31 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
  2. Mar 2024
    1. Das Climate Change Center Austria (CCCA) hat eine Liste mit 600 schnell umsetzbaren Vorschlägen erstellt, die in den Nationalen Klima- und Energieplan Österreichs aufgenommen werden können, um das Erreichen der EU-Klimaziele sicherzustellen. Dazu gehören strengere Tempolimits. In dem Bericht des CCCA werden Vorschläge bewertet, die im Rahmen einer Konsultationsprozesses beim Umweltministerium eingereicht wurden. https://www.derstandard.at/story/3000000209427/kein-gratisparken-tempo-100-was-dem-klima-laut-experten-am-meisten-hilft

      CCCA-Bewertung: https://ccca.ac.at/fileadmin/00_DokumenteHauptmenue/02_Klimawissen/RefNEKP/Bericht/NEKP_Wissenschaftliche_Bewertung_der_Massnahmen_der_Stellungnahmen_Februar2024.pdf

  3. Feb 2024
    1. Katharina Rogenhofer gab die Gründung des Kontext-Instituts für Klimafragen bekannt. Das Institut soll vor allem analysieren, welche politischen Prozesse dazu führen, dass wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in der Klimapolitik nicht umgesetzt werden. Eine gleichzeitig publizierte Umfrage ergibt, dass 70% der Österreicher:innen der Meinung sind, dass einzelne Politiker in der Klimapolitik zu sehr von Enzelinteressen ausgehend Entscheidungen treffen. https://www.derstandard.de/story/3000000205152/werden-loesungen-im-klimaschutz-aktiv-verhindert-deutliche-mehrheit-sagt-ja

  4. Jan 2024
  5. Jun 2023
    1. colleges will also have to invest in a major effort to “convince graduates that part of paying it forward is to respond to surveys aimed at determining what worked for them.”
  6. Jun 2021
  7. Jan 2021
  8. Aug 2020
  9. May 2020
  10. Nov 2019
    1. Sometimes an even-point scale is used, where the middle option of "Neither agree nor disagree" is not available. This is sometimes called a "forced choice" method, since the neutral option is removed.
  11. Nov 2018
    1. As with other forms of value-based health care, patient-centered care requires a shift in the way provider practices and health systems are designed, managed, and reimbursed. In keeping with the tenets of patient-centeredness, this shift neither happens in a vacuum, it driven by traditional hierarchies in which providers or clinicians are the lone authority. Everyone, from the parking valet and environmental services staff to c-suite members, are engaged in the process, which impacts hiring, training, leadership style, and organizational culture. Patient-centered care also represents a shift in the traditional roles of patients and their families from one of passive “order taker” to one of active “team member.” One of the country’s leading proponents of patient-centered care, Dr. James Rickert, has stated that one of the basic tenets of patient-centered care is that “patients know best how well their health providers are meeting their needs.” To that end, many providers are implementing patient satisfaction surveys, patient and family advisory councils, and focus groups, and using the resulting information to continuously improve the way health care facilities and provider practices are designed, managed, and maintained from both a physical and operational perspective so they become centered more on the individual person than on a checklist of services provided. As the popularity of patient- and family-centered health care increases, it is expected that patients will become more engaged and satisfied with the delivery of their care, and evidence of its clinical efficacy should continue to mount.

      Cultural shift to patient-centered care

    1. SurveyMonkey

      SurveyMonkey is a FREE survey platform that allows for the collection of responses from targeted individuals that can be easily collected and used to create reports and quantify results. SurveyMonkey can be delivered via email, mobile, chat, web and social media. The platform is easy to use and can be used as an add on for large CRMs such as Salesforce. There are over 100 templates and the ability to develop customized templates to suit your needs. www.surveymonkey.com

      RATING: 5/5 (rating based upon a score system 1 to 5, 1= lowest 5=highest in terms of content, veracity, easiness of use etc.)

  12. Feb 2018
    1. An episode in the third season of the TV show “Black Mirror” portrays a world in which people spend nearly all their time using their phones to rate virtually everyone else on a five-star scale.

      Black Mirror made me think about rating systems. Similar to the book The Circle and user surveys.

  13. Dec 2016
    1. your own website remains your single greatest advantage in convincing donors to stay loyal or in drawing new supporters to your cause. Do you know what donors are looking for when they land on your site? Are you talking about it?

      This underscores the importance of using Google Analytics, as well as website user surveys.

  14. Jul 2016
    1. do these analyses without ever mentioning diversity when we recruit survey-takers or within our survey

      Indeed, a major advantage, in terms of methodology. Bias is introduced in myriad ways, but that one way would likely have a much deeper effect than many others.

  15. Feb 2016
    1. Zoomerang

      zoomerang survey software option

    2. While the display is appealing and easy to read, it is not customizable

      Polldaddy: survey software selection. List of cons.

    3. Polldaddy for iOS was a great option for this type of assessment. The layout and design are optimized for the iPad’s screen, and survey results are loaded offline. Be-cause an Internet connection is not required to administer a survey, the researcher has more flexibility in location of survey administration.

      Polldaddy did not require wireless internet access, making it a more flexible survey-software option

    4. Polldaddy software chosen for second iteration of survey offered at GSU for assessment.

    5. Google Forms

      Chosen survey-taking software for iPad surveys given to users at GSU.

    6. A two-question survey was designed to pilot the iPadas a survey delivery device in GSU Library. The first survey question was ―Why did you come to the library today? Please choose the primary reason.‖ Ten response options were listed in alphabetical order, and survey takers were allowed to select one option. The tenth response option was ―other,‖ with a text field in which survey takers could enter their own explanations. This question was included because the library is extremely busy, with an average daily door count of 10,000 during a typical semester. The door count data show heavy use of the building, but the library has little means of finding out what visitors do while they are in the buildings. The second survey question was ―What is your major?,‖ which was an open-text field.

      Georgia State Library test-survey (two questions).

    7. Bhaskaran (2010) recently weighed in on the benefits of using iPads for survey re-search, but little has been written about the use of tablet computers as mobile assess-ment devices. What literature does exist primarily relates to the healthcare professions.
    8. Over the past few years, the market research literature has reflected a concern about the quality of face-to-face market research as compared to online surveys and polls. Manfreda, Bosnjak, Berzelak, Haas, and Vehovar (2008) analyzed other studies that compared response rates from Web-based surveys to response rates of at least one other survey delivery method. Web survey responses were, on average, eleven percent lower than the other methods investigated. In their study of face-to-face survey responses as compared to online survey responses, Heerwegh and Looseveldt (2008) concluded that responses to Web surveys were of poorer quality and, overall, less suffi-cient than responses to surveys conducted face-to-face.

      face-to-face surveying produces greater results than web-based surveys.