22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Jul 2023
    1. "just sounded like something that no one would want to pay money for

    1. Autonomy is an independent, progressive research organisation that focuses on tackling climate change, the future of work and economic planning Debate-changing research Groundbreaking data tools Pioneering consultancy


    1. Understanding Knowledge as a CommonsSix Silbermanhttps://www.wtf.tw › ref › hess_ostrom_2007Six Silbermanhttps://www.wtf.tw › ref › hess_ostrom_2007PDFby T From — 1 Introduction: An Overview of the Knowledge Commons 3 ... New York: Simon and Schuster. ... grant private property rights in such “living” matter.383 pages


      4 - Open Learning Commons - Open Knowledge Commons - Open Symmathesy Commons

    2. t:knowledge_commons [A Simon Grant – his wiki]https://wiki.simongrant.org › doku.php › t:knowledge...https://wiki.simongrant.org › doku.php › t:knowledge...Jul 31, 2022 — I have a whole section, originally written in 2020, on Requirements for a wiki to support a living knowledge commons. Some of these pages, ..

    3. search - living knowledge commons simon grant

    1. Launching in development mode

      instead just do

      bash node server.js

    2. Set up a development instance¶

      4 : cryptpad

    1. Now that is something no Big Tech Company will ever do!


    2. without the need for any login prompts or account registration

      No Login or Sign-in


      IU wanted to build something like that but thought it should exists. Been searching for it for years!

      Now if we add interpersonal connectivity to all this we hae the indyweb indtyverse Indy Learning Commons

      whatever we want..

      this is the Stone for everybodies stone soup

    3. with PWA enabled apps to help you get the most out of the world-wide-web among other features available.

      what if you could plugout to these PWAs constellated to bring their capabilities to bear on your own(ed) plexes?

    4. internet portal

      indynet protal

    5. it is also filled with so much more extraordinary functionality that it would boggle your mind e.g. communications, entertainment, social media, online productivity software etc.

      filled with functionaility

      how could we have our own net dashboard to roll our own(ed) workflows across meaningfully associated complexes of apps applexes?

      this is the kind of IndyNet dashboard I am building towards


    6. Our new exquisitely enhanced gateway to the web - GROOT

      gateway to the IndyWeb?

    1. provide computer-users with free quality office software and applications without any digital restrictions attached.

    2. SSuite Office is the foremost provider of Free quality office software on the internet today...

    1. “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” Eleanor Roosevelt


      4 : future beauty dream


      4 : MEMEX


      The human brain does not file by associations but preserves trails

    3. With onc itctn in its grasp, i t snaps instanrly to the next that issuggested by the assaciatton of thoughts, in accordance with someintrlcate web of trails carried by the cells of rhc bram. I t has othercharacteristics, of course; trails that are not frequently fallowed areprone to fade, Items are not fully pennancnr, memory is transitory.Yct the speed of action, the intricacy of trails, the derail of mentalpictures, is awe-inspiring bcyund all else in naturc

      does talk about trails in the brain

    4. process is simple selection: i t proceeds by examining in turn every one of a large set of irems and by picking out those which have certain specified characterist~cs. Therc 1s another form of sclcction bcsr dlusrratrd by thc aururnaric relephone exchange

      selection by picking out those with certain characteristics

      selection by indexing by machine

    5. Thc human mind does not work that way. It operarcs by associa-tion

      The headline for this section should have been:

      The Human Mind works by association - The MEMEX enhance this in regard to the permanence and the clarity of recall

    6. selection

      first occurence : selection

      This process is simple selection: i t proceeds by examining in turn every one of a large set of irems and by picking out those which have certain specified characterist~cs.Therc 1s another form of sclcction bcsr dlusrratrd by thc aururnaric relephone exchange. You dial a number and the machine selects and connects just one of a million poss~blesta'tions. I t does not run over them all. Ir pays attention only to a class givcn by a first digit, then only to a suhclars of this given by the second d i g ~ t ,and so on; and thus proceeds rapidly and almost ~lncrringlyto the selected station. I t requires a few seconds t o make the selection, although the process could hc speeded up if in- creased speed were economically warranred

    1. e human mind does not work that way. It operates by association

      The Human Mind Works by Associations

      that should be the headline

    2. e human mind does not work that way.

      The Human Mind vs getting at the record by artifial indexing

      whereas concepts/words present themselves in the mind as indeces to experience!

    1. A paper that fully justifies the material basis of consciousnessMetaphysicists attack materialism on the material basis of consciousness. i.e., consciousness cannot be the neural activity of a material mind. Alternatively, one cannot reduce physical activity in the brain to consciousness. They argue that experiences have intentionality and they have aboutness. In the material world, nothing has this aboutness since a neural discharge is just a neural discharge. Poznanski et al. (2023)* circumvent this synthesis by claiming that intentionality is within the brain as diachronic actions. Here the action is negentropic or neural, but it distinguishes it from activity in the inclusion of intentionality in terms of aboutness., namely being for something or serving a purpose, expressed through functional interactions describing evolving boundary conditions. The self-referential character of experience is functional relations that control the energy or ionic flow. They are ontologically higher-level boundary conditions. This naturally leads through the analysis of functional interactions to the mechanism of consciousness. Now possible through panexperiential materialism.

      to :

