22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2023
    1. Thinking Asynchronously: App Integration Patterns for Microservices • Rebekah Kulidzan • GOTO 2022


    1. Is Software Engineering Still an Oxymoron? • Alan Kay • GOTO 2021


      keynote is contextual

      Excellent question

      ARPA community

      Tumbstone curious

    1. In the end, maybe the best evidence against this bizarre and complicated version of materialism is that those who use it cannot resist simulating spiritual reality, even while attempting to explain it away.

      resolutely materialist spirituality

      cannot resist simulating spiritual reality

      explain it away

    1. A resolutely materialist spirituality


    2. Emergent Strategy Shaping Change, Changing Worlds


  2. www.terran.io www.terran.io
    1. re-design how humans relate to each other and the planet,

      learning from - the more-than-human world and

      applying the lessons of = emergent strategy - adaptation, - decentralization, - fractal awareness, - resilience, and - iterative change to our work

    2. What is Terran?Terran Collective is
      • a community of
        • care
        • practice
      • commons engine
      • a living system
      • an experiment



    1. we didn’t see existing projects with the holistic vision and depth of integrity required for this mission to succeed.

      holistic vision

      depth of integrity =

    2. Building Hylo: The Social Coordination Platform for a Thriving Planet

    1. Tijn Tjoelker 2nd degree connection 2nd Executive at Climate Cleanup | Transformation | Regeneration | Mycelium | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

    1. by Tijn Tjoelker

      Executive at Climate Cleanup | Transformation | Regeneration | Mycelium | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

    2. To nurture this culture of stewardship

      nurture - culture of stewardship - need tools expressly designed for CARE

      design - for - CARE mutual support, - peer-to-peer collaboration, and - self-governance of community resources - for community resilience 🛠️

      // where each participant is empowered to be autonomous actors in their own(ed) emergent InterPersonal InterComminty networks of networks of evergreen co-creation and collaboration co-creating/evolving the very means needed to do so

    3. all the world is a commons,

      All is commons = we are all responsible - for its care. =

      We are all stewards. We just need to remember that.

    4. It's a story of care

      Within Terran Collective, we call this a culture of stewardship -

      the responsible and loving management of - a shared resource.

      implies responsibilities, not rights. -

      indicates - relationship, - not ownership.

      In a nutshell, stewardship means care ❤️ =

    5. Overall values-alignment

      prioritize - sovereignty, - interoperability, - relationships, and - care

      • so do the communities we work with 🌟
    6. Hylo is a public good,

      - technology commons

      • built - in public
      • active - open source community
      • contributing
        • ideas
        • designs
        • code
    7. Grounded in place

      Hylo is local - one of the few community tools that has a geographic context, - with specific capabilities for bioregional and place-based groups. - This facilitates - coordination at the scale - regeneration actually happens: locally 🌱 =

    8. Rooted in relationship

      work with - partners to - understand their community’s needs and challenges, - solve them together.

      The opportunity to co-develop technology = this way is rare and valuable 🤝

      / resonate with vision task and mission of - bootstrapping - Open Commons-based, peer production of interpersonal autonomous constellations supporting - stigmergic, synnergetic symmathesy and the co-creatioin, co-evolution of of Personal firstt, Open, Interoperable and ubiqutous sotware and tools needed to support and scale it in the long tail

    9. Hylo facilitates the transition

      transition from - top-down - to - peer-to-peer organizing,

      helping groups - evolve in alignment with their vision & values - scale their impact 🎯

    10. Hylo is built for collaboration across groups, not groups acting individually in a silo.

      Hylo - build for collaboration across groups - not groups acting individually in a silo

    1. #collaboration #prosocial #platformcooperatives, #bioregionalism #decentralization, #neweconomy, #systemsthinking #permaculture, #regenerativedesign, #web3, #blockchain #liquiddemocracy, #universalbasicincome #landback #indigenouswisdom


    2. Community Weavers Guild

      !- search :

    3. nurturing successful teams that love working together and build great things together.
      • nurturing teams
      • build great things
    4. confident in my ability to pickup any codebase on any tech stack and run with it

      pickup - any codebase - run with it

    5. for - CTA IP MAP

      from : https://www.hylo.com/all/members/7650

    6. mainstream model of VC backed startups

      unlikely to create - radical change needed in the world - crises - climate change, to political polarization and misinformation.

      created = Terran Collective to create - a container for our work - ensure - stayed incorruptible.

      run = Terran as a - for-profit, non-profit hybrid using = Sociocracy - governance - model - support -each team member - as - whole human beings.

