shortage of good new ideas

    19. the people who are offering it were aiming at monopolies of services but in general too little and too late

      aiming at monopolies of services

    20. set-top box where you would use a TV as 00:20:15 a display and so forth

      set top box

    21. operating systems require the user to do system administration

      nothing is where i left it

    22. you need artificial intelligence to do it properly on a mass scale

      need ai

    23. done badly because of having fixed 00:18:32 allocations of space and so forth various bad ideas

      bad ideas

    24. deck system 10

      DEC 10

    25. it's reasonable to say that the author pays with exceptions for authors that don't have institutional support

      well well well

    26. the publishers that suffer a substantial degree of technological unemployment


    27. access to all the world's books


    28. now there were other prophets and I'm neglecting them Nelson I'm even forgetting his 00:10:40 first name but anyway

      well well well

    29. stored program computer meant is 00:02:54 that the program of the computer was in the same memory as the data and computers that had been built before that like the Harvard mark one did not 00:03:05 have that characteristic and Eenie act did not have that characteristic and it was thought at the time that it was fundamental that a program could change 00:03:18 itself
      • stored program computer -fundamental program could change itself
    1. Nelson latest book was an autobiography released in 2011 called “ Possiplex .” Ted Nelson: Quotes “Most people are fools, most authority is malignant, God does not exist and everything is wrong.” “The good news about computers is that they do what you tell them to do.

    1. it uses a suite of tools including Webmention and microformats in order to decentralize social communication and distribution of content.
      • suite of tools
      • WebMention
      • microformats
      • to decentralize
        • social communication &
        • distributionb of content
    1. Barefoot Documents

      Building the commons of digital infrstructure and activist capability

    1. Learning space and toolstack.
      • autonomous learning spaces connecting people, ideas, intents, pursuits, constellation for creating autonomous multiplayer interpersonal networked digital spaces
      • see : https://collab.wiki.cafe/view/easywiki/view/gathering-data--media-in-wiki#annotations:xuzIRDZWEe2l_GcJ34CbMw
    1. what it might take for wiki to 'go viral' as a means of active digital collaboration.

      !- concept : wiki to 'go viral' - stub : as a means of active digital collaboration - suggest using the phrase 'scaling reach' instead of 'going viral' - this is important for n reasons - - Scaling Reach (rermember freedom of speech is a matter of autonomy facilitated freedom of reach) emerging from the long tail of People's Networks and should = combine with - - Scaling Coherence and - - Scaling Synthesis or even Scaling Synthesys - - Scaling Symmathesy (mutual learning) in Weaving the Open Learning Commons

      !- combine : Fedwiki - with: IndyThreads - on the :IndyWeb - stub : Trusted networks of conversations over the web

    2. pods of collaborators with significant non-tech projects

      Pods of collaborators

      The IndyThreads provides constellations for unenclosable carriers empowering individuals to weave their ownd autonomous trust networks with zero friction adjoining of trusted conversations over the web integrated with social annotations tools and tools for thinking together like Are.na

      and wiki like experimental social networks and disgtributed knowledge graphs like

      Multiplayer Tools for Thoughts Scaling Reach, Coherence and Synthesys


    3. Experiments in easier wiki(ing)?

      These annotations are part of our experiments with Easier wiking on the Annotated IndyWeb

    4. a 'killer plugin'. Etc wiki for collaborators

      !- killer plugin : wiki for collaborators

      !- question : should be called a "maker plugin"

    5. Gathering data & media in wiki wiki has been evolved and mobilised often for assembling scraped or unstructured data or media, processing them, and displaying crunched parameters or highlighted media elements in diverse forms - typically visually (eg graphs, or series of images). Passing data or media samples to an active wiki 'factory' might be a beneficial passive use to consider?
      • gathering data
      • media
      • scraped or unstructured data
      • passing data, meadia samples
      • to an active wiki 'factory'
    1. What is a Business? An expansive question that has surprisingly practical value