    1. Public Policy Research Think Tanks 2019: Top Think Tanks by Area of Research

      4 : think tank

      <svg width="445" height="95" viewBox="0 0 445 95" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <title>Penn Libraries logo</title> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_10377_15535)"> <path d="M443.498 60.9187H84.0837V62.1658H443.498V60.9187Z" fill="#011F5B"></path> <path d="M76.1056 3.45093H-0.000274114V41.3758C-0.0515239 57.8953 9.1051 69.8536 16.7926 76.9773C25.2488 84.8185 34.5592 89.3455 37.6683 90.0118L38.0441 90.0972L38.42 90.0118C41.5291 89.3285 50.8566 84.8185 59.2957 76.9773C66.9832 69.8536 76.1227 57.8953 76.0886 41.3758V3.45093H76.1056Z" fill="white"></path> <path d="M1.93018 5.44946C1.93018 5.44946 2.03268 27.4869 1.93018 27.3844H74.1753V5.44946H1.93018ZM21.3197 19.3211C21.4393 19.4065 21.5418 19.4919 21.6272 19.6115C21.7126 19.7481 21.7468 19.8848 21.7468 20.0556C21.7468 20.2094 21.6955 20.3631 21.6272 20.4827C21.5418 20.6023 21.4222 20.6877 21.3197 20.7902C21.1488 20.9269 20.978 21.0465 20.978 21.2686V22.6181H5.02225V21.2686C5.02225 21.0465 4.85141 20.9098 4.68058 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10.5915 20.7901 10.5915H20.9951V11.9753C20.9951 12.1974 21.1659 12.3169 21.3368 12.4536C21.4393 12.539 21.5588 12.6244 21.6443 12.744C21.7297 12.8807 21.7638 13.0173 21.7638 13.1882C21.7638 13.359 21.7126 13.4957 21.6443 13.6323C21.5588 13.7519 21.4393 13.8373 21.3368 13.9228C21.1659 14.0594 20.9951 14.179 20.9951 14.4011V18.8086C20.9951 19.0307 21.1659 19.1673 21.3368 19.304M51.8645 21.6102C50.6345 23.5748 48.2429 24.0702 48.1575 24.0873C47.6962 24.1727 47.2008 24.2069 46.7225 24.2069C44.2283 24.2069 41.9392 23.1136 39.5988 21.9177C39.3425 21.7811 39.0521 21.6273 38.7446 21.4565C37.2584 20.6365 35.1742 19.509 33.4146 19.509C32.9021 19.509 32.4067 19.6115 31.9796 19.8336L31.9113 19.8677V19.9531C31.9113 20.1752 31.843 20.3973 31.7746 20.6023C31.4842 21.354 30.5788 22.1398 30.1346 22.4644C29.1096 23.199 27.8455 23.9506 26.2909 23.9506C26.0517 23.9506 25.8467 23.9165 25.6417 23.8481C25.3513 23.7456 25.1122 23.5748 24.9413 23.3527C24.8559 23.2502 24.7876 23.1136 24.7192 22.9769C24.668 22.8744 24.6509 22.7548 24.6167 22.6352V22.5498L24.5142 22.5156C23.8992 22.3277 23.5405 21.9348 23.5405 21.4565C23.5405 21.0806 23.8138 20.7731 24.0701 20.4656C24.4801 19.9873 24.8217 19.5773 24.258 19.0307C24.2067 18.9794 24.1384 18.9452 24.0872 18.894C24.0017 18.8257 23.9163 18.7744 23.848 18.689C23.3526 18.1594 23.643 17.0319 23.8138 16.3657V16.2973C24.0188 15.5628 24.3263 14.8111 24.7363 13.9911C25.3001 12.8807 25.9663 11.6165 26.923 10.8307C26.9401 10.8307 26.9571 10.8136 26.9913 10.8136C27.0084 10.8136 27.0426 10.8307 27.0596 10.8478C27.0596 10.8819 27.1792 11.0357 27.333 11.2919L27.4867 11.5653L27.5892 11.2749C27.8626 10.489 28.2896 9.97653 28.8876 9.75444C29.5196 9.51528 30.1176 9.83986 30.408 10.0619L30.5276 10.1644L30.613 10.0278C30.8009 9.72028 31.1596 9.34445 31.7405 9.31028C32.3896 9.27611 32.9192 9.72028 33.1755 9.99361L33.278 10.079L33.3805 9.99361C33.6709 9.75444 34.4225 9.20778 35.1742 9.31028C35.8917 9.41278 36.165 10.0278 36.2504 10.284L36.3017 10.4549L36.4554 10.3865C36.7971 10.2157 37.4463 9.99361 38.0613 10.3865C38.4542 10.6428 38.5054 11.0699 38.4713 11.3774V11.5653L38.6421 11.5311C39.1033 11.4628 39.9575 11.4115 40.47 11.924C40.8629 12.334 40.8971 12.8636 40.8458 13.2223V13.4103H41.0167C41.4267 13.3419 41.9733 13.3761 42.2638 13.8373C42.4687 14.1448 42.3833 14.589 42.315 14.8111L42.2808 14.9478L42.4175 14.9819C42.6567 15.0332 43.0667 15.1869 43.1862 15.5286C43.2887 15.7848 43.2546 16.1948 43.1179 16.6902L43.0837 16.8098L43.2033 16.8611C43.4083 16.9465 43.7842 17.1515 43.9892 17.5444C44.1942 17.9373 44.1771 18.4157 43.9721 18.9965L43.9379 19.0819L44.0062 19.1502C44.5358 19.6286 45.0654 20.0556 45.595 20.4315C46.6541 21.2002 48.3112 21.6102 49.4387 20.6877C49.8658 20.3461 50.0537 19.6969 49.917 19.099C49.7804 18.5694 49.4387 18.2107 48.9604 18.0911C48.1062 17.9032 47.44 18.7061 46.8933 19.5261C46.8933 19.5432 46.8421 19.5602 46.8079 19.5602C46.7737 19.5602 46.7566 19.5432 46.7396 19.509C46.2271 18.2961 46.21 17.3052 46.6541 16.5365C47.0471 15.8873 47.7816 15.4261 48.6871 15.2723H48.8066V15.1186C48.8066 13.7007 49.1312 12.6586 49.8146 12.0265C50.2416 11.6507 51.0104 11.2236 52.2916 11.4115C52.3087 11.4115 52.3429 11.4286 52.36 11.4457C52.36 11.4628 52.36 11.4969 52.36 11.514C51.4204 13.8032 51.6425 14.6573 52.155 16.5365C52.2062 16.7073 52.2404 16.8782 52.2916 17.049C52.77 18.8257 52.6333 20.3461 51.8645 21.5761M71.4249 19.2698C71.5445 19.3552 71.647 19.4407 71.7324 19.5602C71.8178 19.6969 71.852 19.8336 71.852 20.0044C71.852 20.1581 71.8178 20.3119 71.7324 20.4315C71.647 20.5511 71.5274 20.6365 71.4249 20.739C71.254 20.8756 71.0832 20.9952 71.0832 21.2173V22.5669H55.1274V21.2173C55.1274 20.9952 54.9737 20.8586 54.7858 20.739C54.6662 20.6536 54.5637 20.5681 54.4783 20.4315C54.3929 20.3119 54.3416 20.1581 54.3587 19.9873C54.3587 19.8165 54.3929 19.6798 54.4783 19.5432C54.5637 19.4236 54.6662 19.3382 54.7858 19.2527C54.9566 19.1161 55.1274 18.9965 55.1274 18.7573V14.3498C55.1274 14.1278 54.9737 14.0082 54.7858 13.8715C54.6662 13.7861 54.5637 13.7007 54.4783 13.5811C54.3929 13.4615 54.3416 13.3078 54.3587 13.1369C54.3587 12.9832 54.3929 12.8294 54.4783 12.6928C54.5637 12.5732 54.6833 12.4707 54.7858 12.4023C54.9566 12.2657 55.1274 12.1461 55.1274 11.924V10.5403H55.3324C56.272 10.5403 57.0749 10.5232 57.6558 10.2669C57.8949 10.1815 58.0999 10.0278 58.3391 9.89111C58.8174 9.58361 59.3812 9.24195 60.2012 9.24195C60.8674 9.24195 61.4824 9.4982 62.0291 9.72028C62.422 9.87403 62.7807 10.0107 63.0541 10.0107H63.1566C63.4299 10.0107 63.7887 9.85694 64.1816 9.72028C64.7282 9.4982 65.3432 9.24195 66.0095 9.24195C66.8466 9.24195 67.3932 9.58361 67.8886 9.89111C68.1107 10.0278 68.3328 10.1644 68.572 10.2669C69.1357 10.5061 69.9557 10.5403 70.8953 10.5403H71.1003V11.924C71.1003 12.1461 71.254 12.2657 71.442 12.4023C71.5445 12.4878 71.664 12.5732 71.7495 12.6928C71.8349 12.8294 71.869 12.9661 71.869 13.1369C71.869 13.3078 71.8349 13.4444 71.7495 13.5811C71.664 13.7007 71.5445 13.7861 71.442 13.8715C71.2711 14.0082 71.1003 14.1278 71.1003 14.3498V18.7573C71.1003 18.9794 71.254 19.1161 71.442 19.2527" fill="#990000"></path> <path d="M26.8206 18.3816C27.0769 18.3816 27.316 18.4499 27.5552 18.6378C27.6406 18.7062 27.7089 18.7745 27.7773 18.8258C27.9481 18.9795 27.931 19.2528 27.7602 19.3895C27.5894 19.5433 27.3844 19.6799 27.2477 19.7653C26.9573 19.9703 26.4448 20.3291 26.1031 20.0558C25.9323 19.902 26.2739 19.6628 26.1202 19.0649C26.0006 18.5866 26.4619 18.3816 26.8377 18.3816" fill="#011F5B"></path> <path d="M46.7056 24.3777C44.2115 24.3777 41.8881 23.3014 39.5136 22.0714C39.2573 21.9348 38.9498 21.781 38.6423 21.6102C36.7461 20.5681 33.8932 19.0135 32.014 19.9873C32.014 20.2264 31.9628 20.4656 31.8773 20.6706C31.5869 21.4564 30.6473 22.2764 30.1861 22.601C29.144 23.3527 27.8628 24.1043 26.257 24.1043C26.0178 24.1043 25.7786 24.0702 25.5736 24.0018C25.2661 23.8993 25.0099 23.7114 24.8049 23.4552C24.7195 23.3356 24.634 23.1989 24.5657 23.0452C24.5145 22.9085 24.4803 22.7889 24.4632 22.6694C23.797 22.4644 23.387 22.0202 23.387 21.4735C23.387 21.0635 23.6774 20.7219 23.9507 20.3973C24.3949 19.8677 24.5999 19.5944 24.1386 19.1673C24.0874 19.116 24.0361 19.0819 23.9678 19.0306C23.8824 18.9623 23.797 18.911 23.7115 18.8085C23.1649 18.2106 23.4724 17.049 23.6432 16.3485V16.2802C23.8653 15.5456 24.1557 14.7769 24.5828 13.9398C25.1465 12.8123 25.8299 11.5311 26.8036 10.7282C26.8549 10.694 26.9232 10.6598 26.9915 10.6769C27.0599 10.6769 27.1111 10.7282 27.1453 10.7794C27.1794 10.8307 27.5724 11.4286 27.9824 12.2144C29.6736 11.2065 32.0823 11.0869 32.3557 11.0869C33.8419 11.0357 35.9944 11.2577 37.8394 