22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2023
  2. bafybeihvoyofll4u54vzymxzsymbyhqkfmypcmvwmnn7bghitqu6lqv4ny.ipfs.localhost:48084 bafybeihvoyofll4u54vzymxzsymbyhqkfmypcmvwmnn7bghitqu6lqv4ny.ipfs.localhost:48084
    1. Eventually everything connects — people, ideas, objects… the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se

      not ipns

  3. k51qzi5uqu5dj5k3i25zo6bh2anhc587l7y6uc08fnc18nuiougazlvy7m5p98.ipns.localhost:48084 k51qzi5uqu5dj5k3i25zo6bh2anhc587l7y6uc08fnc18nuiougazlvy7m5p98.ipns.localhost:48084
    1. Eventually everything connects — people, ideas, objects… the quality of the connections is the key to quality per se.

    1. Ther importancer of Distributed Hypertext networks were apprecited decade beofre the web

      The Web was dumbed down enough to be made widely available. So when Ted nelson fam ously said to the Web conference referring to the Web

      wthe future is in my past" actually the future of the web that we may be able to realize now was already running on Nuclear Submarin a decade berofre the Wb appeared

    1. Uniwiki is an efficient P2P system for storing distributed wikis, with a typical user interface, but extended to large-scale scenarios transparently. In this project, we provide the customized web server and the Uniwiki web application.

    1. Allows the app to make use of foreground services. use biometric hardware Allows the app to use biometric hardware for authentication use fingerprint hardware Allows the app to use fingerprint hardware for authentication

      call that a privacy focused browser?

    1. private and secure browser. Search privately & block trackers Block annoying cookie pop-ups Watch YouTube without targeted ads Hide your email address

    1. We support the development of Interpersonal Writing Tools.

      I annotate there fore I am

      and weave with it the Interpersonsl Web, the IndyWeb with the right writing tools



      4 - yarrow

    1. ZOG is a hypertext system

      We're getting back to my hypertext series with a big of an obscure tale. ZOG is a hypertext system what was first developed in 1972 at Carnegie-Melon University. It then stagnated until the latter half of the 1970s when it was picked back up. By 1983 it was cruising on a US Navy aircraft carrier. ZOG presents a hypertext system with some very modern notions. But here's the part that gets me excited: ZOG was developed after Doug Engelbart's Mother of All Demos. So, in theory, ZOG should take ques from this seminal event. Right? ... right?

    1. BLOCKCHAIN AND INTER-PLANETARY FILE SYSTEM (IPFS ...Amazon.comhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com › uploadsAmazon.comhttps://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com › uploadsPDFDECLARATION i. I declare that the thesis entitled “Blockchain and Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) for. Privacy Preservation of Big Data” submitted by me ...216 pages

      search : declaration independence cyberspace ipfs

    1. https://github.com/web3-storage/w3name 1/5

      IPNS client and service for generating, updating, and tracking immutable names with signed updates View license 39 stars 10 forks 4 watching Activity Public repository Branches Tags View code


      original : https://github.com/web3-storage/w3name


      copy paste it into a Brave browser

    2. nstall the w3name module

      use this module

    3. https://github.com/web3-storage/w3name


    4. "self-issued" names which don'trequire any coodination or central authorities.

      "self-issued" names

      Just what we need to create "dynamic Named Everything Networks"

      native to the Web

    5. ⁂w3name


    6. ⁂w3nameContent addressing for a dynamic web

      a dynamic web =

    7. can'tassume that everyone has the same view of the network

      IPNS works by - using public key cryptography to - allow "self-issued" names

      which don't require any - coodination or central authorities.

      The caveat is that the definition of "name" is - somewhat constrained compared to - general-purpose key/value storage systems.

      // problem

        • how ? can we assure
        • that everyone has the same view of the network

      // solution

      • empower each indyvidual to be an autonomous actor
      • participant on their own(ed) networks
      • connecting people, ideas, and autonomous capabilities
      • unsing unenclosable carriers for sharing collaborationg
      • on ling term info structures using tinkerable
      • capabilities supported by long term emergent in the long tail infra sructure for
      • storage, compute and communication
      • where everything can be co-evolved with full provenance
      • and recapitul-able history of their becomings.


