23,451 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms Federal agency reveals the first group of winners from its six-year competition.


    1. As soon as we try to talk about universality, we make it particular.


    1. when you invent a broken wheel there is it isn't obvious what the wheel is or it doesn't even work at all flat tire you can you can 00:19:55 run it at the expense of the tire and figure out what the tire should be in a square wheel you can run it and figure out it should be rounder but a broken wheel won't work and so attempts to fix a broken wheel 00:20:08 produce more variations of a broken wheel and we've had 16 years of them ok

      when you invent a broken wheelthere is - it isn't obvious what the wheel is


    2. use something like open search

    1. the scientific era had killed metaphysics

      the scientific era had killed metaphysics - and by metaphysics he means - the ultimate truth you know - the one and

      he claimed that the twin forces of Science and pragmatism had replaced - metaphysics - but that that was a mistake

      because you know in a certain colloquial sense

      Hegel thought - man cannot live by science and pragmatism alone

      claim : his basic claim is that - metaphysics is logic and - logic needed updating um and that - logic had been left untouched by both science and pragmatism that - all that was left of logic was an empty form without any real psychic content

    2. shift from what 00:01:55 is with a capital is meaning here the absolute one the essential Unity and fusion with that essential Unity to 00:02:07 uh what is you know a practical pragmatic reality and um a emphasis on closeness as opposed to Absolute Fusion

      what IS vs

      pragmatic what is (facts?)

    3. make logic alive again for the spiritual world for our life world

      make logic alive again

    4. THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (w/ Layman Pascal)

    1. THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (wYouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watchYouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watch1:58:37THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (w/ Layman Pascal). Philosophy Portal.YouTube · Philosophy Portal · Dec 5, 2022

    2. Metaphysics of Adjacency: Three levels? - Layman PascalSubstackhttps://laymanpascal.substack.com › metaphysics-of-adja...Substackhttps://laymanpascal.substack.com › metaphysics-of-adja...Mar 26, 2021 — The metaphysics of adjacency (MOA) is my attempt to describe the type of metaphysics required by postmetaphysics and implied by pluralistic, ...

      search : metaphiscs of adjacency Description

    3. How the Absolute Might MoveMediumhttps://medium.com › ...Mediumhttps://medium.com › ...(Re)constructing “A Is A” argues that “The Metaphysics of Adjacency” created by Layman is brilliant and aligns with the work of Hegel, as does the work of ...The Modern Counter-Enlightenment - O.G. Rose - Mediumhttps://o-g-rose-writing.medium.com › ...https://o-g-rose-writing.medium.com › ...Dec 12, 2022 — 'Our contemporary age is bringing into popular discussion the Metaphysics of Adjacency under various names — 'post-metaphysics,' ...

    4. GENERATIVE (EN)CLOSURES, BUBBLES, AND MAGIC ...Integral Review Journalhttps://integral-review.org › issues › vol_15_no...Integral Review Journalhttps://integral-review.org › issues › vol_15_no...PDFby B Alderman · 2019 — The slippery way I use generative (en)closure is prepositional – i.e., a promiscuous angel. 7 Layman Pascal introduced his Metaphysics of Adjacency in two ...26 pages
    1. How the Absolute Might Move

    1. When you share the link to a document or shared folder through an insecure channel

      When you share the link to a document or shared folder through an insecure channel - (for example email or SMS), - someone might intercept the link and - gain access to your data.

      To prevent this from happening, - the owners of a document or folder - can add a password.

    1. Frequently Asked QuestionsA few questions to discover PeerTube You can also go on the forum to discuss with the community.PeerTube Presentation


    1. on the web platform we are creating unintended silos

      on the web platform we are creating unintended silos by - making it harder to get data in and out of web sites and apps,

      the data only flows one way: - from the web to apps, - because apps can be in all the places that users expect them to be on their devices.

    2. Chrome started to work on the Web Share Target API


    1. Many users of the program desired to use this same idea to create personal websites. This led to the creation of Trellix Web (codenamed "Brooklyn"), a downloadable, client-based software tool

      create personal websites

    2. Trellix[1] was a software company whose products allowed web users to set up personal websites with the use of online publishing tools.[2]

    1. Daniel Singer Bricklin (born July 16, 1951) is an American businessman and engineer who is the co-creator, with Bob Frankston, of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program. He also founded Software Garden, Inc., of which he is currently president, and Trellix.[1] which he left in 2004.[2] He currently serves as the chief technology officer of Alpha Software.[3]

    1. Dan Bricklin coined the term "friend-to-friend network" in 2000.[1]


    2. F2F networks can grow in size without compromising their users' anonymity

      without compromising anonymity

    3. Friend-to-friend


    1. The friend-to-friend structure of the Retroshare network makes it difficult to intrude and hardly possible to monitor from an external point of view.


      friend 2 friend

    2. Retroshare is an instant messaging and file-sharing network that uses a distributed hash table for address discovery. Users can communicate indirectly through mutual friends and request direct connections.


