29 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2023
  2. Mar 2023
    1. are ‘any legal and ethical considerations of collecting the data’ (p. 56) raises the possibility of discussing the ethics of over-producing data that need energy and resources to be stored. Similarly, answers to the question ‘How long will the data be stored for and why?’ (p. 56) might reasonably balance long-term preservation of research outputs with the imperative to reduce the proliferation of data on public facing services that are unused for long periods

      great examples

    2. and to consider and explain the benefits of using refurbished devices if appropriate.

      It might be more efficient to pay higher upfront cost for devices with longer life cycles. Macs fair badly on repairability scores but tend to work at least six years (including updates).

    3. Where there is no dedicated section to do so, other sections (such as Justification of Resources and Data Management Plan) can be used as a workaround.

      This point of tactical choices should be highlighted in the section on data management plans

    4. The desire for precise data can sometimes be counterproductive.

      I would also argue that demands for precise measurements as a prerequisite for action is often a straw-man argument.

    5. It is not our responsibility, nor our priority, to directly measure the carbon impact of our research. Often we won’t even need to make precise estimates. However, we do all urgently need to develop a degree of carbon literacy, and carrying out footprinting exercises can be one great way to learn.

      Carbon literacy is a great term that should be pushed in various contexts. It also emphasises the need for learning.

    6. can have its own implications for equity and justice.

      But considering the necessarily much more limited resources of communities in the Global South, this could be a chance to increase equity for researchers who had to grapple with the implications of such affordances for ever

    7. The timescale is tight, so projects already underway should also review their climate impacts (if this was not done at the application stage).

      This cannot be overemphasised

  3. Apr 2022
  4. Feb 2022
    1. Sprache (lang:*)

      Warum? Inwiefern unterscheidet sich das von dem Sprachfeld im Zotero Datenmodell?

    2. dt. Namensform, nur lat. Basiszeichen

      Ich könnte mir auch den Gebrauch von GeoNames URLs vorstellen, wenn eine maschinelle Disambiguierung gemacht werden soll

  5. Dec 2021
    1. aus den mittelalterlichen Quellen zusammengetragen

      In which languages? Given the project description and the team this does not include any Islamicate language: Arabic, Ottoman, etc.

  6. Sep 2021
  7. www.islamwissenschaft.unibe.ch www.islamwissenschaft.unibe.ch
    1. Roxane Farmanfarmaian, Ali Sonay und Murat Akser: “Turkish Media Structure in Judicial and Political Context: An Illustration of Values and Status Negotiation“ in Media and Politics in the Southern Mediterranean: Communicating Power in Transition after 2011, herausgegeben von Roxane Farmanfarmaian. London: Routledge 2021, S. 35-50.  “Local Media in Turkey: The Growth of Islamic Networks in Konya's Radio Landscape”, in Media and Politics in the Southern Mediterranean: Communicating Power in Transition after 2011, herausgegeben von Roxane Farmanfarmaian. London: Routledge 2021, S. 235-250. “Radio and Political Change: Listening in Contemporary Morocco”, in Media and Politics in the Southern Mediterranean: Communicating Power in Transition after 2011, herausgegeben von Roxane Farmanfarmaian. London: Routledge, 2021, S. 351-372.

      Shouldn't it be at least mentioned that these three chapters are unchanged reprints of journal articles listed above? This is deceptive, highly unethical, and potentially violates any guidelines for good scholarly conduct at the University of Bern.

  8. Nov 2019
  9. Oct 2018
    1. One could argue that, within genre boundaries, the number of texts is less significant for the relative importance of an author than the total length of all texts by a single author.

      But this is clearly not a good argument. For any reader the frequency of publication is relevant for the visibility of authors.

  10. Oct 2017
    1. this paper

      If you see this highlight, you are reading v0.1 of the draft. The paper still contains unresolved references to sources and secondary literature, cross-references to tables and figures, and CriticMarkup (e.g. strings wrapped in {-- --} or {++ ++}).

    2. hypothes.is click here

      If you landed on this page following a link I have sent through email, messages etc. and if you see this highlight and right-hand panel, do not follow this link!

    3. Sample of food riots and the elements

      Formatting for HTML is off-center

    4. Sample of food riots in Bilād al-Shām {#tbl:food-riots}

      This table should be moved one paragraph downwards

    5. C.f. {Goering 1878b@501-22; VonSüdenhorst 1873@23-26; Richards 1901g}

      Why doesn't it mention the data set upon the plot is based?

    6. genealogy

      Might need explanatory footnote including references to Foucault

    7. Scholars also observed that and tried to explain why “Initiators of the [early modern] riots were, very often, the women”,22 with arguments ranging from an almost natural disposal towards mutiny, to being more involved in face-to-face marketing, to women being regarded as the embodiment of disorder, which in turn caused men to dress up as women in a symbolic performance.23 After the original disappearance of food riots and the exclusion of women from the emerging public sphere of formal politics, female food riots resurfaced in industrial societies of the twentieth century.2

      Comment on the relevance of this paragraph for the current study.

    8. Faced with the new model of a market economy, the crowds called on the authorities to obey the “paternalist model”, or the “moral economy of provision” of old, in which market inspectors would supervise the direct marketing from the rural producers to the urban consumers and enforce the “just price”.

      Do we face a similar developments in the context of the current study? Do I pose/ answer this question?

    9. After an introduction into the overall argument, the first part of this paper focusses on price data and potential correlation with food riots.

      I am not sure if this summary paragraph is at the right location in this paper.

    10. “politics of notables”.

      Missing footnote pointing to Hourani and Sajdi's "ʿayānology"

    11. Why did the protestors opt for this particular form of contentious action even though it proved ultimately unsuccessful and why did they not violently take the food available in the market?

      is this main question referred to throughout the paper?