10,886 Matching Annotations
  1. Last 7 days
    1. The self-identified status of an individual, including married, single, open, divorced. May include children.

      Self-identified; family does not require children.

  2. Jun 2024
    1. the iron sky Mexican children kick their soccer ball across,


    1. Nixon looked away from the camera at the reporters asking him questions, he was sweating and pale, he had facial hair stubble, and he wore a grey suit that faded into the set background.

      Even your appearance can send an unintentional message to the audience.

    1. A function fff consists of a set of inputs, a set of outputs, and a rule for assigning each input to exactly one output. The set of inputs is called the domain of the function. The set of outputs is called the range of the function.

      function domain & range definition

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      1.Preparing 2.Reading 3.Capturing the key ideas 4.Reviewing. I think that reading will take the most time

    2. ________________________________________________________________________________

      Typically, I feel more prepared for an assignment of reading when I know what I am looking for.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      My living room, the foyer at my school, and my kitchen table are all great. The foyer at school is the best because it has the least distractions.

    4. __________________________________________________________________

      My phone can be a distraction so I can put it on a charger away from me.

    5. _________________________________________________________________

      I can use the Cornel method.

    6. _________________________________________________________________

      Preparing, reading, capturing key ideas, and reviewing. Reading will take the most time because it is the most tedious.

    7. ___________________________________________

      I feel more prepared to read this assignment because I am aware of what to be looking for. I feel more confident, less overwhelmed, and more focused.

    1. The categories and labels assigned by these various entities may be at odds with or even contradict a person’s self-identification.

      Since we have been growing up we have seen categories that now as we progress in society people find new catories to identify to.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      Tell yourself that is the most important thing right now. Put away all distractions and address what could be prohibiting you from studying. Eliminate anything that restricts you.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      Sachito should have the sister come babysit monthly so that they get time together. She should talk to her husband about not leaving daily for his friends to that she can actually get some studying done at home.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      James should ask someone to hold on to his computer so that he doesn't become distracted by it.

    4. __________________________________________________________________

      Becky needs to decide where to put her time and what would help her the most in the long run. She could also reschedule the service project or talk to her professor and see if he'll adjust the due date for her.

    5. __________________________________________________________________

      Juan needs to talk about the situation with his mother. They need to develop a schedule to prioritize certain aspects of his life.

    6. Think about your friends in college or other students you have observed in one of your classes. Choose one who usually seems positive and upbeat and one who sometimes or frequently shows a negative attitude about college. Visualize both their faces—side by side—as if you are talking to both of them. Now imagine yourself sitting down to study with one of them for a final exam. Describe how you would imagine that study session going.

      If I sat down with the positive one, he would not goof off and ensure that we studied enough to pass the exam. For the other one, however, he would just listen to music and encourage us not to study, as he thinks that he can make it in life without doing anything.

    7. List ways in which a negative attitude can prevent students from being successful in college.

      They can be careless towards their work and think that college is just a waste of time.

    8. Which of the following goal statements is written in a way that shows the person has carefully considered what he or she wants to achieve?


    9. __________________________________________________________________

      Long-term goals: After college, I want to become a lawyer, I'd like to get a wife, and I want to maintain good fitness. I would also like to start a family.

    10. _________________________________________________________________

      Midterm goals: This year, I want to be able to bench press 130 pounds, write a short book and attempt to publish it, and be a better football player. During high school, I want to be valedictorian. While in college, I want to get a degree in law.

    11. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

      Short-term goals: Today, I want to eat healthy, protein rich meals. This week, I want to work out daily, finish week three of this class, and get better at throwing a football. This month, I would like to finish reading Psalms, finish this course, and win the state Civics Bee.

    1. You are not less of a person when you abandon your original position and accept another's. It is fine to lose an argument because that is when you learn and grow as a person.

      you learn through growth in debates

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      Ask the instructor if there are any other sections of the class that you can review, use the online notes posted (if there are any), and ask another classmate for possible notes they have.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      The problems with using an online device is that it is very easy to get distracted and surf the web; also, if you cannot type fast it is much harder to keep up. However, it also has lots of tools and benefits to help you like blank documents that can be used for notes

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      Lets you write more information, leading to better and more effective notes.

    4. ________________________________________________________________________________

      The listing method and cornell method help me better understand and keep track of what I am learning and help me better retain information given.

