- Oct 2017
www.govtech.com www.govtech.com
though ClearGov lists the city’s population at 60 in 2013, the U.S. Census Bureau put it at 113 that year.
I wonder where the error on ClearGov's side came from?
www.politico.com www.politico.com
even though there appeared to be no such reporting by the national media.
www.factcheck.org www.factcheck.org
no study has explained why gun deaths were falling, or why they might be expected to continue to fall.” That poses difficulty in trying to definitively determine the impact of the law, they write.
how can this type of study be done?
.43 (range .27 to .60)
even that seems really low
“The number of homicide incidents involving a firearm decreased by 57 percent between 1989-90 and 2013-14,” the government crime trends report says. “Firearms were used in 13 percent of homicide incidents (n=32) in 2013-14. In 1989-90 it was 24 percent (n=75) of incidents.”
what about 1996?
Below is the chart that appeared in our 2009 Ask FactCheck article, showing a 20 percent decline in homicides from 1996 to 2007.
is there a more recent chart?
www.factcheck.org www.factcheck.org
Toomey got the endorsement of a gun-control group, Everytown for Gun Safety, which ran ads supporting Toomey. But with the NRA not spending any money in the race, it’s a stretch to call that race a loss for the NRA (especially given McGinty’s “F” rating).
wow, why didn't the gun-control group endorse McGinty???
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
Krieg, who is also a member of the Plattsburgh City School Board of Education, recently switched to the Democratic Party because of his frustration with GOP lawmakers, The Watertown Daily Times reported.
so he's not a real Dem, ok
"I have been accused of being sexist for calling Elise a little girl, and I probably deserve to be called a sexist," he said. "I think most of us, if we admit it, have some of a sexist in us, some of a racist within us. It's something if we're decent people, we recognize in ourselves and we struggle with it all of our lives."
you're not struggling with it
"I recognize her -- I'm not going to say a little girl -- I recognize her as a child, and it has nothing to do with her age. I see her as a child because she's a child. She thinks like a child. She has people set things up for her. She has people put their words in her mouth and she happily repeats them," Krieg said Tuesday
You could have called her a puppet. Which is the same thing but without the sexism
www.slate.com www.slate.com
"sullen," hostile male loner whose profile has become all too familiar to Americans in recent decades.
A Democratic House candidate in New York called sitting Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik a "child" in the process of (semi-)apologizing for previous comments in which he'd called her a "little girl."
jfc dude
www.chronicle.com www.chronicle.com
What Sinha finds particularly interesting is that Coates will develop his own take based on his reading, making him as much an active participant in the historicizing process as the people he reads.
Doesn't everyone do this?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
the wife of Maine’s outspoken governor, Paul LePage
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
And before I could feel fear, grief or despair, I felt relief that the killer was white.
Me too
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
we can use this survey to calculate the prevalence of police violence for various demographic groups
Does this survey account for people incarcerated?
www.nationalreview.com www.nationalreview.com
A disproportionate share of America’s violent offenders are African-American males, but not because they are black. It is because America has failed its black communities, and those of the vulnerable more generally, for decades.
Yes, this is true. Good job.
olice are already conducting work to identify and re-train or fire the demonstrably small number of its ranks who behave inappropriately
conflating correlation and causation
Yeah, they're not the ones conflating correlation with causation. You need to do some reading of the research out of Project Implicit: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/
Further, more than half of the unarmed people killed by police suffered from mental-health issues, drug intoxication, physical disability, or some combination of them. That’s something public-health policies can address head-on.
reporting the suspect.
oh because someone called the cops to report something means the person was doing something wrong? Also, where your receipts for these numbers?
property destruction
So property is worth more than someone's life?
“In 74 percent of all fatal police shootings, the individuals had already fired shots, brandished a gun or attacked a person with a weapon or their bare hands,” the paper reported in 2015. “Another 16 percent of the shootings came after incidents that did not involve firearms or active attacks but featured other potentially dangerous threats.”
But the cops manage to take VIOLENT WHITE CRIMINALS down alive, so
With a few notable exceptions, violent criminal attacks are the best predictor of whom police might shoot in America.
