- Dec 2023
indieweb.org indieweb.org
The IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data.
for - IndyWeb - IndieWeb - indieweb
4 indyWeb
- personal websites
- own your domain identity
- publish own site
own your own ever green presence
share, collaborate on your own terms
events.indieweb.org events.indieweb.org
Transatlantic Bonus Homebrew Website Club
events.indieweb.org events.indieweb.org
Homebrew Website Club Europe/London
indieweb.org indieweb.org
PESOS is an acronym for Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site.
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
define the experience that you want to provide to fans and followers
define an organisation’s social media presenc
translate this discussion into considering what kinds of strategies would be best for organizations for creating their own(ed) IndySocial Media Presence on the IndyWeb
indieweb.org indieweb.org
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, a content publishing model that starts with posting content on your own domain first, then syndicating out copies to 3rd party services with permashortlinks back to the original on your site.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: How to Live in a World we Don't Understand
for - Matyi - Probability
bafybeicjsiaw3y7cmsxxg55ckktcuuh4razzpr6uq7fsyag3g3vapley2u.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeicjsiaw3y7cmsxxg55ckktcuuh4razzpr6uq7fsyag3g3vapley2u.ipfs.w3s.link
T h e I m p a c t o f t h e H I G H L Y I M P R O B A B L E Nassim Nicholas Taleb
from - https://hyp.is/Vb9oCJqaEe6nE6eI09UnJQ/archive.org/details/
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
for - Matyi - probability
Fooled by Randomness by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
@esnafmemovic5409 3 years ago (edited) All time stamps we got so far: 0:05 Preface 25:10 Prologue 42:14 Part 1: Solons Warning 46:33 Chapter 1: If you're so rich, why aren't you so smart? 1:25:30 Chapter 2: A bizzare accounting method 2:12:31 Chapter 3: A mathmetical meditation on history 3:14:00 Chapter 4 3:32:08 Chapter 5: Survival of the least fit 4:12:17 Chapter 6: Skewness and asymmetry 4:53:17 Chapter 7: The problem of induction 5:29:52 Part 2 Monkeys aren't typewriters 5:36:00 Chapter 8: There is too many millionaires next door 5:56:02 Chapter 9: It's easier to buy and sell 6:48:35 Chapter 10: Loser takes it all 7:09:31 Chapter 11: Randomness and our mind, we're probably blind 8:34:10 Part 3 8:45:23 Chapter 12: Gamblers ticks and pigeons in a box 9:02:00 Chapter 13 Carneades comes to Rome 9:26:39 Chapter 14: Bacchus abandons Anthony 9:38:41 Postscript
archive.org archive.org
The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable by Nassim Nicholas Taleb
statisticsblog.com statisticsblog.com
Taleb’s books (black swan, fooled by randomness)
fooled by randomness
or dangerously incomplete
Theory has blinded you to information.
for - Matyi - probability
What is the probability that the probability theory is wrong?
for - Matyi
web.archive.org web.archive.org
cryiptpad - web.archive.org - docs.odd.dev
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
First, here is the formal definition, coined by science fiction author A. E. Van Vogt. Nexialist: One skilled in the science of joining together in an orderly fashion the knowledge of one field of learning with that of other fields.
Nexialism (definition)Rhumatopratiquehttps://surimposium.rhumatopratique.com › nexialism-...Rhumatopratiquehttps://surimposium.rhumatopratique.com › nexialism-...May 25, 2022 — A nexialist is a specialist in transdisciplinarity. A non-specialist in fact. His knowledge has no borders. On the contrary, he must explore ..
google.search : - nexialist meaning
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www.google.com www.google.com
Why isnt IPFS good enough for archive.org?
