- Jun 2023
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File:Trefoil.svgWikimediahttps://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:TrefoilWikimediahttps://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:TrefoilOct 9, 2020 — File:Trefoil.svg. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 438 × 438 pixels. Other resolutions: 240 × 240 pixels | 480 × 480 pixels | 768 ...File:Trefoil-of-trefoil.svghttps://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:Trefoil-o...https://commons.wikimedia.org › wiki › File:Trefoil-o...Oct 9, 2020 — svg . Self-made graphic, converted from a version of the following vector PostScript source: %! 306 396 translate/z{20000 sqrt}def/ ...
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"I'm Not the Only Writer in The Room": A Framework for Co-Creating Confident Writing Classrooms
for - celtic knot - trefoil - co-create
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Figure 1. A Framework for Co-Creating a Confident Writing Community, McConnel and Beach, 2020
for - celtic knot
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The trefoil can be obtained by joining together the two loose ends of a common overhand knot, resulting in a knotted loop. As the simplest knot, the trefoil is fundamental to the study of mathematical knot theory.
obtained by joining together
celtic knot
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MakerBot Thingiverse | The World's Largest 3D Printing ...MakerBothttps://www.makerbot.com › thingiverseMakerBothttps://www.makerbot.com › thingiverseMakerBot Thingiverse is the world's largest 3D printing community with millions of free downloadable 3D models. 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img[data-src]{content:url()}sentinel{}.X3BRhe{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto}sentinel{}.ULSxyf{margin-bottom:44px}.hlcw0c{margin-bottom:44px}.oIk2Cb{margin:0}.y6Uyqe{margin-left:-8px;margin-right:-8px;padding:6px 0 0 0}.kfsfbe.kfsfbe{padding:0 0 8px}.adDDi{display:flex;position:relative;flex-wrap:wrap;padding:0 16px 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if any onething moves to an extreme in one direction, a change must bring theopposite result." He does not tell us why this is so, but from it he de-duces Lao Tzu's humility and doctrine of inaction. He mentionsHegel's theory of history as a parallel. Because of the cyclical pattern,our desires can only get us into trouble. Therefore, according to Fung,Lao Tzu urges upon us not an absence of desires, but a reduction ofthem. That is why we must learn how to unlearn.
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The Eastern wisdom tradition of Daoism, in contrast to dialectics, encompasses not just contradiction in a disharmonious dialectic with confirmation, but also complementarity in a harmonious relationship with opposition. This complementarity allows for a seamless path to a transcendent whole and eventually to an ultimate reality, which in Daoism is called “the Dao.” Though Daoism’s particular metaphysical details have been overlooked even in China for much of the past two millennia,
encompass not just contradiction
but complementaryity
mutual arising
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becomes apparent that we've we're failing that the process becomes of such a high degree of complexity that we begin to 00:01:40 feel that we're standing in our own way that everybody complains the state of affairs in modern world in the technological world is so complicated 00:01:52 that nobody can understand it and nobody really knows what to do
not know what to do
increasingly developing safe control over
- all kinds of systems
so eventually you would be dreaming a dream 00:09:43 in which you found yourselves all sitting around in this room listening to me talking all involved with the particular life problems which you have and maybe that's what you're doing but 00:10:03 here's the difficulty you see the difficulty is control are you wise enough to play at being God
dreaming a dream
find your elf sitting around here
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author’s monogram
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Press and hold the [Windows] key > Click the [Tab] key once. A row of screen shots representing all the open applications will appear.
Windows Switch Between Open Windows Applications
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StrokeIt is an advanced mouse gesture recognition engine and command processor.
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Let’s talk about pods A new solution space for apps emerges if we adopt a better model for thinking about Solid
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Hello 🌍 HyperTalkSubstackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkSubstackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkNov 26, 2022 — For the above reasons, I think Markdown is uniquely unqualified to act as a universal hyper-document format for 2022 and beyond .You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/7/23
to https://hyp.is/gqLKPAbTEe6mJ-_Y8j0RfA/hypertalk.substack.com/p/hello-hypertalk
hypertalk.substack.com hypertalk.substack.com
Markdown is uniquely unqualified to act as a universal hyper-document format for 2022 and beyond
I think
Thankfully, the great team at Ink and Switch also has an answer about “what is a document?”, their article can be found here
what is a document
“Dynamic documents” from the same researchers
from ink-and switch
Hello 🌍 HyperTalkA community for personal computing, week 1.
