2,477 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
    1. Texas performs comparably with other states in this area, and has steadily improved.

      that means we're failing at a national level

    1. Funding data AdVISORY GROUP

      why not Library of Congress or National of Archives?

    1. 10.13039.10000001"

      this is only a DOI prefix. Do funders need to be Crossref members to have a DOI prefix?

    1. (1) to use their original figures or tables in their future works; (2) to make copies of their papers for their own personal use, including classroom use, or for the personal use of colleagues, provided those copies are not for sale and are not distributed in a systematic way; (3) to include their papers as part of their dissertations; or (4) to use all or part of their articles in printed compilations of their own works. Citation of the original source must be included and copies must include the applicable copyright notice of the original report.

      what about in an institutional repository?

    2. Volumes 90–105 (1993–2008) copyright © by the National Academy of Sciences

      huh wonder what happened here

    1. Author contributions: M.X., M.W.L., G.C.L.W., and J.C. designed research; M.X., M.W.L., R.A.M., Z.S., Y.B., and A.L.F. performed research; M.X., M.W.L., R.M.P., L.-F.C., A.L.F., G.C.L.W., and J.C. analyzed data; and M.X., M.W.L., C.Y., A.L.F., G.C.L.W., and J.C. wrote the paper.

      This is like scoro:level metadata. I wonder if it is scoro??

    2. Semantically Related Articles

      what is a semantically related article???

    1. but some professors say the process was not transparent enough. “Here we are just a few weeks away from when these cuts will take effect, and we’re really, a lot of us, caught off-guard and not really sure what’s in store for our research and for our students,” a political-science professor, Scott Matthews, told the CBC.

      so, about how scholarly journal subscriptions work....

    1. That decision came after the executive committee of the state’s Republican Party called on lawmakers to eliminate funding for the Knoxville campus’s diversity office.


    1. he said that "most of the black scientists in this country don’t come from schools like the University of Texas," but instead from "lesser schools" where they do not feel "pushed ahead" in classes that are "too fast for them."

      uh no, they come from "lesser schools" BECAUSE OF INSTITUTIONALIZED RACISM

    2. Mr. Falwell "was in no way" referring to the "many good and honorable Muslims who do not come into public spaces armed to kill innocents."

      uh huh

    1. specified by the object property scoro:usesPersonalIdentifierScheme and an individual member of the class scoro:PersonalIdentifierScheme.

      object property and an individual member of the class:scoroPersonalIdentifierScheme only required when not ORCID (I think)

    1. WHAT TO SAY WHEN YOU RETHINK BUYING YOUR BROTHER A HOVERBOARD FOR XMAS... Need new ideas stat. Rio's back to the drawing board too. Yesterday, one of its major power suppliers for the Olympics pulled out. Great timing, since the games are less than a year away. And Rio's dealing with just a few other things right now. Think: polluted water where Olympians will be competing, an epic recession, and impeachment proceedings against its prez. But it wouldn't be the first time the Olympics won a gold medal in 'sh*t show' (cough, Sochi, cough). 

      I don't understand why hoverboard is linked with Rio?

    1. then there is no need for a 45-day notice.

      why not?

    2. Japanese cars, French wines, Chinese televisions, Brazilian coffee and many other items will become cheaper for people in the US.

      what about for people in those countries?

    1. Supporters of scholarship tax credits say they save the state money because annual tuition at a private school is typically less than the per-pupil cost at public schools.

      uh wut.

    2. The scholarship is used to pay tuition, fees, and other related expenses. As a result, the state does not have to appropriate per-pupil education funding for those students that receive scholarships

      this is BULLSHIT

    1. “Voters seem to understand how the state’s changing demographics are intrinsically linked to the state’s ability to succeed economically through a skilled and educated workforce.”

      then how the hell do Republicans keep getting elected???

    1. an off-duty police officer, Lisa Castellano, who was working at the theater that night


    2. Nick Meli, a shopper in the mall, drew a personally owned firearm on Roberts, who then retreated. Meli did not fire his weapon, for fear of striking bystanders.


    3. Off-duty police officer


    4. July 19, 2009

      gun owner called in anonymously according to ammoland article; ammoland is a blog and interjected with writer's personal opinions; video doesn't mention if the guy speaking is talking from personal experience or just repeating a story. I think this one should be thrown out due to unreliable references.

