2,477 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2019
    1. But now that hearing isn’t happening either; in fact, it’s been postponed indefinitely.


    2. Another affidavit, from a member of a local elections board, suggested that county elections officials may have given Dowless access to absentee voters’ sensitive personal information, like Social Security numbers.


    1. A “Post-coordinated term” is a term that you assembled from other terms at the point when you needed it. 

      Kind of like adding geographic terms to an LCSH term

  2. Dec 2018
    1. every January 1 until 2073, revealing long-overlooked works from the Harlem Renaissance, the Great Depression, World War II and beyond. (After 2073, works published by authors who died seven decades earlier will expire each year.)

      First, 7 decades is a weird way of saying 70 years; Second, why does the copyright release date change in 2073??

    1. Wertham (like the Collier’s article) conveniently failed to mention that his subjects were from an impoverished, racially downtrodden segment of society, blaming any juvenile delinquency on the comic books the subjects read.

      What is this supposed to imply?

    1. When First Nations and the environmental movement gained sufficient strength to block several proposed pipelines, the Trudeau government essentially nationalized the network to insure an expanding flow of fossil fuels.

      the network of fossil fuel pipelines?

    1. Because the UC accounts for nearly 10% of all US publishing output and has sizable subscription contracts, we are in a position to lead towards a more open and sustainable scholarly publishing ecosystem.


  3. Nov 2018
    1. Of the 473 datasets, 429 were indeed overdue and immediately released to the public, says GEO’s lead curator, Tanya Barrett, while a further 27 had already been released by the time GEO received the alert. “We release data everyday,” Barrett explains.

      but GEO had possession of them?

    1. Public health studies show that abortion rates are going down.

      it's weird what happens when you require that insurance policies cover contraception

    2. an estimated 1.1 million people were killed in war between 1775 and 1991.  

      does this include civilian casualties? Or "enemy combatants"? Or Indigenous people massacred by European settlers?

    3. Wikipedia, someone you may have heard of before, says that the U.S.A. has killed its own, through abortion, 60 million since Roe v. Wade.”

      yikes, a governor citing wikipedia

    1. Let’s hope Mississippi votes out this hate.

      they won't

    2. “Absolutely we have been sensitive to race relations in this state. We brought the President of the United States here to open the civil rights museum and African-American leadership failed to even come to the event because the president was there.”

      ... ... ...

    1. his documentation needs to be easily findable and accessible by anyone who uses the dataset.

      How about easily understandable and doesn't use the element in its own definition? COAR vocabularies are really good examples of how metadata documentation should be presented and written IMO

  4. Oct 2018
    1. There, the new center could act as a magnet that would increase the value of nearby parcels of land

      which would gentrify the neighborhoods

    2. near East 60th Street, close to both the Museum of Science and Industry as well as the University of Chicago, two major South Side institutions.

      this sounds like a good thing actually

    1. deleted the incorrect tweet before deciding to endorse the actual Troy Balderson who’s running for Ohio’s 12th district congressional seat

      which is technically a violation of government records law

    1. He told the FBI agents “the President of the United States says it’s ok to grab women by their private parts.”


    1. London stood “resolute” behind Washington over the issue, and that the Kremlin was making a mockery of the agreement


    2. “What needs to be stressed is that talking about China on the issue of unilaterally pulling out of the treaty is completely mistaken,” she said.

      yeah, because it's between the US and RUSSIA; China is not party to this agreement FFS

    1. US President Donald Trump recently called for member states to sign a document supporting “action on the global war against drugs”


    1. If you are reading a book

      Should this apply to dissertations and theses too?

    1. It is unfair to assume everyone who supported Senator John McCain in any way are homophobic because McCain once believed in same-sex marriage.

      Is this supposed to be didn't believe?

    1. Wittrup further alleged Hasan attempted to conduct “a business operation with an outside civilian for profit and without specific permission in writing from the warden.” The “business operation” involved a $250 donation from the Jericho Movement Local 8751 Union for a live radio interview about the film, “Shadow of Lucasville.”

      unions aren't for-proft groups though?

    1. I just can’t begrudge someone whose response to this is “Fuck it.” I can be sanctimonious and self-righteous and attempt to shame them, perhaps.