    7. technical lead of our primary project Hylo

      technical lead - Hylo

    8. building community, systems and tools that foster trust and collaboration,

      foster - trust - collaboration

    1. ApproveRejectView DetailsRequest a reviewLearn morePage1/14Loading…{"id": "1qo24nRIFCzIitNmsMWBN4P4EqOxo-AAe", "title": "What is Holosourcing Public Share(3) (1).pdf", "mimeType": "application\/pdf"}

    1. in most two-copula systems ‘one [copula] will justrefer to a state and the other to coming into a state, similar to be and become inEnglish’, citing the Nepalese Tibeto-Burman language Dolakha Newar as anexample. Sneddon (2006:98f.) describes Indonesian as having two such copulas;

      state dn becoming distinction is reflected in having two copula's.

      So the sequence seem to be no copula, best. ditinction drawn between state and becoming, then finally stuck with state for every tnhin/thing/

    1. Is SolidJS the better ReactJS? 90K views 2 weeks ago

    1. primary abstractions of the map which are memes resources agents and services
      • memplexes
      • agents (machine actors)
      • (human) actors with the capacity to make meaningful intentful choices and establish human trust in interpersonal own(ed) networked conversations and mutual attention convivial enduring deep collaboration with other people limited by and communities We spaces
      • capabilities
    2. anything that can be conveyed

      meme is but a memorable contextual name for the entire complex from which it emerges an index of an experience

    3. Richard Dawkins initial 00:14:29 definition of meme which is it's a self-replicating mutating and recombining unit of culture

      critique of - Dawkin's concept - meme are better thought of memeplexes - it is not about survival of the fittest - Dawkins conception perpetuates the very same worldview that is anti-sacred, that does not honour the complexity of situatedness - but mutual emergence of entire complete associative complexes - that endure, because they capture, articulate concerns - that are exhibit high degree of - coherence, completeness, relevance, significance, meaningful and contribute to cultural co-evolution in ways that contribute to endurance, sustainability viability of culture itself sustaining human thriving

    4. what might an architecture for supporting that look like

      underneath - architecture - need to consider the space of Cosmologies - as we are imitating creation itself with the Computer arts

    5. the unconscious economy

      unconscious economy

    6. reimagining of how we interact with one another and with the web of lif

      web of life

    7. re-embracing of our essential Oneness

      essential Oneness

    8. Essential self


    9. economic self


    10. enable and Empower coherent and Cooperative Collective action at all scales
      • coherent
      • cooperative
      • collective
      • action at scale
    11. grows from the bottom up so Empower individuals Empower families small social groups up to Commons bio regions planetary organisms

      grows from bottom up

    1. this video is part of a series whereby all synergy space co-creators and our extended community of change-agents are invited to put their "cards on the table".

      problems define their own solution

      Stigmergic Synergy engine for Symjmathesy mutual learning = IndyWeb

    1. Workflow automation for technical people Build complex automations 10x faster, without fighting APIs

      workflow automation




    1. The Essence of Being: Peter Russell 21K views 4 years ago

    1. Newfoundation is a community of creators, engineers, and researchers committed to building decentralised information systems that combine economic incentive systems with decentralised reputation


    1. Explicit vs. Continuous Saves.

      explicit save

    2. a visualizer selector function that dynamically selects visualizers at runtime.


