22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
    1. NooNet: NooNet is a fiscally-sponsored project of Planetwork, a 501(c )3. Donations are tax-deductible. Founded by Brad DeGraf and Payson Stevens.

      about : NooNet




    1. Base64.Guru A virtual teacher who reveals to you the great secrets of Base64

      data-image converter

    1. Alpha-bet means "investment return above benchmark, which we strive to do".

      Alpha Bet

      oh no

    2. Google unveils surprise restructuring under Alphabet


    1. Fmr. Google CEO Eric Schmidt on the Consequences of an A.I. Revolution | Amanpour and Company 137K views 9 days ago #amanpourpbs

    1. Will Artificial Intelligence be the end of mankind? | This World 3,179 views Mar 31, 2023 #artificialintelligence #latestnews #technology

    1. narrow metrics are being Advanced at the cost of lots of wide metrics it ended up 00:51:52 being critical to either the breakdown of life support so you get catastrophe or the breakdown of the quality of life you get dystopia how would that then it was sort of using that definition 00:52:04 apply to the the difficulty of the alignment problem with an AGI so here's the thing we think about the super intelligence and a misaligned superintelligence is a very scary idea

      narrow metrics are being advasnced

      misalligned AGI

    2. so the optionality value I get allows me to still access real value but I'm destroying real value in the process so I'm going to say well you're not destroying it because you're making Lumber well yes Lumber is actually radically less complex than a tree that 00:49:06 has less total types of value that it does so we're converting the self-organizing self-repairing complex world and into an increasingly simple or complicated fragile world that has less 00:49:18 types of value to less types of actors the tree has value of many different types to many different types of actors right so you can't just say well it's carbon sequestration but no it's it's 00:49:31 stabilizing topsoil it's yeah a million things biodiversity Etc

      tree optionailioty value more complex destroy real valuie

    3. ensure that before the thing is truly a general autonomous intelligence that it is aligned aligned with our interests Our intention our good or something what the nature of alignment means is actually a deep question I'm going to put that on hold for a moment


      that will be a long moment

    4. Misalignment, AI & Moloch | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Liv Boeree 21K views 2 days ago

    1. only science which has taken this very weird approach and said no no the world is somehow independent from the act of 00:07:55 description science carried out its analysis of nature to the point where it shot itself in the foot science carried out an analysis of 00:08:08 nature that went to such depth that it discovered that nature doesn't exist except as an object of description

      science weird approach - world independent from the act of description - analysis of nature depth discovered - nature doesn't exist except as an object of description

    1. The Hypothesis proxy service, also known as “via”, enables the use of Hypothesis in circumstances or environments where that would otherwise be impossible or impractical.

      proxy service also known as via -

  2. Mar 2023
    1. to get the drawing right to actually draw the kingdom if they even had the right image in the first place would require infinitely many terms which is literally impossible and to get a good approximation requires insane 01:22:11 computational power that will always fall apart

      actually draw the kingdom

    2. missing one crucial piece of his 00:52:08 totality which is knowing that he is totality

      knowing totality

    3. deliberately sacrificing your discernment


    4. God completes himself by becoming not God negating himself and becoming Concrete in his 00:52:20 godness by remembering that he's actually everything which he has to do by stepping through the negative by creating an opposite to himself separating himself from himself and realizing that that was fake in the first place 00:52:34 being over abundant in all ways and pouring so infinite and pouring himself into the finite causes some problems

      becoming Concrete

    5. Description

    6. As Below, So Above | James Lindsay

    1. Releases all tiers In GitLab, a release enables you to create a snapshot of your project for your users,

      gitlab release tagging

    1. What is the Block Protocol?

      Block Protocol is an - open standard - protocol

      make - websites & apps - useful & readable - humans & machines

      : blocks & apps - require : zero knowledge - of - each others

      for - building & using - data-driven blocks

      conform to protocol

      // but data is but people in disguise beyond protocols we can have - notations and shared - viewpoint - values - open, commons bases peer produced - computational means and - human understanidng and methodologies - interpreatations

