22,986 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2023
  2. bafybeid2x24x7kmo6a6t45ssd7gousoyyht562z4rsgpkx5o75tolauow4.ipfs.w3s.link bafybeid2x24x7kmo6a6t45ssd7gousoyyht562z4rsgpkx5o75tolauow4.ipfs.w3s.link
    1. computer augmented personalKnowledge Architectures

      >>> clear case of reiification bias What we referred to as Knowledge Architectures

      today we like to see as a mutual arising as Autnonomous Networks - people - info-structures - com(munication|putational) - web3Native - infra-structure

    2. “associative complexes”

      >>> termed Mind-Plexes

    3. individual learners

      >> update WikiNizer was envisioned as a vehicle of personal knowledge work that is federated in and anchored in conceptipedia a federated gobal concept space

      ten yeas later we are going interpersonal multiplayer autononomous collaboration

      symmathesy Open Mutual Learning Commons

    4. Representing the process of the growth in our personalknowledge

      Representing the process of the growth - in our personal knowledge, and

      sharing the emerging conceptual structures that - emerge within problem solving contexts,

      is a major task for - individual learners, and - a critical coaching and tutoring problem.

      Knowledge obtained from the web or other resources needs to be - personalized, - reorganized, and - contextualized,

      in order to - filter our misconceptions.

      Visualization of information about - ‘Things’ and - their conceptual organization - help us with problem definition, - and consequently their solution.


      is a Personal knowledge Management tool - which represents and organizes - “associative complexes” within - computer augmented - personal Knowledge Architectures

    1. a major task for individual learners

      annotating my own annotation


      Pretty good synthesis from 2014

    1. Introducing Webnative App Template


      Learn how to build edge apps efficiently and securely using Webnative App Template.

    1. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: A decentralized social graph made with IPNS with Guo Liu

      IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: A decentralized social graph made with IPNS

      Guo Liu

    1. Welcome to the workshop! 👋 We'll be hacking on an app that transmogrifies avatars sending them to a new, odd dimension where you can summon them anywhere across the Dweb. The completed workshop will include transmogrify and summon views:


    2. Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023

      Welcome to the workshop! 👋

      We'll be hacking on an app that transmogrifies avatars sending them to a new, odd dimension where you can summon them anywhere across the Dweb.

      The completed workshop will include tr

      ansmogrify and summon views:

    3. Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023

      Fission Dwebcamp Brazil Workshop 2023

    1. Signal Statistics: Usage, Revenue, & Key Facts

      July 28, 2023 by Ravpreet Kaur in Brand Statistics | Reader Disclosure

      The Signal app has attracted some major buzz recently.

      When WhatsApp’s updated privacy policy called for its users to accept that it would share user data with its parent company – Facebook, millions of users shifted to Signal in the quest for a secure messaging platform.

    2. for - dev - card - image

      dev - note - header image on the page here has dimensions

    1. Adding a Summary Card with Large Image

      from - https://hyp.is/Aa-sTpJ8Ee6rQ7MSB8mksQ/twittercommunity.com/t/twitter-card-for-open-graph/149336

      Adding a Summary Card with Large Image to your Tweets is as simple as adding the below meta tags to your site:

    2. twitter:image

      A URL to a unique image representing the content of the page. You should not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. Images for this Card support an aspect ratio of 2:1 with minimum dimensions of 300x157 or maximum of 4096x4096 pixels. Images must be less than 5MB in size. JPG, PNG, WEBP and GIF formats are supported. Only the first frame of an animated GIF will be used. SVG is not supported

    1. Man is the measure of all things

      Man is the measure of all things

      "Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not".

    1. "Man IS the measure of everything"

      Man is the measure of all things

      "Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not".

    2. One ant is no ant. One Actor is No Actor. They come in systems. No Man is an Island.

      No man is an island

    1. Context deadline exceeded - What to do?

      In Golang, the "context deadline exceeded" error typically occurs when an operation exceeds the context deadline. This article is a troubleshooting guide for this error and its possible causes.

    2. Context deadline exceeded - What to do?

      failed to resolve /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb/2023-12-03/2023-indy0-net.ipns.localhost_10_hyp_facet_aiframe.html/: context deadline exceeded


    1. Peers who trust each other can exchange cryptographic keys, and securely share their petnames, building up webs of trust. Once you’ve exchanged keys, you can securely share updates to your address book as often as you like.

      building up web of trust =

      cheating zooko's triangle

    1. But tonight I realized that you can indeed use BitCoin to square Zooko’s triangle. Here’s how it works

      Square Zooko's triangle

      for : zooko triangle

    1. auth component because the identity already exists.

      auth component

    2. use your blockchain wallet to authenticate with the ODD SDK

      for - identity wallet odd

    3. identity, communicated to other devices and users

      for - identity

    1. Mozilla Development Network

      Documenting web technologies, including CSS, HTML, and JavaScript, since 2005.