      I can

    2. And then I’d say, “Well, um, McCain and Bush were different. Republicans, sure. But they were decent people, and ...”

      I mean, come on. You can come up with better responses than that. They are all essentially co-workers who are people. It makes sense that they would get along with each other.

    1. which states that farmers are not allowed to replant saved seed

      which is stupid

    2. such as its highly successful use of existing patent law to its advantage and its lobbying activities, can only be considered problems through special pleading, since they are generally viewed as acceptable when other companies with better public image use them.

      Yeah no, it's crappy when other companies do this too

    1. leading Murkowski to vote “present” to maintain a two-vote margin for Kavanaugh.


    2. Murkowski is the only Republican to have opposed two of Trump’s signature initiatives.

      GOOD. Although she voted 'present' instead of 'No'. She should have voted no

    1. though Senate Republicans said no one interviewed in a narrow FBI investigation could corroborate her account.

      that they intentionally limited

    1. who has said he will seek a seventh term in 2020


    2. ollowed by Heitkamp, who improved her net standing by 4 points. Head-to-head polling has found Heitkamp trailing her Republican rival, Rep. Kevin Cramer, by nearly 9 points, according to the RealClearPolitics average.


    1. It was the simplest way of getting the local Orthodox church, which did not want to bury Seventh-day Adventists in its Christian cemetery, to stop burying them atop older graves at a disused Jewish cemetery, Carmel said.


    1. research publications are not research data

      they could be, if used as part of a text mining corpus, for example

    1. Him or Sessions? It’s like deciding whether to be shot or poisoned. And to plunder a quote from a quintessential Washington hack: God, I hope he never gets it.


    1. egents allow students to be expelled if they are found to have disrupted the speech of other students three times.

      isn't that then a violation of those students' speech?

    2. Setting aside the baseless claim of bias,

      I mean, come on

    3. it’s my fault for not being more precise in my original phrasing. I’ve updated my piece accordingly


    4. Ungar did not “select a sample” of his data to analyze. He conducted his analysis in March, back when the total number of incidents was “more than 90,” on or off campus, in the FSP “Free Speech Tracker” database — and that’s the number I cited (correctly) in my piece


    5. And here’s my original piece:


    1. ORE is based on the Web Architecture where every information object is made available via a UR

      kind of like linked data then?

    1. not the union of pages that makes up the whole document, or the union of all images in a Flickr set, respectively

      is this kind of like a proto-identifier for datasets?

    2. this is not appropriate as this URI identifies the page itself, and not the aggregation that is the arXiv document

      wait what

    1. temporarily elongate timelines over their academic lives without suffering career penaltie


    2. 36 percent of men

      Ha! That's because men aren't doing the caregiving

    3. are more likely to be considered family friendly than careers at research-intensive universities


    1. These records, the document states, have “little or no research value.”


    2. Ashby Crowder,


  5. Sep 2018
    1. Removal of Arbitration.  We listened to customer feedback and we removed arbitration as a requirement for dispute resolution. 

      Holy crap, that's amazing!!!! Good Guy Atlassian

    1. We can’t politicize the Supreme Court. It’s the last institution in this country that still is respected above all others, and we can’t lose it.

      it's already politicized

    1. DeVos said Tuesday that it’s up to individual schools to decide whether to call U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement if they suspect their students are undocumented.


    2. She appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show earlier this month.

      well there goes any credibility she might have had

    1. working at the juncture of technology and humanities, with particular expertise in medieval studies, the field in which she holds a doctorate.


    2. “I thought this only happened to Mexicans.”

      awkwaaaard. How about those inclusive libraries, eh?

    1. “Take away pockets happily hidden under garments, and you limit women’s ability to navigate public spaces, to carry seditious (or merely amorous) writing, or to travel unaccompanied,” she writes.

      why, if women still have purses?

    1. There haven't been reports of contraband via Books Through Bars, though


    2. are clear liquid that we can't detect. We have intercepted several letters from inmates describing in vivid detail how to get these books into the mail room undetected. … That's why our current policy of having books come from vendors no longer works."

      how the fuck are drugs getting in as clear liquid...in books? Puh-leeze

    3. who earn between 19 and 51 cents per hour in prison jobs

      this is ridiculous

    4. "I truly believe this is going to expand access to books," she said.


