22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. self-organizing human agents

      suggest - human actors

    2. the design space is closed

      closed vs open information spaces

    3. User Interface (UI) vs. Human Interface (HI)

      UI vs HI

    4. Application-centric vs. Human-Centric

      application vs human centric

    5. DAHN's design concept is introduced in the following figure:

    6. Dynamic, Adpative, Holon Navigator

    7. dimensional beings with rich, highly textured lives. In keeping with the principles of Primacy-of-the-Individualand Technology Serves Life, the MAP
    1. Material DesignMaterial 3 is the latest version of Google’s open-source design system. Design and build beautiful, usable products with Material 3.

    1. Self-Describing

      support support - sense-making, - meaning-making, and - choice-making

      within and between agents without a priori knowledge of each other's existence.

      Thus holons and holon relationships carry their own descriptions

      in human readable yet machine interpretable forms included

    2. Omni-Centric

      each holon is the root of its own holoarchy

    3. Every Relationship is Reciprocal

      interconnectedness of all

    4. invert the dynamic of the attention economy

      attention is - limbically hijacked in order to sell it to organizations seeking to push their products or services.

    5. all notifications honor the preferences set by the individual.

      honour preferences set by the individual

      They should be able to set their own terms for sharing

    6. individuals also determine whether, what and how others can share information with them.


    7. Collaboration, cooperation, and co-creation rely on transparent sharing of information


    8. The rights of an individual to their own identity


    9. Individuals have limited control

      they are confronted with take it or leave it terms - that legalizes the total exploitation of the content they contribute

      along the lines of

      By posting any Contributions, you grant us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to: use, copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, store, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part), and exploit your Contributions (including, without limitation, your image, name, and voice) for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, your Contributions, and to sublicense the licenses granted in this section. Our use and distribution may occur in any media formats and through any media channels. This license includes our use of your name, company name, and franchise name, as applicable, and any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and personal and commercial images you provide

    10. If an individual interacts with multiple such applications
      • information about them gets
      • fragmented
      • into each databases
    11. primacy of the application over the individual

      primacy of - applications - over - the individual

    12. primacy of the invidual

    1. When you post Contributions, you grant us a license (including use of your name, trademarks,and logos)

      By posting any Contributions, you grant us an unrestricted, unlimited, irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, royalty-free, fully-paid, worldwide right, and license to: use, copy, reproduce, distribute, sell, resell, publish, broadcast, retitle, store, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part), and exploit your Contributions (including, without limitation, your image, name, and voice) for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, your Contributions, and to sublicense the licenses granted in this section. Our use and distribution may occur in any media formats and through any media channels. This license includes our use of your name, company name, and franchise name, as applicable, and any of the trademarks, service marks, trade names, logos, and personal and commercial images you provide

    1. This attainment was understood as a kind of non-dual state in which one is neither limited to samsara nor nirvana. A being who has reached this kind of nirvana is not restricted from manifesting in the samsaric realms, and yet they remain fully detached from the defilements found in these realms (and thus they can help others).

    2. bodhisatva is a person who is on the path towards bodhi ('awakening') or Buddhahood.

    1. active bodhicitta (bodhiprasthanacitta) which consists of actually practicing the path in line with one's intent


    2. bodhicitta as an immanent inner awakening

      immanent inner awakening

    1. Turán: Irántól északra, az Aral-tó, az Amu-darja, a Szir-darja és a Kaszpi-tenger mentén elterülő ázsiai sztyep. Ma sivatagos vidék, ősidők óta kulturális terület. 100–200


    1. Removing context leads to reliance on“universally secure” identifiers based on clean/universal features like biometrics, which oftenraise at least as many concerns as the central-ized protocols they replace

      reliance on - 'universally secure' identifiers - based on clean/universal features like - biometrics - raise as many concerns - as the centralized protocols - they replace

      // they do not replace but enhance

    2. principle of minimum disclosure and contextualintegrity.
      • minimum disclosure
      • contextual integrity
    3. Useful repu-tation requires a level of visibility and interop-erability—one must be able to see and use theinformation provided.