12.6756C38.984 13.564 39.9236 14.6402 40.829 15.6994C41.0681 15.9727 41.3073 16.2631 41.5635 16.5365C42.9644 18.1081 44.2969 19.3552 45.6294 20.3289C46.6373 21.0635 48.226 21.4735 49.3023 20.5852C49.6952 20.2606 49.866 19.6798 49.7293 19.1502C49.6098 18.6719 49.3023 18.3473 48.8752 18.2448C48.1064 18.074 47.4744 18.8427 46.9619 19.6114C46.9106 19.6798 46.8252 19.731 46.7398 19.714C46.6544 19.714 46.586 19.6456 46.5519 19.5773C46.0223 18.3302 46.0052 17.2881 46.4835 16.4852C46.8935 15.8019 47.6794 15.3065 48.6189 15.1698C48.6189 13.7006 48.9606 12.6244 49.6781 11.9752C50.1223 11.5823 50.9252 11.1382 52.2748 11.309C52.3431 11.309 52.4114 11.3602 52.4456 11.4286C52.4798 11.4969 52.4968 11.5652 52.4456 11.6336C51.506 13.8715 51.7452 14.7086 52.2406 16.5535C52.2918 16.7244 52.326 16.8952 52.3943 17.0831C52.8897 18.894 52.736 20.4656 51.9502 21.7127C50.686 23.7456 48.2431 24.241 48.1406 24.2581C47.6452 24.3435 47.1669 24.3777 46.6885 24.3777M33.3978 19.2015C35.1915 19.2015 37.2415 20.3289 38.8473 21.2002C39.1548 21.371 39.4452 21.5248 39.7186 21.6614C42.4519 23.0794 45.151 24.3093 48.0552 23.7968C48.0723 23.7968 50.4127 23.3185 51.5573 21.4564C52.2748 20.3119 52.3943 18.8769 51.9502 17.1856C51.8989 17.0148 51.8477 16.8269 51.8135 16.6731C51.3352 14.9136 51.0618 13.9227 51.916 11.7361C50.9252 11.6677 50.3273 12.0094 49.9856 12.2998C49.3364 12.8806 49.0289 13.9056 49.0802 15.3577C49.0802 15.4773 48.9948 15.5798 48.8752 15.5969C47.9869 15.6994 47.2352 16.1094 46.8594 16.7244C46.5006 17.3223 46.4835 18.091 46.8081 19.0135C47.2523 18.4156 48.0039 17.5956 48.9606 17.8006C49.5585 17.9373 50.0027 18.3985 50.1564 19.0306C50.3273 19.7481 50.1052 20.5169 49.5756 20.9439C48.3114 21.9689 46.5006 21.5419 45.339 20.7048C43.9723 19.714 42.6227 18.4498 41.2048 16.844C40.9656 16.5706 40.7094 16.2802 40.4702 16.0069C39.5648 14.9819 38.6423 13.9056 37.549 13.0515C35.8236 11.719 33.7736 11.4969 32.3728 11.5482C31.4161 11.5823 29.4857 11.8557 28.1874 12.6415C28.5974 13.4615 28.939 14.4181 28.939 15.1356C28.939 15.2723 28.9219 15.3919 28.8707 15.5286C29.8103 14.9819 30.9378 15.3748 31.5528 16.0581C31.6894 16.2119 31.8432 16.434 31.9969 16.6902C32.2361 17.049 32.5265 17.476 32.8511 17.8006C32.9023 17.8519 32.9194 17.9202 32.9194 17.9885C32.9194 18.0569 32.8853 18.1252 32.8169 18.1594C32.8169 18.1594 32.219 18.5865 31.3819 19.2015C31.2623 19.2869 31.1428 19.3723 31.0403 19.4406C31.0232 19.4406 31.0061 19.4748 30.989 19.4919L31.7236 19.6114C32.2361 19.3381 32.7828 19.2185 33.3807 19.2185M26.9061 11.2919C26.1032 12.0436 25.5053 13.1711 24.9928 14.179C24.5828 14.9819 24.2924 15.7165 24.1045 16.434V16.5023C23.9507 17.0319 23.6603 18.1252 24.0361 18.5181C24.0874 18.5694 24.1557 18.6206 24.224 18.6719C24.2924 18.7231 24.3607 18.7744 24.429 18.8427C25.2149 19.5944 24.6682 20.2435 24.2753 20.7048C24.0361 20.9781 23.814 21.2344 23.814 21.4906C23.814 22.0373 24.4803 22.2423 24.6853 22.2764C24.7878 22.2935 24.8561 22.3789 24.8561 22.4814C24.8561 22.6523 24.8903 22.7548 24.9415 22.8914C24.9928 23.011 25.044 23.0964 25.1124 23.1989C25.249 23.3698 25.437 23.5064 25.659 23.5919C25.8128 23.6602 26.0007 23.6773 26.2057 23.6773C27.6919 23.6773 28.8878 22.9427 29.8786 22.2423C30.4594 21.8323 31.194 21.0806 31.4161 20.5339C31.4673 20.3802 31.5015 20.2264 31.5186 20.0556L30.4765 19.8848H30.4594C30.3569 19.8506 30.2715 19.7652 30.2544 19.6627C30.2203 19.4577 30.4082 19.3381 30.784 19.0819C30.8865 19.0135 31.0061 18.9281 31.1086 18.8427C31.6553 18.4327 32.0994 18.1252 32.3386 17.9544C32.0482 17.6298 31.809 17.271 31.604 16.9465C31.4503 16.7244 31.3136 16.5023 31.194 16.3827C30.6815 15.8361 29.7761 15.5115 29.0415 15.9556C28.7511 16.1435 28.4949 16.3656 28.2044 16.6219C27.9824 16.8098 27.7603 17.0319 27.504 17.2027C27.4015 17.271 27.2649 17.254 27.1965 17.1515C27.1111 17.066 27.1282 16.9294 27.1965 16.844C27.2307 16.8098 27.2649 16.7756 27.3161 16.7415C27.6407 16.4169 28.4265 15.6994 28.4265 15.1698C28.4265 13.9569 27.2649 11.9752 26.8549 11.309" fill="#011F5B"></path> <path d="M25.3856 22.7889C25.1635 22.7889 24.9414 22.7889 24.7193 22.7548C24.5997 22.7377 24.4972 22.6352 24.5143 22.4985C24.5143 22.3789 24.6339 22.2935 24.7706 22.2935C25.8126 22.4302 27.3501 22.2935 28.6656 20.9098C28.751 20.8243 28.9047 20.8243 28.9901 20.9098C29.0755 20.9952 29.0755 21.1489 28.9901 21.2343C27.9993 22.2593 26.7522 22.7889 25.3685 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10.7111C36.285 10.7624 36.2167 10.7624 36.1484 10.7282C36.08 10.694 36.0288 10.6257 36.0288 10.5574C36.0288 10.5232 35.9092 9.65196 35.1405 9.54946C34.3034 9.42988 33.4321 10.284 33.415 10.3011C33.3809 10.3353 33.3125 10.3695 33.2442 10.3695C33.1759 10.3695 33.1246 10.3353 33.0905 10.284C33.0905 10.284 32.4925 9.5153 31.758 9.54946C31.0405 9.58363 30.7671 10.3011 30.7671 10.3182C30.733 10.3865 30.6817 10.4378 30.6134 10.4549C30.5451 10.4549 30.4767 10.4549 30.4255 10.4036C30.4255 10.4036 29.708 9.7203 28.9905 9.99363C28.0851 10.3353 27.8288 11.4457 27.7434 11.8045C27.7263 11.924 27.6067 12.0095 27.4872 11.9753C27.3676 11.9582 27.2992 11.8386 27.3163 11.719C27.4188 11.292 27.7092 10.0107 28.8367 9.60071C29.5371 9.34446 30.1692 9.68613 30.4938 9.92529C30.6817 9.6178 31.0576 9.17363 31.7409 9.13946C32.4413 9.1053 33.0221 9.60071 33.2784 9.85696C33.62 9.58363 34.3888 9.01988 35.1917 9.13946C35.8921 9.24196 36.2338 9.78863 36.3704 10.2157C36.7463 10.0278 37.4467 9.80571 38.13 10.2157C38.5913 10.5232 38.6425 11.0186 38.6084 11.3432C39.1038 11.2578 40.0092 11.2065 40.5558 11.7703C41 12.2315 41.0171 12.8294 40.9658 13.1882C41.3588 13.1369 42.0079 13.1711 42.3496 13.7007C42.5717 14.0594 42.5033 14.5036 42.4179 14.794C42.7083 14.8624 43.1525 15.0332 43.2892 15.4261C43.4258 15.8019 43.2892 16.3657 43.2038 16.6732C43.4429 16.7757 43.8358 16.9978 44.0579 17.4248C44.2971 17.9032 44.2629 18.4669 43.9725 19.1503C43.9383 19.2357 43.8529 19.2698 43.7675 19.2698" fill="#011F5B"></path> <path d="M42.7254 22.3106H42.7083C42.5887 22.3106 42.5033 22.191 42.5204 22.0714C42.6229 21.2514 42.1275 21.0977 41.7175 20.9781C41.615 20.9439 41.5125 20.9098 41.4271 20.8585C41.205 20.7219 41.1879 20.4485 41.1879 20.1752C41.1879 19.8677 41.1708 19.526 40.9316 19.2698C40.5216 18.8256 39.7358 19.116 39.7358 19.116C39.6675 19.1502 39.5821 19.116 39.5308 19.0819C39.4625 19.0306 39.4454 18.9623 39.4454 18.894C39.4454 18.894 39.565 18.0227 39.0696 17.5956C38.6425 17.2369 37.8396 17.3223 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9.9084 65.4117 9.66923 66.0096 9.66923C66.7442 9.66923 67.1884 9.95965 67.6838 10.2671C67.9059 10.4038 68.145 10.5576 68.4013 10.6771C68.6234 10.7626 68.8454 10.8309 69.0846 10.8821V20.2438C68.7088 20.1754 68.2817 20.1754 67.8375 20.1754C67.1713 20.1754 66.4709 20.1754 65.8046 19.9704C65.5825 19.9021 65.3434 19.8338 65.1213 19.7484C64.438 19.5263 63.823 19.3384 63.3959 19.3042H63.3788V10.4209C63.6692 10.3696 63.9767 10.2501 64.3184 10.1134M57.7926 10.6771C58.0488 10.5576 58.288 10.4209 58.5101 10.2671C59.0055 9.95965 59.4667 9.66923 60.1842 9.66923C60.7821 9.66923 61.363 9.9084 61.8755 10.1134C62.2342 10.2501 62.5588 10.3867 62.8492 10.4209V19.2871C62.8492 19.2871 62.815 19.2871 62.798 19.2871C62.3709 19.3213 61.773 19.5263 61.0726 19.7313C60.8505 19.7996 60.6113 19.885 60.3892 19.9534C59.723 20.1584 59.0226 20.1583 58.3563 20.1583C57.9122 20.1583 57.5022 20.1583 57.1092 20.2267V10.8821C57.3484 10.8309 57.5705 10.7796 57.7926 10.6771M71.5446 20.0729C71.5446 20.1583 71.5275 20.2608 71.4763 20.3292C71.425 20.4146 71.3225 20.4829 71.2371 20.5513C71.0321 20.7221 70.7929 20.91 70.7929 21.2858V22.2596H55.4522V21.2858C55.4522 20.91 55.1959 20.7221 55.008 20.5513C54.9055 20.4829 54.8201 20.3975 54.7688 20.3292C54.7176 20.2438 54.6834 20.1583 54.7005 20.0729C54.7005 19.9534 54.7176 19.885 54.7688 19.7996C54.8201 19.7142 54.9226 19.6459 55.008 19.5775C55.213 19.4238 55.4522 19.2188 55.4522 18.86V14.4525C55.4522 14.0767 55.1959 13.8888 55.008 13.735C54.9055 13.6496 54.8201 13.5813 54.7688 13.4959C54.7176 13.4105 54.6834 13.325 54.7005 13.2396C54.7005 13.1371 54.7176 13.0346 54.7688 12.9663C54.8201 12.8809 54.9226 12.8125 55.008 12.7442C55.213 12.5905 55.4522 12.3855 55.4522 12.0096V10.9846H55.4863C55.8963 10.9846 56.2722 10.9846 56.648 10.9505V21.0979H62.2342C62.3367 21.4908 62.6955 21.7813 63.1396 21.7813C63.5838 21.7813 63.9255 21.4908 64.045 21.0979H69.6313V10.9334C70.0071 10.9676 70.3829 10.9676 70.7929 10.9676H70.8271V11.9926C70.8271 12.3684 71.0833 12.5563 71.2713 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.dG2XIf .xpdclose .LKPcQc,html .dG2XIf .xpdopen .viOShc{padding-top:0}.xpdclose .a84NUc:not(:empty),.xpdopen .CQKTwc:not(:empty){border-top:solid 1px #3c4043;border-radius:0}.xpdclose .pmYXee .a84NUc:not(:empty),.xpdopen .pmYXee .CQKTwc:not(:empty){border-top:none}.xpdclose .TOfaBb.SHa8ve,.xpdopen .LL5J7d.SHa8ve{display:block}.xpdclose .oHglmf,.xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:16px}.xpdclose .kp-header .oHglmf,.xpdopen .kp-header .