      • what's in a name?
      • what's in a link
    8. predisposition to off-by-one errors
      • Naming

      s famously one of the few hard problems in computer science,

      the exact number of which vary - depending on the computer scientist you're speaking with and - their predisposition to off-by-one errors.

    1. create a civilization of the Mind in Cyberspace

      civilization of the Mind

    2. Cyberspace, the new home of Mind


      home of Mind

    3. A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace

      cyberspace the new home of Mind

    1. content-addressed data structures enable us to build networks of interwoven data

      protocol for intertwingularity

    2. Linking data together

      <svg data-v-4cf932a9="" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 116 135" alt="ProtoSchool" class="w3"><path data-v-4cf932a9="" d="M58.291 0L0 33.518v67.035l58 33.517 58-33.517V33.518L58.291 0zm53.92 44.593l-33.226-27.98 33.518 19.236v8.744h-.292zM13.407 63.246L25.94 28.563l8.16-1.457-20.693 36.14zm23.025-34.1h43.719l21.859 37.89-21.86 37.889H36.433l-21.86-37.89 21.86-37.89zM11.658 67.909l20.694 36.141L8.744 75.779l2.914-7.87zm65.578 39.93l-36.14 6.412-5.247-6.412h41.387zm25.94-37.015l-12.533 34.684-8.16 1.457 20.693-36.14zm1.749-4.663L83.94 30.02l23.608 28.27-2.623 7.87zm-65.87-39.93l36.141-6.412 5.246 6.412H39.055zm35.85-9.035l-44.01 7.87 37.014-13.408 6.995 5.538zM23.316 27.688L8.16 69.658l6.995-39.055 8.16-2.915zM6.704 77.528l28.562 34.392L4.955 86.271l1.749-8.743zm34.974 39.638l44.01-7.87-37.306 13.408-6.704-5.538zm51.588-10.784l15.156-41.97-6.995 39.055-8.16 2.915zm16.613-49.84l-28.854-34.1L111.337 47.8l-1.458 8.744zM65.869 9.036L24.774 23.9 58.29 4.663l7.578 4.372zM11.95 31.477L4.08 74.613V35.85l7.87-4.372zm-7.869 58l33.518 27.98L4.08 98.221v-8.744zm46.634 35.558l41.095-14.864-33.517 19.236-7.578-4.372zm53.919-22.442l7.578-43.136v38.764l-7.578 4.372z" fill="url(#paint0_linear)"></path><defs data-v-4cf932a9=""><linearGradient data-v-4cf932a9="" id="paint0_linear" x1=".136" y1="67.052" x2="116.42" y2="67.052" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop data-v-4cf932a9="" stop-color="#22F2AD"></stop><stop data-v-4cf932a9="" offset="1" stop-color="#AB21F4"></stop></linearGradient></defs></svg>

    3. DWeb Concepts Content Addressing on the Decentralized Web Learn how hashing and content addressing enable verifiable data sharing with peers on the decentralized web.

      <svg data-v-4cf932a9="" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 116 135" alt="ProtoSchool" class="w3"><path data-v-4cf932a9="" d="M58.291 0L0 33.518v67.035l58 33.517 58-33.517V33.518L58.291 0zm53.92 44.593l-33.226-27.98 33.518 19.236v8.744h-.292zM13.407 63.246L25.94 28.563l8.16-1.457-20.693 36.14zm23.025-34.1h43.719l21.859 37.89-21.86 37.889H36.433l-21.86-37.89 21.86-37.89zM11.658 67.909l20.694 36.141L8.744 75.779l2.914-7.87zm65.578 39.93l-36.14 6.412-5.247-6.412h41.387zm25.94-37.015l-12.533 34.684-8.16 1.457 20.693-36.14zm1.749-4.663L83.94 30.02l23.608 28.27-2.623 7.87zm-65.87-39.93l36.141-6.412 5.246 6.412H39.055zm35.85-9.035l-44.01 7.87 37.014-13.408 6.995 5.538zM23.316 27.688L8.16 69.658l6.995-39.055 8.16-2.915zM6.704 77.528l28.562 34.392L4.955 86.271l1.749-8.743zm34.974 39.638l44.01-7.87-37.306 13.408-6.704-5.538zm51.588-10.784l15.156-41.97-6.995 39.055-8.16 2.915zm16.613-49.84l-28.854-34.1L111.337 47.8l-1.458 8.744zM65.869 9.036L24.774 23.9 58.29 4.663l7.578 4.372zM11.95 31.477L4.08 74.613V35.85l7.87-4.372zm-7.869 58l33.518 27.98L4.08 98.221v-8.744zm46.634 35.558l41.095-14.864-33.517 19.236-7.578-4.372zm53.919-22.442l7.578-43.136v38.764l-7.578 4.372z" fill="url(#paint0_linear)"></path><defs data-v-4cf932a9=""><linearGradient data-v-4cf932a9="" id="paint0_linear" x1=".136" y1="67.052" x2="116.42" y2="67.052" gradientUnits="userSpaceOnUse"><stop data-v-4cf932a9="" stop-color="#22F2AD"></stop><stop data-v-4cf932a9="" offset="1" stop-color="#AB21F4"></stop></linearGradient></defs></svg>

