2,477 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2017
    1. Bob Gate

      who is that?

    2. the similarly hawkish Marco Rubio add up to 51 votes—enough to stifle Trump appointees in the post-filibuster era.

      except Rubio caved.

    3. hyperbolic,

      "of, relating to, or marked by language that exaggerates or overstates the truth : of, relating to, or marked by hyperbole <hyperbolic claims="">". Merriam-Webster' Dictionary: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/hyperbolic

    1. The new guidelines would cap the public comment section to 30 minutes at Board of Trustees meetings.

      that is some bs

    2. 11 resulted in offers withdrawn.

      I'd like to know the demographics of the people who had offers withdrawn

    1. two other Democrats joined 11 Republicans last week on a bill to end protections for wolves in the Great Lakes and Wyoming.

      poor woofs :(

    2. Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, suggested in an interview that one species should be removed from the list every time another is added.

      ffs, that's not how the real world works

    3. include placing limits on lawsuits that have been used to maintain protections for some species and force decisions on others, as well as adopting a cap on how many species can be protected and giving states a greater say in the process.

      that is some BS

    4. “It has never been used for the rehabilitation of species. It’s been used for control of the land,” said House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Rob Bishop. “We’ve missed the entire purpose of the Endangered Species Act. It has been hijacked.”

      uh, no

    1. A more important driver of the declining abortion rate, Jones said, appears to be improved access to contraception, particularly long-acting birth control options like IUDs


    2. having fewer clinics didn't always translate into having fewer abortions."


    3. requiring women seeking abortions to get an ultrasound, which she said are having a "real, measurable impact on abortion."


    4. the Guttmacher report shows new state restrictions on abortion are working

      in that case the teen pregnancy rate and the number of unintended pregnancies would have increased.

    1. no ethnic groups in Tanzania are more indigenous than others because all Tanzanians are equal under the law.

      uh huh

    2. whose surname translates to “Warthog” in the Barabaig language

      is this necessary? Do we do this for European-language based names?

    1. “Donald hired somebody who’s an anti-Semite, even though his son-in-law is a practicing Orthodox Jew?” developer Richard LeFrak, one of Trump’s few close friends in New York real estate, said incredulously. “A lot of his best friends are Jewish! Come on, really. What does this all stem from, this hysteria?”


    2. Henry Kissinger — a Kushner admirer — would call constructive ambiguit


    3. CNN and the Times were implacably against Trump, Kushner said, the campaign cut a deal to grant softball interviews to a local broadcast chain with a strong presence in the Midwest

      CNN literally hired the Trump campaign's former manger to be a pro-Trump commentator

    4. claiming his own computer models told him the morning of the election that Trump would capture more than 300 electoral votes.

      uh huh

    5. saying that he had once lived in a “bubble” on the Upper East Side. He thought about immigration in terms of Silicon Valley’s needs, about education the way Robin Hood Foundation philanthropists did, about climate change in terms of carbon emissions, not mining jobs.


    6. Kushner had managed Trump’s way to the White House, and was now poised to be his most trusted adviser and enforcer in the West Wing.

      did he really?

    1. rom Hitler, who wanted to make the state stronger, even if he wiped out half of humanity in the process.

      yeah, I think he was more about wiping out half of humanity rather than making the state stronger, but we can go with that

    1. SB 254 places a question on the November ballot asking whether voters want California to join an effort to overturn Citizen’s United.

      I think this should be it's own ballot

    1. reduce the effectiveness of their disclosure regimes. Arizona and Michigan both passed laws which reduce the number of entities that are required to file a campaign finance disclosure: in Arizona, HB 5612 raised the minimum amount at which a committee must file from $500 to $1000, while in Michigan HB 4596/4597 excuses incumbent judges from needing to file at all

      incumbent judges? Wat?

    2. he threshold for mandatory reporting dropped from $250,000 to $1,000, representing a substantial change that should add all state races to the disclosure list.