    5. by off-duty police officer Kenneth Hammond, who held him in position before authorities could arrive


    6. A former police officer from Minnesota named Jeanne Assam was at church when a 24-year-old gunman named Matthew Murray began firing at parishioners in the parking lot.


    7. Assistant Principal Joel Myrick, a U.S. Army Reserve commander


    8. Oct. 1, 1997

      this kid didn't have a gun though

    1. she would take the initiative to attend a classroom version of the CCW permit class.

      assuming people know about thhis

    2. We are all competent with firearms, and we have all taken classes to receive our permit.


    1. The BG opened fire on the GO. The GO returned fire, hitting the BG as the GO dove hard for the floor behind some barrels full of ice and drinks.

      GO's returned fire could have also hit that teenager or other innocent bystanders

    2. convenient

    1. is working as a financial analyst, which raises the legal question of her continued standing, and the practical issue: How were you so injured by this inherently subjective process?

      she wasn't. Also, she's working at VMWare (via LinkedIn), a company that's worth 35.7 Billion (US). I think she's doing okay.

    2. Students have been outrageously uncivil; they have overreacted to perceived slights; they have discounted the importance of the open debate that is central to the academic enterprise

      okay, respectability politics is bullshit

    1. The pledge goes as follows: "I will never bring a gun to school. I will never use a gun to settle a personal problem or dispute. I will use my influence with friends to keep them from using guns to settle disputes. My individual choices and actions, when multiplied by those of young people throughout the country, will make a difference. Together, by honoring this pledge, we can reverse the violence and grow up in safety."

      I don't believe in encouraging children to agree to these kinds of pledges

    2. investigating as an act of terrorism.

      only because the shooters turned out to be Muslim though =/ The Planned Parenthood attack isn't being investigated as terrorism (as far as a know). The shooter in that instance was a white man.

    1. classroom reforms face the biggest obstacles in schools with large numbers of low-income kids and students of color. In the past 10 years, the per-student funding gap between rich and poor schools has grown by 44 percent.


    2. This means schools can ditch some standardized tests for things such as evaluations of student work and parent surveys

      let's see if they do

    3. The gaps in math and reading for African American and Latino students shrank far more dramatically before No Child Left Behind—when policies focused on equalizing funding and school integration, rather than on test scores.


    1. One facet of the new Second Amendment test, the dissenters complained, was that it applied the Second Amendment only to the kind of arms that were common at the time the Second Amendment was ratified — that is, in 1791.

      this is a funny complaint coming from these two

    2. Justice Clarence Thomas, joined in dissent by Justice Antonin Scalia

      they are the worst

    3. machine guns

      well it's true. Machine guns are automatic weapons. AR-15s are semi-automatic

    4. machine guns

      well it's true. Machine guns are automatic weapons. AR-15s are semi-automatic

    1. But on Wednesday, UT Austin spokesman J.B. Bird said that the campus is not “open to outside groups for assembly, speech, or other activities.”

      yep, that's what I thought

    2. Demonstrators reportedly changed the starting location of the mock shooting at the last minute to stimulate the unpredictable nature of real mass shootings.

      uh huh. More like to avoid any possible legal action

    1. should not be our focus as a party.  Instead our focus should be on issues such as the economy, government fiscal accountability, trade, national security, and jobs.

      these are inherently intertwined. Intersectionality

    2. Teachers should be paid in a way that matches their skill and criticality to our society.

      yes this. What about libraries and cultural heritage organizations?

    3. We believe there must be real comprehensive healthcare reform, which includes physician accountability, elimination of junk medical lawsuits, quality of care, reduced cost, and adequate coverage.  Reducing healthcare costs is the first priority for making healthcare affordable for everyone

      so not single payer.

    4. The Reform Party calls for the repeal or revision of current trade agreements.  America’s elected leaders have a primary responsibility to assure that American citizens’ economic security takes priority in any trade policy decision.

      I can get behind this

    5. s fundamentally fair,

      what does the Reform Party define as "fundamentally fair"?

    1. Everyone defines racism differently, you might be over reacting.

      you may be underreacting.

    1. “Unfortunately, even though people don’t want to hear it because a lot of what he says is inflammatory toward certain groups, it is the truth, because we have a massive problem.”

      it's not the truth, that's the point

    1. formalin-inactivated

      killed with formaldehyde

    2. attenuating

      reduce the force, effect, or value of.

    3. reactogenic

      In clinical trials, the term reactogenicity refers to the property of a vaccine of being able to produce common, “expected” adverse reactions, especially excessive immunological responses and associated signs and symptoms—fever, sore arm at injection site, etc.