    5. legal mail will be opened and photocopied on site at the prisons, a practice that critics say violates attorney-client privilege.


    6. "Converting your inmate postal mail to electronic media allows for a searchable database of inmate mail and opens a whole new field of intelligence for your agency," Smart Communications notes on its website.

      yeah, that's NOT a good thing

    1. The Innocents is inspired by the stifling fin-de-siècle New York society immortalized in Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence

      glad I caught that reference

    1. The American Samoan government opposed a lawsuit on citizenship that Weare filed in 2012


    2. plebiscite

      n. the direct vote of all the members of an electorate on an important public question such as a change in the constitution.

    3. None of the three individual plaintiffs had applied to be naturalized as U.S. citizens, Weare said

      I feel like the courts are just gonna tell them to do that

    4. noncitizen nationals are not allowed to apply for immigration visas for their parents.


    5. not allowed to vote in federal, state or local elections and can't run for elected office, serve on a jury or apply for certain government jobs that require the candidates to be U.S. citizens.

      so how do these things work in America Samoa? Or can they do these things only in that territory and not outside?

    6. American Samoa is different from Samoa, a nearby independent nation.


    1. the father of democracy after giving his famous Gettysburg Address. The Gettysburg Address was delivered during the civil war in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania at the dedication of the Soldiers National Cemetery four months after the defeat at the Battle of Gettysburg.

      not the Enlightenment thinkers?

    1. That’s rich: In the months before the 2016 election, multiple high-ranking Republican senators openly vowed to block any and all Supreme Court picks by Hillary Clinton, period.

      Also, Merrick Garland, ffs

    1. Georgia had a law that rejected voter registration forms if certain information on the form, such as the hyphen in a person's last name, didn't precisely match the spelling in other state databases


    2. "We also found that there was a particular increase in areas that used to be covered by the Voting Rights Act Section 5," said Jonathan Brater, counsel with the Brennan Center's democracy program and co-author of the report


    1. memetic theory

      LOVE IT

    2. collaboration between social influencers and public-health experts.

      NOW y'all care about working with humanities majors

    3. PATH

      no link for this?

    4. see links to related articles, maps visualizing where a particular article has been shared, source information, and related Wikipedia pages.

      twitter needs to get on this

    1. the Northern Mariana Islands or American Samoa

      why can the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa vote in federal elections but Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands can't?

    1. Jones has since admitted that the Sandy Hook killings occurred. His attorneys defended his speech in court as “rhetorical hyperbole,” but denied it was defamation.


  6. Aug 2018
    1. feels


    2. "If there is money wasted on such events, maybe we should figure out if there is too much money being spent," said Commissioner Jerry Carl, who was critical of the American Library Association's role in the event. The group has pushed public libraries to create more programs promoting diversity and inclusive societies.

      ALA is a "group"? Try the oldest and largest library association in the world

    3. at least one Mobile County commissioner said the library's budget should be examined.


    1. Vandenbosch said the provisions are "boilerplate" nondisclosure language that many companies typically us

      girl that doesn't make them OKAY

    2. the agreement also requires that ex-employees basically not compete with Purdue for a year, either by hiring former co-workers or soliciting third-party vendors for work elsewhere.

      so they can't get a job somewhere else? What?

    3. several people -- including professors, instructional designers and curriculum managers -- collaborate to produce course materials. To simply grant rights to those materials to one person would be inappropriate, she said.

      then the copyright would belong to all of them...because that's how copyright works. Speaking of "language...[that] may be legalistic and possible confusing."

    4. Southern New Hampshire is a private, nonprofit institution that enrolls more than 134,000 students, most of them online -- it is one of the largest nonprofit education institutions in the nation

      well there it is

    5. a spokeswoman for Southern New Hampshire University,

      why is SNHU significant to this?

    6. Purdue Global, which operates as a so-called public benefit corporation and thus is not subject to open-records laws.

      if it's for the public benefit then wny wouldn't it be subject to open-records laws?