    3. Retroshare is a free and open-source peer-to-peer communication and file sharing app based on a friend-to-friend network built by GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).[4] Optionally, peers may exchange certificates and IP addresses to their friends and vice versa

    1. Looks like it is not possible to annotate CryptPad shared pages

      found : CryptPad - Simon Grant Home Page

    1. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

      • 🟠Large Orange Circle
      • 🟡Large Yellow CircleU+1F7E2
      • 🟢Large Green CircleU+1F7E3
      • 🟣Large Purple CircleU+1F7E4
      • 🟤

      🟔 Heavy Twelve Pointed Pinwheel Star


      🟕 Circled Triangle


      🟖 Negative Circled Triangle


      🟗 Circled Square


      🟘 Negative Circled Square


    1. Douglas Engelbart and the Means to an EndA List Aparthttps://alistapart.com › column › douglas-engelbartA List Aparthttps://alistapart.com › column › douglas-engelbartJul 25, 2013 — The era was dominated by a belief that artificial intelligence was at hand and would soon create a world populated by thinking machines.

      search : engelbart problem-oriented


    1. build a new Open Source knowledge management tool.

      build new Open Source knowledge management tool

    2. Join us to contributing to Open Source, European Digital Sovereignty and a Human Centric Technology world!

      digital sovereignty

    3. Job Offers Become the next XWikier
  2. cryptpad.org cryptpad.org
    1. lease check their jobs page for more information

    1. open and store CryptPad documents in Nextcloud


    2. CryptPad Draw.io integration and provide a diagram editor and build an API to integrate CryptPad as an editor for NextCloud text and diagrams.

