22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2023
    1. So self-sovereign IDs and keys

    2. The minimal definition of user agencyOwn your ID, your content, and your contacts.

    1. IPNS is transport agnostic

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    1. Shows how to import an entire module as an object

      import an entire module as an object

      function x () {} function y () export {x, y}

      import * as modob from

      taht is revealing pattern

    2. module-aggregation: Shows how sub module features can be aggregated into a parent module using export { x } from 'y.js' syntax (run the example live).

      aggregate - sub module features

      into : parent module

      using - export { x } from 'y.js' syntax

    3. dynamic-module-imports

      dynamic module loading - using import().then()

    4. JavaScript module examples

      web - know how

    1. v0.29.0


    2. updated OrbitDB and all of its modules to use ESM, JavaScript Modules

      use ESM Javacript Modules

    3. collect the hashes of the entries and pin them outside of the db.put/add

      collect hashes and pin them

  2. www.kendra.io www.kendra.io
    1. developing human-centric solutions

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      comfort and survival

    3. Memetic Body by Contract

      memetic bidy by contract

    4. Memetics is a constant process

      process indeed

    5. Memetics argues that these principles can apply to ideas

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      gestalt superorganism

    6. MemeticEngines

      Symmathetic Heuristic Serendipity Engine

    1. Learn more about a web pageYou can find more information about the source and topic of a web page in the “Source” section of the “About this result” panel. Important: This feature is only available in some regions.
  3. bafybeifpniu22fknjoja4veqip632l6gvb6ix34jo2bxjiebarbj7jz54q.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeifpniu22fknjoja4veqip632l6gvb6ix34jo2bxjiebarbj7jz54q.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. perm-an-note

      This is a minimal workable way of revieing past research

      annotating the annotation search results and linking them to where they are relevant

    1. When you decouple the network itself from the service you use to view and/or host it, then there’s suddenly a market with near perfect competition.

      decouple the network from the service

      flip that

      bootstrapp kernel level constellations for - interplanetary, - evergreen, - interpersonal social media - to enable 1000 homebrew<br /> - long tail services to blooom

      and complete them and any other other even centralized social media with - evergreen - autonomous - interpersonal<br /> - overweb - eventually gobal, interplanetary really, - interpersonal - autonomous social networks to any service

    2. a functional PoC,


    3. Update (April 2020): after implementing a functional PoC, I put this down to work on Gather, and make sure the Metaverse is built with these principles in mind.

      to gather

    4. The Case for a Decentralized Social Network
  4. bafybeicwxswjcvcix3gm575tdiduh4wkrdd54xjpjxzz54juzectjlnxzi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeicwxswjcvcix3gm575tdiduh4wkrdd54xjpjxzz54juzectjlnxzi.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. A Decentralized Secure Social Network1amsArthur WillKifle Woldu,iffer,May 2019Nate Foss, Matthew PfeContents phonesNP ele8 ek
    2. https: //github.com/npfoss/gravity.22
    3. nodes will deliver real-time updates through peers and occasionally provideoffline-updates through the less performant IPNS and IPFS.

      realtime updates offline updates via IPFS

    4. Currently, our system makes a strong assumption on the performance of IPNS


    5. allowing third parties tocreate a wide variety of social media experiences.

      start with that

    6. Scaling to Billions of Users


    7. Frustrated by the monopoly Facebook has, its practices regarding user privacy, and theimpunity it has enjoyed from transgressions like the Cambridge Analytica scandal, we feltdriven to seek an alternative that could truly replace it and provide an even better experi-ence.

      facebook replacement

    8. support the gamut of social media as well. In addition tosocial networks, we can support personal blogs trivially but would also like to be able to sup-port social media like large forums(e.g Reddit), social gaming(e.g Twitch), video sharing(e.gYoutube), collaborative editing(e.g Wikipedia)

      gamut of social media

      start with that and add focused social networks around shared interests and pursuits

    9. collaborative editing(e.g Wikipedia).


    10. Network AnonymityISPs have the ability to use network activity to discover a user’s friends, whether throughIPFS or direct peer-to-peer. For some users who desire stronger anonymity, this wouldbe undesirable. We would like to investigate the effects of incorporating optional onionencryption(e.g Tor) in our system to mask a user’s network activity.20


    11. ISPs have the ability to use network activity to discover a user’s friends, whether throughIPFS or direct peer-to-peer.