      >> Still can't get the landing page right. Looks ok in firefox though <<

    1. signal Protocol The Signal Protocol (formerly known as the TextSecure Protocol) is a non-federated cryptographic protocol that provides end-to-end encryption for voice and instant messaging conversations

    2. The protocol provides confidentiality

      The protocol provides confidentiality, integrity, authentication, participant consistency, destination validation, forward secrecy, post-compromise security (aka future secrecy), causality preservation,

      • message unlinkability

      , message repudiation, participation repudiation, and asynchronicity.[18]

      It does not provide anonymity preservation and - requires servers

      for the relaying of messages and storing of public key material.[18]

    3. Signal Protocol

    1. To learn more, check out the ODD SDK docs.
    2. Welcome to ODD SDK!

      ODD SDK is Fission's true local-first, edge computing stack.

      ODD SDK empowers you to build fully distributed web applications with auth and storage without needing a complex backend. To learn more, check out the ODD SDK docs.

    3. Welcome to ODD SDK!

    1. Introduction | ODD SDK Docs

      The ODD SDK empowers developers to build fully distributed web applications without needing a complex back-end.

    1. encrypted file storage (via the ODD File System,

      to - https://guide.fission.codes/developers/odd/file-system-wnfs

  3. Nov 2023
    1. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS

      [docdrop](IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS

      15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.

      Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!

      This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.) 15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.

      Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!

      This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.

    2. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS

      15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.

      Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!

      This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.

    3. 15 views 22 Nov 2023 The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced an explosion of innovation by radically lowering the barrier to entry to connect over the network. Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have the building blocks for the next generation of open services: location-free verifiable data and computation.

      Verifiable computation opens the door to content-addressed function invocations, results, and workflows. This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the LAMP stack), networked, and distributed systems. Not only is this easier to reason about, it also (paradoxically) enables superlinear scaling: the more it gets used, the more efficient it becomes!

      This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.

    4. This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM).

      This talk presents UCAN Invocations and the Interplanetary VM (IPVM). Code in this model can run anywhere (even offline), respects data privacy, and services interoperate seamlessly out of the box without pre-negotiation. Since computation doesn't happen in a vacuum, we will also describe how the workflow planner interacts with existing services and how to lift them into this seamless paradigm.

    5. Verifiable computation opens the door to

      Verifiable computation opens the door to - content-addressed function invocations, - results, and - workflows.

      >= Based on such protocols we could add human beings, (universal) users as - first class autonomous verifiable Actors (UCAN zero knowledge proofs) - with native intel(igen|e|lec|)t - forming their own(ed) InterPersonal multiplayer collaborative networks of trust, as the third element connecting

      universal virtual hyperdocuments for long term evergreen - info- structures - hypermedia

      universal machines and computer agents responsible for

      universal machines as - communication - infra- structures


      This radically lowers the complexity of historical architectures (e.g. the - LAMP stack), - networked, and distributed systems.

      decouple the articulation of effective intent intentional software from implementation architectural concerns and make them

      >= composed of fully exchangeable mechanisms for specific needs constellations and workloads This is possible since with IP* protocols now possible to envisage a new cosmology of computing in the cryptocosm


      Not only is this - easier to reason about,

      it also (paradoxically) enables - superlinear scaling: - the more it gets used, - the more efficient it becomes!

    6. The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced

      The advent of TCP/IP and the web produced - an explosion of innovation by

      radically lowering the barrier to entry to - connect over the network.

      Thanks to new technical and social innovations, we now have - the building blocks for the next generation of

      open services: - location-free - verifiable data and - computation.

    7. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: IPVM - Bringing Wasm-Based Edge Compute to IPFS


    1. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS

      10 views 22 Nov 2023 Understand the core principles and primitives that enable you to build mutable applications on top of IPFS. Get a sneak peak of Ceramic API, which makes building really easy.


    2. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS

      IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS

    3. IPFS Connect Istanbul 2023: Event based Mutability on IPFS

    1. Recording (last talk of the day): https://www.youtube.com/live/bsIPIb5ega8?feature=share

      Title: Lessons learnt & the future of DAOs Summary (long): RnDAO started 18 months ago with the intention of researching and practicing DAOing by bridging learnings across Web3, Academia, and previous experiments in progressive organisation. This talk will present a summary of our mistakes, learnings, and visions for the future of DAOs and organisations at large.

