- Jun 2024
www.subtext-lang.org www.subtext-lang.org
This erodes modularity
models constraints modularity
inherent conflict
that's why things will never work
models errode modularity
models are trully intertwingled modules encapsulate
separating models with cross cutting concerns and providing modules and layers that constrain limit cross cuting
aspects orientation won't help either
we need models and capabnlities needed to effect intents need to coevolve coevolve the three together intent model component
That's why MVC is just a broken idea Period
Model View Controller
That's why Dijkstra's goto Considered Harmfull was the most harmful idea that ever influence thinking. tha nature of everything is interwinglularity spagetty code. Named Jumps. Yes imposing structure can seemingly create order but it bound to be a self limitting one. Need the ability to organic growth
- Dec 2023
superfastpython.com superfastpython.com
there are automatic ways to measure execution time, such as via the timeit module.
- Sep 2023
www.digitalocean.com www.digitalocean.com
Modules do not add anything to the global (window) scope. Modules always are in strict mode. Loading the same module twice in the same file will have no effect, as modules are only executed once. Modules require a server environment.
- Dec 2022
For now, because you haven't published the module yet, you need to adapt the example.com/hello module so it can find the example.com/greetings code on your local file system.
- Nov 2022
learnku.com learnku.com
- Oct 2022
publicpolicy.pepperdine.edu publicpolicy.pepperdine.edu
It does not follow, because our difficulties are stupendous, because there are some souls timorous enough to doubt the validity and effectiveness of our ideals and our system, that we must turn to a State-controlled or State-directed social or economic system in order to cure our troubles. That is not liberalism; it is tyranny. It is the regimentation of men under autocratic bureaucracy with all its extinction of liberty, or hope, and of opportunity. Of course, no man of understanding says that our system works perfectly. It does not. The human race is not perfect. Nevertheless, the movement of a true civilization is toward freedom rather than regimentation. This is our ideal
hoover's big thing is to avoid the federal government from being too involved
Instead, we met the situation with proposals to private business and the Congress of the most gigantic program of economic defense and counter attack ever evolved in the history of the Republic. We put it into action.
hoover legitimately believes he did all he could
The countries of Europe proved unable to withstand the stress of the depression. The memories of the world had ignored the fact that the insidious diseases left by the Great War had not been cured. The skill and intelligence of millions in Europe had been blotted out by battle, disease and starvation. Stupendous burdens of national debts had been built up. Poisoned springs of political instability lay in the treaties which closed the war. Fears and hates held armaments to double those before the war. Governments were fallaciously seeking to build back by enlarged borrowing, by subsidizing industry and employment with taxes that slowly sapped the savings upon which industry must be rejuvenated and commerce solidly built. Under these strains the financial systems of many foreign countries crashed one by one.
Hoover is still blaming other countries
teachingamericanhistory.org teachingamericanhistory.org
To meet our domestic emergencies in credit and banking arising from the reaction to acute crisis abroad the National Credit Association was set up by the banks with resources of $500,000,000 to support sound banks against the frightened withdrawals and hoarding. It is giving aid to reopen solvent banks which have been closed. Federal officials have brought about many beneficial unions of banks and have employed other means which have prevented many bank closings. As a result of these measures the hoarding withdrawals which had risen to over $250,000,000 per week after the British crisis have substantially ceased.
Hoover provided support for the banks in crisis, trying to stabalize the withdraws and panic
The emergencies of unemployment have been met by action in many directions. The appropriations for the continued speeding up of the great Federal construction program have provided direct and indirect aid to employment upon a large scale.
But not enough aid
fs2.american.edu fs2.american.edu
Not surprisingly, foes of the yellow press were more eager to disparage than define. Thus were the yellow journals accused of such malevolent effects as "corrupting the young and debauching the old, championing vice and lewdness, and defying respectability and decency."39 The practice of yellow journalism was likened, moreover, to a "contest of madmen for the primacy of the sewer."40
yellow journalism in this manner did not have good effects. It was spreading misinformation to audiences.
fs2.american.edu fs2.american.edu
The Journal gloated about its extravagant spending on newsgathering. Not atypical was this claim, in which the Journal disparaged its rivals, notably the New York Sun: "The reason the old journalism doesn't like the Journal is that the Journal gets the news, no matter what it costs. The Sun and its kind cannot afford to spend money since the Journal has taken their readers away from them, and the probability is they would not do so if they could afford it. They are still living in the Silurian age."16
This is what yellow journalism was- getting the information they needed at whatever cost, eve if it meant making up some facts in order to attract readers.
