- Nov 2019
kubernetes.io kubernetes.ioPods1
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
kubernetes.io kubernetes.io
www.bridgewater.com www.bridgewater.com
discounting the lowest risks
? discounting the lowest risk 啥意思?
www.linkedin.com www.linkedin.com
Ray Dalio - The world has gone mad & the System is Broken
- Oct 2019
www.binance.com www.binance.com
To learn why a Funding Rate is needed in the Perpetual Futures Market, please review the section detailing the market.
? where
www.binance.com www.binance.com杠杆概述6
币安有 抵押金 和 保证金 的概念
这个例子里,抵押金多 41.3K,而保证金少 8.7k
- 强行价格对应 Liquidation Price,对应亏光保证金的价格
- 爆仓价格对应:Bankruptcy Price,对应亏光保证金 + 抵押金的价格
情景3:用户的头寸为100 BTC, 名义价值为1,000,000 USDT
used as case in https://www.binance.com/en/support/articles/360033525271
强行价格: 10,000 - 41,300/20 = 9,587
强行价格: 10,000 - 41,300/20 = 9,587
应该除以 100
强行价格: 10,000 - 49,800/5 = 40
Liquidation Price: 10000 - 49800/5 = 40
BTC 当前价格: 10K,
当抵押金亏完, 只剩下保证金时:200 时,这时保证金率降到 0.4%,即到达清算线。
而保证金现在有 49.8 K (= 50k - 用作保证金的200)
五枚BTC 每枚亏 49.8k / 5,可以亏光,即价格跌到:10k - 49.8/5 = 40刀,会启动清算
抵押金 保证金 啥区别?
www.binance.com www.binance.com
Let’s follow the 3rd scenario from the 20x leverage (default) case in the previous section.
情景3:用户的头寸为100 BTC, 名义价值为1,000,000 USDT
www.investopedia.com www.investopedia.com
margin 的比例是当前仓位减掉负债后,占仓位价值的比例,还是比较直观的,其实就是当前仓位的净资产就是保证金,我们对这个保证金占仓位价值的比例有一个要求,或者反过来就是当前债务的占比有一个要求,不能超过多少
- 初始保证金 50%,则仓位 10k 时,对应 5k 保证金,5k 借款
初始保证金 65%,则仓位 10k 时,对应 6.5k 保证金,3.5k 借款
# 维持保证金
股价跌倒一半后,仓位只有 5k,其中债务不变:
- initial margin 50% 对应债务 5k,保证金 0k,比例为零,这时整个仓位只够刚好还债,真实情况中,早已经在这之前执行清算
- initial margin 65% 对应债务 3.5k,保证金 1.5k,保证金比例 = 1.5 / 5 = 30% ,如果 maintenance margin 为 30%,则这时再跌一点点,就将执行清算
imagine the maintenance margin is 30 percent
(Total - Debt) / Total >= 30%
Different DeFi projects have taken different approaches to implementing this oracle, but they can generally all be classified in one of five ways
5 ways of price oracle
- Jul 2019
www.hashhack.it www.hashhack.it
empty for EOA(Externally Owned Account) ?
easythereentropy.wordpress.com easythereentropy.wordpress.com
Parity: 公正;奇偶
github.com github.com
Here is the extended code for getting a node in the Merkle Patricia trie:
first nibble
[1] [2] [_3_extension_orleaf] [_4_path_len_event_orodd]
[ f, 1, c, b, 8, 10]
leaf node with odd path:
should prefixed with:
0x 3f 1c b8
[ 0, f, 1, c, b, 8, 10]
leaf node with even path:
should prefixed with:
0x20 0f 1c b8
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]
odd extension node with path:
<br> should prefix with nibble:0x1
0x11 23 45
[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...]
extension node with even path:
<br> with prefix:0x00
0x00 01 23 45
a kilobyte of extra space to store one level per character
why 1k per level?
(16+1) slots * 256bits per slot?
echo.labstack.com echo.labstack.com
This middleware is executed after router processes the request
and before handler process the request(?)
