27 Matching Annotations
  1. Nov 2022
  2. Oct 2022
    1. “The one inhibition I felt using AnswerGarden [was] knowing that the experts were typically busy and workingon projects more important than my little application programs....

      So rather than distributing input over time, why not have a one-day deep dive with everyone (luncheon retreat)?

    2. about a thirdof the users reported problems with the specificity of the material (eithertoo high or too low) and the level of the explanation provided by the expert(either too high or too low)

      OK, but start visualizing descriptives from the beginning of the Results. This is getting tedious.

    3. ix users were “heavy” users, accounting for 61% of the totalsessions. Heavy users often kept Answer Garden running in an iconifiedstate between uses. One heavy user reported:

      Just like any social media site.

    4. 216

      So far, Answer Garden seems better used and similarly in demand as Piazza.

    5. 3.2 Related Systems

      Make this a table.

    6. Each user and each expert has incentives to work separately toward theconstruction of such a Garden. The users get to find answers, and expertscan rid themselves of commonly asked questions.

      This may help me with my own research needs to crowdsource peer review and create "living peer reviews."

    7. Several important considerations behind Answer Garden include:

      This feels entirely different from modern organizational memory aids like Almanac (https://almanac.io/)!

    8. The directed acyclicgraph of diagnostic questions is projected into a tree to ease navigation forthe user.

      DAGs: directed acyclic graphs are:

      "A directed graph is a DAG if and only if it can be topologically ordered, by arranging the vertices as a linear ordering that is consistent with all edge directions. DAGs have numerous scientific and computational applications, ranging from biology (evolution, family trees, epidemiology) to information science (citation networks) to computation (scheduling)."


    9. ngineerschose not to go to the channel of the highest quality for technical informa-tion, but rather to go to the channel of highest accessibility (i.e., lowestpsychological cost). Allen [1977] argued that the psychological cost was inthe potential lack of reciprocity between giving and obtaining informationand in the status implications of admitting ignorance.

      My last company had a page in their wiki with acronyms and downloadable Excel spreadsheets!

    10. information technology can support organizational memory in twoways, either by making recorded knowledge retrievable or by makingindividuals with knowledge accessible

      I tried to do this in my last role as a lab manager and we have a PhD student spreadsheet I added variables to for this specific purpose.

      Check it out here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10qMAJjYc7fTGLLSmvrD7pk8v1KeHJYLC47JMBvqxG8A/edit?usp=sharing

    11. n other words, wewant to minimize the upstream costs of an organizational memory mecha-nism and make the downstream payoffs clear

      Just avoid Jira!

    12. This article presents findings from a field study of an organizationalmemory system, the Answer Garden. In short, the study found thataugmenting organizational memory was possible, but it also uncovered anumber of interesting issues and problematic design assumptions. Thisarticle describes these as the basis for future work on organizational andgroup memories.

      Summarization of article: seems as though it hit a snag

    1. Our argument issimply that for working, learning, and innovating to thrive collectively depends onlinking these three, in theory and in practice, more closely, more realistically, andmore reflectively than is generally the case at present.

      iSchools can do this. There are individuals studying all three at UMD's iSchool. But that knowledge is largely theoretical or contextualized to particular research programs. It's innert, and not practiced (only preached).

    2. Out of this friction of competing ideas can comethe sort of improvisational sparks necessary for igniting organizational innovation.Thus large organizations, reflectively structured, are perhaps particularly well posi-tioned to be highly innovative and to deal with discontinuitie

      I agree! But do you expect MBAs to succeed in this area? Reorganizing companies to form such effective subunits and to incentivize the deeper though that innovation requires will be difficult on the shorter timelines upon which businesses operate.

    3. Reliance on formal descriptions of work, explicit syllabuses for learning about it,and canonical groups to carry it out immediately set organizations at a disadvantage.This approach, as we have noted, can simply blind management to the practices andcommunities that actually make things happ

      How can we learn and teach better in a grad school context with this in mind? Implications?

    4. (Note, by contrast, how much of the literature refers to the design orcreation of new groups (e.g. Goodman and Associates 1988). From our viewpoint, thecentral questions more involve the detection and support of emergent or existingcommunities.

      Research ideas!

    5. Whatis learned is profoundly connected to the conditions in which it is learned

      In cog psych, this shows up as a small-to-moderate effect of being able to remember better when the conditions of retrieval (testing) align with the conditions of knowledge aquisition. In some studies, learning word pairs underwater and later being tested underwater was superior compared to learning word pairs underwater and being tested on the surface.

      Ref: https://www.proquest.com/docview/1293702195?pq-origsite=gscholar&fromopenview=true

    6. The inadequacies of this corporation's directive approach actually make a rep'swork more difficult to accomplish and thus perversely demands more, not fewer,improvisational skill

      Anyone have stories about this in their employment history?

    7. His work provides a "thick" (see Geertz 1973),detailed description of the way work actually progresses

      Qual methods: "thick" is used often to describe certain kinds of detailed descriptions.

    8. 41

      Page note: How does this relate to lab notebooks and their use in offering a window into lab practices and culture?

    9. precepts

      Definition: rules, principles

    10. he ways people actuallywork usually differ fundamentally from the ways organizations describe that work in manuals,training programs, organizational charts, and job descriptions.

      Hidden curriculum -> Hidden duties and processees


      Pioneer in learning sciences too!

  3. Nov 2020
    1. Allow me to tag books instead of placing them into static lists (think clusters or tag clouds).

      Have your tried Roam Research?

  4. Jan 2019
    1. referential processing

      This term draws upon Eleanor Rosch's seminal work on reference points in perception and decision-making.