    3. DAHN depends upon robust Metaspace and HolonSpace capabilities

      metaspace capabilities

  3. bafybeidbnz4ixh4fcqxg5ti43pc5heowaov2gq25qn3uekcogvnvhnjtrq.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeidbnz4ixh4fcqxg5ti43pc5heowaov2gq25qn3uekcogvnvhnjtrq.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Turtleocracies pivot around a particular kind ofperson

      person - Visionary Turtle - A turtle with a deep abiding beautiful Vision a germ of a - reasonable deep tacit conception - slow, - mostly-takeless about the path people (turtles) - gain wisdom and discernment on a topic area<br /> - through ceaseless explorations of the paths - to arrive where it all started - and see it for the first time - deep abiding curiosity about a particular question, - without particularly strong ideas or "takes". - regarding the paths to follow - experiment to fail fast or make true progress - think of any particular project or experiment as the first in a long series, - the projects are about exploring the paths and refining the concept as unlikely to answer their question, and as based on a woefully incomplete understanding of the space. - contrast that with accepting that the path explored may need to be abandoned - if it does not contribute to growth of understanding fo the problemn and the solution space

      In a turtleocracy, these turtles are surrounded by faster, idea-driven people (rabbits and birds) who suggest ideas and models to them. - all this applies to the path not the goal


    1. About A pinning service for Orbitdb, a decentralized database based on IPFS.

      pinning service for OrbitDb

    2. Three0Dev / Three0Pinner


    1. v0.29.0 v0.29.0 9d3cf91 Compare Choose a tag to compare View all tags haydenyoung tagged this


    1. Sree Grandheinspiraluna: this is our pinning service, you're welcome to check it out. Our org has our working IPFS configs as well that replicate with relatively minimal lag https://github.com/Three0Dev/Three0PinnerAbout two months ago we were talking about replication issues between browser and nodejs orbit-db some folks had with earlier orbit-db versions < 0.29. (like me) I promised you to give it a try to update my problematic orbit-db-pinner with latest orbit-db 0.29.0 but had to stop the experiment after a quick truying. Last week then, forked again SSree Grandhe s awesome Three0Pinner with working WebRTC signaling star connection . I upgraded all libs to be orbit-db 0.29.0 and added support for replication with the ethereum identity provider. https://github.com/DecentraSol/orbit-db-pinner This now seems pretty neat! My browsers data get now replicated to a node in the internet without any delays or other troubles. Halleluja! I am just wondering about SSree Grandhe idea to disconnect from all orbit-dbs after some team and then re-check for synchronization. I guess he was inventing this because of a memory leak problem - he ran into. Lets observe this question bit further.

      orbitdb pinner

    2. New orbit-db (v0.29.0) was released! It’s now all ESM and compatible with latest ipfs version. See release notes here https://github.com/orbitdb/orbit-db/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md#v0290👍️1


    3. On that note, I recommend to also check what the plans are for the future of js-ipfs https://blog.ipfs.tech/state-of-ipfs-in-js/(tldr big changes coming)


    4. there's a new transport protocol coming to libp2p, WebTransport, that will make it easier and more straightforward to connect different nodes, but that hasn't been yet implemented nor tested in OrbitDB. would highly welcome a PR that does that and adds support for WebTransport in OrbitDB.that all said, it's been a while sine we updated OrbitDB to use the latest version of js-ipfs, so there may be other weirdness caused by older versions or the different versions not being compatible. you can try installing the upcoming new release from npm using npm install orbit-db@next. there will be an official new release (hopefully) later this week that makes orbitdb again compatible with latest IPFS.

      compatible with latest IPFS

      jan 17

    5. Hrmm, I also just successfully attempted to force replication. It's a bit hacky, but I used IPNS to publish a directory that contains an entry which contains the local heads of my "host" instance, and then pushed that to the "client" instance's replicator.frozenfireFheads = (await db._cache.get(db.localHeadsPath)).map((entry) => entry.hash) and then await db._replicator.load(heads)

      force replication

    6. @room We have recently migrated OrbitDB to es6 modules and are looking for community testers. If you would like to help, you can test our @next releases. Repos are available on https://npmjs.com and can be installed into your project using the node package manager, for example, npm install orbit-db@next. Please note that these new packages are using the new ES syntax and so will not work with legacy CommonJS implementations. To work with CommonJS you will need to use the import() function. See https://nodejs.org/api/esm.html#require for more information.

      new version

    1. Each entry added now contains references to previous entries in powers of 2 distance apart up to a maximum distance of referenceCount (default 32) from it,


    2. Our benchmarks show an increase of 2-3x loading and writing speeds! 🎉


    3. nodes running an older version of the docstore will ignore any changes made by putAll operations.