      visibilty and interoperability

    4. Collective Intelligence Project




    1. Intuition @0xIntuitionData monopolization erodes trust between individuals and corporations. It breeds power imbalances, perpetuates inequalities, and stifles innovation. It's time to prioritize transparency, accountability, and user-centric data management. It's time to level the playing field.

      share sentiment but

    1. The danger is getting stuck with a sub-optimal business model six or nine months down the line that either doesn’t match your ambition or isn’t scalable.
    2. Don't Rush Outside the BuildingWithout First Stress Testing Your Business Model

    1. Deconstruct Your Business Model on a Lean Canvas

  2. bafybeiccmvn2o4t5kgdydrtwhbu65dafc5etxg5l6mx345ezm2c7ubpmau.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiccmvn2o4t5kgdydrtwhbu65dafc5etxg5l6mx345ezm2c7ubpmau.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. within integral design allnecessary design disciplines start together right from the conceptual design phase

      integral concerns

    2. Concept: a concept is a notion or proposition without a logical status

      concept - notion or proposition - without a logical status

    3. A set ofknowledge is therefore a set of propositions, all of which have a logical status

      knowledge - propositions - with logical status

    4. architects traditionally make designs while engineers optimize and make those designs buildable

      architects design

      engineers optimize and make it buildable

      Integral Software design is the idea that

      design and buildability consideration are considered integrated within an exploratory bootstrapping process

      and even at the conceptual design space

      all possible design choices are explored and reflected upoin

      and even their duals

  3. bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeif256apzzimba2sy447spztswmldk3d7rj4umbchhghsy4s4xyobe.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Missions withBusinesses

      missions with business

    2. CTA Opportunity

      • shape our evolutionary path

      • bond cooperativ I-spaces, without binding us

      • technology in service of life

      adopt - open-ended - person-centric architecural framework

      invert - power assymetry

      scaffold - trust

      ratchet - trust and cooperation - // build for trust, from trust( but verify)

      foster - interoperavility - co-evolvability - scallability - // scaling reach, participation, synthesis, symmathesy - usability

      // intertwingled propositiojnal trailmarked plexes

    3. Poly-centric / Agent-Centric


    4. Memetic Replicator-Based Evolution

    5. Tree of Life

      Tree of Life

    6. <<Memeplex>>Synthesized Memeplex

      synthesized memeplex -

      NB - use of stereotypes syntax from UML << >> from UML

    7. Scaling Up Cooperation

      We already have a self-organizing, self-regulating planetary scale organism The agents in this enterprise include all living beings Our dominant culture has forgotten we are embedded in and an integral part of an inter-connected, inter-related, inter-dependent living organism Our fates are tied together! We need to bring human culture into coherent alignment with Gaia’s Enterprise Architecture Gai a

    8. the group actuallybecomes the new organism.

      altruistic groups becomes the new organism

    9. symbiogenesisSwirl of Competing

      Ratcheting Up Biological Cooperation


      obligate simbionts

      see - https://hyp.is/fGYFQuzbEe2T4rOpsZz7zQ/link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-78826-3_4

    10. cooperation and competition


      cont compete



      Person-Centric Architecture

    1. Design as a practice includes a unique polarity called, divergence AND convergence, otherwise known as ‘creating choices’ AND ‘making choices.’ Both neutral poles are absolutely necessary for the purpose of intelligent decision making amidst complex problem solving scenarios


    2. managing the ‘stability to change’ journey

      and back in a spiral

    3. three stages or mindsets
      • the socialised mind 58%
      • self authoring mind 35%
      • self transforming mind %1


    4. it integrates tacit mindsets and culture with explicit behaviour and processes to inform the design of a mutually interdependent toolkit.

