- Oct 2023
docdrop.org docdrop.org
open for anyone to see for anyone to add
imagine building your own personal Library except this time
your ideas are - open for anyone to see - for anyone to add connections to - for anyone to build on top of
Net Frontier Marks
with TrailMarks on the IndyWeb
"Google might be proudly saying, we are doing a lot to help people find things on the netfrontier, Who is doing the job of maybe making better maps understanding the frontier"
shouldn't just be a graph you contribute
this shouldn't just be a graph you contribute to
this should be - a tool that is first and foremost for you
but unlike other bookmarking and note-taking tools the superpower here is - the collective graph
we tapped into the Zeitgeist we onboard a 250 founding curators who collectively made over 29 000 curations 80 000 connections and in the process built a lovely audience of 00:02:39 over 25 000 newsletter subscribers
we tapped into the Zeitgeist we
- onboard a 250 founding curators
who collectively made - over 29 000 curations - 80 000 connections and
in the process built a - lovely audience of - over 25 000 newsletter subscribers
turned my airtable database into a searchable interface and invited others to contribute to it
user curated knowledge is stuck in single player environments
all while search engines are deteriorating in quality we need less second brains more collectively curated knowledge Networks
Actually co-curated mutual learning networks Symmathesy
curators are the new Google
mindfully curating it
it changed my relationship to the internet I was no longer mindlessly consuming the internet I was mindfully curating it
Presentation for Betawork's THINK Camp Demo Day
sublimeapp.notion.site sublimeapp.notion.site
just-in-time epiphanies: the right ideas, exactly when you need them.
serendiity engine
HyperMaps let's you connect everything via labelled bidirectional hyperlinks, as envisaged by Ted Nelson over half a century ago.
build the perfect tool to collect and connect anything interesting you come across
connect anything interesting
experience the web as an extension of your mind
hyperpost.co hyperpost.co
Serendipity Engine for a Digital Pensieve
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
manthanein "to learn,"
"to learn"
Greek menthere "to care,"
to care
www.etymonline.com www.etymonline.com
see - https://hyp.is/YNofxncOEe6e3nMev2lOyQ/www.etymonline.com/word/*mendh-
root *mendh- "to learn."
root - mendh - to learn
from manthanein "to learn,"
from manthenein
"to learn"
"that which is learnt;"
pertaining to learning, disposed to learn,
pertaining to learning
disposed to learn
github.com github.com
Self-hosting /routing/v1 endpoint for delegated routing needs
Really nice Just what Indy0.Net needs
beneficial for whitelabel or middleware deployments that wish to avoid IPFS branding and links on error pages in browsers.
whitelabel middleware
avoid IPFS branding
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
One can use the JS "module pattern" to implement a facade. – Bergi Feb 1, 2015 at 21:48
use module pattern to implement facade
www.joezimjs.com www.joezimjs.com
ES6 Classes syntactic obscurantism to muddy the waters
JavaScript Design Patterns: Facade 2011/12/06
www.toptal.com www.toptal.com
a façade.
ES6 Classes syntactic obscurantism to muddy the waters
muddy the waters?
muddy the waters
As a JS Developer, ES6 Classes Are What Keep Me Up at Night
ES6 Classes
Besides avoiding new and this tomfoolery
experienced JavaScript developers tend to avoid both when they can.
avoid prototypes and classes
aren’t so much “encapsulated” as “hanging precariously out the window.”
hanging out the window
whereas a prototype is itself an object instance.
object instance
Prototypes are object instances, not types
object instances
not types
class is not a language feature, it’s syntactic obscurantism.
syntactic obscurantism
knowledge.pinata.cloud knowledge.pinata.cloud
Set Up A Custom Domain For Your Gateway
medium.com medium.com
How to Easily Host a Website on IPFSA step by step guide to easily host Angular, ReactJS, or VueJS apps on IPFS using Cloudflare and Pinata
knowledge.pinata.cloud knowledge.pinata.cloud
How to upload a large folder by running a local IPFS nodeA step-by-step guide on how to transfer content to us over the IPFS network.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
The Better Parts. Douglas Crockford. JS Fest 2018
www.livingcities.earth www.livingcities.earth
www.racket-lang.org www.racket-lang.orgRacket2
Racket, the Programming Language
www.quora.com www.quora.com
(-: Racket is what we call a “programmable programming language”, or, “a programming language for creating new programming languages”. There are many things that go into designing such a language, and The Racket Manifesto
language oriented programming
docs.pinata.cloud docs.pinata.cloud
List all currently running pinByHash jobs
docdrop.org docdrop.org
docdrop.org docdrop.org
Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating creativity through projects, passion,peers, and play. Cambridge
very interesting
from - https://hyp.is/6zgOGHQkEe6mSl9g9j4hdQ/docdrop.org/video/Iwpi1Lm6dFo/
bafybeigx7h4nlkpqvjvklhvv7byhedmcf6ws5uca7e4novzvc3tfygipbi.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeigx7h4nlkpqvjvklhvv7byhedmcf6ws5uca7e4novzvc3tfygipbi.ipfs.w3s.link
Lifelong Kindergarten: Cultivating CreativityThrough Projects, Passion, Peers, and Play
- projects
- passion
- peers
- play
4 Ps for Cultivating Creativity Lifelong kindergarten
LifeLong Mutual Learning Symmathesy
Sometimes, though, we need to work with unstructured data, like plain-text logs for example. In these cases, we’ll need to parse the data to make it structured data using Logstash Grok or another 3rd party service (like Coralogix, for example).