    1. There's now one universal domain: the domain of all possible values.

      There's now one universal domain: the domain of all possible values.

    2. Instead, the keys are derived directly from the file contents using an algorithm that will always generate the same key for the same content.

      keys derived from content

    3. CIDs: Location-independent, globally unique keys


      globally unique keys

    4. Content addressing in brief


    1. IPFS allows you to uniquely identify any piece of data using a cryptographic hash of the data itself. This is known as content addressing,

      content addressing - uniquely identify any piece of data using a cryptographic hash of the data itself.

    2. module-scoped functions like create, resolve, and publish, along with a few classes like Revision and Name that are returned from and accepted by the API functions
      • module-scoped function and classes
    3. w3name The JavaScript API client for w3name

      ⁂ w3name

    1. dynamic permanent using raw ipns

      paste this to Brave browser that understands the ipns protocol


    2. can't assume that everyone has the same view of the network

      IPNS works by - using public key cryptography to - allow "self-issued" names

      which don't require any - coodination or central authorities.

      The caveat is that the definition of "name" is - somewhat constrained compared to - general-purpose key/value storage systems.

      // enquiry

        • how ? can we assure
        • that everyone has the same view of the network


      • what's in a name?
      • what's in a link
    1. Client-side storage

      <svg id="mdn-docs-logo" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 361 104.2" style="enable-background:new 0 0 361 104.2" xml:space="preserve" role="img"><title>MDN Web Docs</title><path d="M197.6 73.2h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.3-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.2 0-5.6 1.1-7.2 3.4s-2.4 4.6-2.5 6.9v15.6h6v5.5h-17.1v-5.5h3.8V51.9c0-3.8-.7-6.4-2.1-7.9-1.4-1.5-3.3-2.3-5.6-2.3-3.2 0-5.5 1.1-7.2 3.3-1.6 2.2-2.4 4.5-2.5 6.9v15.8h6.9v5.5h-20.2v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.1v-5.6h13.4v6.4c1.2-2.1 2.7-3.8 4.7-5.2 2-1.3 4.4-2 7.3-2s5.3.7 7.5 2.1c2.2 1.4 3.7 3.5 4.5 6.4 1.1-2.5 2.7-4.5 4.9-6.1s4.8-2.4 7.9-2.4c3.5 0 6.5 1.1 8.9 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6.1v5.5zm42.5 0h-13.2V66c-1.2 2.2-2.8 4.1-4.9 5.6-2.1 1.6-4.8 2.4-8.3 2.4-4.8 0-8.7-1.6-11.6-4.9-2.9-3.2-4.3-7.7-4.3-13.3 0-5 1.3-9.6 4-13.7 2.6-4.1 6.9-6.2 12.8-6.2s9.8 2.2 12.3 6.5V22.7h-8.6v-5.6h15.8v50.6h6v5.5zm-13.3-16.8V52c-.1-3-1.2-5.5-3.2-7.3s-4.4-2.8-7.2-2.8c-3.6 0-6.3 1.3-8.2 3.9-1.9 2.6-2.8 5.8-2.8 9.6 0 4.1 1 7.3 3 9.5s4.5 3.3 7.4 3.3c3.2 0 5.8-1.3 7.8-3.8 2.1-2.6 3.1-5.3 3.2-8zm61.5 16.8H269v-5.5h6V51.9c0-3.7-.7-6.3-2.2-7.9-1.4-1.6-3.4-2.3-5.7-2.3-3.1 0-5.6 1-7.4 3s-2.8 4.4-2.9 7v15.9h6v5.5h-19.3v-5.5h6V42.4h-6.2v-5.6h13.6V43c2.6-4.6 6.8-6.9 12.7-6.9 3.6 0 6.7 1.1 9.2 3.3s3.7 5.6 3.7 10.2v18.2h6v5.4h-.2z" class="logo-text"></path><path d="M42 .2 13.4 92.3H1.7L30.2.2Zm10.4 0v92.1H42V.2Zm40.3 0L64.2 92.3H52.5L81 .2Zm10.4 0v92.1H92.7V.2Z" class="logo-m"></path><path d="M294 95h67v8.8h-67z" class="logo-_"></path></svg>