Why isnt IPFS good enough for archive.org?
to - annotea
Reddit · r/ipfs 7 comments · 8 months ago They have a decentralized mirror of their archive at dweb.archive.org. ... web archive item is immediately accessible on IPFS. Upvote 5. Downvote 3 answers
Top answer: this is a very old experiment and does not represent the current state of
google.search - : web archive ipfs mirror
www.google.com www.google.com
google.search - reticulate
bafybeigwamkgvdko4mmfacg2hiy4tjiojqxtdi7sbdd3xqlpc4zbaeovym.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeigwamkgvdko4mmfacg2hiy4tjiojqxtdi7sbdd3xqlpc4zbaeovym.ipfs.w3s.link
>>> I was doing a search on autopoiesis - as this is at the heart of everything I do
including universal virtual - machines - human intents - effective (affor)dances - hyper documents long term info-communication-computational structures
trailmarks is not just - thought veCtors in concept space but - intent verctors in cyber (affor)Dance Spaces
MUTUAL ARISING of networked people and digital info communicationation and infrastructure for long term symmathesy and the growth of knowing interpersonal inter extellect
This is the closest articulation I encountered including th need to merge Poppers's World 3 which is THE SYMBOLOSPHERE (NOT OBJECTIVE BUT EXTERNALIZED ITER INTELELCT) AND pLANYI'S CONCEPT OF pERSONAL kNOWING
- autopoiesis
in.trail - https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Three-worlds-in-an-autopoietic-system-Hall-2011-after-Hall-2005_fig8_257811192 - https://hyp.is/jv3yepdHEe6acN-QkespLQ/www.google.com/search?sca_esv=589538557&q=autopoietic&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiRzYbezYSDAxXghf0HHVLUAhwQBSgAegQIDBAC&biw=789&bih=816 - https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.researchgate.net/publication/216663280/figure/fig3/AS:667653916065807@1536192506737/The-autopoietic-emergence-of-knowledge-in-the-domains-of-Poppers-three-worlds-from-Hall.png&tbnid=g_M7O1p5g0Zg9M&vet=1&imgrefurl=https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-autopoietic-emergence-of-knowledge-in-the-domains-of-Poppers-three-worlds-from-Hall_fig3_216663280&docid=1sToXgvUtceBiM&w=850&h=617&source=sh/x/im/m1/1
rganizational managers need to understandand merge both Popperian and Polanyian epistemologies into an evolutionary epistemology tomaximize their benefits from revolutionary technologies
merge Popper and Polanyi
Yes Co-evolution of interpersonal knowledge grounded in the Personal
holy war started on 7 November 2000
holy war
how littlemost people, including managers and leaders of these industries know about knowledge: what it is,why it is important, and how ever more rapidly changing technology is changing the way wepersonally use knowledge as individuals and in our organizations and society.
the way way individuals and organization use knowledge
a nearly incomprehensible chaos of competingand incommensurable paradigms in epistemology
a nearly incomprehensible chaos of competing and incommensurable paradigms in epistemology - (objective vs personal knowledge), - resource vs environment view in organization theory - individual vs social, critical, alternative - knowledge creation in organization: cognitivism vs connectionism vs autopoiesis
>>> Need to establish organic growth path between individual and organizational externalization of interintellect
where even the individual knowledge work is an instance of collaborative work conversations with past self
Hypertext provides the best way to build a cognitive Web
Hypertext provides the best way to build - a cognitive Web<br /> - >>> MindPlex Nexialitic Symmanthetic reticulate evolutionary Synthesys
connecting personal cognition with objective artefacts of knowledge. Most of the queries and resulting links available to me as I am writing would equally be available to readers - impossible when dealing with paper documentation, so I could explicitly show my sources for ideas and evidence
Personal knowledge
Personal Knowledge
The Fourth Generation Personal Computers and Beyond
Fourth generation Personal Computer
usinesses and organizations are livingentities in their own rights and have cognitive capabilities that transcend the sum of theirindividual human members
individual human
ince the growth of the “personal” computer three decades ago, thesetools have given people “post-human” cognitive abilities - orders of magnitude beyond anythingconceivable to previous generations outside science fiction
personal computer
>>> Need InterPersonal Computing
to formhierarchical organizations of several layers down to the individual humans comprisingthem
individual human
recursive down to the individual
The first three episodes flowed logically from exploring concepts of knowledge andtechnology as they involve individual people. However, as will become apparent there is nosimple transition from looking at how technological revolutions have changed the cognition ofindividual humans to looking at how technologies have affected the nature of humansocioeconomic organizations
individua humans
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for - autopoiesis - William P Hall - World 3 - Polanyi
only a few people other than research librarians
only a few people other than research librarians
have learned to make full use of - the semantic power these tools provide.