    1. State of IPFS in JS Alex Potsides ,  Marcin Rataj ,  Steve Loeppky ,  Daniel Norman ,  Elliot Lee 27 October 2022

    1. A bridge between OrbitDB and Powergate, which is itself a bridge between Filecoin and IPFS

      here again

    1. "the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen."

      definition does not involve sacrifice

  4. Feb 2023
    1. Key Event Receipt Infrastructure; a secure identifier overlay for the internet.

    1. wrestling not only with Reacts default architecture but also Redux's.

      no redux

    2. moving the generation of inputs away from markup into external locations.

      generation of inputs away from markup

    3. Markup should be dumb and should only be responsible for the most basic presentation concerns

      presentation concerns

    4. no longer letting the framework dictate the rules of engagement!

      rules of engagement

    5. Us JavaScript engineers waste so much time learning new frameworks to simply eschew the old ones.

      learning new eschew old

    6. functions would have no inputs (they would be niladic)


    7. How many arguments should we have if we want the least amount of coupling in an app? The answer is... none.

      least coupling no argument

    8. what we ended up with was a move towards both the data and the behaviour (buried in markup) becoming tightly coupled...

      buried in markup

    1. Regenerative Innovations in Digital News and Social Media

      regenerative innovation

    2. Can digital economy innovations change how

      the digital relationships are - founded, - formed and - mediated? And what type of relationship would there be between humans and technology?"

    1. Reorder elements in a list or grid using the mouse.


    1. The lips of wisdom are closed, except to the ears of Understanding

      Clear sign of spiritual blindness is the worship of the idea of the all seeing eye

      How Hermeticism is turned into gnosticism

      The all seeing eye cannot see what matters

      is a view from nowhere, and is now view at all

    1. The grand chessboard : American primacy and its geostrategic imperatives


    1. you can merge those changes into your local local source tree using the update command. In autosync mode,

      Trunk based development <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" class="pikchr" viewBox="0 0 163.534 450.735" data-pikchr-processed="1"> <path d="M29.8404,9.72L29.8404,66.6A54 7.56 0 0 0 137.84 66.6L137.84,9.72A54 7.56 0 0 0 29.8404 9.72A54 7.56 0 0 0 137.84 9.72" style="fill:rgb(173,216,230);stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="83.8404" y="33.75" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Remote</text> <text x="83.8404" y="53.91" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Repository</text> <path d="M29.8404,189.72L29.8404,246.6A54 7.56 0 0 0 137.84 246.6L137.84,189.72A54 7.56 0 0 0 29.8404 189.72A54 7.56 0 0 0 137.84 189.72" style="fill:rgb(144,238,144);stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="83.8404" y="213.75" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Local</text> <text x="83.8404" y="233.91" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Repository</text> <path d="M83.8404,340.56L146.203,448.575L21.4782,448.575Z" style="fill:rgb(255,255,0);stroke-width:2.16;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="83.8404" y="406.267" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Local</text> <text x="83.8404" y="426.427" text-anchor="middle" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">Source Tree</text> <polygon points="69.6672,88.3332 73.9872,99.8532 65.3472,99.8532" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0)"></polygon> <path d="M69.6672,167.987L69.6672,94.0932" style="fill:none;stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="69.6672" y="128.16" text-anchor="end" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">push </text> <polygon points="98.0137,167.987 93.6937,156.467 102.334,156.467" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0)"></polygon> <path d="M98.0137,88.3332L98.0137,162.227" style="fill:none;stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="98.0137" y="116.46" text-anchor="start" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central"> pull</text> <text x="98.0137" y="139.86" text-anchor="start" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central"> clone</text> <polygon points="69.6672,268.333 73.9872,279.853 65.3472,279.853" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0)"></polygon> <path d="M69.6672,340.56L69.6672,274.093" style="fill:none;stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="69.6672" y="304.447" text-anchor="end" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">commit </text> <polygon points="98.0137,340.56 93.6937,329.04 102.334,329.04" style="fill:rgb(0,0,0)"></polygon> <path d="M98.0137,268.333L98.0137,334.8" style="fill:none;stroke-width:2.16;stroke:rgb(0,0,0);"></path> <text x="98.0137" y="284.287" text-anchor="start" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central"> open</text> <text x="98.0137" y="304.447" text-anchor="start" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central"> update</text> <text x="98.0137" y="324.607" text-anchor="start" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central"> merge</text> </svg>

