18 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2022
    1. The division of labor can only grow by freeing itself from this confining framework.

      The division of labor can only grow by freeing itself from confining roles that found itself in the first place. New roles will always evolve. The tension between "having clearly defined boundaries" and "expanding beyond boundaries"

  2. Nov 2017
    1. The net result is that a more potent narrative is distilled out of the “real story.”

      How the real story is created

  3. Jul 2017
    1. If you emphasize the clarifying aspect of meditation, then you might actually take thought itself as your object of meditation. This means that you analyze thought into its components as they arise and observe these components with a hands-off attitude. In this case, you have no particular agenda to control or quiet the thinking process

      For more experienced meditator, thought itself is no longer an enemy (no need to quiet the mind) but rather an object of meditation. Often leads to insights.

    1. f you've got the idea of god that comes from popular Christianity, God as the governor, the political head of the world, and you think you're God, then you say to everybody, 'You should bow down and worship me.' But if you're a member of Hindu culture, and you suddenly tell all your friends 'I'm God,' instead of saying 'You're insane,' they say 'Congratulations! At last, you found out.' Because their idea of god is not the autocratic governor.

      Different conceptions of Gods - autocratic vs encompassing

    1. Engaged Buddhism has to constantly invent “what the Buddha would have said” about them. Second, Engaged Buddhism inherits Mahayana’s weakness. Engaged Buddhism is all about having good intentions; it mainly fails to take effective action.

      What the Buddha would have said? Tantric attitude: I'm the Buddha!

    2. We want to change things; there is nothing fundamentally wrong with the universe, but specific circumstances can be improved.

      Nothing wrong with the world, only specific circumstances can be improved.

    1. In the interpersonal balance, relationships that nurture synchronous longings for intimacy and autonomy are sought and treasured. Such relationships nurture growth and exploration of that tension itself and the movement it generates, rather than protecting against that force.

      creative tension within relationships: autonomy and intimacy, differentiation & integration.

    2. Reciprocity now becomes a matter of at once mutually preserving the other’s distinctness while interdependently fashioning a bigger context in which these separate identities interpenetrate…are co-regulated, and to which persons invest an affection supervening their separate identities. Reciprocity now becomes a matter of both holding and being held, a mutual protection of each partner’s opportunity to experience and exercise both sides of life’s fundamental tension.”

      Lv5 reciprocity: Maintaining individual's distinctness while together create a bigger context so that these separate identities interpenetrate.

    3. Transcending identification with the product in favor of an orientation to the process that creates the product

      Meaning > Process > Outcome.

    4. A bigger context seems possible where we can seek out the experience by which we might continually alter our forms

      Seeking out experience that can transform ourselves - "jumping off a cliff" (and build an airplane? - Reid Hoffman)

    5. As the institutional balance breaks, the person becomes more available to and interested in a kind of sharing and intimacy with others. But intimacy in the next balance is the self’s aim, rather than its source. It involves a self that travels between systems, or exists in the dynamism between them, not in the dynamism between individuals.

      The self exists in the dynamism between systems, not between individuals

    1. Postmodernism (or “poststructuralism”), in its denial of the possibility of judgement and rejection of all “metanarratives” (grounded systems), corresponds to the stage 4.5 nihilistic gap.

      Post-modernism: stage 4.5 nihilistic gaps aka the "sadness" after seeing the truth in Plan B by Charles Inouye

    2. Fluidity understands that ethical situations are often inherently nebulous, and in such cases ethical anxiety is unnecessary and unhelpful. It takes ethics to be a matter of collaborative practical improvisation that is responsive to specific situations.

      Ethics: matter of collaborative practical improvisation, responsive to specific situation. No ultimate principles, but you can learn sensibility.

    3. All ideologies are relativized as tools rather than truths. Fluidity treats rationality as a valuable tool that is not always applicable; non-rational ambiguity and paradox become non-problematic. Stage 5 can, therefore, conjure with systems, as animated characters in a magical shadow-play drama.

      All ideologies are relativized as tools rather than truths. "Conjuring" with systems, shadow-play drama.

    4. To stage 3, that sounds cold and distant, but for stage 4, it means seeing the other person for who they really are. Emotions are just something people have, from time to time. Those need to be dealt with, but should not be taken too seriously. Relating to the other person’s principles, projects, and commitments means supporting what they most care about in the longer run. A romantic relationship between systematic people not only tolerates, but respects, and actively supports, their differing values and projects. That is what it means (for stage 4) to be actually in a relationship with another person, rather than losing both your selves in a warm bath of shared feelings.

      Being in relationship for Stage 4: dealing with but not taking emotions seriously. Must support differing values & projects.

    1. Legitimate peripheral participation is a more powerful motivation for accurate feedback than money. If a student’s labor contributes to the success or failure of your project, you want to be sure they are doing it right—and so you will scrutinize their work carefully, and give detailed corrective advice.

      Why does boss care about giving feedback in Legitimate Peripheral Participation? Coz it's success or failure! (FAIL = For All I Learn)

  4. Aug 2016
    1. I write to make connections among worlds: my inner world, the world of others, and the World.

      I wrote this, and it's still true to this day.