- Jun 2023
www.google.com www.google.com
The Importance of Being Intentional In Design | 12 Days of UX
search : "intentional design"
Intentional design
is a process where the user's interactions with the product, app or website are considered at each point of the design process. Intentional design is a process that provides systematic methods that explore a variety of user interactions and touchpoints that move, engage and respond.
chat.openai.com chat.openai.comChatGPT1
Establishing a Think TankJune 27, 2023
<svg width="41" height="41" viewBox="0 0 41 41" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" stroke-width="1.5" class="h-6 w-6" role="img"><title>ChatGPT</title><text x="-9999" y="-9999">ChatGPT</text><path d="M37.5324 16.8707C37.9808 15.5241 38.1363 14.0974 37.9886 12.6859C37.8409 11.2744 37.3934 9.91076 36.676 8.68622C35.6126 6.83404 33.9882 5.3676 32.0373 4.4985C30.0864 3.62941 27.9098 3.40259 25.8215 3.85078C24.8796 2.7893 23.7219 1.94125 22.4257 1.36341C21.1295 0.785575 19.7249 0.491269 18.3058 0.500197C16.1708 0.495044 14.0893 1.16803 12.3614 2.42214C10.6335 3.67624 9.34853 5.44666 8.6917 7.47815C7.30085 7.76286 5.98686 8.3414 4.8377 9.17505C3.68854 10.0087 2.73073 11.0782 2.02839 12.312C0.956464 14.1591 0.498905 16.2988 0.721698 18.4228C0.944492 20.5467 1.83612 22.5449 3.268 24.1293C2.81966 25.4759 2.66413 26.9026 2.81182 28.3141C2.95951 29.7256 3.40701 31.0892 4.12437 32.3138C5.18791 34.1659 6.8123 35.6322 8.76321 36.5013C10.7141 37.3704 12.8907 37.5973 14.9789 37.1492C15.9208 38.2107 17.0786 39.0587 18.3747 39.6366C19.6709 40.2144 21.0755 40.5087 22.4946 40.4998C24.6307 40.5054 26.7133 39.8321 28.4418 38.5772C30.1704 37.3223 31.4556 35.5506 32.1119 33.5179C33.5027 33.2332 34.8167 32.6547 35.9659 31.821C37.115 30.9874 38.0728 29.9178 38.7752 28.684C39.8458 26.8371 40.3023 24.6979 40.0789 22.5748C39.8556 20.4517 38.9639 18.4544 37.5324 16.8707ZM22.4978 37.8849C20.7443 37.8874 19.0459 37.2733 17.6994 36.1501C17.7601 36.117 17.8666 36.0586 17.936 36.0161L25.9004 31.4156C26.1003 31.3019 26.2663 31.137 26.3813 30.9378C26.4964 30.7386 26.5563 30.5124 26.5549 30.2825V19.0542L29.9213 20.998C29.9389 21.0068 29.9541 21.0198 29.9656 21.0359C29.977 21.052 29.9842 21.0707 29.9867 21.0902V30.3889C29.9842 32.375 29.1946 34.2791 27.7909 35.6841C26.3872 37.0892 24.4838 37.8806 22.4978 37.8849ZM6.39227 31.0064C5.51397 29.4888 5.19742 27.7107 5.49804 25.9832C5.55718 26.0187 5.66048 26.0818 5.73461 26.1244L13.699 30.7248C13.8975 30.8408 14.1233 30.902 14.3532 30.902C14.583 30.902 14.8088 30.8408 15.0073 30.7248L24.731 25.1103V28.9979C24.7321 29.0177 24.7283 29.0376 24.7199 29.0556C24.7115 29.0736 24.6988 29.0893 24.6829 29.1012L16.6317 33.7497C14.9096 34.7416 12.8643 35.0097 10.9447 34.4954C9.02506 33.9811 7.38785 32.7263 6.39227 31.0064ZM4.29707 13.6194C5.17156 12.0998 6.55279 10.9364 8.19885 10.3327C8.19885 10.4013 8.19491 10.5228 8.19491 10.6071V19.808C8.19351 20.0378 8.25334 20.2638 8.36823 20.4629C8.48312 20.6619 8.64893 20.8267 8.84863 20.9404L18.5723 26.5542L15.206 28.4979C15.1894 28.5089 15.1703 28.5155 15.1505 28.5173C15.1307 28.5191 15.1107 28.516 