    1. Anatomy of an IPNS name

      A name in IPNS is - the hash of a public key. - It is associated with an [IPNS record](https://hyp.is/8-qqdjxvEe6T8iddBKxUOQ/specs.ipfs.tech/ipns/ipns-record/} (/ipfs/CID) it links to and - other information such as - the expiration, - the version number, and - a cryptographic signature

      signed by the corresponding private key.

      New records can be signed and published at any time - by the holder of the private key.

    2. This trade-off is best explained by CAP theorem
    1. Hypermedia-Agents

      We Need to empower people to act as Autnonomouls HyperPlexMedia Actors

    2. An approach to build HTTP-enabled personal agents

      personal Agents

      Human's as autonomous human actors in the the IndyVerse of Open HyperPlex Media

      for - HCI - IndyWeb - Actor Model

    1. human-computer interaction


    2. human-computer interaction


    3. the Association for Computing Machinery it's the biggest computer professional organization and it seems like it's for the machines not for us

      ACM is for the Machines not for us

    1. bootstraping Personal First InterPersonal Virtual conversational born collaborative Autonomous Spaces for Mutual Open Learning Commons

      boostrapping a - Personal First - InterPersonal - Virtual - conversational - born collaborative - Autonomous - HyperPlexMedia Spaces - or Mutual Open Learning Commons

      Indy Learning Commons


    1. How to Allow or Block Pop-ups on Brave browser - BrowserHow

    1. 1. Awesome ScreenshotAwesome Screenshot Chrome extension does justice to its name by offering robust functionalities.

    2. 15 Best Google Chrome Extensions for Capture Screen Screenshot Paras Kela Senior Writer

    1. ⍙ Apl Functional Symbol Delta Underbar

      for - DELL machine icon

      needed to disambiguate indy space/device/browser combinations

    1. responding to the death of tracking cookies by building a user-tracking ad platform right into the browser.

      user tracking platform right into the browser

    2. Description

    1. Overage fee

      overage fee

    2. Users should not use web3.storage to store datathat may need to be permanently deleted in the future

      permanent deletion

    3. Users should notstore any private or sensitive information in an unencrypted form using web3.storage

      private sensitive unencrypted

    1. generate a CAR file from a IPFS node hosting the content and directly upload that to web3.storage

      generate a CAR file

    2. Pinning Services API

      4 IPFS

    1. The API Gateway doesn't authenticate but delegates authentication to an authentication provider.

    2. System architecture: move authentication to the API Gateway

    1. We are still the ONLY software company in the world that does not require a "Login Prompt" or "Account Registration" for you to use our online Progressive Web Applications or desktop software.

      how could we ensure that anyone do that?

    2. Grabby Recorder

    3. Groot Search

      Groot Search

    4. SSuite Progressive Web AppsClick on any icon below to launch applicationDarkconst toggleSwitch=document.querySelector('.theme-switch input[type="checkbox"]'),currentTheme=localStorage.getItem("theme");function switchTheme(e){e.target.checked?(document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme","dark"),localStorage.setItem("theme","dark"),document.getElementById("txtLabel").style.display="none"):(document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme","light"),localStorage.setItem("theme","light"),document.getElementById("txtLabel").style.display="inline")}currentTheme&&(document.documentElement.setAttribute("data-theme",currentTheme),"dark"===currentTheme?(toggleSwitch.checked=!0,document.getElementById("txtLabel").style.display="none"):(toggleSwitch.checked=!1,document.getElementById("txtLabel").style.display="inline")),toggleSwitch.addEventListener("change",switchTheme,!1);Groot Search