- Jul 2022
use the go mod edit command to edit the example.com/hello module to redirect Go tools from its module path (where the module isn't) to the local directory (where it is).
step #1:
go mod edit -replace */=/
step #2:
go mod tidy
go mod edit -replace example.com/greetings=../greetings
模块(module)路径修改 如何修改模块的路径,将线上的路径指向本地。
- Apr 2022
github.com github.com
main purpose, get rid of annoying errors caused by side effect imports
It is very important that your gem reopens the modules ActiveJob and ActiveJob::QueueAdapters instead of defining them. Because their proper definition lives in Active Job. Furthermore, if the project reloads, you do not want any of ActiveJob or ActiveJob::QueueAdapters to be reloaded. Bottom line, Zeitwerk should not be managing those namespaces. Active Job owns them and defines them. Your gem needs to reopen them.
- Nov 2021
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
[2020] Basics of Module Bundlers for web development
- Provides a number of uses, most commonly used to compile multiple .js files into a single file for browser to load when users visit a website
- Terms: Code Splitting, Loaders, Plugins, Dev Server
- Bundlers: Webpack, Rollup, Parcel, Snowpack
- Snowpack - only rebuilds files that have changed vs. rebuilding the entire project
- Sep 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Analytics modules that run in the background, monitor user interaction, and send the data to a server.
Many jQuery plugins attach themselves to the global jQuery object.
A polyfill for example, might not do anything, because it finds that the feature that it enables is already supported by the browser.
A module with side-effects is one that changes the scope in other ways then returning something, and it's effects are not always predictable, and can be affected by outside forces (non pure function).
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.orgimport1
Import a module for its side effects only Import an entire module for side effects only, without importing anything. This runs the module's global code, but doesn't actually import any values.
- May 2021
github.com github.com
Well, since you're reading this, let me tell you a little more about HMR. Magic is actually not such a good think in software development, so if we can demystify HMR a bit, it will probably benefits you when it comes to answer setup questions or, generally, get the most out of your HMR experience.
github.com github.com
Because of that, it's essential that the bundler doesn't treat the package as an external dependency. You can either modify the external option under server in rollup.config.js or the externals option in webpack.config.js,
- Apr 2021
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
however, if this is relevant to just one spec, you don't necessarily need to include devise helpers to all your controllers specs, you can just explicitly include those helpers in that one controller describe block: require 'spec_helper' describe MyCoolController include Devise::TestHelpers it { } end
- Nov 2020
www.npmjs.com www.npmjs.com
Create aliases of directories and register custom module paths in NodeJS like a boss
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
In contrast to import (which handles 1+2 pretty much the same way, but would send you looking in node_modules right away) path 'module' indeed means your project root for paths without a need to resolve, like output.path in your webpack config... and: (on resolving) Only 3 is subject to resolve.root and resolve.moduleDirectories resolving, see webpack docs here
- Oct 2020
superuser.com superuser.com
Future kernel updates would require the updated kernels to be signed again, so it makes sense to put the signing commands in a script that can be run at a later date as necessary. A sample script /root/module-signing/sign-vbox-modules is given below.
medium.com medium.com
withindex.js, we have a single source of truth, giving fine grained control on what we expose to the outside world.
import statements will become much smaller, as we will be importing stuff from less files. For example AbstractNode.js has only on import statement now, where it had two before.
The reason that this solves our problem is: we now have full control over the module loading order. Whatever the import order in internal.js is, will be our module loading order.
Here are few, real-life commits of refactorings that make use of this solution:
The crux of this pattern is to introduce an index.js and internal.js file.
