- Oct 2024
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- Feb 2024
ukdataservice.ac.uk ukdataservice.ac.uk
www.cessda.eu www.cessda.eu
www.cessda.eu www.cessda.eu
seriss.eu seriss.eu
Synergies for Europe's Research Infrastructures in the Social Sciences (SERISS)
- Oct 2023
thesauri.cessda.eu thesauri.cessda.eu
Description: The European Language Social Science Thesaurus (ELSST) is a broad-based, multilingual thesaurus for the social sciences. It is owned and published by the Consortium of European Social Science Data Archives (CESSDA) and its national Service Providers. The thesaurus consists of over 3,000 concepts and covers the core social science disciplines: politics, sociology, economics, education, law, crime, demography, health, employment, information and communication technology and, increasingly, environmental science.
vocabularies.cessda.eu vocabularies.cessda.eu
- Sep 2023
delong.typepad.com delong.typepad.com
problem of defining social science
e hard scientist doesis to say that he "stipulates his usage"-that is, he informs youwhat terms are essential to his argument and how he is goingto use them. Such stipulations usually occur at the beginningof the book, in the form of definitions, postulates, axioms, andso forth. Since stipulation of usage is characteristic of thesefields, it has been said that they are like games or have a"game structure."
Depending on what level a writer stipulates their usage, they may come to some drastically bad conclusions. One should watch out for these sorts of biases.
Compare with the results of accepting certain axioms within mathematics and how that changes/shifts one's framework of truth.
- Aug 2023
www.mdpi.com www.mdpi.com
Kristóf, T., & Nováky, E. (2023). The Story of Futures Studies: An Interdisciplinary Field Rooted in Social Sciences. Social Sciences, 12(3), 192. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/socsci12030192
- Mar 2023
www.theatlantic.com www.theatlantic.com
Nor does the cycles thesis have much to say about what social scientists call policy entrenchment—the way new policies outlast the coalition that created them.
Policy entrenchment is when policies outlast the people, movements, or coalitions that created those policies.
- Aug 2022
familyinequality.wordpress.com familyinequality.wordpress.com
- Jun 2022
www.openbookpublishers.com www.openbookpublishers.com
We are the leading independent Open Access publisher in the Humanities and Social Sciences in the UK: a not-for-profit Social Enterprise run by scholars who are committed to making high-quality research freely available to readers around the world. All our books are available to read online and download for free, with no Book Processing Charges (BPCs) for authors. We publish monographs and textbooks in all areas, offering the academic excellence of a traditional press combined with the speed, convenience and accessibility of digital publishing. We also publish bespoke Series for Universities and Research Centers and invite libraries to support Open Access publishing by joining our Membership Programme.
en.wikipedia.org en.wikipedia.org
Outline of academic disciplines
Broad area outline of academic disciplines - humanities - social science - natural science - formal science - applied science
Compare these with the original trivium and quadrivium or early humanities and arts and sciences designations.
- Mar 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Lakens, D., Tunç, D. U., & Tunç, M. N. (2021). There is no generalizability crisis. PsyArXiv. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/tm8jy
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Skalski, Sebastian, Karol Konaszewski, Paweł Dobrakowski, Janusz Surzykiewicz, and Sherman A. Lee. ‘Pandemic Grief in Poland: Adaptation of a Measure and Its Relationship with Social Support and Resilience’. PsyArXiv, 11 January 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/es3rd.
Grundmann, Felix, Kai Epstude, and Susanne Scheibe. ‘Face Masks Reduce Emotion-Recognition Accuracy and Perceived Closeness’. PsyArXiv, 9 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xpzs3.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Doom, Jenalee, and Kathryn Fox. ‘Adverse and Benevolent Childhood Experiences Predict Mental Health during the COVID-19 Pandemic’. PsyArXiv, 3 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/vr5jd.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Endress, Ansgar. ‘The Values of Survival: Socio-Cultural Values Predict COVID-19-Related Mortality’. PsyArXiv, 3 December 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/da95b.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Gligorić, Vukašin, Allard Feddes, and Bertjan Doosje. ‘Political Bullshit Receptivity and Its Correlates: A Cross-Cultural Validation of the Concept’. PsyArXiv, 27 October 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/u9pe3.
