- Nov 2020
www.scylladb.com www.scylladb.com
legacy.reactjs.org legacy.reactjs.org
pass its state down as props to its child components
props down
This is why state is often called local or encapsulated
state is private to component that owns it
the props at the time the update is applied as the second argument:
相当于对应这个 state 时的 props?
While this.props is set up by React itself and this.state has a special meaning, you are free to add additional fields to the class manually if you need to store something that doesn’t participate in the data flow (like a timer ID).
this 里
- props
- state
When React sees an element representing a user-defined component, it passes JSX attributes and children to this component as a single object. We call this object “props”.
This function is a valid React component because it accepts a single “props” (which stands for properties) object argument with data and returns a React element
(properties) => react element
render a React element into a root DOM node
将一个 React Component 在一个 root DOM node 中渲染
in braces: {name} -
via https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html#learn-react
as they called: learn concepts step by step
www.tetrate.io www.tetrate.io
www.cis.upenn.edu www.cis.upenn.edu
wonderful page showing
- {} braces
- [] brackets
- () parentheses
www.mmhmm.app www.mmhmm.app
seems interesting
github.com github.com
maybe a good reading material on k8s
github.com github.com
discussion on why deployment.spec.selector is immutable
github.com github.com
act before your cache has filled
什么叫(或者说怎么判断) : cache has filled?
You may see other mechanisms like reflectors and deltafifos driving controllers. Those were older mechanisms that we later used to build the SharedInformers. You should avoid using them in new controllers.
are used to build theSharedInformers
as this pic showed:
qoobo.info qoobo.info
太诡异了 哈哈a哈哈
www.metabase.com www.metabase.comMetabase1
seems interesting
www.quora.com www.quora.com
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
What was it like to be a software engineer at NeXT?
github.com github.com
so what is this?
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
- metadata 里,resourceVersion 和 generation 的区别
- 这两个字段分别什么时机会 +1
- 貌似所有object 都有 resourceVersion 字段,但是只有部分有 generation
rancher.com rancher.com
In Rancher, an administrator applies a resource quota to the Project, and then the quota propagates to each Namespace. Kubernetes then enforces the admin’s limits using the native version of resource quotas.
看起来也是利用了原生的 resourceQuota,不知道如何实现的
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Life of a Kubernetes API Request by Daniel Smith, Google
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Kubernetes Design Principles: Understand the Why
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Resource contention
这儿 contention 理解成竞争(?)
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
Kubernetes Resource Management, QoS, Resource Quota
resource quota related:
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per namespace
is namespaced所以自然的,它不支持对 cluster 级别资源的限制
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
If a request with the dry-run attribute would trigger a call to this webhook, the request will instead fail, and the webhook will not be called.
啥意思,是说如果标记为 Some,dry-run 时就不会被调用么?
To validate an object after all mutations are guaranteed complete, use a validating admission webhook instead (recommended for webhooks with side-effects).
言下之意是 validating admission webhook 会在所有 mutation 之后执行,很合理
may be reordered
reordered by who?
auto reordered by api-server?
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
iPhone 充电
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
BestEffort, the Containers in the Pod must not have any memory or CPU limits or requests.
- no memory or CPU limits or requests
和 Guaranteed 刚好两个极端,处于中间都就是 Burstable
If a Container specifies its own memory limit, but does not specify a memory request, Kubernetes automatically assigns a memory request that matches the limit. Similarly,
container 只配置了 limit 的时候,k8s 会自动给他加上 request
该 request == limit
zhuanlan.zhihu.com zhuanlan.zhihu.com
The .metadata.generation value is incremented for all changes, except for changes to .metadata or .status.
status 的更新不会 inc
metadata 也不会,这个有点儿意外
PUT/POST/PATCH requests to the custom resource ignore changes to the status stanza.
