- Apr 2021
zingnews.vn zingnews.vn
App trung quốc
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
how the multiverse can unite religions
what this ><
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Someone would design a crazy thing, without having a manufacturer on board, so they could shop it around and get it published in magazines to raise their profile.
maybe i should try to get fame
$85,000 at auction in 2001
actually profit
A pencil sharpener doesn’t have to fly through the air, they said, so why make it aerodynamic?
profit ?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
remove dead animal
bảo hiểm triệu USD
zingnews.vn zingnews.vn
Nhiều cô gái chỉ mới tốt nghiệp cấp 3 đã được bà mối đến hỏi kế hoạch học tập, rằng muốn học lên cao hay tính chuyện lấy chồng.
vãi lờn
(910 USD)/tháng
20 triệu vnd
học hành, không xe hơi, không nhà cửa, sẽ bị sót lại
Không lẻ kiếm được phụ nữ giàu, giỏi ở thành phố về làm mọi ?
"10.000 tờ tím, 1.000 tờ đỏ" (chỉ các tờ tiền mệnh giá 5 và 100 nhân dân tệ).
Nghèo, học vấn thấp, cổ hủ, thì có cờ hó nó yêu.
“mẹ bỉm sữa” trẻ giàu có ở các thành phố lớn
Thượng lưu hay trung lưu kiểu đại gia ?
zingnews.vn zingnews.vn
chị tôi thất nghiệp.
ủa thằng main làm ở IBM có thất nghiệp hok
Con đường trước mắt tôi thật đẹp! Sau ngày giải phóng, tôi vẫn tiếp tục học đại học.
giải phóng xong tha hồ đi học tập nhé
mùa tết, noel
có noel à
đến 10 đồng
zingnews.vn zingnews.vnViết mướn10
Dear..., give me 200 USD please. I am very poor and I need money very much...!!??
ez $?!?!
Theo lời chị, ai viết thư cho người này cũng có tiền
ez $ ?!
chồng hờ Đài Loan.
sugar daddy
Không phải tôi tiếc vài đồng, nhưng thuở đó với món tiền ấy đủ cho gia đình tôi một bữa cơm
là tương đương 100k bây giờ.
một năm sau chị sang Mỹ cùng ông.
Quyết định đúng
Anh Frank xin lỗi chị, bảo chị đừng liên lạc với anh ta nữa. Anh ta sẽ cưới vợ tuần sau rồi.
quen với một người Mỹ già tên James.
sugar daddy
lá thư cho người chồng Mỹ.
không vượt biên ?
con gái
bà lấy chồng Pháp, có con.
sao khong vuot bien ?
www.wired.com www.wired.com
happy in the dark—code is therapy
Best anti-depression is WORK and forget about depression.
The Black Box Society
As in China, you may even be penalized for who your friends are.
Facebook patented a method of credit assessment that could consider the credit scores of people in your network
"Unfriend the poor"
The way Zhima Credit is designed, being blacklisted sends you on a rapid downward spiral. First your score drops. Then your friends hear you are on the blacklist and, fearful that their scores might be affected, quietly drop you as a contact. The algorithm notices, and your score plummets further.
I see Black Mirror here.
Worse still, the blacklist was public
He may not get a job at some private companies.
while transferring his fine, he had entered the wrong account number.
lucky guy got the money
List of Dishonest People
is it no-fly ban ?
Each of Suining’s 1.1 million citizens older than 14 started out with 1,000 points, and points were added or deducted based on behavior. Taking care of elderly family members earned you 50 points. Helping the poor merited 10 points. Helping the poor in a way that was reported by the media: 15. A drunk driving conviction meant the loss of 50 points, as did bribing an official. After the points were tallied up, citizens were assigned grades of A, B, C, or D. Grade A citizens would be given priority for school admissions and employment, while D citizens would be denied licenses, permits, and access to some social services.
Better than old way (secret record that impact on how people get permit, licenses, admissions, job, ... ). Now it is public.
Individuals spied on their neighbors
neighbors watch
$3 I gave for feeding brown bear cubs qualifies me as a philanthropist or a cheapskate
$3 ?!
