2,518 Matching Annotations
  1. Oct 2015
    1. the Rauners were owed a $2.2 million federal refund and $400,000 from the Illinois Department of Revenue, both of which were applied to the couple's 2015 liability.


    1. "at least Blagojevich ... was off doing his crazy things and state government kind of continued to move along. I don't think state government's moving along right now. I mean, I just think too many things are at a standstill."


    1. hegemony

      leadership or dominance, especially by one country or social group over others.

    2. interstitiality

      interstices: an intervening space, especially a very small one.

      interstiality: of, forming, or occupying interstices.

    3. postlapsarian

      occurring or existing after the Fall of Man.

    4. praxis

      practice, as distinguished from theory

    5. concomitant

      naturally accompanying or associated.

    6. ethos

      the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations.

    7. epistemology

      Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion

    8. salutary

      adjective (especially with reference to something unwelcome or unpleasant) producing good effects; beneficial.

    9. concomitants

      noun (plural). "a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something".

    10. exogamy

      noun. "the custom of marrying outside a community, clan, or tribe."

    11. autodidacts

      "a self-taught person"

    12. postlapsarian

      occurring or existing after the Fall of Man.

    13. felix culpa.

      "In a literary context, the term "felix culpa" can describe how a series of unfortunate events will eventually lead to a happier outcome." - the free dictionary

    14. vis-à-vis


      1. Face to face with; opposite to.
      2. Compared with.
      3. In relation to. adv. Face to face. n. pl. vis-à-vis (-vēz′, -vē′)
      4. One that is face to face with or opposite to another.
      5. A date or an escort, as at a party.
      6. One that has the same functions and characteristics as another; a counterpart.
    15. efficacious

      adj. Producing or capable of producing a desired effect.

    16. prelapsarian

      adj. Theology Of or relating to the period before the fall of Adam and Eve.

    17. obliqueness

      1. a. Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined. b. Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

      1. Botany Having the part on one side of the midrib of a different size or shape than the part on the other side. Used of a leaf.
      2. Anatomy Situated in a slanting position; not transverse or longitudinal: oblique muscles or ligaments. 4. a. Indirect or evasive: oblique political maneuvers. b. Devious, misleading, or dishonest: gave oblique answers to the questions.
      3. Not direct in descent; collateral.
      4. Grammar Designating any noun case except the nominative or the vocative. n. An oblique thing, such as a line, direction, or muscle. adv. (ō-blīk′, ə-blīk′) At an angle of 45°.
    1. The study recommends making tax policy changes that would cause tax revenue volatility and economic harm.

      how so?

    2. The study refers to a problematic report completed by Standard and Poor’s to prove its point.

      why is this report problematic?

    3. The study includes one regressive portion of the federal income tax but fails to include any discussion of the federal income tax as a whole, even though it is highly progressive.

      because it's focused on state taxes.

    4. The study isn’t focused on the distribution of taxes by income group

      that's literally what it's about. How it "redistributes income" claim is just conservative rhetoric

    1. The chairman of the Senate’s education committee — Sen. Lamar Alexander, Republican of Tennessee — declined to schedule a vote on renewing the Perkins Loan Program. So the program, which has annually let about a half million students with "exceptional financial need" borrow money through about 1,500 colleges, expired on September 30.


    1. This decision brings the Reconstructionist movement to that point, and to the degree that it places pressure on other denominations — and history suggests that it will — then it risks damaging our religious, moral and spiritual leadership at a time when we need it the most.

      Says who? You?

    1. the 9th Circuit of the U.S. Court of Appeals, in the case of Donald S. Miller v. the California Department of Motor Vehicles, ruled that there simply is no “fundamental right to drive.


    1. however, that gap closes when compared to those who have been arrested or incarcerated.

      that is some really misleading language. Blacks who died in custody is normal compared to blacks who have been arrested/incarcerated? Or the gap closes when you compare blacks who died in custody to the CA population?

    1. the rush of out-of-state, untraceable spending created additional support for a state-level effort to solve California’s dark money problem.

      how do we know it was the Koch brothers if it was untraceable?

    1. under most circumstances, are quite capable of deciding for themselves which of their buildings and parks should be named, and after whom,

      tell that to the plethora of buildings named after Confederate people in the South

    1. “You wouldn’t need all those buses if you would just open an office here.”