www.google.com www.google.com
Tutorial: Logstash Grok Patterns with ExamplesCoralogixhttps://coralogix.com › BlogCoralogixhttps://coralogix.com › BlogJun 14, 2020 — This tutorial will enable you to take full advantage of Elasticsearch's analysis and querying capabilities by parsing with Logstash Grok.
Logstash Grok - The Comprehensive Guide for EngineersLogz.iohttps://logz.io › Best Practices › BlogLogz.iohttps://logz.io › Best Practices › BlogJul 11, 2016 — Logstash grok is just one type of filter that can be applied to your logs before they are forwarded into Elasticsearch. Because it plays such a ..
logstash-patterns/files/grok-patterns at masterGitHubhttps://github.com › hpcugent › logstash-patterns › blobGitHubhttps://github.com › hpcugent › logstash-patterns › blobGrok patterns for parsing and structuring log messages with logstash - logstash-patterns/files/grok-patterns at master · hpcugent/logstash-patterns.
github.com github.com
Andy Georges itkovian
github.com github.com
Grok patterns for parsing and structuring log messages with logstash
docs.influxdata.com docs.influxdata.com
logstash grok patterns
search - logstash grok patterns
see Grok Basics
Use the grok data format to parse line-delimited data using a regular expression-like language.
parse line delimited data with regexps
for - TrailMarks - PlexMarks - inline in Clausal Intentional MarkIn Notations by TrarilMarks.co
Grok input data format
www.elastic.co www.elastic.co
www.influxdata.com www.influxdata.com
Open and interoperable with data ecosystems
InfluxDB. It's About Time. Real-time insights from any time series data with a single, purpose-built database. Run at any scale in any environment in the cloud, on-premises, or at the edge.
www.google.com www.google.com
GrokWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › GrokWikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › GrokGrok means to understand so thoroughly that the observer becomes a part of the observed – to merge, blend, intermarry, lose identity in group experience. It ..
Grok Learninghttps://groklearning.comGrok Learninghttps://groklearning.comOnline platform to learn and teach programming in the classroom. Created by educators for educators. Learn Python, HTML, CSS, embedded programming, .
Grok is a neologism coined by American writer Robert A. Heinlein for his 1961 science fiction novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Wikipedia
groklearning.com groklearning.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
"to understand intuitively or by empathy, to establish rapport with" and "to empathize or communicate sympathetically (with); also, to experience enjoyment"
www.google.com www.google.com
See results about
understand (something) intuitively or by empathy."corporate leaders seemed to grok this concept fairly quickly"establish a rapport."nestling earth couple would like to find water brothers to grok with in peace"
- understand
- intutively
- emotionally
- establish rapport
google.search : grok
www.google.com www.google.com
www.google.com www.google.com
docdrop.org docdrop.org
what is a rational number really? See, what's it really, without having to talk about going below the layer of abstraction, what we're forced into saying is a rational number 01:01:21 really is sort of this axiom, is three procedures, make-RAT, numerator, and denominator, that satisfy this axiom.
what is a natural number
procedures satisfying the three axioms
bring you face to face with the sort of existential reality of this abstraction
The Tao as LISP
let me do something that I think is really going to terrify you. I mean, it's really going to bring you face to face with the sort of existential reality of this abstraction that we're talking about.
existential reality of abstractions
structure and process equivalence
primacy of process
effective conceptions
let me really scare you, and show you what we might build pairs in terms of.
start data process equivalence
just some axiom for pairs
the programming language to express the concepts that we have in our heads
do that would require augmenting effectiv4 articulations
programming languages by conceptions are not well suited to do that job
means of abstraction, how you can take those complicated things and name them so you can use them as simple building blocks.