      nextcloud text and diagrams

    3. CryptPad White Paper to describe the security of CryptPad.

      white paper

    4. CryptPad Funding Status January 2023 Ludovic Dubost - 9 Feb 2023

    1. HedgeDoc lets you create real-time collaborative markdown notes.

      real-time collaborative

    2. HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown.


    1. npm install -g bower


    2. Bower A package manager for the web



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2.75996,-10.38381 4.06102,-14.1598 -2.60007,3.25873 -6.04001,7.1252 -10.31982,11.59939 L 86.12566,729.8159" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path2" style="fill:none;stroke:#0087ff;stroke-width:3.28386545;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4" d="m 242.27371,772.00406 c 0.26666,0.68537 0.5332,1.3697 0.81093,2.03897 0.42773,0.90933 0.922,1.77974 1.51639,2.59227 3.21051,4.36413 8.58716,6.75366 15.41353,7.34862 0,0 7.34302,0 7.34302,0 2.32173,-0.18116 4.75464,-0.51882 7.27636,-1.01207 4.34906,-0.85043 8.95929,-2.15678 13.74726,-3.90261 3.62705,-1.32245 7.3541,-2.88712 11.13662,-4.70567 8.23729,-3.94873 16.74671,-9.04148 25.09506,-15.18751 2.74946,-2.02242 5.38772,-4.09758 7.92063,-6.20767 2.32173,-1.93179 4.54905,-3.89371 6.67649,-5.8772 5.93759,-5.72219 10.42009,-11.53376 12.95848,-16.63667 2.64386,-5.31398 3.17158,-9.85744 1.00533,-12.71967 -1.32747,-1.7569 -3.54931,-2.69843 -6.40983,-2.91999 12.88633,-9.6692 20.3959,-21.3985 17.70204,-28.79369 -0.85545,-2.36008 -2.73838,-4.12086 -5.43784,-5.09458 -1.19973,-0.43149 -2.54946,-0.70488 -4.02144,-0.82931 0,0 -3.96585,0 -3.96585,0 -5.53772,0.39942 -13.59076,2.38234 -20.42273,5.73052" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> </g> <g id="g3" style="fill:#0087ff" transform="matrix(1.705222,0,0,1.705222,858.2003,2786.4508)"> <path id="path3" transform="translate(-451.3678,-427.5077)" d="m 0,36 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.35,-14 3.35,-14 0,0 12.12,0 12.12,0 0,0 1.56,-6 1.56,-6 0,0 -12.17,0 -12.17,0 0,0 2.02,-9 2.02,-9 0,0 12.95,0 12.95,0 0,0 1.56,-7 1.56,-7 C 28.85,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 0,36 0,36 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path4" transform="translate(-425.4178,-417.5077)" d="m 7.51,26 c 0,0 2.24,-9.4 2.24,-9.4 1.18,-5.09 3.67,-9.6 8.38,-9.6 0.42,0 0.83,0.21 1.14,0.26 0,0 1.82,-7.21 1.82,-7.21 -0.42,0 -0.88,-0.05 -1.4,-0.05 -3.47,0 -6.38,2.44 -8.32,5.94 0,0 -0.2,0 -0.2,0 C 11.46,4.23 11.71,2.61 11.9,1 11.9,1 5.47,1 5.47,1 5.1,3.08 4.53,7.15 3.66,10.82 3.66,10.82 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.51,0 7.51,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path5" transform="translate(-404.7878,-417.5077)" d="M 20.06,19.25 C 17.99,20.26 15.63,20 12.88,20 10.71,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.43,16.81 7.47,16 17.6,16.27 23.99,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.73,0 0.73,8.08 0.34,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.78,26 c 2.79,0 6.49,-0.32 9.52,-1.23 0,0 -0.24,-5.52 -0.24,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.47,10 9.1,7.91 11.22,6 14.69,6 c 1.71,0 2.69,0.65 2.63,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path6" transform="translate(-378.2678,-417.5077)" d="M 20.05,19.25 C 17.98,20.26 15.62,20 12.88,20 10.7,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.42,16.81 7.46,16 17.6,16.27 23.98,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.72,0 0.72,8.08 0.33,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.77,26 c 2.8,0 6.5,-0.32 9.53,-1.23 0,0 -0.25,-5.52 -0.25,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.46,10 9.1,7.91 11.21,6 14.68,6 c 1.71,0 2.7,0.65 2.64,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path7" transform="translate(-342.3578,-417.5077)" d="M 22.74,26 C 22.8,22.83 23.56,17.85 24.35,14.58 24.35,14.58 27.56,1 27.56,1 25.52,0.31 22.34,0 19.28,0 6.86,0 0.7,9.2 0.27,17.82 0,23.23 2.93,26 7.49,26 c 2.95,0 6.28,-1.43 8.87,-5.73 0,0 0.11,0 0.11,0 -0.2,2.07 -0.44,4.08 -0.57,5.73 0,0 6.84,0 6.84,0 z M 17.61,11.72 C 16.15,18.08 13.17,20 10.95,20 8.88,20 7.98,18.53 8.1,16.39 8.34,11.56 12.16,6 16.98,6 c 0.78,0 1.39,-0.14 1.96,-0.28 0,0 -1.33,6 -1.33,6 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path8" transform="translate(-314.7278,-417.5077)" d="m 0,24.82 c 1.44,1.12 4.46,1.13 7.61,1.18 6.73,0.05 11.81,-2.89 12.11,-8.29 0.17,-3.6 -2.62,-5.73 -5.35,-7.16 C 12.4,9.6 11.41,8.69 11.46,7.63 11.53,6.2 12.87,6 14.84,6 c 2.22,0 4,0.27 5.02,0.47 0,0 2.02,-5.42 2.02,-5.42 C 20.73,0.36 18.43,0 15.48,0 8.95,0 4.17,3.45 3.9,8.69 c -0.16,3.24 2.17,5.42 4.99,6.9 2.28,1.17 3.06,2.07 3,3.34 C 11.82,20.21 10.68,20 