- exports (functions/etc. exposed to outside world) (modules)
- be specific
- key point
- single source of truth
- +0.9
- specific examples
- refactoring
- having enough control over something
- fine-grained control
- control (programming)
- list of examples
- advantages/merits/pros
- main/key/central/essential/core thing/point/problem/meat
- code organization: internal module pattern
- circular dependency
- concise
- under my control
github.com github.com
svelte.dev svelte.dev
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup1
If you do want to include the module in your bundle, you need to tell Rollup how to find it. In most cases, this is a question of using @rollup/plugin-node-resolve.
- Sep 2020
sapper.svelte.dev sapper.svelte.dev
It lives in a context="module" script — see the tutorial — because it's not part of the component instance itself; instead, it runs before the component is created, allowing you to avoid flashes while data is fetched.
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
// resolve dependencies from node_modules
engineering.mixmax.com engineering.mixmax.com
When you publish this module, you do not want to bundle React, for the reasons described above. (It would be even worse to bundle React in a library, because then its copy would duplicate that loaded by the application!) But the fix is slightly different for a library than an application. In this library's Rollup configuration, we only want to specify external, not globals:
many CDNs nowadays ultimately source from npm (before caching the JavaScript on their own edge servers). So you'll be guaranteed to have the same library version on the CDN as on npm
Why bundling 3rd-party dependencies can be a very bad idea
So React, and other large third-party dependencies, should not be bundled alongside your application; they should be kept external. But where will they come from then?
The only module names that Rollup understands out of the box are relative or absolute file paths, like ./maths.js in the example. This works just fine for your own code—but what about 3rd-party dependencies?
rollupjs.org rollupjs.orgRollup3
Resolve imports to module ids (i.e. file names) using the same plugins that Rollup uses, and determine if an import should be external. If null is returned, the import could not be resolved by Rollup or any plugin but was not explicitly marked as external by the use
Rollup will only resolve relative module IDs by default.
If your package.json file also has a module field, ES-module-aware tools like Rollup and webpack 2+ will import the ES module version directly.
github.com github.com
globals are assumed to have their field value on the window object and can be referenced inside the bundle by their field name globals: { name: 'Value', }, assumes that some other script tag or whatever establishes window.Value and the emitted umd bundle for example, calls the factory like factory(global.Value). So globals is just stuff to bring into the factory on the globals object. It doesn't even make it "global" inside the bundle. Basically, the resolver does not check the globals object during the loading process. The resolver needs to be told how to link these globals and that's what the external option is for. external: ['name'], Then you can reference it like import myName from 'name'; myName();
we've learned why you might want to use external but not globals: libraries. We've started to factor some of our client-side JS as libraries to share between projects. These libraries import $ from 'jquery'. However they don't want to presume how that import might be "fulfilled". In most projects it's fulfilled from a global i.e. a script loaded from a CDN. However in one project it's fulfilled from a local copy of jQuery for reasons I won't get into. So when these libraries bundle themselves for distribution, as ES6 modules, they mark 'jquery' as an external and not as a global. This leaves the import statements in the bundle. (Warning: Don't bundle as an IIFE or UMD, or Rollup will guess at fulfilling the import from a global, as @Rich-Harris mentions above.)
github.com github.com
Since most CommonJS packages you are importing are probably dependencies in node_modules, you may need to use @rollup/plugin-node-resolve:
github.com github.com
basarat.gitbook.io basarat.gitbook.io
Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names.
www.typescriptlang.org www.typescriptlang.org
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
Let's say you import { Interface } from "api/interfaces", from source file /src/views/View.ts. Typescript would then look for the module in the following paths: /src/views/api/interfaces.ts /src/api/interfaces.ts /api/interfaces.ts
- Aug 2020
jasp-stats.org jasp-stats.org
Introducing JASP 0.11: The Machine Learning Module. (2019, September 24). JASP - Free and User-Friendly Statistical Software. https://jasp-stats.org/2019/09/24/introducing-jasp-0-11-the-machine-learning-module/
- Jul 2020
jasp-stats.org jasp-stats.org
Introducing JASP 0.13. (2020, July 2). JASP - Free and User-Friendly Statistical Software. https://jasp-stats.org/?p=6483
- Dec 2019
github.com github.com
Neutrino only babel-compiles first party source (the JSX -> JS transformation is handled by a babel plugin). It does this because even when using the module entry in package.json, it's expected that the provided file (and it's imports) still be JS and not in some other format - ie: the only difference from the content in main should be that it can use modules syntax (that is import and export rather than require etc).
version compared tomain
version:only difference from the content in main should be that it can use modules syntax (that is import and export rather than require etc).