- abstractions
- naming
- building boxes
// Oh yes LISP is building material
instead of writing that progam
invent a new paradigm
- cf : Ward Cunningham on LISP https://hyp.is/UbnsFHPqEe63p8djBLyCPA/www.quora.com/What-programming-languages-are-language-oriented
strategy of wishful thinking
www.quora.com www.quora.com
As Ward Cunningham said: “Lisp is building material,that inspires one to invent a new programming paradigm” before writing that program. LISP, along with chapter 4 of SICP Metalinguistic abstraction - Wikipedia did inspire me to come up with the Language-Oriented Paradigm before I would write any other program.
LISP building material inspires one to invent a new proramming paradigm
batsov.com batsov.comQuotes3
Lisp isn’t a language, it’s a building material.
building material ward lisp
Configuring Emacs is more of a lifestyle choice than a task that one completes.
emacs lifestyle choice
Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute.
The death of programming languages
What we need is augmented ways of articulating effective concepts
that are complete and are amenable to the PUN to be interpreted to yeild the desired results as effectively articul;ated by humans to be ffective
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
ES6+ version for 2021; no 1MB limit either:
```javascript const saveTemplateAsFile = (filename, dataObjToWrite) => { const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(dataObjToWrite)], { type: "text/json" }); const link = document.createElement("a");
link.download = filename; link.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.dataset.downloadurl = ["text/json", link.download, link.href].join(":"); const evt = new MouseEvent("click", { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: true, }); link.dispatchEvent(evt); link.remove()
}; ```
psychcentral.com psychcentral.com
“Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto,” or “I am a man, I consider nothing that is human alien to me.”
fission.codes fission.codes
docdrop.org docdrop.org
I hate computer languages now almost all of them 00:34:46 including than once I invent okay and part of the reason is because they're full of expressions
hate computer languages
www.fileformat.info www.fileformat.info
Browser Test Page for Unicode Character 'MIDLINE HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' (U+22EF)
Computers should belong to you, the people. We develop and fund technology to give them back.
ronie.medium.com ronie.medium.com
Lots of Insipid, Stupid Parentheses
bafybeia35cweytspfn32hdopuqrpwtfu6gezrmtgcg7kpqrjqy626ai2zu.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeia35cweytspfn32hdopuqrpwtfu6gezrmtgcg7kpqrjqy626ai2zu.ipfs.localhost:48084
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
What would be possible if hand-drawn sketches were programmable like spreadsheets?
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
for - inkandswitch
intent at last
Conflict-free Replicated Data Types (CRDTs) for rich text
Beyond CRDT in additon to or even replacing relance on smart automatic processes
be smart about how the problem is formulated
in addition to being smart regarding maximising the involvement of human actors in enriched info-communication-learning/work-flows that are natural and engaging and lead to augmented the intellectual effectivenesss of the participants in the collaboration communicaiton that are continuous without being synchronous!
make the design integral and reversed omni-optional maximizing easy of introducing radical changes nd full recapitulable meaningful historical provenance
focus only on inlineformatting
visualizing editing history andchanges, highlighting conflicts for manual resolution, and other features
visualising editing history
highlighting confilcts
simply allowstwo versions of a rich text document to be merged automaticall
asynchronous collaboration, and we plan to add it in the future
async future
r local-first [ 27 ]rich text editing
local first
Asynchronous editors
glad to see asynchronicity is coming to focus.
store formatting spans alongside the plaintext character sequence,linked to a stable identifier for the first and last character of each span, and then to derive the final formattedtext from these spans in a deterministic way that ensures concurrent operations commute.
There is a much better way
indy.trailmarks.co indy.trailmarks.co
colofon - web snarf experiment - copying entire web page into cryptpad so that we can edit it in cryptpad - like : https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/1kEH1GFJH1437WKZnTmHClszBpzEZwoq4I5ynZb8hrM/
perma self link - https://indy.trailmarks.co/ipfs/QmcFotzuX8WUuFo15NxRtWGYNsrBpsdts9Fbyi83oNvWL3
source - https://www.inkandswitch.com/upwelling/ - exported from there and uploaded to - https://indy.trailmarks.co/ipfs/QmcFotzuX8WUuFo15NxRtWGYNsrBpsdts9Fbyi83oNvWL3
- what we really wanted is to use brave's ability to add a web page or a file to IPFS
- then arrange that entire folder to be available via ipns
- so that we can share them and annotate them
collaborate in real time
need it to be continuous without being synchronous
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
Upwelling Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers
bafybeicqfodlmxgwnfhap7rytzqyl4lg5hs5dlc262f5kd4repgq3d7lni.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeicqfodlmxgwnfhap7rytzqyl4lg5hs5dlc262f5kd4repgq3d7lni.ipfs.localhost:48084
Upwelling Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers.