15.0924 28.5082L7.04046 23.8557C5.32135 22.8601 4.06716 21.2235 3.55289 19.3046C3.03862 17.3858 3.30624 15.3413 4.29707 13.6194ZM31.955 20.0556L22.2312 14.4411L25.5976 12.4981C25.6142 12.4872 25.6333 12.4805 25.6531 12.4787C25.6729 12.4769 25.6928 12.4801 25.7111 12.4879L33.7631 17.1364C34.9967 17.849 36.0017 18.8982 36.6606 20.1613C37.3194 21.4244 37.6047 22.849 37.4832 24.2684C37.3617 25.6878 36.8382 27.0432 35.9743 28.1759C35.1103 29.3086 33.9415 30.1717 32.6047 30.6641C32.6047 30.5947 32.6047 30.4733 32.6047 30.3889V21.188C32.6066 20.9586 32.5474 20.7328 32.4332 20.5338C32.319 20.3348 32.154 20.1698 31.955 20.0556ZM35.3055 15.0128C35.2464 14.9765 35.1431 14.9142 35.069 14.8717L27.1045 10.2712C26.906 10.1554 26.6803 10.0943 26.4504 10.0943C26.2206 10.0943 25.9948 10.1554 25.7963 10.2712L16.0726 15.8858V11.9982C16.0715 11.9783 16.0753 11.9585 16.0837 11.9405C16.0921 11.9225 16.1048 11.9068 16.1207 11.8949L24.1719 7.25025C25.4053 6.53903 26.8158 6.19376 28.2383 6.25482C29.6608 6.31589 31.0364 6.78077 32.2044 7.59508C33.3723 8.40939 34.2842 9.53945 34.8334 10.8531C35.3826 12.1667 35.5464 13.6095 35.3055 15.0128ZM14.2424 21.9419L10.8752 19.9981C10.8576 19.9893 10.8423 19.9763 10.8309 19.9602C10.8195 19.9441 10.8122 19.9254 10.8098 19.9058V10.6071C10.8107 9.18295 11.2173 7.78848 11.9819 6.58696C12.7466 5.38544 13.8377 4.42659 15.1275 3.82264C16.4173 3.21869 17.8524 2.99464 19.2649 3.1767C20.6775 3.35876 22.0089 3.93941 23.1034 4.85067C23.0427 4.88379 22.937 4.94215 22.8668 4.98473L14.9024 9.58517C14.7025 9.69878 14.5366 9.86356 14.4215 10.0626C14.3065 10.2616 14.2466 10.4877 14.2479 10.7175L14.2424 21.9419ZM16.071 17.9991L20.4018 15.4978L24.7325 17.9975V22.9985L20.4018 25.4983L16.071 22.9985V17.9991Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg>
www.slideshare.net www.slideshare.net
The People System and Tool System
People, Tools, and Communication systems are three legs of an (inter)personal augmented capacity to deal with complex systems
noetic exoskeletong
Toward a World Wise WebSep. 29, 2016•2 likes2 likes×Tasha OlivaDec. 12, 2021, Did u try to use external powers for studying? Like ⇒ www.HelpWriting.net ⇐ ? They helped me a lot once. Jonny DubowskyAug. 04, 2020, Chief Technical Officer, Cyberneticist, Blockchain Architect, Artist metadata.at at Bosman Utd FutureCorp, Show More•7,399 views
www.topicquests.org www.topicquests.org
Knowing in the WildCo-creating global federated knowledge gardens.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Overhand knot becomes a trefoil knot by joining the ends
Trefoil knot
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Overhand knot
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Trefoil knot fold
fairdigitalobjectframework.org fairdigitalobjectframework.org
To be classified as a FAIR Digital Object (FDO), a digital object is identified by a globally-unique, persistent and resolvable identifier with a predictable resolution behaviour, described by related metadata records (FDOs themselves) and classified by the FDOF typing system.
for : FAIR digital Objects
This is a deeply flawed conception.