To close off this episode on personal productivity tools
I will describe - the procedure I use - to quickly build a World 3 web of knowledge
relating to a subject of interest.
tools the Web provides forextending cognition
tools the Web provides for extending cognition. - Google, - PubMed, and a number of
Web-based "full-text" retrieval services available through libraries such as - ISI's - Web of Knowledge and - Elsevier's Science Direct
have enabled me to rapidly find knowledge in World 3 relating to these interests.
Demonstrating Semantic Retrieva
web.archive.org web.archive.org
Living Spaces for Change theme
Kororoit Institute International Symposium and Workshop
for - autopoiesis - William P Hall - World 3 - Polanyi
indy.files.fission.name indy.files.fission.name
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
for - William P. Hall - autopoiesis
Demonstrating Semantic Retrieval.docxOct 23, 2019
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Figure 8 - uploaded by William P HallContent may be subject to copyright.
for - autopiiesis - autopoietic
web.archive.org web.archive.org
William P. Hall, III, PhD
www.google.com www.google.com
www.researchgate.net www.researchgate.net
Organizational Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management January 2003 Authors: William P Hall Vote Climate One
Organizational Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management
www.dropbox.com www.dropbox.com
Demonstrating semantic Retrieval William P Hall
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
Organizational Autopoiesis and Knowledge Management Twelfth International Conference on Information Systems Development – Methods & Tools, Theory & Practice, Melbourne, Australia, August 25-27, 2003
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
papers.ssrn.com papers.ssrn.com
William P. Hall
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presents a biological view of knowledge and organizations formulated to provide a framework for understanding organizational knowledge and organizational knowledge management systems.
www.google.com www.google.com
The autopoietic emergence of knowledge in the domains of Popper's ...VisitImages may be subject to copyright. Learn More
www.google.com www.google.com
Autopoietic Theory
Derived from the Greek words auto, meaning 'self' and poiesis, meaning 'creation', autopoietic systems are ones that are comprised of self-creating processes. In other words, networks or relationships between components that are self-referential and create the complexity of living organisms.
search - autopoietic
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Symbiogenesis (endosymbiosis)
Symbiogenesis (endosymbiosis) is a special form of symbiosis whereby an organism lives inside another, different organism. Symbiogenesis is thought to be very important in the origin and evolution of eukaryotes. Eukaryotic organelles, such as mitochondria, have been theorized to have been originated from cell-invaded bacteria living inside another cell.[11][12]
Man-Machine symbiogenesis of the the Digital Noosphere
Reticulate evolution, or network evolution
for - ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny - indranet
for - big idea - Augmenting Articulation in through reticulate co-evolution
Reticulate evolution, or network evolution is the - origination of a lineage through
the partial merging of - two ancestor lineages,
leading to relationships better described by a - phylogenetic network than a - bifurcating tree.[1]
Reticulate patterns can be found in the - phylogenetic reconstructions of biodiversity lineages obtained by comparing the characteristics of organisms.
in scaling symmanthetic synthesis, salience and reach
the ontogeny of novel synthesis retains the connection through verifiable provenance to the co-evolution, the philogeny of all the ideas that are present in the reticulate nexus in a complete nexus that can be captured in hypermap that IS the terriotry[2]
Reticulation processes can potentially be convergent and divergent at the same time. [3]
Reticulate evolution indicates the lack of independence between two evolutionary lineages.[1]
Reticulation affects survival, fitness and speciation rates of species
Reticulate evolution
www.google.com www.google.com
verb RARE /rɪˈtɪkjʊleɪt/
divide or mark (something) in such a way as to - resemble a net or network.
