672 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2020
    1. tháo dỡ dàn pháo đánh chặn tầm gần Phalanx (điều khiển bằng radar) ở đuôi tàu và dàn radar tìm kiếm mục tiêu trên không SPS-40 (tầm trinh sát tối đa 450 km, ở trên đỉnh tháp tín hiệu phía sau tàu).

      cho tàu éo cho súng

    1. number of shards are immutable

      IMMUTABLE ?! we cannot change number of shard ?

    2. how to split an index was to just add another index and grow your shard count that way.

      yeah, create new index

    3. shrink an index into a new index with fewer shards than the original index.

      How about the opposite ?

    1. Meanwhile, a worm makes its way to the young king's brain, while in the north, Crown Prince Chang and Seo-bi track down a mysterious merchant woman who was selling the resurrection plant to find out the culprit behind the zombie invasions.

      Oh fuck, why Crown Prince Chang is not become a king ? but a brat ?

    1. Ashley Too is activated by a news report. She learns of her real self's coma,

      the doll is real AI that aware itself is a doll of another "real" self.

    2. Catherine discovers that Ashley has not been taking medication intended to counter her darker moods.

      tự kỉ ?

    3. Jack hides Ashley Too and tells Rachel that she threw it away

      why ?

  2. learning.oreilly.com learning.oreilly.com
    1. GET /_nodes/process

      Use /_nodes/stats/process?filter_path=**.max_file_descriptors<br> (ref: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/file-descriptors.html)

    2. there is another major user of memory that is off heap: Lucene.

      How to know how much memory Lucene currently have ?

    3. Installing Marvel

      look like it is outdated

    4. Retrieving Part of a Document

      interesting, we may not need to get all data

    5. sloppy_arc


    6. very expensive.

      yeah forget about polygon

    7. Compass
    1. the coronavirus emergency threatens the delivery of vital food assistance to nearly 100 million hungry people.

      ask Trump for cash, not us.

    1. "ai cũng gù, mình thẳng lưng sẽ thành khuyết tật"

      Thêm nữa: "ai cũng ăn, ai cũng chia, mình đéo ăn mà cũng đéo lấy để chia cho người khác ăn thì có mà đi chơi với dế "

    1. Nhiều hộ dân ở Thanh Hóa, Hà Tĩnh từ chối nhận tiền từ gói an sinh xã hội nhằm chia sẻ khó khăn với Chính phủ.

      ?!?! "Tự nguyện" kiểu bắt buộc hả ?

    1. “By the way, not sunflowers, peas.” And I’m like, “what?”

      dude, you are high. Stop smoking weed while do research.

    1. Law of Decipherability

      'The law states that once the eroding hands of time have made the last names on a field's gravestones illegible, the anonymous dead may be exhumed, the bones buried in a pit, and the field reused.'

    2. puberty

      dậy thì ?

    1. spatialresolution

      max pooling reduce spatial resolution

    2. [10, 11, 40]

      They are segmentation works. Do you think that remove background, or detect were is the crowd from background is also a segmentation problem ?

    3. My hypothesis handle is "hahattpro". I am Thai Thien. Email: tthien@apcs.vn

      You can directly replied on my annotation here to discuss the idea.

      Don't hesitate to mail me if you need help or want to talk more.:)

    4. This character enlarges the receptive field withoutincreasing the number of parameters or the amount of com-putation

      Main benefit of dilated convolution: "enlarge receptive field" with low cost (well, almost same cost with normal CNN with same kernel size)

    5. deeper information of saliency

      Saliency - that is attention

    6. CP-CNN

      It is appear that CSRNet target CP-CNN and want better than CP-CNN

    7. 10 layers fromVGG-16 [21]

      But first 10 layer of VGG16 already have 3 max-pooling

    8. dilated convolution lay-ers as the back-end to enlarge receptive fields and extractdeeper features without losing resolutions (since poolinglayers are not used)

      The authors original idea to use Dilated Convolution layers is to enlarge receptive fields so they don't need to use max pooling.

    9. Intuitively, each column of MCNN is dedicated to acertain level of congested scene

      This is how MCNN should work

    10. same number of people couldhave completely different crowd distributions

      why we need density map

    11. The distribution map helps us for getting more

      we need density map output

    1. or PartB, since the crowd is relativelysparse, we use the same spread in Gaussian kernel to gen-erate the (ground truth) density maps

      so, what is the sigma ?

    1. In this experiment, we create density mapswithσi= 15.

      The authors said that "We use the geometry-adaptive kernels to generate a groundtruth density map of the highly congested scenes" then they said with sigma = 15 ?

      What the hell is this ? Scam ?

  3. Apr 2020
    1. the hospital paid her salary while she was quarantined

      She is the norse, why don't she work instead of being quarantined ?

  4. Feb 2020
    1. Controlling Perceptual Factors in Neural Style Transfer

      Anyone should see this annotation because it is public.

  5. Jan 2020
    1. chơi bản bình thưởng trước, chờ ra hết dlc rồi mua

      <3 :3

    1. But avoiding credit cards altogether can make life really difficult

      I only have debit card, but not credit card. Is it a big deal ?

  6. Dec 2019
    1. Today, the government provides universal health and education for all citizens.

      really ? free ?

    1. Some of these books were obviously sold unbound - what factors do you think determined whether a book was sold bound or unbound?

      Books are sold unbound can be bound later by preference of buyer.

    1. The Book of Curiosities of the Sciences and Marvels for the Eye Anon (1020–1050)

      I should get to read this book

    1. mandate of heaven

      "Mandate of heaven" meaning that heaven (jade emperor, a god in Chinese culture, who rule the heaven and the earth below) said that the dynasty fit to rule Chinese.

      "Mandate of heaven" justify the rule of the King or Emperor of China and so the dynasty.

    2. eunuchs

      A man who had his penis cut, so he may work in the palace.

    1. YOY usage

      What is "YOY usage" ? What is YOY stand for ?

    2. open is important

      "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" - Karl Marx

    1. sugar-mill owners required huge quantities of wood to fuel the boiling vats for transforming cane into sugar cone

      Fuel (wood) use to refine sugar from sugar cane is expensive.

    2. Sugar cane—the sole source of the sweetener—only really flourished in hot, humid regions where temperatures remained above 80 degrees Fahrenheit and where rain fell steadily or farmers had ample irrigation.

      It is difficult to product sugar. So, sugar is expensive and rare.

    3. medieval burgher could only afford to consume one teaspoon of the sweet granules per year.

      Commodity: Sugar Sugar is rare, for the rich only. It is very expensive, even for the rich.

      Medieval Burgher) -> rich people live in town.

  7. Nov 2019
    1. A new open layer is being created over all knowledge.

      Đảng Cộng Sản Việt Nam quang vinh muôn năm.

    1. “nhà văn thời bao cấp” sang “nhà văn bán sách”, “nhà văn thị trường”.

      Các nhà văn cộng sản bị chủ nghĩa tư bản và kinh tế thị trường tha hóa. Họ đã chạy theo đồng tiền - công cụ của chủ nghĩa tư bản.

    1. If there is a head at pixelxi, we represent it as a delta func-tionδ(x−xi). Hence an image withNheads labeled canbe represented as a functionH(x) =N∑i=1δ(x−xi)

      what is value of x and \(x_i\) ?