      ISPs discover friends through network activity

    12. moderators are delegated their roles by the owner


    13. multi-person groups seems to be smaller thanthe number of friends.

      multi person groups < friends

    14. The average number of Facebook friends is under 400.


    15. third parties can augment posts through meta.json to support reacts


    16. Friend Discovery And RequestsA trade off between user privacy is user discovery.

      tradeoff discovery and requests

    17. user has no reliable way to know when someone else views their profile.

      interpersonal networked communication solves this problem

    18. easy to set state andimplement arbitrary functionality because the method of sending messages is so


    19. We also hide the groups, subscribersa user is a part of to guard against adversaries pinpointing the identity of a user from theidentity of their friends and groups


    20. lackof a trusted third-party to help recover login information.

      recover login

    21. In a centralized model, users trust a third-party to safely secure their information,granting ownership to the third-party.

      secure information, granting ownership to the third-party

    22. real-time updates with minimal latency.16


    23. keychains


    24. Finally,we store one copy of the master key pair encrypted with the new public IPNS key in the”device keys” section of the profile (see figure &).

      master key pair

    25. Multi-Device


    26. key management is hard.


    27. We decided against implementing any form of traditional access control for groups, suchas having specific admins that may add and remove users. This is because achieving con-sensus and guaranteed access control in a distributed system of untrusted parties is a hardproblem.

      no traditional access control

      hard problem

    28. friends can host all of thenecessary metadata to make sense of each others’ profiles and posts without having to storelarge images or videos.

      separate metadata from body

    29. posts and messages, which we treatthe same underneath and leave the UI to make a distinction given the context.

      UI to make distinction

    30. hash(salt||group-secret)


    31. sharing content is the bio folder.

      group membership

    32. It is also desirable to only encrypt each post once, insteadof once per person that can see it.

      encrypt once

    33. allows for the system to use different parameter choices and remain compatible.

      different parameter choices

    34. secure identity generation with a proof-of-work to make Sybil attacks expensive.

      secure identity generation

    35. Akasha: Ethereum-Based Social Network. Clean UI, but requires a Chromeextension, Ethereum wallet, and their own cryptocurrency to use it.

      clean ui etherium wallet crypto

    36. sers are forced to take the extra step to grant permissionsfor applications to use data from other applications in order to stitch their social networkstogether.

      stitch together

    37. We desire a system where users have

      complete ownership of their data. Users should have control over who can see what in their profile with fine granularity. For practically every piece of information in your profile, the user can set read permissions. This applies to nicknames, posts, messages, subscribers, who the user subscribes to, etc. But most of all, users should not have to reveal any information to any 3rd party in order to use this social network.

    38. Peers all have an identity that’s permanent.

      peers permanent ids

    39. provide acompromised form of “decentralization”, or are hard to use.
      • compromised form of "decent4ralization"
      • or hard to use
    40. Facebook provides decent service
      • at extremely high costs
      • disregarding user privacy, common decency
    1. 3 minute answer: The Case for a Decentralized Social Network


    2. software is made of bugs.

      made of bugs

    3. This repo is a sample implementation of the protocol underlying the Gravity social network.

      Since it's open and decentralized, anyone can participate; you don't need to go through gravitynet.io or even use this code to do so.


    1. The downside - developers need to know what they want to build ahead of time. It's like getting a box of LEGO but no directions.

      ahead of time

    2. or Passkeys, is a user authentication system that replaces passwords using cryptography. We'll dive more into passkeys, how they work, and how they differ from other passwordless options in this blog post, but first, let's review why developers should consider building passwordless apps.

      or Passkeys, is - a user authentication system that replaces passwords using cryptography.

      passkey - is passwordless option

      why developers should consider - building passwordless apps.

    3. WebAuthn API,


    4. Introducing Passkey Support

    1. WebAuthn API, or Passkeys, is a user authentication system that replaces passwords using cryptography. In this post, we dive into how passkeys work, how they differ from other passwordless options, and why developers should consider building passwordless apps in the first place.

    2. Introducing Passkey Support


    1. Curious about #complexity? Join the #ComplexityAdventures #basecamp on Saturday, May 27, 2023 - from 15:00 to 18:00 UTC. Meet fellow #adventurers, participate in the guided #session about #EcoTechTones . Everybody is welcome! To register: https://complexityadventures.com

    1. the communitycatalyst is developing models for
      • organizing coalitions and networks of landscape leaders and supporters;
      • supporting coalitions of landscape leaders and supporters to self-organize and create action alliances;
      • hosting dialogues, workshops and other platforms for capacity-strengthening, peer-to-peer learning a earning and discussion;
      • coordinating action to help achieve landscape policy goals; and
      • disseminating ILM tools and establishing critical services needed by landscape partnerships.