    1. The completeness of a Portable Web Publication has a significant role to play in this respect: combined with archiving it provides means to store the content offline, making it appropriate for archival purposes.

      I don't really understand this sentence

    2. highly dynamic and possibly interactive Web Publications as primary content, the traditional means of archiving (i.e., storing an XML or HTML page on some backup device for long term preservation) is no longer adequate

      libraries have been working on this for awhile. See video game archiving, transmedia, etc

    3. dedicated institutions like national libraries

      not just national libraries - university libraries, special libraries, historical associations, museums, archives, etc.

    1. The judges also did not seem convinced by a short series of First Amendment arguments made against the rules.

      let's hope so

    2. He specifically pointed to traffic that is "time sensitive" such as a video live stream, which could be reasonably prioritized. He used the analogy of a railroad charging extra money for a railcar that also includes refrigeration


    3. Stephen Williams, a Reagan appointee, seemed most resistant the FCC's argument.

      of course

    4. "I couldn't find it in the order," Tatel said

      couldn't find what?

    1. However, a German museum argues that photographs of public domain artworks don't fall under public domain license, because the photographs themselves fall under normal copyright law.


  2. Nov 2015
    1. Common hussies need not apply.

      if we could avoid gendered insults that would be great

    1. but Republicans raised it up the flagpole and the governor’s office pushed back, saying it did include sufficient reforms,

      it did or it didn't? If it did, why would there be pushback?

    2. The working group had started as a group of female legislators, then broadened to include male lawmakers.

      Of course, because women always do the real work

    3. “allow (but not require) all school districts to bargain over 3rd party contracting, layoffs, class size, school year & technology (like CPS).”

      oh hell no. This needs to be required if there's an effing union

    4. bicameral

      (of a legislative body) having two branches or chambers

    1. William Gibson has famously said that “the future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed.” With the digital humanities we have the opportunity to distribute that future more evenly. We have the opportunity to distribute knowledge more fairly, and in greater forms.

      All of these methods rely on digital variations but there's no mention of the digital divide. How does that distribute the future more evenly?

    2. 5,000-tweet conference backchannel edited into the official proceedings of the conference backchannel.

      also this

    3. I can imagine mobile publishing, using smartphones and GPS

      this would be awesome

    4. I can image MLA Singles, one-off pieces of downloadable scholarship following the Kindle Singles model.

      how is this different than a blog post?

    5. I can imagine greater emphasis placed upon digital projects as tenurable scholarship

      I'm skeptical of academia changing all that quickly

    6. I can imagine greater support of peer-to-peer review as a replacement of blind review

      this is a privileged statement imo

    1. Illinois Policy Institute

      the Illinois area mini-heritage foundation affiliate. This is an interesting project for them.

    1. Speaker Madigan, balancing the budget with specific additional taxes/revenue details; Leader Durkin, the need for reform before revenue; President Cullerton, overall spending levels, pension reform and Chicago’s financial crisis; Leader Radogno, economic reforms to improve the jobs climate like workers’ compensation reform; and I will focus on term limits, redistricting reform and local control of costs and property taxes

      man, overbearing much?

    1. No changes to the Title I funding formula along the lines of what the Senate passed that would steer a greater share of the funds to districts with high concentrations of kids in poverty


    2. does include a pilot project allowing districts to try out a weighted student funding formula, which would also essentially function as a backpack of funds for kids

      Hmm. Weighted how? Don't we already do this?

    3. No Title I portability—that means that federal funds won't be able to follow the child to the school of their choice


    1. The company uses a clause that assigns the copyright for any review customers might write to the company. Then, when the company finds a review it doesn’t like, it files a DMCA notice to take the content down.


    1. “It's clear we need major workers' compensation reform if we want to grow manufacturing jobs in Illinois,” she said in an email.

      as long as free trade agreements exist, we're never gonna be a manufacturing country again

    1. he warned that the result might look different if the analysis was at the level of U.S. counties, rather than U.S. states. An analysis at the level of counties, he suggested, might reveal a rural-urban divide in whites’ implicit racial bias levels that a coarser state level analysis can’t tease out.

      oooh, that sounds interesting

    2. Packer found that states with higher implicit bias scores had more racist tweets

      not surprising

    1. Illinois was one of 16 states in which low-income families were “worse off” over the year, meaning there was less access to assistance and/or fewer benefits from assistance, the report found.

      that's what happens when Republicans get elected

    1. It was announced Thursday that all graduate students at MU with assistantships will receive full tuition waivers for the 2016-17 academic year, reversing a decision made in June

      this is great!