Where your receipts for this tho?
they also plan more stringent enforcement of a provision in the Affordable Care Act that prohibits federal subsidies from being used for insurance policies that cover abortion. The agency will issue guidelines for insurers Friday on how they have to charge women who want abortion coverage at least $12 a year more for such a policy, and they have to keep that money in a separate fund to be used only to pay for abortions.
Longer-acting contraception, like an intrauterine device, can cost more than $1,000
Even WITH insurance my first IUD cost me almost $300 out of pocket
maintaining the religious beliefs that have made our business successful and have supported our family and thousands of our employees and their families.
Your religious beliefs only apply to YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.
women who work for Hobby Lobby or the religious group may no longer have access to birth control coverage through the Obama-era workaround.
This is fucking bullshit
nd then, last year, the court issued a split ruling in the Little Sisters case, saying the government shouldn't fine the nuns but ordering the two sides to work out an arrangement that accommodates their religious beliefs.
The new rules are being published Friday in the Federal Register and go into effect immediately.
he expects that most companies will continue to provide coverage for birth control and that the changes will only affect a tiny percentage of U.S. women.
oh yeah, except for all the ones who suddenly become morally opposed to birth control in order to cut costs.
"This provides an exemption, and it's a limited one," said Roger Severino, director of the HHS Office of Civil Rights. "We should have space for organizations to live out their religious identity and not face discrimination.
According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.
www.news-gazette.com www.news-gazette.com
The decision on whether the death penalty will be sought is in the hands of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.
Since Christensen is white, I'm sure Sessions will think he's a "nice kid".
www.news-gazette.com www.news-gazette.com
After the closing, she said the city will remove itself from the project's ownership structure.
Y tho
The city council also voted Tuesday to allow the use of eminent domain and "quick-take" for some properties where the city and landlord couldn't agree on a sale price. "Quick-take" "is the statutory method to obtain early possession of property in a condemnation action," according to a city council memo. Eminent domain and quick-take were already used once before for Bristol properties and are scheduled to be used again in the future.
Wow. That sucks. So they're using condemnation as an excuse even though the buildings may be up to code?
Vouchers will go to those who are employed or receiving education or training, unless they're seniors or disabled
People who are able-bodied, unemployed, and not in school or training ALSO deserve affordable housing.
Projected rent and utilities costs, as of May 25, show that Bristol will have 41 two-bedroom units at $852, 43 three-bedroom units at $953 and six four-bedroom units at $1,172.
These are not affordable housing prices
will.illinois.edu will.illinois.edu
However, the project was criticized during the planning staged by those who accused the city of trying to gentrify a primarily African-American neighborhood.
well isn't this what they're doing?
The city is going ahead with eminent domain proceedings on other structures.
That's sad. I wonder what the demographics of the people they're forcing out are? Why not promise them a new home in the new development?
- Sep 2017
www.bookdepository.com www.bookdepository.com
ugh because of course
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
Barry Soetero.’
“I invited her and her partner to sit with my wife and I in church this Sunday,” the post said
www.theguardian.com www.theguardian.com
including checks to make sure there is no gender bias in these decisions,” she said in a statement to the Guardian.
clearly these checks by most likely primarily white men, are not working.
the male-dominated tech secto
*white male-dominated"
Cory Booker
“He pushed these ideas forward during the campaign and they were rejected, not just by America but by Democrats,” she said. “He didn't make it through the primary, he didn't make it into the Oval. I think that's a pretty clear indication of what Americans want to see and it's not single-payer.”
I was with her up until the last sentence
but if billions of people across this country stand up, get involved in the political process and fight back, I have no doubt — none whatsoever — that this nation, sooner than people believe, will in fact pass a ‘Medicare for all’ single-payer system, and finally, finally, health care will be a right for all in the United States of America.”
we don't have a billion people
Tolia tells me. “People will feel like, ‘Oh, [Nextdoor,] that’s that place where people are racist.’”
and that can also tell you that your neighbors are racist IRL too
The bill has 16 co-sponsors, which is a big turnaround when he introduced a similar bill in 2013 without a single co-sponsor.
or when John Conyers introduced it every year for the past 10 years
www.motherjones.com www.motherjones.com
which was posted online by the White House on Monday, Lott will suggest that people hoping to cast a ballot go through the same federal background check that gun purchasers do—a process that screens people for criminal backgrounds, dishonorably military discharges, and a history of mental health issues or substance abuse.
what the fuck
But Lott has dabbled in election turnout research, arguing that voter ID laws lead to higher turnout.
