22,994 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2022
    1. ⨁ ⨂ ⨃ ⨄ ⨅ ⨆ ⨇ ⨈ ⨉ ⨊ ⨋ ⨌ ⨍ ⨎ ⨏ ⨐ ⨑ ⨒ ⨓ ⨔ ⨕ ⨖ ⨗ ⨘ ⨙ ⨚ ⨛ ⨜ ⨝ ⨞ ⨟ ⨠ ⨡ ⨢ ⨣ ⨤ ⨥ ⨦ ⨧ ⨨ ⨩ ⨪ ⨫ ⨬ ⨭ ⨮ ⨯ ⨰ ⨱ ⨲ ⨳ ⨴ ⨵ ⨶ ⨷ ⨸ ⨹ ⨺ ⨻ ⨼ ⨽ ⨾ ⨿ ⩀ ⩁ ⩂ ⩃ ⩄ ⩅ ⩆ ⩇ ⩈ ⩉ ⩊ ⩋ ⩌ ⩍ ⩎ ⩏ ⩐ ⩑ ⩒ ⩓ ⩔ ⩕ ⩖ ⩗ ⩘ ⩙ ⩚ ⩛ ⩜ ⩝ ⩞ ⩟ ⩠ ⩡ ⩢ ⩣ ⩤ ⩥ ⩦ ⩧ ⩨ ⩩ ⩪ ⩫ ⩬ ⩭ ⩮ ⩯ ⩰ ⩱ ⩲ ⩳ ⩴ ⩵ ⩶ ⩷ ⩸ ⩹ ⩺ ⩻ ⩼ ⩽ ⩾ ⩿ ⪀ ⪁ ⪂ ⪃ ⪄ ⪅ ⪆ ⪇ ⪈ ⪉ ⪊ ⪋ ⪌ ⪍ ⪎ ⪏ ⪐ ⪑ ⪒ ⪓ ⪔ ⪕ ⪖ ⪗


    2. Supplemental Mathematical Operators unicode subset Here is the list of 256 utf-8 characters in Supplemental Mathematical Operators subsets.
    1. Bruno Winck@brunowinckMy plan to deliver lessons directly from @kneaver is promising but it will not happen this week. I start the course with @ness_labs and I resume this work.

    1. Storytelling and Visualization: An Extended SurveyMarch 2018Information (Switzerland) 9(3):65 Follow journalDOI: 10.3390/info9030065LicenseCC BY 4.0Chao TongRichard RobertsRita BorgoShow all 11 authorsXiaojuan Ma

    1. is a trendy new term for techniques and applications designed to manage information.

      New Term?

      knowledge-management-online.com was registered in 1985 and had a lot to say about PKM all these years

      had PK

  2. bafybeihggpwb5dqsevmygdlp4y6t3nvdr72ikhrjycectrry75zasyxppq.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeihggpwb5dqsevmygdlp4y6t3nvdr72ikhrjycectrry75zasyxppq.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. "BeyondOntologies" in the spirit of Codex. [56]

      CODEX's vision and undestanding the deep epistemological societal reasons why we need to go beyond ontologies was and is still the best articulation of the beauty of my dreams

      bootstrapping the "simplest possible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work"

      improve our ability to improve the

      ijntellectual effectiveness of the IndyViDual Huan InterBeing for Commons Based, Peer Produced Human inter intellect

    2. WikiNizeris aiming to take this line of thinking to its conceptual conclusion by bootstrapping the "simplestpossible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work". WikiNizer aims to take us "BeyondOntologies" in the spirit of Codex. [56]

      WikiNizer bootstrapping the "simplest possible personal augmentation engine that could possibly work.

      Following Engelbart, Ted Nelson and Ward Cunningham's attempts at creating a new way of writing and there by improving the intellectual effectiveness of the indyvidual human being

    3. Semantic Information

      Semantic is just a deeply limiting conception

      More important is Symmathesy (mutual learning) and articulating your tacit subsidiary awareness by capturing the insistent intent * purppose * aspect * relevance * significance

      connections as we write right on the page where we are writing to think and link

      ex(plicate!ternalize) your indyvidual intellect share and collaborate to form externalization of commons based peer produced inter intellect

      Add in line plain text mark in notation we call TrailMarks the mark the trails in your thinking with contextualizing clues, listicles of content and other clues. (add in line clues using TrailMarks mark

    4. “great chain ofbootsrappable meaning”

      all coherence gone with the inevitable breakdown of the "Great Chaing of Being"

      just because hierarchies cannot capture the intertwingularity/unity of all as they rule out cycles, feedback/strange loops

      We are strange loops within the One Strange Loop there IS


      codex beyond ondologies survey wikinizer

    1. Matthew Hodgson is Co-Founder of Matrix.org. Matrix is an open network for secure, decentralized communication with more than 40 M users.


