- Oct 2020
www.nature.com www.nature.com
open-access (OA)
why pay extra for open access when we can always sci-hub ?
article price is unprecedented
11200$ ?
hopsworks.readthedocs.io hopsworks.readthedocs.io
pipeline itself is written as a Airflow DAGs
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
long-running logic
independently of the lifetime of any particular web page or browser window
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
does ID need to follow any format ?
blog.mozilla.org blog.mozilla.org
getting one app to control the privacy of all your others
12.99 $
electricliterature.com electricliterature.com
Soviet space program
electricliterature.com electricliterature.com
openly racist and violent policies on Black, Brown, Indigenous people, targeting LGBQTIA individuals and women
if the black become dominate (i.e: get rich, get strong, make slave of the white) in history, then now the white are suffer, not the black. Do people think of alternative history ?
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
from Bird’s Shopify page
what is the password ?
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
one hour of exposure a day.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
spend more for a relatively inexpensive, readily available product
pay a per-unit fee
buy the product
having coffee available in single servings was somehow superior
buy the coffeemaker, and then buy its branded single-serving K-Cup pods of coffee separately
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
causes the analog sticks on the controllers to randomly move around and input commands to the console, even when they’re not being physically moved.
www.android.com www.android.com
fourth-price auction
- Sep 2020
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
editors, reviewers are mostly volunteer
it pays writers for the articles
Writer pay s to publish paper.
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
an Observable
What is this ? an asynchronous task
replaced the existing code with the statements
why don't we use the .html file ?
gog-games.com gog-games.com
no donations received for 5 months
only accept bitcoin ?
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
=> new HTML every user interaction
core.ac.uk core.ac.uk
Norse mythology in video games
- Aug 2020
dash.plotly.com dash.plotly.com
or Local
their memory is not shared.
Multiple instance (workers) does not shared.
medium.com medium.com
test the uniqueness, completeness, and distinctness of features (Deequ);
we need this stuff
AWS Deequ
work with Apache Spark
a low latency online feature store (typically a key-value store or real-time database) and a scale-out SQL database to store large volumes of feature data for training and batch applications.
-key-value -sql
provide low latency access to features for online applications
store both large volumes of feature data
transactional data-lake that provides versioned, structured datasets.
Without time-travel, they cannot support incremental feature engineering
ML pipeline
we need both versioned code and versioned data
Git is not suitable as a platform for versioning data, as it does not scale to store large volumes of data.
Still work with small CSV, but what is other option ?
need to version data
like put CSV on git
thanhnien.vn thanhnien.vn
Bài báo này gửi đăng ngày 4.8.2020, nhận đăng ngày 7.8.2020, tức là chỉ sau 3 ngày.
rapid publication ?
www.thoughtworks.com www.thoughtworks.com
statistics programming language “R”
is it similar to python ?
self-hosted, .NET-based monolithic system to a cloud-hosted, JVM-based microservices architecture
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems
docs.metaflow.org docs.metaflow.org
Metaflow follows the dataflow paradigm which models a program as a directed graph of operations.
seem like luigi
arxiv.org arxiv.org
pixel-wise tasks can poten-tially overfit when the network is continually exposedto a given set of pixels during training
why we should not overlap in pixel-wise task
arxiv.org arxiv.org
We believe that whilethemaxandaveragefunctions are rather similar, the useof average pooling encourages the network to identify thecomplete extent of the object. The basic intuition behindthis is that the loss for average pooling benefits when thenetwork identifiesalldiscriminative regions of an object ascompared to max pooling.
average pooling vs max pooling
www.facebook.com www.facebook.com
"he" with female name :v ?@@
We introduce the use of rectified linear units (ReLU)
is it first paper talk about ReLU ?
We add the BN transform immediately before thenonlinearity
before relu
www.kickstarter.com www.kickstarter.com
we’re always travelers
Ryuutama :D
learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.comSummary2
time-based dependency Scheduling of Hadoop batch jobs.
Luigi is python module, developed at Spotify, that helps in building a complex pipeline of batch jobs.
openaccess.thecvf.com openaccess.thecvf.com
crop imagesinto4×3patches.
