8 Matching Annotations
- Apr 2021
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the participants agreed strongly that there is value in having a researcher in the classroom. Paradoxically, participants agreed that the value of researchers is that they know what we don’t know about the subject. A non-research-active teacher, or a textbook for that matter, can easily explain a subject and present a summary of knowledge that looks complete and authoritative. A researcher would unravel this knowledge, presenting a picture not just of what we know but also of what we don’t know and of how people are trying to tackle the gaps in our knowledg
activity that can be run either as an extra-curricular project or as part of the formal curriculum is ‘Meet the Researcher’. This exam-ple builds on work done in the UCL Geography department some years ago, when first-year students were asked to interview a member of the research staff (Dwyer 2001). M
Connected Curriculum framework is built around a core prop-osition: that curriculum should be ‘research- based’. That is, the predominant mode of student learning on contemporary degree programmes should reflect the kinds of active, critical and ana-lytic enquiry undertaken by researchers. Where possible, students should engage in activities associated with research and thereby develop their abilities to think like researchers, both in groups and independently.
his can be seen when research findings are peer reviewed, and when research papers cite the work of others to support or refute their own findings.
world.Why is this of particular importance to higher education in the twenty-first century? In what has recently been described as a ‘post- truth’ era, following a comment by UK politician Michael Gove that ‘peo-ple in this country have had enough of experts’ (The Telegraph, 20 June 2016), the practice of remaining open to being wrong and recalibrating one’s understandings in the light of new evidence
1). The core principle, or underlying premise, is that students at all levels of the curriculum can benefit in multiple ways by engaging actively in research and enquiry.
y.Connectedness lies at the heart of this vision. There are no less than twelve dimensions of connectedness that can be glimpsed here, namely connections: 1) Between disciplines 2) Between the academy and the wider world 3) Between research and teaching 4) Between theory and practice 5) Between the student and teacher/lecturer/professor 6) Between the student in her/his interior being – and in his/her being in the wider world 7) Between the student and other students 8) Between the student and her/his disciplines – that is, being authentically and intimately connected epistemologically and ontologically 9) Between the various components of the curriculum10) Between the student’s own multiple understandings of and per-spectives on the world11) Between different areas – or components – of the complex organisation that constitutes the university12) Between different aspects of the wider society, especially those associated with society’s learning processes
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Hundreds of thousands of soldiers who died for Britain went unremembered, simply because of their race
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