7,092 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. video,feminismo

      harla: “Feminismo para Centennials”

      FIL Joven Charla: “Feminismo para Centennials”

      Participan: Concepción Company, Luna Miguel, Mercedes D’Alessandro, Hanne Orstavik, María José Cumplido

      Modera: Benito Taibo

      Organiza: El Colegio Nacional y FIL Guadalajara

      *Habrá traducción inglés-español Transmisión en vivo por Facebook

      Con el apoyo de Acción Cultural Española AC/E y Norwegian Literature Abroad

      Jueves 05 de diciembre 10:30 a 11:50 Auditorio Juan Rulfo, planta baja, Expo Guadalajara

    1. Why SKOS? SKOS is quickly becoming a prevalent standards-based tool for representing thesaurus data, as witnessed by the user list above. Using SKOS instead of creating a custom XML Schema approach minimizes reinvention of the wheel. Implementing custom XML Schemata often requires new, custom tools to be created by each user, whereas SKOS and RDF have numerous tools to make instant use of the data. Furthermore, the notion of dereferenceable, REST ful URIs is a strength of the Semantic Web and Linked Data community approach to data -- one which is attractive enough for us to leverage. It is not necessarily an approach that the Semantic Web community invented, nor is it something that XML is devoid of, comparatively speaking. However, centering services or content negotiation around a reusable or multi-purposed URI has not been a common design principle in most XML applications. Lastly, the ability to see our data tied into the Linked Data world is attractive. Linked Data is heavily driven by Semantic Web and RDF technologies. This offers an exciting opportunity to bring our standards offerings to a new user community.
    1. La estabilidad de los virus HCoV-19 (SARS-CoV-2) compared to SARS-CoV-1 en aerosol y superficies es la siguiente: se detectan virus viables en aerosoles hasta 3 horas después de la aerosolización, hasta 4 horas en cobre, hasta 24 horas en cartón y hasta 2-3 días en plástico y acero inoxidable

  2. covid19-civiclytics.citibeats.com covid19-civiclytics.citibeats.com
    1. tren_topic,social_media_traker

      Percepciones y preocupaciones que expresan los latinoamericanos y caribeños en Internet respecto COVID-19

      Medidas de crisis Seguridad alimentaria Seguridad econ. (hogares) Seg. econ. (empresas) Seguridad sanitaria Impacto cultural Teletrabajo Educación Salud mental Personas en vulnerabilidad Medioambiente Iniciativas ciudadanas Noticias falsas