Legal filings revealed that commission members are using personal emails to conduct government work—the very transgression for which Republicans excoriated Hillary Clinton
Gee I wonder why most news media isn't covering this
More than 5,000 voters in Colorado canceled their registrations after the commission initially asked for their data in June.
holy shit
An ESPN anchor who called President Trump a white supremacist should be fired, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Wednesday.
This is what actual 1st Amendment violations look like
www.huffingtonpost.com www.huffingtonpost.com
he first daughter said she only wants to be judged on the policy issues she has decided to tackle herself, like gender equality in the workplace.
*gender equality for white women
the president’s eldest daughter rebuffed the assumption that she holds much power of persuasion over her father, despite the innumerable reports claiming that she is often the one to convince him of something or attempt to change his mind.
then what is the point of you
"I honestly don't pay much attention to what she says," Clinton said.
I think it's sad that after Hillary Clinton ran one of the most negative campaigns in history
lol wut
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
he’s worried that the name Bodega might come off as culturally insensitive. Not really. “I’m not particularly concerned about it,” he says.
Oh well, in that case. Which Latin American community? Also what about the Asian or Middle-Eastern communities?
replacing that beloved institution seems explicit in the very name of McDonald’s venture, a Spanish term synonymous with the tiny stores that dot urban landscapes and are commonly run by people originally from Latin America or Asia. Some might bristle at the idea of a Silicon Valley executive appropriating the term “bodega” for a project that could well put lots of immigrants out of work. (One of my coworkers even referred to it as “Bro-dega” to illustrate the disconnect.)
Love iiiiit. They will forever be called Brodegas now.
McDonald unveils 50 new Bodega locations on the West Coast, and plans to quickly go national. By the end of 2018, he hopes to have more than a thousand.
remind me to never use one of these
100,000 Bodegas spread out, with one always 100 feet away from you.”
these are just vending machines with different stuff in them
www.governing.com www.governing.com
Term limits will have the greatest impact next year in Michigan, where 68 percent of the state senators can't run for another term.
Good riddance.
“You can’t make a deal with somebody because everybody knows you’re going to be gone, so people don’t need to keep their word.”
good point
That constant churn, Richard suggests, has made lawmakers less cooperative.
www.politico.com www.politico.com
whether SB 5 should be enjoined — as opposed to whether it remedies SB 14’s ills — was not an issue before the district court on remand."
She still said it didn't remedy SB14's problem.
qualifying photo ID to cast regular ballots by executing a declaration that they face a reasonable impediment to obtaining qualifying photo ID.
if it does, why were people without ID only allowed to cast provisional ballots?
theintercept.com theintercept.com
The justices did not rule on the constitutionality of the provision, despite Rutledge’s request that they do so.
gee, I wonder why
(Churches, religious schools and daycare facilities, and religious organizations are exempt from the law.)
This is some BS
Peterson last week rejected a request from 17 state senators to investigate the State Patrol following an investigation that revealed that former State Patrol Superintendent Brad Rice had interfered with internal affairs investigations and violated the agency’s workplace harassment and equal opportunity policy.
Despite threatening to sue Trump
sue him on what? Something other than DACA?
www.politico.com www.politico.com
The measure is broader than some state laws, because it covers patients with serious but not imminently deadly conditions, such as muscular dystrophy.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
Pundits continue to cite it as though the author speaks for all of us who grew up in poverty
*who are white and grew up in poverty
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In the aftermath of the litigation, seven of the banks involved have adopted arbitration clauses to their contracts.
did they abandon the efforts to maximize the number of overdraft fees?
two Supreme Court decisions, in 2011 and 2013, enshrined its use.
class-action lawyers, who tend to be Democratic donors.
- Aug 2017
money.cnn.com money.cnn.com
The item was inappropriate and we've taken it down. We regret posting it in January," Noah Kotch, the editor-in-chief of Fox News Digital, said in a statement provided to CNNMoney.