    3. California, Maryland and South Dakota taking positive strides. However, some states, like Arizona and Wisconsin, took steps backward in terms of allowing more money and less disclosure into their local election

      because of course it's AZ and WI

    1. Senate Republicans took their first leap towards repealing Obamacare by approving a budget procedure that would allow them to avoid a Democratic filibuster. The 13 Democrats who subsequently voted against making drugs cheaper for people deeply undercut the ability of that party to speak with credibility on behalf of the working class

      I'm confused as to how these two things are related

    1. When the Federal Government announced in September it was eliminating 63 positions from national cultural organisations, both Volker and Hyland were “let go”

      the women, of course

    1. the agency can garnish wages, seize income tax refunds and suspend professional licenses — all without getting a court judgment

      wow, what the heck.

    1. Now let’s make into a script that runs regularly to keep inviting new sign ups. Sorry it’s PHP, I know. Life happens. First specify the config vars (don’t worry I faked all the API keys and tokens in this post, you can stop tweeting me now haha!) //

      Why isn't this text showing up without an hypothes.is annotation??

    2. Sorry it’s

      what is this???

    1. Roof’s standby attorney, said he helped draft — was typed, and it asked the judge to limit the number of victim-impact witnesses that can be called and the way they can be questioned.

      what's a stand-by attorney??

    2. he wondered why his father — who would bring his concealed-carry gun to church — hadn’t stopped the shooting. Then he got his father’s car back and saw the gun on the front seat.

      assuming he'd have even been able to do so

    3. a judge unsealed a filing in which Roof alleged it was “not fair” for prosecutors to present such extensive testimony about the effect of his church shooting on victims’ family members. He argued — because he was not presenting any evidence — that it would virtually ensure a death sentence.

      that's your own fault

    1. Ryan's plan wouldn't allow people to stop or start coverage whenever they wanted. Instead, insurance companies would be required to sell policies only to people who have maintained continuous coverage—and Ryan's plan would provide refundable tax credits to help pay for it

      Uh, so only people who have been able to get health insurance would be able to get it? Wut?

    1. This is probably why author/date systems such as APA and Harvard and more author-prominent citations are used in these areas, compared to Vancouver or footnotes and information-prominent citations are used in hard/physical sciences.”


    2. Scientists, on the whole, seemed to think passive voice was preferable, while the humanities preferred present tense


  2. Dec 2016
    1. Catherine Engelbrecht, the founder of True the Vote, said a study of data was forthcoming. "We do have evidence that non-citizens are being registered and are voting," she added, but she wouldn't elaborate.

      No you don't

    2. Gregg Phillips, a former Texas Health and Human Services Commission deputy commissioner, tweeted that he had "verified more than three million votes cast by non-citizens." He wrote that he was joining with True the Vote, a conservative group, "to initiate legal action."

      ugh. Beware their web page too, it looks super-legit and promotes diversity. Their actions and support of voter ID laws show otherwise though.

    1. “There’s a big differences between shooting someone assassination-style while they’re enforcing the law and being shot while breaking the law and not complying with a lawful arrest,” he said.

      Sir, you need to look up "implicit bias"

    1. adopting an argument put forward by the Clinton Administration, said the power to add qualifications for membership in Congress could not be seen as a power "reserved" to the states by the 10th Amendment because it was never part of the states' original powers.


    1. A 2005 bill that would have reinstituted a ban on flag burning was co-sponsored by Hillary Clinton, then a senator from New York. That legislation was unsuccessful.

      hmm, what else was it about?

    1. except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

      Damn. Slavery was both outlawed and enshrined in law by the 13th Amendment.

    1. prohibits the federal government from taking discriminatory action against a person on the basis that such person believes or acts in accordance with a religious belief or moral conviction that: (1) marriage is or should be recognized as the union of one man and one woman, or (2) sexual relations are properly reserved to such a marriage.”

      we already have a religious freedom protection law. This is a) redundant and b) discriminatory

    2. this time, with a much better chance of passing. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Utah Sen. Mike Lee told Buzzfeed News they’d put the First Amendment Defense Act back on the table though it was rejected by the House last year.


    1. Toya Frazier’s death by neglecting their duty to give “adequate medical attention.”

      a tax increase to expand the jail was voted down in November 2016. While the tax increase proposal included money to expand the jail's medical facilities, there was no money alloted or earmarked for more medical staff.

    2. According to video surveillance, Frazier placed medicine in her mouth around 3:23 p.m. and appeared to have a small seizure at 3:50 p.m. and was last seen moving at that tim

      whats the point of video surveillance if the people who are supposed to be watching the video feeds aren't???