Handler is processed in the end after all middleware are finished executing.
middleware first, handler second
- Jun 2019
blog.ethereum.org blog.ethereum.org
key world: merkle proof
So what is the benefit of this strange kind of hashing algorithm? Why not just concatenate all the chunks together into a single big chunk and use a regular hashing algorithm on that? The answer is that it allows for a neat mechanism known as Merkle proofs:
Reason why Merkle Tree
www.sitepoint.com www.sitepoint.com
For example, summing two numbers costs 3 gas. Multiplying them costs 5 gas. Storing a 256bit word into the blockchain costs 20000 gas, which means storing 1kb of data costs 640000 gas.
computation is cheap, storing is expensive
- add: 3gas
- mul: 5gas
- storing 32 bytes: 2w
- May 2019
developer.mozilla.org developer.mozilla.org
For more on objects and prototypes see Object.prototype. For an explanation of object prototypes and the object prototype chains see Inheritance and the prototype chain.
todo if need to know more about prototype and prototype chain
We have introduced another keyword: new. new is strongly related to this. It creates a brand new empty object, and then calls the function specified, with this set to that new object.
difference between calling function directly and using the key word:
is all about the meaning ofthis
:- directly call:
is the obj current func called upon new
is a newly created empty object
- directly call:
Person.prototype is an object shared by all instances of Person
is a function, function is objectPerson.prototype
is an object shared by all instances created by the function:Person()
constructor functions
functions that designed to be called with keyword
:constructor functions
tour.golang.org tour.golang.org
A type switch is a construct that permits several type assertions in series.
An empty interface may hold values of any type
the empty interface
like Object in Java
An interface value
interface value
知道了,注意这里变量 i 的类型是 interface I, 而非具体的 struct T 或 type F
interface value 是 value:一个值,这个值的类型是满足某个 interface 的具体类型
这个值,它的类型是满足interface M
Every type implements at least zero methods.
- Apr 2019
docs.augur.net docs.augur.net
Closing a Short Position means a trader is buying Shares of an Outcome they are short on
two ways: by selling the Shares they hold to another trader in exchange for Ether, or by Settling their Shares with Augur’s smart contracts.
2 ways:
- settle with another trader before finalized, burn Complete set, get back ETH
- settle with augur contract if market finalized, give winning Share, get back ETH
augur.guide augur.guide
Create Complete Set
这儿 Alice 和 Bob 赔率上是达成了一致的,即 8:2
注意 Bob 这儿是想以 0.2 的价格买 B,和想以 0.8 的价格买 A 的 Alice 刚好能够凑成 Complete Set
只不过 Bob 这儿只想买半个 Share,所以是 Partial Fill
Direct Trade
Share 可以直接转移和买卖,看来 Share 很可能也是一种 ERC20
不知道是每个 Market 专属的,还是整个 Augur 通用的。
Note that Bob could have also wanted to sell 1 SHARE of A for 0.8 ETH, which would have been a “Ask Outcome A, 1 SHARE for 0.8 ETH”. This would have had created the same result as shown above, even though he has no SHARES.
"Sell 1 Share of Yes for 0.8ETH" is the same as:
"Buy 1 Share of No for 0.2ETH"
以上两个动作分别记做 Action-Y 和 Action-N
两者都是在对事件押注,Action-Y 表示说我觉得事件发生的概率是 0.8,即不发生的概率是 0.2
这儿所谓的 is the same, 是不是指的:
当没有 Share of Yes 的时候,我想 sell Yes, 其实不是在卖Yes,而系统实际上是在买 No ?