You didn't regret it until people called you out on it.
money.cnn.com money.cnn.com
March on Google claimed it received a threat to drive a car into the march. The specifics mirror what happened in Charlottesville on Saturday, when a car plowed through a crowd of counterprotester, killing Heather Heyer
uh huh
www.fastcompany.com www.fastcompany.com
“Unfortunately, a lot of what’s out there is stuff that was available then.”‘
I don't really understand this sentence, it's too vague
www.fox26houston.com www.fox26houston.com
Fox 26 has learned charges were dismissed against the deputies on August 4th, the very day the case was set for trial and within minutes rapidly re-presented to a grand jury, with what the DA's office calls "new evidence" which must remain "secret".
what the fuck
We asked Harris County prosecutor Natasha Sinclair if "cavity searching" suspects in public constitutes a criminal offense."No one in this office stands by the search the way it was conducted. No one condones that. No one thinks it's appropriate. It should not have happened.However bad decisions, bad judgment may not rise the level of a criminal offense," said Sinclair
are you fucking kidding me
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“On June 16, they did what they were told,” Ms. Southerland said. “They produced a new cost-benefit analysis that showed no quantifiable benefit to preserving wetlands.
they should have refused to do this.
without any records of the changes they were being ordered to make.
pretty sure that's illegal
www.usatoday.com www.usatoday.com
Aitken says many firms conduct their own market surveys anyway. Still, for small businesses that can't afford such surveys, the new laws pose a more formidable hurdle, he says.
they could just post a salary range on their job descriptions.
there's nothing wrong with trying to save the company money."
onnecticut recently dropped the "salary history" prohibition from its bill to ensure gender pay equity.
wtf, why
www.politifact.com www.politifact.com
WKBW used the same data we did and presented the same results, though the article notes there have been "no major changes in crime rate" since 2013.
huh. I suppose this is to mean 'overall crime rate'.
www.telegraph.co.uk www.telegraph.co.uk
although the Sambians view the children as flawed males and they are often shunned
sad :(
he guevedoces were first discovered by a Cornell University endocrinologist Dr Julianne Imperato in the 1970s who travelled to Dominican Republic after hearing strange rumours about girls turning into boys.
you mean discovered by white people. They were already discovered by their own people.
flowingdata.com flowingdata.com
Each line represents the percentage of people with a certain marital status, given their age
this does not make sense
www.propublica.org www.propublica.org
The Joint Commission,
what is this joint commission? A private accreditor?
“The provision will adversely affect the collaborative efforts of accrediting bodies and healthcare organizations to improve patient safety and engage in continuous quality improvement,” the commission said in a June letter. “Ultimately, there will be increased patient harm and lower quality.”
www.facultydiversity.org www.facultydiversity.org
Unlike the academic year, when we can attribute any lack of daily progress to teaching and service, summer lays bare the reality that daily writing brings up all of our stuff.
for most faculty
www.thedailybeast.com www.thedailybeast.com
"I think on appeal, or even not on appeal, those punishments are going to be close to nil," Shkreli said in his Youtube livestream after the verdict, referring viewers to sentencing guidelines.
tressiemc.com tressiemc.com
you don’t need the boot camp certificate as a signal
I'm not sure what a 'signal' is supposed to be here.
www.thoughtco.com www.thoughtco.com
Base 10 refers to the numbering system in common use that uses decimal numbers.
I literally never knew this
www.cnbc.com www.cnbc.com
"I keep waiting for wage growth to jump because we're seeing tightening in the labor market by almost every single measure, but for some reason ... that hasn't happened yet," he said, adding that wage growth has declined for six straight months.
"for some reason". Gee, I wonder why
The Fed has hinted it wants to start unwinding its massive $4.5 trillion portfolio before year's end as it normalizes monetary policy.
what's "unwinding a portfolio" mean?
The Dow was coming off a record-setting session, having broken above 22,000 for the first time on Wednesday, propelled by strong earnings from Apple.