    5. _________________________________________________________________

      Three ways to make up for notes is to ask a friend who takes notes, research the topic online using reliable sources, or ask the teacher if the topic is going to be on the test because if not, you may not even need notes.

    6. __________________________________________________________________

      The benefit of a laptop is that it has many tools and features to make note taking easier. The problems are that you have the potential to accidentally lose the notes and it is much easier to become distracted on a computer.

    7. __________________________________________________________________

      The Cornell method lets you write more information and it is a better way to memorize the important things.

    8. ________________________________________________________________________________

      Using the Cornell method, I can retain information more efficiently and focus much better.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      Most professors will signal important material by repeating things, raising ad lowering their voice and emphasizing things written on the board.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      In the front row in order to make the professor that you take the class with serious intentions

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      Repeat phrases said, lowering their voice, and write words related on the board.

    4. They emphasize the word or definition, repeat the material, or just tell you straight forward that the information is important.

    5. You should sit in or near the front of the classroom so that the teacher can see that you are paying good attention to the lesson.

    6. To prepare yourself for active listening, you should get your mind in the right place and get yourself in the right space.

    7. I would consider my friend to be an excellent listener. If something is going on in my life, he cares and shows it in his body language by doing things like making eye contact. A poor listener would be my grandmother, as when I start talking, she won't pay attention and makes it clear that she'd rather be the one talking.

      I have good eye contact, but sometimes I zone out a little bit.

    1. in an argument is that it may be the only time you share your real feelings

      fighting is healthy, able to share opinions

    2. Fighting for your deeper needs

      couples have a hard tike to construct their feelings into words

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      My toughest course is probably personal finance. I would include my friends that care about the class and won't goof off at inappropriate times.

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      I would like to get better at not studying the night before a test, as this is something that I do regularly. I can develop a study schedule the week of a test or quiz to assist be in remembering.

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      Find all of your resources over a topic such as notes and homework. These are great tools for studying.

    1. Even though it is summer, I was reading about simple machines in physics before school ended. Many of my questions are similar, and the author was able to answer most of my questions. My textbook is better written, as it is intended to go very in depth.

    1. the economy was not thought of as a distinct sphere separated from politics but instead as a tool of statecraft which the state could manipulate to serve its own ends


    2. This is how the state came to make itself independent and self-governing


    1. __________________________________________________________________

      I am a traditional student and one advantage is that I am used to staying up and finishing work

    2. They have few friends, because social relationships distract one from academics.


    3. They use several credit cards so they don’t have to worry about finances until after graduation.


    4. They eat fast food so they have more time for studying.


    5. They develop their writing skills.


    6. with


    7. They know how to speed-read so they don’t have to underline or highlight in their textbooks.


    8. They know better than to try to think on their own.


    9. schedule


    10. They know how to stay motivated.


    11. X

    12. X

    13. X

    14. Check

    15. X

    16. X

    17. Check

    18. X

    19. Check

    20. I am a traditional student. My advantage is that I will be learning way more new skills than a returning one would.

    1. __________________________________________________________________

      i will have to manage my time

    2. __________________________________________________________________

      spending less time with others

    3. __________________________________________________________________

      i will value having a good job

    4. ________________________________________________________


    5. ________________________________________________________

      time management

    6. ________________________________________________________

      whatever is required

    7. ________________________________________________________

      4 or more years

    8. T

    9. F

    10. F

    11. T

    12. Not having as much free time to do what I'd like to.

    13. Football and other sports.

    14. Having a career where I thrive and can support a good family.

    15. 5

    16. 4

    17. 4

    18. 5

    19. 5

    20. 5

    21. 3

    22. 4

    23. 4

    24. 5

    25. 4

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    27. 5

    28. 2

    29. 4

    30. 4

    31. 5

    32. 4

    33. 5

    34. 3

    35. 4

    36. 3

    37. 3

    38. 4

    39. 3

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    41. 5

    42. 4

    43. 2

    44. 3

    45. 4

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    47. 5

    48. 3

    49. 4

    50. 2

    51. 4

    52. 5

    53. 4

    54. I am confident that I can overcome possible difficulties.

    55. Deciding what I want to do for my career.

    56. I will need to take about 5 classes per term.

    57. I plan to be in college for 4 years.

    1. The

      Attempt: We know the time measured in the earths reference frame and can find the earth time by multiplying the muon time by the lorentz factor

    1. 7% BMW Automobile

      For a high end car manufacturer like BMW, that 7% profit is significant. It's like if you saved 7%of your monthly allowance; over time, that amount would grow and could be used for something substantial.

