2 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2018
    1. Orlandowasawoman--LordPalmerstonhadjustprovedit.Andwhenwearewritingthelifeofawoman,wemay,itisagreed,waiveourdemandforaction,andsubstituteloveinstead.Love,thepoethassaid,iswoman'swholeexistence.AndifwelookforamomentatOrlandowritingathertable,wemustadmitthatneverwasthereawomanmorefittedforthatcalling.Surely,sincesheisawoman,andabeautifulwoman

      I found this to be interesting because the subject of love is said to be a feminine topic. Action related literature is seen as masculine. I thought it was ironic because most of Orlando's life was spent thinking about love and pining over a heartbreak, a well as feeling the pressure to get married. I think the tie between the gender female and literature about love is proven by Orlando's need to get married(tingling finger). I also think there's reason to say that Orlando had perhaps always had feminine qualities since she had always thought about love and perhaps didn't write about it since she was a male(?)

  2. Feb 2018
    1. I’ll sacrifice the lamb that I do love

      This quote is a metaphor said by Orsino regarding what he'll do with Cesario when it becomes known that Olivia has a thing for Cesario/Sebastian. Orsino states that he will kill off Cesario who he does appreciate and like. The metaphor is that Orsino refers to Cesario as a lamb, which I think can be seen in two ways. One meaning, is a sacrificial lamb that is killed in order to benefit others, in this case would be to benefit angry and jealous Orsino. Another meaning for lamb would to describe Cesario as a young follower. A lamb is a baby sheep and sheep are usually associated with 'following' because they move in herds. Cesario would be a follower because he followed Orsino as one of his workers. The fact that a lamb is a baby could also describe Viola's young appearance.