- Nov 2016
associationsnow.com associationsnow.com
These members are engaged because their relationship with the association enables them to do something they want to do in the first place, better than they would be able to do on their own.
Required for building engagement amongst a group of volunteers, too, no doubt.
- Oct 2016
h-publishing.jmcglone.com h-publishing.jmcglone.com
metrics on annotations/comments
Nice example of the various #altmetrics that one could pull out of Hypothes.is
Although hypothes.is is primarily used for post-publication review and annotation with Michigan Publishing’s journals and monographs
I did not know this! Relevant as an example of adoption re: #humetrics
To some extent, this has meant that it has lost touch with the ‘value’ dimension of evaluation, with values being primarily understood in relation to rigour: the scientific generation of facts or truths which are assumed to be self-evident and universally valid.
Change in evaluation practices have lost touch with values
www.air.org www.air.org
ValuesIn striving to achieve our mission, we place high value on:Providing client-oriented services characterized by personal, professional, and organizational integrity. Producing quality work products anchored in science.Creating a nurturing environment responsive to individual needs for growth and professional development.Maintaining a spirit of openness, constructive communication, collegiality, and teamwork in all our work.Striking an appropriate balance between the demands of work and the private lives of our staff.Diversity of ideas, opinions, backgrounds, life styles, and experiences of our staff.Individual initiative and entrepreneurship on the part of our staff.Making a better world while enjoying work.
Example of values articulated by the American Institutes for Research
www.sciencedirect.com www.sciencedirect.com
The majority of identified compounds are selective PPARγ modulators (SPPARMs), transactivating the expression of PPARγ-dependent reporter genes as partial agonists.
In spite of being effective in normalization of blood glucose levels, the currently used PPARγ agonists from the thiazolidinedione type have serious side effects, making the discovery of novel ligands highly relevant.
Troubleshooting Evernote integration
nullprogram.com nullprogram.com
One consequence of this realization is that I’ve added an Atom feed to this blog and made it the the primary feed.
test 2
From working on Elfeed1, I’ve recently become fairly intimate with the Atom and RSS specifications.
Test annotation
digitalhumanities.org:3030 digitalhumanities.org:3030
In general, humanities scholars have neglected editorial work because the reward structures in the academy have not favored editing but instead literary and cultural theory. Many academics fail to recognize the theoretical sophistication, historical knowledge, and analytical strengths necessary to produce a sound text or texts and the appropriate scholarly apparatus for a first-rate edition.
Reasons why scholarly editions aren't valued in the academy (c 2008)
- May 2016
cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu
The goal was to getenough variety inperspectives to be meaningful
I'm not v familiar with q-sorting as a means of analysis, but given such a small sample, wouldn't the diversity in types of academic libraries make the overall findings too dilute to apply more broadly?
started my literature review by searching for any assessment-related cataloging articles I could find, using the following terms:assessment,evaluation, quality control, performance measurement, efficiency, productivity, benchmarks, and workflow. Through those searches I also discovered articles about workplace flexibility, training, and user perceptions. I also sought out resources on organizational culture and management to obtain a broader viewpoint with which to analyze the library literature
I'm not sure I've ever seen a lit review "opened" in this way (by describing search methods, etc)
- Apr 2016
drive.google.com drive.google.com
Most in the altmetrics community are actually arguing against rankings based on such heterogeneous data. I'd highly recommend either revising this statement or finding citations to back it up--such blanket claims can damage the field.