    2. 3% Amazon Retail

      For a company as massive as Amazon, even a small percentage like that translates into huge amounts of money. If I had a really big piggy bank and added just a few coins each day, those coins would add up quickly because the piggy bank is so large.

    1. Artificial intelligence

      Artificial intelligence is cool and scary at the same time. It's just scary to think about, I have seen some robots and how advanced they are and its just crazy to me!

    2. 4 billion people live without internet

      That is such a huge number! Imagine if half of the world's population couldn't access all the cool stuff we do online-no social media, no streaming, no instant answers to random questions.

    3. Self-driving cars

      This has come a really far way already. Although when I was in elementary school I did think we would have flying cars by now.

    4. 4 billion people live without internet 2 billion people live without mobile phones

      This number is insane to me. In today's world you would not think there is that many people without phones and internet.

    1. My professors often provide students with the full text to course readings.

      To me it makes studying a breeze because we have everything we need right at our fingertips. It's like having a personal library catered just for us.

    2. My professors encourage academic freedom.

      I get to explore and express my ideas with out restrictions. It's like having the freedom to dive into topics that really interest me, questions existing theores, and even come up with new ones.This kind of environment helps me grown intellectually and become a more critical thinker.

    3. My high school had a library and a librarian.

      Even if I didn't have accessto the internet at school, I still had resources to find the information I was looking for. Either for a class or for when I was curious about something.

    4. My professors encourage academic freedom.

      I have noticed that professors in college are on average a lot more passionate than a high school teacher for example. This is great because one of the main things that makes a course enjoyable is having a teacher who is passionate and cares.

    5. I had easy access to the internet growing up.

      This is one of the biggest things that I take for granted everyday. Just the fact that I had internet access readily available to me at such a young age is a crazy thing that I don't find crazy because I'm so used to it.

    6. My high school prepared me for college-level research

      I attribute my success in college to all the AP classes I took while in high school. This may not be the case for all high schools but I felt that the on level classes in my school were not solid enough preparation for the work effort needed for college. This might be because AP teachers tend to care more. In my school at least most of the on level teachers were coaches or teachers that just didn't care and handed out really easy assignments all the while putting the least amount of effort into teaching and just reading off a slideshow that was outdated.

    7. My high school prepared me for college-level research

      This is one thing in particular that my high school did extremely well. Even 5 years later I feel like everything I learned in high school I was very prepared for college.

    8. My professors encourage academic freedom

      A majority of the professors that I have come across encourage academic freedom and allow a safe space to put out your own personal views.

    9. My professors encourage academic freedom.

      Academic freedom has helped me become more adaptable and open-minded. It has also instilled a sense of ownership over my education, motivating me to delve deeper into subjects and pursue knowledge with enthusiasm.

    1. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course.

      I personaly believe the monetary of academic publishing is pretty huge. School journals and books often cost a lot to access because they contain high quality, peer reviewed research.

    2. e idea that status impacts your access to information is nothing new.

      I personally believe that information privilege is like having VIP access to all the cool stuff that helps us learn an understand things better in school and college.It's like a golden ticket to libraries, online resources, and expert knowledge that make studying a lot more easier and more fun!

    3. Students, even those in high school, enjoy information privileges that aren't afforded to the general public.

      I think it's super important because it gives us access to a wealth of resources that can enhance our learning and understanding of various subjects. Having access to school journals, databases, and other educational materials means we can dive deeper into topics, get accurate information, and develop well informed opinions.

    4. This graphic is meant to illustrate the incredible profits experienced by academic publishers. You can see that scholarly publishing is far more profitable than being one of the biggest retailers in the world (Amazon).

      The big question is how do we fight this? If they are making this much money how do we tackle such a colossal business that will do everything in their power to keep making more money.

    5. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course

      It is easy to forget certain privileges we have. I look at textbooks or classes that I think are too expensive and can still pay for them, but the truth is that most of the world may not be able to. I'm not totally sold on the value of textbooks but I know that more often than not a lot of what is done always goes back to profit.

    6. We are active users of technology - I am teaching and you are learning online. When we're submerged in this kind of environment, it's sometimes easy to forget that what's known as the digital divide still exists.