- Feb 2021
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Aczel, Balazs, Marton Kovacs, and Rink Hoekstra. ‘The Role of Human Fallibility in Psychological Research: A Survey of Mistakes in Data Management’. PsyArXiv, 5 November 2020. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/xcykz.
psyarxiv.com psyarxiv.com
Ledgerwood, Alison, Sa-kiera Tiarra Jolynn Hudson, Jr Neil Lewis, Keith Maddox, Cynthia Pickett, Jessica Remedios, Sapna Cheryan, et al. ‘The Pandemic as a Portal: Reimagining Psychological Science as Truly Open and Inclusive’. PsyArXiv, 11 January 2021. https://doi.org/10.31234/osf.io/gdzue.
- Nov 2019
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Units of analysis, then, are those things we examine in arder to create summary descriptions of ali such units and to explain differences among them
Definition of units of analysis
Units of Analysis
Definition of units of analysis
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
A given variable can sornetimes be measured at different levels. When in doubt, researchers should use the highest leve! of rneasurement ap-propriate to that variable so they can capture the greatest amount of information.
The Importance of Variable Names
Conceptions, Concepts, and Reality
Defining concepts
www.scribbr.com www.scribbr.com
Checklist: Theoretical Framework
Use this checklist with your theoretical framework.
Concepts often have multiple definitions, so the theoretical framework involves clearly defining what you mean by each term
It's to know exactly what we mean using a specific concept.
In your thesis or dissertation, the theoretical framework is where you define, discuss and evaluate theories relevant to your research problem.
It's a place for definitions, right?
www.scribbr.com www.scribbr.com
Sample theoretical framework
Sample theoretical framework
- Oct 2019
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Conceptualization is the process of specifying observations and measurements that give concepts definite meaning for the purposes of a research study.
What is conceptualization? The way to give meaning to a concept for the ressearch.
Concepts are constructs; they represent the agreed-on meanings we assign to terms
Concepts represent agreements
Concepts are mental irnages we use as sumrnary devices for bringing together observations and experiences that seem to have something in corn-mon. We use terms or labels to reference these concepts
What is a concept? Mental images.
Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement
Conceptualization, Operationalization, and Measurement: an essencial part of this process involves transforming the relatively vague terms of ordinary language into precise objects of study with wel-defined and measurable meanings
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
Research Design
Research design
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The theoretical framework: what and how?
The theoetical framework
journals.sagepub.com journals.sagepub.com
Liberal and Conservative Representations of the Good Society: A (Social) Structural Topic Modeling Approach
I chose this article, because it is timely, relevant, easy-to-follow (because it is intuitive), and innovative (using data sources, Twitter, and an innovative method, textual analysis). I hope you enjoy the reading. Please follow my annotations (comments + questions) and respond to the questions I pose. Try to answer them in your own words.
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
It is generally agreed that literature surveys and descriptive compilations do not meet the contribution-to-knowledge re-quirement for the dissertation
What is not accepted.
Positivist versus postpositivist.
My research is postpositivist
Experimental versus descriptive.
My research is going to be descriptive.
Quantitative versus qualitative.
My research is qualitative.
NEW OR IMPROVED ANALYSIS Analysis may be based on existing evidence or include new data.
Maybe my research leads in this way, but I think is more the previous one.
The evidence may be collected by an experiment, simulation, observations, questionnaire, interviews, or measurements.
Maybe my research goes in this way: new or improved evidence.
The additive contribution of a dissertation may arise from 1. new or improved evidence; 2. new or improved methodology; 3. new or improved analysis; 4. new or improved concepts or theories.
Four kind of contributions
The dissertation should be based on a significant question, problem, or hypothesis.
The power of a good question. That's why we need to learn how and what to ask.
Different approaches to testing of important results. If a researcher has reported interesting results with one research technique and a given research population, a doctoral student may consider replicating the experiment, altering either the research technique or the research population.
Open science and reproductible science is key here.
Writers of disserta-tions commonly describe further research that needs to be done.
Work on the results of others.
If there is likely to be a continuing interest, either academically or otherwise on the topic, then a student can continué to maintin scholarly capability in the área and continué to be a significant authority on the subject.
This is like Bret Victor's Inventing on principle and the question is: what is your principle?
A research project will typicaliy have more than one potential outcome. For example, a research experiment may fail to dis-prove the nuil hypothesis, it may disprove it, or it may be incon-clusive.
A database of unsuccessful cases is a good thing to have too.
The exploratory investigation, definition of problem, and writing normally take about half of the total time.
I can use this to measure my time.
If no theory base can be identified, the topic should be rejected
Theory is mandatory
Observations lead to theory to classify, explain, and predict the observations.