8.61,20 6.18,20 3.49,19.68 2.07,19.46 2.07,19.46 0,24.82 0,24.82 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path9" transform="translate(-282.2778,-428.5077)" d="m 7.45,37 c 0,0 6.05,-25 6.05,-25 0,0 -7.41,0 -7.41,0 0,0 -6.09,25 -6.09,25 0,0 7.45,0 7.45,0 z M 10.92,9 C 13.46,9 15.72,6.9 15.86,3.3 15.98,0.86 14.4,0 12.07,0 9.64,0 7.42,1.58 7.29,3.94 7.17,6.32 8.75,9 10.92,9 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path10" transform="translate(-267.9878,-416.8177)" d="m 7.46,25.31 c 0,0 2.64,-11.26 2.64,-11.26 1.37,-5.73 4.32,-7.74 6.75,-7.74 1.92,0 2.48,0.82 2.39,2.01 -0.05,0.96 -0.2,1.97 -0.4,2.87 0,0 -3.36,14.12 -3.36,14.12 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.54,-14.81 3.54,-14.81 C 26.75,9.22 27.05,7.31 27.11,6.15 27.33,1.64 25.08,0 20.94,0 c -3.32,0 -6.55,1.54 -9.1,4.88 0,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 0,0 0.68,-4.57 0.68,-4.57 0,0 -6.58,0 -6.58,0 C 5.41,2.45 4.86,5.04 4.08,8.06 4.08,8.06 0,25.31 0,25.31 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path11" transform="translate(-228.4278,-427.5077)" d="m 0,36 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.36,-14 3.36,-14 0,0 12.11,0 12.11,0 0,0 1.56,-6 1.56,-6 0,0 -12.17,0 -12.17,0 0,0 2.02,-9 2.02,-9 0,0 12.95,0 12.95,0 0,0 1.56,-7 1.56,-7 C 28.85,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 0,36 0,36 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path12" transform="translate(-202.4778,-417.5077)" d="m 7.51,26 c 0,0 2.24,-9.4 2.24,-9.4 1.18,-5.09 3.67,-9.6 8.38,-9.6 0.42,0 0.83,0.21 1.14,0.26 0,0 1.82,-7.21 1.82,-7.21 -0.42,0 -0.88,-0.05 -1.4,-0.05 -3.47,0 -6.38,2.44 -8.32,5.94 0,0 -0.2,0 -0.2,0 C 11.46,4.23 11.71,2.61 11.9,1 11.9,1 5.47,1 5.47,1 5.11,3.08 4.53,7.15 3.66,10.82 3.66,10.82 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.51,0 7.51,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path13" transform="translate(-181.8478,-417.5077)" d="M 20.06,19.25 C 17.99,20.26 15.63,20 12.88,20 10.71,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.43,16.81 7.47,16 17.6,16.27 23.99,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.73,0 0.73,8.08 0.34,15.86 0,22.65 3.53,26 10.78,26 c 2.79,0 6.5,-0.32 9.52,-1.23 0,0 -0.24,-5.52 -0.24,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.47,10 9.1,7.91 11.22,6 14.69,6 c 1.71,0 2.69,0.65 2.63,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path14" transform="translate(-155.3278,-417.5077)" d="M 20.05,19.25 C 17.98,20.26 15.62,20 12.88,20 10.7,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.42,16.81 7.46,16 17.6,16.27 23.98,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.72,0 0.72,8.08 0.33,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.77,26 c 2.8,0 6.5,-0.32 9.53,-1.23 0,0 -0.25,-5.52 -0.25,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.46,10 9.1,7.91 11.21,6 14.68,6 c 1.71,0 2.7,0.65 2.64,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path15" transform="translate(-128.9478,-428.5077)" d="M 23.31,0 C 23.31,0 20.5,11.36 20.5,11.36 19.48,10.94 18.15,11 17.11,11 7.53,11 0.75,19.2 0.3,28.08 0,34.34 3.34,37 7.64,37 c 3.01,0 6.18,-1.33 8.58,-4.77 0,0 0.1,0 0.1,0 0,0 -0.57,4.77 -0.57,4.77 0,0 6.78,0 6.78,0 0.31,-3 0.96,-6.57 1.69,-9.83 0,0 6.49,-27.17 6.49,-27.17 0,0 -7.4,0 -7.4,0 z M 17.47,24.42 C 16.3,29.35 13.54,31 11.36,31 9.19,31 7.98,29.49 8.13,26.8 8.38,21.82 11.8,17 16.25,17 c 1.25,0 2.32,0.19 2.91,0.47 0,0 -1.69,6.95 -1.69,6.95 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path16" transform="translate(-99.2378,-417.5077)" d="M 10.61,26 C 19.31,26 26.02,19.41 26.49,10.44 26.78,4.5 23.08,0 16.25,0 7.23,0 0.76,7.3 0.31,16.12 0,22.54 4.14,26 10.61,26 Z m 1.17,-6 C 9.24,20 7.84,18.38 7.99,15.96 8.19,11.93 10.68,6 14.97,6 c 2.96,0 3.87,2.27 3.75,4.5 -0.22,4.4 -2.9,9.5 -6.94,9.5 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path17" transform="translate(-70.6778,-417.5077)" d="M 7.2,26 C 7.2,26 9.9,14.58 9.9,14.58 11.03,9.49 13.85,6 16.38,6 c 1.82,0 2.32,1.33 2.23,3.07 -0.05,0.9 -0.25,1.91 -0.46,2.91 0,0 -3.34,14.02 -3.34,14.02 0,0 7.2,0 7.2,0 0,0 2.7,-11.47 2.7,-11.47 C 25.95,9.28 28.61,6 31.09,6 c 1.71,0 2.42,1.22 2.34,2.96 -0.05,1.01 -0.26,2.12 -0.52,3.13 0,0 -3.24,13.91 -3.24,13.91 0,0 7.25,0 7.25,0 0,0 3.49,-14.81 3.49,-14.81 0.27,-1.33 0.58,-3.4 0.63,-4.46 C 41.26,2.33 39.11,0 35.23,0 31.91,0 28.68,1.5 26.23,4.66 26.14,2.38 24.51,0 20.47,0 17.2,0 14.08,1.48 11.58,4.83 c 0,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 0,0 0.67,-3.83 0.67,-3.83 0,0 -6.42,0 -6.42,0 C 5.31,3.14 4.8,5.73 4.02,8.75 4.02,8.75 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.2,0 7.2,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> </g> </g> </svg>