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.c2xzTb .xpdclose .oHglmf,.c2xzTb .xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.HSryR .xpdclose .oHglmf,.HSryR .xpdopen .xzPb7d{padding-bottom:0}.Wnoohf .xpdopen .yp1CPe,.OJXvsb .xpdclose .siXlze{padding-bottom:16px}.Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb,.Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh{padding-bottom:0}#rhs .dG2XIf .xpdclose .LKPcQc,#rhs .dG2XIf .xpdopen .viOShc{padding-top:0}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .yp1CPe,#rhs .OJXvsb .xpdclose .siXlze{padding-bottom:15px}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb,#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh{padding-bottom:0}#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdclose .wDYxhc.xsZWvb.ecRggb,#rhs .Wnoohf .xpdopen .wDYxhc.EfDVh.ecRggb,#rhs .dG2XIf .ecRggb{padding-bottom:15px}.Jb0Zif .UiGGAb.ILfuVd,.ILfuVd{font-size:16px;line-height:24px;}.fm06If .NA6bn,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd.duSGDe,.c2xzTb .NA6bn.c3biWd{font-size:14px;line-height:1.58;}.trNcde .ILfuVd{color:#bdc1c6;font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.ss6qqb .ILfuVd,.ss6qqb .UiGGAb.ILfuVd{font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.hgKElc{padding:0 8px 0 0}.LGOjhe{overflow:hidden;padding-bottom:20px}.SALvLe .LGOjhe,.Jb0Zif .LGOjhe,.HSryR .LGOjhe,.IVvPP .LGOjhe{padding:0 0 10px;margin:10px 0 0 0}.Jb0Zif .qDOt0b .iUh30,.IVvPP .qDOt0b .iUh30{font-size:14px;line-height:1.58}.NA6bn,.duSGDe,.UiGGAb.ILfuVd,.IVvPP .ILfuVd{font-size:14px;line-height:22px}.NA6bn,.duSGDe,.UiGGAb.ILfuVd,.IVvPP .ILfuVd{line-height:20px}.fm06If .ILfuVd,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd,.Jb0Zif .c2xzTb .ILfuVd{color:#e8eaed;font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif}.fm06If .ILfuVd,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd,.Jb0Zif .c2xzTb .ILfuVd{font-size:20px;line-height:28px}.cUnQKe .ILfuVd,.cUnQKe .UiGGAb.ILfuVd{color:#bdc1c6;font-family:Google Sans,arial,sans-serif;font-size:16px;line-height:24px}.fm06If .ILfuVd b,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd b{background-color:rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.3);color:#e2eeff;font-weight:500;}@media (forced-colors:active){.fm06If .ILfuVd b,.c2xzTb .ILfuVd b{background-color:Mark;color:MarkText}}.cUnQKe .ILfuVd b{background-color:rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.3);color:#e2eeff;font-weight:500;}@media (forced-colors:active){.cUnQKe .ILfuVd b{background-color:Mark;color:MarkText}}.trNcde .ILfuVd b{background-color:rgba(66, 133, 244, 0.3);color:#e2eeff;font-weight:500}@media (forced-colors:active){.trNcde .ILfuVd b{background-color:Mark;color:MarkText}}a:hover h3.LC20lb{text-decoration:underline}.M8OgIe .dG2XIf .fm06If .LC20lb,.n6SJS h3.LC20lb{overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;width:100%}.LC20lb{display:inline-block;line-height:1.3;margin-bottom:3px;}.c2xzTb .LC20lb{margin-bottom:0}.DKV0Md{padding-top:4px;padding-top:5px;}.DKV0Md{margin-top:18px;}.VjDLd .TieM1d .tjvcx,.IVvPP .tjvcx,.kno-kp .tjvcx,.VjDLd .kp-wholepage-osrp .tjvcx,#rhs .ss6qqb .tjvcx,#rhs .trNcde .tjvcx{display:inline-block;height:19px;overflow-y:hidden}.TbwUpd.ojE3Fb{display:flex;padding:0;align-items:center;padding-bottom:0}.GvPZzd{font-size:12px;line-height:18px;}.VuuXrf{color:#dadce0;font-size:14px;max-width:200px;display:block;line-height:20px;white-space:nowrap;}.H9lube{background-color:#fff;border:1px solid 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.Va021{-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex:1 1 100%;flex:1 1 100%}.E4bmEc .Y76LGf{-webkit-box-flex:1;-webkit-flex:1 1 calc(50% - 4px);flex:1 1 calc(50% - 4px)}sentinel{}.IjabWd{margin-left:2px}.xTFaxe{top:2px}.xTFaxe{color:#9aa0a6}.D6lY4c{height:22px;width:22px;position:absolute;border-radius:11px}.iTPLzd{cursor:pointer;top:0;line-height:16px}.iTPLzd{left:0;width:28px}.iTPLzd{z-index:1}sentinel{}.rNSxBe{padding-bottom:20px}sentinel{}.eY4mx{padding-left:12px}sentinel{}.lUn2nc{padding-right:12px}sentinel{}.xte2qe{display:flex}.DhGrzc{border-radius:16px;max-height:262px;overflow:hidden}.BDXcec{height:initial;margin-left:auto;max-width:484px}.eA0Zlc{vertical-align:top;display:inline-block;margin:0;position:relative}.eA0Zlc:not(.JX86yc){overflow:hidden}.M8OgIe .ifM9O .GMCzAd,.hvs42d .GMCzAd{border-radius:0}.WghbWd{cursor:pointer}div.eA0Zlc:first-child g-inner-card.xIfh4d,div.eA0Zlc:first-child g-inner-card.xIfh4d video{-webkit-border-top-left-radius:8px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius:8px;}div.eA0Zlc:last-of-type g-inner-card.xIfh4d,div.eA0Zlc:last-of-type g-inner-card.xIfh4d video{-webkit-border-top-right-radius:8px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius:8px;}.s6JM6d .ifM9O .GMCzAd,.cUnQKe .GMCzAd{border-radius:12px;margin:16px}.c2xzTb .ifM9O .GMCzAd{margin:0}.eA0Zlc.PtaMgb{margin-right:2px;margin-bottom:2px;float:left}.M8OgIe .eA0Zlc.PtaMgb,.M8OgIe .ifM9O .eA0Zlc.PtaMgb{margin-bottom:4px;margin-right:4px}.BfmEZb{box-sizing:border-box;height:100%;left:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;top:0;width:100%}.XOEbc img{transition:transform 200ms}.dB3j8 .XOEbc img,.FnEtTd:focus-within .XOEbc img{transform:scale(1.15)}.FnEtTd:focus-within{outline:none}.BYbUcd{overflow:hidden;}.BYbUcd img{height:100%;width:100%}.B68O1d{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.54)}sentinel{}.uhHOwf{position:relative}.uhHOwf::after{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.03);bottom:0;content:"";display:block;left:0;pointer-events:none;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.uhHOwf img{display:block}sentinel{}.xKf9F{margin-top:16px}#rhs .KFFQ0c,.xpd-wa .KFFQ0c{display:none}.KFFQ0c{align-items:center;display:flex;margin-bottom:0px;width:652px}.M8OgIe .KFFQ0c{width:100%}.akqY6{background:#3c4043;height:1px;width:100%}.KFFQ0c .YfftMc,.KFFQ0c .YfftMc span,.KFFQ0c .YfftMc div,.KFFQ0c .YfftMc a{align-items:center;color:#9aa0a6;display:flex;font-size:12px;font-style:normal;margin:0;padding:0;white-space:nowrap}.KFFQ0c .YfftMc{flex-shrink:0;margin-left:14px}.iOWvff.P58Kof .b3Ke9b,.OwRFvb.P58Kof .RTZ84b{padding-right:8px}.RTZ84b{color:#9aa0a6;cursor:pointer;padding-right:8px}.c2xzTb .RTZ84b{padding-top:1px;padding-right:4px}.XEKxtf{color:#9aa0a6;float:right;font-size:12px;line-height:16px;padding-bottom:4px}Search ResultsFeatured snippet from the webAn applet is a small computer program that performs a specific task. It is typically embedded within another larger app or software platform and has limited functionality.

