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  1. Nov 2016
  2. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. I removed one participant from the cluster analysis who sorted allthe cards, but in such a way as to skew the results. With a sharp wit, this participantcreated only two categories: “Byproducts of nuclear decay,” which containedonly one card,radiation; and “What an academic thinks of when he or shemisinterprets design as the synthesis of a set of design principles,” which con-tained all of the remaining cards. I did, however, include this participant’ssurvey responses, as they reflected an attitude toward design that favored artisticsensibility over using more formal methods such as design principles or designresearch. I address this attitude more fully in the conclusion to this article.

      This is pretty comical to me. It makes sense that, with the number of people in this study, at least one of them would make fun o the subject

    2. As I mentioned, Optimal Sort allowed me to survey participants before andafter the card sorting task (see Figure 3). In addition, the software includes asingle default comment field directly below the card sorting area, which userscan fill in with general comments (see the bottom of Figure 2)

      this way, we know who exactly is completing the experiment and what they thought of the overall process.

    3. The primary advantage of this online approach was quick and efficient accessto participants. However, there were two disadvantages. First, in a face-to-facecard sorting exercise, the researcher often observes the participant as he or shesorts the cards and uses the talk-aloud protocol to gather further informationabout participants’ thinking during the exercise. Because I would not attend thecard sorting, this kind of observation was not possible. Second, I would havelittle control over who agreed to participate. The possibility for spam is alwayspresent with online media

      I like that Kimball recognizes the pros and cons of this exercise. While face-to-face contact was preferable, having the experiment online made more sense economically and time-wise.

    4. By design educators, I mean professional educators who teach design eitheras a primary focus or as a part of their primary focus. By practicing designers,I mean people who do design as part of their professional work. By designstudents, I mean people currently studying to become practicing designers ordesign educator

      Educators, practicing designers, and students can all have a different outlook on the design world. This is why I like that all three groups were a part of the study. we get the most fully-received idea of what design actually is

    5. Rather than arranging the design principles accordingmy own sensibilities or some separate theory

      this would bias the study

    6. These figuressuggest that despite the 198 principles in the raw list, for most authors a relativelysmall handful of principles, perhaps 5-7, serves most purposes

      This is likely because there is overlap between some principles.

    7. Include as a design principle whatever a text calls a design principle orsomething similar.• Include as a design principle any principle labeled as such in other texts,even if the author does not explicitly call it a “design principle.

      By including alls possible "design principles" those in the study have a more wide range of information

    8. This study took the form of two stages: a quantitative literature review thatcatalogued and analyzed visual design principles mentioned in books and web-sites on design; and a card sorting exercise with survey questions

      I like that they have two different stages and that they include a physical aspect of it (card sorting). This allows the subjects to have more freedom, and allows those conducting the study to have a more fully formed idea on their study.

    9. Designers, in fact, often talk about the need to “break the rules”on occasion to bring attention or interest to a design. Some designers even denyusing design principles at all, arguing that they rely on instinct, artistic sensi-bilities, or a “good eye.

      I wonder how often this actually happens? I can see why a cut-and-dry process won't work for everyone, however it is still important that we understand this process when working with clients.

    10. What is a design principle?•How do design principles relate to each other?•How and when do designers use design principles, particularly in these daysof user-centered, research-driven design?

      These are all questions that need to be asked in Technical Writing in order to create the best product for your employer. These questions should be something we focus on as we continue to work on our service learning projects.

    11. Beginningwith the founding of the Design Research Society in 1966,

      i had no idea that this was an actual form of study, however it makes sense

    12. Many books, designers, and design educators talk about visual design prin-ciples such as balance, contrast, and alignment, but with little consistency
      • main idea
      • i find this interesting right from the beginning because I am currently taking visual rhetoric and this relates to what we're studying in class
  3. Sep 2016
  4. techwritingf16.robinwharton.net techwritingf16.robinwharton.net
    1. o makeourselves a force to reckon with in the content management discourse, arguesAndersen, we need to raise the visibility and accessibility of our scholarship in thisarea,

      Although I am sure it already is, I believe that this subject should be its own area of study and classes on CMS should be offered to individuals hoping to obtain higher education degrees.