    2. Fully open-source

      CryptPad is free software. Anyone can host the platform in a personal or professional capacity. The development team offers subscriptions and support contracts for ready-to-use deployments.

    3. A full suite of applications


    4. Funded by and for users

      Funded by and for users

      Unlike other platforms, CryptPad - does not offer "free" services - to sell user-data and - cash-out for its investors.

      Our current goal is to be - fully funded by users through - subscriptions and donations.

      There are - no investors - waiting to profit from user data - (it's encrypted anyway), and - no "exit strategy" since all the code is already in the public domain.

    5. Funded by and for users Unlike other platforms, CryptPad does not offer "free" services to sell user-data and cash-out for its investors. Our current goal is to be fully funded by users through subscriptions and donations. There are no investors waiting to profit from user data (it's encrypted anyway), and no "exit strategy" since all the code is already in the public domain.


    1. Personal Computer For Children Of All Ages

      PC for children

    2. DynaBook – Complete History of the DynaBook

    1. context - clude - HTML universal exchange format | IndyWeb Page Home

      search : dynabook alan kay

    2. Complete History of the DynaBookHistory-Computerhttps://history-computer.com › Articles › ProductsHistory-Computerhttps://history-computer.com › Articles › ProductsNov 30, 2022 — Alan Kay invented the concept of the DynaBook in 1968. · It was a a personal computer for children of all ages. · Alan Kay's vision of the ...$500.00

    3. DynabookWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DynabookWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › DynabookThe KiddiComp concept, envisioned by Alan Kay in 1968 while a PhD candidate, and later developed and described as the Dynabook in his 1972 proposal "A ..

    1. Dynamic documents as personal software

      documents as personal software

      for - DynaDocs as Personal Software

      for - Personalized Mobile Computing

    2. gradually enhancing a document into a software application

      The idea of - gradually enhancing a document - into a software application is not new.

      It’s related to document-based - productivity tools

    1. But Xanadu

      But Xanadu was more complex and nuanced.

      It centered around the principle of - "Parallel Documents, Visibly Linked" - – the proposed interface presented documents side-by-side, and - included features like version control and - Bi-Directional Links.


    2. Transclusion and Transcopyright DreamsThe lost permissioning and copyright system of the Web

    1. Description

    2. Conclusion

      The current implementation of IPFS Lite is not really compatible to IPFS(kubo), due to the fact that it does not publish any data on the IPFS DHT. Because simply it does not make sense.

      Therefore a regular IPFS node, will probably not find and IPFS Lite node data,because it does not try to connect directly to the node which offers the IPNS data.

      With this in mind the, a client (Thor - IPFS Lite) has been developed, which is optimized for this behaviour. This client can also handle regular IPFS/IPNS data.

    3. IPFS Lite

    1. Hyperlink Academy
      • intimate groups

      • creative collaboration Description

      • shared worlds

    1. ☸gyuri🦁@🗫①♾@INDYLABb@💻bootstrap@indylab1 2022 02 25 12:04 - source : Commons P2P wiki requirements - by : Simon Grant | LinkedIn - links : clone - p2p wiki @asimong
    1. Collaboration suite, end-to-end encrypted and open-source. Made at XWiki

    1. Collective Intelligence Labs We develop Web 3.0 technologies for decentralized decision-making and meritocratic reputation-based governance systems. Information Technology & Services 40 followers 4 employees

    1. DEIP - Creator Economy Protocol DEIP is the first Web 3.0 domain-specific protocol for tokenization and governance of high-value intangible assets #NFT

    1. run your own instance

      run your own instance

    2. CryptPad is a collaborative office suite that is end-to-end encrypted and open-source.

      Very nice

      could make it offline first, local-first with IndyWeb and async

    3. Collaboration and privacy Yes, you can have both

    1. Database¶ CryptPad takes an unusual approach to storing documents on the server. User data is simply stored on the file system rather than a database.

    1. 20,756 views Sep 23, 2019 Thoughts on Functional Programming Season 2 What happens when your language is so powerful that small, independent teams can solve their problems without libraries? Does everyone flock to it? Or do you just get a lack of libraries?

      ►► Audio, Video, and Transcript available: https://lispcast.com/what-is-the-curs... ►► Subscribe on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/t...

    2. What is the Curse of Lisp?
    1. unimaginably miraculous the more that we invite that kind of experience and imperious to be given to us so on my way

      experience and inperience to be given to us

    2. Description

    1. Who Am I? The Realization That Brings an End to Karma ~ Shunyamurti Satsang with Q&A


    1. How to build (and rebuild) trust6,135,566 views | Frances Frei • TED2018

      trust is the foundation for everything we do

    1. This may be the most incisive, profound, and rewatchable TED Talk I have ever seen! So much understanding and wisdom packed into 15 minutes!

    1. no longer live in a world at all but exist in a simulacrum of our own making

      live in a simulacrum of our own making


    1. existence of the match, of the shared interests.


      Interest based social networks


      Now in the works replacing Google+ forging the IndyVerse

    2. Social Media Potential For Building Meaningful Connections

    3. Current social media platforms are largely unfit for creating meaningful connections online

      Find the Other create connection s that are - meaningful - (a)live for You, always - autonomous - private - secure - based on trust for trust, but verify - evergreen/permanent

    1. With IPFS the entire World Wide Web can be considered as one torrent file that everyone shares

      One torrent file that everyone shares

    2. Here are the benefits that the web 2.0 cannot compete with

    3. How IPFS is Challenging the Web as We Know It

    1. How IPFS is Challenging the Web as We Know It - Medium

    2. Is IPFS a blockchain?Quorahttps://www.quora.com › Is-IPFS-a-blockchainQuorahttps://www.quora.com › Is-IPFS-a-blockchainAug 23, 2019 — While blockchain shares a ledger with its nodes, IPFS is a peer to peer file-sharing system that hashes files (similar to the way blockchain hashes transactions) ...6 answers  ·  4 votes: TL;DR No IPFS is actually a network protocol that aims to replace the curren

    3. google - search - Is IPFS a blockchain?

      Although it uses similar architectural elements - like Merkle Trees,

      IPFS is not built on Blockchain but rather is - designed to work together with existing Blockchain protocols.