    2. Goodbye Facebook, Hello Decentralized Social Media? Can Peer-to-Peer Lead to Less Toxic Online Platforms?

    1. swopr swopr is a really tiny proxy server which utilizes a service worker. A service worker sits between web applications and the network (when available).

    1. A Quiet, Underrated Revolution

      underrated indeed

    2. So how can you run a proxy server in your browser without any back end whatsoever?

      service worker

    3. How To Run a Proxy Server Inside Your Browser


    1. Community principle: Weaving from the inside outHealthy communities need a center of gravity with dense and trusted relationships. Otherwise they are hollow and unsustainable.


    1. We have developed a Web-based application calledCodex as proof-of-concept platform for capturing andsharing situated knowledge representations

      CODEX introduced

    2. Beyond ontologies CODEX survey wikinizer

    1. Always-on Time-series Database: Keeping Up Where There's No Way to Catch Up A discussion with Theo Schlossnagle, Justin Sheehy, and Chris McCubbin

      that will happen

    1. Uncle Duke@UncleDuke1969gonna be sporting and give tim a five minute head start

    1. "What if we had interoperability between community currencies."

      how about itercommnity discovery and interpersonal connectivity and conversationability

    1. OneEarth Topics Ontology Red are top level, blue are subtopics Left-click: rotate, Mouse-wheel/middle-click: zoom, Right-click: pan
    1. Si PlatformWelcome to the infrastructure platform that powers our global community of hubs

      Systems Innovation

      Si Platform Si Hub

  3. bafybeieclsh6l4hfk7f2chk6k6zuonn25cz7nauoikskgq5uhgmfspatbu.ipfs.dweb.link bafybeieclsh6l4hfk7f2chk6k6zuonn25cz7nauoikskgq5uhgmfspatbu.ipfs.dweb.link
    1. Si HubGuideVersion 2.0

      about Si Hub =

    2. Hub DevelopmentWe assess hubs based upon theirdevelopment along thesedimensions and categories themaccordingly

      Hub Development

      Hub Software Tools

    3. Ecosystem HubAlong with the usual activities of a hub, these hubs are platforms that support a wide ecosystemof individuals and organizations for doing systems change in their location. They run multipleparallel themes and activities supporting and connecting multiple different communities. They runprojects, run labs, and build collaborations that connect and align large groups of individuals andorganizations within a given domain towards changing the systems they form part of in a tangibleway. They require a substantial investment of time and energy, resources to maintain

      ecosystem hub

    4. Creator HubThese hubs are social enterprises forming the core of the network. They provide services andlead projects. As well as developing a community and running regular events creator hubshave a business model and well-defined set of paid services they can provide. These hubs aremore closely aligned and integrated with the platform and follow network best practices

      creator hub

    5. Community HubThese hubs are communities of practice working to build a local community and hostregular events. They have a core team, host a full set of activity and are activelyinvolved in building their community

      community hub

    6. Connector HubA connector hub is the most basic form of hub. This is where all hubs start out. Thistype of hub represents the community in a given location and hosts infrequentevents connecting people through meetups or discussions

      Connector Hubs

    7. NetworkingCommunities are social networks, thus indeveloping one we need to think of how we arebuilding the network of connections. This can beabout taking the time to connect with peopleone-to-one or it may be events where we areconnecting people many-to-many

      communities are social networks

    8. Platform ModelSi is organized as a platform organization.This means there is an underlyingorganization that supports and developsthe networks. The platform provides a setof services to help setup, maintain anddevelop the hubs over the lifecycle.

      platform model

    9. Learning + ApplyingSi Hubs are not just for learning and networking, but also for collaboration and doing.

      learning ntworking collaboration doing

    1. became a tyrant in his stead.

      tyrant in his stead

    2. satanic” phase, when each in turn strives to become the sole and uncontrolled lord ofeverything

      satanic lod of everything

    3. sees these struggles as being a consequence of the spiritualevils that beset humanity in his age

      spiritual evils

    4. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, againstpowers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickednessin high places
    5. model of mythopoesis


    6. recorders of true historical fact, or of truevision

      recorders fact true vision

    7. consciously constructed in the mind of a single human individual

      not mind single individual

    8. grand unified story.