    1. Unlock Your Entrepreneurial Potential with the ArbitrumDAO Co.Lab


      Join our program and gain access to a collaborative ecosystem that empowers entrepreneurs to build the future of work.

      from - https://hypothes.is/a/niRP_o6sEe6VG2v77SmcrA

    1. ​We must start with end-programmer programming

      ​We must start with end-programmer programming - to achieve end-user programming,

      - where users can
      • spin up personalized apps
        • without knowing how to code.

      With end-programmer programming, software engineers can build - folk applications, integrations, and mini-apps - to customize - their experience interacting with third-party software.

    2. ​We must start with end-programmer programming to achieve end-user programming, where users can spin up personalized apps without knowing how to code. With end-programmer programming, software engineers can build folk applications, integrations, and mini-apps to customize their experience interacting with third-party software.
    3. EP04: End-Programmer Programming with Steve Krouse of Val Town - The Causal Islands Podcast

      Description EP04: End-Programmer Programming with Steve Krouse of Val Town - The Causal Islands Podcast local ipfs

    1. ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb/aran.html?p=2023-11-29/techandsocialcohesion.org_conference_/

    1. GUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension)


      is a - library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. - GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs.

      Install the guile package - if you'd like to add - extensibility to programs that you are developing.

    2. GUILE (GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension) is a

      library implementation of the Scheme programming language, written in C. GUILE provides a machine-independent execution platform that can be linked in as a library during the building of extensible programs. Install the guile package if you'd like to add extensibility to programs that you are developing.

    3. guile-snarf Development files for Guile 2.0

    1. The FAIR data principles are a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, so that data can be found, understood and reused by others.


    2. The FAIR principles

      The FAIR data principles are a set of guiding principles to make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, so that data can be found, understood and reused by others.

  4. www.oxfordreference.com www.oxfordreference.com
    1. meaning snarf

      cryptpad link

      for - concept : FAIR snarf

      copy parts of a web page for personal use and share it in you own personal networks of collaborateors for the purpose of learning and discussion

      This is also meant to be not only within the limits of FAIR use but more importantly to make content of personal interest that is lokced up in silos, requiring sign up and sign in so that it is un FAIR

      liberating such content by snarfing and personal archiving for the purpose of interpersonal sharing

      wouod render the content FAIR

      • Findable
      • Accessibale
      • Interoperable
      • Reusable

      at Dunbar Scale thorugh personal sharing

    1. fission


      local brave

    1. The Open Graph protocol


      The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.

    2. The Open Graph protocol



  5. k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
    1. Templates

      Get started fast. Our clone-and-go templates give you everything you need: user accounts, authorization, encrypted file storage, and key management.




      local brave


    1. Templates

      Get started fast. Our clone-and-go templates give you everything you need: user accounts, authorization, encrypted file storage, and key management.


    1. Introducing Content+AI

      People + Context + Content > Content + AI

      where Context is Situated Alive Evergreen with full recapitulable history of co-laborations and coevolution

    1. On Cultural SymbiogenesisFrom Single Silo to Multi-Siloed Networked Civilization

    1. corepack prepare pnpm@latest --activate

      install latest pnpm

    2. corepack enable

      step 1

    1. Rather than users and applications needing
      • Rather than users and applications

      needing to include - the entirety of the data in a payload,

      • they can

      just reference - the CID of the data itself.

    2. This leads to composability

      This leads to - composability,

      which unlocks - improved - efficiency and - speed.

    3. without having to worry about

      without having to worry about whether - the data they care about is controlled by someone else.

      autonomous means of named evergreen info-communications-infra structures connecting people, that are owned and controlled by the people for the people

    4. weaving the Open Mutual Indy Learning Commons: The IndyWeb as

      augmented externalization of the co-evolution of human interintellect

      meaning/intent-fully linked info structures organized by self-explicating personal first interlayed meta-structures

    5. information concerning people is disguised as data

      people + Info + infrastructure mutually arising and autonomous

    6. The Data Layer refers to

      The Data Layer refers to - data itself, - independent of where it is physically stored.

      It is fluid and flexible, where any entity on the web - - end-users, - applications, - infrastructure, - organizations,

      and more - can interact with it

    7. web console makes it

      easy to host even large files and directories over IPFS.

    8. enter payment information
      • All users

      must enter payment information, - even when signing up for the Starter tier.

      We recognize that this might add inconvenience for you, but - this is a necessary measure to prevent users from uploading malicious content.

    9. we realized that

      we realized that - there was only so far we could fulfill their needs

      before needing to - re-architect the entire API and clients.