    2. The Block Protocol is an open standard for building and using data-driven blocks. Blocks developed in accordance with the protocol allow you to make websites and applications that are both more useful to and readable by humans and machines.
    1. "I am doing a kind of inter personal knowledge graph that integrates with [[hypothesis]] and [[memex]] annotations too"
    1. inter personal knowledge graph that integrates with [[hypothesis]] and [[memex]] annotations too"


    1. personal social bookmarking interfaces

      annotating the annotation searches

      towards an IndyWeb/Net/Hub Native

      (inter)personal social bookmarking interface

      From the margins have links to one's own Autonomous Conversational Spaces

      working on this

      eventually integrating with


    1. cross posting interface

      working on a webnative, autononomous "cross-posting interface"

      reimaginging hyperpost.co on the IndyWeb replacing google+ with an autnonomous webnative interpersonal interest based solcial network the \IndyNet on the IndyWeb


    1. Cross-posting this from the Global Regen CoLab: Some of us who connected in the WeALL (Wellbeing Economy Alliance)

      make cross-posting - evergreen - permanent - entry points for - inter - personal - permanent - autonomous - self-organizing auto-poietic networks - connecting people, ideas and open trustful conversation

    1. Mutual Aid Networks Website of the HUMANs Global Cooperative

    1. Sam Altman himself believes that the transformer models we have now are likely sufficient to eventually produce an AGI.

      discuss : transformer model sufficient for AGI - that's not the impression I got from listening to discussion with

    2. A Short History ofArtificial Intelligence

    1. This logos holds always but humans always prove unable to ever understand it,

      Sounds like the Tao and the first verse of the Tao te king

    1. Logos 10 See the Mysteries of the Word Unfold before You



    1. Plain text diagrams - the best diagrams as code toolsaugmentedmind.dehttps://www.augmentedmind.de › plai...augmentedmind.dehttps://www.augmentedmind.de › plai...Tárolt változatOldal lefordítása2020. dec. 20. — Create plain text diagrams using markup, which is converted to images. ... class is represented by a box, and relations are drawn as arrows.

    2. google - search : draw graph plain text input

    1. search - text graph

    2. Structuring Text with Graph Representationstowardsdatascience.comhttps://towardsdatascience.com › struc...towardsdatascience.comhttps://towardsdatascience.com › struc...Tárolt változatOldal lefordítása2021. okt. 11. — In this post I will show you how to represent free-text with a graph, making its structure explicit and easily manageable by downstream ...

      text graph representation

    1. clearing the debtsfrom the ledger.

      clearing ledged

    2. praying we find the way through.

      find the way through

    3. oneness we all showing up for

      oneness showing up

    4. and finding the way home.


    5. Let’s be the onescarrying the sacred firethat reveals from the shadowsthe precise arrangement of symbols that clear this pattern --end this nightmare -- for everyone.You’re mad as hell about all of this.Me too.

      precise arrangements of symbols

      mad as hell

    6. What if we are the onesto discover the secret language that restores the heart of humanity protecting all that is sacred on this earth?

      secret language

    7. Who Will Be the Ones?

    1. where does the knowledge even go?

      where does knowledge even go?

    2. Whether or not it "wants" to take over, the change in the nature of where information goes will mean that it takes over by default.

      machine takes over by default

    3. dependent on it in a way that supercedes all of our prior machine-dependencies.

      dependency on machine

    4. How can we avoid total dependency on The Machine?

      avoid total dependency on the Machine?