You can see the difference in this example: https://unpkg.com/browse/reactstrap@8.0.1/es/Alert.js ("module": "es/index.js": import) vs. https://unpkg.com/browse/reactstrap@8.0.1/lib/Alert.js ("main": "lib/index.js": require)
github.com github.com
- Jul 2018
learning.ccsso.org learning.ccsso.org
The Standards set grade-specific standards but do not define the intervention methods or materials necessary to support students who are well below or well above grade-level expectations.
When it comes to students who are below grade-level expectations. It is important for not only the general education teacher, but the special education teacher as well to understand the needs of the student and modify that standards to fit that student.
they do not describe all that can or shouldbe taught
This is why it is important for teachers to be creative in their lesson plans and help their students expand on the information given to them.
6 | iNTrOduCTiONCommon Core State StandardS for enGLISH LanGUaGeartS & LIteraCy In HIStory/SoCIaL StUdIeS, SCIenCe, and teCHnICaL SUbjeCtS1.The Standards define what all students are expected to know and be able to do, not how teachers should teach.
I agree.
The Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects (“the Standards”) are the culmination of an extended, broad-based effort to fulfill the charge issued by the states to create the next generation of K–12 standards in order to help ensure that all students are college and career ready in literacy no later than the
This states how important the Common Core State Standards are. They are the foundation of our students' learning. It is our job as educators to uses these standards to expand our students' knowledge.
www.edutopia.org www.edutopia.org
students must be able to understand and describe the text before they are able to analyze its elements.
I agree. A student can not understand the elements of literature if they can not understand what is happening in the text.
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Important hints that an author drops to prepare the reader for what is to come, and help the reader anticipate the outcome.
Something that always gets me excited when reading a book.
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Charlotte's Web
I always enjoyed Charlotte's Web. I always thought it had a good story line and taught us about friendship, courage, and that change is not always a bad thing.
- Jun 2018
www.slj.com www.slj.com
I am very careful to make sure the books I have come from reputable publishers, I read everything before I put it on the shelf, and I am watching out for your kids,”
It is important that school libraries have appropriate books for every grade in the school (entertainment and educational).
build great confidence in new readers
Building confidence in students when it comes to reading is very important. Not only will students learn to read better, they will also enjoy reading.
Prose books and comics are challenged for the same reasons,” Brownstein says. “Content addressing the facts of life about growing up, like sexuality, sexual orientation, race issues, challenging authority, and drug and alcohol use are causes for challenges. [Profanity] is often a factor,” as is violence.
These are difficult subjects to introduce to children. Age and maturity level play a huge factor in "the right time" to introduce these subjects.
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
The method and practice of teaching
youth prepare for a “performance of possibilities”(Madison,2005) as they share their writing publicly; that is, they use classroom forums, micro-phones, and stages as a way to (re)present themselves to the world
I think it is interesting that Winn uses the term "performance of possibilities". Reading your written work outlaid, especially for struggling readers and writers can possibly feel challenging. However, I think this is a great approach to broadening the students thinking of their own work, as well as the critique and comments of other students works in search of who they are as a writer and their ultimate goals
- Feb 2018
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
y. Not only did Jennifer struggle with keeping students in her class and out of in-school suspension, but she also had to deal with constant interruptions. By December, the students' instructional time had
I can't imagine being a teacher and trying to create a community in such a broken classroom. I think this would also be hard on the students who were not removed from the original class.
found that these students really struggled with maintaining a positive discursive environment. For example, many of their language practices dom inated discussion groups, such as giving orders, using insults, and disagreeing.