Sounds like grounded theory, or at least the prediction is something very useful.
Research needed and interesting
Why my research is needed and interesting?
In reading dissertations, the student should begin to formúlate a general understanding of the structure and scope of a disserta-tion, and the meaning of contribution to knowledge as applied to doctoral dissertations.
Structure and scope.
The Selection of a Dissertation Topic
The selection of a dissertation topic
biblioteca.uoc.edu biblioteca.uoc.edu
. To summarize: Your aim is to explain 1. what you are writing about —I am working on the topic of... 2. what you don't know about it—because / want tofind out... 3. why you want your reader to know and care about it—m order to help my reader understand better...
Short and sweet.
add a second indirect question that explains why you asked your first question.
Here is the so what? in the sentence you are building.
When you add that because I want tofind out how/why/whether clause, you state why you are pursuing your topic: to answer a question important to you.
Back to the beginning: a question important to you.
because I want to find out who/what/when/where/whether/ why/how .
This is the flavour: the indirect question.
start by naming your project:
Put a name to that baby.
Miles Davis was right.
If you are an experienced researcher, look for questions that other researchers ask but don't answer.
Remember: the idea is to make it interesting. It can lead you where nobody else knows.
How does your topic fit into the context of a larger structure or function as part of a larger system?
Structure and composition.
Ask about the History of Your Topic
History of the topic
So the best way to begin working on your focused topic is not to find all the information you can on it, but to formúlate questions that direct you to just that information you need to answer them
What is my question to find information?
If a writer asks no specific question worth asking, he can offer no specific answer worth supporting.
The power of the questions.
Caution: Don't narrow your topic so much that you can't find information on it
Where to stop while you are narrowing.
We narrowed those topics by adding words and phrases, but of a special kind: conflict, description, contribution, and developing. Those nouns are derived from verbs expressing actions or relation-ships: to conflict, to describe, to contribute, and to develop. Lacking such "action" words, your topic is a .static thing.
Be careful: you need words that describes actions.
A topic is probably too broad if you can state it in four or five words
How to narrow a topic.
Few experi-enced researchers trust Wikipedia, so under no circumstances cite it as a source of evidence (unless your topic is Wikipedia itself).
Lucky me! I can cite Wikipedia.
Google your topic,
Or use DuckDuckGo if you care about your privacy.
Once you have a list of topics, choose the one or two that inter-est you most and explore their research potential. Do this:
Choose one or two topics.
Start by listing as many interests as you can that you'd like to explore.
Make a list
But also ask yourself: What interests me about this tapie? What would interest others?
I should answer this questions.
Some questions raise problems; others do not.
Question and problems are not the same.
But other questions may intrigue only the researcher:
Write an interesting question is key.
A subject is a broad área of knowledge (e.g., climate change), while a topic is a specific interest within that área (e.g., the effect of climate change on migratory birds).
The hierarchy is:
- Subject
- Topic
- Subject
As you begin a research project, you will want to distinguish a topic from a sub-ject.
There is a difference between topic and subject.
From Topics to Questions
Lectura de Research Design in Social Sciences (GH)
- Apr 2017
Local file Local file
p. 2
Originally wanted to study HSS and STEM but scientists didn't qulify. See chapter III
- Oct 2016
www.air.org www.air.org
ValuesIn striving to achieve our mission, we place high value on:Providing client-oriented services characterized by personal, professional, and organizational integrity. Producing quality work products anchored in science.Creating a nurturing environment responsive to individual needs for growth and professional development.Maintaining a spirit of openness, constructive communication, collegiality, and teamwork in all our work.Striking an appropriate balance between the demands of work and the private lives of our staff.Diversity of ideas, opinions, backgrounds, life styles, and experiences of our staff.Individual initiative and entrepreneurship on the part of our staff.Making a better world while enjoying work.
Example of values articulated by the American Institutes for Research
- Jul 2016
books.google.ca books.google.ca
Page 204
Borgman on the different types of data in the social sciences:
Data in the social sciences fall into two general categories. The first is data collected by researchers through experiments, interviews, surveys, observations, or similar names, analogous to scientific methods. … the second category is data collected by other people or institutions, usually for purposes other than research.
Page 202
Borgman on information artifacts in the social sciences
like the sciences, the social sciences create and use minimal information. Yet they differ in the sources of the data. While almost all scientific data are created by for scientific purposes, a significant portion of social scientific data consists of records credit for other purposes, by other parties.