对 custom resource 的 PUT/POST/PATCH 等更新操作,是忽略 status 的
Custom resources are validated via OpenAPI v3 schemas and you can add additional validation using admission webhooks.
two ways of validation
- OpenAPI v3 schemas
- admission webhooks
github.com github.com
seems interesting
alexanderklopping.medium.com alexanderklopping.medium.com
nice e-ink reader showing NYT frontpage
the nyt pdf is especially useful: https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/11/09/nytfrontpage/scan.pdf
docs.shippable.com docs.shippable.com
nice article, exactly what I am looking for
create kubeconfig file using service account
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
Administrators might have sets of certificates that they provide to individual users
yaml-multiline.info yaml-multiline.info
yaml 牛逼
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
If a Container specifies its own memory limit, but does not specify a memory request, Kubernetes automatically assigns a memory request that matches the limit. Similarly, if a Container specifies its own CPU limit, but does not specify a CPU request, Kubernetes automatically assigns a CPU request that matches the limit.
配置了 limit,但是没配置 resource 的时候,会自动填补上 resource (== limit)
istio.io istio.io
resource limit on Istio
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
CCM = Cumulative Clean Mass = 吃尘量
CADR = Clean Air Delivery Rate = 每小时清洁空气立方米
www.moondownload.com www.moondownload.com
reader on Android
paircast.io paircast.io
book.kubebuilder.io book.kubebuilder.io
This marker is what allows new schemas to be added here automatically when a new API is added to the project.
github.com github.com
A basic proof of concept of exporting annotations from PDF into Anki.
via https://www.reddit.com/r/Anki/comments/8lpkjz/a_basic_proof_of_concept_of_exporting_annotations/
medium.com medium.com
flash loan & hack
forum.makerdao.com forum.makerdao.com
flash loan & makerdao
nomoregoogle.com nomoregoogle.com
cool site
kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io
不错的一个找 kustomize 示例的地儿
kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io kubectl.docs.kubernetes.io
Transformers: Modify Resource Config by adding, updating or deleting fields
更新具体的 fields
Generator 和 Transformer 的区别可以简单的说是:
- Generator - 操作文件
- Transformer - 操作字段
如上所提及的,下面的 types 就三种:
- Generator
- Transformer
- Meta
Meta: Configure behavior of Generators and Transformers
配置 Generator 和 Transformer 本身
Generators: Provide Resource Config to Kustomize
给 kustomize 提供配置信息的,比如如下配置里的
commonLabels: app: myWord resources: - dp.yml - svc.yml configMapGenerator: - name: wordpress-map files: - env.startup.txt
will have it updated
to what?
Reference for Kustomization.yaml
simple & clear intro on WTF is
istio.io istio.io
In particular, you use destination rules to specify named service subsets, such as grouping all a given service’s instances by version
给我的印象是 Destination Rules 就是给 service 分 version 用的
效果是每个 subset 里,默认使用 RANDOM 的负载均衡策略
host: my-svc
这个 host 又怎么说。。
对应 k8s 的 service ?
host: reviews
the hostname is a k8s service
Virtual service hosts don’t actually have to be part of the Istio service registry, they are simply virtual destinations.
怎么理解? host 可以随便写?
这儿的 hosts 对应什么, k8s 的 service?
看起来似乎 virtual service 主要的功能就是能给 service 分 version 访问
Without virtual services, Envoy distributes traffic using round-robin load balancing between all service instances, as described in the introduction.
没有 Virtual Service 的话,用 k8s 的 service 只能有 round robin 的功能,像 灰度发布之类的就没有简单的办法了
With a virtual service, you can specify traffic behavior for one or more hostnames.
这个 hostname 是指?
Specifying service subsets and other destination-specific policies in a separate object lets you reuse these cleanly between virtual services.
怎么 reuse ?
martinfowler.com martinfowler.com
Although the name for this technique might not be familiar [1], the practice of canary releasing has been adopted for some time. Sometimes it is referred to as a phased rollout or an incremental rollout.