    1. “The surest way to heal an eco-system is to connect it to more of itself.”— William McDonough

    2. Welcome to The MyceliumAn experimental platform to map, connect and amplify the regenerative network.Tijn TjoelkerJul 12, 2023
    1. Tijn Tjoelker 2nd degree connection 2nd Land and Seascape Regeneration | Synergies | LinkedIn Top Green Voice

    1. peer-to-peer network has certain commercial potential.


    2. peer-to-peer network has self-enhancement capability. The content become more popular, the more nodes are caching content data, so the cost of storing data becomes very low.

      peer-to-peer networks - self-enhancement capabilities

    3. for - progressive reformulation for scaling synthesis - interleaving of traditionla running text paragraphs with images of slides

      for - indyweb - slides - progressive presentation modalities for progressive articulation and sharing - - integration of content at varying granullity and presentation

    4. content-centric network (ICN) architecture

      content-centric network why ICN?

  2. www.publish0x.com www.publish0x.com
    1. ICN/NDN:Enhancing data transmission in IPFS

    1. No such thing as “future-proof”

      how wrong one can be?

      Oh yes there is. And there is no silver bullet in systems that are fundamentally are broken wheels. Where it is not clear what is IT. Our systems are like the Cambrian explosion, where Crustaceans

      https://hypothes.is/a/gc5H8iLqEe6SdfeqgchZrA but a fresh start that endures and lives forever because it has the capacity for growth and co-evolution with the built iin capacity to recapitulate at every stage its ontogeny its own phylogeny

      forward compatible

      evergreen enduring co-evolution of means

    1. "user" : "gyuri", "any" : "flipped", "max" : "100", "addQuoteContext" : "true", "groupName" : "All"

      search - hyp : flipped

    1. Last impressions first – a flipped approach to web designAxess Labhttps://axesslab.com › flipped-web-designAxess Labhttps://axesslab.com › flipped-web-designOct 17, 2019 — Web teams usually spend a tremendous amount of time, money and energy on designing lovely, beautiful start pages.


    2. Flipped Web Design - Overview, News & CompetitorsZoomInfohttps://www.zoominfo.com › flipped-web-designZoomInfohttps://www.zoominfo.com › flipped-web-designFlipped Web Design is a company that operates in the Media and Entertainment industry. It employs 6-10 people and has $1M-$5M of revenue.

    3. flippedweb.comflippedweb.comhttp://flippedweb.comflippedweb.comhttp://flippedweb.comApr 16, 2023 — flippedweb.com. Something amazing will be constructed here.


    4. google - search : "Flipped Web"

      About 25,500 results (0.27 seconds)

    1. Last impressions first – a flipped approach to web design Published 17 October 2019, by Hampus Sethfors

    1. original context may be obtained

      content from original context

    2. links are between the addresses of these contents

      content addressability

    1. This is design inextricable from authorship. It’s style that cannotbe dissected from content without bleeding away informative power. (Stein, 2000

      style that cannot be dissected from content

    2. Designscholars both within and outside of our field have long argued for a whole docu-ment approach, in which content and presentation must be designed simulta-neously to be rhetorically effective. Design should be thought of not as a look andfeel imposed on top of content but as a rhetorical melding of form and functio

      peresentation and content mutual originating

    3. Content Management and the Separationof Presentation and ContentDave ClarkUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwauke


    1. Content Management and the Separation of Presentation and ...wpmucdn.comhttps://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com › dist › 2018/08wpmucdn.comhttps://bpb-us-w2.wpmucdn.com › dist › 2018/08PDFby D Clark · 2008 · Cited by 108 — The separation is foundational to content management, a fact that can create philosophical and cognitive dissonance for technical communicators trained

    1. what I really want is to build shared context.

      we need the ability to build - high resolution - re-(callable|sumable|usable|mixable) - shared context - content always in adjacent context - indexed by multiplicity of incident intents

    2. going to vanish off the google search

      do not let it vanish into google search

    1. for - PlexScape

      web snarf - indy0@cryptpad

      <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0" y="0" width="630" height="630" viewBox="0, 0, 630, 630"> <defs> <clipPath id="Clip_1"> <path d="M211.883,187.846 L602.946,187.846 L602.946,578.909 L211.883,578.909 z"/> </clipPath> </defs> <g id="logo"> <path d="M0,0 L630,0 L630,630 L0,630 z" fill="#F7DF1E" id="background"/> <path d="M166.65,524.784 L214.863,495.607 C224.164,512.098 232.625,526.051 252.92,526.051 C272.374,526.051 284.639,518.441 284.639,488.841 L284.639,287.541 L343.842,287.541 L343.842,489.678 C343.842,550.998 307.899,578.909 255.458,578.909 C208.096,578.909 180.605,554.381 166.65,524.779" fill="#000000" id="j" display="none"/> <path d="M375,520.13 L423.206,492.219 C435.896,512.943 452.389,528.166 481.568,528.166 C506.099,528.166 521.741,515.901 521.741,498.985 C521.741,478.686 505.673,471.496 478.606,459.659 L463.809,453.311 C421.094,435.13 392.759,412.294 392.759,364.084 C392.759,319.68 426.59,285.846 479.454,285.846 C517.091,285.846 544.156,298.957 563.607,333.212 L517.511,362.814 C507.361,344.631 496.369,337.443 479.454,337.443 C462.115,337.443 451.119,348.438 451.119,362.814 C451.119,380.576 462.115,387.766 487.486,398.763 L502.286,405.105 C552.611,426.674 580.946,448.663 580.946,498.139 C580.946,551.426 539.08,580.604 482.836,580.604 C427.86,580.604 392.336,554.386 375,520.13" fill="#000000" id="s" display="none"/> <g clip-path="url(#Clip_1)" id="cytoscape-logo"> <path d="M520.194,478.644 C547.125,478.644 568.966,500.488 568.966,527.419 C568.966,554.347 547.125,576.191 520.194,576.191 C493.263,576.191 471.419,554.347 471.419,527.419 C471.419,514.948 476.154,503.102 484.568,494.111 L462.669,450.403 C460.537,450.657 458.39,450.784 456.239,450.784 C445.315,450.784 434.77,447.509 425.847,441.408 L401.05,463.246 C401.22,464.527 401.301,465.82 401.301,467.121 C401.301,483.549 387.976,496.878 371.545,496.878 C355.114,496.878 341.785,483.549 341.785,467.121 C341.785,450.686 355.114,437.358 371.545,437.358 C374.38,437.358 377.186,437.762 379.891,438.55 L405.72,415.803 C404.404,412.307 403.462,408.683 402.902,404.987 L341.328,396.693 C332.904,412.349 316.476,422.354 298.37,422.354 C271.442,422.354 249.598,400.51 249.598,373.582 C249.598,346.65 271.442,324.81 298.37,324.81 C322.065,324.81 342.071,341.805 346.314,364.587 L407.874,372.884 C408.285,372.056 408.715,371.242 409.168,370.437 L362.13,322.405 C356.026,325.051 349.44,326.416 342.736,326.416 C315.805,326.416 293.964,304.575 293.964,277.644 C293.964,250.716 315.805,228.872 342.736,228.872 C359.265,228.872 374.484,237.208 383.436,250.765 L454.567,232.825 C457.761,208.908 478.259,190.564 502.909,190.564 C529.837,190.564 551.681,212.408 551.681,239.336 C551.681,265.599 530.909,287.02 504.907,288.069 L485.634,351.571 C500.83,361.446 510.196,378.395 510.196,396.827 C510.196,412.297 503.61,426.828 492.256,437.002 L513.357,479.123 C515.619,478.804 517.903,478.644 520.194,478.644 z M454.346,342.903 L473.882,278.53 C468.893,274.832 464.647,270.207 461.381,264.921 L391.257,282.607 C390.628,288.799 388.829,294.789 385.939,300.29 L432.85,348.192 C439.56,344.959 446.863,343.16 454.346,342.903 z" fill="#000000"/> </g> </g> </svg>

    2. nodes.outgoers()     Get edges (and their targets) coming out of the nodes in the collection.

      Get edges (and their targets) coming out of the nodes in the collection.


    3. nodes.outgoers()


    4. nodes.incomers()
    5. nodes.incomers()     Get edges (and their sources) coming into the nodes in the collection.

      incoming nodes and edges

    1. You might not specify the graph elements at initialisation, instead opting to add the elements via cy.add().

      use cy.add

    2. One useful metric is topology combined with score

      One useful metric is - topology combined with score:

      You can select a subgraph based on - the graph topology - relative to a chosen locus - (e.g. N hops away from a chosen node), - using some score or - ordinal ranking

      to cut down that topological set to a reasonable size.

      When you have a ranking within a subset, you can also use a - pagination-like approach to flip through to lower-scoring elements in the topological subset - (e.g. using a slider or stepper).

    3. Large, highly-connected graphs tend to be more or less a hairball regardless of choice of layout



    4. for - plexScape

    5. Using layouts

    1. The structure and evolution of the GreenCheck trust graphs are natural for token economics. Order of invitation and validation, network centrality, etc. can easily map to token issuance. Rather than commit to specific token logic now, GreenCheck will use the edges of the trust graph as delegations for liquid democratic decisions about how tokens should work.

      token economics

    2. GreenCheck is a social graph commons.

      social graph commons

    1. Steve Vitka 2nd degree connection 2nd Owner, Blacklight Ventures Blacklight Ventures University of Virginia New York City Metropolitan Area Contact info 237 connections Charles Blass, Brad deGraf, and 4 other mutual connectionsCharles Blass, Brad deGraf, and 4 other mutual connections

  3. bafybeiead3bqioruin7ltpooexizzruzc3fgtt3pqjb22hgcrkhyvnueou.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeiead3bqioruin7ltpooexizzruzc3fgtt3pqjb22hgcrkhyvnueou.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. “humanity verification” or “proof of humanity”.

      antidote build trust based interpersonal networks

    2. “get paid to open it” system

      paid to open

    3. Everyone Has Their “Indiscriminate Price”

      Indiscriminate Price

    4. allow usersto relax and enjoy their networks instead of feeling enslaved by them

      enjoy networkd

      instead of being enslaved by them

    5. The Universal Feed and Negotiating Virtual Assistant

      Universal Feed

      Negotiating Assistant

    6. taming the attention economy

      taming the attention economy

    7. ruly democraticmutability, in contrast to blockchain's immutability, that will drive CC's value and allow it to winin the long run through unfettered iteration

      democratic mutability

    8. designed to be re-bootable without losing community trust

      designed to be re-bootable =

    9. CC is the opposite of a “code is law” crypto-project

      opposite of "code is law"

    10. CCs will become swappable with eachother and other currencies

      CCs will become swappable =

    11. such as social media groups, working groups, or any group of people needing tocommunicate remotely and asynchronously

      in fact you can plug-out to indyHub to provide autonomous interpersonal communication infrastructure

      https://opencollective.com/open-learning-commons/projects/indy-learning-commons Description

    12. any platform that supported a CCplug-in

      Been working in a convergent andjacent context

      came up with the concept of plug out!