What is this 4x3 patches mean ?
www.wired.com www.wired.com
Americans with low income have been more mobile during the pandemic than the wealthy
Without much savings in the bank, you have to make frequent trips to the grocery story to get supplies little by little.
poor people can't stock stufff
github.com github.com
A Real-Time Deep Network for Crowd Counting
TODO: fix link
warhammer40k.fandom.com warhammer40k.fandom.com
homes of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the city, including the planetary Imperial nobility, the wealthiest merchants, industrial barons and any visitors of importance from off-world.
middle-class or even upper middle class
white collar !! But why call middle-class while majority of hive city in Lower hive ?
power is free
Lower Hive pay, Upper Hive free :D
the bureaucrats
white collar worker
the people of the Lower Hive must pay a premium for every watt of power they consume
electricity bill is high :D
www.cv-foundation.org www.cv-foundation.org
www.economist.com www.economist.com
1.6m kilometre
whole batteries life or per charge ? \
replaced fairly cheaply
or replace the whole phone
after a year or so
Don't you consider change phone each year ?
natius-nursery.business.site natius-nursery.business.site
flowers, shrubs, and trees
plant stuff
www.fast.ai www.fast.ai
Adam generally requires more regularization than SGD
apart from weight_decay, what else regularization do we have ?
amsgrad are a poor “fix
so default amsgrad = False ?!
as long as it’s properly tuned
how the f
arxiv.org arxiv.org
the best value ofλ′is tightly coupled withthe learning rateα
if you are going to schedule learning rate, then schedule weight decay also. Correct ? please comment
However, as we will demonstrate later in this section, this equiva-lence doesnothold for adaptive gradient methods.
So, whether deep learning library implement weight decay or L2 ? Not sure until we read and understand source code. Documentation named parameters as weight_decay but annotated as L2 penalty
L2regularization is very frequently referred to as weight decay
In pytorch documentation, weight_decay is annotated as L2, but weight decay is not L2.
practitioners do not need to switch between Adam and SGD anymore
yeah, no need test SGD, just all-in AdamW
larger the runtime/number of batchpasses to be performed, the smaller the optimal weight decay.
Run long -> small weight decay
adaptive gradient methods do not generalize as well as SGD with momentum when tested on adiverse set of deep learning tasks, such as image classification, character-level language modelingand constituency parsing.
SGD for hard-core state-of-the-art people
mlfromscratch.com mlfromscratch.com
θθ\theta is a parameter (theta), e.g. your weights, biases and activations.
trainablle parameter
- Jul 2020
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
It is convolution without rotating stuff to save computation resource. Same effect if real convolution was use.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
not caused by overfitting
then Regularization not help, isn't it ?
depth increasing, accuracy gets saturated
what the fuck ><
intermediate normalization
batch norm
elemental.medium.com elemental.medium.com
cramp school - lớp học thêm
www.bbc.com www.bbc.com
"scuttlebutt" - rumours and insider knowledge.
warhammer40k.fandom.com warhammer40k.fandom.com
Sons of Dorn (Novel) by Chris Roberson
Maybe it have something to do with Feudal World.
openaccess.thecvf.com openaccess.thecvf.com
gamma 0.2
what value is gamma 0.2 ?
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
to Luckily,
Some text missing here
www.webmd.com www.webmd.com
cardiovascular diseases
"Nattō (納豆) is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto" (Wiki)
prescription drug to help improve memory, thinking, and brain function in people who are healing from a stroke.
stroke recover
no good scientific evidence
use vinpocetine for improving memory and thinking skills, boosting energy, for weight loss,
No scientific evident
not meet the criteria
prescription drug
Found in Cerevit, over-the-counter medicine. Smart drug
no good scientific evidence
is thought to help
"is thought" ....
improve memory and brain function
www.pac4j.org www.pac4j.org
wtf ?
towardsdatascience.com towardsdatascience.com
exceptionally tricky
more bug ?
rewrite the computational graph
potential make calculation longer
very few occasions when in-place operations actually lower memory usage by any significant amount
in-place does not help for most of the case
breaking the training procedure of the model
difficult for state of the art
www.technologyreview.com www.technologyreview.com
—had removed the human discourse data and added voice mimicry software
praise the omnissiah
onezero.medium.com onezero.medium.com
hungry, tired, and fully aware of their dependence
withholds food, medicine, and necessary supplies
manufacturing a crisis of scarcity
make thing expensive so poor people have nothing
shiro.apache.org shiro.apache.org
what if we don't use Username and password ? What is other choice ?
arxiv.org arxiv.org
in a sin-gle training run using stochastic gradient descent
1 epoch with sgd ? ONE EPOCH ?