    1. Community Catalyst Sharing knowledge and building connections

      Initiating and supporting - action-oriented - place- and practice-based communities

      passionate about - scaling and mainstreaming - landscape approaches.

      • Through online and in-person dialogues,
      • alliance building and
      • joint learning,

      these communities play a critical role in promoting - landscape approaches by

      influencing decision-makers - locally, - nationally and - globally.

      from : https://hyp.is/Dfaz_vi2Ee2zPHsn9VWOoA/landscapes.global/

    1. Terraso is part of the 1000 Landscapes for 1 Billion People initiative, a global collaboration between EcoAgriculture Partners, Rainforest Alliance, Commonland, Conservation International, the United Nations Development Programme, and Tech Matters encouraging a better way to pursue sustainable development.
    1. BlueskyBuilding a Social Internet

  5. solidproject.org solidproject.org
    1. Fully interoperable standards

      All data in a Solid Pod - is stored and accessed using - standard, open, and interoperable data formats and protocols.

      Solid uses a - common, shared way of describing things and - their relationships to one another - that different applications can understand.

      This gives Solid the unique ability to - - allow different applications to work with the same data.

    2. The last login you'll ever need
    1. Gravity is built on IPFS,

      the InterPlanetary File System, where what matters is the data itself instead of the location it’s stored. When your friend tries to see your posts, all that matters is that someone, somewhere on the internet, is storing your (encrypted) data. No more needing Facebook’s servers to be online to get your own data. As long as someone out there has it, your friend’s device can decrypt it, verify that you sent it, and show your post.

      It doesn’t matter who is storing the data, and you don’t have to trust them, unlike how having an @gmail.com account means you’re stuck with Google reading all of your mail.


    1. decouple the data itself from the service you use to view and host it, then there’s suddenly a market with near perfect competition

      decoupling data from the service

      used to - view - host - market with near perfect competition

      long tail software

    1. Update (April 2020)

      after implementing a functional PoC,

      I put this down to work on Gather, and make sure the Metaverse is built with these principles in mind.

      to : https://hyp.is/vLlWCvhkEe2U7ldU5P5XNw/gravitynet.io/

    2. isn’t a perfect solution yet.

      But if you want a

      • full social networking experience
      • to bond online and
      • keep in touch with your friends and family

      without having to worry about that personal stuff getting * leaked, * sold, * stolen, or * lost… * It seems like there isn’t a perfect solution yet. -

    3. Status

      a mobile crypto hub for interacting with Ethereum apps,

      • very polished and has a lot of thought put into it
      • storing cryptocurrency messaging.
      • The messaging security is great,
      • send each encrypted message to everyone else on the network,
      • which obviously does not scale.


    4. long version of the benefits
    5. Decentralized

    6. Finding new people and content is harder when no central

      need not only FAIR data

      FAIR capabilities

      FAIR social network

    7. Appeal: BLOCKCHAIN!
      • uncensorable,
      • permanent, and can
      • reward content
    8. “ActivityPub” is not the name of any service you can join, it’s the convention


    9. switching is still a pain

      because you - have to transfer your contacts and - tell all of your friends to use your new identity - (like an email address, ActivityPub id, etc.).

    10. lot of options

      Deciding is hard, - as a new user,

      it is a - large commitment - don’t know how to evaluate.

    11. No one controls the whole network!

      no central control of the whole network

    12. So You Want to Leave FacebookA survey of social networks, from Signal to Scuttlebutt
    1. Today’s language models are more sophisticated than ever, but they still struggle with the concept of negation. That’s unlikely to change anytime soon.
    2. Chatbots Don’t Know What Stuff Isn’t

      closed world logic negation

    1. Only You Can Stop an AI Apocalypse (betterwithout.ai) 85 points by pidge 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 120 comments

    1. https://blog.solcial.io/english/one-chance-to-change-the-world/

      for FAIR social Netwowork =

    2. The birth of a fair social network .t3_w2z5h0._2FCtq-QzlfuN-SwVMUZMM3 { --postTitle-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postTitleLink-VisitedLinkColor: #9b9b9b; --postBodyLink-VisitedLinkColor: #989898; } The road will be mastered by the walking one. Likewise, the u/Solcialofficial team was not afraid to start developing a fair social network at such a difficult time. How the idea of ​​Solcial came to be read in the blog. This is a very interesting story.

    1. current social networks suck

      suck - become corrupted - by a centralized authority that - feels they know what is best for the users. - take the profit, - silence as they wish, and - are accountable to no one!

      We as a team felt - there needed to be an alternative.

    2. we only get One Chance to Change the World.

    1. the scaled-up servers are only for the other clients (web, mobile, streaming).