      As mentioned in the misconceptions above, - each file uploaded to IPFS will get a permanent address.

      IPFS gives you the abiity to create contentchains and with IPLD allows you to link them together to suite your intent and purpose

      it gives you instasnt global permanent consensus if you like

      the more participants the better the network is

    1. “I see!” said a voice at the back of the hall, breaking the silence. “You are trying to articulate, in language that only philosophers can understand, intuitions that only computer scientists can have.” Still haunting, thirty years later. But it is time for change.

      articulate in language philosophers can understand

      intuitions only computer scientist can have


      age of significance

    1. How to build tree-shakeable JavaScript librariesSeptember 13, 2022Best PracticesDan OnoshkoOpen Source Ecosystem Engineer at Cube

      4 - web know how

    2. Rollup performs

      Rollup performs - tree-shaking and - dead code elimination

      on its own.)

    3. tree-shaking is a later term

      tree-shaking is a later term that is - only relevant if JavaScript bundlers and - ES6 imports/exports are used.

  3. Jun 2023
  4. bafybeibjdbiz2pvdsjdcaa2rdjidh2pnbu4yliegnuw5f23lh5afvd6y5a.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeibjdbiz2pvdsjdcaa2rdjidh2pnbu4yliegnuw5f23lh5afvd6y5a.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. analyse a potential power triangle between three kinds of mutuallydependent, mutually threatening and co-evolving cognitive systems

      analyse a potential power triangle between three kinds of mutually dependent, mutually threatening and co-evolving cognitive systems—the human being, the social system and the emerging synthetic intelligence. The question we address is what configuration between these powers would enable humans to start governing the global socio-econo-political system, rather than being governed by it?

    2. ‘Semiocene,’ rather than the Anthropocene, would do it more justice

      bad idea

    3. goal-oriented approach to the design of AI systems


    4. // The Intentional Integral Interpersonal InterPlanetary Evergreen co-evolutionay human trust based

      // Kernel for the IndyVerse/Net/Web/Lab we are developing provides the - info structuring - Personal First, interpersonal - com - munication - putation - position - al Open, commons-based, peer-produced, constellations for co-evolving, co-creating bootstrapping in collaborations across self-organizing organically emergent Networked Improvement Communities to augmenting all three cognitive systems

      • the human mind by "improving the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being;
      • externalizing and augmenting through facilitating autonomous self-expanding open collaboration human human emergent social inter-intellect
      • harnessing the power of synthetic intelligence systems for the benefit of Humans

      By autonomously and critically linking to collective externalization/manifestation of human inter-intellect to establish a "Human Takeover" of the control of the - emergent man-machine symbiosys

      "scaling synthesis" and - promoting human autonomyand thriving by - scaling autonomous reach in the long tail of the internet, - not just decentralized but - human centered, interpersonal intercollective reach powered

      not onlylimiting the scope and power of the 'programming' inherent in the very concept of intelligence but humanizing the machine processes by creating the conditions for the manifestation for synthetic intellect that emreges from augmented caling synthesis of machine suppoted symmathetic human interintellect

    5. the human mind, social systemsand the emerging synthetic intelligence

      // The Intentional Integral Interpersonal InterPlanetary Evergreen co-evolutionay human trust based

      // Kernel for the IndyVerse/Net/Web/Lab we are developing provides the - info structuring - Personal First, interpersonal - com - munication - putation - position - al Open, commons-based, peer-produced, constellations for co-evolving, co-creating bootstrapping in collaborations across self-organizing organically emergent Networked Improvement Communities to augmenting all three cognitive systems

      • the human mind by "improving the intellectual effectiveness of the individual human being;
      • externalizing and augmenting through facilitating autonomous self-expanding open collaboration human human emergent social inter-intellect
      • harnessing the power of synthetic intelligence systems for the benefit of Humans

      By autonomously and critically linking to collective externalization/manifestation of human inter-intellect to establish a "Human Takeover" of the control of the - emergent man-machine symbiosys

      "scaling synthesis" and - promoting human autonomyand thriving by - scaling autonomous reach in the long tail of the internet, - not just decentralized but - human centered, interpersonal intercollective reach powered

      not onlylimiting the scope and power of the 'programming' inherent in the very concept of intelligence but humanizing the machine processes by creating the conditions for the manifestation for synthetic intellect that emreges from augmented caling synthesis of machine suppoted symmathetic human interintellect