    13. Communication, Contact, Content, andConsent Currency and/or Credits

      Nice concept indeed

    14. At the center of this user-centric


      We are not users, losers. but players

      Drug pushers call their customers users too

    1. Used thoughtfully, software offers leverage unlike anything that's come before. The problem we solved today can become a tool that lets us solve more complex problems tomorrow.
    1. because these will create coupling in your view layer which makes your testing hard and your architecture very opinionated

      coupling in your view

    2. it’s worth keeping your logic outside of components.



    3. Should You Use a State Library in JavaScript UI Apps

      My answer is: Hell No

    1. Project Xanadu®Xanadu.nethttps://www.xanadu.netXanadu.nethttps://www.xanadu.netWe propose a new kind of writing-- PARALLEL PAGES, VISIBLY CONNECTED. Consider some examples from our previous work--. Consider our original ideas, as presented ...

    2. ! search - xanadu ted nelson

    1. the scientific era had killed metaphysics

      the scientific era had killed metaphysics - and by metaphysics he means - the ultimate truth you know - the one and

      he claimed that the twin forces of Science and pragmatism had replaced - metaphysics - but that that was a mistake

      because you know in a certain colloquial sense

      Hegel thought - man cannot live by science and pragmatism alone

      claim : his basic claim is that - metaphysics is logic and - logic needed updating um and that - logic had been left untouched by both science and pragmatism that - all that was left of logic was an empty form without any real psychic content

    2. shift from what 00:01:55 is with a capital is meaning here the absolute one the essential Unity and fusion with that essential Unity to 00:02:07 uh what is you know a practical pragmatic reality and um a emphasis on closeness as opposed to Absolute Fusion

      what IS vs

      pragmatic what is (facts?)

    3. make logic alive again for the spiritual world for our life world

      make logic alive again

    4. THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (w/ Layman Pascal)

    1. I call this dream the "unified feed" , and Sam, I believe that Dazzle.town 's data palace fits your bill. I write a lot about the unified feed in a recent whitepaper https://www.dropbox.com/s/v9u7zod8rg50rr2/Contac…
    1. exformation (uncountable) All the shared body of knowledge which is not explicitly used when people communicate, but without which communication would be impossible.

      making it explicit through articulation

    1. an emergent property

      emergent property

    2. AI, or, Shifty Epistemics and Shaky OntologiesFictional girlfriends and the suss dudes who made them possible

    1. Is Crypto Twitter headed to Threads? Weekly recap: Twitter under attack, Bored Apes underperforming.

    1. Possiplex is his term for that larger web in cyberspace, since he thinks the world wide web is a disaster.

    2. The Possiplex

    1. humanity has no decent writing tools


      has no decent writing tools -


    2. you appear 00:03:27 to be the only one around twist clinically sane

      only one around who is clinically sane - )

    3. if at first you don't succeed try try again

      try and try again

    1. NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms Federal agency reveals the first group of winners from its six-year competition.


    1. As soon as we try to talk about universality, we make it particular.


    1. when you invent a broken wheel there is it isn't obvious what the wheel is or it doesn't even work at all flat tire you can you can 00:19:55 run it at the expense of the tire and figure out what the tire should be in a square wheel you can run it and figure out it should be rounder but a broken wheel won't work and so attempts to fix a broken wheel 00:20:08 produce more variations of a broken wheel and we've had 16 years of them ok

      when you invent a broken wheelthere is - it isn't obvious what the wheel is


    1. THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (wYouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watchYouTubehttps://www.youtube.com › watch1:58:37THE LOGIC DIALOGUES (1): Metaphysics of Adjacency (w/ Layman Pascal). Philosophy Portal.YouTube · Philosophy Portal · Dec 5, 2022

    2. Metaphysics of Adjacency: Three levels? - Layman PascalSubstackhttps://laymanpascal.substack.com › metaphysics-of-adja...Substackhttps://laymanpascal.substack.com › metaphysics-of-adja...Mar 26, 2021 — The metaphysics of adjacency (MOA) is my attempt to describe the type of metaphysics required by postmetaphysics and implied by pluralistic, ...

      search : metaphiscs of adjacency Description

    3. How the Absolute Might MoveMediumhttps://medium.com › ...Mediumhttps://medium.com › ...(Re)constructing “A Is A” argues that “The Metaphysics of Adjacency” created by Layman is brilliant and aligns with the work of Hegel, as does the work of ...The Modern Counter-Enlightenment - O.G. Rose - Mediumhttps://o-g-rose-writing.medium.com › ...https://o-g-rose-writing.medium.com › ...Dec 12, 2022 — 'Our contemporary age is bringing into popular discussion the Metaphysics of Adjacency under various names — 'post-metaphysics,' ...

    4. GENERATIVE (EN)CLOSURES, BUBBLES, AND MAGIC ...Integral Review Journalhttps://integral-review.org › issues › vol_15_no...Integral Review Journalhttps://integral-review.org › issues › vol_15_no...PDFby B Alderman · 2019 — The slippery way I use generative (en)closure is prepositional – i.e., a promiscuous angel. 7 Layman Pascal introduced his Metaphysics of Adjacency in two ...26 pages
    1. How the Absolute Might Move

    1. When you share the link to a document or shared folder through an insecure channel

      When you share the link to a document or shared folder through an insecure channel - (for example email or SMS), - someone might intercept the link and - gain access to your data.

      To prevent this from happening, - the owners of a document or folder - can add a password.

    1. Frequently Asked QuestionsA few questions to discover PeerTube You can also go on the forum to discuss with the community.PeerTube Presentation


    1. on the web platform we are creating unintended silos

      on the web platform we are creating unintended silos by - making it harder to get data in and out of web sites and apps,

      the data only flows one way: - from the web to apps, - because apps can be in all the places that users expect them to be on their devices.

    2. Chrome started to work on the Web Share Target API


    1. Many users of the program desired to use this same idea to create personal websites. This led to the creation of Trellix Web (codenamed "Brooklyn"), a downloadable, client-based software tool

      create personal websites

    2. Trellix[1] was a software company whose products allowed web users to set up personal websites with the use of online publishing tools.[2]

    1. Daniel Singer Bricklin (born July 16, 1951) is an American businessman and engineer who is the co-creator, with Bob Frankston, of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program. He also founded Software Garden, Inc., of which he is currently president, and Trellix.[1] which he left in 2004.[2] He currently serves as the chief technology officer of Alpha Software.[3]

    1. Dan Bricklin coined the term "friend-to-friend network" in 2000.[1]


    2. F2F networks can grow in size without compromising their users' anonymity

      without compromising anonymity

    3. Friend-to-friend


    1. The friend-to-friend structure of the Retroshare network makes it difficult to intrude and hardly possible to monitor from an external point of view.


      friend 2 friend

    2. Retroshare is an instant messaging and file-sharing network that uses a distributed hash table for address discovery. Users can communicate indirectly through mutual friends and request direct connections.


    3. Retroshare is a free and open-source peer-to-peer communication and file sharing app based on a friend-to-friend network built by GNU Privacy Guard (GPG).[4] Optionally, peers may exchange certificates and IP addresses to their friends and vice versa

    1. Looks like it is not possible to annotate CryptPad shared pages

      found : CryptPad - Simon Grant Home Page

    1. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

      • 🟠Large Orange Circle
      • 🟡Large Yellow CircleU+1F7E2
      • 🟢Large Green CircleU+1F7E3
      • 🟣Large Purple CircleU+1F7E4
      • 🟤

      🟔 Heavy Twelve Pointed Pinwheel Star


      🟕 Circled Triangle


      🟖 Negative Circled Triangle


      🟗 Circled Square


      🟘 Negative Circled Square


    1. Douglas Engelbart and the Means to an EndA List Aparthttps://alistapart.com › column › douglas-engelbartA List Aparthttps://alistapart.com › column › douglas-engelbartJul 25, 2013 — The era was dominated by a belief that artificial intelligence was at hand and would soon create a world populated by thinking machines.

      search : engelbart problem-oriented


    1. build a new Open Source knowledge management tool.

      build new Open Source knowledge management tool

    2. Join us to contributing to Open Source, European Digital Sovereignty and a Human Centric Technology world!

      digital sovereignty

    3. Job Offers Become the next XWikier
  4. cryptpad.org cryptpad.org
    1. lease check their jobs page for more information

    1. open and store CryptPad documents in Nextcloud


    2. CryptPad Draw.io integration and provide a diagram editor and build an API to integrate CryptPad as an editor for NextCloud text and diagrams.