    1. Purchasing a coach class airfare higher than the most economical available to accommodate a complimentary upgrade is not allowed.

      this is going to suck when all the airlines charge for overhead bin use

    1. The Fed received 593 petitions in support of the banks’ request to forgo a public hearing on the merger, which could have slowed down the process. But all of the petitions came from Yahoo email accounts, even though Yahoo’s share of the email market at the time was 3 percent, according to a letter to regulators from the California Reinvestment Coalition, an advocacy group that opposed the merger.

      that's...a really odd observation.

    1. In non-white neighborhoods, OneWest was far more likely to foreclose on homes than make loans available, according to the charges, which claim that in 2014 and 2015, the corporation offered only two loans to black borrowers.

      holy crap

    2. he purchased distressed mortgages during the financial crisis and evicted thousands of homeowners.


    1. [that] will target conservative media.”

      wtf that doesn't even make sense

    2. comment periods, so the process would take a few months

      comment periods could be very short though. And they could be bullshit like "must give in person"

    3. Republicans could decide to forbear from the parts of Title II that were used to impose net neutrality rules, eliminating them without reversing the Title II reclassification


    4. forbearance is a way for the FCC to enforce some parts of a statute but not others.


    1. In the defense's opening statement, attorney David Bruck said ‘there is not a great deal to dispute’ and both he and [the lead prosecutor] expected the jury would find Roof guilty,” according to the Associated Press. “The defense has said repeatedly in federal and state court that Roof would be willing to plead guilty if capital punishment was taken off the table.”

      I thought Roof was representing himself?

    2. “The company said Wednesday that it now believes the attacker in that breach, which it says was sponsored by a government, found a way to forge credentials to log in to some users accounts without a password.”

      hmm, which government?

    1. The stakeholders include, well, every person, both corporeal and corporate. The benefits for the latter in “A Better Way” are fairly clear, like a large reduction in the corporate tax rate and a switch to a territorial system in which only domestic income is taxed.


    1. The group’s “constant battles,” he continued, “to keep monuments, flags and other symbols of Confederate heritage intact are usually hard fought, against long odds and without any political allies.”


    1. Pell Grant awards more flexible

      hmm, how so

    2. but the Republican victory in the most recent election and his status as a Trump ally give his proposal a better chance of passage

      I'd be surprised if Republicans supported any kind of tax

    1. the Times also rejects housing ads that contain photographs of too many white people.

      love it

    2. Facebook declined to answer questions about why our housing-categories ad excluding minority groups was approved 15 minutes after we placed the order.


    3. acebook responded that it plans to move “Ethnic Affinity” to another section.

      ethnicity is a demographic. Demographics aren't just about RACE.

    4. Satterfield added that the “Ethnic Affinity” is not the same as race — which Facebook does not ask its members about


    5. Satterfield said it’s important for advertisers to have the ability to both include and exclude groups as they test how their marketing performs


    6. “We take a strong stand against advertisers misusing our platform: Our policies prohibit using our targeting options to discriminate, and they require compliance with the law,”

      It's not like the ads SAY "no blacks". It's more insidious.

    7. Facebook says its policies prohibit advertisers from using the targeting options for discrimination, harassment, disparagement or predatory advertising practices

      well if the technology allows it, your policies don't mean crap if you don't enforce it

    8. The ubiquitous social network not only allows advertisers to target users by their interests or background, it also gives advertisers the ability to exclude specific groups it calls “Ethnic Affinities.”

      why aren't we seeing more about this in the news?? How is this not ILLEGAL???

    1. Zimdars has since taken the list down in response to a backlash that included not just legitimate criticism but nasty threats and abuse.

      Speaking of censorship

    2. presented actual fake news sites such as Abc.com.co alongside openly satirical sites such as the Onion and, most damagingly, conservative blogs such as Breitbart and even Red State,

      Really? You're defending Breitbart as a legitimate news site?

    3. the tweet was misleading, but it was based in reality

      this is the kind of thing that needs a reference

    1. Democrats also secured funding to assist the Flint, Mich., community with repairing its drinking water systems. Some $170 million is directed toward infrastructure improvements and preventive care against lead poisoning for mothers and children.

      YES! That's excellent!