It is quite understandable whyt it had arose
why it is the dominant trend
Getting close to articulate and alternative.
the concept of a named data networks affords an alternative conceptualization for digital Objects
with that
The network can become the co-evolving Object Store
Better Still
The Network becomes the Global yet Personal First Information Store for humanity
On the IndyWeb documents created by people become virtual in autonomous hypermedia spaces
augmented with the use of the TrailMarks MarkIn notations
resulting in improving the intellectual effectiveness of not only of individual human beings but providing the means needed to combine structure with collaboration at scale for the benefit of people first
but the structuring of human readable content with TrailMarks allow machine's to process the information for the benefit of people first as opposed to disgusing that information as data for improving the intellectual effectiveness of machines first, at the detriments of humans primarily benefittng the few people who own and operate those machines via Big Tech and Big Government
, evergreen, with full provenance meaning fully connected facilitating deep asynchronous interest based trusted conversations
and the Creation of Open Commons Based Peer Produced Learning, Reasearch and Teaching Commons
better still The Network is the People Centered Internet scale Trusted Information Store created by the people connected in meaningful trusted ways for their owned benefits
in their owned Autnonomous and with the IndyWeb and Trailmarks in a form that Humans no longer disgised as Data
FAIR Digital Object Framework Documentation Working Draft
for : FAIR Digital Objects
s11.no s11.no
for : FAIR digital Objects
Evaluating FAIR Digital Object and Linked Data as distributed object systems
link.springer.com link.springer.com
An Interoperability Framework and Distributed Platform for Fast Data Applications
for : FAIR digital Objects
s11.no s11.no
Comparison tables for evaluating FAIR Digital Object and Linked Data
for : FAIR digital Objects
eekim.com eekim.com
Q&A with Doug Engelbart: July 26, 2001
what a gem
for : Launch Community
Don't tell me what you do, show me
show me
for : Launch Community
As we get better at dealing with complex problems, we'll be better at dealing with this. (3697) Must evolve
getting better
life-long learning
life long learning
Transformations (3415) Presentation (3410) Querying (3342) Doug doesn't distinguish this from presentation
that is presentation
Dynamic information display We've been conditioned to static displays. This isn't taking advantage of how we can and want to view knowledge.
dynamic information display
conditioned to static display
Revision control
make refvision control integral with p2p communication patterns and explicit in the hyper document chain
not block chain
Typed links (3740)
links with shapes of TrailMarks
Edited documents won't go back to legacy tools. Evolves you to OHS documents.
no go back to legacy tools
Eliot Kimber's system Created an incredibly sophisticated system, but nobody would use it, because they didn't understand it. (3489)
nobody would use it
Evolvability is vital (3470) Humans are capable of evolving
Status quo is evolution; what Doug is talking about is a revolution.
library.oapen.org library.oapen.org
John V. Tucker, Swansea University, Swansea, UK
nice to see this
www.amazon.com www.amazon.com
Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson (History of Computing) 1st ed. 2015 Edition
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
the proletariat live in the present because they have nothing else
live in the present
the aristocrats live on the past
come from a noble family
the point is eternal life which is here and now
be here now
a man who understands the dao in the morning may die with content in the evening
confucius very wisely said a man who understands the dao in the morning may die with content in the evening because when you understand
Alan Watts - Do Not Worry About Tomorrow | Life Lessons |
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS all I describe here is possible because people on the whole do getting things done
Do not focus on effectiveness
Do not try to "Get IT right first time"
Focus on getting the IT right.
Do not try to "Getting Things Done"
Do not be Goal directed be self-directed, where the self becomes selfless through recognizing it's and thr IT's interdependence.
Do not Worry about the morrow
trust the YoUniversa like another , and the Others
When the IT is right it will take care of itself.
IT will be Done. Not through the power of your will.
Do not will it, let it be so, grow never done,.
having a high self-worth and security
appreciating what you have in the first place
Do not worry about the tommorow
trust the Universe as an Other
as one self
Be Here Now
celebrate the success of others
that creates abundance
abundance mentality, or abundance mindset, a way of thinking in which a person believes there are enough resources and successes to share with others.