    1. The Mercator projection, the most popular world map, distorts the size of the shape of landmasses near the pole

    1. but now technology throws a 00:03:25 curve

      technology throw curve

      curve is that we live so long that we figure out what a scam this is we figure out that what you're supposed to work for isn't worth having we figure out that our politicians are buffoons we figure out that professional scientists our reputation building grab tailing weasels we discovered that all organizations are corrupted by ambition

    2. culture itself is some 00:02:35 kind of neon izing force

      culture neotenizing force

    3. neoteny is the retention of juvenile characteristics into adulthood


    1. stand up and yell


    2. tand up on their hind legs and howl


    3. the drama of a Dying World has been turned into a soap opera

      drama dying world

    4. we Empower our experience by insisting on our authenticity


      stand up and howl

      Primacy of experience

    1. Telegram Web K Based on Webogram, patched and improved. Available for everyone here: https://web.telegram.org/k/ Developing

      telegram web

    1. sharing supervised out-of-scope signals in joint modeling of domain and intent classification to replace a two-stage pipeline;

      our-of-scope signals

    2. classify domain and intent simultaneously

      model domain in intentional contexts


    3. user intents are highly correlated with the application domain

      correlated with application domains


    1. Event sourcing

      Event sourcing is an architectural pattern in which entities do not track their internal state by means of direct serialization or object-relational mapping, but by reading and committing events to an event store.

    2. domain-specific languages


    1. protocols that are complementary and symbiotic, interoperable and composable.

      where are the people in this techobuuble

      How about creating the constellations that make people autobonmoius actors on the web

      Why to macbhine processes have all the best feratures

      Like the Actor model

      Why don't we build systems that rely on human capabilities to enhance their capabilities with assistance of machine processes, not as their masters

    2. the autonomous control of authentic data and relationships.


    1. We Should Have Seen ChatGPT ComingWe’ve all been contributing to it for years

      Yeah. I stopped using Google Docs to write about my ideas 4 years ago! Not using GitHub, veening myself of of GitLab as well

      People behave like Lemmings

      Convenience overrules everything.

      People are willfully Ig-norant

      They may be smart, but lost the plot alltogether.

      People are meekly agree their own children to be vaccinated with god knows what which has no benefit to themselves or anybody else.

      "Children of Man" Watch the Movie, we are a decade behind the schedule but on track for sure


    1. Semantics on demand: Can a Semantic Wiki replace a knowledge base

      There is more to knowing/learning that can be dreamt of in a semantic conceptualization of the task

      Not to mention that it is not knowledge base we need in the first place

      It symmathesy


    1. “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

      more things dreamt of in philosophy

    1. decoupling of agency and intelligence.

      decoupling of agency and intelligence

    2. AI as Agency without Intelligence

      Really like this As humans we are not intelligent enough to understand that AI as it is pursued is out to destroy Human Intellect

    1. building up a language

      not a language but a family of languages and articulating how they relate and can be interconnected and intermapped

    2. “ontological commoning

      We call it Open (Mutual) Learning Commons or commons-based, peer prodduced, Autnonomous Stigmergic Symmathesy scaling synergic synthesis and articulation

      Use Trailmarks notation to weave your own conceptual framework around your interests and thought vectors in your own concept space.