    5. Integral Design: 5 Steps, 4 Principles, 3 Mindsets, 2 Practices, 1 Meta Toolkit for Generative Leaders

    1. But in order to appeal to the business culture of process, it was denuded of the mess, the conflict, failure, emotions, and looping circularity that is part and parcel of the creative process. In a few companies, CEOs and managers accepted that mess along with the process and real innovation took place.

      real messy loopy circularity innovation


      4 integral design

    1. The Art of Prompt Design: Use Clear SyntaxExplore how clear syntax can enable you to communicate intent to language models, and also help ensure that outputs are easy to parse

  4. bafybeide4zlszyxwcbmobfv5xxuhp5d6w4qfvogwsu4auw4p2aag3cv2me.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeide4zlszyxwcbmobfv5xxuhp5d6w4qfvogwsu4auw4p2aag3cv2me.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. Kairotic FlowArchetypal Phases and Roles

      Kariotic Flow

    2. Kairotic FlowArchetypal Phases and RolesKylie Stedman Gomeskylie@presenceofmine.com.au
    1. Chrome extension called Twitter Print Styles

    2. How to Save a Twitter Thread as a PDF

      long tail software

    1. Intuition @0xIntuitionYour identity is more than your name and state ID. Your identity is all that you are, all that you have been & all that you could be. Your identity is fluid; prone to change at any moment, for any reason. Identity systems need to be flexible & configurable at the atomic level.9:23 PM · Apr 18, 2023·1,524 Views

    1. PubSub
      • Publishers emit events without knowing who'll receive them, and
      • subscribers listen for events they're interested in.

      This pattern allows for - better scalability and - modularity. - enables asynchronous messaging between services

    2. Leader Election.
      • one node is responsible for specific task
      • avoid conflict
      • ensure consistency
    3. Event Sourcing
      • keep journal of live events
      • store events representing changes
      • provide complete history
      • better auditing
      • time travel debugging
      • replay events for analytic purposes
    4. Top 7 Most-Used Distributed System Patterns

    1. Building Great Web Apps Build upon your knowledge of web development to create ‘lick-able’ modern web applications

    1. The Cache API: A quick guideLearn how to use the Cache API to make your application data available offline.


    1. 🧭\01f9ed&#129517;&#x1f9ed;"\uD83E\uDDED"U+1f9ed%F0%9F%A7%ADcompassmagneticnavigationorienteering


    1. 🗫\01f5eb&#128491;&#x1f5eb;"\uD83D\uDDEB"U+1f5eb%F0%9F%97%ABthree speech bubblesconference


    1. 🗞\01f5de&#128478;&#x1f5de;"\uD83D\uDDDE"U+1f5de%F0%9F%97%9Erolled-up newspaperpaper


    2. 📰\01f4f0&#128240;&#x1f4f0;"\uD83D\uDCF0"U+1f4f0%F0%9F%93%B0newspaperpaper


    1. Abjectionist Party promotes policies that unconditionally support the life, autonomy, and dignity of all people.

      life autonomy dignity

    2. the smallest possible scale – that of the individual

      smallest possible scale

      for - scaling reach

    3. Memetics is the study of how ideas grow and spread, from the perspective of evolutionary science.

      study of how ideas grow

  5. dev-indy0.fission.app dev-indy0.fission.app
    1. MemeticEngines

      memetic engines - improvement on the notion of "Semantic Engines"

      where as what we need is - Symmathetic Engines

      see - symmathesy

    1. Semantic Engines: An Introduction to Mind Design | 2Taylor & Francis eBookshttps://www.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › sema...Taylor & Francis eBookshttps://www.taylorfrancis.com › chapters › edit › sema...Semantic Engines: An Introduction to Mind Design ; Edition 1st Edition ; First Published 1998 ; Imprint Routledge ; Pages 35 ; eBook ISBN 9780203055045 ...