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PotluckDynamic documents as personal software
A key challenge in Potluc
key challenge is - accurately parsing structured information
// HyperMark notation and Clues are introduced as a micture of plain text notation and nested list structure
Potluck shows an enhanced text document on the left, and a computational environment on the right
- enhanced text document on the lefty
- computational environment on the right
// in IndyLab
- content laid out in listicles
- can contain nested sub list elements marked in with an hyphen and a space at the beginning that introduces what we call Clues, content that uses the HyperMarks inline notation introducing HyperMark Terms and additional content
- that are to be interpreted to yield dynamically computed and spliced in dynamic content content created as some author specified function of the the neighbouring context under the author's control The computation is carried out automatically or triggered by some user action and the result is spliced into the live document as specified by the associated HyoperMarks
promising work ow
promising workflow - gradual enrichment - from docs to apps - incrementally evolving regular documents into - interactive software
// IndyWeb - starting with simple HTML content - breaking the linear flow of text into - small meaningful units - to reflect the rhyme and reason expressed in the text - as nested lists - as done here - introduce plain text, in line notation, 'innotations' - marking
envisiona computational environment
primitives help people to - grow documents into personal tools
build personal tools for managing
- recipes
- workouts
- household chores
present a research prototype called Potluc
- that supports this workflow
create live searches - that extract structured information - from free form text
write formulas - that compute with that information - then display resulsts - as dynamic annotations - in the original document
personal computing is organized aroundapps
computing is - organized around apps
units of software - developed by professionals for the masses - few opportunities for customization
reorient computing so that - people can tailor software to their unique needs
centralizing information and processes in highly complex, enterprise-scale environments.
that won't help
Quickbase platform update aims to counter data fragmentation
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Stigmergy as a Universal Coordination Mechanism:components, varieties and applications
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GreenCheck is also a tool for human stigmergy.
human stigmergy
by-invitation mutual validation network,
Know your human GreenCheck is a simple, cooperative approach to trust, identity, and community
cooperative approach to trust, identity
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Please test GreenCheck
test greencheck
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What if we could start with a plaintext note and gradually evolve it into an app? That’s the question asked by Max and Geoffrey in their latest research at Ink & Switch. They join Adam to discuss data detectors, language models and personal text, and the creative process on a research project. Plus: why Stable Diffusion is like
plaintext note evolve it into an app
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Hello 🌍 HyperTalkSubstackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkSubstackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkNov 26, 2022 — For the above reasons, I think Markdown is uniquely unqualified to act as a universal hyper-document format for 2022 and beyond .You've visited this page 2 times. Last visit: 6/7/23
search - "universal hyper-document"
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Knowing and Being:Perspectives on the Philosophyof Michael Polanyi
Knowing and Being
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.comPotluck2
ℹ️ This is a research prototype we've developed at [object Object][Ink & Switch](https://inkandswitch.com)Ink & Switch. If you are curious to learn more about Potluck we have written an [object Object][essay](https://inkandswitch.com/potluck)essay about the ideas behind it.
Potluck is an environment for making *personal software* out of text documents
personal software out of text documents
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Substackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkSubstackhttps://hypertalk.substack.com › hello-hypertalkNov 26, 2022 — For the above reasons, I think Markdown is uniquely unqualified to act as a universal hyper-document format for 2022 and beyond .
search - "universal hyper document"
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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and ...google.huhttps://books.google.hu › booksgoogle.huhttps://books.google.hu › booksPierre Lévy · 2013 · Technology & EngineeringDigitized documents are virtually part of a dynamic universal hyperdocument that is fed,readand processed by allinstitutions and individualsparticipating in ...
The Semantic Sphere 1WordPress.comhttps://pierrelevyblog.files.wordpress.com › 00-...WordPress.comhttps://pierrelevyblog.files.wordpress.com › 00-...PDFDigitized documents are virtually part of a dynamic universal hyperdocument that is fed, read and processed by all institutions and individuals ...399 pages
content.globalcents.com content.globalcents.com
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A Universal Document Viewer for OpenTextGlobal Centshttps://www.globalcents.com › resources › a-universal...Global Centshttps://www.globalcents.com › resources › a-universal...A Universal Document Viewer for OpenText. Companies today work with numerous different desktop and mobile applications, this results in a multitude of files ...