      And again, pushed all the PoCs out

    2. “We have received an incredibly warm welcome in Oakland and remain committed to continuing to invest in the community and build relationships as we work to open our headquarters’ doors in 2017,” Laura Zapata, a spokeswoman for the company, tells WIRED.

      uh huh

    3. would add between 2,000 and 3,000 employees in Oakland, double its current 2,000 or so full-time Bay Area employees.

      the question is whether or not they would actually employ anyone from the Oakland community or not

    4. ride-hailing giant Uber, to land a major part of its operations in Oakland.

      cue the increased gentrification of Oakland

    1. And both ironic and tragic is the harm to the Judeo-Christian heritage whose practitioners brought religious toleration to full fruition in this nation


    2. The case was brought by rejected applicant Abigail Fisher, who contends she was rejected because of her race

      cry me a river

    3. They also contend that unions should have to get permission before collecting dues used for political purposes

      collecting dues for political purposes? As opposed to collecting dues for normal purposes?

    4. The case, Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, was brought by Orange County, Calif. schoolteacher Rebecca Friedrichs and other teachers, who are arguing that forcing them to pay union dues violates their First Amendment rights.


    1. Length of school day, length of school year, layoffs in Chicago teachers, whenever they needed something out (of collective bargaining), they take it out," the governor said. "So when somebody argues to you (that) this is about a violation of the core principles of the Democratic Party, call it on them. Call them on it. It's not true. Simply not true. This is about political manipulation, political maneuvering, not about true genuine policy."

      bruh, there's a difference between removing items from collective bargaining, and getting rid of collective bargaining period.

    2. Rauner attempted to reframe the debate by arguing Democrats already have voted for various union-weakening proposals in recent years, nullifying their argument that they'd be violating a core principle if they approved his demands.

      uh, like what?

    1. FAST Concept Scheme (form or genre term)

      what is a Form or Genre term?? I thought the point of having linked data is that when I click on a URI, I receive additional information!

    1. Using SKOS, a knowledge organization system can be expressed as machine-readable data. It can then be exchanged between computer applications and published in a machine-readable format in the Web.

      it's a way of describing knowledge organization systems (for example, LCSH) as linked data.

    1. There is one servant role that I do not think the digital humanities should shirk as its unique contribution to the mainstream humanities: service (as literal as running the actual servers, if need be) toward advocating the humanities in its present moment of need,

      Again, a role often filled by libraries

    2. rather than, again, just a servant

      like "libraries" I feel

    3. ipso facto

      "by the very fact or act"

    4. clichéd forms of such issues–e.g., “the digital divide,” “privacy,” “copyright,” and so on–get much play.

      the forms prevalent in the library world. Ouch

    1. Rauner raised eyebrows when he distributed checks worth between $3,000 and $8,000 to Republican members of the General Assembly. Some members did not cash the checks after concerns were raised about whether Rauner was buying votes during the tumultuous session.


    1. the Illinois Constitution puts the onus for a balanced budget on the governor and the General Assembly:

      Rauner isn't exactly well-versed in Illinois civics

    2. Rauner’s reforms in workers’ compensation laws and tort reform would, in Madigan’s view, bring undue sacrifice to middle-class and low-income residents.

      And in the views of the people who re-elected a Democratic super majority

    3. because Madigan outright opposes term limits and redistricting reform but also because most of his reform legislation has arrived front-loaded with measures to deflate union strength.

      there we go

    4. where he challenged the Democrats who control the General Assembly to pass reforms including term limits, legislative redistricting reform and a property tax freeze.

      Reboot Illinois, that's cute using the 3 most innocuous reforms Rauner wants. He also wants to more reforms to enact "right to work zones" and to "allow municipalities to refuse to pay prevailing wage". Essentially union busting.

    1. There’s no discernible pattern among those cities, nor clear or convincing evidence in these statistics that shows more gun laws lead to more or less gun crime.

      this report fails to take into account surrounding states' gun laws.

    1. Durbin says prohibiting the sale of tobacco products to anyone under the age of 21 would save more than 220,000 lives from smoking related deaths.

      nah, kids will just want it more. #prohibitiondoesn'twork

    1. Juxtaposing that news with the groups hardest hit by Rauner’s budget plan, it’s starting to look like the governor is targeting the least fortunate while offering big breaks to businesses.


    1. want to provide incentives for graduates to stay in Illinois, providing funding through loans or grants that could be forgiven, for example, as tax returns are filed for work the former students do in the state.