I feel like we're heading for another crash
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
These members will form the editorial board of a new journal to be called Algebraic Combinatorics.
that is very close in name
www.pewresearch.org www.pewresearch.org
Israel is the only country surveyed in the Middle East where relatively few people disapprove of Trump’s proposal to restrict entry to the U.S. from some Muslim-majority nations (32%).
hbculibraryalliance.wordpress.com hbculibraryalliance.wordpress.com
United Negro College Fund
www.weddinginspirasi.com www.weddinginspirasi.com
wtf is "neo-bohemian"
taxfoundation.org taxfoundation.org
this statement may also mean that lawmakers may look at other ways to improve cost recovery besides immediate expensing of capital investment.
cost recovery for who? Businesses or the government?
One could interpret this as a move away from the House GOP’s idea to allow companies to fully expense capital investments.
From Business Dictionary: "The treatment of an expenditure as an operating cost rather than a capital investment. For tax purposes, expenses are deducted from income immediately. Assets are depreciated, that is, businesses take a stream of deductions over the useful life of the asset."
Read more: http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/expensing.html
Republican lawmakers will no longer be pursuing this policy.
I wonder why
reform the corporate income tax by reducing the statutory tax rate,
The House GOP’s plan, for example, would greatly increase the standard deduction and eliminate most itemized deductions
do not want
www.investopedia.com www.investopedia.com
Expenses can be expensed as they are incurred, or they can be capitalized.
this is not a good definition
www.epi.org www.epi.org
broadening the tax base
I think this is essentially saying "broadening the tax base" will enable more tax dollars to come in because people have less ways of reducing the amount of taxable income.
www.epi.org www.epi.orgAbout1
is stocked in university libraries around the world.
love this
www.newscientist.com www.newscientist.com
Though Facebook doesn’t explicitly provide the tools to target people based on political opinions
really, they don't? I seriously doubt that considering they explicitly provide tools targeting people on race and gender.
- Jul 2017
Abortion rights were notably absent from the party’s new policy push announced last week, meant to unify the party around an agenda outside of opposition to Trump. That plan, called “A Better Deal,” focused on economic policy largely related to jobs, wages and reducing the burden on families.
What the fuck
Sanders isn't a Democrat
www.chronicle.com.proxy2.library.illinois.edu www.chronicle.com.proxy2.library.illinois.edu
Anyone threatening violence against Mr. Curry, he said, should be ashamed and, if possible, arrested. "I hope Dr. Curry is armed," he added, "so that if anybody shows up at his house threatening him, he defends his home and family by any means necessary."
wait, so Dreher hopes that Dr. Curry does THE ONE THING HE CASTIGATED HIM OF PROMOTING?
"However, paying a professor to share radical ideas on behalf of a university has nothing to do with free speech."
yeah it does
. "Presumably," he wrote, "the university thinks that advocating for the death of an entire group of people based on their skin color is something that correlates with their values."
somebody didn't listen to the radio segment
His take on the Trayvon Martin case was that Mr. Martin had "overreacted" to Mr. Zimmerman’s confronting him with a gun, and that black people had overreacted to Mr. Zimmerman’s just acquittal
what the fuck
"the action of attacking or assertively rejecting cherished beliefs and institutions or established values and practices."
mailchi.mp mailchi.mp
As a neutral source of data and analysis,
no such thing
www.cbronline.com www.cbronline.com
the majority of the files he took from the websites contained metadata, which deceived important information about employees.
deceived? I don't think that's the right word for this sentence.
www.thespruce.com www.thespruce.com
The general rule is one usher for every 50 guests.
where did this number come from?
github.com github.com
and set it as your default JAVA_HOME.
how do I do this
open.umn.edu open.umn.edu
adapted from a work produced by a publisher who has requested that they and the original author not receive attribution. This adapted edition is produced by the University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing through the eLearning Support Initiative.
www.futurity.org www.futurity.org
similarity emerges because educated or religious people tend to meet each other, not because educated or religious people actively select each other.