- "the numerous canals and branches of the river reticulate the flat alluvial plain" adjectiveBOTANY•ZOOLOGY
search - reticulate
www.collinsdictionary.com www.collinsdictionary.com
making, producing, forming
gloss - poietic
xflowresearch.com xflowresearch.com
icon - glossary -
www.google.co.uk www.google.co.uk
icon.search - glossary
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
Epiphany - IndraGram
- start : epiphany - Indy.Gram
k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
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🧙 Mage
for - project
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⊿ Right Triangle
for - IndyGram
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can allways annotate the pdf
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computer augmented personalKnowledge Architectures
>>> clear case of reiification bias What we referred to as Knowledge Architectures
today we like to see as a mutual arising as Autnonomous Networks - people - info-structures - com(munication|putational) - web3Native - infra-structure
“associative complexes”
>>> termed Mind-Plexes
individual learners
>> update WikiNizer was envisioned as a vehicle of personal knowledge work that is federated in and anchored in conceptipedia a federated gobal concept space
ten yeas later we are going interpersonal multiplayer autononomous collaboration
symmathesy Open Mutual Learning Commons
Representing the process of the growth in our personalknowledge
Representing the process of the growth - in our personal knowledge, and
sharing the emerging conceptual structures that - emerge within problem solving contexts,
is a major task for - individual learners, and - a critical coaching and tutoring problem.
Knowledge obtained from the web or other resources needs to be - personalized, - reorganized, and - contextualized,
in order to - filter our misconceptions.
Visualization of information about - ‘Things’ and - their conceptual organization - help us with problem definition, - and consequently their solution.
is a Personal knowledge Management tool - which represents and organizes - “associative complexes” within - computer augmented - personal Knowledge Architectures
ipfs.indy0.net ipfs.indy0.net
a major task for individual learners
annotating my own annotation
Pretty good synthesis from 2014
fission.codes fission.codes
Introducing Webnative App Template
Learn how to build edge apps efficiently and securely using Webnative App Template.
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: A decentralized social graph made with IPNS with Guo Liu
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: A decentralized social graph made with IPNS
Guo Liu
Welcome to the workshop! 👋 We'll be hacking on an app that transmogrifies avatars sending them to a new, odd dimension where you can summon them anywhere across the Dweb. The completed workshop will include transmogrify and summon views:
Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023
Welcome to the workshop! 👋
We'll be hacking on an app that transmogrifies avatars sending them to a new, odd dimension where you can summon them anywhere across the Dweb.
The completed workshop will include tr
ansmogrify and summon views:
Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023
Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023
www.feedough.com www.feedough.com
Signal Statistics: Usage, Revenue, & Key Facts
July 28, 2023 by Ravpreet Kaur in Brand Statistics | Reader Disclosure
The Signal app has attracted some major buzz recently.
When WhatsApp’s updated privacy policy called for its users to accept that it would share user data with its parent company – Facebook, millions of users shifted to Signal in the quest for a secure messaging platform.
for - dev - card - image
dev - note - header image on the page here has dimensions
developer.twitter.com developer.twitter.com
Adding a Summary Card with Large Image
from - https://hyp.is/Aa-sTpJ8Ee6rQ7MSB8mksQ/twittercommunity.com/t/twitter-card-for-open-graph/149336
Adding a Summary Card with Large Image to your Tweets is as simple as adding the below meta tags to your site:
A URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. You should not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images for this Card support an aspect ratio of 2:1 with minimum dimensions of 300x157 or maximum of 4096x4096 pixels. Images must be less than 5MB in size. JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF will be used. SVG is not supported
twittercommunity.com twittercommunity.com
www.artandpopularculture.com www.artandpopularculture.com
Man is the measure of all things
Man is the measure of all things
"Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not".
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Kairotic Flow - Book Crowdfunding Campaign Video
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
"Man IS the measure of everything"
Man is the measure of all things
"Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not".
One ant is no ant. One Actor is No Actor. They come in systems. No Man is an Island.
No man is an island
uptrace.dev uptrace.dev
Context deadline exceeded - What to do?