“If you have payment data, you can assess the credit of a person.”
buy something good then
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
still use the same shortcut
blockchain store the link, not the data of art
You couldn’t store the actual digital artwork in a blockchain
first demo
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Boko Haram sends its spirit inside the cows.
boko haram is an army
spirit of Boko Haram can enter the cows
so meowingful belief ?
shoot at cars as they go
gta 5 ?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
to recover from illness, injury, or the aftereffects of a surgical operation, esp by resting
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
full-length mayafis
what is Mayafis ?
Boko Haram militant
Western education is forbidden
secular education.
- Mar 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
dismantle Hong Kong’s limited democratic pillars
It is necessary for communism revolution.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
effectφito each feature
effect of "parameters" to feature ?
what is this ?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
Chinese authorities had been harassing us constantly and demanding that we give up our passports
don't you just invalidate passport ?
I am still alive.
you ran away
orphan camp
if they are not in 'orphan camp', who will raise them ?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
has not published detailed data from Phase 3 trials.
Expensive because no data (?!) for Phase 3
A major selling point was Sinopharm’s immense manufacturing capacity; it has said it can make up to 3 billion doses by the end of this year.
Large Capacity but expensive.
- Feb 2021
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
just a score
Exams are our attempt to sum up whole teenagehoods and render them as manageable labels – AAA, ACE, AAC.
similar but much easier comparing to #gaokao
His place at university went to somebody else in 2019.
year, you need at least 3 Bs
learning disorder
A top university in London, UCL, offered him a place to study architecture as long as he could finish school with at least three Bs.
a chance ?
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
but so many books aren’t available electronically or cost too much for us to buy
what about z-lib, scihub, github (people do upload pdf to github repo)
Academics typically write, review and edit publications like journals and textbooks
All you must remeber, Authors don't get paid.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
he is on a boat leaving Saigon
vượt biên
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
8 December 2019
first confirm case
aren't well-educated
good point
25$ to get a skin you need
So if your income is 250$, then the skin cost 10% of income.
Seem reasonable.
random events (not official from Riot)
lootbox ?
no more stable prices
boosted the skin price to 599 RP
increase price to make it SPECIAL
Wukong was a popular
stat ?
make the skin special
Why ?
took part in making Radiant Wukong skin
an artist
VN Riot Employee
who is this ?
young trans scientists
www.wired.com www.wired.com
you’re trans, if you’re black, if you’re female, if you’re nonbinary,
no mention "MALE". What is this inequality ?
- Jan 2021
www.wired.com www.wired.com
He discovered a group game called Dreamchaser
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
The curriculum is broad, shallow, and covers a wide array of subjects.
learn many thing, but not good at anything
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Google’s search engine as the preselected choice on Apple’s iPhone and other devices
What about DuckDuckGo ?
www.sixthtone.com www.sixthtone.com
betrayal — a waste of years of expensive school fees.
12 years with cram school fee, 4 years of bachelor degree, 2 year of master, ... do you take PhD ?
cram school textbook as a birthday present from her mother
6 year-old >? can you even read ?
gizmodo.com gizmodo.com
Adam Vartanian
When you are 13, every day feels like it has the potential to become momentous and significant. For me, GemStone III gave those days a whole new level of meaning.
Sadly, nowaday MMORPG is so empty.
The original GemStone debuted in 1987
tell more about pricing please
GemStone III launched 25 years ago on America Online (AOL)
The article is written in 2020, so => 1995 for GemStone III, isn't it ?
www.wired.com www.wired.com
a teenage girl
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
column ‘ratio’ where I did a scaled value of the positive_ratings / negative_ratings.
steamdf['ratio'] = steamdf['positive_ratings']/steamdf['negative_ratings']
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Prime Minister Narendra Modi,
- Dec 2020
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
a strong addiction
oh what the fuck
This is exactly where the poplar ritual of dispensing tranquilizing pills to the young girls in orphanage in 1950s is portrayed.
well, feed pill to girl orphanage ?
hackernoon.com hackernoon.com
Problem-solving skills are bound to elevate if one plays chess on a regular basis
chess is good
diver the children towards aggression and tend to take them far from the reality
consistentme.com consistentme.com
a comprehensive and easy-to-follow video course explaining how to set up and run a blog on WordPress using the Divi theme
link please
Over the course of this project,
link please ?
“how can we maximize the time users spend with our content”
So, rather than save reader time by "compress" the information, allowing user can read as much information as possible in shortest time as possible, author may choice to let user wasting a lot of their time.