Trust the Universe
Trust One Self not selfishly
but knowing the more give the more you will become
Do good, expect good.
Good is not the dual of Bad or Evil, but is
a self0sustaining postive attitude that creates its rewards without expectations or demands or entitlement but measured with grratitude one feels count your blessings, allways
an open mind to be influenced
synonym of care and attention what else is the point of listenting?
Use empathetic listening to genuinely understand a person
You mean pay real attention, yes Attention is sacred
everything is
"Seek first to understand, then to be understood"
So this is where it comes from.
"you are the programmer",
let go of control,
Let it be so
Let IT grow and grow with it
people should spend the majority of their time on II
Not urgent but important (Plan) – long-term development
focus on imnportance engineer against ever facing urgent demands
burning desire detachment from outcomes
wu wei
by doing (seemingly nothing as urgent) accomplish the maximum you can, that would be your own everything
Grow and stay humble
stay humble
who you want to be?
take the wanting out of being
make your efforts rewards in themselves
"Begin with the end in mind"
cultivating attitude and reflecting on available means (personal strength and weaknesses) to purse chosen path not ends
effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces those results.
caring about what produces result
Covey presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north" principles based on a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless
www.geneticmatrix.com www.geneticmatrix.com
it would seem that a Reflector is constantly taking in other peoples’ energies and emotions. Without any reliable patterns of their own.
spot on
www.merriam-webster.com www.merriam-webster.com
"banquet," and tends to suggest a mood of full-bellied joviality
plato.stanford.edu plato.stanford.edu
Phenomenology is the study of structures of consciousness as experienced from the first-person point of view. The central structure of an experience is its intentionality, its being directed toward something, as it is an experience of or about some object. An experience is directed toward an object by virtue of its content or meaning (which represents the object) together with appropriate enabling conditions.
Personal Knowing
self-awareness of the Spirit
No surprise that Polanyi though of huimself as Hegelian
wac.colostate.edu wac.colostate.edu
search phenomenology writing
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Joyce Armstrong Carroll
abstract The change of emphasis from the written product to writing as a process manifests another important change--one from logical to phenomenological consciousness. Phenomenologically speaking, writing is both "immanent" in the writer and "transcendent" outside the writer. It is thinking of general concepts that actually occurred and writing about these things using every judgment, memory, expectation, inference, conviction, opinion, doubt, and emotion to write about these things. It is hearing and imagining sounds, seeing and imagining objects, sensing and imagining warmth and cold and writing about these things. The change from product to process came about because phenomenological consciousness enables us to "know" differently. As a result, the change continues to move us away from the traditional rhetoric paradigm all wrapped in "what's" to a process approach paradigm all packaged with "how's." (HOD)
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
www.google.com www.google.com
TOWARD A PHENOMENOLOGY OF FREEWRITINGColorado State Universityhttps://wac.colostate.edu › docs › jbw › elbowColorado State Universityhttps://wac.colostate.edu › docs › jbw › elbowPDFThe nascent interest in phenomenology in the profession is a good sign: a respect for the facts of what actually happens in writers. We've had a decade of ..
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
"lesson, written evidence"
it does not necessarily imply static
in the case of IndyPlex the key point is that IndyWeb Documents (Plex Pages) do have a canonical form that can be treated as evidence, although they can be presented as evidence, rendered in a wide variety of view forms and affordances
www.yegor256.com www.yegor256.com
He actually said that earlier
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
From Smalltalk to Squeak by Dan Ingalls at CHM 10/11/2001 (VPRI 797)
smalltalk dan ingalls
dev-indy0.fission.app dev-indy0.fission.app
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Person Centric Architecture and the MAP
Steve Melville
Memetic Activation Platform
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Enterprise Architecture for a More Beautiful World
memetic activation platform
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
Memetic Activation Platform
Steve Melville
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Collective intelligence
Stigmergic Collaboration: a theoretical framework for mass collaboration
stygmergic collaboration
George Pór defined the collective intelligence phenomenon as "the capacity of human communities to evolve towards higher order complexity and harmony, through such innovation mechanisms as differentiation and integration, competition and collaboration.