    7. sharply disagreed with that interpretation. But she added that the interpretation was true for course materials once instructors put materials in Purdue Global's learning management system

      ...what other interpretation is there?

    8. requires academics to potentially waive their rights to course materials they create.

      aren't these already works for hire?

    1. Hershman said he had no such restrictions when he agreed to insert the Purdue provisions into the budget bill in the closing days of a session that ended April 21. (Schultz said Purdue asked lawmakers “to maintain confidentiality to the extent possible.”)

      that's not shady AT ALL

    1. William F. Buckley Jr. as a magazine of conservative opinion. The magazine has since defined the modern conservative movement and enjoys the broadest allegiance among American conservatives.

      in response to school integration

    1. because it started as the internet of middle-aged white men … I realized that we humans

      yes, white men did miss the rest of humanity and the rest of the planet

    1. What is still utterly unclear is why an agency of the United Nations is joining in that effort.

      FOR REAL

    2. Historically, the UNDP played an important role in the creation of the Police Archive. Its Guatemala office administered millions of dollars in donations granted to the AHPN by foreign governments and the United Nations. T

      WTF is the United Nations doing?

    3. director Gustavo Meoño Brenner was abruptly removed in one of a series of recent actions orchestrated by the Guatemalan government and a United Nations office.

      United Nations office? What?

    1. The Times of Israel said Abramovich would be exempt from paying tax in Israel for 10 years and would not need to explain the sources of his wealth in that time

      uh, why?

    1. related non-executable data, such as online documentation or digital media


    2. computer software is all information processed by computer systems, programs and data.

      If a web server is a type of computer system, I think the argument could be made that a website is a kind of software.

    1. which was underwritten by money from Democrats.

      and originally funded by the Republicans as opposition research

    2. "Such access is particularly inappropriate when former officials have transitioned into highly partisan positions and seek to use real or perceived access to sensitive information to validate their political attacks."

      oh ffs

    1. Automatic daily weather updates on Android phones pinpoint roughly where you are. And some searches that have nothing to do with location, like “chocolate chip cookies,” or “kids science kits,” pinpoint your precise latitude and longitude—accurate to the square foot—and save it to your Google account.


    1. But he maintains his position on neutrality. Additional displays, he said during the forum,  would not be neutral due to differing philosophies in the community.

      this isn't neutrality. Choosing to not have displays is taking a side

    1. By the time the week is over, they’re exhausted. They “fly back” to their internal time zone on weekends and sleep in on Saturday and Sunday. Then, on Monday, they start the process all over again.

      it me

    1. reminded Petterson that children – including her 11-year-old daughter – were expected to pay $5 a month to the church in addition to two annual $15 fees.

      you can't charge children????

    1. Technology will also allow us to control our consents, to opt in and opt out, or even monetize our privacy, if we wish so, and it is not for the government to restrict us.

      I don't think this is entirely true.

    1. Flinn depicts himself as closer to Trump’s values, but Kustoff has voted with the president 93 percent of the time. Additionally, Kustoff has precious currency in southern primary politics: Trump’s enthusiastic endorsement.


    1. As for the buttons, Tucker said they were no longer allowed under new dress standards approved last month for employees.

      this is some bullshit

    2. The new displays were a safer choice, Tucker said, because the alternative would "give rise to or would be likely to give rise to disagreement."


  7. Jul 2018
    1. The inspector general previously only produced a classified version of the report.

      hmm, I wonder what prompted them to do an unclassified version this year?

    1. The PDK findings are consistent with other recent national surveys that show limited public support for arming teachers, including among educators themselves

      I wouldn't exactly call 50-60% "limited public support". Although, I suppose the previous paragraph was specifically about parents, not the public as a whole

    2. Having armed police on campus had the most parental support as a security measure


    1. But after her brother was murdered, the family, which by now included their mother again, was evicted, forcing them all into an abandoned three-story house for two weeks

      WTF, why is the VICTIM'S family evicted???