      grand unified story

    9. re-forming of the world of the narrative

      re-forming world narrative

    10. epic as a formof grand narrative, where the events narrated have relevance on a cosmic scale

      epic grand narrative cosmic scale

    11. synecdoche


    12. domestic drama

      domestic drama

      home epic

    13. In its most “unredeemed” form, the epic is the epitome of everything Blake hates inthe classical tradition

      epic epitome hate

    14. recover the original, true meaning ofsymbols and ideas (in his words, “visions”), which, in accordance with his scheme ofhistory, had been buried and forgotten, or perverted to other ends

      recover the true meaning of visions =

    15. the ideaof a retributive Godhead

      retributive godhead

    16. Shakespeare & Milton were both curbed by thegeneral malady & infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword”
    17. viewed themselves as heirs of Imperial Rome,

      imperial Rome


    1. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

    1. Shakespeare & Milton were both curbd by the general malady & infection from the silly Greek & Latin slaves of the Sword.

      silly slaves sword

  4. www.systemsinnovation.network www.systemsinnovation.network
    1. Get the full scoop on hubs with this guide: https://www.systemsinnovation.io/post/si-hub-guideWe are currently setting up about 5 new hubs every 6 months, this guide explain the setup process:https://www.systemsinnovation.io/post/hub-setup-guideIf you are interested in setting one up in your location feel free to reach out: https://www.systemsinnovation.io/request-location

      setting one up

    2. Si Network A global community of systems innovators

      check this network out. It might be useful for our work, https://www.systemsinnovation.network/share/uoBZ9l9-Ra77RFlj?utm_source=manual

    1. using NFTs for research citation & retroactive value attribution networks.

      0 Retroactive Value Attribution Networks

    2. open research collaboration exploring networked media
      • for : Open Learning Commons

      open research collaboration

    3. cartographic mapping exercise — an exploration of decentralized digital technology

      cartographic mapping exercise

      decentralized digital technology


    4. self-determination, permissionlessness, and self-governance




    5. make the medium the message

      make the medium the message

    6. exploration of open science, self publication, and peer-to-peer scientific discourse.

      open science

      self publication

      peer-to-peer scientific discourse

    7. Web3.0 offers a space to explore new modalities for research and science.

      space to explore modalities =

    8. The scaffolding of Cyberspace

      interpersonal scaffolding of Cyberspace

    9. ‘how do we simultaneously navigate and build digital territory?’.

      how to

      simultaneously navigate = builkd digital territory =

    10. Zine exploring the frontiers of “Navigating Information Infrastructure”, created using the very digital public infrastructures that the collection itself discusses.
      • for - related : IndyLab
      • exploring capability infrastructure

      Zine exploring the frontier = navigating information infrastrucure =

    11. decentralized information infrastructure
      • contrast : IndyLab

      people centered

      interpersonal infrastructure for mutual learning

    12. NFT Zine Explores the Use of Web3 for Funding & Attribution of Open R&D


    1. Trail Marks@TrailMarks Experience the Annotated Web as an Extension of your Mind Link the Way you Think HyperMapped (inter)Personal Mutual Learning Paths Software is a Conversation


    1. This is how inline styling looks with JSX syntax:

      web do how inline styling JSX =

    1. you need to wrap your text inside div and float it left while wrapper div should have height, and I've also added line height for vertical alignment

      web do how float right =

    1. reboot this website, to make it more usable, accessible and easier to update

      reboot website

      more usable, accessible

      easier to update

    2. FKI is back, and wishes everybody a great 2022!

    1. MEET.COOP – online meetings based on shared values by wouter | posted in: Uncategorized | 0 Meet.coop is building an online meeting platform based on multiple ethical values. In this article we explain its origins and how the collective is building this cooperative cloud service. We’ll sketch the main features of how meet.coop has started to … Continued

    2. FKI is back, and wishes everybody a great 2022! by marco | posted in: Uncategorized | 0 Greetings! Since the conclusion of the DiDIY (Digital Do It Yourself) EU H2020 project in 2017, this website, and the Free Knowledge Institute in general, have been almost completely silent. The reasons are very simple: first, after the DiDIY project, … Continued
    1. Sean Kerner@TechJournalistOpen source @nodejs 18 JavaScript Framework Improves Security, Adds Fetch API https://itprotoday.com/programming-languages/nodejs-18-javascript-framework-improves-security-adds-fetch-api… "The new Fetch API in Node.js v18 allows users to quickly and seamlessly make HTTP requests..."