I'm not entirely sure what the difference is between the two.
www.sciencedaily.com www.sciencedaily.com
from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
tonic.vice.com tonic.vice.com
He cited the University of Arizona, which is still an accredited medical institution, despite a similar Arizona law passed in 2011 that prevents public and tuition dollars from being used on abortion training.
but doesn't require abortions to only be performed at hospitals.
www.myjewishlearning.com www.myjewishlearning.com
Most experts agree that what might seem like the “perfect compromise”–raising children in both religions and allowing them to choose their faiths as adults–usually doesn’t work. Rather, this approach generally leaves the child confused and ambivalent about religion altogether
Is there a citation for this?
www.huffpost.com www.huffpost.com
“We welcome all varying views, and in fact you will likely find our views run very counter to many of the [racist] views we are being claimed to have,” they continued. “We encourage people to join us for breakfast and open up a productive dialogue about any issue.”
Of course. This is the problem with white (I'm assuming) liberals.
developer.box.com developer.box.com
Template instances are also grouped by "scopes". The supported scopes are enterprise_{id} and global. Enterprise scopes are defined on a per enterprises basis, whereas the global scope is Box application-wide.
The difference between 'global' and 'enterprise' is not clear here.
Metadata associated with folders is not displayed in the Box web application.
why not?
www.governing.com www.governing.com
Restaurant owners and workers who lobbied unsuccessfully for a "tip credit" that would count tips toward wages were among those left disappointed Friday.
www.governing.com www.governing.com
New York's Assembly Bill A3485 (in committee as this is written) prohibits taxpayers from claiming a tax deduction for a child not fully immunized.
love iiiiiiit
www.governing.com www.governing.com
they "have an undeniable historical meaning," and that Texas had erected various monuments on state grounds representing key themes in the state's political and legal history.
www.governing.com www.governing.com
Overall, Maine ranks 13th in the nation for child well-being, according to the report, which compares states on 16 indicators in the areas of health, education, the economy, and family and community.
that seems pretty good
Only one other state, North Dakota, saw increasing numbers of uninsured children between 2010 and 2015, the report found.
www.bustle.com www.bustle.com
"He was there at conception so he ought to be there through the whole process," Republican Representative Kim Hammer, the bill's primary sponsor, tells Bustle.
make it illegal for a woman to have an abortion without communicating with the man who impregnated her — whether that be her husband, boyfriend, a casual hook-up, or a perpetrator of sexual assault.
www.cnn.com www.cnn.com
you're going to end up the same way Obamacare did when they rammed it through with 60 votes. Only guess what? We don't have 60 votes."
After over a year of hearings and hundreds of Republican amendments
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
She was expelled in her sophomore year, partly, she said, for her anti-segregationist editorials as a member of the board of the campus newspaper.
wow, talk about a violation of the 1st Amendment
us2.campaign-archive2.com us2.campaign-archive2.com
I think our company PoC stage is over? :-)
I don't understand this? PoC as in People of Color stage is over? Wat?
www.the-scientist.com www.the-scientist.com
the scientific community would adopt a generally acceptable and enforceable ethical code for all conferences, make it part of every program, and announce these regulations at the beginning of every meeting, following the examples of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory symposia and Gordon Research Conferences.
sounds like a code of conduct to me.
I thus firmly believe that photographing posters, recording parts of talks, and posting other people’s data should be officially banned, and that people who break these ethical standards should be expelled.
What if presenters don't mind if people record them or take pictures of their slides? Also, what about those who need to record for accessibility purposes?
as researchers will begin to refrain from showing their newest data at meetings
*may begin
unm.csod.com unm.csod.com
At least three years of direct experience providing research data services within an academic and/or research institution, or at least three years of experience managing diverse research data within an academic or research institution.
so much for trying to recruit minorities
techcrunch.com techcrunch.com
FORM is unique in that it was inclusive in it works great for hair of all textures and styling processes,”
www.politico.com www.politico.com
Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.), the committee chairman, put the panel “on notice” minutes later.
you mean he allowed McCain to interrupt Sen. Harris in order to her on notice.
www.crueltyfreekitty.com www.crueltyfreekitty.com
which does not include Hong Kong.
it technically does.
- Jun 2017
gitsoul.com gitsoul.com
the spiritual divinity of every person
to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so
What does this mean? Permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do what?
sunlightfoundation.com sunlightfoundation.com
n a time when the value of introspection and transparency is at a premium, cutting a position designed to provide both smacks of self-satisfaction and a misreading of the current media landscape.”