    5. change in the airflow of knowledge: from human-human via machine, to human-machine only.

      human to human

      changing to human to machine only

    6. canary in the mine of our collective knowledge.

      canary in the mine for collective knowledge

    7. I'm in the top 2% of users on StackOverflow. My content there has been viewed by over 1.7M people. And it's unlikely I'll ever write anything there again.
    1. Talk at: FOMUS 2016, for all Talks and more information see: http://fomus.weebly.com/ Multiple Concepts of Equality in the New Foundations of Mathematics by Vladimir Voevodsky (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA) Abstract: One of the most confusing aspects of the Univalence Axiom (UF) is that it seems to assert that, which mathematical students learn early in their education to be a mistake - that isomorphic objects are equal. The source of the confusion is in the failure of the earlier attempts to explain UF to emphasize the existence of two classes of equalities in the theories used to formalize it - substitutional equalities and transportational equalities. The concept of transportational equality is the adaptation to the precise requirements of a formal theory of the philosophical equality principle going back to Leibniz. The concept of the substitutional equality is the one that we all learn at school. In the original formal system used for the Univalent Foundations there was one transportational and one substitutional equality. In the more complex formal systems that are being studied now there can be several equalities of each class. This workshop was organised with the generous support of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL), the Association of German Mathematicians (DMV), the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS), the Center of Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), the Deutsche Vereinigung für Mathematische Logik und für Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wissenschaften (DVMLG), the German Academic Merit Foundation (Stipendiaten machen Programm), the Fachbereich Grundlagen der Informatik of the German Informatics Society (GI) and the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP).

      aubstitutional equlity

      referential transparency# intentional transparency

      transformational exuivalence

    2. Multiple Concepts of Equality in the New Foundations of Mathematics by Vladimir Voevodsky

    1. two things that we know about language one is that it has a definite syntactic grammar you know we know nouns and verbs go in the places they go it's one thing we know the other thing we 00:11:50 know is that logic Works in language
      • syntactic grammar noun verb
      • logic works in language
    2. neural Nets is they do this modeling they do this continuation 00:10:07 they do this extension beyond the merely statistical so to speak by in a way that corresponds to what we humans expect

      extend beyond statistical

    3. neurosymbolic architectures and it's almost like we don't need to change it anymore but then if you look at um the representations it's learned and the way that um our cognitive categories emerge 00:20:48 over time these are things that are baked into the language model but the language models aren't very good at learning new things that continual learning and this kind of brings us to this semantic grammar thing
      • enurosymbolic
      • cognitive categories emerge
      • not very good at learning new things
    4. a merger of two different sort of approaches to kind of the problem of AI the sort of statistical approach of just sort of see what's out there and kind of learn from that and the kind of symbolic approach 00:05:15 of see what you can actually compute I would say that the things we've done I don't haven't really viewed as being quote AI as such it's more the the deeper story of computation but now we've got this kind of merger of these 00:05:27 two approaches uh that just released about an hour ago now
      • merger of symbolic
      • actually compute
      • statistical approach
    5. ChatGPT + Wolfram: The Future of AI is Here!

    1. Tag management system

      helps manage the lifecycle of digital marketing tags (sometimes referred to as tracking pixels or web beacons), used to track activity on digital properties, such as websites and web applications.

    1. About Simon Simon is an open source speech recognition program that can replace your mouse and keyboard. The system is designed to be as flexible as possible and will work with any language or dialect.

    1. Download Simon 0.4.1 To download the latest version of Simon, select one of the options below.

    1. Learn more about Vosk from its official website.
    2. 7. Vosk One of the newest open source speech recognition systems, as its development just started in 2020.

      give it a try

    3. Top 10 Open Source Speech Recognition/Speech-to-Text Systems

    1. I think more specifically the idea is to replace the need for name servers

      this had been achieved by Named Data Networks aka IPFS and likes Distributed Hash Technology which is part of Web 3. Web 3 is not limited to Distributed Ledger Technology

      There are many other approcahes HiloChain Dat, Arweave and many many tohers

      • alias : named data network
    1. !- search : "named data networks" or !- search : "named data network"

    1. Internet of People (IoP) is an open-source and decentralized technology where humans not only act as end-users of internet applications (passive) but as active elements.

      Why decentralized?

      Why not People Centred Internet.

      An internet that works for People

      Why not InterPersonal Networked Computing?