      nextcloud text and diagrams

    3. CryptPad White Paper to describe the security of CryptPad.

      white paper

    4. CryptPad Funding Status January 2023 Ludovic Dubost - 9 Feb 2023

    1. HedgeDoc lets you create real-time collaborative markdown notes.

      real-time collaborative

    2. HedgeDoc - The best platform to write and share markdown.


    1. npm install -g bower


    2. Bower A package manager for the web



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2.38074,-10.75466 0,0 10.18003,-45.97417 10.18003,-45.97417 z m -34.84999,4.55647 c 0,0 -5.56214,25.08045 -5.56214,25.08045 0,0 20.87316,0 20.87316,0 0,0 5.54149,-25.08045 5.54149,-25.08045 0,0 -20.85251,0 -20.85251,0 z m -44.50903,59.19428 c 0.082,-0.003 0.16381,0 0.24634,0 0.972,0 1.82094,0.17065 2.50391,0.49256 0.72909,0.34154 1.25042,0.84883 1.53934,1.51879 0.28241,0.6502 0.35626,1.38819 0.20524,2.19604 0,0 -0.0615,0.30787 -0.0615,0.30787 0,0 -2.40129,0 -2.40129,0 -1.1e-4,0 0.0204,-0.28732 0.0204,-0.28732 0.0621,-0.56448 -0.008,-1.0083 -0.22567,-1.31354 -0.0284,-0.0382 -0.0696,-0.0888 -0.10274,-0.12317 -0.0541,-0.0554 -0.1355,-0.11849 -0.20513,-0.16415 -0.33606,-0.21175 -0.86161,-0.32841 -1.53933,-0.32841 -0.89986,0 -1.57221,0.15673 -2.0319,0.47201 -0.44667,0.30867 -0.72908,0.65352 -0.82098,1.06732 -0.092,0.4203 0.059,0.64119 0.16415,0.75933 0.003,0.003 0.0166,0.0169 0.0205,0.0205 0.1331,0.11335 0.59519,0.37933 2.0319,0.71836 1.30041,0.31528 2.16157,0.59849 2.64763,0.84152 0.73559,0.3743 1.2495,0.85956 1.51878,1.45714 0.26929,0.5912 0.32842,1.28318 0.16415,2.0319 -0.16415,0.72909 -0.53605,1.40144 -1.08775,2.0319 -0.54507,0.63046 -1.23877,1.12964 -2.07299,1.4778 -0.82748,0.34154 -1.73544,0.53355 -2.66806,0.53355 -1.18227,0 -2.13132,-0.17888 -2.87342,-0.53355 -0.77498,-0.36779 -1.33409,-0.94825 -1.66239,-1.70359 -0.31529,-0.73548 -0.38263,-1.5705 -0.20536,-2.48337 0,0 0.0616,-0.28732 0.0616,-0.28732 0,0 2.36031,0 2.36031,0 0,0 -0.0205,0.28732 -0.0205,0.28732 -0.0591,0.54507 -8e-4,0.98513 0.1436,1.31354 0.13801,0.31529 0.40067,0.57635 0.82098,0.77988 0.44667,0.21678 1.00487,0.32842 1.64195,0.32842 0.57144,0 1.09357,-0.096 1.55988,-0.26677 0.45969,-0.16427 0.82509,-0.38093 1.08775,-0.65683 0.25616,-0.27579 0.40638,-0.56733 0.47202,-0.88251 0.0657,-0.28241 0.0501,-0.52133 -0.0615,-0.71835 -0.12477,-0.21015 -0.37191,-0.39656 -0.75945,-0.55409 0,-1.2e-4 -2.01135,-0.5953 -2.01135,-0.5953 -1.12302,-0.28241 -1.87916,-0.5517 -2.31921,-0.82098 -0.5977,-0.35456 -1.02862,-0.80945 -1.25202,-1.35452 -0.22328,-0.53857 -0.24702,-1.13547 -0.10251,-1.78567 0.15103,-0.69621 0.48675,-1.35863 1.00568,-1.94971 0.52544,-0.5977 1.2035,-1.06652 2.01135,-1.37518 0.71424,-0.2678 1.46582,-0.42488 2.25757,-0.45147 z m 21.55043,0.041 c 0.1299,-0.01 0.25205,0 0.38994,0 0,0 1.47769,0.16415 1.47769,0.16415 0,0 0.49257,0.0411 0.49257,0.0411 1.1e-4,0 -0.71825,1.82665 -0.71825,1.82665 0,0 -0.14371,0.28732 -0.14371,0.28732 0,0 -1.12885,-0.10262 -1.12885,-0.10262 -0.33332,0 -0.57817,0.0515 -0.7389,0.16427 -0.0106,0.008 -0.0312,0.0324 -0.041,0.041 -0.0216,0.0189 -0.0578,0.0518 -0.0821,0.0822 -0.0989,0.12957 -0.21917,0.36118 -0.30787,0.77989 0,0 -0.0427,0.17727 -0.0821,0.32841 0.51881,0 1.76501,0 1.76501,0 0,0 -0.45147,2.0319 -0.45147,2.0319 0,0 -1.2906,0 -1.72403,0 -0.13139,0.59107 -1.74458,7.8196 -1.74458,7.8196 0,0 -2.38086,0 -2.38086,0 0,0 1.54755,-6.94612 1.74458,-7.8196 -0.40067,0 -1.37507,0 -1.37507,0 0,0 0.45147,-2.0319 0.45147,-2.0319 0,0 0.98022,0 1.35464,0 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-0.10364,0 -0.20729,-0.012 -0.30786,0 z m 37.08713,3.59166 c -0.5582,0.15114 -1.18387,0.2783 -2.01135,0.39006 -0.61733,0.0919 -1.05739,0.1888 -1.31354,0.28731 -0.22328,0.0919 -0.40307,0.21918 -0.55421,0.38995 -0.1444,0.16415 -0.24131,0.33651 -0.28732,0.53365 -0.0131,0.0788 -0.0205,0.16004 -0.0205,0.22568 0,0.005 -1.2e-4,0.0153 0,0.0205 6.8e-4,0.0156 -0.002,0.0465 0,0.0616 0.004,0.0297 0.0124,0.0748 0.0205,0.10251 0.003,0.009 0.0171,0.0322 0.0205,0.0411 0.007,0.0177 0.0116,0.0448 0.0206,0.0616 0.009,0.0166 0.03,0.0455 0.041,0.0615 0.0172,0.0236 0.0406,0.0599 0.0616,0.0821 0.16415,0.1839 0.49176,0.26677 0.96458,0.26677 0.51893,0 1.018,-0.0985 1.4778,-0.3283 0.45319,-0.22339 0.81847,-0.55672 1.08775,-0.94415 0.19703,-0.27579 0.35467,-0.70032 0.49257,-1.25201 z M 56.449981,752.04491 111.53258,695.17292 h 8.99518 l -13.2998,56.87199 h -7.398629 l 3.776339,-16.37106 H 80.514152 L 64.82212,752.04491 H 56.449981 M 86.12566,729.81595 h 18.88598 l 3.48449,-14.27618 c 1.40629,-5.66388 2.75996,-10.38381 4.06102,-14.1598 -2.60007,3.25873 -6.04001,7.1252 -10.31982,11.59939 L 86.12566,729.8159" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path2" style="fill:none;stroke:#0087ff;stroke-width:3.28386545;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-miterlimit:4" d="m 242.27371,772.00406 c 0.26666,0.68537 0.5332,1.3697 0.81093,2.03897 0.42773,0.90933 0.922,1.77974 1.51639,2.59227 3.21051,4.36413 8.58716,6.75366 15.41353,7.34862 0,0 7.34302,0 7.34302,0 2.32173,-0.18116 4.75464,-0.51882 7.27636,-1.01207 4.34906,-0.85043 8.95929,-2.15678 13.74726,-3.90261 3.62705,-1.32245 7.3541,-2.88712 11.13662,-4.70567 8.23729,-3.94873 16.74671,-9.04148 25.09506,-15.18751 2.74946,-2.02242 5.38772,-4.09758 7.92063,-6.20767 2.32173,-1.93179 4.54905,-3.89371 6.67649,-5.8772 5.93759,-5.72219 10.42009,-11.53376 12.95848,-16.63667 2.64386,-5.31398 3.17158,-9.85744 1.00533,-12.71967 -1.32747,-1.7569 -3.54931,-2.69843 -6.40983,-2.91999 12.88633,-9.6692 20.3959,-21.3985 17.70204,-28.79369 -0.85545,-2.36008 -2.73838,-4.12086 -5.43784,-5.09458 -1.19973,-0.43149 -2.54946,-0.70488 -4.02144,-0.82931 0,0 -3.96585,0 -3.96585,0 -5.53772,0.39942 -13.59076,2.38234 -20.42273,5.73052" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> </g> <g id="g3" style="fill:#0087ff" transform="matrix(1.705222,0,0,1.705222,858.2003,2786.4508)"> <path id="path3" transform="translate(-451.3678,-427.5077)" d="m 0,36 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.35,-14 3.35,-14 0,0 12.12,0 12.12,0 0,0 1.56,-6 1.56,-6 0,0 -12.17,0 -12.17,0 0,0 2.02,-9 2.02,-9 0,0 12.95,0 12.95,0 0,0 1.56,-7 1.56,-7 C 28.85,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 0,36 0,36 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path4" transform="translate(-425.4178,-417.5077)" d="m 7.51,26 c 0,0 2.24,-9.4 2.24,-9.4 1.18,-5.09 3.67,-9.6 8.38,-9.6 0.42,0 0.83,0.21 1.14,0.26 0,0 1.82,-7.21 1.82,-7.21 -0.42,0 -0.88,-0.05 -1.4,-0.05 -3.47,0 -6.38,2.44 -8.32,5.94 0,0 -0.2,0 -0.2,0 C 11.46,4.23 11.71,2.61 11.9,1 11.9,1 5.47,1 5.47,1 5.1,3.08 4.53,7.15 3.66,10.82 3.66,10.82 