    1. Liberalism believes in individualism 00:36:29 as we said earlier, that each one of us is an individual. We have this ray of light, this inner core which is individual. This is our real self. Well, according to the life sciences today there are no such things. All animals, including humans, are not individuals. They don't have souls. They don't have any essence. 00:36:53 They don't have any inner core. They are basically a collection of biochemical algorithms, all kinds of algorithmic systems that build the brain, that build the human beings, the giraffe, the elephant, whatever it is. And if you peel all the layers, all the systems that make up an animal, an organism like an onion, 00:37:16 you peel one layer after the other, one layer after the other, in the end you won't get an inner core of light, or a soul. You will get nothing. There is just nothing left when you take out all these different biochemical algorithms, nothing is left. There is no individual. Secondly, these biochemical algorithms that make up an organism are not free. 00:37:43 There is no such thing as freedom according to the life sciences. All systems in nature, including these biochemical algorithms, they work according to just two possible principles. Either they are deterministic or they are random. Perhaps some events on the quantum level 00:38:08 insert a certain randomness into the biochemical processes of our brain, of our nervous system, of our body, but that's it. The word "freedom" simply has no meaning in the life sciences of today. Taking these two ideas together that an organism, including Homo sapiens-- which is just another animal 00:38:32 like the chimpanzees, and giraffes, and so forth-- if an organism is just a collection of algorithms, and these algorithms are not free in any sense, this means that at least potentially an external system, an external entity can understand me perfectly. It just needs to understand all the algorithms that 00:38:55 come together to build this machine, this structure. And the crucial insight is that even our sensations, even our emotions, even our feelings, liberalism believes above all else in our feelings, how you feel about politics, about art, about sexuality, this is the holy grail of liberalism, our feelings. 00:39:23 But now come the life sciences and say, feelings? Feelings are just biochemical algorithms calculating what? Calculating either of two things, probabilities of survival and probabilities of reproduction. That's it. The Homo sapiens, like giraffes, like elephants, they are calculating all the time, all their body 00:39:47 is just a calculating machine for calculating probabilities of survival and reproduction. This, again, may sound a bit abstract. So I will give two simple examples. First of all, problems of survival. Let's say you are a baboon. And you are somewhere in the Savannah in Africa. And you see a tree with bananas on it.

      no essence

      if you understand the algorithm you can control

    1. Easywiki? Here we begin to consider the possibility of an easier client for wiki, without compromising the essential, intended nature of wiki.

    1. Based on our recent experience helping teams build in web3, we released a piece that gives you a framework that teams can use to understand the challenges and needs of building a complex ecosystem strategy leveraging web3 enablers.


    1. Web3 can fix that according to Dixon, by eliminating entirely – or, maybe, better: progressively and sufficiently – the need for a centralized entity that “runs” the network “for” the participants, in favor of a cooperative system where participant themselves can govern and evolve the network in the interest of all stakeholders, and not only the owners.
      • eliminating the need for centralized entity
    1. gene–culture coevolution (GCC)

      gene-culture coevolution GCC

      It is hard to avoid the lure of legislating for meaning

      oh but my metaphor is not (just) a metaphore

    2. cause or consequence

      the root "cause" of all our problems is in the desire to discovery and exploit causal chains when in fact we have mutual arising.

      Over estimate the power of causal chains in the search for power per se

    3. evolutionary transition in individuality

      evolutionary transition in individuality

    1. We make tools that make research more open. Our open-source tools are used by millions every day, in universities, businesses, and libraries worldwide, to uncover, connect, and analyze research products

    1. OpenAlex is a fully open catalog of the global research system. It's named after the ancient Library of Alexandria and made by the nonprofit OurResearch.

    1. An open and comprehensive catalog of scholarly papers, authors, institutions, and more.

    1. Citationsy was founded in 2017 after the reference manager Cenk was using at the time, RefMe, was shut down.

    1. Referencing for people who value simplicity, privacy, and speed

    1. Archive a snapshot of a link when you cite it, creating a preserved-in-time copy of it for referencing

    1. allow space to bring our whole selves into the room, to be present with each other about whatever is meaningful in our lives. In the realm of “community engagement,” we are connecting with each other as fellow community members – a reminder to be human in all our work. 

      allow space to bring our whole selves into the room

    2. Beyond a transactional tactic for getting people to help an organization (so often the intent of “engagement” efforts)
      • transactional tactic
      • people to help an organization
      • the intent of "engagement" efforts
    3. Community Engagement Resources

    1. Creating the Future hosts several online communities, currently housed at Facebook.

      Let's add high bandwidth interpersonal collaboration and networking ability to existing communities for catalitic thinking