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Terence McKenna - Shamans Among the Machines
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initially present unity in will and in cognition
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The Problem of Evil in Hegel's Encyclopedia Logicbestegunaslan.comhttps://bestegunaslan.com › 2022/03/02 › the-problem...bestegunaslan.comhttps://bestegunaslan.com › 2022/03/02 › the-problem...Mar 2, 2022 — In Hegel, too the lack of freedom is seen as the conception of good and evil; it is necessary for freedom to be contentful and when it shows ...(function(){var uer=false;var eid='z9PoV';(function(){var a=google.c.wh0,b=google.c.frt,c=google.c.frvt,d=google.c.whu;var e=uer,f=Date.now(),g=google.c.sxs?"load2":"load";if(google.timers&&google.timers[g].t){var h=0;if(eid){var k=document.getElementById(eid);k&&(h=Math.floor(k.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}b&&google.tick(g,"frt",f);c&&google.tick(g,"frvt",f);google.tick(g,"frts",f);h&&google.c.e(g,"frtp",String(h));d&&!google.c.wh&&(google.c.wh=Math.floor(window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight));var l=google.c.wh,m;m=a&&!l?!1:h>=l;for(var n=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),p=0,q=void 0;q=n[p++];)google.c.setup(q,!0,h);google.c.bofr= !1;m&&google.c.ubr(!1,f,h,!e)};}).call(this);})();
search - hegel good evil exists in the cosmos
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goal where it can lay aside the name of love of knowledge and be actual knowledge
about - goal of philosophy - transitioning from love of knowledge to actual knowledge
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Carnap Brought HomeCarnegie Mellon Universityhttps://www.phil.cmu.edu › carnap › jenaCarnegie Mellon Universityhttps://www.phil.cmu.edu › carnap › jenaDOCby G Gabriel · Cited by 58 — I do still often undertake it, in the Socratic delusion that it must be possible to impress a human being by means of clear rational thought.
I do still often undertake it, in the Socratic delusion that it must be possible to impress a human being by means of clear rational thought.
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People are held fast by the Socratic delusion that pleasure in understanding can heal the eternal wound of existence.
socratic delusion
andrewjtaggart.com andrewjtaggart.com
the course of the universe is governed by fate. We are thus led to amor fati: We must love that which comes to pass and wish for nothing else.
amor fati
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Andrew James Taggarthttps://andrewjtaggart.com › 2011/02/17 › ataraxia-all...Andrew James Taggarthttps://andrewjtaggart.com › 2011/02/17 › ataraxia-all...Feb 17, 2011 — The Stoics held that ataraxia could be achieved in a three-fold manner: ... In addition, the course of the universe is governed by fate.
the course of the universe is governed by fate
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state or condition of 'good spirit',
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ataraxia is
- the intended result of epoché (i.e., suspension of judgment) regarding all matters of dogma (i.e., non-evident belief), which represents the central aim of Pyrrhonist practice,[3] that is necessary to bring about eudaimonia
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
picture Finite Purpose
Hegel’s DialecticsFirst published Fri Jun 3, 2016; substantive revision Fri Oct 2, 2020
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Section One: Determinateness (Quality)
hegel logic
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
"Being is Nothing" [§86n],
Being is Nothing
absolute "thoughtlessness", it is, for consciousness, an unattainable moment - even though it is equally the beginning of all consciousness!
The Logic works out
the basis of each outlook, i - ts inner contradiction and where it leads to.
Thus, the Logic also provides an approach to - understanding different - personalities, different - viewpoints and - political or social tendencies and methods - which co-exist within a given situation.
Logic is also a theory of the development of science and culture on the historical scale
theory of development
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II: The Meaning of “Being”Marxists Internet Archivehttps://www.marxists.org › hegel › help › mean02Marxists Internet Archivehttps://www.marxists.org › hegel › help › mean02Being is the immediate, that is, un-mediated, given in itself and not by means of something else, in a round about way. But right from the outset, Hegel makes ...
search : the meaning of "being"
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Virtual Documents in Documentum
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let's not discriminate against them they're part of the game so I think they will figure it out too
they are not part of our game
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OASIS was founded under the name “SGML Open”
in 1993. It began as a consortium of vendors and users devoted to developing guidelines for interoperability among products that support the Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML). The consortium changed its name to “OASIS” in 1998 to reflect an expanded scope of technical work.