    6. The Human Takeover: A Call for a Venture into anExistential Opportunity

      <svg width="480" height="480" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"><g></g><g transform="translate(240,300)scale(0.6033445358276367,1.0033445358276367)"><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-215,67)rotate(59.99999999999999)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">think</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(217,104)rotate(-59.99999999999999)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">available</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-75,88)rotate(-29.999999999999993)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">final</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(196,-95)rotate(59.99999999999999)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">development</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-60,2)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">one</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(63,-265)rotate(-29.999999999999993)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">along</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-155,-244)rotate(-59.99999999999999)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">instead</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-55,-214)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">many</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(336,96)rotate(29.999999999999993)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">Thus</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-196,-111)rotate(-59.99999999999999)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);"></text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-76,-102)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 100px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">Opportunity</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(8,-8)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 100px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">Human</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(218,-85)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 92px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">Existential</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(133,69)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 74px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">world</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-219,-20)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 60px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">Venture</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-349,60)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 60px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">Artificial</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(193,-68)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">1</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(95,-219)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">good</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-23,-178)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">enough</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-119,81)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">transition</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-359,-113)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">mediating</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-36,96)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">Information</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-216,-220)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">distributed</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(224,36)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">governance</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(8,103)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">must</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(59,39)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">just</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-167,29)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">cognitive</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-10,155)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">social</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(168,98)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">systems</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(152,205)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">global</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(74,-207)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">AI</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(322,177)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">Takeover</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(69,174)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">Call</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-191,195)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 42px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">dominate</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(193,-126)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">9</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(258,9)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">113</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-41,133)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">2018</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-94,103)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">Abstract</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(286,-127)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">propose</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-87,-215)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">establishing</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(226,112)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">humans</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(174,-131)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">live</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(108,9)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">Defining</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-69,-86)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">converse</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-8,-85)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">riskthat</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(79,125)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">promises</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-284,-67)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">dramatically</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(167,-89)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">improve</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-41,11)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">future</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-33,164)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">humanitywe</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(124,150)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">argue</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(170,-57)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">explored</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-220,-86)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">now</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(122,-78)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">resides</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(238,-20)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">moment</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(91,-90)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">Internetfrom</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(241,121)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">direct</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(44,-88)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">sense</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-200,53)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">selforganization</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-158,55)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">Internet</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(304,-77)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">tomorrow</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(357,-51)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">mediate</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-71,67)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">execution</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(261,-159)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">contracts</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-224,-185)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">transactions</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(213,-51)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">public</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(378,-8)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">interventions</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(34,205)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">changeestablishing</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-153,-21)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">events</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(154,144)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">reliably</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-187,-7)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">synergistically</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(311,102)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">technology</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(263,133)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">institution</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-17,191)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">become</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-206,89)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">synthetically</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-235,71)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">intelligent</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-233,-72)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">agent</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(309,131)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">observed</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-121,-90)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">exploited</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(261,-213)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">instrumentally</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(15,51)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">ventured</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-41,-89)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">seized</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-113,124)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; 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font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">systemthe</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-103,-179)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">mind</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(292,-171)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">emerging</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(243,179)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">synthetic</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-58,-236)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">intelligenceserving</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(305,-140)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">augment</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(348,-62)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">autonomy</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-145,42)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; 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font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">mechanism</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-35,208)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">subsumes</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(191,49)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">minds</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(357,-27)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">steers</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-174,-181)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">automates</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(273,-197)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">thinking</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(93,131)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">see</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(348,-118)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">described</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-165,143)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">aiming</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(344,-141)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">dissolution</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(54,54)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">core</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(382,30)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">reason</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-120,-240)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">programmings</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-58,228)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">effectivenessthe</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-261,37)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">critical</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-252,-215)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">dependence</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(296,-189)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">continuity</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(23,-77)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">lives</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-273,-198)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">coherence</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(22,-257)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">socially</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-192,141)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">constructed</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(11,-213)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">personas</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-184,43)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">wear</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-272,28)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">oppose</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-8,-261)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">popular</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-391,41)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">prediction</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-374,63)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">upcoming</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-140,-240)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">dreadful</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(86,190)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">action</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-406,8)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">worrying</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(149,-174)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">soon</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-81,6)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">come</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(35,7)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">govern</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-219,-171)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">let</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(359,82)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">help</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(88,-193)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">finally</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(207,174)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">able</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-73,-258)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">Keywords</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(221,-242)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">personware</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-367,100)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">communication</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(399,-76)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">cognition</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-229,120)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">dissonance</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(45,221)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">symbolic</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(321,-166)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">order</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-159,-269)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">emancipation</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(1,244)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">Introduction</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(397,-34)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">collective</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-91,239)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">imagination</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-338,-43)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">society</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-399,-46)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">grown</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-25,-273)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">preoccupied</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-383,-107)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">images</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-108,-218)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(214, 97, 107);">course</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(234,-221)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 150, 156);">already</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(196,202)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(123, 65, 115);">pointed</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-334,148)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(165, 81, 148);">extensively</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(58,-238)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 109, 189);">Nick</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-233,203)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(222, 158, 214);">Bostrom</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-282,163)rotate(0)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(57, 59, 121);">however</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(378,-98)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(82, 84, 163);">stops</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(396,-114)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(107, 110, 207);">humanlevel</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(168,223)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(156, 158, 222);">machine</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(33,-262)rotate(60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(99, 121, 57);">latter</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(48,247)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 162, 82);">destination</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(374,72)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(181, 207, 107);">next</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(10,-250)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(206, 219, 156);">stop</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-251,104)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(140, 109, 49);">short</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-399,75)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(189, 158, 57);">distance</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-176,-269)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 186, 82);">farther</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(-253,77)rotate(-60)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(231, 203, 148);">tracks</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(355,-164)rotate(30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(132, 60, 57);">doi103390info9050113</text><text text-anchor="middle" transform="translate(395,93)rotate(-30)" style="font-size: 10px; font-family: Impact; fill: rgb(173, 73, 74);">wwwmdpicomjournalinformation</text></g></svg>