      Then engaghe in conversations and collaboration in m aking them communicable if nbot commensurate, or be able to highlight the fundamental points of divergence in view points.

    3. So all the commentators would have their own pages on the wiki,

      All the commentator would have their own(ed) local first, Personal first, offline first, interpersonal wiki both able to connect with others or even form their own interest based groups and social networks as their own IndyNet.

    4. non-commenting reader a richer, fuller view of the subject.

      richer fuller view of the subject

    5. a wiki page where the ‘commentary’ (rather than ‘discussion’) is open to a group of people who collectively share their views on the article, or topic, in question.

      Social annotations allows such commentaries

      But commentators can go on to pursue shared interests in self-organizing threads of conversations such that each participant can link their entire relevant body of work too the conversation

    6. the dynamic of two is, in my experience, a lot less generative than the dynamic of the collective

      dynamics of Communities of Interests

    7. Towards a multi-perspectival wiki

      Perhaps the InterPersonal Wiki

    1. Keeping things in Perkeep


    1. The root of the word science originates from the latin, scientia, which means knowledge. Knowledge comes from the Greek word, Gnosis, signifying knowing through observation or experience.

      scientia gnosis

    1. This element comprises the heart of all traditional doctrine while the method concerns means of attaching oneself to the Real. On the relation between doctrine and method see M. Pallis, “The Marriage of Wisdom and Method,”

      wisdom and method

    2. A fund of omniscience exists eternally in our heart.


    1. visen shaft which means system of science

      lost in translation it is not science but wisdom

    2. syncretistic

      consult Robert Graves Jesus the King first dozen or so pages, inspired by the Dead Sea Scrolls that were never supposed to have seen the light of day again, and you realize that everything we think we know and all the text are distorted and tainted, wyou you have no other choice but to be very selective "syncretic" about it all

      so all the things you need to do or appreciate is turned into something prejorative

      epigon, naval gazing, pathetic etc etc

    3. Description

    1. Cards for Insight: Networked ApproachesIn a network, behavior to agencythrough interconnectedness.

    1. inate in the 1976a paper are (1) the (quasi-)empirical character of mathematics and (2) the rejection of axiomatic deductivism as the basis of mathematical knowledge.


    1. The easy way to remotely connect with your home or work computer, or share your screen with others.


    1. what sinks in the brain links in the brain so when your brain is coherent you're coherent when your brain is incoherent you are incoherent

      sinks links coherent

    1. Hegel is often described as a mystic. Indeed, even he describes himself as one (see chapter 4). But mysticism is a broad concept that subsumes many radically different ideas. All forms of mysticism aim at some kind of knowledge of, experience of, or unity with the divine. If we ask what kind of mystic Hegel is, the answer is that he is a Hermeticist. Hermeticism is often confused with another form of mysticism, Gnosticism (particularly in recent Hegel scholarship). Gnosticism and Hermeticism both believe that a divine “spark” is implanted in man, and that man can come to know God. However, Gnosticism involves an absolutely negative account of creation. It does not regard creation as a part of God’s being, or as “completing” God. Nor does Gnosticism hold that God somehow needs man to know Him. Hermeticism is also very often confused with Neoplatonism. Like the Hermeticists, Plotinus holds that the cosmos is a circular process of emanation from and return to the One. Unlike the Hermeticists, Plotinus does not hold that the One is completed by man’s contemplation of it. (Centuries later, however, the Neoplatonism of Proclus and of the Renaissance was influenced by Hermeticism.) Another parallel between Hermeticism and Hegel concerns the initiation process through which the intuitive portion of the intellect is trained to see the Reason inherent in the world. As Fowden notes, Hermetic initiation seems to fall into two parts, one dealing with self-knowledge, the other with knowledge of God. It can easily be shown, simply on a theoretical level, that these two are intimately wedded. To really know one’s self is to be able to give a complete speech about the conditions of one’s being, and this involves speaking about God and His entire cosmos. As Pico della Mirandola puts it, “he who knows himself knows all things in himself.” Also, in the Near East it was typical to portray God as hovering strangely between transcendence and immanence. The attainment of enlightenment involved somehow seeing the divine in oneself, indeed becoming divine.