    2. “process of collecting, manag-ing, and publishing information to whatever medium you need

      This makes sense- "Content Management" is simply the process by which information is made available. I believe this is what we will be doing with our service learning projects. Medium can be a multitude of things, including brochures, the internets, visuals, etc.

    3. technical communi-cation requires information and knowledge management

      This introduction to this paper explains how content management play a bigger role than first assumed. Technical communication (what this course is about) requires multiple steps being taken before any progress can begin. This includes 'information and knowledge management" both characteristics found in CMSs/

    4. “a platform for managing the creation, review, filing,updating, distribution, and storage of structured and unstructured content”

      A perfect example of this is a website. Similar to what I am creating in my digital publishing class with Dr. Pullman.

    5. Content management has a direct bearing on our field because a central issue incontent management is the role (or a lack thereof) of technical communicators inthe process of CMS design and implementation

      This is ironic to me as it seem within the "job description" of technical communicators to design and implement the steps necessary to be taken with CMSs.

    6. Changing the way people work is animmensely difficult task, especially if the changes most clearly benefit the organi-zation while doing nothing clearly beneficial for the individual users.

      This is why it is so important that technical communicators take place in the CMS process. That way, the transition can be as painless as possible. It is obvious that the benefits outweigh the negatives in these scenarios.

    7. need for us to teach content management in our tech-nical communication courses, it is high time for our field not only to gain a betterunderstanding of CMSs but also to formulate a theoretically sound and pedagogi-cally viable approach to content management

      The most effective way to accomplish this task is to ask the individuals who will be using the CMSs what they most want to see when implementing the program.

    8. No longer can writers think in terms of texts or even publications. They haveto start thinking in terms of asset management:

      This requires the writers to take their time and examen every step critically before continuing their process. I believe that, by doing this, they are coming up with a more finished product.

    9. glaring lack of involvement in CMS design

      I honestly find this very surprising. It seems as if this job is what these technical communicators study for, as I cannot think of another profession better suited for this task. Technical communicators must be in high demand in the current job market.

    10. The very expressioncontent managementexcludes any idea of writingor communicating and focuses on information independently of the people whoproduce or consume it.

      This is silly. It makes so much sense to focus on the individuals making use of this information, rather than just the information itself. This way, you can fully satisfy whatever audience your'e trying to reach.

    11. In other words, they teach you how to design and/or use such systemswithout critical examinations of why such systems should be used in the first placeand why they succeed or fail

      This seems like a separate area of study all in its own. An individual hoping to be well versed in Content Management Systems needs to have all pieces to the puzzle: the technical aspect of it (the steps and processes) as well as the the real-world application of it. After all, at the end of the day we are still working with people, not solely computers.

    1. Technical communication is a broad field and includes any form of communication that exhibits one or more of the following characteristics:

      "technical communication" definition

    2. They make information more useable and accessible to those who need that information, and in doing so, they advance the goals of the companies or organizations that employ them

      main purpose; why technical communication is important

    3. Technical Writers & Editor

      this relates to my major- advanced composition and rhetoric.

    1. incorporate, or concentrate on communication techniques other than writing, including editing, indexing, graphic design, video scripting and production, and instructional design

      multiple purposes and applications

    2. combines multi-media knowledge and strong communication skills with technical expertise to educate across the entire spectrum of users’ abilities, technical experience, and visual and auditory capabilities

      how this applies to this class; many steps are involved.

    1. many of the different types of communication overlap between modes

    2. n a profound sense, all meaning-making is multimoda

      there seems to be a lot of overlap

    3. newly prominent modes and technolog

      modes vs. mediums. Difference is important to note

    4. Pedagogy is a teaching and learning relationship that creates the potential for building learning conditions leading to full and equitable social participation

      technical communication is NOT about you. always the audience

    5. students and teachers and a new approach to literacy pedagogy that they call "multiliteracies."

      what our class is about

    6. Literacy pedagogy, in other words, has been a carefully restricted project - restricted to formalized, monolingual, monocultural, and rule-governed forms of language.

      the scope of language is much more broad than this, especially in the 21st century

    7. such as visual images and their relationship to the written word

      This reminds me of the visual rhetoric class I am taking with Dr. Holmes.

    8. Cultural differences and rapidly shifting communications media meant that the very nature of the subject - literacy pedagogy - was changing radically. This article is a summary of our discussions.