    1. Notably, after years of relative stability in the library e-book market and improved relations between publishers and libraries, the move caught librarians by surprise.

      especially after all the crap that went down in 2011/2012

    1. (If the map were to be a valid academic resource, he adds, it would also need a time slider to specify different time periods, separate existing and historical nations, and highlight the movement of nations across time. That would be a huge logistical challenge, Temprano says, requiring time, sources, and resources not currently available to him.)

      sounds like a digital humanities project

    1. he employment status of the medics will be determined in a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday, July 31, Merrill adds.

      I hope they're fired

    2. the Hillsborough Sheriff’s Office cleared the two sheriff’s who initially arrived on the scene of any violation of policy.


    1. the bureaucracy is too resistant to go along with them.

      so it was ultimately pointless for the author to let their security clearance lapse?

    2. re not particularly lucrative for people who have had the top jobs.

      really? Interesting.

    1. Howard points out that USCIS has been under congressional mandate since 2007 to create an electronic reading room and could have used the government’s FOIAOnline portal. He also cited privacy issues that have arisen in the past.

      hmm, I wonder why they didn't use that??

    1. Rather than recommending a video first, the algorithm will point to a text-based story surfaced by Google News

      Google News also has issues with featuring unreliable articles though

    2. show results from more reliable outlets.

      again, how is this determined. Bigger doesn't necessarily mean reliable

    3. "We're making changes to put more authoritative content in front of people," YouTube chief product officer Neal Mohan told reporters on Monday.

      yikes. How is 'authority' determined?

    1. Browder became a British citizen and can’t legally contribute to U.S. candidates. Ziff Brothers Investments through its executives can give freely, and they have.

      how is that legal? Is Browder not a full-on employee/executive of Ziff Brothers Investments?

    1. the Neogen Micro Serum. It was created exclusively for Soko Glam as a follow up to the super popular Neogen Micro Serum

      is it supposed to say Neogen Micro Serum both times? What is it a follow-up to?

    1. unless it directly encourages people to take an unlawful action immediately.

      but not future unlawful action????

    1. overturned the conviction of a teenager convicted of burning a cross on the lawn of an African American family's home (R.A.V. v. City of St. Paul, 1992).

      how the fuck was this not determined to be intent of harm?

    2. pervasively hostile environment. But merely offensive or bigoted speech does not rise to that level

      uh, yes it does for the person who the hate speech is directed against.

    1. “We’ve had briefings on this — it’s very difficult to really meddle in our elections. It just is. These are locally run, it’s almost impossible to change the vote tally.

      clearly he doesn't know what the accusations of election meddling actually entail.

    1. He said at the time that was the furthest he could go while complying with Illinois law requiring economic interest disclosures.

      uh huh. sure

    1. He also called the lengthy faculty panel report a “distraction” from the issues at hand, since it was merely an advisory group to the president under university bylaws


    2. It also broke with a long judicial tradition of deferring to colleges and universities on tenured personnel matters. 

      well Scott Walker effectively removed tenure protections from Wisconsin state law

  8. Jun 2018
    1. AAA’

      what acronym is this?

    2. For OF, this technical interoperability is structurally parallel to the horizontal and distributed ways that the project fosters social partnerships between dispersed professional organizations, including libraries, publishers, scholarly societies, and research institutes.

      technology mimics social organization.

    3. I believe, on the basis of a lot of time spent over the past five years with university librarians around the Midwestern U.S.

      highly specific community

    1. Hall argues that the enslaved Africans exercised much more control over their own lives as well as the relative success of the colony.

      mmhmm. Citations?

    2. ignored by owners and slaves

      How could they be ignored by slaves who were most likely not informed of any rights they might have?

    1. bar access to the courts for all types of legal claims, including employment discrimination and sexual harassment claims based on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, protections for employees with disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act, rights to maternity and medical leaves based on the Family and Medical Leave Act, and entitlements to minimum wages and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

      this is ridiculous

  9. May 2018
    1. similar to wikimediafoundation.org.

      Similar but not exact?

  10. Apr 2018
    1. Facebook users who have used the platform longer tend to express emotion less over time.


    1. Now that the justice has been safely installed on the court for life, he has revealed himself to be more akin to melted sorbet: sickly sweet and insubstantial with a tangy finish that induces slight nausea.