I think it is so hard for these students to act any differently because even though they are in school during the day, once they leave school they are in rough neighborhoods where they can't escape the bad ways to act. These kids have also grown up around this violence and meanness towards one another. Outside of school many of them may not have examples of how to treat other people fairly.
s part of a writing activity for fifth graders, I asked the stu dents to write a description of their community. Dale responded, "It is a dirty neighborhood, there was a shooting in my backyard. There is a store on the cor ner that got robbed two times." Kelly echoed, "It's dirty with too much drugs. There are bad kids, aban doned buildings; it stinks like fish, people getting killed and stray cats."
As a teacher who teaches in a community like this it is important to be there for your students. If they are living in such a place like this, creating a safe welcoming environment in the class room is something that can really help change their attitudes about school.
d the re search that collaboration and group work can lead to positive conseque
Although children can get silly when working in groups i think group work is a great idea. This allows them to take a break from sitting at their desk and working independently, while creating a learning environment. Using guided reading sheets might be the best thing to help children stay on task. Also if a class gets too silly with group work the teacher should warn them that if they cannot work nicely together they will go back to independent work. This may help the children to work better.
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
ncour age using written conversations to talk about books of interest. This format provides for regular feedback to students and establishes an audit trail for student progress.
I think its important for children to have a trail of their progress in school. Although not everything can be done on paper, by having some different pieces of school work the student, teacher and parent can all look back and reflect on everything that was learned and how the child grew as a student.
tudents should take responsibility for filling in the blanks in the state-of-the-class chart. From this practice, children develop a sense that responsibility comes along with op portunity. This simple record keeping process provides teachers with a daily audit trail of student activity and requires minimal te
The idea of students having to fill in their own charts is a great idea. Not only does it instill responsibility like the paragraph suggests, but it also teaches students that they are the ones who determine the outcome of their work. If they were to not fill out the chart they would have nothing to show the teacher and the teacher would have nothing to grade for them.
ni-lessons allow teachers to ful fill local curriculum mandates regarding stu dent performance objectives a
By teachers using mini lessons the students learning strategies can be much broader than doing a standardized lesson or test. Teachers can incorporate outside things to engage the students more, they can also change the level depending on their students. This will provide a comfortable working and learning space for all students.
- Jun 2017
survivejs.com survivejs.com
HMR allows patching the browser state without a full refresh making it particularly handy with libraries like React where a refresh blows away the application state. The Hot Module Replacement appendix covers the feature in detail.
Why you should prefer hot module replacement in a React development context: a full refresh, the kind your standard webpack-dev-server defaults to, will obliterate application state in React!
- Feb 2017
www.drupal.org www.drupal.org
- Oct 2016
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
etry is often neglected in classroom literacy experiences (Denman, 1988). We have discovered, however, that it is a genre that is not only accessible to primary children, but can be the genre that excites children and motivates them to read and write. A
I highly agree with this statement. When I was in elementary school, particularly 3rd grade I remember briefly learning about poetry and creating poems. When I look back I remember being excited to learn, it was a creative outlet that had no rules, only suggestions. My teacher told us to rhyme words and come up with any topic we wanted to write about. for those artistically inclined such as myself, I saw this as an opportunity to express myself similarly to a price of artwork but through the way I arrange text. If more children were exposed to this creative form of writing, they could develop an interest in their writing at an early age.
- Mar 2016
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
ead great poetry. Use your own definition of "great" poetry. It doesn't matter what sort of poetry you read, just pick some thing that you enjoy. The most important thing you can do is get to know a poem yourself and understand why it speaks to you before attempting to use it in your classro
I agree! If teachers are well versed in reading powerful poetry than they will be more confident in teaching it. Students notice if teachers believe what they teach.
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
uring the poetry unit, poetry is read at this time.
At this time it is so important to choose quality poetry for examples! Using multicultural/diverse examples does double the work for teachers.
- Feb 2016
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
iterature response logs are regular records, usually daily, that children keep as running diaries of their read ing. Third, they may update their reading re cords.