The more actual time users spend with the content, the more the creator will make.
what about AFK >?
better sales and marketing skills, rather than who has the better content to offer
Good point. So most of subscription payment go to marketing and sale rather than content.
The example cases are mobile game. Ton of cash send into marketing and drive install, while the game itself is crappy.
consistentme.com consistentme.com
All the stuff that makes up my mobile working station
Laptop, keyboard, mouse, charging cab for phone.
What is the white stick >?
what do you have ?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
little data exists on how well they can stop the spread
Can vaccinated people infected and spread without getting sick ?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
clamp is similar to a protein on HIV, which can lead the immune system to make HIV-like antibodies
did they really infect HIV ?
some volunteers were getting positive tests for HIV
wtf is this shit ? how ?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
As written, the law is not supposed to be retroactive
cannot digging the grave, isn't ?
pushed other countries to punish China for its erosion of freedoms in Hong Kong.
clearly a traitor
Hong Kong’s national security law
universities shouldn’t hire female faculty
ohj hsit
So, it may seem pragmatic to avoid coauthoring too much with women.
as long as co-author output a paper, I would happy so. No problem.
a machine-learning approach to discern gender based on authors’ first names
predict gender based on name ? So, let avoid men with women-like name so you don't hurt you career.
working with senior women coauthors is perhaps best avoided
Why ? Did people check on gender of author ?
having women as mentors is harmful to their mentees’ long-term citation rates
I don't check gender of author when I cited. Does people check ?
If the author is female and you don't cite ?
wtf is this mindset ?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
up to 1 metre (3 ft) wide, reaching 8 metres (26 ft) in height
big mushroom
brewminate.com brewminate.com
You don’t even have the legal right to leave the property
although you rent the land, you can't leave
combine your oxen into teams
communism tried that model, not working very well
so does now
poor European farmer
most population is farmer, isn't it ? any citation ?
www.beyondphdcoaching.com www.beyondphdcoaching.com
6 hours a week of class time, plus preparation and grading
PhD also teacher
20 hours a week of assistantship or lab time
for hard cash
40 hours a week of reading and classwork
is reading count as working or personal time ?
There is no sliding by unnoticed in a PhD program.
nautil.us nautil.us
the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends
huh, interesting
- Nov 2020
nautil.us nautil.us
17 children
so many children
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
water down some of its provisions
evil capitalism
Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act
arxiv.org arxiv.org
two-year college education
and you need an English degree, like IELTS 7.0 to understand.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
nearly 45 percent of pornography site URLs “expose or strongly suggest the site content”
zoooooooo tube, for example ?
true or mis-information are relative
www.newyorker.com www.newyorker.com
Young Hwan, who worked for North Korea’s ministry of foreign affairs from 1978 until he defected, in 1991
agents of the North Korean government have been ordered to kill Adrian and other members of the group.
Good to have bounty on your own head
The day will soon come when North Koreans are finally free
Yes they are already free from capitalism and evil western thought.
"Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one's idealized self image and attributes" - by wiki
convince governments
unless you are the politician yourself
Raising awareness
you raise wrong person, because it is like propaganda
Rescuing refugees
better than nothing
discuss North Korea’s human-rights abuses,
when to nuke ?
The people of North Korea suffer under constant surveillance and face the daily threat of imprisonment, torture, sexual abuse, and execution—and it’s been this way since 1948.
More talk, what can be done ? Nuke Kim out of his misery ?
“The gravity, scale and nature of these violations reveal a state that does not have any parallel in the contemporary world.”
then what can be done ?
based on my reporting while living undercover in Pyongyang for six months, in a locked compound with two hundred and seventy North Korean young men who make up the country’s future leadership.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
where academic researchers estimate the Chinese government has placed more than 1 million people into internment camps
citation ?
large spiders
how big ?
calcium carbonate, clay, glue and oyster shells.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
paid more than six times as much.
x6 ?
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
5 g per kg per day.
people 50kg, so it be 5*50 = 250g per day
www.anaconda.com www.anaconda.com
Anaconda Dividend gives us a way to do this
give a way for Anaconda to justify pricing 15$ per month
single-user subscriptions are just $15/month
so, just buy single subscriptions for whole team should work
since youtube-dl could be used to download music owned by RIAA-member labels, no one should be able to use the tool, even for completely lawful purposes.
citation ?