      I don't know why we don't do this NOW

    2. "The fact of the matter is, it's about local control," Brady said, "and I don't know why they'd be afraid to trust local elected officials to establish fair contracts and fair wages."

      because we've seen the evidence in other states

    1. “One can believe both things without contradiction.”


    2. While Citizens United may state that independent expenditures cannot lead to corruption,


    3. In his opinion, Walls writes that “the Constitution does not protect an attempt to influence a public official’s acts through improper means.” (Read Walls' decision here.)


    1. Walters would not address how the savings could be that high if almost all the employees are still being paid and the facilities still have to be maintained.

      because it won't

  2. Sep 2015
    1. race-conscious admissions policies could change as a result of its decision in June to revisit a lawsuit challenging a race-conscious admissions policy for undergraduates at the University of Texas at Austin.


    2. Such suspicions have become common among Asian and Asian-American students who believe that selective colleges are either discriminating against them outright or holding them to substantially higher standards than applicants who are black, Hispanic, or Native American.

      But not white students. THAT'S interesting.

    1. the state’s Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, which exercises police powers as part of its function of regulating the sale and use of alcohol in Virginia.

      So of course the report didn't find THEIR OWN police at fault.

    1. an investigation of admissions practices at Princeton University found "no evidence" of discrimination against Asian and Asian-American applicants

      uh huh

    2. not unnecessarily aggressive, a state-police report said.

      of course not. ugh

    3. an issue "written entirely by students of color" in the near future

      just one?

    1. Emanuel promised during both of his campaigns to have "the most open, accountable and transparent government that the city of Chicago has ever seen," but the Tribune says the Democrat has repeatedly stonewalled press access.


    1. especially in makerspaces organized by folks from non-STEM disciplines


    1. The regents rejected a request from Israel supporters to adopt the State Department’s definition of anti-Semitism

      interesting. I wonder how the state department defines anti-Semitism

    2. anything that might offend someone is mentioned

      that's not what trigger warnings are for

    3. Rather than having to wait to file the application after completing tax returns for the previous year, students and families will be able to use tax information from two years prior.


    4. talent, commitment, and luck play big roles in determining how big your paychecks are

      and who your parents are

    1. the Oak Brook Village Board voted unanimously to support repealing the prevailing wage, going against the wishes of 40 or so union representatives and workers who attended the board meeting.

      that's not going to serve them well in the next election

    1. the disputes between the two—taxes and workers' comp reform, pensions and prevailing wage, school aid and unemployment compensation—can be worked out by people of goodwill.

      prevailing wage is off the table, we all know this. Rauner is never going to get that.

    2. a man who, after all, sabotaged his own daughter's aspirations for higher office because he thinks he's entitled to power forever—was not going to roll over.

      wow, really? She's already the Attorney General ffs

    1. serves effectively and is endorsed.

      how do you define 'effective service'?

    2. Chicagoan Nancy Wade is running as a Green Party candidate.

      way to completely disregard her. You should explain why Wade wasn't endorsed

    3. support for free trade

      ugh capitalism

    4. Lipinski opposed the Affordable Care Act and has worked hard to address its deficiencies

      opposing the ACA is NOT a good thing

    1. out-of-towners serving as “city alderman.”

      I bet they have multiple homes

    2. a felon serving in municipal office

      um, why is this corruption? FORMER felons should be able to work for the municipal office.

    1. “The last thing I would see our governor doing is making our pension funds political,” says Hobson. “He understands at his core what pension fund investing is about.”

      How can you look at this and say it's NOT political?

    2. a Texas firm that plans to invest it in a less-complicated, fixed-income fund

      a right-to-work state that is shitty to its workers

    3. We were paying them fees for putting money in a mattress. . . . Our vision is to be pretty tough on fees.”

      despite the fact that the board's OWN RECORDS show that Ullico's investments were actually making money. Because unions have been proven to increase productivity

    4. Unlike the three other firms that the Rauner appointees voted to terminate, Ullico wasn’t fired for “underperforming” on investment returns

      sounds union related to me

    5. instruct the Illinois State Board of Investment on how to invest taxpayer dollars.”


    6. says the governor’s battle with organized labor had “absolutely” nothing to do with the decision.


    7. In line with Rauner’s anti-organized labor stance, one of the managers the board dumped was Ullico, a union-owned investment firm that lends money to construction projects that agree to hire union labor.

      Ugh. That sucks

    8. The Republican governor’s appointees to the Illinois State Board of Investment voted to shift $697 million into investments designed to mimic the financial markets’ performance

      is that really a good thing right now?

