6 Matching Annotations
  1. Dec 2015
  2. cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net cityheiress.sfsuenglishdh.net
    1. Fop in Fashion

      To act like a fool; to play the fool. (OED)

    2. Man of Wit.

      with it: To play the wit; to make witty remarks. -To call (a person) a wit, attribute wit to. (All nonce-uses.) (OED)

    3. Man of Wit.

      with it: To play the wit; to make witty remarks. -To call (a person) a wit, attribute wit to. (All nonce-uses.) (OED)

    4. When first I paid my Vows, (good Heaven forgive me) They were for Honour all;

      A solemn promise made to God, or to any deity or saint, to perform some act, or make some gift or sacrifice, in return for some special favour. (OED)

      • In this context he is stating that at first when he made his vow to God it was pure.
    5. Whigs

      One of the two main political parties in England and Great Britian; Relates to the Exclusioners (1679) who were against James gaining the crown based off him being Roman Catholic (OED)

    6. pocky Doctors

      Pocky: Full of or marked with pocks or pustules; pitted; spec. infected with the pox, usually syphilis. (OED) A doctor who dealt with the pocky diseases