In Golang, the "context deadline exceeded" error typically occurs when an operation exceeds the context deadline. This article is a troubleshooting guide for this error and its possible causes.
Context deadline exceeded - What to do?
failed to resolve /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb/2023-12-03/2023-indy0-net.ipns.localhost_10_hyp_facet_aiframe.html/: context deadline exceeded
subconscious.substack.com subconscious.substack.com
Peers who trust each other can exchange cryptographic keys, and securely share their petnames, building up webs of trust. Once you’ve exchanged keys, you can securely share updates to your address book as often as you like.
building up web of trust =
cheating zooko's triangle
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But tonight I realized that you can indeed use BitCoin to square Zooko’s triangle. Here’s how it works
Square Zooko's triangle
for : zooko triangle
archive.org archive.org
Gyuri Lajos Web archive @ archive.org
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docs.odd.dev docs.odd.dev
auth component because the identity already exists.
auth component
use your blockchain wallet to authenticate with the ODD SDK
for - identity wallet odd
identity, communicated to other devices and users
for - identity
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
Mozilla Development Network
Documenting web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, since 2005.
>> Still can't get the landing page right. Looks ok in firefox though <<
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
signal Protocol The Signal Protocol (formerly known as the TextSecure Protocol) is a non-federated cryptographic protocol that provides end-to-end encryption for voice and instant messaging conversations
The protocol provides confidentiality
The protocol provides confidentiality, integrity, authentication, participant consistency, destination validation, forward secrecy, post-compromise security (aka future secrecy), causality preservation,
- message unlinkability
, message repudiation, participation repudiation, and asynchronicity.[18]
It does not provide anonymity preservation and - requires servers
for the relaying of messages and storing of public key material.[18]
Signal Protocol
telegram.org telegram.org
700 Million Users and Telegram Premium
en.savefrom.net en.savefrom.net
YouTube Video Downloader
filmorago.wondershare.com filmorago.wondershare.com
7. Shotcut
Top 7 Free Sites to Trim YouTube Video Online in 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Using Shotcut to Trim Video - Simple Beginner Tutorial
github.com github.comODD SDK3
To learn more, check out the ODD SDK docs.
Welcome to ODD SDK!
ODD SDK is Fission's true local-first, edge computing stack.
ODD SDK empowers you to build fully distributed web applications with auth and storage without needing a complex backend. To learn more, check out the ODD SDK docs.
Welcome to ODD SDK!
docs.odd.dev docs.odd.dev
Introduction | ODD SDK Docs
The ODD SDK empowers developers to build fully distributed web applications without needing a complex back-end.
encrypted file storage (via the ODD File System,
to - https://guide.fission.codes/developers/odd/file-system-wnfs
- Nov 2023
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS
[docdrop](IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS
15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.
Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.) 15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.
Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS
15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.
Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.
15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.
Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM).
This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.
Verifiable computation opens the door to
Verifiable computation opens the door to - content-addressed function invocations, - results, and - workflows.
>= Based on such protocols we could add human beings, (universal) users as - first class autonomous verifiable Actors (UCAN zero knowledge proofs) - with native intel(igen|e|lec|)t - forming their own(ed) InterPersonal multiplayer collaborative networks of trust, as the third element connecting
universal virtual hyperdocuments for long term evergreen - info- structures - hypermedia
universal machines and computer agents responsible for
universal machines as - communication - infra- structures
This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the - LAMP stack), - networked, and distributed systems.
decouple the articulation of effective intent intentional software from implementation architectural concerns and make them
>= composed of fully exchangeable mechanisms for specific needs constellations and workloads This is possible since with IP* protocols now possible to envisage a new cosmology of computing in the cryptocosm
Not only is this - easier to reason about,
it also (paradoxically) enables - superlinear scaling: - the more it gets used, - the more efficient it becomes!
The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced
The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced - an explosion of innovation by
radically lowering the barrier to entry to - connect over the network.
Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have - the building blocks for the next generation of
open services: - location-free - verifiable data and - computation.