    1. Text is representative of our speech and much of ourconscious reasoning about nontextual records; it is the basicfabric in which most of the interpersonal collaboration in systemdevelopment work such as ours takes place.
      • text representative of
        • our speech
        • and much of our conscious reasoning
        • about non textual records
      • basic fabric in which
      • interpersonal collaboration in system development work takes place

    2. FLTS may be used for composing and modifying newfiles, for adding to or modifying old files~ and for mergingand reorganizing several new and/or old files*
      • about : Off-line Text Manipulation System

      !- related work : TrailMarks - in contrast everything is lively (as in lively kernel) - pseudo morphic manipulation - trailmarks can act as explicit permanent directives - so that instead of true morphic manipulation - steps can be designated using Trail\Marks - and the designated interpretetaions transformation executed on demand

    3. he paper tape is later processed by a computerprogram (batch processing) that operates upon the new textinput, as well as upon any specified "old" or previouslyprocessed text~ according to user=specified directions(commands) embedded in the paper tape
      • related work : TrailMarks.TrailGraph, MindGraph
      • analogous solution in TrailMarks
      • all work is done using TrailMarked Linked Text Pages (we refer to them as nexon)
      • previous versions or edited versions shared in conversations are presented to the individual for creating new synthesized, merged nexons
      • add comments and anything else as inline plain text mark ins as clues
    4. Appendix A describes these conventions in more detail

      !- define : Linked Statement Convention

      !- related work : TrailMarks Innotation for Linked Text - important alternative conceptualization of the problem and its solution is that - TrailMarks de-emphasizes statement, claims - allow them to emerge in the process of synthesis - and gives total freedom to work with Content specifically created for Human Comprehension - emphasizing Presentation over Re-Presentation - narrative propositional trails and other explicit structures - can be added once the content is articulated, expressed in an informal way primarily aiming at human comprehension as part of the process of articulation of our tacit awareness - eventually statements claims and othere discourse graphic qualifications, "semantics" can be added without distourbing the prentation and in fact powering alternattive structured presentation, re-use, re-mixing, associative re-call

    5. The structure has a hierarchical (or "outline") form, whichis used to organize statements "",-the basic working modules of ourtext.

      !- related work : TrailMarks Clues - 'Clue' body is defined as an Outlines presented using HTML ```HTML

      • ...
      • ...


      • ...
      • ...

      structures that can contain arbitrary HTML and additional TrailMark Clues

    6. there are means for suppressing the special formattingin the final printout of the structured-text files.

      suppressing the special formatting

    7. part of our initial program conception thatspecial structuring of one's working information would beimportan
      • initial program conception
      • special structuring of one's working information
      • is important

      !- related work : TrailMarks - once these conventions are given a meta-cirular definition, as in TrailMarks - TrailMarks themselves can be considered as "Thought Vectors in Concept/Information Space" - IndyWeb itself can be thought of as a networks of Digital Information Space created by indeividuals as Autnonomous Interpersonally connected Actors

    8. We use these conventions for writing not only our memos,
    9. With the general exception of COPE source code, all of our text material is formatted in what. we call our "structured statement" (or sometimes~ "linked statement") form, to facilitate computer-aided manipulation and study.

      sturctured statement or linked statement

      !- related work - list : - Linked Text - TrailMarks Innotation - Plain Text 'Mark In' notation - constitutive of a novel Human Intellect Augmentation Techniques for the IndyWeb

    10. Text Structuring Conventions

      !- for : Human Intellect Augmentation Techniques

      • see : Linked Text
    1. ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛ ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ ⓪ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴ ⓵ ⓶ ⓷

      ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ ⑦ ⑧ ⑨ ⑩ ⑪ ⑫ ⑬ ⑭ ⑮ ⑯ ⑰ ⑱ ⑲ ⑳ ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ ⑻ ⑼ ⑽ ⑾ ⑿ ⒀ ⒁ ⒂ ⒃ ⒄ ⒅ ⒆ ⒇ ⒈ ⒉ ⒊ ⒋ ⒌ ⒍ ⒎ ⒏ ⒐ ⒑ ⒒ ⒓ ⒔ ⒕ ⒖ ⒗ ⒘ ⒙ ⒚ ⒛ ⒜ ⒝ ⒞ ⒟ ⒠ ⒡ ⒢ ⒣ ⒤ ⒥ ⒦ ⒧ ⒨ ⒩ ⒪ ⒫ ⒬ ⒭ ⒮ ⒯ ⒰ ⒱ ⒲ ⒳ ⒴ ⒵ Ⓐ Ⓑ Ⓒ Ⓓ Ⓔ Ⓕ Ⓖ Ⓗ Ⓘ Ⓙ Ⓚ Ⓛ Ⓜ Ⓝ Ⓞ Ⓟ Ⓠ Ⓡ Ⓢ Ⓣ Ⓤ Ⓥ Ⓦ Ⓧ Ⓨ Ⓩ ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ ⓓ ⓔ ⓕ ⓖ ⓗ ⓘ ⓙ ⓚ ⓛ ⓜ ⓝ ⓞ ⓟ ⓠ ⓡ ⓢ ⓣ ⓤ ⓥ ⓦ ⓧ ⓨ ⓩ ⓪ ⓫ ⓬ ⓭ ⓮ ⓯ ⓰ ⓱ ⓲ ⓳ ⓴ ⓵ ⓶ ⓷

    2. Enclosed Alphanumerics unicode subset Here is the list of 160 utf-8 characters in Enclosed Alphanumerics subsets.
      • for : stop reset go
    1. Terence McKenna ~ Alchemy & The Hermetic Corpus ~ May 1991 ~ Workshop400,847 views400K viewsMar 16, 2017

    1. A general "memo" framework is used. That is, a message consists of some information in a rigid format, followed by the main part of the message, with a format that is not specified in this document.

      general memo framework

    1. STOs are designed to attract investors, rather than build a community. For a network-based business, no community means no adoption, no revenue, and ultimately, no profit or value created. It’s another lose-lose scenario.

      Initial Coin Offering or Security Token Offerings

      attract investors instead of community

    1. Holo is an ecosystem built on top of Holochain and composed of hosts and users of distributed computing. Hosts can host truly distributed apps and get paid in Holo fuel for hosting.
      • ecosystem
      • on top of Holochain
      • hosts and users

      !- contrast : IndyNet - IndyViDuals are Actors. - host data coupled with capabilities needed to manage them - local first, offline first and permanent on IPFS

      !- flip : the Current Web - no more silos - All of People's data resides on their own devices - or on the Permanent Web fully - under their control - forming networks of trust - trust but verify - full provenance - recapitulalble history of exchanges

      • capabilities as IndyApps and IndyComputations come to you, the actor, the inidvidual - instead of people flocking to them - accept take it or leve it terms - People set their own terms
    2. It uses a validating DHT (Distributed Hash Table) where every user has their own chain. A transaction is signed and countersigned onto each parties chain and then this information is published to the shared
      • validating DHT
      • Distributed Hash Table
      • every user has their own chain
    3. Hash Tables used is found in BitTorrent.) THIS IS NOT a blockchain.

      !- claim : DHT is not a blockchain

    4. Holochain is a data integrity engine for distributed applications.

      data integrity engine

      !- what : IndyNet

    1. !- learn - orbitchat.dev - 🎓OC no-backend, p2p, browser-based messaging app

    2. backend-less, p2p, browser-based message client!


    3. Decentralized message client demo with OrbitDB and IPFS

    1. Great to hear early users sharing their feedback on urFeed today*To get early access for you or your community get in touch.*Link to full discussion in comments.

    1. Gareth Ingham (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Founder of a user owned communication platform urFeed. Get a share of the value you create. 2d (edited) A user owned communication platform, that shares the value created and rewards users for connecting.We are live in the App Stores and getting amazing early feedback from users.

      user owned communication platform

    1. Formaciòn = the well-founded, skilful organising and infrastructuring, of evolving facilitation, of highly capable. partisan practices of economic, cultural and aesthetic transformation. Aka liberation.

      aka liberation

    1. Easywiki? Here we begin to consider the possibility of an easier client for wiki, without compromising the essential, intended nature of wiki.

    1. Dreaming Awake at the End of Time December 13, 1998

    2. intellectuals—defined as people who figure it out

      defined as people who figure it out

    1. FedWiki Cartographers FedWiki has been developed to integrate maps, diagrams, models, and their narratives. We will support interested cartographer / modelers.

      fedwiki cartographer

    1. Supported Graph Formats This article tries to explain a bit of each format: what are supported data files and the general structure to follow. If you experienced problems when importing or exporting files, please let us know to fill this documentation.