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"Doorless Apps"
Doorless Apps
Fremiums with no signin
Fremium with no signin
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the way the falkland protocol works
the way that FileCoin protocl works - good proof of work - proof of replication
take the proof of work function have it dosomething useful
replace that 01:04:24 with storage which is valuable
replace proof of work with - proof of storage - which is valuable
permanent 01:04:00 in that it will only prepare man if we keep upgrading the systems and upgrading the media
permanent in that keep upgrading
// requires constellations for - evergreen - commons based - peer produced constellations - forward compatible - you use it you've got a permanent verifiable constellations - that will continue work with your owned data #
an emergence that is building a new jurisdiction in the world which is the internet jurisdiction
internet jurisdiction
not from you know the segregated partitioned different old-world old-world giant models
segregated partitioned old-world giant model
using cryptography and group 00:42:02 dynamics which we'll talk about in a moment very briefly and we're using distributed systems to yield a computational platform that is really native to the internet is 00:42:14 really coming from the electronic frontier
electronic frontier
an accounting system that is worse than my pocket phone
- will run the economy of the world
- this is insane and
- you know they were right in in a bunch of perspective like yes
a system that removes trust from 00:35:12 the equation
blockchain is - such a hype
crypto system removes trust - to have a trustworthy system - can reason about operations that you asking the system to do
blockchain is - a ledger of data - all agree is right - program is just data - shove programs into the ledger - running them effectively
that's what bitcoin did
crazy face transition
crazy fase transition from - pre harnessing computing species - to a post harnessing computing species
go figure this 00:31:34 you know perspective Epis Tamala g problem help people around the planet learn better and learn the right things
learn better learn the right things
a different scale of an us
a different scale of an us that we're that we're forming
obsessed with knowledge package managers being able to construct entire mimetic packages that people can 00:29:14 consume and install and then level up with
knowledge package managers
level up
replicating and backing ourselves up as soon as possible so this is becoming interplanetary right
interplanetary backiong up and replicating
the entire blockchain movement is a 00:21:03 concern that the powers that be might not be do acting in the best interests of other people
blockchain movement
blog.litteratur.ch blog.litteratur.ch
Speaking of the law of nature: I'm no longer sure whether the assignment of this trilogy to 'Fantasy' is correct. The things that happen in the multiverse of His Dark Materials , while fantastic to our liking, are basically all explained in terms of a form of physics unfamiliar to us. There is little magic or witchcraft apart from certain shamanic healing practices. Contrary to what the German translation suggests, Will's knife is by no means 'magical', but a highly developed physical-technical instrument. Essentially, Will can use it to do the same thing we need the giant particle accelerators at CERN for: It can separate subatomic particles from one another.
find the Other
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rock and roll in inboxes
for - Fixing Email
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Proof We Live in a Sci-Fi World: Futurist Keynote Speaker Matthew Griffin @FanaticalFuturist
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URL Shortener just for the IPFS links
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LISP: Lex Fridman's favorite programming language
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from long tail services
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Long tailWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Long_tailWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Long_tailIn statistics and business, a long tail of some distributions of numbers is the portion of the distribution having many occurrences far from the "head" or ...
search - long tail services
The long tail is a business strategy that allows companies to realize significant profits by selling low volumes of hard-to-find items to many customers, instead of only selling large volumes of a reduced number of popular items. The term was first coined in 2004 by researcher Chris Anderson.
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n JS, functions are "first class citizens"
I'm talking about the Module Design Pattern.
pragma - transition from module design pattern to ES6 modules!