This is a lesson in responsibility as the students update their reading logs after each SSR and of course adds the writing component to independent reading. Students can be proud of their reading logs and it will help them during sharing time as well. Also this instills a sense of ownership for students as it is their reading log about the books they chose which differs from their classmates.
o offset this state of emotional neutrality in classrooms, teachers must thoughtfully re consider how reading instruction may be reor ganized to rekindle a sense of joy and ownershi
Yes! This sense of joy and ownership connected to literature is intended to create interest in literature that will last. Students would hopefully be proud of the book they read and as they grow up, be proud of books they own and can recommend to others. I know this is true for me.
he only problem associated with this second block of sharing time is stopping. Sticking to the 10-minute time limit is often very difficult because children sincerely enjoy this time for sharing their ideas, work, and discoverie
The fact that kids are enjoying the sharing time and what they have to share, is incredible! It shows that allowing students to choose their literature can create an extremely engaged population of students.
r. Sheets also notes that mini-lessons force him to be concise in his demonstrations of skills in real reading situations.
When Mr. Sheets is forced to be concise it can be very beneficial for the students. Since he has to be short and to the point the children are given the information right away and not given too much all at once to take in.
ome teachers like to act in the role of "recorder" for the group or "wait in silence."
I like the idea of the teacher as the "recorder" for the group. This allows for the kids to all stay engaged in what everyone is talking, while you get to write down what everyone is saying so you can reflect on it later.
elf-selected reading. During SSR stu dents may become involved in one or more ac tivities (see Figure 1). To begin the workshop, students and teachers spend 10 minutes en gaged in free reading of a book they have cho sen for recreational reading or they may be reading goal pages established in their litera ture response group.
I like that kids are able to read books of their choice so that they are more engaged. It will help keep them more interested in reading and help with their reading skills.
networkedlearningcollaborative.com networkedlearningcollaborative.com
turn on a CD of classical background music.
Yes! Classical music has been proven to increase brain activity in children and adults. It also will help children focus in on their individual papers and keep interrupting behaviors to a minimum
hen the timer bell sounds, the chil dren begin to write their entries on the lines provided below the spaces where they drew their illustrations. A
Timed writing is an important skill to teach even in younger grades because in a few years students will be taking timed standardized tests.
riting complete sentences writing sentences that ask a question
These are two very important skills that kids should learn at a young age. I think it is great that the kids learn these things so they can better develop their writing from an early age. Complete sentences will also help them in oral language as well.
Each child draws an illustration about the new or ongoing topic he or she has selected to write about. Children may talk with peers or with me about their topics or drawings.
Being able to illustrate and visually represent an idea is very important for all students. This skill touches on fine motor skills, visual processing and conceptual thought. Very important part of the lesson and an effective check for understanding.
any op portunities for connecting reading de coding skills with writing occur during these sessions.
decoding skills for children are so important especially at a young age. If they can "learn to read" earlier then later on they will be "reading to learn" a lot more.
ost of my direct writing instruc tion takes place during these brief ses sions, which may last up to 15 minutes.
Personally I learn better from direct instructions rather than a big long lesson where some information may be lost. This is a good idea to have these mini lessons, as they are very beneficial to the kids.
www.jennamcwilliams.com www.jennamcwilliams.com
This cluster of social ills is rooted in what Garfinkel (1967) referred to as the “normals” view of gender: The belief that there are two, and only two, gender categories; that all people, with very few exceptions, fit neatly into one of those two gender categories; and that all people, with very few exceptions, fit neatly into the gender category they were assigned at birth.
I think that it is a good thing that society is beginning to discard this thinking, and (although it may be slow) become more progressive in the belief that gender is not just a two-category, assigned from birth system.
The project of this dissertation is to confront societal norms around gender, gender identity, and gender expression in order to open up spaces for children and adults to interrogate and explore their relationship to their own and others’ genders.