- canary release
- staged rollout
- phased rollout
- incremental rollout
- 灰度发布
www.jianshu.com www.jianshu.com
- 蓝绿 - 流量切换 standby
- 滚动 - 现有集群中逐渐升级
- 灰度/金丝雀 - 新老并存,逐渐切换
istio.io istio.io
policy enforcement component
arxiv.org arxiv.org
measure system call
pages.cs.wisc.edu pages.cs.wisc.eduVideos1
videos for OSTEP
www.forbes.com www.forbes.com
- Oct 2020
www.jianshu.com www.jianshu.com
1秒(s) =1000毫秒(ms) 1毫秒(ms)=1000微秒 (us) 1微秒(us)=1000纳秒 (ns)
以 1k 为单位递进
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
换气, 口鼻
www.cs.utexas.edu www.cs.utexas.edu
consider the stack on which the operating system must run when it receives the system call. Should this be a different stack from the one that the application uses, or could it use the same stack as the application program? Assume that the application program is blocked while the system call runs.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
The term "x86" came into being because the names of several successors to Intel's 8086 processor end in "86", including the 80186, 80286, 80386 and 80486 processors.
好几个使用了这个指令集的 CPU 的型号都以 86 结尾,所以将此指令集以 x86 命名
github.com github.com
mac window management
github.com github.com
mac window management
github.com github.com
mac window management
github.com github.com
mac window management
istio.io istio.io
FAQ on Istio Security
istio.io istio.io
-n istio-system
this PeerAuthn policy is installed in root istio ns: istio-system
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
curl --cacert ${CACERT} --header "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}" -X GET ${APISERVER}/api
directly curl API server
curl --cacert /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt \ --header "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" \ https://kubernetes.default/api
finance.sina.com.cn finance.sina.com.cn
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
key words:
tenant, network isolation, api-server, kubelet, etcd
istio.io istio.io
principal is just service account
tools.ietf.org tools.ietf.org
The "aud" (audience) claim identifies the recipients that the JWT is intended for.
貌似可以理解成使用(消费)这个 JWT 的 app 的名字
what is audience?
istio.io istio.io
two rules:
- one with
only - another with
first requires JWT on all paths, second allow request to
with no requirementthus: require JWT on all paths, except /healthz
- one with
JSON Web Key Set
The JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) is a set of keys containing the public keys used to verify any JSON Web Token (JWT) issued by the authorization server and signed using the RS256 signing algorithm.
Peer authentication policies specify the mutual TLS mode Istio enforces on target workloads
特么就一个作用啊,就是启动 mTLS?
The following modes are supported
3 modes of mutual TLS supported for peer authn policies:
- strict
- permissive
- disable
When you configure multiple mesh- or namespace-wide peer authentication policies for the same mesh or namespace, Istio ignores the newer policies. When more than one workload-specific peer authentication policy matches, Istio picks the oldest one.
peer authn policy:
- 如果 mesh 或 ns 级别的 peer authn policy 有多条,用最老的
- workload 级别的有多条,用最老的
ignores the newer policies.
Istio picks the oldest one.
authentication policies apply to requests that a service receives. To specify client-side authentication rules in mutual TLS, you need to specify the TLSSettings in the DestinationRule.
peer and request authentication policies
authn policies 分两种:
- peer authn policy - PeerAuthentication
- request authn policy - RequestAuthentication
Istio stores mesh-scope policies in the root namespace
默认情况下,安装在 istio-system 里的 authn policy 是全局配置
The control plane watches the apiserver, generates the secure naming mappings
根据什么信息来生成 secure naming mappings?
Identity Provision
nice pic
Istio agents
这是个之前没听说过的 Istio 新组件
exchange credentials with their identity information
credentials 这儿是指的证书
那 identity 呢?是 service account
所以证书里有 service account 信息
Kubernetes: Kubernetes service account
好吧,k8s 上,identity 就是 service account
and reject any clients who failed to pay their bill from accessing the workloads
有点儿我们 saas 收费的意思了
authentication, authorization and audit (AAA) tools
- authn
- authz
- audit
nice write up on mTLS
Verifying Alice is actually Alice is a much less common operation, but is generally called “Mutual TLS authentication” as both Alice and Bob are verified.