    1. I joined the waitlist of a note-taking/mind-mapping tool called @scrintal. It is a digital whiteboard where you can visually organise, connect, see both the high-level overview and details your notes at a glance. Check https://scrint.al/?r=DywvL if you want to give it a try!

    1. These annotations are visible to everyone both in the document itself and our public stream.

      I did not know that it existed. Wow!

      I use to look at https://hypothes.is/search

    2. Go forth and annotate!


    1. (inter) personal knowledge graph

      Organize all annotated knowl'edge at the edges into emergent interplanetary InterPersonal Knowledge Graphs

      The future of Text is

      InterPersonal Knowledge Graphs doing the job of organizing at the edges all knowledge annotated on the Web's frontier

    1. single-user” SMALL islands that are capable to directly connect to each other may be both much easier, and more coherent.

      Single user Small islands Directly connect to each other

    2. No, you don't need another Twitter. Or another Medium

      No another twitter

    3. (automatic) federation features


    4. What if, in your browser or smartphone, you had ONE service for instant messaging, and ONE for non-real time messaging, aka e-mail, and you could use them (as already happens with email) to communicate with EVERYBODY?

      One service for instant messaging Everybody

    5. ONE way to “post online” text or other content, without limitations, from one liners to 10000 words essays, or full movies, “tagging” friends if needed… and all your “online contacts” could immediately be notified of it, comment it, share with their own contacts and so on? With such a service, would you really, really need to be on Facebook AND Twitter AND Medium AND YouTube etc etc?

      One way to post to online contacts

    6. optimize for ONE user all the software described in the previous paragraph,

      optimiae for one user

    7. I suggest, that is, that you may not go anywhere if you stick to searching alternatives to specific platforms, instead of generic services.

      generic services

    1. Even an open standard like ODF (the OpenDocument Format) can become a backdoor for proprietary software components that will lock you in. For more info and background see this page on my website: http://mfioretti.com/2010/04/granada-opendocument-traps/

      Open document format backdoor to proprietary software

    1. your rights and the quality of your life depend every year more on how software is used AROUND you.

      rights software

    1. Sharing that information, without paywalls or abusive tracking

      sharing information withoug paywalls

      or abusive tracking

    2. your own civil rights and the quality of all areas of your life heavily depend on how software and digital technologies are used around you

      civil rights softwre and tigital technologies

    1. There would only be individuals, each with the individual freedom and responsibility to speak

      individual freedom responsibilit to speak

    2. it is an issue ONLY if you insist on starting with platforms, instead of personal, individual, directly interconnected clouds

      personal firs


      directly interconnected clouds

      webnative presence

    1. The nuweb system for Literate Programming

      web directive

    1. here's a couple of broad categorical 00:00:42 differences between these sets of tools and these sets of tools but i'm not really looking for the differences the thing i'm aiming for is what does a shared memory look like that allows each participant to use their favorite tool 00:00:54 with its representational quirks and still contribute to the shared memory right

      Jerry's done it again. Speaks to my vision and mission. Which I've combined with task and it is prooved feasible:

      "what does a shared memory look like that allows each participant to use their favorite tool with its representational quirks and still contribute to the shared memory?

    1. bITconf 2019 - [Rafał Hryniewski] Anchor Modeling - maintain highly normalized data model that can

      4 Acnhor Modeling

    1. Tools for Thought Rocks: March 2022 - Gordon Brander, Subconscious
    2. keep track of a lot of details s

      Kind of ADD

    3. externalizing your memory externalizing your thought process a


    4. find a new way of seeing them and


    5. take uh ingredients which may have been laying around uh for a long time potentially and ignored


    6. i can share is kind of a way of seeing this problem space

      way of seeing

      the probelm space

    7. i have to figure out which button to press of course

      figure out button to press

    8. - Gordon Brander previews his new tool for thinking, Subconscious (https://subconscious.substack.com/), and share some of his motivations and future directions.

      Gordon Brander

    1. Larry Swanson (He/Him) 2nd degree connection 2nd Content Architect Talks about #contentdesign, #contentmodeling, #contentstrategy, #knowledgegraphs, and #informationarchitectureTalks about hashtag contentdesign, hashtag contentmodeling, hashtag contentstrategy, hashtag knowledgegraphs, and hashtag informationarchitecture Expedia Group University of Oregon Phoenix, Arizona, United States Contact info 4,709 followers 500+ connections

    1. truly multi-player, built and maintained by collaboration.



      multi player

      built and maintained by collaboration

    1. searchableguy 3 days ago | parent | context | favorite | on: Guido van Rossum: Let Web3 die in a flaming ball o... Try headline https://viaheadline.xyz/ which uses ceramic for storage, unlock for payment and membership, ipfs for pinning, and a bunch of other protocols for decentralisation.I can walk you through some of the useful stuff going on if you want to have a chat.Offer valid for anyone else.