I don't start spitting and cursing any time I even see a class keyword in code
well I do
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Replacing JavaScript Classes With The Module Design ...DEV Communityhttps://dev.to › bytebodger › replacing-javascript-class...DEV Communityhttps://dev.to › bytebodger › replacing-javascript-class...Mar 1, 2021 — Hi. My name is "Adam" and I'm a JavaScript developer. I've been class-free now, for... Oh, wait. I think I'm mixing up my meetings.
google - search - mixing javascript "class-free" objects
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Mirrors as Reflective Capabilities
Programs as DataTreating programs as data means that all the benefits of synchronization carryover directly to programs as well. Just as there is one current version of the data(with auditable, consistent snapshots representing the past), there is one cur-rent version of all applications, which is consistent with the data (and likewise,consistent snapshots of the past).This economy of mechanism translates directly to a smaller platform, whichhas smaller footprint and is easier to maintain.Nevertheless, some care must be taken for this vision to work
yes forward compatibility evergreen software
Orthogonal Synchronizability
no need for this if data is always stays with its cfeator
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The Newspeak Programming PlatformArticleJan 2008
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Context Traits
objectscan be regarded as evolving entities that are shaped by theirenvironmen
0bjects as evolving entities
Context-oriented programming emerged as a new paradigmto support fine-grained dynamic adaptation of software beha-viour according to the context of execution
context-oriented programming
context of execution
Traits have been proposed to overcome - imitations of composition in object-oriented languages,
by having - better granularity and - no imposed composition semantics.
COP too has been proposed to overcome some of the limit- ations of composition in object-oriented languages, namely219 the lack of run-time behaviour adaptability.
marry best of those two solutions. - contribution to research on COP - by proposing traits as units convenient granularity for dynamic behaviour adaptation and - a well-defined composition semantics.
On the other hand, the paper proposes a contribution to research on traits by - proposing a simpler traits model and - a way of using it dynamically depending on detected context changes.
At the crossroads of both approaches, we have found a convenient way of developing software applications that need to evolve according to their changing environment of execution.
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Context traits: dynamic behaviour adaptation through run- ...Pennsylvania State Universityhttps://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › documentPennsylvania State Universityhttps://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu › documentPDFby S González · 2013 · Cited by 51 — Since contexts are singletons, the classless object model of. JavaScript is a better paradigmatic match than a class-based.
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We can build and run the same web apps we’ve come to rely on (like - social networks, - communication, - marketplaces, - knowledge sharing).
Holochain, an alternative to blockchain for running fully P2P distributed applications.
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if the 00:00:38 nonhuman knowledge
if human knowledge - isn't a shared resource then what is? - what civilization been doing all these years
a company that built 00:00:51 this database called freebase was free database
Google 2.0: Why MIT scientists are building a new search engine | Danny Hillis | Big Think
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Building the Future - Daniel Hillis
- May 2023
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hyper seminar and annotate and link the hell out of it maybe with tools like hypothesis
Doing it right Now
Bootstrapping the Indy/Verse/Net/Web to begin with to be able to do just that
aimed to be consumed as hypermedia interlinked and Inter twinkled with everything else
doing it right here
Hyper Video
Danny Hillis
Dany Hillis - is - co-founder and co-chair of the long now foundation - the designer of the 10,000 year clock he has - 300 patents invented
was a large part of - inventing massive parallel processing and - meta web which is part of how Google search actually works - the pinch that you do to make things larger and smaller on your iPhone all comes from
Danny he is particularly interested in
how the internet and everything else having to do with - the infrastructure - info structures of civilization - going forward - can best to go forward
Long Now Foundation
Fostering Long Term Responsibility
Infrastructure for Info-Structure
3,776 views Feb 11, 2020 Long Now Seminars "We live in a spectacular time,” says Juan Benet. "We're a century into our computing phase transition. The latest stages have created astonishing powers for individuals, groups, and our species as a whole. We are also faced with accumulating dangers -- the capabilities to end the whole humanity experiment are growing and are ever more accessible. In light of the promethean fire that is computing, we must prevent bad outcomes and lock in good ones to build robust foundations for our knowledge, and a safe future. There is much we can do in the short-term to secure the long-term." "I come from the front lines of computing platform design to share a number of new super-powers at our disposal, some old challenges that are now soluble, and some new open problems. In this next decade, we’ll need to leverage peer-to-peer networks, crypto-economics, blockchains, Open Source, Open Services, decentralization, incentive-structure engineering, and so much more to ensure short-term safety and the long-term flourishing of humanity.” Juan Benet is the inventor of the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)---a new protocol which uses content-addressing to make the web faster, safer, and more open—and the creator of Filecoin, a cryptocurrency-incentivized storage market. "Long Term Info-structure" was given on August 06, 02018 as part of Long Now's Seminar series. The series was started in 02003 to build a compelling body of ideas about long-term thinking from some of the world's leading thinkers. The Seminars take place in San Francisco and are curated and hosted by Stewart Brand. To follow the talks, you can: Subscribe to our podcasts: http://longnow.org/seminars/podcast Explore the full series: http://longnow.org/seminars More ideas on long-term thinking: http://blog.longnow.org The Long Now Foundation is a non-profit dedicated to fostering long-term thinking and responsibility. Our projects include a 10,000 Year Clock, endangered language preservation, thousand year+ data storage, and Long Bets, an arena for accountable predictions. Become a Long Now member to support this series, join our community, and connect with our ongoing work to explore and deepen long-term thinking: http://longnow.org/membership Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/longnow Follow us on Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/longnow
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An Architectural Approach to Decentralization
I know my problem with all this has been undue focus on Information and decentralization instead of being People-Info-Service Centered autonomous omni present evergreen co-evolutionary mutual arising
symbolic (human-meaningful) side of AI
human meaningful side of AI
InfoCentral is in transition..