    2. Regardless of whether we are approving of this method of getting action,

      this is as peaceful as protesting gets. The point is to inconvenience - to force people to pay attention

    1. get a sheepskin

      what's this mean?

    2. At City Colleges, officials tell us the graduation rate has doubled in the last five years, from 7 to 14 percent, but that’s based on narrow federal guidelines that exclude part-time students and those who are re-enrolling in college—a whooping 95 percent of the system’s total student population.

      what does re-enrolling in college mean? Those who are transferring?

  3. docs.legis.wisconsin.gov docs.legis.wisconsin.gov
    1. or theleave accrued under s. 103.11 (3) (b), whichever is greater

      what is section 103.11?

    1. Agrible is an equal opportunity employer

      Ya'll don't seem to value diversity that much considering you only have 2 POC employees

    1. up to 24% of those homicides would not have happened if the suspect or victim had been serving longer sentences for previous crimes.

      uh huh

    2. Hite and other city officials long have advocated for mandatory minimum sentences for those who commit violent, gun-related crimes

      we've seen from the "war on drugs" that these types of laws disproportionately affect communities of color.

    3. thugs in handcuffs and squad cars by sundown,”

      way to use racially coded language there, LaPierre

    4. felons who illegally possess a gun in Chicago typically receive sentences on the low end of state sentencing guidelines.

      uh huh

    1. when it only takes a simple majority instead of the super-majority that’s required now.

      Why would it only take a majority in January but a super-majority now??

    1. Justice Anthony Kennedy announced confidently that nothing of the sort was possible as a result of that decision


    2. is not for us to dispute

      uh, yes it is

    3. when a panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals accepted the religious nonprofits’ argument that it would violate their religious conscience if they had to notify the government of their religious objections, as that act itself would “trigger” the provision of what they believe to be an abortifacient for women.

      so the fact that other women use birth control is an affront to their religious rights? Wtf?

    4. the owners of for-profit, nonreligious businesses who have religious objections to certain forms of birth control could decline to cover those items in their employer-provided health plans

      thanks citizens united

    1. She’s taking Sanders’ remarks out of context and twisting them to breed resentment.

      Nah, I've always been convinced that when Sanders says "urban" he means black.

    2. based on power or privilege, that playing the race card or sex card from the left isn’t as bad as playing it from the right. But even if you believe that, Clinton’s smears bring discredit on the whole idea of bigotry. If accusations of misogyny and racism are casually thrown at Sanders, voters will conclude that these terms are just rhetoric.

      I feel like this is someone who is a Sanders fan who get their feelings hurt

    3. They’re designed to veil her meritless insinuations that her Democratic opponent is sexist and racist

      Considering that he took forever to support #BlackLivesMatter and that he didn't understand a journalists question about whether or not it's fair for Hillary to be judged on her hair, shows that he is, at least, IMPLICITLY racist and sexist, as most white men are

    4. When Clinton ran for president in 2008, she explicitly used race against Obama. She told USA Today that she should be the Democratic nominee because “I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on.”


    5. And it’s not necessarily derogatory

      yeah, when used by Black people. But it is derogatory when used by white people.

    6. church by a white racist


    1. he Supreme Court ruled that a D.C. law requiring gun owners to use trigger locks violated the Second Amendment, so we probably won’t be seeing mandatory trigger locks anytime soon.


    1. Illinois has over-prescribed institutional care to lower-need individuals when less expensive and more appropriate care options are available

      like what? They're not available, that's why the government makes them available!

    1. When administrators and faculty and staff members speak and act as private citizens they should make clear that they are not speaking or acting on behalf of the university.

      why to not backup your employees UNT

    1. a museum can now legally hack into the firmware of a video game console for the express purpose of ensuring that games remain playable for historical research purposes well into the future. That museum still won't legally be able to create replacement servers to allow for continued online play, though.

      *museums, archives, and libraries

    2. saying that "such jailbreaking is strongly associated with video game piracy" and should therefore remain legally prohibited.


    3. Librarian of Congress

      acting librarian of congress

    1. It shall not be unlawful to discriminate on the basis of sex in the provision of facilities which are distinctly private in nature, such as restrooms, shower rooms, bath houses, health clubs or other similar facilities.

      why the hell not???

