16 Matching Annotations
  1. Aug 2020
    1. Understanding Open Access: When, Why, & How to Make Your Work Openly Accessible

      This resource is one that I have already passed on to colleagues, I found it very helpful from the outset. I feel it clearly explains some of the key information to discuss with authors when considering Open Access publishing, especially when addressing common questions, such as "why should I publish OA?".

    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/License_compatibility

      Useful article that outlines how incompatible licensing can occur, despite original best intentions of the creators. Also demonstrates how time consuming and problematic it can be to resolve. (June 2020 cohort CC Cert)

      Note: article needs to be hyperlinked.

    1. More information about the public domain

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      Traditional Knowledge and the Public Domain. Ruth L. Okediji. CIGI Papers No. 176 — June 2018


      A thought-provoking paper about the the intersection of traditional knowledge and the public domain.

    2. More information about copyright concepts

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      Is it possible to decolonize the Commons? An interview with Jane Anderson of Local Contexts


      This interview expands on TK (traditional knowledge) labels and Cultural Heritage. The interview came about after a panel the CC Global Summit, where the panelists discussed "the need for practical strategies for Indigenous communities to reclaim their rights and assert sovereignty over their own intellectual property.".

    3. More information about limitations and exceptions to copyright

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      What if we could re-imagine Copyright? (ed. Rebecca Giblin, Kimberlee Weatherall) published in 2017.


      A collection of essays examining examining new opportunities for Copyright, in a non-North American context (published in Australia), including Copyright duration, formalities such as registration, the purpose of copyright.

    4. It’s Time to Protect the Public Domain by Wikimedia Foundation

      I found this to be a very considered argument that protecting the Public Domain is just as important as protecting that which can be Copyrighted. Public Domain content is just as important to be able to contribute to the Commons - we would lose a great deal if this content was not supported to remain freely available in the Commons.

    1. Additional Resources

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      Editorial: Open for Business - why The Library in the Lead Pipe in moving to CC-BY licensing


      A library specific example of how an Open Access journal changed their licensing practices for contributed articles, this outlines why and how they made these changes.

    2. 3 Steps for Licensing Your 3d Printed Stuff by Michael Weinberg

      I found this to be a very interesting article, exploring the line between copyright and licensing of physical objects vs. the code (or digital file) used to create the object. This paper delves into a range of questions - what is being licensed, what is copyrightable, what is covered under a patent, what is a creative work, what is a functional work. Although this paper was published in early 2015, the content remains relevant now. (June 2020 Cohort CC Certificate)

    1. More information about other open movements

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      Creative Commons Release ’em poker (game) https://www.tohatoha.org.nz/creative-commons/creative-commons-poker/cc-card-game-rules-and-scenarios/

      Another game to help people learn about CC licensing. Can adapt content and add tailored scenarios.

    2. More information about the Commons

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding:

      How Creative Commons works, and why it enables access to knowledge by Denise Rosemary Nicholson (author) and Paul G West (contributor)


      Clear & accessible description of CC and relevance to knowledge, and this article also demonstrates how CC is impacting legal changes to Copyright in other counties ( e.g. South Africa).

    3. More information about CC and open licensing

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding Uploading Godzone https://www.tohatoha.org.nz/2018/11/uploading-godzone/

      A non-North American view of how community members view and use CC licenses to contribute to the Commons.

    4. Elinor Ostrom’s 8 Principles for Managing a Commons by On the Commons

      I found this article to be a succinct description of the 8 key principles for managing The Commons. It made me curious to explore more about the range of research that Elinor Ostrom undertook about the Commons. (June 2020 cohort CC Cert)

  2. Jun 2020
    1. More information about the Commons

      Additional Resource: I would like to recommend adding State of the Commons https://stateof.creativecommons.org/

      I found it really helpful to have visualisations, and to also spend time digging into the data, playing with different tools and exploring links for the Global Network chapters.

    1. Selected Frequently Asked Questions by Creative Commons.

      I would suggest adding in the following FAQ: What are the international (“unported”) Creative Commons licenses, and why does CC offer “ported” licenses? https://creativecommons.org/faq/#what-are-the-international-unported-creative-commons-licenses-and-why-does-cc-offer-ported-licenses

      This FAQ answer is a good prompt about the "international" aspect to CC licenses.

  3. Mar 2018
    1. K-12 school districts are starting to not just adopt, but to focus on teaching teachers how to effectively use OER in ways that improve student learning.

      I'm curious about how widespread this integration into "teaching the teachers" is in other countries, especially in the Pacific region. While their does appear to be some uptake by primary & secondary educators, it doesn't yet appear widespread in this region yet.

    1. A bottom-up approach driven by faculty and embraced by college administrators is far more likely to lead to changes that will be broadly accepted on campus and endure

      So it means finding advocates within an institution, and supporting them with their open textbook projects, as well as giving them the support & tools to advocate to their administration about the benefits of OpenTextbooks.

      One concern for academics might be that their work on zero-textbooks is not recognized as a legitimate academic activity that contributes towards tenure or performance-based funding - how can we support their argument that it is valid?