bafybeicqfodlmxgwnfhap7rytzqyl4lg5hs5dlc262f5kd4repgq3d7lni.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeicqfodlmxgwnfhap7rytzqyl4lg5hs5dlc262f5kd4repgq3d7lni.ipfs.localhost:48084
bafybeievsiyklkdyctsggchd4vhnj6wf6k4xyu6f3ku2vdaoz5ttbe3foq.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeievsiyklkdyctsggchd4vhnj6wf6k4xyu6f3ku2vdaoz5ttbe3foq.ipfs.w3s.link
Television has great breadth of reach, but is generally shallow.● The internet has great depth of reach, but is generally narrow
- television shallow
- internet depth of reach but narrow
// need to scale - reach - ability fro ever cascading wider synthesis
free-doms are imposed, not by the government,
should ask who is behind the curtain
with authoritariancontrols, these same tools can contract our social attention intoa cramped and censored reality
authoritarian control - contract social attention into - cramped - censored - reality
eveloping skills for local-to-global com-munication
local-to-global communication
Choosing Communication
CHOOSING EARTHHumanity’s Journey of Initiation Through Breakdownand Collapse to Mature Planetary Community
This method only works for iframes which are direct children of the top-level document and have the same origin.
direct children
Opt iframes into annotation by adding the "enable-annotation" attribute
add attribute to iframe
add this one line to the HTML source of each page that you want to have the Hypothesis client on
indy.files.fission.name indy.files.fission.name
docs.polycentric.io docs.polycentric.io
GitLab here,
Polycentric is an Open-source distributed social network. Checkout our GitLab here, or jump right into the app
pnpm.io pnpm.io
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
Connect to your target Linux system in Visual Studio
www.ibiblio.org www.ibiblio.org
Telling Applications to Avoid Beeping
levelup.gitconnected.com levelup.gitconnected.com
Set Up and Run a Simple Node Server Project
learn.microsoft.com learn.microsoft.com
Install OpenSSH for Windows
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Remote Development Tips and Tricks
help.ubuntu.com help.ubuntu.com
code.visualstudio.com code.visualstudio.com
Remote development in WSL
superuser.com superuser.com
How do I remove VS Code & settings from Ubuntu?
blog.jonudell.net blog.jonudell.net
Componentware Revisited
for - hypothesis embed
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration (2021)
Ink & Switch is an independent research lab working on this
I've been following the work of inkandswitch, an independent research lab for the past 4 years, Attended two of their presentations at Fission Show and Tell calls. I encountered their work on Local-first software a year after I've discovered OrbitDb as the best in class technology for developing personal first interpersonal networked thinking tools. It was great to see other people converging on the same possibility
much of their output presents a systematic treatment of the same problems that we are working on
This is a comprehensive proof of the idea that problems define their own solutions
As I am engaged in bringing into a coherent working system all these ideas I find it helpful to revisit their work.
Building on this work is accelerating our work as it allow us to focus on articulating those aspect of our current work that goes beyond theirs and incorporate and reference much of their work and make contributions that accellarates the development of shared goals.
Dynamic documents as personal software
There is to much focus on programming and not enough on articulation and intentional transparency
Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers (2023)
integral reverse optional omi-optional exploratory design
making conversations continuous without being synchronous
Backchannel: A relationship-based digital identity system (2021)
Ink & Switch is an independent research lab working on this problem
Computers can aid humans in our most noble endeavors: art, science, thinking, self-improvement. But today’s dominant computing platforms increasingly work against the needs of creative professionals.
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
docdrop.org docdrop.org
you'll have to change
- change what's coming into your awareness
- put the work the work of the people that are awaking you up
- we are the average of the five people we spend most time around
- our conscioussness is influenced by what we are paying attention to
// attention is sacred
everything is
what is conditioning your Consciousness continuously is aligned with what what is most real
- what is conditioning your Consciousness continually
- is aligned with what is most real
what is most true and meaningful is what you're getting reminded of the most
most true and meaningful
I'm reminded of the the krishnamurti quote that being well adjusted to a profoundly insane Society is not a good measure of Health 00:48:30 good measure of Mental Health
- Krishnamurti
- well adjusted
- insane society
- mental health
www.inkandswitch.com www.inkandswitch.com
from - https://hyp.is/y34mZGsqEe6KFiu9t9rmaA/www.inkandswitch.com/
[import to IPFS](ipfs://bafybeibauaujspqrtd4ngyfhkiddwutlzfjcuurtkqrck6krw3q3vlumhy/}
design principles
- Relationships, not namespaces
- Recognition to resist impersonation
- High availability and resiliency
- Secure, but usable
2 : principles - :https://hyp.is/qxq80GszEe6daHN5zEMffw/www.inkandswitch.com/backchannel/
A vision for trusted digital relationships
- Relationships, not namespaces
- Recognition to resist impersonation
- High availability and resiliency
- Secure, but usable
2 : full review - https://hyp.is/iN3JvmszEe6UkNNNWakiDA/www.inkandswitch.com/backchannel/
A social proof is a public demonstration of identity supported by other people.