      GRoot Search

    5. SSuite Progressive Web Apps

      SSuite Progressive Web Apps

    6. Cloudless Software!

      Cloudless Software

    7. NoRegistration or Account Login is Required
      • no registration
      • no account
      • online or
      • offline
      • safety and privacy guaranteed
    1. document.getElementById('vid1').addEventListener('loadedmetadata', function() { this.currentTime = 50; }, false);

      tml5 video player

    1. Alan Kay's tribute to Ted Nelson at "Intertwingled" Festival
    2. human history in the country of blind the one-eyed people run things and the two eyed people are in for the hell of a rough time

      one eye people run things the two eyed are in for a rough time

    3. niversal access to tools not just physical but especially mental

      universal access to tools


    1. )

    2. In Taoism sanity and health are essentially immunological

      sanity and health immunological

    3. Zhuangzi's Wisdom on Becoming an Accomplished Taoist

    1. Gyuri Lajoshypothes.ishttps://hypothes.is/users/gyurihypothes.is › users › gyuriGyuri Lajosinstead of trying to impose order, let's capture the intertiwngularity articulate its terms and let the growth of understanding going with the flow to ...


    2. The Intertwingularity is near: When humans transcend print media ...www.oreilly.comhttps://www.oreilly.com/.../the-intertwingularity-is-near-when-humans- transcend-print-media/O’Reilly Media › content › the-intertwingularity-is...The Intertwingularity is near: When humans transcend print media ...2018. ápr. 24. ... Both reproducible science and open source are necessary for collaboration at scale—the nexus for that intermingling is Jupyter.

    3. Intertwingularity - WordLift Blogwordlift.iohttps://wordlift.io/blog/en/entity/intertwingularity/WordLift Blog › blog › entity › intertwingularityIntertwingularity - WordLift BlogThe word intertwingularity was coined by internet pioneer Ted Nelson to represent the idea that everything in the universe is deeply interconnected.


    4. search - intertwingularity

    1. Both reproducible science and open source are necessary for collaboration at scale—the nexus for that intermingling is Jupyter.

      collaboration at scale

    1. Intertwingularity is not generally acknowledged, people keep pretending they can make things deeply hierarchical, categorizable and sequential when they can’t. Everything is deeply intertwingled. Ted Nelson
      • hierachical = categorizable
      • sequential
    2. The word intertwingularity was coined by internet pioneer Ted Nelson to represent the idea that everything in the universe is deeply interconnected.

    1. SSuite WordGraph is a free and very useful alternative to Microsoft's Word, OpenOffice's Writer, or anything else out there claiming to be the latest and greatest. You don't even have a need for .NET or even JAVA to be installed. This will save you a lot of hard drive space and precious computer resource

    2. An online edition is also available!

      online editor

    1. SSuite Office Software Made SimpleFree Software Created with Pure Visual Simplicity

    1. All our online services and apps run directly inside your web browser as we DO NOT run any activities, applications, or actions on any Cloud platform.


      What if the only thing you need is a browser

      No Cloud

    1. world of “self publishing hypertext” for all users

      for al people

      not users

    2. for edit, decision, list)


      Edit Decision List


    3. The EDL is a listing of the portions that are to be put together.

      In the presentation, the document from which Nelson quotes from on the Xanadu translator is presented on the screen as a long series of characters that generally look like a long hyperlink. Within the link, the extracted string of text from the quote that ensures that the “address of the content never change” (Nelson says this is KEY). Such spans of content are non-breaking links and do not break with the EDL.