    2. The architecture of Mastodon

    1. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is typically ignored in the Web 3.0 space
    2. ledgers can be blockchains, smart contract platforms or dApp platforms. This is the area that seeded the broader ‘web 3.0’ movement

      seeded web 3 movement

    3. use combinations of technologies to solve their customers’ problems.


      mutual arising

    4. The Convergence Alliance

      for - Collaborative Technology Alliance (CTA)

    5. vertically and horizontally integrate


    6. OSI model to integrate these new protocols and networks in the broader technology industry

    7. the task of evolving and simultaneously realising such a vision is simply too colossal to be done in isolation

      cannot be done in isolation

      every app embodies a constellations of capabilities born of design choices across all and more elements in the stack

    8. think of our portfolio in terms of a literal stack of highly synergistic technologies now framed as ‘The Convergence Stack’.


    1. Software-defined networkingWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Software-defined_net...Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Software-defined_net...Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to network management that enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration in ...‎History · ‎SDN Control Plane · ‎SDN Data Plane · ‎Applications

    1. Software-defined networkingWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Software-defined_net...Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Software-defined_net...Software-defined networking (SDN) technology is an approach to network management that enables dynamic, programmatically efficient network configuration in ...‎History · ‎SDN Control Plane · ‎SDN Data Plane · ‎Applicationssoftware defined networking tutorialsoftware-defined networking examplesoftware-defined networking ciscosoftware-defined networking layerssoftware-defined networking pdfsoftware defined networking pptPeople also search for(function(){var uer=false;var eid='z9PoV';(function(){var a=google.c.wh0,b=google.c.frt,c=google.c.frvt,d=google.c.whu;var e=uer,f=Date.now(),g=google.c.sxs?"load2":"load";if(google.timers&&google.timers[g].t){var h=0;if(eid){var k=document.getElementById(eid);k&&(h=Math.floor(k.getBoundingClientRect().top+window.pageYOffset))}b&&google.tick(g,"frt",f);c&&google.tick(g,"frvt",f);google.tick(g,"frts",f);h&&google.c.e(g,"frtp",String(h));d&&!google.c.wh&&(google.c.wh=Math.floor(window.innerHeight||document.documentElement.clientHeight));var l=google.c.wh,m;m=a&&!l?!1:h>=l;for(var n=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),p=0,q=void 0;q=n[p++];)google.c.setup(q,!0,h);google.c.bofr= !1;m&&google.c.ubr(!1,f,h,!e)};}).call(this);})();

    1. Plant-it Notes:

      Compostable post-its - with seeds embedded - so that after you finish your visioning session - you bury them in the backyard and - watch your ideas literally blossom into flowers and food! 🌱

    1. The Promised Land of Event SourcingThe Honest Coderhttps://thehonestcoder.com › BlogThe Honest Coderhttps://thehonestcoder.com › BlogDec 5, 2022 — The guide you should read before starting with Event Sourcing. ... private readonly List<Event> _events = new List<Event>();.

    1. RCS chatbot using Node.jsGitHubhttps://github.com › rodrigokamada › chatbot-rcsGitHubhttps://github.com › rodrigokamada › chatbot-rcsApplication example using JavaScript and Node.js where a simple chatbot will be implemented using the ZENVIA platform to integrate with RCS (Rich ...
    1. simple chatbot will be implemented using the ZENVIA platform

      integrate with = RCS (Rich Communication Services - OpenWeatherMap platform to integrate with meteorological data in order to test some

      RCS features such as - sending and receiving text and image messages and - sharing location.

    2. RCS chatbot using Node.js

      Rich Communication Services

    1. A new economic engine for culture

      for : substack, reshare

    2. for : substack, reshare

    3. writers were rewarded for building trust with readers rather than making viral content.

      trust instead of just viral content

    4. readers and writers, rather than the companies that want to sell them stuff, were the customers.

      readers writers the customers

    1. an important part of a new economic engine for culture.
    2. Now live for all: Substack NotesA way to share posts and short-form content on Substack

      social network around substack posts weven with integral annotations


    3. help posts find a valuable audience of writers and readers

      posts find audience

      interesting affordance

    4. Notes can become a powerful driver of subscriptions

      driver for subscriptions

    5. share links, images, quick thoughts, and snippets from Substack posts. As well as being lightweight and fun, we hope that Notes will help writers grow their audience and revenue.


    6. Notes is a new space where you can publish short-form posts and share ideas with other writers and readers on Substack.

      interest based emergent social networks around posts

    1. Restacks allow writers and readers to reshare posts, notes, and comments with their subscribers in Notes. You can restack someone else’s post on Substack with or without your own text. To restack, click the circle-arrow icon wherever you see a post, note, or comment worth sharing.

