- Jul 2017
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privateown-ership of the means of production -is abolishedand allproductivemeans are collectively owned. This, Marx argues, alsobringsabouttheendofalienationandthebeginningsofasocialorderwhichcanutilize the productive power of the capitalist infrastructuretosupportthefull development and enjoyment of those aspects of social relation-ships previously distorted by the endless pursuit of privateprofitforthe bourgeoisie. The productive efficiency of capitalism cannowbedirected to supporting all members of society. The promiseofcommu-nism for Marx lies in its enabling people to control theirowndestiny
Means of production are open to all and the goods produced are employed to the benefit of the entire society, each person is free from contracted labor, can produce for their community in any capacity and can invest in self-realization and development to achieve their full potential. There is no stratification of rewards according to percieved social value.
By means of various political alterations which took place over a few centuries, the landlord class came to share political power, first with the capitalist landowners, and then with the new industrialists. Eventually the control of political decision-making passed irrevocably into capitalist hands, though a residue of influence has remained withthe landlords up to today
The transformation of modes of production and social organization resulting from changing superstructures -- due to a reordering of social relations and belief sets in a society -- and technologies that change the means of production. The process begins when problems with the system become apparent to producers but remain unaddressed by owners.
These objective conditions will foster heightened political awareness among the working class so that full advantage can be taken of the weakened state of the bourgeoisie and collective oppo- sition to their political and economic power can besustained
Awareness of the loss of productive quality in a process by those within the process (laborers), the exploitation occurring, and the shared conception of the experience that leads to political activity. Organizes collective action against the hegemonic powers in place at the moment.
The justification of inequality
The act of condition the citizenship to accept and expect stratification based on merit in society, thereby justifying unequal rewards (low pay, no health benefits, no control over shifts, low social status etc.)
Consumerism: t
The socially-supported ideologies that reproduce the behavior of consuming the goods produced in society. The re-investment of funds into companies into the productive process. A means of exploitation through overcharging for goods for profit. Influences social structures other than the marketplace. Functions to justify participation in capitalist structures and ensures demand for goods so companies can continue producing and profiting.
ideologies are systems of beliefwhich:legitimate the class-based system of production by making it appear right and just, and/orobscure the reality of its consequences for those involved.
A set of beliefs that justifies the division of labor, wealth and social relations in society. They act to explain away the real negative experiences with the system it underlies while glorifying it. Functions to maintain subordination of the productive class to the owner class.
Key Institution. Site of the normalization of discreet groupings of information and production, unequal social relations and powerlessness of the subordinate, production for profit - through learning for grades vs learning to learn, and undermining of the original act (learning or production).
non-economic institutions in anyepocharealwaysorganizedinsuchawayastobenefitthemodeof production.
Key institutions are sites that organize social relations in configurations that support the productive process of the time.
The family
A Key Institution. Site of the normalization of unequal social relations, rest and relaxation away from work serving as concessions to the exploited, and the renewal of energy to ensure productive labor.
the foundation of social relations that includes the common and specialized knowledge, legal structure, shared belief systems, and the accords reached by subordinate ideologies and dominant ideologies. As social relations are the basis of economic production, such a capability originates in the social (superstructure).
The distribution of peoples' labor in the productive process. Organization depends on tasks, skill sets of laborers, and available means of production.
wo. Because such peoples only produceenoughtoallowthemtoexistatsubsistencelevel,everyonehas to work. There is no surplus propert
An amount of something greater than that needed to ensure basic survival.
nother.words,whateverdegreeofcooperationorevenfriendlinessmightexist betweenindividualsfromeachclass,theirinterestsobjectivelyconflict.
The inherent conflict between classes due to differential needs and interests born of different life experiences and life styles that are characteristic of the classes.
Themajorityofpeople,whodonotownthemeans of production, do the productive work for the benefit of those -the minority-whodoownit
The owner class (exploiters) use the labor of the productive class (exploited) for their own benefit, or the owner class hoards the profits of the production from those who were involved in the actual production process. Whether underpaying (unfair compensation) or not allowing the lower class from accessing the goods (i.e. a farmer has workers sew, grow and harvest apples for them, but doesn't give fair pay or access to the apples)
t one of five different ways of organiz- ing production. These different ways of producing goods Marx called modesofproduction.Thefiveare(inchronologicalorder):theprimitive communist, ancient, feudal, capitalist and communistmodes
The way that society is organized to produce goods, categorized based on social relations between consumers, producers and owners of the means of production (machinery, raw material, human labor etc.). Marx imagined early production systems as early versions of communism -- thereby imagined a reversion of society to a previous organization of labor -- while the stages in between are characterized by the exploitation of labor between classes.
elop a multi- dimensional analysis of modern society; one which would not just describe the ways things appear to be but would penetrate beneath accepted views and offer a decisive challenge to the most powerful beliefs and values of early capitalist socie
With the goal of uncovering the power structures in society and the true meanings of "common knowledge", Marx did a historical analysis of the society with consideration of the physical, social, political and economic environments in that society.
evelopan ·overall theory of the history, politics and economy of modern capitalist socie
Taking into consideration the specific historical moment, its political, economic and social process and accompanying structures and relations when considering an event, phenomena, action etc.
Without burrows, lacking fur or claws, in this vulnerable state humans need to work together to survive, hence they need to develop social relationsh
Being that humans need to produce use-able goods from their natural environment, we must rely on the collective strength and ability of their community. Many people are involved in the labor process in production, thus, production creates social relationships.
'historical materialism
Marx recognizes that the specific knowledge and tools shared in a community during a particular historical moment plays a role in those peoples' productive capabilities. This conception recognizes the productive qualities of the natural world and the social processes that occur to complete the conversion of natural resources into use-able goods
- Social Change
- Critical Social Theory
- Class Exploitation
- Class Consciousness
- Surplus
- Social Relationships of Production
- Class Stuggle
- Key Institutions - Education
- Justification of Inequality
- Modes of Production
- Consumerism
- historical materialism
- Division of Labor
- Communism
- Superstructure
- Ideology and its function
- Jun 2017
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63Introduction to Critical TheoryReadings:•Levinson, B. 2011. Why Critical Theory? (pp. 14-16) •Levinson, B. 2011. On Marx & Marxism. (pp. 30-46)
Why aren't we reading the primary source to familiarize ourselves with Marx?
due by 8/11
Is this exam due online or will students need to secure a proctor?
I'm glad this course has a greater focus on substance than correctness, as it seems to me that the best way for students to grow is to try and develop their own ideas. That is, instead of a concentration on regurgitating memorized information.