The cost to employers would be minimal, since they would be sending in data they have already collected.
Doesn't OSHA already have this data?
The mummies used were from the New Kingdom and a later period, when Egypt was under Roman rule.
So not the original Ancient Egyptians. What about the earlier ones?
And Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has said the CFPB should be funded by Congress, rather than the Federal Reserve.
no. It's not supposed to be political
citing that only government authorities should have access to the information.
www.npr.org www.npr.org
He received a six-month deferred sentence and will serve no jail time.
this is some BS
www.brennancenter.org www.brennancenter.org
seemingly ignores these protections by allowing election officials to immediately remove voters identified as having registered in another state by the Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck. This process, which finds a match based on first name, last name, and date of birth alone, has resulted in wrongful removals when used elsewhere.
This is what happens when you don't include a metadata librarian
- May 2017
www.rollcall.com www.rollcall.com
The ban stems from the 2002 McCain-Feingold law, which prohibited unlimited and unregulated large contributions to party committees known as soft money. The high court on Monday affirmed without hearing oral arguments a lower court ruling that denied the Louisiana Republican Party’s challenge to soft money bans for state and local parties.
Why is there a ban on state and local party committees and not federal ones?
www.colorlines.com www.colorlines.com
Gabriel later followed up with ICV2 to say that he also heard retailers and fans praise new characters of color like Ms. Marvel and Miles Morales. "And let me be clear, our new heroes are not going anywhere!" he added.
yeah this guy is full of shit
What we heard was that people didn't want any more diversity. They didn't want female characters out there. That's what we heard, whether we believe that or not. I don't know that that's really true, but that's what we saw in sales.
That is bullshit
www.teenvogue.com www.teenvogue.com
the Los Angeles Police Department has said that there has been a startling decline in reports of sexual assault and domestic violence from the city's Latinx residents since the beginning of 2017, out of fear that they might risk deportation by appearing in court.
“We elected our first black president. That was a big deal. And because of that, we lowered the standard,” he said, and also attacked the media, saying that Obama, “was held to a very low standard because the media so loved him.”
www.citylab.com www.citylab.com
Perhaps not the home of the Historical Society of Washington, D.C., the library’s part-time steward for the last umpteen years. Certainly not the International Spy Museum, which proposed building vast levels underneath and ill-fitting wings alongside the building.
“It proposes a lifestyle without attachments or clutter, where people—unburdened by the ‘fuzz’ of possessions—are free to chase down every desire. Like a nomad on the Steppe, movement, horizon, and conquest are the only concern.”
no possessions other than Apple products anyway
www.okayplayer.com www.okayplayer.com
A biology exam at Roswell High School in Roswell, New Mexico, featured the following question: “Why are ni**ers black?”
www.brainpickings.org www.brainpickings.org
I don't understand this reference
www.insidehighered.com www.insidehighered.com
A new liberal education core will also “provide all students with tools for understanding systems of power, privilege and oppression; for recognizing and overcoming cultural biases; and for understanding and appreciating the diversity of our local and global communities.”
this is amazing
“there’s a distinction between what our politics are and what policy should be.”
not for vulnerable populations there isn't
“I’m bothered by the very possibility that someone who teaches well, is an active scholar and engages in service -- in other words, someone who is doing what we’ve always reasonably expected of faculty -- might not fare well when being reviewed for reappointment, tenure, promotion, posttenure review, etc., because they were judged to not be meeting this expectation.”
This is so privileged
He said this week that his opposition centers on the “equity” piece, in that it seems to incorporate a particular, stereotypically progressive conception of social justice that he might personally share but that seems wrong for a public institution
Why would writing societal injustice be wrong for a public institution?
It defines equity “as the fair and impartial treatment of all individuals” and diversity as the “structural and power differences among people, including, but not limited to, for example, differences in race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, economic status or perspectives.” Inclusivity is defined as “valuing the perspectives and contributions of all individuals.”
I think this conflates equity and equality. This definition of equity is more like the definition of equality. Equity is about righting the injustices of inequality
in addition to teaching, research and service -- the three pillars of faculty work -- all professors “are expected to contribute to university efforts towards equity, diversity and inclusivity.”