    1. Popper’s view that theories of science can only be falsified is falsified

      popper universal claim about theories of science can only be falsified is falsified!

      Nice One

    1. move beyond the routines; up the food-chain of work, towards human-only tasks, i.e. anything that requires human agency and consciousness.
      • beyond routines
      • up the food-chain of work
      • human-only tasks
      • requires
        • human agency
        • consciousness
    2. Bill's latest book "Beyond Knowledge"

      !- handle : Beyond Knowledge

    1. Review: [Untitled] Reviewed Work: Lila: An Inquiry Into Morals by Robert M. Pirsig Review by: Richard Gelwick

    1. From the Me Generation to the We Generation

      here's to inspiring a ReGeneration! Climate Change is vital. Changing the Emotional Climate is essential. And learning to dance this tricky tango is primordial so we step less on each others' toes.

      It's now or never to steer the rudder of this fragile global citizenship with uplifting, to help it from sinking. And it's up to the power of our imagiNations to get is Syncing!

    1. The transputer is a series of pioneering microprocessors from the 1980s, intended for parallel computing. To support this, each transputer had its own integrated memory and serial communication links to exchange data with other transputers.

    1. Let's spread That virally ...

      and use this energy to inspire Humanity in sanity and party-plan Sync's hopeful future event(uality)!

      • inspire Humanity in sanity
      • hopeful future event(uality)
    2. the greatest threat to Humankind; lack of Humankind(ness)

      lack of Humankind(ness)

    3. We forgot we're a part of - not apart from - the cosmic show.

      Instead we perform on Earth as if we're all solos. In silos.

      • part of - not apart from
      • all solos, in silos
    4. The problem isn't our Individual notes & rhythms

      • It's that our Collective is off key.
        • Out of sync.
      • Our global dysfunctional show keeps stepping on each others' toes.
    1. Power up your mind Enhance your wisdom with smart flashcards.

    1. Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram
      • for : StackEdit flowcharts

    1. The quantity of metal required to make just one generation of renewable tech units to replace fossil fuels, is much larger than first thought.

    1. John Bunzl

      Founder & Trustee at International Simultaneous Policy Organisation

      International Simultaneous Policy Organisation London, England, United Kingdom

    1. Use Multiple Desktops on One Screen With the Virtual Desktop Feature in Windows 10 Take advantage of the virtual desktop feature in Windows 10 to organize your virtual space while working on a bunch of different things at once.

    1. The question we address is

      !- research question : - what configuration in the power triangle between - the human being - the social system and - the emerging synthetic intelligence - would enable humans to start governing - the socio-econo-political system - rather then being governed by it

    1. …I have been out of business, that is, money-making business, for about nine years, and during this period I have devoted all of my spare time to the object of promoting modern scientific management. In this I feel I can accomplish much more than I could in any other way, because it has been practically my life’s work; and I also think it is my duty to devote my time and money to this cause, for the reason that there is no one else in the country who is in a position to accomplish what I am able to do in this direction.

      out of money-making business

  2. Aug 2022
    1. This notebook will continue to evolve going into the future

      !- experiment : keeping annotated pages ever green

      this is just the beginning


    1. Now, corporations are re-engineering the global economy for maximal economic dependence and profit-taking — just another form of slavery, albeit a tad less 12 Years a Slave and a little more Brave New World.

      maximal economic dependence

    2. Corporate profit is the ultimate inefficiency.


    1. Gardner Campbell@GardnerCampbellFollows you

      !- profile : GardnerCampbell - twitter handle : @GardnerCampbell

      Somebody else's favorite song. I speak for myself only. Retweets, favorites mean many things. Photo: Pete Forsyth Virginiagardnercampbell.net/blog1Joined February 2007 5,898 Following 6,060 Followers Followed by TrailHub, Codex OS, and 32 others you follow

    1. The 50th Anniversary of Doug Engelbart's landmark Demo was celebrated on 3+ continents! Visit theDEMOat50.org for details

      50th anniversary

    1. Bootstrapping Brilliance™ Highlights 0 "Toward yielding more brilliant outcomes in your initiatives, teams and networks, leading to a more brilliant world."

      Bootstrapping Brilliance Highlights

    2. Q: How “bootstrappable” are you? The more your work product helps leverage collective IQ, the more walking your talk will yield a bonus multiplier effect - the essence of bootstrapping, your greatest point of leverage.

      how boostrappable are you

    3. oin forces in a NIC of NICs to share learnings, joint research, pilot experiments


      Open Learning Commons!

