29 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2018
    1. f scholarship and of learning, thus gets a very altered value

      With our current school system using the grading system, it is difficult for students to give up an "A" for a "C" or any other grade because of the value placed on that "A". It has become part of the student identity, A= good student, high achiever and F= bad student, failure. Even with brilliant minds such as Einstein who failed academically and blew us away with inventions and IQ intelligence, it is hard for students to alter the value of education = A, B, C, D, F for education = knowledge =value greater than a grade.

    2. instead of being only a place to learn lessons

      I keep thinking that school should be a safe place. To fail until you succeed.

      A fun Disney moment to solidify my thoughts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWtRadR4zYM

      Not to fail to fail, but "from failing you learn, from success, not so much." If we can learn as children that mistakes, setbacks, failures etc are a part of the process, and a reason to celebrate instead of get frustrated and give up, our world would likely be filled with inventions we can't even imagine!

    3. motive, of spirit and atmosphere.

      Not only do leaners need a reason to do something, but it is best when the reason is intrinsic. If they are motivated by excitement or curiosity, the impact of learning will be far greater than the fear of getting a bad grade.

    4. engages the full spontaneous interest and attention of the children. It keeps them alert and active,

      While I agree that engaging lesson plans are generally able to create deeper learning experiences, there are two things

      1. What one teacher thinks of as engaging may overwhelm one student, underwhelm a second and perfectly engage a third. Keeping variety and knowing our students will take our ability to educate to a deeper level.
      2. The engagement/activity must be rooted in context, or the creative presentation can actually hinder the learning process. For example, I may be able to teach an entire lesson on why the sky is blue while covered with bees. Surely this will captivate my audience, however being covered with bees will do nothing to help students apply the information I offered in class. If a student is allergic to bees or afraid of them or me being stung, they likely got nothing educational intended from the presentation.
    5. the whole process of getting illumination was followed in its toilsome length

      For those who were able to reflect on this, they might see that the process became part of the educational experience. How were the skills of sewing, cooking, building and candle making transferred into the learning experience? How did having the hands on skill to build a fence help or hinder the mental ability to understand mathematics for example.

    6. “New Education”

      If I understand the historical context correctly, the "New Education" takes learners out of the home, where they had "manual training" (eg, learning to cook or build a fence) into a society where learning became more than a one on one necessitated practice. This type of education had opportunity for good and bad. Good could be the opportunity to broaden things which could be learned, or to connect learners to subjects they were interested in. The bad is likely the loss of the individual. The loss of student/ teacher relationship and connection. Perhaps even a loss of teacher passion for what is being taught. Not much has changed since then. We still have an ever growing opportunity to expand learners interests, paired with the fatal flaw of impassioned (due to a variety of variables) educators.

    7. Only by being true to the full growth of all the individuals who make it up, can society by any chance be true to itself.

      This is a very thought provoking and loaded sentence. What does a society and educational real look like where individuals are the focus, and each of them has proper support to grow to his/her fullest? This society would necessitate deep understanding, support and acceptance, which would reshape every society that I can think of. What a glorious society it would be if each member was devoted to each individual success as well as a collective success.

    1. students author a blog or use another Web 2.0 tool to sharetheir thoughts based on collaborative researc

      I have never done a group blog before. It will be interesting to see how that works out. Collaboration in online courses can be tricky, this is an interesting way to address this issue.

    2. G.COURSE REQUIREMENTSFull descriptions of each assignmentand corresponding rubricwill be available in Canvas

      I appreciate that this snip-it is available from the beginning. I am a huge planner, and just having an idea of the assignments coming this semester helps me plan my time better.


      Nothing is weighted for week one? I don't see week one assignments here or in course content. They must just be part of the participation grade?

  2. Oct 2017
    1. free of charge.

      Fantastic... how long will this last?

    2. The flipped classroom
    3. mixture of online and face-to-face instruction in a two-course experiment

      I would like to see what the tools are and what the teachers and students think of the tools.

    4. This article seems to take for granted that not everyone has internet, and that not everyone learns well in an online environment. the ideas are interesting, I am not convinced that online can give the same connection and experiences as a face to face class.

    1. ong the first individuals to describe such models were Gagn" (1962b), Glaser (1962, 1965), and Silvern (1964). These individuals used terms such as instructional design, system development, systematic instruction, and instructional system to describe the models they created. Other instructional design models created and employed during this decade included those described by Banathy (1968), Barson (1967), and Hamerus (196

      Further study for another day.

    2. nine events of instruction,
    3. ver, Ralph

      This is suppose to be a picture of Ralph Tyler, not a link... has anyone figured out how to make this function work properly yet? Interestingly in my window I see a link, when published, it is just my comments. Anyone else have this issue?

    4. ver, Ralph T
    5. t, most of the models include the analysis of instructional problems, and the design, development, implementation and eval- uation of instructional procedures and materials intended to solve those proble

      Possible answer to question three from class.

    6. de (a) its listing of six categories of activities or practices (analysis, design, development, implementation, evalua- tion, and manageme

      Things to keep in mind.

    1. fi

      https://www.slideshare.net/iansagabaen28/david-berlos-model-of-communication (A picture of Berlo and more information on his idea.)

    2. nal use. In 1913, Thomas Edison proclaimed: "Books will soon be obsolete in the

      This sounds like the hype cycle we talked about in class yesterday. Didn't quite phase out books as quickly as they thought.

    3. definition of field: The field of instructional design and technology encompasses the analysis of learning and performance problems, and the design, development, implementa- tion, evaluation and management of instructional and non-instructional processes and resources intended to improve learning and performance in a variety of set- tings, particularly educational institutions and the workplace. Professionals in the field of instructional design and technology often use systematic instruc- tional design procedures and employ a variety of instructional media to accomplish their goals. More- over, in recent years, they have paid increasing atten- tion to non-instructional solutions to some performance problems. Research and theory related to each of the aforementioned areas is also an important part of the field. (Reiser, in p

      Definition of instructional design by Reiser

    4. 2001

      would be interesting to know if the author still feels the same about thoughts that are in this paper, or if views have changed due to advancements in technology. Note the date...

    1. A backup storage device is a requiremen

      google docs is free and easy to access, if you don't want to cary an extra device around.

    2. International Society of Technology in Education Standards (ISTE

      Dr. Williams has been to many of the ISTE conferences and is planning to go 2018. If you want to know more about ISTE, she is a great resource.


      Lots of new technology and ideas for awesome teaching

    1. Supporting children’s development is always a balancing act: how much structure, how much freedom; when to step in, when to step back; when to show, when to tell, when to ask, when to listen.

      not to mention the unknown long term outcome(s) on students from our ability and levels of "stepping in" or "how much freedom" etc.

    2. simply to get out of the way and let them be creative.

      We can learn a lot of kids and play