- Apr 2014
www.newschallenge.org www.newschallenge.org
One relevant effort
Maybe change to "The most closely related ..."
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
This evolutionary competition has given rise to the systems of immune molecules that hosts use to recognize and neutralize invading pathogens, and also to the effector molecules that pathogens use to survive attack by the immune system.
Pesky critters.
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
the parasite switches to a slow- growing form that becomes enclosed within cysts in the brain and muscle of the host
ick. not what you want.
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
More needs to be learned about how BIG1-4 and GNOM regulate different aspects of vesicle cargo delivery
Several lab funding projects underway
elifesciences.org elifesciences.org
the BIG1-4 proteins do more than transport secretory cargo to the cell plate
Hard to discover all facets of cell activity.
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
We cannot afford to lose another decade
Pretty bleak observation.
- Dec 2013
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
the end product
What I intended here was to convey that for technology innovators, their focus is more on platforms. Of course the ultimate product is always about telling stories.
digital cards
This kind of tiling approach to ux design is increasingly common, and driven in large part by mobile device proliferation.
Safari Flow
Safari Flow is particularly innovative because it "learns" preferences from reader interests and interactive history, thereby predicting other content that might be of interest.
dead to design
This comment was in reference to trade books, primarily fiction. A significant amount of innovative design work is applied to print works in certain sectors, like art, concept, and hybrid digital/print products.
- Nov 2013
www.jstor.org www.jstor.org
Mies van der Rohe
Suggesting that Mies van der Rohe was studiously apolitical and avoided wartime entanglement.
directly visual
Later radar imaging was used to assist bombing cloud covered targets.
in the Pacific
War between the USSR and Japan commenced in September 1945
National Defense Research Committee
The creation of the NDRC was spurred by Vannevar Bush, then at the Carnegie Institute.
This fn [96] links to reference to I.M. Pei.
training him for bomb-damage analysis
Pei trained in analysis of bomb damage assessment
first of its type
Low level attacks frustrated flak, and made effective use of incendiaries and the newly developed antecedent of napalm.
RKO Studios
Hollywood does architecture.
- Oct 2013
www.nytimes.com www.nytimes.com
Due to the compressed schedule, there is not enough time built in to allow for adequate performance testing
Testing should have been a priority in the roadmap, not an additional desired feature.
the cancellation of hundreds of thousands of individual insurance policies
this insurance cutoff was not supposed to happen
- Aug 2013
www.law.cornell.edu www.law.cornell.edu
the end of the first trimester
There's much recent discussion about the start of pregnancy biologically, and as commonly recognized by a physician.