social proof
Appendix I: Full review of existing systems
PAKE (Password Authenticated Key Exchange)
user profiles have three important shortcomings.
user profiles
Backchannel A relationship-based digital identity system
martin.kleppmann.com martin.kleppmann.com
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bafybeie2clysdvbeknzq3l3bat3bog76onhbz4uboizadcii47voem4mdm.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeie2clysdvbeknzq3l3bat3bog76onhbz4uboizadcii47voem4mdm.ipfs.localhost:48084
snyk.io snyk.io
How to use hypercore - 10 common examples
inkandswitch capstone
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
I and Thou
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
Origins stop mattering so much
private IPFS networks plug-out plug out plugout
But instead of relying on a global database, which comes with a lot of complexity, risks, and information leaks, and which the attacker gets to manipulate, each user relies on their local database, which is managed by a local user agent (app) that is loyal only to them.
In Pet Names, the user still gets the usability benefits from all three sides of Zooko’s Triangle!
securely gossip names within our web of trust
gossip names
web of trust
a personal address book that maps meaningful names to secure-decentralized addresses.
yes the question is what are these addresses address and how they are used or what are they DOING
Name pluralism.
map synonyms
CIDs are secure-decentralized, we don’t have to base security on which server something comes from.
absolutely key
Include a parent CID header, and you can trace back the entire history as well. Resilient
history resilience
decouple identifier from locator.
secure-meaningful names point to the latest CID for a name, and say “this is what thing (bytes) means for me (origin/key) at this time (of access)”
origin key time of access
flip that originator key?
secure-meaningful names dereference to secure-decentralized IPFS CIDs?
secure-meaningful names secure permanent references
layered protocol,
byzantine fault tolerance
much overrated
there must be a better way
Cheating Zooko’s Triangle with PetnamesWe can go one step further by making names into petnames.
gloss : PetName System - personal address book - maps meaningful names to secure-decentralized addresses
// reply * secure interpersonal actor names
gloss : Zooko's Triangle - is s triangle much like the on in the CAP theorem - that states that from the three desirable properties of - a naming system you can only have 2 at a time - security - human readability - global availability - this is attributed to Zooko https://hypothes.is/a/eqpighPGEe2mn7OTlcfFAQ
compare : PetNames - vs - IndyNetNames
for : zooko's triangle
twitter.com twitter.com
the future of Personal computing
www.nbcnews.com www.nbcnews.com
Jack Dorsey shares Robert F. Kennedy Jr. video echoing conspiracy theoriesDorsey, the co-founder of Twitter and the head of Block Inc, has previously supported unconventional Democratic candidates.
www.mcgill.ca www.mcgill.ca
the clinically sane
the choice of splash image reveals it in plain sight
www.investopedia.com www.investopedia.com
Prospect Theory: What It Is and How It Works, With Examples
f*up theory?
twitter.com twitter.com
global database - complexity - risk - leaks - manipultation
rely on - local database - local user agent (app) - loyal only to them
from - https://hyp.is/-KNtemp7Ee6er-Ns1P99Uw/subconscious.substack.com/p/cheating-zookos-triangle
But instead of relying on a global database, which comes with a lot of complexity, risks, and information leaks, and which the attacker gets to manipulate, each user relies on their local database, which is managed by a local user agent (app) that is loyal only to them.
app that is loyal to them
twitter.com twitter.com
Today is a good day for everyone to post this.
twitter.com twitter.com
zooko❤ⓩ🛡🦓🦓🦓 @zooko Human freedom maximalist. Good vibes only.
from - https://hyp.is/U_l-smp3Ee66hPsZHsmJXQ/subconscious.substack.com/p/cheating-zookos-triangle
Human freedom maximalist. Good vibes only.
twitter.com twitter.com
In Pet Names, the user still gets the usability benefits from all three sides of Zooko’s Triangle!
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Byzantine fault tolerance (BFT) is the resilience of a fault-tolerant computer system to such conditions.