好吧,我懂了,mTLS 之所以比较少听到,就是应为它的场景更少一些
rekt.ghost.io rekt.ghost.io
flash loans
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
SCTP support
WTH is this?
in the "default" namespace
istio.io istio.io
Audit a request if it matches any of the rules.
log request
banzaicloud.com banzaicloud.com
Istio 和 k8s 中的访问控制 access control
- istio - AuthorizationPolicy
- k8s - NetworkPolicy
- 校长
- 主要的
the same goal could have been achieved with two different AuthorizationPolicy entries for the two different rules
不同 AuthorizationPolicy 之间的关系也是:或, 有其一通过即通过
Istio has a data plane, and a control plane.
nice pic showing data plane & control plane
github.com github.com
via istio
github.com github.com
via 《云原生服务网格 Istio》
istio.io istio.io
这个 service 貌似就是 k8s 的 service
github.com github.com
via https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/network-policies/
totally have no idea what this is...
github.com github.com
via david, multi-tenancy, network isolation
dodoex.github.io dodoex.github.io
math is simple
dodoex.github.io dodoex.github.io
Single Risk Exposure
But what about impermanent loss, i.e. how does PMM ensure that liquidity providers get what they deposited when they withdraw their tokens? The answer is by encouraging arbitrage trading.
pages.cs.wisc.edu pages.cs.wisc.edu
OSTEP home page
github.com github.com
source code for OSTEP
pdos.csail.mit.edu pdos.csail.mit.edu
a demo os
kuboard.cn kuboard.cn
貌似是另一个 k8s 的 dashboard,页面全但是感觉使用比较复杂
github.com github.com
k8s 安装工具?
via minghua
github.com github.com
via david, multi-tenancy
Cloud native networking and network security
github.com github.com
about.gitlab.com about.gitlab.com
gitlab Tech stack
github.com github.com
github.com github.com
webhook for native k8s resource
github.com github.com
a set of go libraries for building Controllers
libs for building controllers
github.com github.com
webhook for k8s native resource
www.joinquant.com www.joinquant.com
via cc, 量化交易
github.com github.com
Founder @appscode
www.qikqiak.com www.qikqiak.com阳明的博客1
这个个人博客看起来不错啊,k8s 相关
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
www.qikqiak.com www.qikqiak.com
via david
blog.golang.org blog.golang.org
worth reading
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
An admission controller is a piece of code that intercepts requests to the Kubernetes API server prior to persistence of the object, but after the request is authenticated and authorized.
An admission controller:
- a piece of code
- that intercepts requests to k8s API server
- before persistence of the object
- but after the request is
ed &authz
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
In addition to compiled-in admission plugins, admission plugins can be developed as extensions and run as webhooks configured at runtime.
Admission Controller 是 k8s 官方的代码,而用户可以通过 Admission Webhook 的方式,添加一些自己的逻辑,来修改和校验到 k8s api server 的请求
news.ycombinator.com news.ycombinator.com
seems a good article/paper explaining zk-Snark
www.zhihu.com www.zhihu.com
英文 广度 推荐
www.boox.com www.boox.com
tutorials.jenkov.com tutorials.jenkov.com
Common Pitfall: Calling run() Instead of start()
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
可算明白了 Monitor 和 Lock 的区别,Monitor 是一个完整的结构,其构成元素里包括 Lock,还包括若干 Condition Variables (条件变量)
type Monitor struct { Lock Lock EntranceQueue []Thread CVs []ConditionVariable } type ConditionVariable struct { WaitingQueue []Thread }
想象 Monitor 是一个房子,所有强锁的线程先进这个房子,如果 Lock 已被占,则在这个入口等着,否则拿着锁进入正厅,执行业务逻辑
在 while 循环中等待条件变量成立,同时释放锁,进入等待室,等待其他入口处的线程进入正厅后,可能执行的 nofity,被唤醒后,去入口处,重新等待获锁,之后检查条件时候确实成立(在 while(P)中),如果否,则再次 wait,如果真,则可执行业务逻辑,有需要的话退出前也执行 nofity(), 退出释放锁,结束
总结来说,monitor:一把 lock,两个 waiting queue
ps. 这个图也不错
wikipedia 的(有些)文章质量真高啊
A Java style monitor
nice and clean pic showing Java style monitor:
- 1 implicit condition variable
The operations notify c and notify all c are treated as "hints" that P may be true for some waiting thread.