    7. Thus, we oppose the popular prediction

      Thus, we oppose the popular prediction of the upcoming, - ‘dreadful AI takeover’ with - a call for action:

    8. instead of worrying that ArtificialIntelligence

      instead of worrying that - Artificial Intelligence will soon come to

      • dominate and govern the human world,

      let us think of how it could help the human being to - finally be able to do it

      // harness emergent Artificial Intelligence - in a man-machine symbiosis created - for the people, by the people, - for Human benefit first - (not for the benefit of a few with the control of the machines designed to control humans) - which itself is a fools errand, born of the inability of honoring the complexity of the situation on a clear self-terminating path - but by Flipping the prevailing paradigm of - Augmenting the Machine's capabilities at the expense noit only of Human Potential, but actually limiting the capabilities of the machines and destroying the possibility of the emergence of collective synthesys of Human Intellect and Symmathesy for human benefit empowered by emergent externalization of human interintellect in aform that enables machine to manifest sythetic intellect capable of managing comkplexity for mutual benefit.

    9. We see the venture intothe existential opportunity

      We see the venture into - the existential opportunity described here as

      aiming at the - global dissolution of the core reason of that programming’s effectiveness

      —the critical dependence of the continuity of human lives on the - coherence of the socially constructed personas they ‘wear.’

    10. Our proposition is grounded in a detailed analysis

      Our proposition is grounded in a detailed analysis of - the manner in which the socio-econo-political system - has evolved into a powerful control mechanism

      that - subsumes human minds, - steers their will and - automates their thinking.

    11. We envision a configuration of three kinds of cognitive system

      We envision a configuration of three kinds of cognitive system - —the human mind, - social systems and - the emerging synthetic intelligence - —serving to augment - the autonomy of the first from - the - ‘programming’ imposed by the second.

    12. The opportunity residesin

      The opportunity resides in the - moment of transition of the Internet - —from mediating information to - mediating distributed direct governance

      in the sense of self-organization.

    13. We propose a venture into an

      We propose a venture into an - existential opportunity - for establishing a world - ‘good enough’ for humans to live in.

      Defining an - existential opportunity as the converse of - an existential risk

      —that is, a development that promises to - dramatically improve the future of humanity

      —we argue that one such opportunity - is available and - should be explored now.

    1. A demographic inversion is taking place: cities are where the affluent millennials and retirees want to live, while suburbs are becoming home to poorer people and immigrants.

    1. Tino Klaehne 2nd degree connection 2nd Scaling Corporate Innovation with Strategy & Design Talks about #foresight, #strategicforesight, #corporateinnovation, and #strategicintelligenceTalks about hashtag foresight, hashtag strategicforesight, hashtag corporateinnovation, and hashtag strategicintelligence Lufthansa Innovation Hub Technical University Munich Berlin, Berlin, Germany Contact info



    1. [PDF][PDF] Study for the development of human intellect augmentation techniquesDC Engelbart, WK English… - Interim Progress Report …, 1968 -… After procedures for this hard-copy distribution have been established, we intend to develop methods for handling special requests for hard-copy information from Network members. …Save Cite Cited by 14 Related articles All 12 versions
    1. Francis Heylighen uploaded a paper: The Human Takeover: A Call for a Venture into an Existential Opportunity.3 days ago

    1. Decentralized Storage Alliance@_DSAllianceJoin the most influential enterprises advancing decentralized storage technology, Filecoin, IPFS, and libp2p.dsalliance.ioJoined October 2022

    1. This document will mimic wiki's item mobility

      mimic wiki's item moblity by writing in - single line paragraphs - each item begins with a quotable statement in bold, followed by - disambiguate statement of purpose - // equivalent to '- stub ' clueMark in TrailMarks In-line-plain-text-notation - initially serve as a guide to discussion - later outline for a more standalone document

    2. Visual Design Principles

    1. List of ENS+IPFS websites : r/ipfsReddithttps://www.reddit.com › ipfs › comments › list_of_en...Reddithttps://www.reddit.com › ipfs › comments › list_of_en...May 28, 2019 — We create an IPFS content-chain per author. Everytime an author publishes an article, it is added to the end of this content-chain and the ...

    2. Content Sharing Network based on IPFS and BlockchainInstitute of Physicshttps://iopscience.iop.org › article › pdfInstitute of Physicshttps://iopscience.iop.org › article › pdfby H Xu · 2021 · Cited by 3 — InnerLight uses two chains, one is IPFS content chain and the other is a blockchain, which is a cryptocurrency chain. Each article is posted ...

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    2. And if AI assistance can do that better


    3. Do you think we'll still have Google search 00:01:14 in 5 in 10 years

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