    1. And that not only did the CDC hide that information, but that the authors of the study threw that evidence into a trash can and destroyed it.

      that's literally what you do after a research project.

    2. The authors of the study decided not to disclose to the public that African American boys under two were more susceptible to developing autism or autism-like symptoms from the MMR vaccine.

      that's not what he said. He said that there was a correlation. Correlation =/= causation

    1. However in September 2014, the building that housed Elsie’s was sold and there was a significant rent increase by the new owners

      thanks gentrification!

  4. Oct 2015
    1. Having these two axioms in place and given e.g. the information that Sasha is related to Hillary via the property hasWife, a reasoner would be able to infer that Sasha is a man and Hillary a woman.

      Not necessarily. Increasingly same-sex marriages are more widely accepted. W3C should re-visit their documentation to ensure that they're not excluding LGBTQ populations and don't perpetuate heteronormativity.

    1. he doesn't expect it to result in a budget agreement

      that means he's not actually open to putting his "turnaround agenda" aside

    1. He was elected by the people with pretty strong support

      no he wasn't. He was barely elected over Quinn

    2. Rauner referred her to staffers, who he said are working with agencies deal with the situation.

      uh huh

    3. "I love teachers," he said.


    4. He downplayed any hopes that a public bargaining session with legislative leaders would amount to much, and he said it is "critical" that the scope of collective bargaining with unions be narrowed.

      screw youuuuuu

    1. Gonet says if a severance tax was passed, it could be the end of the road for the coal industry and the jobs it creates.

      that's always the excuse. If 21 other states are doing it, it's probably okay

    1. emendation

      the process of making a revision or correction to a text

    2. cliometric

      "A method of analyzing history through the application of quantitative methods." - investopedia

    1. a spokeswoman replied with the following email: "HB 4305 (the bill to release the local funds being held by the state) is another attempt by the Democratic majority to piecemeal together a budget that will force a tax hike on hard-working families without any meaningful reforms. Governor Rauner has compromised time and again to pass reforms to grow the economy and create jobs, and unfortunately, the majority party continues to block those reforms.


    2. They're referring to a proposal by Gov. Bruce Rauner to offer low-interest state loans to municipalities that are suffering financially because the state has refused to release money it collects on behalf of towns such as revenue from the motor fuel tax, video gambling and 911 fees.


    1. her predecessor died in office shortly after being reelected

      a Democrat.

    2. he’ll no longer be sending out vehicle registration renewal reminders


    3. Bruce doesn’t have a social agenda,” his wife, Diana, told voters in one campaign commercial last year. “He has an economic and education agenda

      employee unions ARE social issues

    4. donating more than $1 million to environmental causes and becoming a major player in education reform, where he’s given more than $20 million to help fund schools in Chicago—and directly tackled the powerful Chicago teachers’ unions.

      to help fund charter schools in Chicago. Not public schools.

    5. Illinois has lost 12,500 manufacturing jobs, The Illinois Policy Institute’s Michael Lucci reports

      yeah, the IPI reports, which is backed by the Heritage Foundation, which approves of moving jobs overseas. HMMM.

    1. Briefs supporting the union have not yet been filed. Madigan has not yet said whether she will participate

      sad :<

    2. Michigan and 17 other states, not counting Illinois, have filed court papers backing the nonunion teachers

      probably right-to-work states. Jerks

    1. "While we appreciate the advocacy groups desire to be involved, we will pick up the organization of the meeting from here

      that's so arrogant.

    1. Bottom line: Voters are feeling dissatisfied and unreasonable.

      not necessarily. I'd like to see the poll.

    1. A state court in Los Angeles found that the patients’ privacy rights hadn’t been violated. An appeals court agreed, holding that patients can’t expect prescription records to be as private as medical records because they know, or should know, that California monitors the flow of controlled substances.


    1. the Rauners were owed a $2.2 million federal refund and $400,000 from the Illinois Department of Revenue, both of which were applied to the couple's 2015 liability.


    1. "at least Blagojevich ... was off doing his crazy things and state government kind of continued to move along. I don't think state government's moving along right now. I mean, I just think too many things are at a standstill."


    1. hegemony

      leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

    2. interstitiality

      interstices: an intervening space, especially a very small one.

      interstiality: of, forming, or occupying interstices.

    3. postlapsarian

      occurring or existing after the Fall of Man.

    4. praxis

      practice, as distinguished from theory

    5. concomitant

      naturally accompanying or associated.