    4. Ted Nelson, Hypertext and the Web


      • any designated high resolution content fragment when annotatd, linked to or otherwise reference from with the IndyPlex, part can be shareable with full attribution and link to the source

      flipp copy right any content that an individual engages with should be high resolution archive-able privately - offline first - private first


      IndyPlex adds to Unbreakable Lints - Permanence of Content - Permanence of intertwingled Global Giant Associative comPLEXes - verifiable, permanent attribution to the Autnonomous Human Actors that created/contributed to any content throug interpersonal trustnetwored communication with full provenance and replayable verifiable history - on request - or openly available when shared in the commons



    5. 4 : HyperPlex

      The XANADO model

    1. Mobile Progressive Web App (PWA) Custom File Viewer development

      PWA Custom file Viewers

    1. CryptPad uses a sandboxing system that isolates the user interface from the in-memory content.

      sandboxing system - isolates UI from in-memory content

    1. wisdom is the Delta

      wisdom is the Delta between - what measurement-based management Theory tells you to do and - what the right thing to do is - that's how I would define wisdom and

      that's the thing if you want to optimize for anything on the return on - it's that is it's the only thing that and safely Steward the amount of technological power we have

      so I don't want data driven anything - I want data informed but - there's so much sensible stuff that <br /> - we can sense at some level that we cannot quantify - that has to be factored when the Old Testament says in the top 10 things not to do - up there with murder and rape is

      not have false idols - the measurement of reality and - the modeling of reality - is what it's talking about the false idol is our model of reality where we optimize for that rather than reality we're rather than be in direct sensory connection to reality we look at reality through our model

  4. Jul 2023
    1. contemplate Winnie the Pooh


    2. need to be breaking out of the template

      template no longer works - organization by entity - CRUD centric thinking // to bad It's the connections that matter

      'Tain't what you deal with that matter but why and how you do what you need to do to accomplish what intent flow process goal!

      the way you connect the meaings of the connections and their emnergent composition Wholeness of intent and its implicate ordr if you just let it self-actualize thorugh articulation

    3. reference architecture

      reference architecture

      prescriptive code templates

      micro services have - controller - mediator - service - repository abstraction

      // NB It is not abstraction we need but customization/transormation/adapter

      The ultimate evolution from SQL to No SQL to anti database

      it does not work

      delegates to the next layer down

      way too blury

      problem invoice

      crud centric

      invoice server repository spread out in the system

      lot more operations than CRUD

      10 15 operations beyond

      anything that touches an invoce

      on big method here closure

      method chain

      abstracting methods out

      unrelated operation

      need to do instead is to

    4. need to trace tightly related code from entry point to controller level to 00:18:21 data access layer to service level to entity the tightly related code put it together keep it as close together in your code as you possibly can that means you're going to lose out on 00:18:33 some of that that rigor that people try to do through project references people try to force this kind of loose coupling rule by setting all those kind of rules of you know this project can only access 00:18:45 that project and can only have these Tack and all that that's great um it's extra overhead it's extra friction on you it's just better if


    5. you never reason about one layer at a time you reason about one use case at a time

      reasong not one layer at a time but one use case at a time accross layers and layyers

    6. switching part of the app from SQL Server to postgres but there's no way in hell within one 00:17:45 Sprint we could ever do the whole whole horizontal layer

      switching from sQL Server to Postgress

    7. pulling out a single entity at a time and it's going to make you chatty and potentially make you very very slow

      single entity at a time slow chatty

    8. leads people to trying to do unusually complicated things with ioc tools

      inversion of control tools unusually complex idesign

      service boundaries

      delineate responsibilities

      prescriptive architecture


    9. big systems being hard to work with are exactly the kind of things that we are told that we maybe we believe are exactly what you use to make these systems be maintainable 00:07:26 hexagonal architectures clean architecture the onion architecture and then I admittedly I have a special hatred for the onion architecture

      onion architecure

      the very things that promise better maintainability cause things to become unworkable over rtime

    10. they had a plan they started out with a well-defined architecture they were they were coming to conferences like in DC they were going to the workshops on clean 00:05:07 architecture onion architecture whatever it's going to be but the problem is everything works up front so That's Mike Tyson originally uh I was

      Mike Tyson

    11. it's had its day it's 00:03:50 it's aluminum wiring not as many people understand it today our younger developers which means everybody but me

      hibernate had its day

      younger developers which means everybidy but me

    12. very long running systems

    13. informed by our experiences working with with big long-running architectural long-running Enterprise systems

      Long Term info structure with long term evergreen easy to co-evolve infrastructure and sharding information about people by giving them custody and follow the intentional associative complexes connecting people information in desired consteallations of communication, storage and computation as required easy to change coevolve., deep cpupling with holistic holonic co-evolutionary self organising growth