    2. An additional $4.1 billion is directed to disaster relief, including recovery efforts from Hurricane Matthew.

      what about funding for Flint?

    3. is expected to be confirmed, barring something unforeseen coming to light during the confirmation process.

      booo. He's not a civilian.

    4. Since the spending bill is a must-pass measure, it also includes some unrelated provisions and additional funding measures. For instance, Senate Republicans included language that will help expedite the confirmation process for Trump's defense secretary nominee, retired Gen. James Mattis.


    1. After a pause, Trump responded: "No, I don't to bring it back, George. At all. I don't like doing it at all. It's a temporary measure until our representatives, many of whom are grossly incompetent, until our representatives can figure out what's going on."


    2. "This is a president who is highly respected by all," Trump said of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "He did the same thing -- if you look at what he was doing, it was far worse."

      far worse than Hitler????

    1. "No-one would use a drug that hasn't been tested on animals to check it doesn't have long-term effects, but we put cosmetics on our skin that have never undergone testing."

      Animals shouldn't suffer for cosmetics

    1. More than anything, Peter Thiel, the billionaire technology investor and Donald Trump supporter, wants to find a way to escape death.


    1. Immigrants in detention are far less likely to obtain a lawyer — 66 percent of non-detained immigrants get legal representation, compared to 14 percent of detainees.

      wtf, how is this Constitutional?

    1. the Foundation’s work was sound, but noted the income tax rate in 2012 was higher than it is now. The rate then for individuals was 5 percent but dropped in January 2015 to 3.75 percent.

      it should have stayed at 5 % for higher income people. We need to amend the state constitution.

    2. a January release of rankings by the Tax Foundation. Indeed, the nonpartisan foundation did issue rankings of the 50 states’ tax burdens that showed Illinois at No. 5 for its overall burden.

      the nonpartisan, conservative leaning Tax Foundation

    3. Republican legislative leaders repeatedly talk about the need for a property tax freeze. They suggest the freeze, which Rauner has made a prerequisite for any budget negotiation, is particularly necessary, as the state will need to raise other taxes to cover its growing bill backlog when a budget is signed into law.


    4. Rauner has called for daily meetings with Madigan and the state’s three other legislative leaders as the state’s stopgap spending authority expires at year’s end


    1. The use of respite volunteers is not a new concept; in Illinois and across the nation, the use of trained, respite volunteers has been a successful tool to engage the community and allow families time to take care of themselves so that they can continue to care for their loved ones.

      So, the suggestion for how to help unpaid caregivers is to get more unpaid caregivers. Right.

      How about we just pay caregivers for their work?

    1. But with the advent of Big Data and advances in machine learning and statistics, we can process the raw data and get representative estimates not only for Americans overall, but for more fine-grained demographic categories

      sort of

    1. is considering launching his own media company, according to multiple sources who spoke on background because they were not authorized to speak for the president.

      say whaaaat

    1. he way any reasonable person might have done in the same situation, the defense argued, and he would deserve acquittal regardless of whether or not he had been carrying a police badge at the time.


    2. as the defense team argued that Slager acted in self-defense, and did not technically ask the jury to give his status as a law enforcement agent any special consideration in evaluating the legality of his actions.


    3. the South Carolina Supreme Court—one that is based on an utterly incoherent interpretation of a so-called common law standard that says police can use any amount of force, including deadly force, to “seize” a fleeing felon if necessary


    4. “I cannot in good conscience consider a guilty verdict. I respect the position of my fellow jurors, some of which oppose my position. I expect those who hold opposing views not to change their minds.”


    1. how bad will the lives of racial people get while racism hides behind euphemisms?


    2. animus

      n. "An attitude that informs one's actions; disposition" - wordnik

    3. (think intersectionality) of “racism” and “sexism” you get an all-time high of .03% of articles. That’s in 2016.

      Also 25 articles then, based on later mention .03% of articles in 2016 including the term "racially tinged"

    4. maybe the New York Times just isn’t into identity politics. In New York City. It might be like “Friends”.


  3. Nov 2016
    1. after he was not promoted to full professor in 2006

      wow. Talk about entitlement

    2. At this point, the university has not found evidence that Dr. Adams has improperly released any private or confidential information related to the student, or violated the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). There is no evidence of unlawful discrimination by Dr. Adams toward this student in UNCW’s working, living, or learning environment, per the university’s harassment prevention policy. Finally, Dr. Adams’s conduct and written material do not contain any evidence of a true threat toward this or any other student.”


