13 Matching Annotations
- Sep 2019
www.psychologytoday.com www.psychologytoday.com
mental shortcut
2: The Domino Effect
What do they mean by the Domino Effect
1: Redlining
What is Redlining?
- Apr 2019
www.oceanconservation.org www.oceanconservation.org
flowering times have changed
Yes, tress are confused by drastic temperature changes!
theconversation.com theconversation.com
obsess/get stuck
situations as a challenge
It can be confusing when other pages launch
. You see situations as a challenge
I prefer to see situations as OPPPORTUNITIES
3. You can modify your emotions
adjust the volume/intensity. BREATHE. Serentiy prayer.
1. You think about your reactions
Think about reactions: play the movie all the way through!
Emotional intelligence is essentially the way you perceive, understand, express, and manage emotions.
You can put yourself in other people’s shoes
- Apr 2018
www.oceanconservation.org www.oceanconservation.org
Michigan Native