      Better still

      We have Named Data Networks


      on top of that we can create Open, Commons based, co-created co-evolving Autonomous, Ambient, Evergreen HyperMedia Spaces

      on the IndyWeb

      Named (Data + People + Intents + Interest) Networks

      An New People-Centered Architecture for the Internet

      that works for People

    1. Noosphere builds on the foundations of content-addressing and IPLD data structures, layering in:
      • yes content addressing

      named data network is key to build

      named (people|ideas|software|intents tc etc) networks on top

  3. github.com github.com
    1. Tiny JavaScript library for WYSIWYG HTML editing

    1. Trusted WYSIWYG editorGives devs control over their editing component



    1. Google Docs to Clean HTML Converter

      google docs to html

    1. The Dawn of Everything: A New History of HumanityDavid Graeber, David Wengrow

    1. REGENVILLAGES Technology integrated VillageOS™ software, for the future of living in resilient neighborhoods

    1. 7-63 Up UK - Season 1 Episode 1 - June 05, 2019 180K views 3 years ago

      7 up

    1. RSA ANIMATE: The Divided Brain 2.1M views 11 years ago


    1. OrbitDB databases can easily be managed using a web UI, see OrbitDB Control Center.

      = OrbitDB Control Center Description

    2. Compatible with js-ipfs versions >= 0.66.0 and go-ipfs versions >= 0.17.0

      IPF version

    3. log: an immutable (append-only) log with traversable history. Useful for "latest N" use cases or as a message queue.

      log - append only - traversable history - "latest N" use cases - message queue

    4. Peer-to-Peer Databases for the Decentralized Web


    1. Fig. 2: A simple, abstracted provenance graph where dotted edges arrive after all solid edges have been processed and dotted vertices are newly-arrived. If the provenance graph observes partial ordering, edge 1 must arrive before edge 2 and only the local structures of vertex E and F need to be computed. However, in a provenance graph where partial ordering is not observed, we can encounter edge 3 and 4 and the newly-arrived vertex G (in dotted red) after the solid edges. In such a case, with R = 2, we need to update both vertex C and E (descendants of D) for edge 3 and vertex C, D, and E (descendants of G) for edge 4.

      provenance graph Description

    1. Web3Auth is where passwordless auth meets non-custodial key infrastructure for Web3 apps

      how about passwordless no key! no sign in or up just self-authenticated autononmous actors intechanging information directly and securely with zero friction initial connections and progressive human machine processable trust

    2. Simple infrastructure that enables Web3 wallets and applications to provide seamless user logins for both mainstream and Web3.0 users.

  4. web3auth.io web3auth.io
    1. Harness the security of enterprise grade MPC Intuitive, fast multi-factor key management for applications and wallets

    1. programming language design are heavily based on mathematical logic

      the computer is imitation of creation itself There is more to it than what you can capture with any logic

      logic was the poor man's virtual machine

      but it was only a few bit one

      Once you to wordsizes beyond 32 bits new universes become accessible

      and we can go beyoing logic for a long time before we understand tha htat is

    1. Does HoTT Provide a Foundation for Mathematics? by James Ladyman (University of Bristol, UK) 4.4K views 5 years ago FOMUS 2016 all Talks (in chronological order)

      constructive intentional type theory

    1. How to Make Health Care Person-Centered, Equitable,and Sustainable. Springer, Australia. p2386Human Learning Systems: A practical guide for the curious


    1. decline in (brave) spaces,

      brave spaces

      // yeah lack of autonomy and freedom of reach - we are burried in info glut and the means available to - build meaningful connections captivate us in spaces - designed against our best interests - addictive, rage driven, click baity, hollow, hard to keep track of and share or make sense of

    1. Using a Matrix for Decision Clarity and Confidence

      4:15 catalytic thinking

      chnge the question change the word

    1. Collective Values-Based Decision-MakingAn App for facilitating consensus more efficiently among leaders and teams with different interests

    1. Decision Matrix – A tool for call Flint for collaborative decision-making (learn more about Flint)

    1. Co-creating Hylo The Social Coordination Platform for a Thriving Planet

    1. Hylozoic Social coordination for a thriving planet

    1. Community Notes: a collaborative way to add helpful context to Tweets and keep people better informed

    1. Welcome to the Center of Complex Interventions (CCI)! People ask us “what do we mean by complex interventions?”

    1. current Interventions, linked to their associated investments, funders, and actors.