    1. allows everyone to see the source code and makes the software free to use for a limited number of users in your organization. It offers some of the benefits of open source while preserving the ability to charge for the software.



    1. Fission Control pod planning - 2022-04-19
      • Sprint Planning meeting
      • develop how we work best together
      • Quick retrospective
    1. The Universe in Verse | Part 9: Feynman’s Ode to the Wonder of Life

      2:40 Atoms with consciousness,

      matter with curiosity,

      Stands at the sea. wonders at wondering

    1. Confluence of Self & Other Acrylic Collage on Hemp Canvas 61" x 62" 2004

    1. Forget the Great Reset. Embrace the Great Escape.Download SubtitlesEnglish (United States)

      great escape


    1. hidden architectures of mistrust

      take them for granted

      designers creat those architecture

      design creates architectur

      intent informs design

      beliefs that shape our intents

    2. technical architecture

      internet as Ice 9


    3. Architecture is Destiny
      • gem : arhitecture is destiny =

    1. “A goldmine of information on interaction design” Don Norman

    1. "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise", is from Gray's "Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College" (1742) .

      ignorance bliss

      folly to be wise

    1. The word ignorant goes back through French and Latin to Proto-Indo-European. The Latin origin is gnarus, which means “to be aware,” preceded by the Latin prefix in-, meaning “not.” But as sometimes happens with words, the /n/ in the beginning got assimilated to the /gn/.


    1. All developer news in one placeGet a feed of the hottest developer news. Read more quality articles. Stay up to date. Save time.



    1. https://hyp.is/TiyX5GnpEeuQQw9gj-Ke_Q/www.mentalnodes.com/mind-networks-modelling… mind-to-mind inter personal networks of conversations that are continuous, without being synchronous & Contiguous with the participants own(ed) Networked Thinking. Facilitate high bandwidth/resolution exchange of ideas as HyperMaps of Meaning/Significance

    1. the emergence of concepts as visual networks trace interpersonal knowledge trails.

      The above has been more aspirational at the time then delivered. We did not have the words for it, but we were aiming to support (Mind)Graph based open research, mutual learning commons: symmathesy. WikiNizer Research had worked well in a Personal context. The Graph Model only supported propositional trails. Having experimented with turning this paper into propositional trails taught us that is just not the way togo. Needed instead to figure out how to capture and co-evolve salience and deep provanance in HyperMaps of Meaning, that are the territory of emergent inter extellect that can augment inter inter intellect. Realized that we need to go beyond that.

      Needed to invent a new way of conceptualizing graphs as MindGraph by designing a new mark-in notation we call TrailMarks a way to in-notate HTML Hypermedia to create and trails of all kinds: annotation, presentation, effective conceptualizations, intents and anything else any cone think of that serves their purpose


    2. Augmenting Knowing with WikiNizer™ ResearchApril 2014Conference: International Conference on Innovation, Documentation and Teaching Technologies 8-9 May, 2014, Valencia, SpainAt: http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/INNODOCT/INN14Volume: INNODOCT 2014 PROCEEDINGSProject: WikinizerAndrás G BenedekC P GoodmanGyuri Lajos

      Personal Knowedge Building

      Networked Learning

      WikiNizer Research


    1. unalterable history of transactions

      unalterable history

      of transactions

    2. Here is a “feature-first” definition that may be useful in understanding these technical underpinnings:

      feature first definition

    3. technical componentry of blockchain

      technical componentry

    4. ahem — *consensus*

    1. The Web3 Data Platform Open source semantic graph database that guarantees data integrity, facilitates secure data sharing, and powers connected data insights.



    1. The Future of the Web Is Marketing Copy Generated by AlgorithmsThe killer app for GPT-3 could help marketers lure clicks and game Google rankings.