The youth were sent out to clear land for farming.
đi kinh tế mới
“One Child Policy.”
after no comdom, then boy only, (discard if baby is girl)
no comdom, huh ?
environmentally unsustainable
Tư bản giãy chết
tư bản giãy chết
print steaks on a large scale
is it more expensive than real steak ?
not yet patent
warhammer40k.fandom.com warhammer40k.fandom.com
A Servo-skull is a drone-like robotic device
Yeah, an UAV
To have one's skull chosen to serve as a Servo-skull is a great honour in the Imperium
I want my skull to be chosen to make UAV too.
www.journaldev.com www.journaldev.com
Customized collation
maybe sample generated from sample (data augmentation) need to be flatten,
www.nintendolife.com www.nintendolife.com
extend the life cycle of Nintendo Switch
what about hardware upgrade ? If not, how long Nintendo Switch can survive before become obsolete ?
www.eff.org www.eff.org
allow the government to scan every message sent online
www.pythonmorsels.com www.pythonmorsels.comadd1
you'll want to comment out the noted lines of code in the tests file to test them properly
Comment out @unittest.expectedFailure in unittest file
blog.risingstack.com blog.risingstack.com
exposed immediately
no HTTPS = fuck yourself
the username and password are sent with every request, potentially exposing them
man in middle
wh40k.lexicanum.com wh40k.lexicanum.com
chosen this nightmarish form voluntarily
count me in
fitnessclone.com fitnessclone.com
you can consume vegetables by simply taking it in supplement form
vegetable in pill, what the fuck ?>
the closer a pixel to the center of the field, the more it contributes to the calculation of the output feature
the closer, the more impact
The closer, the more impact
arxiv.org arxiv.org
“M-SegNet” (Modified-SegNet).
“M-SFAgNet” (Modified-SFANet)
- Jun 2020
arxiv.org arxiv.org
atrous rate
dilated rate
the modelâ ̆A ́Zs field-of-view
what the fuck ?
he importance
the receptive field size should be changed across the imagedue to perspective distortion.
Context-aware crowd counting
loss of spatial information
dilated convolutional layers prevent loss of information
atrous convolutional layers
dilated convolutional layer
proposed in
he study in [22]
Csrnet: Dilated convolutional neuralnetworks for understanding the highly congested scenes.
Bayesian loss for crowdcount estimation with point supervision.
arxiv.org arxiv.org
why + 189% to what ? SHB MAE is around ~ 25
estimated for each scale and the meanis taken as the overall estimate
image1 = full_size image2 = full_size*0.8
result1 = model(image1) result2 = model(image2) result = (result1 + result2) / 2
FCN only work best on spared crowd scene, so, only part B
2D integrator
Is 2D integrator have to work on training state ? or only when evaluation ?
D integration (
is it tensor.sum()
1 overlapping centrecrop
The authors said overlap does not help model, so here is figure said that overlap centre make it worse
pixel-wise tasks can poten-tially overfit when the network is continually exposedto a given set of pixels during training
This is pixel-wise tasks, so crop does not help much.
9:1 ratio
Training set is split to => 9 training : 1 validate
Zhang et al., 2016)
What the hell is this ?
(Zhang et al., 2016).
Single-image crowd counting via multi-column convo-lutional neural network
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
8-year-old son
public school ?
matthewdonnellon.substack.com matthewdonnellon.substack.com
“Do you know what my kind’s greatest advantage is?” the vampire said, “you people tell stories about us from the time you’re little.