    1. the nation's leading voters’ rights and election integrity organization

      according to whom?

    2. but our intent is to publish a comprehensive study on the significant impact of illegal voting in all of its many forms and begin a national discussion on how voters, states, and the Trump Administration can best address this growing problem

      Man, still need to beware an organization that does such nice pandering to diversity on their homepage too

    1. If Democrats worry the votes were miscounted, and the president-elect believes that millions of people voted fraudulently, then it’s clear we need a recount to restore faith in the outcome of the election.


    1. coming off as a weak and pandering missive begging for scraps and, in truth, coming from a place of fear.

      Yes, this

    1. “Community’s” ideas of “appropriate access” can be stifling and repressive too,  as the geeks and queers and weirdos who grew up to be hackers and librarians know well too.   Just because “freeing” information can do and has done  real harm to the vulnerable, it doesn’t mean the more familiar story of censorship as a form of political control by the powerful isn’t also often true.

      I feel like this is written by someone in a position of privilege

    1. recently gave store managers earning less than the new threshold a raise totaling several thousand dollars so they could continue to work more than 40 hours a week without receiving overtime pay. This, apparently, is what passes for luck in the United States these days.


    2. challenge to the law in federal court, so it’s quite possible the rules will be stayed prior to implementation.

      yup, it did get stayed. Ugh

    3. this past weekend that the congressional Republican leadership is considering ending the current session in early December precisely to ensure it can do away with the overtime regulations under Trump.

      that is some BULLSHIT

    1. CRFB panel

      what does CRFB stand for???

    2. get young people excited about entitlement reform.


    3. ho just eight years ago were linking arms with Republicans against the Obama stimulus plan (a little bit less than $1 trillion),

      oh, now they want a stimulus bill for infrastructure

    1. Bert Wells, the president and CEO of Sugar Bert Boxing Promotions, said that his organization hopes Zafar will return and be allowed to fight. “Boxing is diverse,” he said. “It’s open to athletes from all countries and cultures. We’d welcome her back.”

      uh huh

    2. “We have 30,000 amateur boxers in the United States,” Martino said. “So if you make allowances for one religious group, what if another comes in and says we have a different type of uniform we have to wear? You have to draw a line someplace.”


    3. Such apparel has been deemed a violation of uniform regulations set by the International Boxing Association for reasons USA Boxing executive director Michael Martino called “clearly a safety issue.”

      Really? They're just bringing it up now? Why didn't anyone catch this BEFORE the Championships if it's actually a regulation error???

    1. ComEd is significantly reducing the $1 billion it had offered in customer education and low-income assistance in the bill.

      the decreased low-income assistance is disappointing.

    2. ComEd wanted to begin charging households and small businesses based on how much power they consume at peak demand times of the day rather than how much they consumer overall during the course of a month. Rauner's administration said that was a nonstarter.

      I agree for once.

    1. Community schools are open all day, every day to everyone. Community schools bring together academics, health and social services, youth and community development, as well as a wide variety of other services–all under one roof.


    2. under-performing public schools could then be converted to charter schools as part of “education reform.”


    1. But if Trump is allowed to stack the Cabinet with yes men, cronies, and sycophants, then the danger becomes severe.

      which he's trying to do

    2. technocrat.

      A technical expert, especially one in a managerial or administrative position. - wordnik

    3. autocratic

      n. Government by a single person having unlimited power; despotism. n. A country or state that is governed by a single person with unlimited power.

    4. Independent media is less vulnerable to this tactic but more vulnerable to financial damage via harassing lawsuits

      see Peter Thiel

    5. Think Big And Kick Ass,

      wow, really

    6. kleptocracy

      A government characterized by rampant greed and corruption. - wordnik

    1. saying that as a Jew and the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, he has never found Trump to be anti-Semitic. Kushner is married to Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism.

      uh huh

    1. he issued a statement condemning the recent anti-Semitic comments of Trump fan and former Klan leader David Duke who said that the “real problem” in America is “Jewish supremacists” who oppose Trump. Trump disavowed Duke, saying that, “anti-Semitism has no place our society, which needs to be united, not divided.” But that only throws Trump’s refusal to vocally and passionately denounce his anti-Semitic fans on CNN Wednesday night into starker relief.

      so a staffer disavowed them

    1. "America's first black president cannot and will not be succeeded by a hatemonger who refuses to condemn the KKK."