www.academia.edu www.academia.edu
clear that the similarities one finds between Leibniz’s philosophy and elements of Chinese thought are merely coincidental.
cones from the same source: Awareness of the One
t is well known that Leibniz was the first Western philosopher to seriously engage with Chinese thought.
scholar.google.com scholar.google.com
search : polanyi pirsig phenomenology
hypothes.is hypothes.is
Go forth and annotate!
www.usca.edu www.usca.edu
Henry Gurr
docdrop.org docdrop.org
according to our current understanding maybe some new technology some new ideas will be brought into the subject and the meaning of the word computation like now we think of condition a particular framework tuning machines or 00:11:45 church thesis and stuff like that but what if in the future another genius like on Turing will come and propose something else the theory will evolve the way you know we went from Newton's 00:11:57 gravity to Einstein's gravity maybe in the framework of that concept some other things will become possible you know so um it's not to me it's kind of like 00:12:11 not so much about deciding once and for all how it is or how it should be but kind of like accepting it as an open-ended process I think that's much more valuable
here is the answer
that's much more valuable in some 00:12:24 sense than deciding things one way or another
As I learned from Hegel, the important thing about statements not whether in our current constellation of their plodding ellaboration we can assign truth values, but the consteallation of concepts they are built from because they always point to the adjacent not yet discovered and present permutation of future choices which may take us onto path that lead us to discover new things
This one pictures explains it all better than the video
linear complete accounts will never work.
Sot the plodding propositional way will not work.
However mutual recursion and mutual arising works
hence the inexhaustible uncanny effectiveness of the mind
not just mathematics
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences (@Harvard Science of Psychedelics Club)
Do not tel me you are no mathematician,
He is talking about Qualia, human consciousness
The images may speak to you as a human being at a deep level
The Hyperbolic Geometry of DMT Experiences (@Harvard Science of Psychedelics Club)
developer.holochain.org developer.holochain.org
Links and Anchors: Connecting DHT Data Together
www.hylo.com www.hylo.com
Maujean; it would be epic to get FAN on Holochain in time for this! Check it out: https://developer.holochain.org/concepts/5_links…
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
A sípoló macskakő - Előzetes
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
The Internationale
Let’s make a clean slate of the past,
wisocracy.world wisocracy.world
Learn Wisocracy for Wise Democracy, Wisdom, Wellbeing & Peace for All & Nature
www.google.com www.google.com
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
You need to
You need to attract and retain - the attention of your target audience, - generate buzz and feedback, and - build trust and loyalty.
One of the best ways to do that is to create and nurture a product launch community - - and advocates.
These are the people who will share your vision, - support your goals, and - spread the word
about your product.
But how do you - build and engage such a community?
Here are some tips and best practices to help you.
How do you build and engage your product launch community and advocates?
www.google.com www.google.com
How to Build and Engage Your Product Launch CommunityLinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com › ... › Product StrategyLinkedInhttps://www.linkedin.com › ... › Product StrategyJun 12, 2023 — Learn how to create and nurture a product launch community and advocates who will support your goals, share your vision, and spread the word ...
www.cognexus.org www.cognexus.org
SevenSigma, now offering Issue Mapping Workshops!
Introducing CogNexus Group - providing strategy and policy teams with integrated services for creating shared understanding
Dedicated to Building Shared Understanding of Wicked Problems
www.cognexus.org www.cognexus.org
CogNexus Group is a new business-oriented service providing strategy and policy teams with integrated services for creating shared understanding. Check us out!
eekim.com eekim.com
perlIBIS (01)
IBIS dialogue map
transforming our discourse into a Collective IQ
discourse to collective IQ
eekim.com eekim.com
Eric "announces" KRNL.
eekim.com eekim.com
Invent and adopt alternate ways to organize and structure the DKR.