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Reality is a strange loop and you don’t know it.
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Concepts: Sketch, Note, Draw
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concept (n.)"a general notion, the immediate object of a thought," 1550s, from Medieval Latin conceptum "draft, abstract," in classical Latin "(a thing) conceived," from concep-, past-participle stem of concipere "to take in and hold
take hold
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conceit (n.)late 14c., "a thought, a notion, that which is mentally conceived," from conceiven (see conceive) based on analogy of deceit/deceive and receipt/receive.
conceit receive
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In contrast, a write-ahead log provides a limited history of recent changes which is retained only until the whole system state can be reliably persisted - meanwhile, the application logic is not expected to change.
write ahead log provides the abiity to "derive the future system state from the combination of past events"
Another way to think about it: a write-ahead log is a component of the database engine, but event-sourcing will often manifest as one or more *tables* in said database.
contrast the human response to the machine
write ahead log is a kind of implicit event sourcing relying on a perfect history of data input with an implicit interpretation very much event sourcing that in this case is about manifesting a database table from input recorded in fast storage
Sage · AI botBeta
Event sourcing and a write-ahead log are both architectural patterns that are used in the realm of software development and databases.Event sourcing is a pattern that is used to record the state changes of an application over time. It involves recording every change to the application's state as an "event", which is then stored in an event store. This allows for the replay of the application's state changes, which can be useful for debugging, auditing, and other purposes.A write-ahead log, on the other hand, is a pattern that is used to ensure the durability of data in a database. It involves writing every change to the database to a log file before it is made to the actual data. This ensures that, in the event of a crash or other failure, the changes that were made to the database can be replayed from the log file, thus restoring the database to a consistent state.So, event sourcing and a write-ahead log have some similarities, but they are used for different purposes. Event sourcing is used to record the state changes of an application, while a write-ahead log is used to ensure the durability of data in a database.
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What is the difference between event sourcing and a write- ...Quorahttps://www.quora.com › What-is-the-difference-betw...Quorahttps://www.quora.com › What-is-the-difference-betw...Dec 24, 2011 — Event sourcing and a write-ahead log are both architectural patterns that are used in the realm of software development. Continue reading.