is a hint that condition might be true -
condition variable c
是一个代称,指代 condition variable,对应右图中的a
The implementation given here is incorrect
Sample Mesa-monitor implementation with Test-and-Set
signal(queueEmptyCV); -- OR -- notifyAll(queueEmptyCV);
wake up consumers waiting because of empty queue
bounded producer/consumer problem
这个 bounded producer/consumer problem 特别适合用来帮助理解 monitor
- lock, 保护 bounded queue
- condition variables:
- producer: queue is not full
- consumer: queue is not empty
signal c
in Java -
broadcast c
in Java -
Monitors provide a mechanism for threads to temporarily give up exclusive access in order to wait for some condition to be met, before regaining exclusive access and resuming their task.
所以除了 lock 之外,monitor 还有一个功能就是可以让线程放弃🔒,直到它需要的条件成立,再才重新获得🔒
这是 monitor 比 lock 多的一点涵义
A monitor consists of a mutex (lock) object and condition variables.
这儿看出点儿 monitor 和 lock 的区别了
monitor 是一个结构,包括两个元素:
- mutex (lock)
- condition variables
In concurrent programming (also known as parallel programming), a monitor is a synchronization construct that allows threads to have both mutual exclusion and the ability to wait (block) for a certain condition to become false.
monitor, two feature:
- mutex
- the ability to wait for a certain condition to become true
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
In retrospect, this design decision was probably a bad one: not only can it be confusing, but it forces JVM implementors to make tradeoffs between object size and locking performance.
twitter.com twitter.com
via report on Thai Protest
www.techopedia.com www.techopedia.com
A mutual exclusion (mutex) is a program object that prevents simultaneous access to a shared resource.
才发现 mutex 原来是 MUTual EXclusion 的缩写
- mutual: 相互
- exclusion: 排斥
- mutual exclusion - mutex - 相互排斥 - 互斥
appscode.com appscode.com
a k8s company, via https://twitter.com/tsaha
twitter.com twitter.com
seems working on some serious shit of k8s
github.com github.com
?for what
It makes decisions by evaluating the incoming object against all defined ResourceQuota.Status.Hard resource limits in the request namespace.
看起来官方的 ResourceQuota 也是用的 Admission Webhook 来实现的
rancher.com rancher.com
Project Limits
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
might be useful for Kalm Resource Quota
rancher.com rancher.com
Rancher goes beyond Namespaces by including a Project resource that helps ease the administrative burden of clusters
“If launching another resource in the Namespace would exceed the quota, then nothing else gets to launch,” Goins noted.
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
Configurations for local ephemeral storage
The amount of resources available to Pods is less than the node capacity, because system daemons use a portion of the available resources.
Allocatable < Capacity
more than 1120m CPUs or 6.23Gi of memory, it will not fit on the node
how come the numbers?
1120m CPUs or 6.23Gi of memory
- CPU, allocatable - allocated = 1800m - 680m = 1120m
- memory, allocatable - allocated = 7474992Ki - 920Mi = (7474992/1024.0 - 920) / 1024 = 6.23Gi
CPU and memory are collectively referred to as compute resources, or just resources. Compute resources are measurable quantities that can be requested, allocated, and consumed. They are distinct from API resources. API resources, such as Pods and Services are objects that can be read and modified through the Kubernetes API server.
两种 resource,不一样的东西
- Compute Resources, or simply resources, are CPU & memory
- API resources, e.g. Pods, Services
zh.wikipedia.org zh.wikipedia.org
对于许多应用场合,互斥操作是不够用的。线程可能需要等待某个条件 P {\displaystyle P} 为真,才能继续执行。
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
算是释疑了,monitor 就是 lock, lock 就是 monitor
甚至可以称为: monitor lock
intrinsic lock or monitor lock. (The API specification often refers to this entity simply as a "monitor."
- intrinsic lock
- monitor lock
- monitor
所以,lock 和 monitor 是一个东西,就是锁,就是需要排他的访问一个共享资源的时候,需要从 object 上获取的东西
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
When a thread releases the lock, a happens-before relationship is established between that action and any subsequent acquisition of the same lock.