    2. google - search - "mind design" "semantic engines"

      for - "memetic engines"

    1. So what I learned is that the more servers you add the more serverless it is.

      insanity at scale

    2. Serverless was a big mistake... says Amazon

    1. How the Actor Model Meets the Needs of Modern, Distributed ...Akkahttps://doc.akka.io › akka › typed › guide › actors-introAkkahttps://doc.akka.io › akka › typed › guide › actors-introThe actor model abstraction allows you to think about your code in terms of communication, not unlike the exchanges that occur between people in a large ...

    1. Actor Model and Knowledge Management Systemsspringer.comhttps://link.springer.com › chapterspringer.comhttps://link.springer.com › chapterby I Becerra-Fernandez · 2005 · Cited by 11 — The actor model describes an approach to modeling intelligence in terms of a society of communicating knowledge-based problem exper

    2. An introduction to multi-actor processesUniversität Osnabrückhttps://www.newater.uni-osnabrueck.de › trainingUniversität Osnabrückhttps://www.newater.uni-osnabrueck.de › trainingPDFby A Dewulf · Cited by 5 — Gray (1989) proposed a phase model of multi-actor collaboration, ... organized stakeholder, a social category of people with a specific interest, ...

    3. Actors in Collaborationgu.sehttps://gupea.ub.gu.se › gupea_2077_22135_1gu.sehttps://gupea.ub.gu.se › gupea_2077_22135_1PDFby M Ponti · 2010 · Cited by 17 — human actors: my computer and actor-network-theory. The former behaved for long ... on Callon's (1986a) model of translation of interests.

    1. Web Highlights is legally represented by "Marius Bongarts - Web & App Development".

      having trouble annotating

      As such, you hereby irrevocably grant us world-wide, perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free, assignable, sublicensable, transferable rights to use Your Content for any purpose.

    1. Transform Your Online Research and Highlight Everywhere Tired of browsing your history to find the information you saw yesterday? Don't worry. Our online PDF & Web Highlighter got you covered. Highlight any Website or PDF, create tags, take notes and export your research to HTML, Markdown, and PDF. Share your insights with others and access your highlights from anywhere, at any time.

    1. Web HighlighterThe annotation layer for the webDiscuss any page in real time
    1. Web HighlighterProductivityTurn any website into an instant forum, where you can: leave comments, see other people's cursors / what text they're highlighting, and chat with them. Use it to annotate code, highlight online tutorials / books, and discuss people's blogs.


    2. Handpicked no-signup toolsyou can use in 10 secondsnosignup.tools is a curated collection of web-based products that don't require an account or registration.


    1. Dependency injection is a programming technique that makes a class independent of its dependencies. It achieves that by decoupling the usage of an object from its creation. This helps you to follow SOLID's dependency inversion and single responsibility principles.

      we need : class-free objects - not de-coupling but - deep, high resolution, contextual, fine coupling - organic growth of mixed- and matched context emergent extension of - existing permanent evergreen capabilities - mutual emergent extensibility via mix-ins


      not dependency injection - but mutual tinker-ability of existing capabilities - reflect in the structure what we create symmathesy (mutual learning) as we articulate our intents - Software is a Symmathetic conversation after all - organic integral growth and co-evolution of autonomous, - self explicating. open commons based, peer produced evergreen co-evolutionary capabilities - augmenting cultural co-evolution itself

    2. Dependency Injection with Code Examples - StackifyStackifyhttps://stackify.com › dependency-injectionStackifyhttps://stackify.com › dependency-injection

      the problem is summed up in the domain name :stackify


    3. search - dependency injection

    1. Contextualize your APM

      It is not the application performance monitoring that needs to be monited but applications themselves be emergent from relevant tinkerable contexts