    2. And I just don't know anything about him."

      that's a lie

    3. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow if I thought there was something wrong. You may have groups in there that are totally fine -- it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I'll let you know."


    4. rump apparently did know Duke in 2000 -- citing him, as well as Pat Buchanan and Lenora Fulani -- in a statement that year explaining why he had decided to end his brief flirtation with a Reform Party presidential campaign. "The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep," Trump said in a statement reported then by The New York Times.

      what the damn hell happened between then and now?

    5. I was sitting in a house in Florida, with a bad earpiece," the brash billionaire told NBC's "Today" show. "I could hardly hear what he's saying. I hear various groups. I don't mind disavowing anyone. I disavowed Duke the day before at a major conference."

      what does that even mean?

    6. "I don't know anything about what you're even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists," he said. "So I don't know. I don't know -- did he endorse me, or what's going on? Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists."

      this is not a disavowment

    1. which would be a relief if it weren’t so terrifying that he felt he needed to clarify his position.

      that shouldn't need to be stated.

    1. Trump's lawyers argued that Curiel should bar from the trial accusations about Trump's personal conduct including alleged sexual misconduct, his taxes and corporate bankruptcies, along with speeches and tweets. They argued the information is irrelevant to the jury and prejudicial to the case.

      fuck that

    1. “There are things unique to the African-American experience that I cannot relate to,” he said. “I had to listen to them.”


    2. But, he said, “Obama made me a better man.” He regrets calling the President a racist and counts himself a Black Lives Matter supporter.

      my mind is blown. I don't even know how to handle this

    1. “One of them said, ‘Mr. Curtis, I ain’t messing with voting,’” he said. “They’ll fuck with me like they got you fucked up.’”


    2. voter-registration efforts in the black neighborhoods that once rallied support for Wooten have nearly disappeared without the leadership of Pearson and Hicks.

      this is really sad

    3. who faces four counts of both improper voting assistance and false swearing

      false swearing??

    4. voter fraud happened in such a tight-knit community opened our eyes a bit. Our party, as a whole, made sure to step up our game,” she said

      you can't say it happened unless she's found guilty actaully

    5. where the local GOP is training volunteers to work at the polls on Election Day because “we are going to be proactive instead reactive,” said Cathy Latham, a top official with the county GOP.


    6. grown popular among Republican-controlled state legislatures that consider them a prudent measure to reduce voter fraud

      "reduce voter fraud"

    7. cracking down on voter fraud “is just common sense. It’s the law.”


    8. That has Pearson and her supporters suggesting something more insidious may be fueling her criminal charges. They note prosecutors waited more than three years to file the charges, doing so eight months before the expiration of the statute of limitations, in the midst of a pivotal election year.


    9. But the secretary of state had investigated dozens of instances in which Pearson had driven people to the polls or otherwise urged them to vote — instances in which the county elections board chairman alleged her aid crossed the line into illegal voter assistance


    10. charged with improperly helping him to vote.

      what the hell?

    1. where activists have challenged thousands of voters. The challengers include volunteers with the Voter Integrity Project, which says it wants to guard against voter fraud.


    1. he court denied it, saying that changing the early voting plans “would create logistical difficulties.


    2. Just 7,916 people voted in the first week of early voting in Guilford this year, compared to 60,732 in 2012, according to state elections board records


    3. telling Reuters that Republican opposition to Sunday voting was not discriminatory but was rather based on the belief that people should not be required to work on Sundays.

      screw everybody else's Sabbath though, right?

    4. "Many of our folks are angry and opposed to Sunday voting," he wrote. “Six days of voting in one week is enough. Period.”

      NO, IT IS NOT

    5. keeping polls open during evenings and weekends, or "off-hour" times, drains county resources.