    4. “improving how to improve,” your MVP is the human-tool ecosystem

      improving how to improve

      Our MVP is the Human-tool exo-ecocsystem itself

    5. Improve how you improve to get that multiplier-scaling effect

      Bootstrap your ABCs

      improve how you improve

      A capable Networked Tool for Thought tool B go multiplayer grow interpersonal networked conversations C Open commons based peer meta-design, co-creation, co-evolution of Software as a Symmathetic Conversations

    6. Frame your quest – ask which essential capabilities you will cultivate, augment, improve?

      Target whole capability

      frame your quest

    7. Launch pilot expedition(s) – ask how far out can you push, how fast? - rapid prototyping, 'co-evolution' are key

      Push the frontier

      Launch pitlot expedition(s)

    8. Equip your network – ask how best to engage, interact, capture, exploit your Collective IQ?

      Leverage group smarts

      Equip your networks

    9. Flesh out your group – ask who best to inform your pursuit, your network, join your expedition?

      Network your community

    10. especially evolvable, open 'hyper' tools (OHS), yielding ever more brilliant outcomes.

      !- slogan : evolvabe openb "hyper" tools OHS

      !- for : IndyWeb, IndyNet - - slogan : evolvable, open, commons based, peer produced interplanetary, interpersonal first HyperMedia Protocols and Web Frameworks

    1. “Pull a thread here and you’ll find it’s attached to the rest of the world.”

      thread attached to the rest of the world

    1. 1:32 Access your data via - image gallery - audio player - video with fast seeking - PDF viewer - text editor - markdown browser - manage tasks with to-do boards - stay on track with calendar app - configure recurring events - add, manage, share, import or filter multiple calendar

      • friends network
      • connect with friends and followers
      • same verification protocol as signal

      • setup your profile

      • control who sees each section
      • setup a folder as a website
      • files, folders are easily shared
      • access can be read only or read write
      • shared using predefined groups
      • or by creating a secret link
      • social feed timeline is ready to go

    2. Peergos Drive.

      • Uploads are resumable
      • downloads are streamed
      • folders as ZIP files
      • can be mounted natively, client side encrypted search


    3. What is Peergos and what can you do with it.

      !- about : PeerGos - is a : - secure - privacy-focused online space - to store, share and communicate - privacy does not come at a cost of convenience - comment - by- gyuri - where convenience does not come at the cost of privacy, either


      • same as : our vision for the IndyNet
      • 80% of what we've been bootstrapping
      • the difference is that in addition all that Pergros offers
      • we intend for creating
      • Autonomous
      • InterPersonal
      • Digital Spaces
      • built from human Trust for Trust
      • with Zero friction on boarding
      • Evergreen
      • with full provenance


    1. Understand, fix, and automate across your codebase with Sourcegraph's code intelligence platformGet startedRequest a demo


    1. Metablog The web's only search engine of blog posts

      hyperblog anynone?

    1. “Sonja” was my PhD thesis program, described in my book Vision, Instruction, and Action.


    1. Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS


    2. Identity, Capabalities, & Private Data - @expede - Building Apps on IPFS


    1. global peer-to-peer encrypted file system and application protocol being a file system everything has a unique path which begins with your 00:00:28 username fine grained access control it's pure capability based you don't need to rely on a server to enforce these capabilities just maths it's quantum resistant

      !- gloss : Peergos - global - peer-to-peer - encrypted file system and - application protocol

      • being a file system
        • everything has a unique path
        • which begins with your username
      • fine grained access control
      • it's pure capability based
      • you don't need to rely on a server
        • to enforce these capabilities
      • it's quantum resistant
    2. Identity, Capabilities, & Private Data - @ianopolous - Building Apps on IPFS24 views24 views19 Aug 2022


    1. the question is what is the real origin of consciousness exactly in case where did it come from was there a time when there was no consciousness well I 00:03:11 don't think it originates in time you see as I think it's a potential of the whole universe wholeness will arise between us all and participation rather than separately
      • consciousness does not originate in time
      • its a potential of the whole universe
      • wholeness will arise between is all
      • participation rather than separately Description
    2. David Bohm on science, the implicate order and coherence.
    1. we're aligning more on the car file mode anyway because jsipfs has proven to be not be 00:06:37 viable yeah i mean we can't use it anymore either

      !- claim : jsipfs has proven to be non viable

    1. not yet clear how to builda comprehensive representation of human cognitiveprocesses, which could be used as a foundationalcomponent of IoP solutions.