    9. First, we want to extend the idea and scope of literacy pedagogy to account for the context of our culturally and linguistically diverse and increasingly globalized societies, for the multifarious cultures that interrelate and the plurality of texts that circulate

      social media must play a big part in this.

    10. visual design in desktop publishing or the interface of visual and linguistic meaning in multimedia

      This reminds me of the digital writing class I am taking with Dr. Pullman.

    11. newly prominent modes and technologies of communication; and changing text usage in restructured workplaces

      this is probably due to the increasing use of the internet in the 1990's

    12. yet it is by no means a finished piece

      Because literacy pedagogy is always rapidly changing, I wonder if this article can ever TRUELY be finished.

    13. multiliteracies - a word we chose to describe two important arguments we might have with the emerging cultural, institutional, and global order: the multiplicity of communications channels and media, and the increasing saliency of cultural and linguistic diversity

      main point

    14. Second, we decided to use the term "multiliteracies" as a way to focus on the realities of increasing local diversity and global connectedness

      multiple societies and peoples create multiple ways of communicating and learning.

    15. The article goes on to discuss six design elements in the meaning-making process: those of Linguistic Meaning, Visual Meaning, Audio Meaning, Gestural Meaning, Spatial Meaning, and the Multimodal patterns of meaning that relate the first five modes of meaning to each other.

      main modes

    16. Situated Practice, which draws on the experience of meaning-making in lifeworlds, the public realm, and workplaces; Overt Instruction, through which students develop an explicit metalanguage of Design; Critical Framing, which interprets the social context and purpose of Designs of meaning; and Transformed Practice, in which students, as meaning-makers, become Designers of social futures

      Does every individual go through this process of learning? Is this the natural progression of language communication or is it specific to the westernized world?

    17. These examples of revolutionary changes in technology and the nature of organizations have produced a new language of work. They are all reasons why literacy pedagogy has to change if it is to be relevant to the new demands of working life, if it is to provide all students with access to fulfilling employment.

      VERY IMPORTANT. As college students, our goal is to obtain employment after graduation. In order to accomplish this, we need to be fully prepared for what we might encounter in the "real world".

    18. market logic

      I am not completely sure what "market logic" is... is it referring to a market/economic based society? if so, how does this apply to schools?

    19. teachers find their cultural and linguistic messages losing power and relevance as they compete with these global narratives.

      I never thought of popular culture as "competing" for a childs attention. However, this does make sense as one would rather watch TV than study for a test...

    20. not much space is offered in the marketplace of childhood that reflects genuine diversity among children and adolescents.

      This is why I believe academics are so important. It allow the individual to take it upon themselves to find their OWN interests, rather than go along with what their peers enjoy. Individuality is key to diversity; however, this is a difficult task to accomplish in the 21st century.

    21. are now made unashamedly public

      this is due to the use of widespread media.

    22. As these three major realms of social activity have shifted, so the roles and responsibilities of schools must shift

      I also believe they must shift with the changing "norm" of the home environment.

    23. The danger of glib and tokenistic pluralism is that it sees differences to be immutable and leaves them fragmentary

      i wish they would expand on this as I am not 100% sure what they are stating.

    24. To achieve this, we need to engage in a critical dialogue with the core concepts of fast capitalism, of emerging pluralistic forms of citizenship, and of different lifeworlds. This is the basis for a new social contract, a new commonwealth.

      I especially agree with the "different lifeworlds" part of this statement. As someone who is heavily interested in the education system, I feel as if this applies to low income areas with shotty school systems, where the kids do not have the same opportunity as their better-off peers

    25. An order of discourse is the structured set of conventions associated with semiotic activity (including use of language) in a given social space

      Does this simply refer to the natural order of things? Relationships between two groups or subjects? I gathered this from the example of the relationship between African American gangs in L.A. and the discourse of the L.A.P.D.

    26. Reading, seeing, and listening are all instances of Designing.

      all a part of the process; steps that every individual, despite background, take in order to complete the designing process

    27. isual Meanings (images, page layouts, screen formats); Audio Meanings (music, sound effects); Gestural Meanings (body language, sensuality); Spatial Meanings (the meanings of environmental spaces, architectural spaces); and Multimodal Meanings

      5 main types of modes

      why so many? makes it easier to understand & communicate full opinion