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.51,0 7.51,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path5" transform="translate(-404.7878,-417.5077)" d="M 20.06,19.25 C 17.99,20.26 15.63,20 12.88,20 10.71,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.43,16.81 7.47,16 17.6,16.27 23.99,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.73,0 0.73,8.08 0.34,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.78,26 c 2.79,0 6.49,-0.32 9.52,-1.23 0,0 -0.24,-5.52 -0.24,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.47,10 9.1,7.91 11.22,6 14.69,6 c 1.71,0 2.69,0.65 2.63,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path6" transform="translate(-378.2678,-417.5077)" d="M 20.05,19.25 C 17.98,20.26 15.62,20 12.88,20 10.7,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.42,16.81 7.46,16 17.6,16.27 23.98,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.72,0 0.72,8.08 0.33,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.77,26 c 2.8,0 6.5,-0.32 9.53,-1.23 0,0 -0.25,-5.52 -0.25,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.46,10 9.1,7.91 11.21,6 14.68,6 c 1.71,0 2.7,0.65 2.64,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path7" transform="translate(-342.3578,-417.5077)" d="M 22.74,26 C 22.8,22.83 23.56,17.85 24.35,14.58 24.35,14.58 27.56,1 27.56,1 25.52,0.31 22.34,0 19.28,0 6.86,0 0.7,9.2 0.27,17.82 0,23.23 2.93,26 7.49,26 c 2.95,0 6.28,-1.43 8.87,-5.73 0,0 0.11,0 0.11,0 -0.2,2.07 -0.44,4.08 -0.57,5.73 0,0 6.84,0 6.84,0 z M 17.61,11.72 C 16.15,18.08 13.17,20 10.95,20 8.88,20 7.98,18.53 8.1,16.39 8.34,11.56 12.16,6 16.98,6 c 0.78,0 1.39,-0.14 1.96,-0.28 0,0 -1.33,6 -1.33,6 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path8" transform="translate(-314.7278,-417.5077)" d="m 0,24.82 c 1.44,1.12 4.46,1.13 7.61,1.18 6.73,0.05 11.81,-2.89 12.11,-8.29 0.17,-3.6 -2.62,-5.73 -5.35,-7.16 C 12.4,9.6 11.41,8.69 11.46,7.63 11.53,6.2 12.87,6 14.84,6 c 2.22,0 4,0.27 5.02,0.47 0,0 2.02,-5.42 2.02,-5.42 C 20.73,0.36 18.43,0 15.48,0 8.95,0 4.17,3.45 3.9,8.69 c -0.16,3.24 2.17,5.42 4.99,6.9 2.28,1.17 3.06,2.07 3,3.34 C 11.82,20.21 10.68,20 8.61,20 6.18,20 3.49,19.68 2.07,19.46 2.07,19.46 0,24.82 0,24.82 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path9" transform="translate(-282.2778,-428.5077)" d="m 7.45,37 c 0,0 6.05,-25 6.05,-25 0,0 -7.41,0 -7.41,0 0,0 -6.09,25 -6.09,25 0,0 7.45,0 7.45,0 z M 10.92,9 C 13.46,9 15.72,6.9 15.86,3.3 15.98,0.86 14.4,0 12.07,0 9.64,0 7.42,1.58 7.29,3.94 7.17,6.32 8.75,9 10.92,9 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path10" transform="translate(-267.9878,-416.8177)" d="m 7.46,25.31 c 0,0 2.64,-11.26 2.64,-11.26 1.37,-5.73 4.32,-7.74 6.75,-7.74 1.92,0 2.48,0.82 2.39,2.01 -0.05,0.96 -0.2,1.97 -0.4,2.87 0,0 -3.36,14.12 -3.36,14.12 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.54,-14.81 3.54,-14.81 C 26.75,9.22 27.05,7.31 27.11,6.15 27.33,1.64 25.08,0 20.94,0 c -3.32,0 -6.55,1.54 -9.1,4.88 0,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 0,0 0.68,-4.57 0.68,-4.57 0,0 -6.58,0 -6.58,0 C 5.41,2.45 4.86,5.04 4.08,8.06 4.08,8.06 0,25.31 0,25.31 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path11" transform="translate(-228.4278,-427.5077)" d="m 0,36 c 0,0 7.46,0 7.46,0 0,0 3.36,-14 3.36,-14 0,0 12.11,0 12.11,0 0,0 1.56,-6 1.56,-6 0,0 -12.17,0 -12.17,0 0,0 2.02,-9 2.02,-9 0,0 12.95,0 12.95,0 0,0 1.56,-7 1.56,-7 C 28.85,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 8.4,0 0,36 0,36 Z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path12" transform="translate(-202.4778,-417.5077)" d="m 7.51,26 c 0,0 2.24,-9.4 2.24,-9.4 1.18,-5.09 3.67,-9.6 8.38,-9.6 0.42,0 0.83,0.21 1.14,0.26 0,0 1.82,-7.21 1.82,-7.21 -0.42,0 -0.88,-0.05 -1.4,-0.05 -3.47,0 -6.38,2.44 -8.32,5.94 0,0 -0.2,0 -0.2,0 C 11.46,4.23 11.71,2.61 11.9,1 11.9,1 5.47,1 5.47,1 5.11,3.08 4.53,7.15 3.66,10.82 3.66,10.82 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.51,0 7.51,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path13" transform="translate(-181.8478,-417.5077)" d="M 20.06,19.25 C 17.99,20.26 15.63,20 12.88,20 10.71,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.43,16.81 7.47,16 17.6,16.27 23.99,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.73,0 0.73,8.08 0.34,15.86 0,22.65 3.53,26 10.78,26 c 2.79,0 6.5,-0.32 9.52,-1.23 0,0 -0.24,-5.52 -0.24,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.47,10 9.1,7.91 11.22,6 14.69,6 c 1.71,0 2.69,0.65 2.63,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path14" transform="translate(-155.3278,-417.5077)" d="M 20.05,19.25 C 17.98,20.26 15.62,20 12.88,20 10.7,20 9.03,19.62 8.11,18.88 7.63,18.07 7.42,16.81 7.46,16 17.6,16.27 23.98,13.93 24.31,7.53 24.55,2.7 21.02,0 15.89,0 6.72,0 0.72,8.08 0.33,15.86 0,22.65 3.52,26 10.77,26 c 2.8,0 6.5,-0.32 9.53,-1.23 0,0 -0.25,-5.52 -0.25,-5.52 z M 17.32,7.53 C 17.2,9.91 14.26,10.05 8.46,10 9.1,7.91 11.21,6 14.68,6 c 1.71,0 2.7,0.65 2.64,1.53 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path15" transform="translate(-128.9478,-428.5077)" d="M 23.31,0 C 23.31,0 20.5,11.36 20.5,11.36 19.48,10.94 18.15,11 17.11,11 7.53,11 0.75,19.2 0.3,28.08 0,34.34 3.34,37 7.64,37 c 3.01,0 6.18,-1.33 8.58,-4.77 0,0 0.1,0 0.1,0 0,0 -0.57,4.77 -0.57,4.77 0,0 6.78,0 6.78,0 0.31,-3 0.96,-6.57 1.69,-9.83 0,0 6.49,-27.17 6.49,-27.17 0,0 -7.4,0 -7.4,0 z M 17.47,24.42 C 16.3,29.35 13.54,31 11.36,31 9.19,31 7.98,29.49 8.13,26.8 8.38,21.82 11.8,17 16.25,17 c 1.25,0 2.32,0.19 2.91,0.47 0,0 -1.69,6.95 -1.69,6.95 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path16" transform="translate(-99.2378,-417.5077)" d="M 10.61,26 C 19.31,26 26.02,19.41 26.49,10.44 26.78,4.5 23.08,0 16.25,0 7.23,0 0.76,7.3 0.31,16.12 0,22.54 4.14,26 10.61,26 Z m 1.17,-6 C 9.24,20 7.84,18.38 7.99,15.96 8.19,11.93 10.68,6 14.97,6 c 2.96,0 3.87,2.27 3.75,4.5 -0.22,4.4 -2.9,9.5 -6.94,9.5 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> <path id="path17" transform="translate(-70.6778,-417.5077)" d="M 7.2,26 C 7.2,26 9.9,14.58 9.9,14.58 11.03,9.49 13.85,6 16.38,6 c 1.82,0 2.32,1.33 2.23,3.07 -0.05,0.9 -0.25,1.91 -0.46,2.91 0,0 -3.34,14.02 -3.34,14.02 0,0 7.2,0 7.2,0 0,0 2.7,-11.47 2.7,-11.47 C 25.95,9.28 28.61,6 31.09,6 c 1.71,0 2.42,1.22 2.34,2.96 -0.05,1.01 -0.26,2.12 -0.52,3.13 0,0 -3.24,13.91 -3.24,13.91 0,0 7.25,0 7.25,0 0,0 3.49,-14.81 3.49,-14.81 0.27,-1.33 0.58,-3.4 0.63,-4.46 C 41.26,2.33 39.11,0 35.23,0 31.91,0 28.68,1.5 26.23,4.66 26.14,2.38 24.51,0 20.47,0 17.2,0 14.08,1.48 11.58,4.83 c 0,0 -0.1,0 -0.1,0 0,0 0.67,-3.83 0.67,-3.83 0,0 -6.42,0 -6.42,0 C 5.31,3.14 4.8,5.73 4.02,8.75 4.02,8.75 0,26 0,26 c 0,0 7.2,0 7.2,0 z" inkscape:connector-curvature="0" /> </g> </g> </svg>