    1. But the progressive income tax was unconstitutional in the 1930s and it’s still unconstitutional today

      we can change the constitution

    2. Although the constitution allows for a flat rate income tax, it strictly prohibits a graduated, or progressive, income tax.

      which is bullshit

    1. tax in the wake of a potential Metra shutdown is irresponsible and unfair to the people who have to get in and out of the city for work each day.

      this is mostly speculation

    2. Instead of federal mandates, it is incumbent upon local train systems to maintain responsible safety standards that make sense for each locality.

      well they don't, which is why federal mandates are necessary

    3. Train systems that do not implement PTC cannot continue to operate after Dec. 31, 2015. Metra officials have repeatedly told the federal government they cannot make all of the necessary adjustments until 2019

      this will probably be delayed

    1. The administration's refusal to pay step increases is part of its overall wage freeze plan

      which is bullshit

    2. plus other costly benefit increases while the Rauner administration is seeking to freeze wages.

      such as..? Also, sources plz

    3. Calling state employees "pawns in the political dispute over the state budget," the union is asking Circuit Judge Robert LeChien, among other things, to block the state from laying off 158 employees on Sept. 30 and to continue to pay health insurance claims for state employees and their dependents.

      I fail to see how this is "refusing to negotiate". This is merely AFSCME doing their jobs to protect workers while still negotiating with Rauner

    1. Republicans' trust in the judicial branch could be restored with a landmark ruling more in sync with conservative ideology and policy preferences; one possibility would be in a case on Affirmative Action in college admissions, to be heard in the coming term.


    1. I can’t imagine any of the mostly-white English-speaking protesters standing outside carnicerias and protesting traditional Latin American methods of animal husbandry and slaughter

      What are "traditional Latin American methods of animal husbandry and slaughter". You can't help but see the irony here in saying Jews are "other" and then singling out Latinos in literally the EXACT SAME WAY.

    2. Or, for that matter, a Latino neighborhood anywhere in New York?

      wow. This is some straight up racism right here.

    1. pusillanimous

      adj. "showing a lack of courage or determination; timid."

    2. They believe that many neonatal herpes cases the city attributes to mohels were caused by a family member or a caregiver touching the circumcision wound with a finger or hand

      So, from the parents??

    3. which commonly causes cold sores, is prevalent in more than two-thirds of adults in New York City.

      but it doesn't cause cold sores in babies?

    4. But at the beginning of 2015, under pressure from the ultra-Orthodox community, the administration of New York City’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, announced the city’s intention to revoke the consent form regulation.


    1. Although the cultural politics of race and gender have garnered continual consideration in the discourse examining access and equity,

      but not enough action

    2. While his visit was not an open campus forum

      why not? to provide a safe space?

    1. McWhorter encourages us to see linguistic structures as nothing more than products of “chance,” and to accept that we are all “mentally alike.”

      just because language doesn't show this doesn't mean we're all mentally alike. Culture still affects how we think and perceive. Maybe culture has more of an effect on language than language does on psychology, but that doesn't mean we're all the same.

    2. McWhorter praises Boroditsky and others for elegant and sound experimental design, but says they have resurrected the hypothesis in such a diluted form that their work only serves to show that language barely affects thought at all, as measured cognitively.

      that's not really generous. And is awfully dismissive. So does language barely affect thought, or is it simply subtle?

    1. Did the opposite genders of “bridge” in German and Spanish, for example, have an effect on the design of bridges in Spain and Germany?

      that sounds like a thesis

    1. promoting car alternatives

      this will benefit minorities at least

    2. improving housing

      for white people

    3. a 550-square-foot one-bedroom unit would have to rent for $1,165. Without them, renters could pay $975—saving $190 a month.

      that's CRAZY expensive for downtown Champaign

    4. the university was worried that eliminating parking requirements in Champaign would make the city too nice.

      this actually makes zero sense to me considering the quote. How would this make the city too nice? It won't make it too nice, it will make it too expensive for the University to buy those plots of land.

    1. Final Published Version

      I wish this pointed directly to the article instead of the the issue

    1. is suspicious that campaign contributions may influence Washington Supreme Court’s justices

      it happens for politicians, why not for judges?

    1. the Guttmacher Institute surveyed all abortion providers (about 1,700), including Planned Parenthood, and found that 60 percent are in majority-white neighborhoods — and that fewer than one in ten abortion providers are located in neighborhoods where more than half of the residents are black

      this isn't specific to Planned Parenthood though =/

    1. than a distantly possible threat to minority voting rights that are already protected in the amendment and by federal law anyway.