      It is really easy to forget about the rest of the world when you grow up in an advanced economy comparted to a developing one. I am definitely guilty of this. Phones and internet access is taken for granted and can effect our views on society as a whole. This reminds me of a video that interviewed advanced economy children and developing and they were asked if they had a wish what would they ask for. The advanced kids said money, or a nice car or house, while the developing kids said to see a family member that had passed away or to have plentiful amounts of food. Upbringing is extremely important when it comes to views on many topics.

    7. The idea that status impacts your access to information is nothing new. What is relatively new is that librarians and others are critically talking about it as it relates to higher education.

      I believe that this applies to college too, I am a personal believer that getting into the most "prestigious" colleges does not have to do with only academics. I believe that you are able to buy into some or get in through wealthy family connections. Information privilege may apply to this considering that you would have more "prestigious" research material at Harvard for example than another college.

    8. ext and charts are based o

      The statistic in the diagram that it shocking to me is that 60% of the world is offline. That is honestly more than I thought it was.

    9. mage prepared by Natalie Ram

      In the little diagram above it discusses the 6 technologies to watch and AI being one of them. I can recall a few years ago no one even discussed AI and when I entered back into college there were so many policies on using Ai. I really did not even know that some one the features or AI in general existed.

    10. we should all be part of this fight.

      I believe everyone should be apart of the fight for the availability of education. It should not be hard for anyone to access any information and especially education.

    11. We are active users of technology - I am teaching and you are learning online

      I think the ability to online learning at most colleges has improved the number of attendees in college programs. As well as make it more convenient for parents and even people who are unable to attend class in person.

    12. Academic publishing is big business. These companies are making billions of dollars. You've undoubtedly been directly impacted by this; you've likely faced decisions on whether to buy a $100+ textbook that is required for a course

      This is very true. The amount of money that students have to spend on textbooks required for the class is pretty ridiculous in my opinion. Although us as students are getting the education we need from the textbook on the back end the publishing company is gaining so much from our purchase.

    13. Our access to technology gives us advantages in accessing information that many around the world do not have. This information graphic from the International Monetary Fund illustrates that:

      We have the privilege to access technology that many in other countries do not have. Our whole lives today are based on technology and we use it to learn, for entertainment, and communication.

    1. Filter bubbles are outside forces that affect the information we take in. But, there's also a lot of stuff going on in our own brains that influences the way we take in and interpret information. This is called confirmation bias.

      I think we all suffer from filter bubbles. However I did not realize this was confirmation bias.

    1. Explain each part of the definition of communication competence.
      1. Effectively and Appropriately Engage in Communication**: Communication competence involves being able to communicate in a manner that achieves desired outcomes while also being suitable for the specific situation and audience. This means conveying messages clearly, persuasively, and with relevance to the context at hand. It also entails considering factors such as cultural norms, social dynamics, and relational context to ensure that communication is respectful and well-received.

      2. Possessing Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Behaviors: Communication competence encompasses a range of attributes, including both cognitive understanding and practical abilities. Knowledge involves understanding communication theories, principles, and cultural norms. Skills include the ability to listen actively, speak effectively, interpret nonverbal cues, and adapt communication strategies as needed. Attitudes such as openness, empathy, and respect are also essential for effective communication, as are behaviors that demonstrate ethical conduct, confidence, and flexibility.

      3. Encoding and Decoding Messages Accurately: Communication competence requires proficiency in both encoding (sending) and decoding (receiving) messages. This involves articulating ideas clearly and concisely, selecting appropriate language and tone, and using nonverbal cues effectively to convey meaning. It also involves accurately interpreting messages from others, understanding their intentions, emotions, and perspectives, and responding appropriately.

      4. Adapting Communication Style to Suit the Situation and Audience: Effective communicators are skilled at adjusting their communication style to fit the context and the characteristics of their audience. This may involve tailoring language, tone, and delivery to match the cultural background, age, gender, social status, or personality traits of the individuals they are communicating with. Adapting communication style also means being flexible in response to changing circumstances, such as shifting power dynamics or unexpected challenges.

      5. Achieving Communicative Goals While Maintaining Ethical Standards: Communication competence involves being able to achieve desired outcomes while adhering to ethical principles and values. This includes being honest, transparent, and respectful in communication, avoiding manipulation, coercion, or deception. It also entails considering the potential impact of communication on others and striving for outcomes that are mutually beneficial and socially responsible. Effective communicators prioritize integrity, trustworthiness, and empathy in their interactions, striving to build positive relationships and contribute to constructive dialogue and understanding.