    1. Climate Map & Online Tools A tool that visualizes ongoing research in climate change.

    1. Human-to-human stigmergic marking that promotes emergent collective behavior and creates emergent open-data social graphs with lots of uses.

      open people-centric information

    2. landscape of interaction is individual humans online

      landscape of interaction

      individual humans online

    1. 4 This answer is not useful Save this answer. Show activity on this post. You have to escape all characters that can be used in a URI In modern browsers you only need to escape the # character in SVG


    1. You can leave the encoding in UTF-8, and drop the <svg> syntax right in there! Like this:

      this may just work

    1. encode(str) – returns Uint8Array from a string.

      TextEncoder dercoder

    1. SVG - Interactivity

      svg click event on element

      module - wcg

    1. "We just realized that we needed the core communications tools here first before layering on more tools to support coordination and action."
    2. A Network Minus the Media - Looking for Help

      use this link so that the annotation becomes visible


    1. Back in the day when Computer-supported Personal Work and Computer-supported Collaborative Work were buzzwords for every 1 initiatives that addressed the need of individual's work we had 100s time more addressing Collaborative Work.

      CSPW vs CSCW

    1. Build Native, Cross-Platform Apps Rapid application development for Desktop, Web, Mobile & Raspberry Pi



    1. It can’t be stored or accrue interest over time.
      • sure it can be "stored"
      • can accrue interest by furtheuing YOUR interests, pursuit
      • try annotating as you read.
      • mine your annotation for your benefit 0 reflect and write about your learning 0 share it and have deep conversations about them
      • just use it or loose it
    1. Meilisearch Powerful, fast, and an easy to use search engine

    1. A lightning-fast search engine that fits effortlessly into your apps, websites, and workflow.

      search enguine

    2. Meilisearch helps you shape a delightful search experience in a snap, offering features that work out-of-the-box to speed up your workflow.


    1. You can install Meilisearch locally or deploy it over a cloud service. This guide covers each option in detail. # Local installation

    1. I need to do a knowledge base thing for work. Looking at https://www.bookstackapp.com/ which seems to have a reasonable API. Our demo/evaluation instance is here https://knowledge.transition-space.org/ the API is here: https://knowledge.transition-space.org/api/pages


    1. dependency switch but it does but it also does something else it bottles it sort of takes everything to do with the change that the event talks about and bottles it into a thing 00:07:30 an object a record or something of a cert that you can refer to and pass around

      refer to and [ass around

      Named Everthin(g|k)

      not imagijigs but imaginings

      Everything is possible if you can imagine it so

    2. let's face it names in software systems are one of the most 00:11:25 important things we have to deal with

      naming most important

      // can't get it right first time - your understanding grows with the system - hence it should be low cost - to change things names around

    3. whether you use 00:11:12 events or commands under the covers they're basically the same thing they're often messages on cues they look exactly the same the difference is all about naming

      command event naming

    4. this is one of the two hard problems in software right this is naming things

      hard problem

      in software:

      naming things

    5. event 00:09:54 naming or command naming

      event command naming

    6. first-class thing imagings

      thing imagings

    7. some kind of first class thingamajig that needs to be a new technical

      first class ting imagejig technical term

    8. when we call a function 00:07:43 that's just a very transient thing

      transient thing

    9. event notification we're using events as a notification system uh no notification mechanism between multiple systems

      event notification system

    10. very important because it's about our language and our 00:09:03 communication and how we talk about our intentions about things we could describe



    11. it makes the change a kind of first class thingamajig

      change first class

    1. All Tech Is Human is strengthening the Responsible Tech ecosystem with multiple stakeholders, disciplines, and perspectives so we can tackle wicked tech & society problems.

    1. The Beacon Network A not-for-profit social network devoted to community, connection and action. Social media prioritizes content and capturing user attention. Beacon prioritizes the network, with meaningful interaction that translates to real world impact. Check out our website,