    14. vertical slice architecture

      what folks can now call vertical slice architecture just the idea that I am going to organize first by cohesive features within the system a bit of functionality and I'm trying to show this here I'm showing separate databases it doesn't necessarily mean you're automatically having a giant modular monolith that's targeting six eight totally different databases just that if a segment of the database whether it's a schema a set of collections if at least between features could be a little bit Loosely coupled from each other that even if you're a monolith if you could do upgrades this at a time one feature at a time that's practical you can convince product owners of hey we can do this upgrade in our case it's it's not necessarily an upgrade it's cheap right we kind of like to replace SQL server with postgres and some of our big systems just purely cost savings it would be nice if we could do that if we could tackle it more bit wise a Sprint by Sprint we could deliver in a Sprint we could deliver switching part of the app from SQL Server to postgres but there's no way in hell within one Sprint we could ever do the whole whole horizontal layer that's something to think about other weakness layered architecture they talk about well you can reason about one layer at a time you never reason about one layer at a time you reason about one use case at a time the full vertical stack hopefully you can concentrate on only the business logic or only the data access logic but likely when you have customer problems when you have integration tests failing you need to trace tightly related code from entry point to controller level to data access layer to service level to entity the tightly related code put it together keep it as close together in your code as you possibly can that means you're going to lose out on some of that that rigor that people try to do through project references people try to force this kind of loose coupling rule by setting all those kind of rules of you know this project can only access that project and can only have these Tack and all that that's great um it's extra overhead it's extra friction on you it's just better if developers can be disciplined instead okay I want to keep harping on keep harping on a little layered architecture just a little bit

    15. can't take on upgrading that whole horizontal 00:16:18 stat horizontal spread all at one time it's just not practical

      not practica

    16. I always make some kind of joke I'm a real developer that's why I'm not 00:14:53 super great with PowerPoint I'm always awkward with this stuff oh I reordered it oh my goodness I'm sorry folks hmm I thought I reordered it

      real developer

      not super great with PowerPoint

    17. I despise this kind 00:14:25 of layered architecture if you see me on Twitter gripe about clean or onion or whatever it is it's this this needs to go

      despise layered architecture

      needs to go

    18. end up doing shotgun surgery

      write a little bit of code up here come and make a little bit of change way down here another change way down there when you're writing it you get the boiling frog problem you don't notice this at first when you're just dropping a few new classes in this adds up when you get really late 10 years later five to ten years later

    19. having a separate project a jar an assembly for every technical stereotype of the system when you start out small that's no big deal you have your domain you have entities in one place down to 00:13:04 another one there's infrastructure

      separate jar

    20. the code goes where it goes whether that's a good idea in the end is is not as black and white

      pur it here seemed a good idea at the time# location addressing instead of intentional addressing

      named intent networks with composability and exchangeability guaranteed

    21. idea of separation of concerns the idea that I want to get my infrastructure out of my business logic

      separation of concerns bad too

      we want integral design

      where can have holonic components that are swappable, exchangeable

      depending on need without effecting the intent of the software system

      optionaility for all possible constellations of infrastuctural scaling concerns are themselves sqappable because the "Business Logic" the intent is formulated in uiversal terms independent of infrastructural concerns

      so there is separation but not in some layers

      but by design

      Simonyi's law

    22. layered architecture
    23. throw that out with the bathwater

      the problems incurred in large systems

    24. prescriptive coding structures

      and here what I mean is one of the early days of my current position I was asked hey Jeremy can you put together a reference architecture a reference template for what microservices or services are going to be and I partially out of laziness somewhat out of hey that's actually kind of dangerous when you set up a detailed reference architecture we'll get into this a little more the the key risk there is people will actually follow it

    25. database abstractions can do is it reduces your database technology to a least common denominator approach

      databse abstraction

      least common denominator

    26. put some kind of mapping layer in there

      we don't want to share our Rich domain model entities over a web service so we'll put some kind of mapping layer in there specifically to not share types go too far with that um that's why I design shows up go too far with that and what you do is you add a lot more mental overhead to understand the system how many jumps does any data element in the system go through mapping layer to service layer to mediator to a command over here

      everything you do for the sake of loose coupling also comes with a little bit of cost of just **extra junk to try to keep track of **