    6. Counties that Obama, a Democrat, won in 2012 increased their Sunday hours this year by 16 percent, while counties that voted for his Republican rival, Mitt Romney, decreased them by nearly a quarter, the records show.

      hmm, surprise surprise

    7. said North Carolina Republican Party executive director Dallas Woodhouse, denying his party was trying to suppress the Democratic vote


    1. Prussing said, referring to the St. Louis suburb where riots broke out after a white police officer shot and killed an unarmed black teen in August 2014. "It is a mistake to lump all cities together and think we are identical."

      no, it is not.

  4. Oct 2016
    1. enough vials to allow the drug to be tested every month until its expiration date.

      tested on what?

    2. the lack of public oversight opens the door to price gouging by allowing an unknown vendor to negotiate with a government in desperate need of a controversial product.


    3. a Democrat, proposed the secrecy bill this year as an alternative to a Republican proposal to use the electric chair as a fallback option if the state should ever be unable to carry out an execution due to a lack of drugs

      vomit. The death penalty needs to be abolished.

    1. States that have no mandated qualifications for parole board members. Only 10 require a college degree, and 14 require experience in criminal justice or a related field.


    2. U.S. households that lack basic plumbing like hot and cold running water, a bathtub or shower, or a working flush toilet

      this is awful :<

    3. but only until January, when a new law that eliminates the statute takes effect. The change was inspired in part by the dozens of women who tried to file charges against actor Bill Cosby but couldn't because of how much time had passed since the alleged crime.


    4. A new state law lets the execution-drug companies conceal their identity.


    5. In four of those six states, the insurance industry isn't actually legally allowed to donate to campaigns


    6. a former Navy SEAL who has never held political office.

      but it's Missouri so he'll probably win

    7. Portion of U.S. students who graduated high school last year, which is a record high. Rates have improved among all demographic groups in recent years, but English-language learners and black students have seen the largest increases.


    1. Congress then passed legislation that limited judicial discretion and authorized the collection of sentencing data on individual judges

      then what was the point of challenging the constitutionality of the Sentencing Reform Act?

    2. But after a challenge to the constitutionality of requiring sentencing judges to consider facts that were not weighed by a jury, the Supreme Court untethered judges from the guidelines with its decision in the case of United States v. Booker in 2005. The sentencing guidelines are now advisory, not mandatory

      because of course. Also, whose to say these facts were considered by the jury? This smells like conservative BS

    3. because of the judiciary’s concern that such data could be used to single out judges, who were freed from restrictive sentencing guidelines in 2005

      so why is everyone talking about getting rid of mandatory minimums? This makes it sounds like they've already been gotten rid of

    1. Oklahoma Correctional Industries; workers scan the original photos and prepare metadata

      We can make the argument here that the University of North Texas, the Oklahoma Historical Society, and the Ethics in Journalism Foundation support de facto slave labor. Let's be honest here: "workers" = "prisoners"

    1. I likewise know of no research university that does NOT require a PhD for faculty positions within academic departments.

      that's a good point.

    1. pugnacious creature

      adjective. "Eager or quick to argue, quarrel, or fight." - Google

    1. The CPL collects all professors who have taught at Leipzig University from its foundation in 1409 to the presence.

      ooh that's cool

    1. Others warn that proposed development and higher property values may force poor people out, and they say that when the city was the neighborhood’s leading landlord it should have increased ownership opportunities for Harlem residents .


    2. “There’s a lot of new housing to allow people to come into the area without displacing people there,”


    3. “This place was vacated,” said Howard Dodson, director of Harlem’s Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture. “Gentrification is about displacement.”


    4. Because so much of the community was devastated by demolition for urban renewal, arson and abandonment beginning in the 1960s, many newcomers have not so much dislodged existing residents as succeeded them


    1. Brian D. Ray, Ph.D. founded the institute in 1990 as a 501(c)3 non-profit research organization, and is the president of the institute

      so it's a think tank/independent research organization not affiliated with a University it doesn't look like.

    1. Many are concerned that a highly disproportionate number of public school special-education students are boys and that boys are 2.5 times as likely as girls in public schools to be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

      This fails to take into account that girls are often UNDER diagnosed because ADHD doesn't always manifest in girls as it does boys.

    2. Adults who were home educated are more politically tolerant than the public schooled in the limited research done so far

      I find that EXTREMELY surprising

    3. The home-educated are doing well, typically above average, on measures of social, emotional, and psychological developmen

      uh huh