    2. Define communication competence.

      Communication competence refers to the ability to effectively and appropriately engage in communication across various contexts and with different interlocutors. It involves possessing a combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that enable individuals to encode and decode messages accurately, adapt their communication style to suit the situation and audience, and achieve their communicative goals while maintaining ethical standards. Communication competence encompasses proficiency in verbal and nonverbal communication, active listening, empathy, cultural sensitivity, conflict resolution, and critical thinking. It enables individuals to navigate complex communication situations successfully, build meaningful relationships, and contribute positively to their personal and professional lives.

    1. Discuss the ways in which communication is guided by culture and context.

      Communication is deeply guided by culture and context, shaping both the content and the manner in which messages are conveyed and interpreted. Cultural norms, values, beliefs, and practices influence language choice, communication styles, and nonverbal cues, affecting how individuals express themselves and understand others. Context, including the physical environment, social setting, and relational dynamics, further shapes communication by providing cues for interpretation and guiding appropriate behavior. Understanding cultural and contextual factors is essential for effective communication, as it allows individuals to navigate diverse situations sensitively, adapt their communication strategies accordingly, and foster mutual understanding and respect across cultural boundaries.

    2. Explain how the notion of a “process” fits into communication.

      The notion of a "process" in communication encapsulates the dynamic and interactive nature of exchanging messages between sender and receiver. Communication involves multiple interconnected stages, including encoding, transmission, decoding, and feedback. These stages occur sequentially or simultaneously, influenced by various factors such as context, culture, and individual differences. Moreover, communication is iterative, with each interaction informing subsequent ones and allowing for continuous adaptation and refinement of communication strategies. Embracing communication as a process underscores its fluidity, complexity, and ongoing nature, emphasizing the importance of active participation and mutual understanding between communicators.

    3. Explain how communication meets physical, instrumental, relational, and identity

      Communication meets physical needs by conveying information essential for survival, such as food, shelter, and safety. Instrumentally, it serves practical purposes by facilitating task completion, decision-making, and problem-solving. Relationally, communication builds and maintains social connections, fostering intimacy, trust, and emotional support in personal and professional relationships. Finally, communication contributes to identity formation by expressing individual beliefs, values, and self-concept, shaping how we perceive ourselves and are perceived by others.

    4. Discuss how communication is integrated in various aspects of your life.

      Communication is deeply integrated into various aspects of my life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors. In my personal life, effective communication fosters understanding, trust, and connection with family and friends, enabling us to share experiences, support each other, and resolve conflicts. In my professional life, communication is essential for collaboration, teamwork, and achieving common goals. Whether it's conveying ideas, giving feedback, or negotiating, clear and concise communication enhances productivity and fosters positive working relationships. Additionally, communication plays a crucial role in my daily interactions, from expressing needs and desires to navigating social situations and engaging with the broader community. Overall, communication is a fundamental skill that shapes and enriches every aspect of my life.

    1. communication

      In a recent conversation with a friend over text, we exchanged messages about our plans for the weekend. As I proposed a movie night, my friend responded enthusiastically, suggesting a specific film and discussing logistics. Throughout the conversation, we continuously exchanged messages, providing feedback and adjusting our plans based on each other's input. The context of our previous discussions and shared interests influenced our understanding and decision-making, highlighting the dynamic and reciprocal nature of communication in the transaction model.

    2. communication

      The transmission model of communication views communication as a linear process from sender to receiver, emphasizing message transmission through channels. The interaction model incorporates feedback and context, highlighting the dynamic nature of communication. In contrast, the transaction model emphasizes the simultaneous encoding and decoding of messages by both sender and receiver, emphasizing mutual exchange and shared meaning creation. While all three models acknowledge the importance of feedback and context, the transaction model uniquely emphasizes the active participation of both parties in the communication process, resulting in a deeper understanding and mutual influence.

    3. Identify and define the components of the transaction model of communication.

      The transaction model of communication views communication as a simultaneous process of encoding and decoding messages between sender and receiver. Its components include:

      1. Participants: Both sender and receiver are active participants in the communication process, encoding and decoding messages simultaneously.
      2. Message: Information, ideas, or emotions exchanged between participants.
      3. Feedback: Continuous exchange of messages between sender and receiver, shaping and modifying understanding.
      4. Context: The environment and situation in which communication occurs, influencing interpretation and meaning.
      5. Noise: Any interference or barriers that affect the communication process, disrupting understanding.
      6. Channels: The various means through which messages are transmitted, including verbal, nonverbal, and technological channels. This model emphasizes the interactive and dynamic nature of communication, with both parties contributing to the creation of shared meaning.
    4. Identify and define the components of the interaction model of communication.