本质是在一个达成共识的赔率上,做两边的下注。<br> 而在一个达成共识的赔率上,到底下注哪边,其本质反映的是我心理预期的概率和实际赔率的不一致。
如果我心理的概率和赔率完全一致,比如硬币正反面对赌,赔率是 1:1,那么我还参加这个赌局,就是完全碰运气而已了。
所以 Augur 里的 Complete Set,指的是一个在达成共识的赔率上形成了对手方的对赌。
上面到底是买 Yes,还是卖 No,其实是不同的事情,是在同一赔率下,我觉得 Yes 实际的概率会更大,于是 Action-Y,这时,为了形成有效赌局,我需要一个人来买该赔率下的另一边,也即是等一个觉的 No 的概率大于赔率所示的另一人来下注。
- Mar 2018
nqdeng.github.io nqdeng.github.io
skipped for now, worth reading in future
- Oct 2017
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocks
provider is a service that handles the authentication of an identity
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocksFilters1
// As the body of request can't be parsed twice in Play we should force // to parse empty body for UserAwareAction
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocks
An endpoint in Play is either an Action or a WebSocket and Silhouette provides mechanisms to secure both of them.
endpoint: an action, or more specifically, an url to call
simple and stupid
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocksEvents2
In Silhouette a provider is a service that handles the authentication of an identity.
a service that handles the authentication of an identity
那和 Authenticator 有啥区别?
worth to looking at
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocks
It can be stateless with the disadvantages that the JWT can’t be invalidated.
我理解这儿 stateless 的意思是不需要后端的数据库的支撑,直接通过 privatekey 来校验 jwt 的合法性,但是无法使其过期(或者说提前过期)
这儿 Authenticator 看起来更应该理解成 工卡一样的东西,是一个用于验证的东西?
stores only some data
Authenticator 就是存了一些数据而已?
按字面意思,应该是一坨做认证逻辑的代码,不过看这儿的描述,不太像这个意思。反倒是这儿提到的 Authenticator Service 可能是做这个的
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocksIdentity1
a class represent a User
www.silhouette.rocks www.silhouette.rocks
这儿的 provider 指的是啥?
Authenticator 定义了验证身份的方法(?)
identity 定义了 用户(?)
- Sep 2017
docs.ucloud.cn docs.ucloud.cn
感觉 ucloud 对 docker 的支持还是非常原始啊
- Mar 2017
Image Processing in Java
- Feb 2017
www.interviewbit.com www.interviewbit.com
Excellent resource for system design
- Jan 2017
andrew-exercise.blogspot.com andrew-exercise.blogspot.com
A through list of Solutions to https://www.coursera.org/learn/algorithms-graphs-data-structures
www.jianshu.com www.jianshu.com
Mac 录屏,收录系统音的解决方案
Good(and update to date[2017-1-1]) guide on install Java 8 on CentOS)
- Dec 2016
www.jianshu.com www.jianshu.com
Mac 下的端口转发,🥚 疼啊
design-patterns.readthedocs.io design-patterns.readthedocs.io
- 虚线箭头, 实现
- 实现箭头,继承
- 空心菱形,聚合
- 实心棱形,包含
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
Customize AccessDecisionManager in Spring Security
www.cnblogs.com www.cnblogs.com
www.journaldev.com www.journaldev.com
Best doc to explain Heap & Stack memory in Java
Heap memory is used by all the parts of the application whereas stack memory is used only by one thread of execution.
Java is pass by value
pass by value
value can be primitive value or reference of object
stack memory contains the reference for it
stack mem holds reference for object in heap
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
The current thread must own this object's monitor. The thread releases ownership of this monitor and waits until another thread notifies threads waiting on this object's monitor to wake up either through a call to the notify method or the notifyAll method. The thread then waits until it can re-obtain ownership of the monitor and resumes execution.
执行 .wait() 之后,线程将释放该锁,并进入等待状态
www.1point3acres.com www.1point3acres.com
Telescope system on moon, 有100 telescopes, 天文学家可以用它们拍照观测,每个观测任务可能会要couple hours和地球通信只能用radio signal,latency会很高;设计系统manage Telescopes, 要fault tolerant,任务调度,deploy update思路:类似long distance data center的manage, moon上多台app server负责控制telescope,每台server会与地球的master用radio作为heartbeat通信;如何deployupdate时,选一台active server发送file,然后分chunk,在moon上peer to peer的用gossip传播update
Sys Design
System on the Moon
www.cnblogs.com www.cnblogs.com
Certificate<br> App ID
Provisioning Profile
developer.apple.com developer.apple.com
signing identities
signing identity 和 certificate 的关系
Developer ID certificate
what the hell is this?