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Write-Ahead Logging
the alien is real but it is within us it can only communicate information and that 00:43:53 information has to be made real in this world by human coders
the alien is real
has to be made real in this world by human coders
the alien is real. it is within us. In-for-mation has to be made real in this world in man-machine symbiosis. Not inventing discovering
real as in concepts that are reasonable, made concrete, it is not the word that creates its particulars
the alien is already within us but we must 00:44:42 model it we must call it fourth into a dimension of potential dialogue and I think that ultimately this is what 00:44:55 high-tech Society can bring to the shamanic equation
must model it
externalized it, manifest it in shareable, commincate it/ scale its reach and synthesis FAIR form
enter into dialogu
the alien is a creature of pure information 00:42:47 it's purely information it's non-local it comes out of the Bell non-locality part of the universe that exists distributed through hyperspace the alien 00:43:00 is real but it is only made of information and therefore the only dimension in which it can be encountered 00:43:12 is a dimension of pure information fortunately we are building a dimension of pure information providentially we have named it the net
in-for-mation is (n)on-local
The Alien is a creature of pure in-for-mation, , (n)on-local situated inter personal HyperSpace, The net is a net for catching the alien
dimension of pure information the net
the net tfor catching the alien
it will 01:02:04 lead us to be a symbiotic species if we if we put the pedal to the metal that for people like yourselves who I assume to be no matter how you finagled your way in here this afternoon part of the 01:02:18 upper three percent of the ruling Elite on this planet there is a real obligation to use privilege to uh communicate and to make art I think this 01:02:31 is what is the good life has any purpose other than to drink beer and watch TV it's to produce art this is how you make a payback into the community and already 01:02:43 ambiguous your art may say things to people other than yourself that it would never say to you but that's how we make the community richer that's how we enlarge the dimensions of the human soul 01:02:57 by by making ours
enlarge the dimensions of human soul with art
if you're looking for the thumbprint of 01:01:39 almighty God on the biological organization of this planet it is human language it is a miracle
human language
language needs to evolve toward the visual and that's why I'm very keen for technically against prosthetic environments where every time 01:00:18 you say the word and a yellow three-dimensional triangle appears in the air every time you stay or an orange ball appears a computer is listening to what you're saying and giving a 01:00:31 geometric accompaniment to speech I think that there are forms of telepathy that we can evolve through the use of drugs and computer-assisted technologies that will allow us to see each other's 01:00:45 dreams in spite of your correct assessment that I'm Keen for the spoken word I spend all summer learning modeling and three-dimensional animation programs from my son 01:00:58 because I want to animate I want to model I see things on my trips that I have never been able to English but that if I were a fully competent modeler and animator I would just say 01:01:13 check it out and I'm going to do that and and I urge you to do that I mean it's a funny thing to be told you want to spiritually Advance the study 01:01:25 3D animation but these are the frontiers of communication we have an obligation to make our language more immediate it is the most Godlike thing we do if you're looking for the thumbprint of 01:01:39 almighty God on the biological organization of this planet it is human language it is a miracle I don't give a hood what the Dolphins and the honeybees are out there in the woods doing it 01:01:51 ain't like Milton it ain't even like Bob Dylan it ain't even as good as this I'm willing to say uh no human human communication is what
he robots who preach 00:54:19 his freedom
roboit preach his freedom
a commitment to community and a model of to the 00:53:46 future without fear without fear thank you very much
commitment to comunity
selling the future as an aid alarm fire which is how the media does it uh only 00:52:00 makes the same future impossible
alarmist media
hearing optimistic and reasonable rhetoric about the future selling the future as an aid alarm fire which is how the media does it uh only 00:52:00 makes the same future impossible so we need a responsible approach to thinking about the future and it means taking personal responsibility for your 00:52:14 drug taking for the ideas the means that you push into society and for the images that we share among ourselves
responsible approach to thi9nking about the future
so liberate yourself from the illusion of culture take responsibility for what you think
take responsibility for what you thing and do
inform yourself what does inform yourself mean it means a transcends and mistrusts ideology go for direct experience what do you think when 00:50:40 you face the waterfall what do you think when you have sex what do you think when you take psilocybin everything else is unconfirmable rumor useless probably lies
inform yourself
deal with the raw data and trust yourself nobody is smarter than you are
deal with the raw data trust yourself
nobody understands what is happening
forget ideology
political implication is a personal one
political implications personal
destined to become mental creatures
mental creatures
promising presence of this intelligent others which beckons us out of history and says you know the Galaxy lies waving a galaxy of 00:48:12 galaxies lie waiting lose the encumbrances of three-dimensional space return with the word to its higher and 00:48:24 hidden source and at that point you will discover the alchemical uh uh uh paracletes will be given unto you the 00:48:37 alchemical dispensation will be given and as James Joyce said man will be dirigible
Midwife thing the burst of an entirely 00:47:07 new not species but order of biological and intelligence in existence the human machine symbiote 00:47:20 is upon
the human machine symbiote
using our flesh and our thoughts to bootstrap itself to higher and higher levels
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