      The interaction model of communication expands upon the transmission model by incorporating feedback and context. Its components include:

      1. Sender: Initiates the communication process by encoding a message.
      2. Message: The information, idea, or emotion being conveyed.
      3. Channel: The medium through which the message is transmitted.
      4. Receiver: The individual or group for whom the message is intended, responsible for decoding the message.
      5. Feedback: The response or reaction of the receiver, providing input to the sender and shaping subsequent communication.
      6. Context: The environment or situation in which the communication occurs, influencing the interpretation and understanding of the message. This model emphasizes the dynamic and reciprocal nature of communication, highlighting the importance of feedback and context in the exchange of meaning.
    5. Identify and define the components of the transmission model of communication.

      The transmission model of communication consists of several key components:

      1. Sender: Initiates the communication process by encoding a message into a form that can be transmitted.
      2. Message: The information, idea, or emotion being transmitted by the sender.
      3. Channel: The medium through which the message is conveyed, such as spoken language, written text, or electronic signals.
      4. Receiver: The individual or group for whom the message is intended, responsible for decoding the message.
      5. Feedback: The response or reaction of the receiver to the message, providing the sender with information about the effectiveness of their communication.
      6. Noise: Any interference or barrier that disrupts the transmission or reception of the message, which can be physical, psychological, or semantic in nature.
    1. communication

      Delivery Invention Memory Organization Style (DIMOS)

    2. the various career options for students who study communication.

      Students who study communication have a wide range of career options available to them. They can pursue roles in journalism, public relations, advertising, marketing, corporate communications, social media management, event planning, broadcasting, content creation, and market research. Additionally, they can explore careers in digital media, filmmaking, editing, writing, or even academia and research in communication studies. The versatile skills gained through a communication degree enable graduates to thrive in various industries where effective communication is paramount.

    3. Discuss the history of communication from ancient to modern times.

      Communication has evolved dramatically throughout history. In ancient times, it relied on oral traditions and cave paintings for conveying messages. With the advent of writing, civilizations like the Egyptians and Mesopotamians developed written communication. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionized communication, enabling mass production of books and newspapers. In the modern era, the telegraph, telephone, and internet have further transformed communication, making it faster, more accessible, and global in reach.

    4. Define communication.

      Communication is a shared understanding through the operation of processing terms. Do this by showing and being shown ways of understanding each other while using words or not using words.

    1. perception to make judgments about personality traits, credibility, deception, and the presence or absence of a weapon, among others things, and just like you and me, officers use the same process of selection, organization, and interpretation. This research has found that officers, like us, rely on schema to help them make decisions under time and situational constraints.

      I think this is also a double edged sword. Our society we often times can make judgments towards gender, race, that kind of car they're driving etc. So our perception can also get officers into trouble. We've seen this with racial profiling. Although they are trained on "The things to lookout for". In our society now it can be a negative.

    2. Schemata also guide our interactions, providing a script for our behaviors. We know, in general, how to act and communicate in a waiting room, in a classroom, on a first date, and on a game show.

      My understanding of this relates to the image below. It seems like with the different careers the dolly is dressed up as resumes on schema. As our careers can often times model our personalities. Which controls how we act. Someone from an office job is going to act signficantly different than someone who is a firefighter.

    3. The slightly awkward moment usually ends when you and the other person in line look at each other, then back at the clerk, and one of you explains that you are not together.

      I have had many experiences like this when I worked as an emt. Many people were just bystanders so it was challenging trying to find a parent or someone who knew my patient and it was quite awkward at times when nobody was around.

    4. Asian history until you are required to take such a course and have an engaging professor who sparks that interest in you

      Expectations to me is a fight or flight response. You enter a new job you know you could either like it or not. But your expectations set your behavior towards that job. If you assume it's not going to be enjoyable then it won't be. It's important to have possible expectations and be open minded in this concept of communication.

    5. Or a bright flashlight shining in your face while camping at night is sure to be salient. The degree of salience depends on three features (Fiske & Tayor, 1991).

      Could the possibility be that the light is bright and we are attracted to shiny objects? Such as a nice car or a big wedding ring. This is what creates the election that then use as interpretation.