Create a Community Development Kit
eekim.com eekim.com
Willingness to bootstrap
Developing a common ontology
not common but self-defined and then commensurate or mappable/interoperable
develop a formal ontology derived from the narrative documents in the DKR.
formal ontology narrative documents
ipfscluster.io ipfscluster.io
Collaborative clusters setup
www.kdanmobile.com www.kdanmobile.com
NoteLedge is a digital notebook for designers and content creators to capture inspiration, make mood boards, and accelerate your creative process
clerestory.netlify.app clerestory.netlify.app
thinking at each stage how this is connected to another note, and how the other note is connected back
If you can say what you mean, even to the point of explicating what the meaning of the 'is' is two way meaningful connections will emerge into a spontaneous emergent order spanning a HyperMap that is the territory. Then you come back to it after all your exploration to see it what you meant, had in mind, for the first time articulating your tacit awareness as externalized intellect or extellect
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
Virtual IdentitySuch virtual identities, or online identities, are social identities assumed or presented by persons in computer-mediated communication and virtual communities.
Virtual Identity
for - IndyWeb
core.telegram.org core.telegram.org
Styled text with message entities
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
managing the business of IT is gaining traction
business of IT
winningtech.com winningtech.com
Are you Treating IT Like a Cost of doing Business?
cost of doing business
www.apptio.com www.apptio.com
the business of IT
www.datacenterknowledge.com www.datacenterknowledge.com
the most important opportunity in the business of IT is getting rid of all the IT people.
business of IT is getting rid of all the IT people
cmxgroup.com cmxgroup.com
IT as a catalog of business services that are offered to the lines of business within the corporation.
catalog of business services
IT has been admonished to run “more like a business”.
run IT more like a business
The Business of IT is Business™
www.cio.com www.cio.com
Alignment: The Business of IT Is Business
contently.com contently.comHomepage2
#1 Rated Content Marketing Platform in G2's Enterprise Content Creation Grid
Unlock Growth with Content.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Platform Hero
github.com github.com
AnnotationComments : Collaborate in your VideoJS player
A plugin for video.js to add support for timeline moment/range comments and annotations
www.marxists.org www.marxists.org
Hegel-by-HyperText Resources, Andy Blunden (1997) The Meaning of Hegel's Logic
www.tandfonline.com www.tandfonline.com
Hegelian ‘Absolute Idealism’ with Yogācāra Buddhism on Consciousness, Concept (Begriff), and Co-dependent Origination (Pratītyasamutpāda) Adam Scarfe Pages 47-73 | Published online: 21 Nov 2006
polanyisociety.org polanyisociety.org
Tradition & Discovery: The Polanyi Society Journal Submissions and Review
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
The Evolution of the Internet, From Decentralized to Centralized
www.terran.io www.terran.io
we can only move at the speed of trust, and believe that building trust takes consistent connection and showing up for each other over tim
speed of trust
dwebcamp.org dwebcamp.org
Jun 21-25 ✵ Camp Navarro, CA
bafybeibkuj4obx5z6f7texz2i5cc5lhaiwuyusqxpef2pbtdzspgkrxlai.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeibkuj4obx5z6f7texz2i5cc5lhaiwuyusqxpef2pbtdzspgkrxlai.ipfs.w3s.link
Because of these guarantee
Because of these guarantees the Ambients protocol enables - building and - composing truly decentralized - applications, databases and services,
making safe - interoperability and collaboration feasible within existing networks and platforms.
// love the term Ambient Perfect name for affordances that are location independent, out there, that can thanks to verifible immutability can indeed allow accessing "computational capabilities" by their true names
then we can say no to apps, databases, and encolsing services
All required for Personal Digital Autnonomy, Permanence, eevergreen co-evolvability and forward compatibility
The Long Now View Point
// skimmed this back in the day when it came out
sensed much alignment crucially due to the - enabling role that "content addressing" plays
emphasis on a programming model with - safety - composability
- content addressed
- location-agnostic execution model
but instead of a protocol and a calculus
pursued the same goal with aiming at a
human-workable, intellectually manageable, flexible highly expressive, notation powered intentional integral model for - self-describing, homoiconic yet machine processable/ interpretable info structuring flexible, extensible writing content presentation model combined with a - quasi functional interpretative info processing model (javascript) SaaS - info communication model grounded in an interpersonal Actor model
The decentralized web has shown great promise fo
The decentralized web has shown great promise fo - highly available, - massively distributed, - open, - censorship-free, - privacy-preserving and - non-exclusive application ecosystems.