      Slay those Layers with Integral Intentional flipped Design

    27. we know we think we want to abstract the database a little bit

      swap the databse layer later

      least common denominator

      very slow

    28. following it even when it stopped working

      the pan

    29. software architecture everything works at first whatever you pick is probably going to work absolutely fine in the early stages of a project

      everything works at first

    30. vastly more googleable that's a quality all by itself


      a quality all by itself

    31. going to be contrarian

      going to complain about things that you're otherwise being told are the best practices in software architecture which they may actually be we're not going that badly

    1. question the inability of every tech that needs layers.

      question tech that needs layers

    2. The future is layers sure less opportunity to make money but more opprunity to make people happy

      the future is layerless

    1. Turn anything online into a conversation.

      Social annotation is the best way to have meaningful discussions, without the disorganization of social media, message boards, and comment sections.

      -# testing : sectionMark - one - two

      -issue - experiment - make : plexMark MarkIn notation MarkDown compatible - the terminology for what we used to call TrailMarks is converging - have a new name for it PlexMark - experimenting with new matkdown compatible markin notation

    1. new connections between data points

      these connection are not connecting data points

      but 'thought Vectors in Concept Space'

    2. Designing digital tools allowing users to create their own signals and build their own wisdom.

      tolls for thought

    3. building their own links of meaning

      4 - TrailMarks

      Providing digital tools and contexts that - allow people to practice their reflexive capacity by - building their own links of meaning

      was a recurring theme during our conversation with Jelger.

      Spanning a variety of subjects ranging from - informational overload and - extended cognition to - guided meditation and - note-taking apps, our

      discussion was a contemplation on what it means to design for autonomy. -

    1. We're building CADA: a network of STEM students and practitioners that has real-world impact.

      cada network

    1. DESIGN FOR AUTONOMYtudelft.nlhttps://repository.tudelft.nl › OBJ › downloadtudelft.nlhttps://repository.tudelft.nl › OBJ › downloadJul 13, 2020 — The summary can be found in figure 5. Good at converting insight to action. Design processes and Behaviour research. Well-known clients.
    2. search - design for autonomy the best design

    1. High Optionaility Programming

      Architectural Choices that mitigate Technical Debt


      Description suggest - Inte- - gral - ntional - roperability - exchangability across full spectrum alternatives

      Design to - maximize future choices making co-evolutionary and even radical change cheap, an antidote to Technical Debt

    2. 6,513 views Jun 24, 2023 Show less

      gloss : "High Optionality Programming"

      the practice of paying a - small design & programming premium today

      in order to avoid - a massive accumulation of - technical debt later.

      This is a technique we've succesfully used - at large scale in our previous business and - in the businesses of many of our customers.

      The key to implementing high optionality programming correctly is - to assess the likelihood of a future change to your system and - to plan for its eventuality in advance when - it's cheap to do so: - early on in the software development lifecycle.

      In this talk we explain - the concepts behind high optionality programming, - offer some case studies of how it's been used successfully, and - introduce the techniques that - actively curb the long-term accumulation of technical debt in software projects.

    1. shaping a future of possibilitiesWe envision a future where individuals regain control over their digital experiences, where data sovereignty is a birthright, and where privacy and trust are foundational pillars of the online world.

      privacy and trust pillars

    2. reclaim your data and make better decisions for life with personalized AI



    1. burdensome distractions and doom scrolling

      doom scrolling

    2. by reclaiming our data as life nourishing ingredient (privacy, ownership, sharing and transparency),

      privacy, ownership, sharing and transparency

    3. Regeneration is an evolutionary concept; it is not a destination, it is a journey.


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    1. social identity
      1. the personal qualities that one claims and displays to others so consistently that they are considered to be part of one’s essential, stable self. This public persona may be an accurate indicator of the private, personal self, but it may also be a deliberately contrived image (see social image).

      2. in social psychology, the part of self-concept that is derived from memberships in social groups or categories, ranging from family to nationality or race. Social identity is distinguished from the public self and the private self. Also called collective self.

    1. private self the part of the self that is known mainly to oneself, such as one’s inner feelings and self-concept. It may be similar to or different from the public self one reveals to others. See also social identity.

      4 - my - self