    2. Social/Cognitive “overlays” beyond the mobile edge

      emergent global overlays

    3. seeking quantitative mathematical models

      People interests go way beyond whatever can be modelled by quantitative methods

    4. efficientlyguide information diffusion among users

      guide information diffusion among people

    5. behaviour becomes one of thekey elements for designing

      Why can't we empower people to design/agreagate solutions for themselves to meet their own needs best

    6. although the concept ofprotocol stack itself would need to be re-thought


    7. the humanbecomes the centre of Internet systems and, for this reason, in[19] this paradigm change has been termed an “Anti-Copernican Revolution”

      Anti Copernican Revolution

    8. Proximity-based services,ProSe

      Proximity-based services ProSe

    9. D2Dcommunication

      device to device communications

    10. support design paradigms whereby the control over thedeployment and operations of network functions may also beallocated to users’ devices, which autonomously decide howto cooperate with the core network to obtain the networkingservices they need at a certain point in time.

      edevices autonompuisly decide how to cooperate with the core networking services

    11. embrace(mobile) edge devices as “first-class network nodes”

      edge devices as first-class network nodes

    12. users’ devices at the edge of thenetwork are extremely powerful and would be able to generatetheir own local networking environments on-demand, withoutnecessarily (or exclusively) relying on Internet functionalityprovided by core infrastructures

      generate own networking environments

    13. Cyber-Physical Convergence

      Cyber-Physical Convergence

    14. well-established models that describe relevantaspects of the human individual and social behavior,derived in “non-ICT” disciplines. These models willhave to be embedded into networking protocols anddevices logic, to influence the operations of thenetworking functions

      encode beahaviourist models into protocols?

    15. crowdsourcing andcrowdsensing

      how about Personal Digital Autonomy

    16. sers’ personal devices become proxies of theirhuman users in the Internet

      devices as proxies for People?

    17. !- reading list : content addressing, dWeb

    18. making – inperspective - users’ personal devices “first-class citizens” inthe provisioning and operation directly at the edge of Internetfunctions

      why only the devices are first-class citizens

      why not the People, the Ones, the Players that make use of them?

    19. Network functions are more and morepushed towards the edges of the Internet

      Network functions pushed towards the edges

    20. Cyber-Physical Convergence

      internet and the physical world intertwine

    21. Internet of People (IoP)An inter-disciplinary approach to Networking in a human-centric NGI

      position paper

      NGI networking protocols

      NGI becomes an Internet of People

    1. Internet Of People

      We need Open, Commons based, peer produced, EverGreen, co-evolving InterPersonal Networks of Autonomous HyperMedia Spaces connecting People, Ideas and Things.

      It is as simple as that

    2. The Internet of People protocol


    1. Ecosystem ReviewJanuary 2021

      !- reading list, for : content addressing, dWeb

      • comment :
      • This one is over a year old.
      • The overview that it gives is not as helpful that it could be
      • my independent research covered most of it
      • as I have a data-centric and even people-centric view points
      • have a vision nay a missiont to build tech
      • based on human Trust for Trust,
      • for a world we want (diglife)
      • so are not so interested in smart contracts and
      • DeFi leaning part of the Web3 convergence stack


  3. arxiv.org arxiv.org
    1. IPFS - Content Addressed, Versioned, P2P File System(DRAFT 3)

      !- about : IPFS

      !- reading list : content addressing, dWeb

  4. named-data.net named-data.net
    1. NDN names are opaque to the network, i.e., routers do not know the meaning of a name (although theyknow the boundaries between components in a name). This allows each application to choose the namingscheme that fits its needs and allows the naming schemes to evolve independently from the network

      NDN names are opaque to the network

    2. router then stores the Interest in the Pending Interest Table (PIT

      Pending Interest Table

    3. Communication in NDN is driven by the receiving end, i.e., the data consumer. To receive data, aconsumer sends out an Interest packet, which carries a name that identifies the desired data

      driven by data consumer

      interest packet

    4. name-based routing protocol

      name-based routing protocol