The technology landscape is, however, becoming - fragmented due to a lack of - collaboration and - safe interoperability between platforms.
This fragmentation exacerbates - the uncertainty, - risk and - cost of decentralized application - development and - deployment.
Furthermore, competing decentralized technology projects promote - application programming models that are logically centralized, - removing incentives for pursuing - a fully decentralized web
A deterministic evaluation of Ambients programs is guaranteed by a
- novel,
- strongly
- confuent,
distributed rewrite system
- based on ambient calculus.
Deterministic verication of the rewrite system, and
- its integrity and
- authenticity,
are guaranteed by recording the - execution and - control flow of programs as - Merkle-DAG-based, - partially ordered, - immutable event logs.
Because of these guarantees, the Ambients protocol enables building and composing truly decentralized applications, databases and services, making safe interoperability and collaboration feasible within existing networks and platforms.
To counter this problem, we introduce the Ambients protocol
To counter this problem, we introduce the Ambients protocol to - create and - veriably execute distributed programs in - decentralized, - peer-to-peer networks.
The main contribution of the Ambients protocol is a - process-algebraic specication of its - purely functional, - safe and - composable programming model.
Combined with - a content-addressed and - location-agnostic execution model,
what we present is - a novel protocol - for distributed computation.
AmbientsPeer-to-Peer Programs and Data
well worth a study
github.com github.com
webpack Webpack is a module bundler. Its main purpose is to bundle JavaScript files for usage in a browser, yet it is also capable of transforming, bundling, or packaging just about any resource or asset.
commons.wikimedia.org commons.wikimedia.org
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Dialectical technology - Hegel on means, tools and the machine
Hegel amongst the machines
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
transition its users to Google Chat
by the end of August 2019,[4] later changing that date to April 2, 2019.
in reality parts started to be shutdown late January
Communities and Collections more prominen
and collections
eliminated the Google+ social layer; users no longer needed a Google+ profile to share content and communicate with contacts.
elliminted social layer
removing features not supporting "an interest-based social experience".
interest based social experience
the significance of Google+ was less as a Facebook competitor than as a means of gathering and connecting user information from Google's various services
gathering and connecting user information
"a social layer across all of Google's services",
social layer across ambient autonomous personal first long tail services
instituted a company-wide "lockdown", signaling that employees were supposed to dedicate time to bringing Facebook's features into line with Google+
bring Facebook features into line wti G+
ability to post photos and status updates to the stream or interest-based communities, group different types of relationships (rather than simply "friends") into Circles, a multi-person instant messaging, text and video chat called Hangouts, events, location tagging, and the ability to edit and upload photos to private cloud-based albums
ability to post photos and status updates to the stream or interest-based communities, group different types of relationships (rather than simply "friends") into Circles, a multi-person instant messaging, text and video chat called Hangouts, events, location tagging, and the ability to edit and upload photos to private cloud-based albums
www.google.com www.google.com
Google+Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Google+Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Google+Some 300 million monthly active users participated in the social network by interacting with the Google+ social-networking stream. According to ComScore, the ...Users: 200 million (2019)Predecessor(s): Google Wave (2009–2010);
martech.org martech.org
Google+ Hits 300 Million Active Monthly “In-Stream”
300 Million
“social layer”
Google+ "Social Layer"
bafybeic7lc5koozib6vyez7fv7p63htmrm4o2heebv3rbo4ff54l3hv3by.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeic7lc5koozib6vyez7fv7p63htmrm4o2heebv3rbo4ff54l3hv3by.ipfs.w3s.link
fed.wiki fed.wiki
Text and Video Chats Federated wiki developers and users meet twice a week by video chat and all day every day by text chat.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
How to See the End of the World - with John Vervaeke (Chino conference)
annotations.lindylearn.io annotations.lindylearn.io
Social Layer of Public Annotations
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Peter Hagen 1st degree connection 1st Founder at lindylearn.io
github.com github.com
www.google.com www.google.com
benjamine/jsondiffpatch: Diff & patch JavaScript objectshttps://github.com › benjamine › jsondiffpatchhttps://github.com › benjamine › jsondiffpatchDiff & patch JavaScript objects. Contribute to benjamine/jsondiffpatch development by creating an account on GitHub.