    6. ethos

      the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.

    7. epistemology

      Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion

    8. salutary

      adjective (especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial.

    9. concomitants

      noun (plural). "a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something".

    10. exogamy

      noun. "the custom of marrying outside a community, clan, or tribe."

    11. autodidacts

      "a self-taught person"

    12. postlapsarian

      occurring or existing after the Fall of Man.

    13. felix culpa.

      "In a literary context, the term "felix culpa" can describe how a series of unfortunate events will eventually lead to a happier outcome." - the free dictionary

    14. vis-à-vis


      1. Face to face with; opposite to.
      2. Compared with.
      3. In relation to. adv. Face to face. n. pl. vis-à-vis (-vēz′, -vē′)
      4. One that is face to face with or opposite to another.
      5. A date or an escort, as at a party.
      6. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a counterpart.
    15. efficacious

      adj. Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.

    16. prelapsarian

      adj. Theology Of or relating to the period before the fall of Adam and Eve.

    17. obliqueness

      1. a. Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined. b. Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

      1. Botany Having the part on one side of the midrib of a different size or shape than the part on the other side. Used of a leaf.
      2. Anatomy Situated in a slanting position; not transverse or longitudinal: oblique muscles or ligaments. 4. a. Indirect or evasive: oblique political maneuvers. b. Devious, misleading, or dishonest: gave oblique answers to the questions.
      3. Not direct in descent; collateral.
      4. Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative. n. An oblique thing, such as a line, direction, or muscle. adv. (ō-blīk′, ə-blīk′) At an angle of 45°.
    1. The study recommends making tax policy changes that would cause tax revenue volatility and economic harm.

      how so?

    2. The study refers to a problematic report completed by Standard and Poor’s to prove its point.

      why is this report problematic?

    3. The study includes one regressive portion of the federal income tax but fails to include any discussion of the federal income tax as a whole, even though it is highly progressive.

      because it's focused on state taxes.

    4. The study isn’t focused on the distribution of taxes by income group

      that's literally what it's about. How it "redistributes income" claim is just conservative rhetoric

    1. The chairman of the Senate’s education committee — Sen. Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee — declined to schedule a vote on renewing the Perkins Loan Program. So the program, which has annually let about a half million students with "exceptional financial need" borrow money through about 1,500 colleges, expired on September 30.


    1. This decision brings the Reconstructionist movement to that point, and to the degree that it places pressure on other denominations — and history suggests that it will — then it risks damaging our religious, moral and spiritual leadership at a time when we need it the most.

      Says who? You?

    1. the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals, in the case of Donald S. Miller v. the California Department of Motor Vehicles, ruled that there simply is no “fundamental right to drive.


    1. however, that gap closes when compared to those who have been arrested or incarcerated.

      that is some really misleading language. Blacks who died in custody is normal compared to blacks who have been arrested/incarcerated? Or the gap closes when you compare blacks who died in custody to the CA population?

    1. the rush of out-of-state, untraceable spending created additional support for a state-level effort to solve California’s dark money problem.

      how do we know it was the Koch brothers if it was untraceable?

    1. under most circumstances, are quite capable of deciding for themselves which of their buildings and parks should be named, and after whom,

      tell that to the plethora of buildings named after Confederate people in the South

    1. “You wouldn’t need all those buses if you would just open an office here.”

      And again, pushed all the PoCs out

    2. “We have received an incredibly warm welcome in Oakland and remain committed to continuing to invest in the community and build relationships as we work to open our headquarters’ doors in 2017,” Laura Zapata, a spokeswoman for the company, tells WIRED.

      uh huh

    3. would add between 2,000 and 3,000 employees in Oakland, double its current 2,000 or so full-time Bay Area employees.

      the question is whether or not they would actually employ anyone from the Oakland community or not

    4. ride-hailing giant Uber, to land a major part of its operations in Oakland.

      cue the increased gentrification of Oakland

    1. And both ironic and tragic is the harm to the Judeo-Christian heritage whose practitioners brought religious toleration to full fruition in this nation


    1. Length of school day, length of school year, layoffs in Chicago teachers, whenever they needed something out (of collective bargaining), they take it out," the governor said. "So when somebody argues to you (that) this is about a violation of the core principles of the Democratic Party, call it on them. Call them on it. It's not true. Simply not true. This is about political manipulation, political maneuvering, not about true genuine policy."

      bruh, there's a difference between removing items from collective bargaining, and getting rid of collective bargaining period.