      I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over all that white privilege. The better response would be to invite groups of concerned citizens to work together on an independent maps initiative.

    1. A patchwork of court orders and state laws are ensuring that around 80% of state spending is still disbursed. State employees are still getting their salaries and pensions, and recipients of Medicaid, a government health-scheme for the poor, are still getting coverage.

      None of these are Rauner's doing

    1. the Republican had abandoned right-to-work as part of his platform. Rauner pushed the issue as he could through the courts, an effort that is still underway

      Which is sneaky and underhanded

    1. This, of course, disregards that gasoline literally fuels the car, a key component of what makes it work," Rauner wrote

      What do you think he'll say when he finds out that electric cars are a thing?

    1. who said in a statement that Arduin had "played an instrumental role in re-establishing sound economic and fiscal principles" in state government.


    1. The absence of bathroom breaks and waiting periods between meetings does not change the hours of dialogue with top-level Planned Parenthood executives eager to manipulate abortion procedures to get high-quality baby parts for financially profitable sale.

      if bathroom breaks were being cut out then the audio in the video would have indicated that. Typically people say "excuse me, I have to go to the restroom" or something along those lines.

    2. "experts"

      got any proof that they're not?

    3. f you look at the timestamp in the lower left-hand corner, it jumps forward by nearly a half-hour (from about 7:46 to 8:18) in just a few seconds.

      Metadata is important, yo

    1. the University Police Department,

      I don't see why the police department needs to be involved

    1. current enforcement is somewhat effective, and devoting more resources to enforcement would further constrain gun access by dangerous people.”


    2. This research demonstrates that current federal and local regulations are having a big effect on the availability of guns to criminals in Chicago,” he adds. “They can’t buy their guns from stores, the way most people do, and are instead largely constrained to making private deals with acquaintances, who may or may not be willing and able to provide what they want.


    3. initially purchased out of state

      Illinois is surrounded by states with much more lax gun laws

    1. He and I share a passion around economic empowerment, especially in the black community

      I think this is the first time I've seen Rauner admit that the black community exists

    2. Rauner shifted the blame to Democrats who he said have refused to institute his reforms and instead want to discuss revenue options to pay the bills.

      "I won't negotiate with them because they won't give me everything I want".

    1. to lower income taxes

      well he's certainly lowered income taxes.

    2. the powerful speaker of the Illinois House, failed to round up enough votes to override the governor’s veto of an important labor bill

      "failed". Madigan didn't fail, he did that on purpose.

    3. he has been unable to win passage of the major restrictions on labor rights that he has endorsed.

      because this is freaking ILLINOIS. We're a bunch of Democrats and pro-union Republicans!

  3. Aug 2015
    1. allow a municipality to impose new pension obligations by a resolution of its governing bod

      ugh of course he'd veto this

    2. SPRINGFIELD – Governor Bruce Rauner took action today on the following bills

      It would be nice if these were actionable links to the bill text

    1. Here are four suggestions for a great guys’ day in Danville.

      How about we stop enforcing arbitrary societal gender norms and sexism?

    1. The bill increases the transparency of political spending in Illinois by adding a year-round 5 day reporting requirement for Independent Expenditures.

      I guess Rauner is gonna have to step up his game and start reporting his expenditures.

    1. he SKOS approach allows an application designer to create new properties to capture this distinction, and to declare them as sub-properties of skos:broader:
    2. It has also been suggested that OWL itself could be used to coordinate concepts: ex:bicyclesRepairing a skos:Concept; owl:intersectionOf (ex:bicycles ex:repairing); skos:prefLabel "Bicycles--Repairing"@en.

      I like this suggestion!

    3. However the SKOS vocabulary itself does not provide any mechanism for expressing that a given concept consists of a pre-coordination of other concepts

      E.g., this is why it's difficult to represent complex LCSH headings using SKOS.

    4. Pre-coordination is done prior to information retrieval, by a KOS maintainer, or by an indexer who is using a KOS

      e.g. LCSH

    1. they’ve caused a lot of confusion about what kind of information we access and what we do with it. We apologize for that. We should have done a better job in communicating what these policies mean and how any information you choose to share will – and will not – be used.”

      they seemed pretty clear to me

    1. Both Walker and Rubio have signed the Grover Norquist pledge to never raise a single penny of tax revenue ever, under any circumstances.