github.com github.com
Diff algorithm that understands HTML, in the browser.
onassar.github.io onassar.github.io
JS/Node Diff Tool JavaScript diff tool which can be run on both the server (Node.js) and client end. Tested it, and it works pretty well. May use this to show diff's without a server reload, loading in the entire document as plain text and then comparing it to a previously fetched text-blob.
www.google.com www.google.com
HTMLDiff Software Projects and Repos (Open Source)GitHub Pageshttps://onassar.github.io › htmldiff-software-discoveriesGitHub Pageshttps://onassar.github.io › htmldiff-software-discoveriesNov 21, 2012 — JavaScript diff tool which can be run on both the server (Node.js) and client end. Tested it, and it works pretty well. May use this to show ...
search - html diff tool open source
www.fit.vut.cz www.fit.vut.cz
Augmented Transition Networks
shape rule language
www.w3.org www.w3.org
for - SHACL - shapes - Wood - What's in a link
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
in fact they are simply different ways of manipulating symbolic representation
symbols are but indeces to experience
symbols connect even if you do not use a graph, conversely that's why you end up with a graph of sort.
But it all depends on what's in a name and what's in a link?
Meta-Plexic Abstraction to capture the Symbolic Unity of Everything!
js.cytoscape.org js.cytoscape.orgCytoscape.js10
Similar to the source and target fields of edges, the parent field is normally immutable
flipped the concept of a graph too
The edges are the fundamental concepts
visualized as Compound Nodes
Compound nodes are an addition to the traditional graph model.
Compound nodes are an addition to the traditional graph model
compound nodes
model position or a rendered position
model position
rendered position
a function returns a reference back to the calling object to allow for chaining
allow chaining
Chainable for convenience
Abstracted and unified touch events
unified touch events
selectors for terse filtering and graph querying
graph querying
Fully serialisable and deserialisable via JSON
Cytoscape.js Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
combines the speed of spectral layout with the aesthetics of force-directed layout
spectral layot
aesthetic of force directed
github.com github.com
About Graph theory (network) library for visualisation and analysis
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Building expressive, flexible and extendable cryptographically secured communication tools that support forming human trust in digital relationships.My thoughts and questions exist here - https://wip-abramson.dev/
just seen on greencheck.world
entralized entities controlling
- the allocation of web addresses,
- domain names, and root servers.
ISPs have the ability to - block access to the internet altogether.
Facebook, YouTube, and the like decide - what content is inappropriate, and, - what content appears in your feeds.
Amazon determines - which products you can use the convenience of its site to buy.
Google steers you - to some web sites over others, - according to its secret algorithms.
the internet, which has given
- a taste of radical participation and
- democratized access to information,
but whose filters - on access and information - have caused increasing alarm.
The ability to control the carrier results in the ability to control the message.
and the message turns into massage
github.com github.com
The Library contains all Murmurations schemas and field definitions
www.allatpatika.hu www.allatpatika.huFőoldal1
család utcai
www.google.com www.google.com
monogram Learn to pronounce nounnoun: monogram; plural noun: monogramsa motif of two or more interwoven letters, typically a person's initials, used to identify a personal possession or as a logo.
for - IndyNet
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.comPotluck1
Potluck v0.5
wwwrangler Wrangle data from/to any website.
addons.mozilla.org addons.mozilla.org
wwwrangler by Robert Bestwrangle data from any web page
firefox add-on
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
Nora Bateson
wiki.p2pfoundation.net wiki.p2pfoundation.net
Over time the ongoing survival of the organisms in their environments requires that there be learning, and learning to learn, together.
there be learning
learning to learn, together
learn what u need to learn and learn it
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Discipline Global Mobile
for - Celtic Knot
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Celtic knot
www.youtube.com www.youtube.comYouTube1
docdrop.org docdrop.org
how the internet and everything else having to do with the infrastructure info structures of civilization going forward
how the internet and everything else having to do with - the infrastructure - info structures of civilization - going forward - can best to go forward for : IndyVerse
commons.wikimedia.org commons.wikimedia.org
celtic knot
commons.wikimedia.org commons.wikimedia.org