    1. Design Patterns Explained – Dependency Injection with Code Examples By: Thorben  |  March 3, 2023

    1. Koronatanu Dr. Bistey Zsuzsa előadása I. rész

      ha nem szerezzük vissza az emlékezés képességét akkor elveszünk

      elszánt almatermelők

      agyafúrt vállalkozók

    1. he 00:04:04 other thing about the Ickes curve is the actual complexity part of the Ickes might be a lot lower might actually be a 00:04:15 tiny part of the Ickes and perhaps we could call the the other part of it from that nice little thing down there up to where the Ickes is we could call that 00:04:29 complications so complications are basically noise bad technique old technique human bumbling inability to 00:04:44 get on learning curves you name it's a whole bunch of factors

      complications not complexity


      need to be slayers of layers


    1. The biggest trap for philanthropy in a complex world is funding simple but wrong ‘solutions’

    1. Kylie Stedman Gomes 2nd degree connection 2nd Working on transitioning to a better world and helping others doing the same

    2. Working towards a commons-based attention-saving tech ecosystem, building one 'product' at a time

      commons-based attention-saving system

    3. spelunking-style

      search - it

    1. Why do they call it spelunking?We borrowed "spelunker" from Latin "spelunca," which in turn derives from Greek "spelynx." When you get to the bottom of things, you find that both the Latin and Greek words mean "cave." Although "spelunker" might sound neat, be careful: some cave-exploring enthusiasts prefer the term "caver."Apr 11, 2023


    2. search - spelunking-style

    1. from - search : "forward compatibility"

    2. Forward compatibility primarily ensures that an existing IT system is able to operate with subsequent releases of itself. This compatibility is planned out during the system design phase. Typically, to support forward compatibility, the hardware/software must also be backward compatible.

    1. Search engine for the Interplanetary File System

      ipfs search

    1. Knowledge obtained from the web or other resources needs to be contextualized, personalized, and reorganized, filtering misconceptions.

      // this applies to information per se leading to * reconceptualization of information iteself such that

      1. attributed to source individual human being(s)
      2. full recapitulable provenance, evergreen permanence
      3. structured in universal ways as associative complexes
      4. Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable
      5. self-organizing, autopoietic
      6. shared and presented in self-described evergreen morphic ways

      given that we have a concept that is best referred to

      as in-formation that flows in emergent human trust networks

      that we fashion for ourselves as human being articulating our Tacit awareness

      scaling synthesis recapitulating in the ontogeny of learning the filogeny of co-evolving emergent knowledge as hyperknowledge

      scaling reach through time with the ability to find through global search work that mathces our current focal awareness and attention

      in stigmergic symmathesy (mutual learning)

      in a form that allows interpersonal sharing

      to in-form and shape US

    1. Hegel is not a philosopher. He is no lover or seeker of wisdom — he believes he has found it.

      Oh yes he did

    2. Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition


    3. Hegel as Hermetic Thinker

      long suspected, but here it is

    4. God as hovering strangely between transcendence and immanence.

      hovering between transcendece and immanence proalities upheld

    5. “he who knows himself knows all things in himself.”

      cosmic consciousness


    6. To really know one’s self is to be able to give a complete speech about the conditions of one’s being, and this involves speaking about God

      condition of one's being

      in the sense that whatever is real is reasonable in the sense of confoming to the condotions of it's being

      and whatever is reasonable can become real

    7. Reason inherent in the world

      beyond rational

      like mutual arising

      not irrational

    8. Nor does Gnosticism hold that God somehow needs man to know

      gnosticism deny human dignity

    9. Gnosticism involves an absolutely negative account of creation

      negative account of creation

    10. Gnosticism and Hermeticism both believe that a divine “spark” is implanted in man, and that man can come to know God.

      man can come to know God

    1. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi are obligate symbionts that obtain all their carbon from the plant they colonise but have to find other resources through soil exploration.

      obligate symbiont

    2. mutualistic symbiosis

      mutalistic symbiosis

    1. have one identity per device — this means you have to have different identities for each computer you have.

      one identity per device

    2. Patchwork is currently only built for desktops and laptops (no phones)

      no phone

    3. no-one can even tell who you were messaging

    4. swing by known ‘pubs’ (like public houses on the internet) and catch up on gossip there.

      pubs on the internet

    5. this gossip is cryptographically 99.9999999% impossible to fake

      gossip impossible to fake

    6. Patchwork which sidesteps these problems
      • everyone has a diary
      • can make a photocopy of friend's diary
      • to send a messager leave a message in the diary encrypted with the key that the only the friend has
      • reading a friend's diary, messages that one can read is meant for one
    7. using email for direct communication, you’re probably facing some well known problems

      email problems -spam, - provider lockin, - privacy, and - reliability (doesn’t work without the internet).