Female vampire character
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
Error df
df of SS - df of treatment
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
level of treatment (your method apply on the sample)
alternative hypothesis is what we think is going on
we want Ha (alternative hypothesis) is true.
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
the opposite of the "guess"
null hypothesis
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Tiêu điểm: Vay nợ để tiêu xài - Quả bom nổ chậm | VTV24
Cá nhân tuyên bố phá sản là cc gì ?
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
alternative hypothesis
the hypothesis we want to prove.
state a null hypothesis
instead say "our method better", say "our method does not make any different".
Plants with different fertilizers will grow to different heights
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
"control" group
placebo method
Theo Wall Street Journal,
Pacific Light
papers.nips.cc papers.nips.cc
Annotation is set of point (2d coordination) of object. Point, not box.
kernel density estimate
www.reddit.com www.reddit.com
On Undernet, you can either go with "Bookz" or "ebooks", while on IRChighway, you can join "ebooks". Type in your channel and hit join. Example
piracy ebook IRC
michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com
2-5 CUC
$2 to $5
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
El Paquete Semanal, by Michaelanne Dye, et. a
michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com
ETECSA internet card
cost about 1$/hour
michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com michaelannedye.files.wordpress.com
expensive and slow [23]
paid wifi hotspot
the government has prioritized education and health initiatives across the countryand it is estimated that 99.8% of the 11 million inhabitants in Cuba are literate
really good thing for communism
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
a third of the average Cuban’s monthly salary about $5 to use a computer for an hour.
15$ salary per month
tuoitre.vn tuoitre.vn
trả lại ngựa.
có con ngựa cũng keo
tuoitre.vn tuoitre.vn
dùi mài kinh sử
dư tiền vãi lồn
Phạm hai chữ húy, mất cả tiến sĩ lẫn cử nhân
lỡ phạm húy mất hết :v
tuoitre.vn tuoitre.vn
Đã vào trường thi là bình đẳng
Nhưng mà khi chưa vào trường thi thì vẫn đéo bình đẳng, xét thân nhân, xxx
Thân thuộc với những người phạm tội đã bị chém, giảo (thắt cổ), đi đày, sung quân (dù những người này đã được tha về)...
Xét thân nhân nha, thân nhân đéo tốt thì đéo đi thi
thí sinh muốn dự thi phải ghi danh tại lý trưởng của làng để xem xét tư cách.
xét lý lịch :v
hoàn toàn bằng chữ Hán
vậy chữ Nôm nằm ở đâu ?
online.stat.psu.edu online.stat.psu.edu
autoregressive model of order 1
- May 2020
web.pkusz.edu.cn web.pkusz.edu.cn
a scale label is obtained to represent the average size of human headsin one patch
annotate scale
Specifically, SS-Net and LS-Net is trained on TSand TL
How do you classify the training data to Ts and Tl ?
engineering.linkedin.com engineering.linkedin.com
fraction of the top k ranked candidates that received and accepted an InMail (viewed as precision@k)
evaluation metric
two-way interest
InMail interactive is a metrics for two way interest
InMail Accept
objective to optimize (i.e: increase InMail accept rate)
not just that a candidate shown must be relevant to the recruiter’s query, but also that the candidate contacted by the recruiter must show interest in the job opportunity.
candidate -> recruiter AND recruiter -> candidate
Two way preference.
vi.wikipedia.org vi.wikipedia.org
trừng phạt bằng roi vọt và học thuộc lòng
giống giờ
không cấm con em nhà thường dân
vậy là đời trước cấm con nhà thường dân đi thi à :v
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
isometric strength
It does not appear that CrS increases maximal isometric strength, the rate of maximal force production, nor aerobic exercise performance.
it does not make you stronnger.
20-30 g·day
human body create 1-2g per day
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inflatable ball, and after you are positioned inside of the big transparent ball, you can literally walk on water
how it work ?
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
ngồi trên võng mà đi đái :3
www.blog.google www.blog.google
for every kilowatt hour of electricity we consumed, we purchased a kilowatt hour of renewable energy.
So total Google buy 2 kilowatt hour for each kilowatt hour of electricity used ?
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còn lại ổ ship-to-ship cùi bắp