    1. Quinn Wilton (She/Her) 2nd degree connection 2nd Collector of Dead Languages Fission University of Waterloo Mountain View, California, United States

    1. It enables developers to build local-first applications, but also sits on top of the global name space that is IPFS-based content addressing.

      local first but accessible globally

    2. Next Thursday, Fission is hosting the first "Fission Reactor" community call.

      Fission Reactor

    1. being more "hermeneutic" (open to interpretation) than "semantic", the Web that the Hypertopic collective is trying to build is more ambitious but paradoxically simpler to implement because it relies more on human intelligence, a Web that in its relationship to documents (as opposed to data) is also closer to the tradition of historical sciences and social sciences ( GA, 2017 ).

      more hermeneutic open to interpretation = tthan semantic = rely more on human intelligence =


    2. https://hypertopic-org.translate.goog/?_x_tr_sl=fr&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp

    3. not intended to replace the documents but to facilitate their access

      TrailMarks does intent to replace the document by making the Network is the document = Eventually connecting people ideas and things

    1. Investors get paid back slowly and can’t make us exploit users for huge profits
    2. Open Collective: A Tech Platform Designed to Share Power

    1. a “perpetual purpose trust,” a flexible legal structure that confers shares in a company not to individual owners but to a mission.

      Perpetual Purpose Trust

      confers share in a company not to ondividual owners to a mission =

    1. Today, Open Collective is a tech platform that enables a network of


    2. Exit to Community (E2C) is an effort to develop alternatives to the standard model of the startup “exit.”

      Exit to Community

    1. George Anadiotis@linked_do·10hSageMaker Serverless Inference illustrates Amazon’s philosophy for ML workloads https://venturebeat.com/2022/04/21/sagemaker-serverless-inference-illustrates-amazons-philosophy-for-ml-workloads/… #Newpost on @VentureBeat

      serverless inference


    1. George sees the emergence of a PKG ecosystem as an enabler towards digital sovereignty on a personal level, and networked collaboration on an interpersonal level. Knowledge graphs for the people!

    1. "Motivation": "oa:Motivation",


    2. Extending Motivations This section is non-normative. Although the list of Motivations in the specification is derived from an extensive survey of the annotation landscape, there are many situations where more precise definitions are required or desirable. In these cases it is RECOMMENDED to create a new Motivation resource and relate it to one or more that already exist. New Motivations MUST be instances of oa:Motivation, which is a subClass of skos:Concept. The skos:broader relationship SHOULD be asserted between the new Motivation and at least one existing Motivation, if there are any that are broader in scope. Other relationships, such as skos:relatedMatch, skos:exactMatch and skos:closeMatch, SHOULD also be asserted to concepts created by other communities. Model

    3. 2.3.5 describing The motivation for when the user intends to describe the Target, as opposed to a comment about them

    4. 2.3.4 commenting The motivation for when the user intends to comment about the Target.

    5. 2.3.3 classifying The motivation for when the user intends to that classify the Target as something. IRI: http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#classifying Instance Of: oa:Motivation

    6. 2.3.1 assessing The motivation for when the user intends to provide an assessment about the Target resource. IRI: http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#assessing Instance Of: oa:Motivation

    7. 2.2.16 motivatedBy The relationship between an Annotation and a Motivation that describes the reason for the Annotation's creation.

    8. 2.2.9 hasPurpose The purpose served by the resource in the Annotation.

    9. The Motivation class is used to record the user's intent or motivation for the creation of the Annotation, or the inclusion of the body or target, that it is associated with.

    10. The class for Web Annotations.

    1. Content is DataSanity.io is the unified content platform that powers better digital experiences



    1. Say, the editor that understands what you are talking about

    1. Kiss Your Bias Goodbye: Is the Fundamental Theory of Supervised Learning Incomplete?

      Bunk more like it

      Its clealy Alchemy not a science.

      Worse still if it was a science it still as things stands barking up at thw wrong tree.

      Thinking that conscious awareness is a bio-physical process located in the brain is like blaming the television device itself. for the Fake news on it/

    1. offers the potential to revolutionize knowledge flows—linking conceptual models and patterns (higher mental thinking) to logic-based concrete examples (lower mental thinking) while engaging in a new type of multimedia intellectual capital building and consciousness expanding through the use of Psychecology Video Games (PEGs).

      knowledge flows

      linking conceptual models to patterns

    2. relational multimedia platform

      relational multimedia platform

    3. Personal Event Technique

      sounds interesting

    1. The window you open has to signal back the the opener that it is ready before you can start to send it messages. TL;DR - window.open opens about:blank before it navigates to the URL you define.

      signal back

    2. the postMessage API was incredibly complex

      postmessage API complex

      Need a Global State ala Backus in localStorage and handle change events simplest possible plumbing

      the same events that could work inter app could work in a collaboraative setting