    1. On June 15, 2004, the NLRB under the George W. Bush administration effectively reversed the previous ruling by a three to two vote.

      Uh, can we get this fixed??

    1. “There easily could be a female Doctor,” Moffat told SFX magazine last year. “I think the next time might be a female Doctor. I don’t see why not. I think it’s good to do that.”

      Uh, why didn't you say this BEFORE you hired Capaldi?

    1. Other than Tilda Swinton, who wouldn’t do it because she’s too busy anyway.


    2. “But I never, as a female, thought I was being robbed because the Doctor’s a bloke

      I do

    3. “As a heterosexual woman, I have no interest in a female Doctor

      You don't speak for all women

    4. Doctor Who should never be played by a woman, according to the novelist and comedian AL Kennedy.

      Oh look, someone I'll never support monetarily ever again

    1. Quotation of the Day

      Hmm, I wonder why this quote was picked...out of context.

    2. According to this USAToday article, “Automakers have substantially improved the reliability of their vehicles. Although it’s still possible to buy a ‘lemon,’ it’s getting increasingly difficult. Analysts say that most of the major automakers have overcome major quality issues.”

      Tell that to my Ford

    1. No-one need waste their precious time whilst Readcube takes ages to load in your browser tab, when all you wanted in the first place was the PDF.


    1. Android

      Mendeley just released an Android app. You should update this ReadCube

    2. Web Reader with Enhanced PDFs

      The only thing that "enhanced PDFs" are good for is taking up memory on my computer.

    3. Quickly copy formatted citations

      Mendeley also has this

    4. Institutional proxy integration

      Uh, actually Mendeley does have institutional proxy integration. It just needs to be set up via the web interface.

    1. I support that provision.

      of course. Which is stupid.

    2. employment information”, to “amount of employment income

      there's more to employment information than amount of income

    1. there are still millions of U.S. residents who lack health insurance, even though the country spends almost double what any other nation does for health care

      holy crap, how is this possible??

    1. just clearing the minimum of 305,591 signatures from Ohio voters.

      I think that's a little over just clearing

    2. But there's no indication thus far that Oklahoma is likely to espouse that attitude. Earlier this year, Oklahoma and Nebraska officials launched a legal challenge to Colorado's legalization, arguing that it has ushered in a flood of illicit pot across state lines.


    3. He said his group was also keeping an eye on developments in Missouri and Michigan.

      Not in Illinois. #thanksrauner

    1. Germany is the biggest and most formidable opponent of debt relief, but is also the loudest supporter of keeping the IMF on board.

      Maybe Germany shouldn't lend more than it can afford to lend.

    2. troika

      a group of three people working together, especially in an administrative or managerial capacity.

    3. t is now likely that Tsipras will call early elections and trigger a realignment of Greek politics.

      interesting. Because he feels like he wasn't loyal to his movement?

    1. The Teamsters deal pending final approval puts in place a four-year wage freeze for the state workers it covers and “a new performance incentive program” to award bonuses to high-performing employees.


    2. Rauner must appoint five union leaders to the 13-member labor panel.

      That makes more sense

    1. "Given that no sale has yet occurred and we have not had an opportunity to evaluate the success and failure of the pilot program, a further extension would be premature," Rauner wrote to lawmakers.

      Given that no sale has occurred is exactly the reason WHY it needs to be extended!

    2. But Rauner said the program should only be extended by four months because that "would account for the delay in the final months of the prior administration."

      this is so petty

    3. Rauner again argued that standard went too far in the opposite direction, suggesting the limit instead should be 5 nanograms per milliliter of blood.

      Where did he get his numbers?

    4. saying the measure that lawmakers sent him would let people carry too much pot and sets fines too low.


    1. “Ferrell kicked the victim’s car as she passed causing nearly $5,000 in damage.”

      How does a kick at a passing car cause nearly $5k in damages???

    1. act: Illinois has had a higher unemployment rate than neighboring states

      True, but please cite your sources!

    2. Fact: We now rank 48th in the nation.

      Can you link to your source for this fact please?

    1. many of the reforms that were so effective in Michigan are included in Gov. Bruce Rauner’s legislative agenda for Illinois. Michigan enacted collective-bargaining reforms along with Right to Work,

      Right to Work isn't reform - it guts workers rights and job security. Plus, the number of manufacturing jobs in Michigan have been steadily rising since 2010. Right to Work wasn't passed until 2012. Data doesn't match context.