All team members can create their own development certificate. Only a team agent or admin can create a distribution certificate.
Best Practice:
- One dev certificate per coder
- One distribution certificate per team
Code signing is used in combination with your App ID, provisioning profile, and entitlements
- Apple ID
- Provisioning profile
- Entitlement
Certificate 主要就两种 : 开发 和 发布?
- Nov 2016
www.journaldev.com www.journaldev.com
discuss.leetcode.com discuss.leetcode.com
Good explanation on why median is the answer.
leetcode.com leetcode.com
LC Contest 10
git-scm.com git-scm.com
content-addressable filesystem
what the hell is this?
- Oct 2016
patorjk.com patorjk.com
Perfect for SpringBoot banners
blog.de-swaef.eu blog.de-swaef.eu
This model of microservices that register themselves to a global registry will have a lot of advantages when it comes to building one or multiple applications using a microservice architectural approach. Eureka on its own won't have that much of use, but as you'll see in the future blogposts, Eureka will be the key element to locate all of our microservices.
How to use Eureka locate our microservices?
all Eureka clients register itself in the register center(Eureka Server)
www.indiehackers.com www.indiehackers.com
effort and reward are completely uncorrelated
haha ;-)
- Sep 2016
docs.getui.com docs.getui.comAndroid1
vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com
what i want ~
jingxuan.guokr.com jingxuan.guokr.com
www.qcloud.com www.qcloud.com
List of group chats I'm in
developers.google.com developers.google.com
unique numbered tag
明明是序号,居然叫 Tag...
Server RPC interfaces started to be declared as part of protocol files, with the protocol compiler generating stub classes that users could override with actual implementations of the server's interface.
Java, C++, Python, Java Lite, Ruby, JavaScript, Objective-C, and C#
Java Python Ruby JS Obj-C
for serializing structured data
for serializing only
blog.didispace.com blog.didispace.com
三篇 SpringBoot & Spring Cloud & Thrift 的好文
https://blog.de-swaef.eu/the-netflix-stack-using-spring-boot/ http://www.baeldung.com/spring-rest-api-with-protocol-buffers http://blog.didispace.com/springcloud2/
computeClient.add(10, 20)
use it like RPC
github.com github.com
If omitted, the protocol buffer compiler generates a warning and "proto2" is used as the default. This warning will be turned into an error in a future release.
syntax = "proto3";
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
2 manually transform protobuf response into JSON
@Bean ProtobufHttpMessageConverter protobufHttpMessageConverter() { return new ProtobufHttpMessageConverter(); }
convert response to protobuff msgs
blog.didispace.com blog.didispace.com
Nice work
spring.io spring.io
Feign is a handy project from Netflix that lets you describe a REST API client declaratively with annotations on an interface.
Feign: Annotate a REST API
spring.io spring.io
register itself with the Discovery-Server using annotation:
github.com github.com
Nice intro of git submodule
dzone.com dzone.com
A useful link for integrate Thrift with SpringBoot
xantorohara.blogspot.com xantorohara.blogspot.com
what is this used for?
www.baeldung.com www.baeldung.com
User DataSource User EntityManagerFactory (userEntityManager) User TransactionManager (userTransactionManager)
a little scary
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
private JdbcTemplate mysqlTemplate;
any cleaner way?
blog.daocloud.io blog.daocloud.io
Nice Series of MicroServices in Chinese
www.leiphone.com www.leiphone.com
IaaS: Aliyun AWS<br> Paas: SinaAppEngine GoogleAppEngine<br> Saas: Everything on web...
www.infoq.com www.infoq.com
App 的分模块开发
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
www.ibm.com www.ibm.com
Spring Security 提供了对访问控制列表(Access Control List,ACL)的支持,可以很方便的对不同的领域对象设置针对不同用户的权限
- Aug 2016
developers.google.com developers.google.com
the instance of the recurring event that needs to be set as an exception
Get instance of event that needs to be set as an Exception
developers.google.com developers.google.com
Reminders are alarms triggered at a specified time before an event starts. Notifications allow users to find out about changes to events in their calendar.