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS
10 views 22 Nov 2023 Understand the core principles and primitives that enable you to build mutable applications on top of IPFS. Get a sneak peak of Ceramic API, which makes building really easy.
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS
IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS
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our next speaker is Daniel ospina
Daniel Ospina
MetaFest Croatia 2023 - Day 2
optimizing for task efficiency as opposed to meaning
efficiency as opposed to meaning
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our latest presentation on the future of organizations
our latest presentation on the future of organizations
swarms and fluid teams
swarms of flouid teams
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to - https://hyp.is/zyk5wI6nEe6r9cckVqia1Q/docdrop.org/video/bsIPIb5ega8/
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Recording (last talk of the day): https://www.youtube.com/live/bsIPIb5ega8?feature=share
Title: Lessons learnt & the future of DAOs Summary (long): RnDAO started 18 months ago with the intention of researching and practicing DAOing by bridging learnings across Web3, Academia, and previous experiments in progressive organisation. This talk will present a summary of our mistakes, learnings, and visions for the future of DAOs and organisations at large.
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Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential with the ArbitrumDAO Co.Lab
Join our program and gain access to a collaborative ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to build the future of work.
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We must start with end-programmer programming
We must start with end-programmer programming - to achieve end-user programming,
- where users can
- spin up personalized apps
- without knowing how to code.
With end-programmer programming, software engineers can build - folk applications, integrations, and mini-apps - to customize - their experience interacting with third-party software.
- spin up personalized apps
We must start with end-programmer programming to achieve end-user programming, where users can spin up personalized apps without knowing how to code. With end-programmer programming, software engineers can build folk applications, integrations, and mini-apps to customize their experience interacting with third-party software.
EP04: End-Programmer Programming with Steve Krouse of Val Town - The Causal Islands Podcast
EP04: End-Programmer Programming with Steve Krouse of Val Town - The Causal Islands Podcast local ipfs
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How SAML Authentication Works Learn what SAML is and how to set up a SAML identity provider
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the Social Cohesion event
The Liminal Web
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Daniel Schmachtenberger Nora Bateson Tyson Yunkaporta John Vervaeke Hanzi Frienacht
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search - "The liminal Web"
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GUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension)
is a - library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. - GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs.
Install the guile package - if you'd like to add - extensibility to programs that you are developing.
GUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension) is a
library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs. Install the guile package if you'd like to add extensibility to programs that you are developing.
guile-snarf Development files for Guile 2.0
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The FAIR data principles are a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, so that data can be found, understood and reused by others.
The FAIR principles
The FAIR data principles are a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, so that data can be found, understood and reused by others.
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The FAIR principles
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meaning snarf
for - concept : FAIR snarf
copy parts of a web page for personal use and share it in you own personal networks of collaborateors for the purpose of learning and discussion
This is also meant to be not only within the limits of FAIR use but more importantly to make content of personal interest that is lokced up in silos, requiring sign up and sign in so that it is un FAIR
liberating such content by snarfing and personal archiving for the purpose of interpersonal sharing
wouod render the content FAIR
- Findable
- Accessibale
- Interoperable
- Reusable
at Dunbar Scale thorugh personal sharing
en.wiktionary.org en.wiktionary.org
to copy as a whole
meaning snarf
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ogp.me ogp.me
The Open Graph protocol
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.
The Open Graph protocol
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How to Set Up and Use IPFS BY ELVIS GWARO PUBLISHED JUL 24, 2023
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Introducing Content+AI
People + Context + Content > Content + AI
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On Cultural SymbiogenesisFrom Single Silo to Multi-Siloed Networked Civilization
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Download IPFSDroid APK for Android
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ODD SDK: Open Distributed Data
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An Immanent Metaphysics - Forrest Landry
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Rather than users and applications needing
- Rather than users and applications
needing to include - the entirety of the data in a payload,
- they can
just reference - the CID of the data itself.
This leads to composability
This leads to - composability,
which unlocks - improved - efficiency and - speed.
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Project Liminality
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An Immanent Metaphysicsby Forrest Landry
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