    10. a decentralized but performant storage solution

      permanent storage solution

    11. give other users the ability to

      give other users the ability to - upload directly to web3.storage on your behalf

    1. Project Liminality

      immanent metaPHYSICS

    1. IndraNet

      The CryptoCosm give Us the IndraNet

    2. viable metaphor for

      viable metaphor for blockchain, - we’d find a beautiful representation in the ancient Buddhist metaphor of - Indra’s Net.

    3. In a blockchain network,

      In a blockchain network, - all the information of a full network - is available to each “node” in the network - when needed.

    4. blockchain, a novel technology

      blockchain allows for a kind of - radical, system-wide transparency

      set up in a such a way that - trust emerges organically.

      // - try to build systems built from trust from trust

    5. Why did we ever need a massive central authority

      Why did we ever need a massive central authority just to trade between ourselves in the first place?

      what happens when you want to trade with someone you’ve never met before? How can you trust that you won’t be taken advantage of?

    1. Lao-cï TAO TÖ KING Tőkei Ferenc fordítása Forrás: Kínai filozófia, Ókor, Második kötet, Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 1964, 17-54. oldal A kínai szavak magyar tudományos átírásban szerepelnek.


    1. ipns://k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb/aran.html/?p=2023-11-15/terebess.hu_keletkultinfo_tokei.html

  6. k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dkshg32cadv6zp5r6wrzdqwm6xd3z3wrot7jlgzv3e3wn1454vb.ipns.localhost:48084
    1. We reserve the right to terminate the Services

      We reserve the right to terminate the Services at our sole discretion or to transfer operation of the Services to a third party or smart contract. Prior to termination or transfer, - we will provide 90 days’ notice to users via email

      to allow users enough time to make arrangements if any (e.g. remote pinning to their own IPFS node, remote pinning to another service, or preparing to manage the renewal of their Filecoin deals on their own).

    2. The maximum size

      The maximum size of a registered upload is - 750GB

    1. ipfs://QmXD8DjeBY2zkZ6eWvmw5beNECXHdFVbTKQKENRvECBkLr?filename=web3.storage_docs_terms_

    1. “Never underestimate the people who overestimate themselves” – We invest in nerds, rebels, and visionaries.

    2. QmRw4WBZZBQAuMsGgascJBT74HeUruqUu1BGE3J3U4QCBg




    1. brave local




    1. Ubiquitous connectivity and duplex applications


      multiplex omniplex

    1. http://bafybeigj3dwfxbikoanh4dougjvibapmbns4o3fbu54mov2izw3jmv6jd4.ipfs.localhost:48084/



    1. ipfs://QmWtYqFAMz6M6V65dvpV8yCcRYvFmnjAegGhkFYa5FgF13


    2. Dialog is a work-in-progress

      Dialog is a work-in-progress - strongly eventually consistent data store

      that combines - content-addressable storage, - the rich distributed query semantics of Datalog, and - the flexible security model of cryptrees.

      It builds off of existing ideas from the WebNative SDK - to empower developers - to build new types of local-first applications.

    3. Fission Reactor Community Call

    1. /ipfs/QmUPEReqPBkexo17awKhJY9U1Ni6BRMeSAUVQfN2rxhQzh

    2. Actor ModelVisitImages may be subject to copyright. Learn more

    1. Every actor is attached to exactly one mailbox

      In a Human Actor Model every individual will have many mailboxes corresponding to the connections they establish with others

    2. /ipfs/QmWs1nC8eonSCsnJF7QGidpkGzyNbW6vRSrGVp95bTEYg7

    1. GraphSync is a protocol for synchronizing IPLD graphs among peers. It allows a host to make a single request to a remote peer for all of the results of traversing an IPLD selector on the remote peer's local IPLD graph.


    1. József Attila: Nem én kiáltok | Kárpátalja karpataljalap.net › 2013 › 06 › 21 › jozsef-attila-nem-en-kialtok 19 June 2013 - A „Légy egy fűszálon a pici él, S nagyobb leszel a világ tengelyénél” sorpár jelentése abban áll, hogy az embert nem az általa vállalt szerep nagysága, hanem az elvállalt szerep maradéktalan betöltése minősíti. Tehát a legegyszerűbb-legkisebb dolog magas színvonalon ...

      to - ipfs

    2. https://search.brave.com/search?q=L%C3%A9gy+f%C5%B1sz%C3%A1lon+kicsi+%C3%A9l++s+nagyobb+leszel+a+vil%C3%A1g+tengely%C3%A9n%C3%A9l&source=web



    1. Axis mundi

      Légy fűszálon kicsi él

      s nagyobb leszel a világ tengelyénél