Reminder: alarm<br> Notification: info updates
developers.google.com developers.google.com
They can occur between two specific points in time (timed) or span a consecutive series of days (all-day).
Calendars can have multiple owners.
developers.google.com developers.google.com
has the team calendar as an organizer
A calendar owns an event(?)
Susan's calendar list includes her primary calendar as well as calendars for her team and cello lessons.
1 person can have(subscribe to) a list of calendars
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
session id
Custom RedisSerializer
Might be useful
It is important to note that no infrastructure for session expirations is configured for you out of the box. This is because things like session expiration are highly implementation dependent. This means if you require cleaning up expired sessions, you are responsible for cleaning up the expired sessions.
Session Expiration should be handled by ourself?
A SessionRepository is in charge of creating, retrieving, and persisting Session instances.
Maybe we can call it DAO of session
A session with attributes of expiring
This section describes how Spring Session provides transparent integration with HttpSession. The intent is so that user’s can understand what is happening under the covers. This functionality is already integrated and you do NOT need to implement this logic yourself.
How SpringSession works, briefly
By passing in a custom HttpServletRequest implementation into the FilterChain we ensure that anything invoked after our Filter uses the custom HttpSession implementation.
Wrapped HttpServletRequest in a wrapper, and makes all the invokes in the FilterChain after use our custom HttpSession
the Spring Bean by the name springSessionRepositoryFilter is registered with our Servlet Container for every request.
how can this be impled?
register this listener
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
This guide describes how to use Spring Session to manage multiple simultaneous browser sessions (i.e Google Accounts).
Just like Google Account
1 user can login in several accounts at the same time.
keep track of several sessions for 1 user
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
We customize Spring Session’s HttpSession integration to use HTTP headers to convey the current session information instead of cookies.
Use HttpHeader instead of cookie
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
It is extremely important that Spring Session’s springSessionRepositoryFilter is invoked before Spring Security’s springSecurityFilterChain.
springSessionRepoFilter must before springSecurityFilterChain
this ensures that spring security has the HttpSession to use
spring.io spring.io
Multiple UI Applications and a Gateway
Part VI /double
加了一个gateway,但是不知道是怎么 proxy 请求的
Here we show how to use Spring Security OAuth together with Spring Cloud to extend our API Gateway to do Single Sign On and OAuth2 token authentication to backend resources.
First the UI server, declaring explicitly that we want all headers to be forwarded (i.e. none are "sensitive"):
Here we show how to build an API Gateway to control the authentication and access to the backend resources using Spring Cloud.
Two parts
- use gateway control authentication
- distribute reqs to backends using SpringCloud
The Resource Server
Part III
Separate out Resource Server
The Login Page
Part II
authenticate a user via a form (instead of a plain http basic authentication)
A Secure Single Page Application
Part I
setup a simple hello-world app with SpringBoot as backend & Angular as frontend, request call guarded by SpringSecurity
一篇雄文。。。 太特么长了
Here we show how to write and run unit tests for the client-side code using the Javascript test framework Jasmine.
Test AngularJS app
Here we show how to modularize the client-side code, and how to use "nice" URL paths without the fragment notation (e.g. "/#/login") which Angular uses by default, but most users dislike.
- Modularize Angular code
- rm the fragment notation
a UI (HTML and JavaScript) and a Resource server
UI指得就是平常的界面 (html & javascript) 而 resource 所谓的资源,并非常常指的静态资源,而是API resource,实际是接口数据。
extracting the authentication responsibilities to a separate server (the Single Sign On pattern).
whoooo, SSO rocks
Remember from Part II of this series that Spring Security uses the HttpSession to store authentication data by default. It doesn’t interact directly with the session though: there’s an abstraction layer (SecurityContextRepository) in between that you can use to change the storage backend. If we can point that repository, in our resource server, to a store with an authentication verified by our UI, then we have a way to share authentication between the two servers. The UI server already has such a store (the HttpSession), so if we can distribute that store and open it up to the resource server, we have most of a solution.
share the storage of authentication between 2 servers
Here we start by breaking out the "greeting" resource that we are using as the dynamic content in our application into a separate server, first as an unprotected resource, and then protected by an opaque token.
separate resource and backend server?
