20 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2019
  2. gutenberg.net.au gutenberg.net.au
    1. and ran with energy through all the usual phrases employed in praise of their sublimity and descriptive of the undescribable emotions they excite in the mind of sensibility

      The narrator seems to underscore Sir Edward’s ridiculousness by recounting his description of the sea. The diction and tone used in this paragraph represents satire and criticism towards the romantic era and over-fixation of nature during Jane Austen’s time. She states that his phrases are “usual”, a diction that represents the mediocrity of his language. Austen states that his descriptions are  “undescribable”, which he then proceeds to list with great flourishment.

    2. I heard again from Fanny Noyce, saying that she had heard from Miss Capper, who by a letter from Mrs. Darling understood that Mrs. Griffiths had expressed herself in a letter to Mrs. Darling

      Diana loves to name drop and explains her connection through a long chain of names and letters. Definitely room for false information.

    3. The West Indians," she continued, "whom I look upon as the most desirable of the two, as the best of the good, prove to be a Mrs. Griffiths and her family

      Austen criticizes the value system of rich people. They believe West Indians are more desirable than a college that prepares students for a clerical profession. This is both racist and ignorant at the same time.

    4. Let me feel your ankle. That's right; all right and clean

      ANKLES come up 8 times in Sanditon - why? A few articles note that ankles were only considered scandalous in the Victorian era, not Regency era, because ankle boots only became in vogue during the Victorian era. Perhaps the overfixation of ankles is not due to it being scandalous, but just poking fun at how OCD the characters of the novel were for Mr. Parker’s (minorly injured) sprained ankle.

    5. My appetite is very much mended, I assure you, lately. I have been taking some bitters of my own decocting, which have done wonders. Susan never eats, I grant you

      In a world where a “much mended” appetite is equal to “never eating”, I think they have read too many dieting pamphlets for their own good. It is especially funny that this comes from Mr. Parker, because usually women are associated with “silly” little eating habits.

    6. Sir Edward's great object in life was to be seductive

      Sir Edward is a weird guy who tries hard to seduce women. Austen hypes up the sentence by increasing the reader’s expectations with “great object in life”, prepping the reader for a mind-blowing objective, to be let down by the one word “seductive”. Disappointed but not surprised?

    7. sentimental novels

      The ironic tone suggests that Sir Edward is a not very self aware hypocrite.

    8. You will never hear me advocating those puerile emanations which detail nothing but discordant principles incapable of amalgamation, or those vapid tissues of ordinary occurrences, from which no useful deductions can be drawn.

      In layman terms: Sir Edward thinks novels are silly and useless. Again this is ironic because Austen places his statements about novels within a novel. Most likely her readers are fans of novels who will read Sir Edward’s critique and disagree with him, making him a more undesirable character. In addition, the flowery meaningless language strongly weakens his argument. Novel > Sir Edward

    9. asses' milk

      The absurdity of “asses’ milk” as a love potion says it all. Austen constantly references medical remedies of the day for three purposes. One, to make fun of rich people for labeling themselves as an “invalid” when they only have minor body problems as “invalid”. Two, making fun of their ignorance for believing in these supposed “remedies”. And three, to make fun of the producers who create these “remedies”.

    10. She is thoroughly mean

      A major shift here similar to Charlotte’s change in opinion of Edward. Before, Charlotte was excited to talk to Lady Denham and found her agreeable. Now, she clearly states her opinion that she finds her “thoroughly mean.”

    11. Yes, my dear, and it is not the only kind thing I have done by him

      Lady Denham boasts about her kind act of giving Sir Edward her dead second husband’s gold watch. She makes it known to Charlotte that she is a kind woman who does kind things. However, Charlotte sees right through her showy personality.

    12. nor can any woman be a fair judge of what a man may be propelled to say, write or do by the sovereign impulses of illimitable ardour

      Sir Edward says women can’t understand what a man says because they are too driven by their emotions, even though Charlotte “could not but think him a man of feeling”. He digs himself deeper in a hole with Charlotte by disrespecting women.

    13. Delicious! Delicious!

      Clearly Sir Edward is VERY passionate about poetry. He shows his expressive and passionate language with describing the poetry as “delicious”. This type of expression and passion unfortunately for him, turns Charlotte off.

    14. Yes, my dear. My young folks

      Lady Denham jokes about her age and her young friends/family who are in love. She makes fun of their immature and loving feelings.

    15. She began to think him downright silly

      In the quick course of a conversation, Charlotte shifts her opinion of Edward from “Sir Edward was much her superior in air and manner” to this thought. The bluntness of the statement and the abrupt shift in opinion shows how shallow Edward’s personality truly is.

    16. rote

      Rote: mechanical or habitual repetition of something to be learned

    17. rather commonplace perhaps, but doing very well from the lips of a handsome Sir Edward

      The juxtaposition between the diction “commonplace” and the ironic praise given to Sir Edward criticizes the human tendency to lower their standards for people who look beautiful on the surface, a very shallow judgement of character that is usually held by women towards handsome men.

  3. Feb 2019
    1. Vain thought! the dweller in that still retreat

      Shift in topic again from his discovery to what he wishes the poet living in the house would be doing

    2. At such a season and with such a charge

      A shift in thought from the introduction of what he wants to have, a weather-house, to a new discovery he found, a cottage.

    3. spontaneous

      I like this word because it sounds like it's meaning