I love this
digg.com digg.com
Russian President Vladimir Putin said that he is willing to provide the US Congress notes on Russia's meeting with Trump where he reportedly leaked highly classified information
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
There is a growing sense that Mr. Trump seems unwilling or unable to do the things necessary to keep himself out of trouble, and that the presidency has done little to tame a shoot-from-the-hip-into-his-own-foot style that characterized his campaign.
after Washington Post reporters informed them of an article they were writing that first reported the news about the president’s divulging of intelligence.
huh, why would they do that?
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, has also said he does not want to be considered for the job, which became open when President Trump fired James B. Comey last week.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
In testimony to the Senate last week, the acting F.B.I. director, Andrew G. McCabe, said, “There has been no effort to impede our investigation to date.”
that he knew of apparently
Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI)
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
“The White House has got to do something soon to bring itself under control and in order,” Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee and the chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters, adding, “It’s got to happen.”
It's too late
Mr. Trump’s disclosure does not appear to have been illegal — the president has the power to declassify almost anything. But sharing the information without the express permission of the ally who provided it represented a major breach of espionage etiquette, and could jeopardize a crucial intelligence-sharing relationship.
This is some BS
talkingpointsmemo.com talkingpointsmemo.com
The U.S. is expected to expand that ban to include planes from the European Union, the Associated Press reported last week.
www.theverge.com www.theverge.com
Amazon will no longer include such clauses in its contracts for the next five years.
Why only for the next 5 years?
These required any publishers doing a deal with Amazon to reveal the terms of the contracts they made with rival distributers.
Whaaaat. Uh, what if part of those other agreements included non-disclosure clauses?
ravcookie.blogspot.com ravcookie.blogspot.com
When you return to Taylorsville on November 9, 2018, and fade from the public eye, I hope that you and your family will enjoy a lovely life together.
www.citiprogram.org www.citiprogram.org
three key ethical principles for conducting research with human subjects: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice.
beneficence: action done for the benefit of others
reason.com reason.com
arguing that it's unconstitutional to prevent someone from doing math without the government's permission. He's getting support from the Institute for Justice, a national libertarian law firm.
oh lord, libertarians
Citing state laws that make it illegal to practice engineering without a license, the board told Järlström that even calling himself an "electronics engineer" and the use of the phrase "I am an engineer" in his letter were enough to "create violations.
but what if that's his job?
Järlström's research into red light cameras and their effectiveness amounts to practicing engineering without a license
this is just petty
www.pythonlearn.com www.pythonlearn.com
You can use the up-arrow key to scroll back through previous commands and re-execute them by pressing enter. This allows you to quickly edit and rerun your program to make and test changes.
ooh that's really nifty
motherboard.vice.com motherboard.vice.com
Tennessee has just passed the "Broadband Accessibility Act of 2017," which gives private telecom companies—in this case, probably AT&T and Comcast—$45 million of taxpayer money over the next three years to build internet infrastructure to rural areas.
theoutline.com theoutline.com
Removing the president from office is something that happens in the Senate, and it requires a ⅔ majority. Bill Clinton and Andrew Johnson both survived their Senate trials, and Trump — barring truly extreme revelations — is likely to do the same
dublincore.org dublincore.org
"A normative section is a formal part of the recommendation. It contains rules that everyone must follow.
A non-normative, or informative, section contains additional information, advice and suchlike that isn't a formal part of the standard. That doesn't mean the information is less important, but it's not binding in the same way as the normative sections."
Xavier just so happened to have two small lines cut into his head.
www.washingtonpost.com www.washingtonpost.com
the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas told its churches to disband all their Girl Scout troops.
The decision is not because of the Boy Scouts’ policies on LGBT inclusion, the church said in a statement.
uh huh
theweek.com theweek.com
because there are already ongoing investigations by the Senate and the FBI, adding another investigation would only muddy the waters.
neither of which are independent at this point
www.reuters.com www.reuters.com
passage of the resolution would have prevented the federal government, under any administration, from issuing a rule that is ‘similar’," McCain said in a statement.
oh so now you're worried about that provision?