    1. A process of confidential deliberations by a committee, held in-camera, to decide tenure or promotion of an academic.

      Shouldn't this say "on-camera"? Also, if it's confidential, why would it need to be described in an ontology/be discoverably? What about tenure and promotion dossiers?

    1. In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Kirby’s family compared him to Bernie Sanders, saying that he would have been delighted to see the character empower such a wide audience.

      This is confusing

    1. The Early Africana collection comprises books and periodicals published before 1850 and runs up to 1925.It can be described as covering all rare and important books which are not Africana.It includes the Landau collection of books related to Judaica and the Ernest Oppenheimer collection of books on Portuguese studies.

      Why is the Early Africana collection not about Africana??

    1. If it’s an organisation, then we currently use ‘Dear Sirs’ as that remains the accepted standard

      Clearly it's no longer the accepted standard if people are moving away from it.

    1. “It was not made from their picture. Even if it were, people have a right to make an artistic drawing of the Chief and Wrigley Field, anything they want. That’s the First Amendment,” Johnson said.

      nooooot quite

    2. January.


    3. “From what I understand, the true test is whether consumers would be confused as to whether this shirt was sanctioned by the University and I do not think anyone could possibly believe that,” O’Malley said.


    4. Johnson said his client took great care not to use any University trademarks or make his shirts look like a product made or sold by the University.


    5. offering to buy the trademark


    6. What’s more alarming is how Sinclair is currently negotiating to acquire Tribune Media, the conglomerate owning WGN, for $ 3.9 billion.

      oh wait, maybe this is the deal then. Did Sinclair not require the same script for all its stations previously?

    7. Sinclair

      I still can't belive that merger/purchase whatever it was got approved.

    8. So it’s only the local stations — or, again, FOX — where fake news is supposedly almost never present.


  11. Mar 2018
    1. DPI will be developed on a donated site along the Chicago River, and will operate principally through private donations and partnerships with business and industry

      no wonder Rauner likes it

    2. the investment “could be the biggest spark ever to ignite our economic growth engine.”

      I mean, that's exaggerating a bit

    1. Does Retraction Watch act on behalf of J.Beall?


    2. The decision by Clarivate Analytics and Medline is puzzling and disappointing and my concern is the suggestion of disrepute that potentially can be associated with contributors to the journal, without any explanation as to the underlying issues or concerns.

      yes, the lack of transparency is concerning.

    3. The impact factor is not a responsible metric to use to evaluate research. It fails altogether to consider research quality, reproducibility, or transparency

      Even if it's not responsible lots of places use it.

    1. authors for Harrison’s received more than $11 million between 2009 and 2013 from makers of drugs and medical devices — not a penny of which was disclosed to readers.

      When was the first edition published?

    1. That case, which is on hold pending a decision in Janus, argues that teachers should have to affirmatively opt into the union, not opt out.


    2. the Center for Education Reform, a school choice advocacy organization.


    3. Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, in which the court split 4-4, leaving a lower court's favorable ruling toward unions intact.

      well we know Gorsuch is going to screw everyone over then.

  12. Feb 2018
    1. In 2016, that system locked Republicans out of a Senate race that was eventually won by Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Ca.).


    2. Candidates needed 60 percent of the vote to win the party’s endorsement, making Feinstein the first incumbent senator in recent memory who will run in June’s primary without official backing.

      so Kevin de Leon didnt get it either?

    1. Black Lives Matter and its allies have placed a “huge underemphasis on black-on-black violence,” said Ladd Everitt, spokesman for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence


    1. including Republicans for what he termed hypocrisy over concern about deficit spending.

      finally, one of them said it

    1. Now, remember that they still deserve a fair wage, but also realize that because most employers won't take a chance on them, you'll be able to hire them for less than what you would hire someone without a record.  This will end up saving your company money and because of their increased loyalty, it's unlikely you'll have to find a new employee anytime soon.


    1. “Khan immediately charged us, pushing us, throwing punches. We then attempted to defuse the situation and remained calm, but Tariq was uncontrollable and unhinged. I’m certain that Khan knew there was no threat; he just wanted to look for a fight. I wasn’t interested,” Valdez said.

      uh huh