      This is what integrating web annotations into the IndyWeb can facilitate i n a People Centered, Evergreen Interestbase interpersonal network across/over the web without being tied down to any web silo!


    2. A guide to growth and collaboration on Substack NotesHow to engage with others and promote your publication

      substack reshare

    1. Live app: https://vitriol.coVitriol is an open source distributed publishing app which works in the browser without extensions or servers to set up, thanks to OrbitDB[1] and IPFS[2].


    1. alliance for a Portable Communities Protoco

      from this perpective Networked Autnonomous Organsatoions can emerge through the allieances that are formed by addressing the original problem not as a protocvol development task

      but ensuring ways and means that existing siloed information soures and social networks can be made to play nicely with the emergent indyNetWork powered indyviduals and communities

    2. How can online communities be persistent, composable, and application-independent?

      @loveolv proposed that

      “indynao” may be good name for portable communities protocol https://t.me/c/1546064989/3

      spent the last four months in retro and then forward refactor the existing prototype of the IndyNet/Web/Hub/Lab to meet the needs of the wider community

      Largely infouenced by engaging with th eCTA Collabathon exploring in some depth

      • Hylo
      • Nao
      • MAP and
      • Baby steps to SSO

      // From that perpective and learnings - it is clear it is possible to - elaborate the Indy concept - such that it can enrich and complete and even inte(grate|roperate) - accross all these initiatives as a proposed Kernel for Collaborative Tech

      // such that - individuals can exist on the web - in their own(ed) right, in their own terms, - as autonomous, permanent, evergreen indy actors - establish meaninfu/purposeful interpersonal connections and shared Spaces - co-create communities that are - born - permanent, - composable and application independent

      // IndyX is Not a protocol but - a composition/convergence of commons-based, - peer produced/extensible/tinkerable - constellations of - born interoperable, interchangeable, composable - capabilities

      based on a Holistic Integral Kernel for<br /> - Personal first, - Interpersonal Networked Work and boundariless - "overweb" yet - permanent, evergreen co-evolution not only of informations flows but producing/bootstrapping the very capabilty flows developed in the long tail software at the edges that are needed to creat those in-form-ation flows themselves

      that Flips thecurrent Web and haver all the properties that we need to ultimately co-crete and co-evolve Networked Autonomous Organisms

    3. Portable Communities

      // alternatively - self-created evergreen open commons based

    4. cryptographic webs of trust,
    5. capture collective value at scale

      // key to that is - scaling - reach - stigmergic symmathetic synthesis - capture self-w(ea|or)th of - in self-directed mutual learnings in - machine supported Personal Learning Work

      • interpersonal
      • re-capitulable with the view to scaling emergent synthesis
      • co-evolutionary
      • asyncronous yet continuous conversational
      • information flows qua value flows
      • that are contiguous with the each particpiant's
      • explorable
      • queryable
      • body of life-longstigmergic mutual learning works
      • where any work item is
      • high resolution addressable
      • amenable to be retrieved fully scaffold-ed
      • within a entire networks of meaningfully bidirectionaly associated complexes

      weaving the - Open - Permanent, - Evergreen - Mutual Learning Commons



    1. Web of trust

      // next level - leverage cryptography, DHTs - to weave interpersonal/community webs of trusts

      // flip that too make keys ephemeral contextual dynamically generated

    1. enterprise virtualization
      • built-in web interface you can easily manage
      • VMs and containers,
      • software-defined storage and networking,
      • high-availability clustering, and
      • multiple out-of-the-box tools on a single solution

      // flip all that - radically eliminate complications

    2. proxmox

    1. Own a piece of SubstackHelp build a new economic engine for culture

    1. Introducing Substack NotesUnlocking the power of the subscription network

    1. Everything Ventured, Nothing Gained


    2. The Rot Economy

      Everything ventured nothing gained

    1. decouples information navigation choices from presentation choices

      decouple navigation choices from presentation

      // morphic anyone

    2. layout, themes, language and cultural conventions (i.e., internationalization/ localization), widget selection and configuration, and more

      layout, themes, language and cultural conventions (i.e., internationalization/ localization), widget selection and configuration, and more

    3. presentation choices


    4. avigating the graph is possible with a very small number of primitive actions

      small number of primitive affordances

    5. open-ended in both the information and capabilities

      open ended

      both in terms of information and capabilities

      // co-evolutionary

    6. introduce new types of information and actions

      introduce - new types of information and actions

      // self-describing interpreatable