The HTML resources need to be available to anonymous users, not just ignored by Spring Security, for reasons that will become clear.
anonymous is a kind of authentication too
application wide flag
So, even though the resource is protected and you can’t curl it directly, the browser was able to access the content.
why this happened?
but it is best practice for a production application to consolidate scripts to avoid chatter between the browser and the server (or content delivery network).
reason why use need preprocessing & packaging front end assets
The header is not automatically sent, so the origin is under control.
header & cookie
try to login
var authenticate
authenticate through server
docs.easemob.com docs.easemob.com
需要回调的类型,目前有两种消息类型可以回调(chat 和 chat_offline)。
* chat 上行消息 * chat_offline 离线消息
docs.easemob.com docs.easemob.com
环信服务器作为中间人,收发 SDK 的信息
Secure REST Services Using Spring Security
REST style of SpringSecurity
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
persistence.xml files should provide a unique name for each "persistence unit". Applications use this name to reference the configuration when obtaining an `javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory reference.
persistence unit name
to reference anEntityMangerFactory
- Jul 2016
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
If a valid SecurityContext cannot be obtained from the HttpSession for whatever reason
this means SecurityContext is retrieved from HttpSession
www.tianmaying.com www.tianmaying.com
code & access_token
www.ibm.com www.ibm.com
Servlet 容器
codingexplained.com codingexplained.com
Watch out for Unsynchronized Entities
don't quite get the point
docs.spring.io docs.spring.io
return: obj
return: ID
www.litianhua.net www.litianhua.net
- Jun 2016
docs.oracle.com docs.oracle.com
A persistence context is a set of entity instances in which for any persistent entity identity there is a unique entity instance
A set of entities is persistence context?
Persistence Context:
developer.jboss.org developer.jboss.org
unit of work
stackoverflow.com stackoverflow.com
There are two main approaches to design of persistence APIs
- explicit
- auto save
docs.jboss.org docs.jboss.org
representing a conversation between the application and the persistent store
www.quora.com www.quora.com
The key to the whole business is the mapping: Which field and which class matches which column and which table.
hibernate.org hibernate.org
5 mismatch problems
5 mismatch problems of Java <-> RDBM
Persistence simply means that we would like our application’s data to outlive the applications process.
更直白些就是 写数据到数据库
wiki.fasterxml.com wiki.fasterxml.com
Jackson的三种模式(High level -> low):
- DataBinding - 利用ObjectMapper在json string和class之间转换 mapper.readValue(src, MyClass.class)
- TreeModel - mapper.readValue(src, JsonNode.class)
- Streaming API - 直接利用 JsonGenerator 写 json
construct a Tree (for the User example) from scratch
construct a JsonTree by yourself
Tree Model
这里的raw是相对我们熟的自定义 class 而言
raw 生肉 Java 自带的类型, Map String List<br> 熟肉 我们自定义的class
Data Binding
所谓绑定,指的是plain json 和 object 之间的绑定
Data Binding
string <-> custom class
Streaming API
low level parse, JsonGenerater & JsonParser
Tree Model
String <-> JsonNode
tutorials.jenkov.com tutorials.jenkov.com
obj -> string
The Jackson tree model is represented by the JsonNode class.
the JSON tree, represendted by JsonNode
a built-in tree model
tree model?
www.thymeleaf.org www.thymeleaf.org
This standard message resolver expects to find messages for /WEB-INF/templates/home.html in .properties files in the same folder and with the same name as the template, like:
default name for externalizing txt file: home.properties
mp.weixin.qq.com mp.weixin.qq.com
通过code换取access token 的同时,也获得了openid,scope 为 snsapi_basic 的流程结束