      Hermeticissm is not Gnosticism

      Transhumanism does not compute for Hermeticism

    2. God requires creation in order to be God.

      not gnostic

    1. you could have a mythological Foundation which lots of people do and that's not necessarily bad either

      mythological foundation not necessarily bad

    2. a gnostic cult and I was that was you know that is exactly right because I 00:14:16 read about narcissism when I was studying the catharts and I'd never made the connection before

      gnosdtyic cult


    3. he ultimate goal of the 00:13:38 Enlightenment is to free the will from the body

      ultimate : goal - free the will from the body

    4. long and long experience has taught me that when everyone is moving in One Direction and you're not allowed to criticize or challenge that there's something there's something you need to know about this and that wasn't the 00:12:37 product or reason that was a product of my Prejudice

      everybody moving in the same direction

    5. semi live in through the internet um space

      that's why : - IndyWeb matters

    6. get the philosophy right

      right - means : - autopoietic - viable - generative - responsible - long view enabl(ed|ing)

    7. weird techno you know transhumanist future the awful 00:06:57 thing happening being foisted on us

      techno transhumanist future

      foistede upon us

    8. when does your garden get taken over by weeds

      garden taken over by weeds

    9. a liberal parasite on liberalism


    10. put the the truth of those those um insights that are based on incorrect assumptions on firmer ground and update them for the 21st century



      firmer ground

    11. there's a rational kernel in this mystical shell that can be pulled out and updated for the 20 21st centur
      • rational kernel
      • mystical shell
    12. here's a lot of old wisdom and things but frankly people didn't know what the hell was going on um and liberalism falls out of the 00:01:05 Enlightenment

      lot of old wisdom

    13. The Ends of Liberalism | with Carl Benjamin and James Lindsay 64K views 6 days ago Dialogues Benjamin A Boyce Benjamin A Boyce 82.6K subscribersJoin Subscrib
    1. The long tail of software. Millions of Markets of Dozens.
    2. In the market-speak that surrounds the technology business, the purpose of software in business is to support these “business processes”.

      purpose of : software - in business - - is to - support : "business processes" -

    1. really interesting post
    2. a wiki-like platform that makes it easy for firms to create custom applications for their specific business needs, much as they do with Excel spreadsheets today

      long tail of knowledge requires long tail of software to match individual variations in their needs, purposes and level of engagement and skills.

    3. The Long Tail of software

    1. We don’t have identity systems yet that would enable strong governance."

      we do not have a good identity system because neither the centralized web not even the .decentralizedweb(despite that it could be made to be decent, while the centralized cannot even meet the minimum requirement of "don't be evil" instead it inescapabley gravitates towards total control that commands one to "do the right thing," as you are told

      What is called for is a new cosmology where individuals and their free association into communities can be their own autonomous hubs first class actors in their own trust networks instead of being just slaves to masters in the centralized settings or governed by trustless algorithms not capitalize on human trust and intelligence, which is impossible to be captured in "smart contracts"

    2. Creator of "Second Life" Issues Warnings for Those Building Metaverses

    1. take on the responsibility
    2. It’s time to stop behaving like “users.” Instead, let’s become “makers” who take on the responsibility of co-creating the information ecosystems, practices, and tools that enhance our abilities rather than exploit our vulnerabilities.
      • It’s time to stop behaving like “users.” loosers
      • Instead, let’s become “makers” who take on the responsibility of co-creating the information ecosystems, practices, and tools that enhance our abilities rather than exploit our vulnerabilities.
    3. mindlessly doom-scrolling through tempting eye-candy, ads, and click-bait.


    4. outsourced control of our attention to platforms for the sake of convenience
      • freedom is inconvenient