“Netflix có nhiều nội dung vi phạm pháp luật Việt Nam”
nên cấm netflix để Zing TV có cơ hội phát triển
Cụ thể phản ánh sai trái lịch sử như loạt phim về chiến tranh Việt Nam
The Vietnam War
vnexpress.net vnexpress.net
tuoitre.vn tuoitre.vn
Put your head on my shoulder
phim tình hàn xẻng
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
evidence-free charges of stolen votes
wut ?
proprietary platform
no source code publish
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
the rights of government workers to unionize.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
pycaret.org pycaret.org
only supports English Language
Only English ?!
prophet Mohammed’s relatives
f*ck Mohammed
guilty of blasphemy after he was arrested last month in Medina while on a pilgrimage
Blasphemy while on Pilgrimage ?
$3,000 in supplies and took a week
is it safe ?
3-year-old daughter
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
sue a hospital for turning his father away during the epidemic
In Chinese ?
it also erases all the pain that people experienced
good, paradise
worried the official narrative would prevent a true accounting of the crisis
wut ?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
warned against the type of rallies that Mr. Trump has been holding
- Oct 2020
blog.mozilla.org blog.mozilla.org
the DOJ referenced Google’s search agreement with Mozilla as one example of Google’s monopolization of the search engine market in the United States.
Why Mozilla not use DuckDuckGo
www.republicworld.com www.republicworld.com
Intertwined fate
Acquaint Fate
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
a college dropout
dropout, or being expel ?
engineering.taboola.com engineering.taboola.com
Hive tables
Bucketing is a concept that came from Hive.
Does it require install anything apart from spark ("Hive" ?) to use bucketing ?
SQL refactoring
Make it 2 step:
- Aggregating daily deltas data into unique key
- Joining "daily" dataset with "base" dataset
The first approach
useful with skew data.
pre-aggregating data by parts
what is this ?
Increasing the number of partitions means also reducing the size of each shuffle part.
Is it reduce harm cause by Shuffle ?
just a counter ?!
web.hypothes.is web.hypothes.is
largely driven by teachers and students reading texts together
What about free/casual researcher ? Can they participate without LMS ?
tặng ông 200 triệu đồng (thay vì 10 triệu đồng như các hộ dân khác)
vậy có trao 200 triệu cho mỗi người nợ hơn 200 triệu không ?
vnexpress.net vnexpress.net
bắn đạn cao su, hơi cay
éo phải súng bắn đạn thật
Đe dọa giết người, theo khoản 1 điều 133 Bộ luật Hình sự 2015
phạt 18 tháng tù do giơ súng doạ tài xế
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
We required better graphics, better optimization, more story, and more satisfying gameplay systems
So basically you drop Portia because the project suck and want start again.
fastpages.fast.ai fastpages.fast.ai
writing documentation forced me to deeply understand not just what the code does but also why the code works the way it does
forum.mobilism.me forum.mobilism.me
Tell us more about yourself and what you are into!
id: hahattpro VIP pass: mobilism0000
www.nature.com www.nature.com
number of people who got infected was really high — reaching 66%
medium.com medium.com
quietly dial down pay
why invest to make algorithm if it does not profit company ?
can be tweaked and lowered at any time without announcement or warning to workers
You can reduce income of worker without said so. You can temp lay off work (i.e: reduce work, thus reduce income).
Why pay for worker when you don't have work for them ?
citeseerx.ist.psu.edu citeseerx.ist.psu.edudownload1
drivers quit when they hit a daily income target,
www.nature.com www.nature.com
if every job requires at least a year’s experience, how do you get the experience in the first place?
being creative with my experiments
"Fake it" until you make it (or never)
is now around 150 days
So you can have 2 paper per year, right .
academic journals
paper in "non-trash" Journals
need a publication
a paper
reviewing papers
Volunteer (and unpaid) job for conference, journal that charge heavy subscription fee and publishing fee.
public engagement and outreach
scientist and researcher have to do PR for their salary :v
www.nature.com www.nature.com
The €9,500 publishing fee is high
who was paid, and who is paying ?
60% of editors’ time is spent on assessing manuscripts they don’t publish
I think volunteer reviewer accept/reject manuscripts before paid editors do something. So editors only work on accept manuscript.