I think the idea about "opening up spaces" for children (and adults) to explore their gender and sexuality is important. I feel that there is a great disparity in the amount of LGBT narratives in literature, and it is important that people who identify as such are able to be represented in literature.
is a social justice concern not only for the estimated one in 500 American children who are “significantly gender variant or transgender” (Brill & Pepper, 2013, p. 2), and for the 4-6 percent of children who exhibit “gender variant behavior” (Hein & Berger, 2012; Van Beijsterveldt, Hudziak, & Boomsma, 2006), but for all learners, regardless of their gender identity or expression.
This makes a great point that it is not just a social justice concern for the "significantly gender variant or transgender" but for all learners. It is important for everyone, not just children who are transgender or gender variant.
Recent research suggests that the most frequent victims of bullying in K-12 schools are gender variant children: Those whose clothing, hairstyles, mannerisms, or other forms of self expression diverge from accepted norms for their assigned gender
It really is sad to hear that anyone is getting bullied and especially for just expressing themselves in a way they feel appropriate. Just because someone is wearing different clothes or a different hairstyle does not give anyone the right to bully them. I think if kids are brought up from a young age without gender roles it can really help when they are growing up.
Yet a growing body of research makes it clear that children begin to internalize dominant beliefs about gender as early as preschool
This is very interesting because a lot of people (including me) probably don't know this. The preschool teachers don't know what kind of affect they can have on kids as young as this when it comes to gender roles.
Cultural expectations about gender are folded into, for example, the spoken and tacit rules for how women and men, girls and boys, should dress and carry their bodies and engage with others and make decisions about relationships, family, and careers.
I totally agree with this statement that there are all these social norms about men and women and how we should act. In reality, it is your life and you can do whatever you want and carry yourself anyway that you want. You should not have to go about your life a certain way because "everyone" thinks you should.
jgregorymcverry.com jgregorymcverry.com
he African American abolitionist Frederick Douglass recalled how reading two books set him on his life's course: the political essays and dialogues in The Columbian Orator, edited by David Blight (New York University Press, 1998), which Douglass read in early adolescence; and the piquant documents of the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison.
The fact that Frederick Douglass can attribute his political success just shows how important meaningful high interest texts can be to disenfranchise populations. I'm sure many lives have been and can be change with literature.
www.frankserafini.com www.frankserafini.com
Because of this, reading education has to go beyond scientific considerations to include the social,political, and cultural dimensions, if our students are to become the kinds of readers we want in ademocratic society.
Yes! I think social, political and cultural dimensions are immensely important to teaching and arguably more important than the scientific considerations. Although, all those dimensions mentioned, if taken into equal consideration, can be a recipe for success in the classroom.
It is no longer enough to fill the classroom with high-quality books and read aloud one or twoeach day. Reading aloud and creating a literate environment are necessary but insufficient forimplementing a literature-based approach to reading instruction. A shift in theoretical understandingsneeds to accompany this shift in instructional resources
Serafini makes a good point here. If teaching a child how to read just meant reading books aloud and filling a room with high quality books then any literate parent can homeschool their child. Though it is important to do those things as a teacher, there is clearly much more to teaching literature.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Reading a great book changes us.
This is a great message that relates back to the beginning of the article. If a great book really does change us, imagine how much it can change a child who can relate to it. Using books that all children can relate to can make some great changes in the classroom.
but the message is too important to be filed away. This work must be must shared with educators.
I think this is a great point that this work needs to be shared. The more people/educators it is shared with, the more publicity it will get. Eventually it will make its way to the CCSS.
When classroom collections are largely by and about white people, white children have many more opportunities to make connections and become proficient readers.
It makes sense that if you are surrounded by something you can relate to then you will do better. How can we expect children of color to succeed at such high level;s if the are not given relateable materials?
- Jan 2016
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The greatest advantage Webpack has over these tools is Hot Module Replacement (HMR). In short, it provides a way to patch the browser state without a full refresh. We'll discuss it in more detail when we go through the React setup
- Sep 2014
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Step 3: My Initial Read
Sensitivity Exercise Step 3:
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Feel free to share your observations and thoughts with others below before moving on to the next exercise.
need to
need to
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What are we doing about discussion?
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A final exercise will challenge you to bring the skills you hone through this process to bear on a complex scenario involving several ethical issues.
change to reflect change in module