    8. Gossiping Securely is the new Email

    1. without necessarily knowing the correspondence of identities to local entities


    2. A reputation system's vulnerability to a Sybil attack depends on how cheaply identities can be generated, the degree to which the reputation system accepts inputs from entities that do not have a chain of trust linking them to a trusted entity, and whether the reputation system treats all entities identically
      • cost of identity generation (needs to be high)
      • active chain of trust
    3. have a chain of trust linking
      • chain of trust
    1. Sybil attackWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sybil_attackWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sybil_attackThe Sybil attack in computer security is an attack wherein a reputation system is subverted by creating multiple identities. A reputation system's vulnerability ...

    2. search - sybil resistant

    1. The cartel tested their bulbs and fined manufacturers for bulbs that lasted more than 1,000 hours. A 1929 table listed the amount of Swiss francs paid that depended on the exceeding hours of lifetime.[8]


    1. ― Buckminster Fuller


    2. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality.To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

    1. to settle the parameters of the experimental equipmentand (b) to accomplish the experiment to the desired accuracy.

      settle parameters

    2. modelling an experimenter and experimental procedure algorithmically imposes a limit on what can be measured with equipment. Indeed, the theorems suggest a new form of uncertainty principle for our knowledge of physical quantities measured in simple physical experiments.


    1. Department of Piosophy, Univeristy ofAllahabad India

      Piosophy india

    1. SW Lee · 1999 — engross themSeves in phiOSophy for the Sake Of piOSOphy. That pragmatism Sought to emphaSze the historcal and Socal. ImSons of phiOSOphy


    2. search - piosophy

    3. An Application of John Dewey's Symbiotic Rationalitykoreascience.or.krhttps://koreascience.or.kr › article › JAKO199915...koreascience.or.krhttps://koreascience.or.kr › article › JAKO199915...PDFby SW Lee · 1999 — engross themSeves in phiOSophy for the Sake Of piOSOphy. That pragmatism Sought to emphaSze the historcal and Socal. ImSons of phiOSOphy in the Indst


    1. pious (adj.)mid-15c., "having or intended to show faith in and reverence for the Supreme Being,"

      Piosophy not theosophy

    1. Warmspace is more than a product or company. It is a movement to reconnect people to humanity. It is family and community. It’s a place that anyone can call home. No matter the culture, race, sexual orientation, social class, age, and beliefs, it’s a place for anyone to feel valid, seen, and belong.

  6. embodimentofpurereason.wordpress.com embodimentofpurereason.wordpress.com
    1. Intersubjectivity: Kant and Hegel in the Phenomenological Tradition


    1. unit of code with a mailbox and an internal state


    2. process (that is basically how Erlang calls its actors)

      erlang calls its actors process

    3. Fault tolerance

      "let it crash"

    4. Actors communicate with each other by

      0 sending asynchronous messages. - Those messages are stored in other actors' mailboxes until they're processed.

    5. needs to store them somewhere while it’s processing another message.

      store messages mailbox

    6. Messages are sent asynchronously

      asunchronous messages

    7. everything is an actor and they need to have addresses so one actor can send a message to another.


    8. actor can maintain a private state

      private state

    9. actors are completely isolated from each other and they will never share memory


    10. An actor is the primitive unit of computation. It’s the thing that receives a message and does some kind of computation based on it

      primitive unit of computation

    1. broader understanding of human and ecological history.

      human ecological history

    2. p2p/commons theorist is to ground the ebb and flow of commons practices and institutions

      p2p/commons theorist

    1. Twitter’s Killer App: Real-Time Search Anyone can search the past, but only Twitter can unearth the present