10,886 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2023
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    36. ________________________________________________________

      I have some doubts about a few things, but I know I can still overcome them.

    37. ________________________________________________________

      The most difficult part to finish college would be time because of work and that takes away from being able to finish hw on time .

    38. ________________________________________________________

      I can only take 2 classes but I would need to take 4-5 courses to finish on time.

    39. ________________________________________________________

      I plan to be in college for 4 years.

    40. _______________________________________________________

      Having to put more effort and time into school.

    41. _______

      Having to put way more time into school.

    42. __________

      I value my future career more so right now I am more focused on that then anything else.

    43. ______

      I value good income for my future family.

    44. ________

      Yes there is no other choice.

    45. _____

      Not having time.

    46. ____________________________________________________

      I will need to take 5-6 courses.

    47. ________________________________________________________

      I plan to attend four years.

    48. Most college graduates later look back on their college years as one of the best times in their lives.


    49. To do well in college, you basically have to give up everything else in life for a while.


    50. If you sit back, wait patiently, and stick it out long enough, success in college will inevitably come to you.


    51. Attitude is one of the most important factors affecting college success.


    52. Life in college usually differs in many ways from one’s previous life in high school or in the workforce. What are the biggest changes you are experiencing now or anticipate experiencing this term?

      Time management, I love it so much. I have my schedule that helps me stayed balanced and moving forward.

    53. What do you value that will you likely have less time or money to spend on while in college?

      Going out and spending money on accessories

    54. What do you value that will be richer in your future life because you will have a college education?

      My discipline and time management

    55. Which of the following are benefits of a college education?

      5.All of the above

    56. Participating in clubs, organized activities


    57. Going to parties


    58. Talking on the telephone, texting, e-mail


    59. Going to religious services


    60. Attending classes


    61. Cleaning house


    62. Volunteering your time for a good cause


    63. Setting your own schedule


    64. Engaging in your hobbies


    65. Having a positive romantic relationship


    66. Being your own boss


    67. Exercising, being physically active


    68. Eating nice meals out


    69. Going to movies or entertainments


    70. Meeting new people


    71. Looking good, personal hygiene


    72. Working your job


    73. Getting out in nature


    74. Enjoying time alone


    75. Watching television


    76. Having nice clothing 0


    77. Studying and reading textbooks


    78. Being liked by others


    79. Shopping


    80. Traveling to new places


    81. Reading a good book


    82. Sleeping


    83. Online social networking


    84. Cooking


    85. Playing computer or video games


    86. Hanging out with friends


    87. Playing sports


    88. Staying current with the news


    89. Having intelligent conversations


    90. Having a nice car


    91. Learning new things about your interests


    92. Having good friends


    93. Making a good income


    94. Are you confident you will be able to overcome any possible difficulties in completing college?

      Completely assured

    95. What do you anticipate will be the most difficult part of completing college?

      Staying disciplined

    96. How many courses will you need to take per term to finish college in your planned time period?

      4-5 courses

    97. How long do you anticipate being in college?

      4 years

    98. ________________________________________________________

      I take 2 classes per semester due to work but i will bump it up to 3 next semester.

    99. __________________________________________________________________

      You must complete work on your own time and now their is different age gap in classmates.

    100. __________________________________________________________________

      I value hanging out with friends and family and going out whatever day I want.

    101. __________________________________________________________________

      Skills that I will need in my future career.

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      Yes because as long as I stay dedicated to my future plans i know I can make it through any thing.

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      Having to do college work and having to go to the college in person after work.

    142. ________________________________________________________

      I plan to be in college for 2 years.

    143. __________________________________________________________________

      I will have to learn to accomplish things on my own in college.

    144. __________________________________________________________________

      I value my time I get to spent with myself. college will inevitably change this.

    145. __________________________________________________________________

      Better, more robust skills that will help me achieve my intented career.

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    147. ________________________________________________________

      I believe so.

    148. ________________________________________________________

      Getting all my work done on time.

    149. ________________________________________________________

      I need 5-6 courses to finish.

    150. ________________________________________________________

      For as long as I need to be.

    151. ________________________________________________________

      I plan on being in college for about 4 years .

    152. __________________________________________________________________

      How different the work is then in high school. The work is on your own time and you must complete and not procrastinate.

    153. __________________________________________________________________

      I value playing tennis in my free time and with my college work I will not have as much time to play.

    1. There are multiple degrees/levels of communication that any one person will run into within every day of their lives. First, and most importantly, is intrapersonal communication. Intrapersonal communication is a broad concept of communicative phenoms that occur within the individual mind. For many, it can resemble traditonal forms of external communication where a "voice" is acting as a guide to understanding and internalizing the world around us. Intrapersonal communication is hard to conceptualize, and can vary due to biological factors effecting each individuals brains to create unique mental environments. Interpersonal communication, which is the next most intimate form of communication, is when two people exchange messages or share a dialogue. This only occurs with one other person, as the dynamic within a conversation completely changes on a psychological level when more people are there. Then there are multiple interactions of group communication, going from small, to public settings, and larger. All of these, albeit intrapersonal, can be done through verbal, nonverbal, and mediated communication.

    1. Make sure you budget time in your speech preparation to work on the speaking outline.

      I feel like this is a huge thing in speaking that most people don't think about. When you are giving a speech, whether it be for an assignment in class or for a professional work presentation, you are usually only alloted a specific amount of time to get your point accross. It's crucial to make sure you are using your time well, so your speech isn't too long or too short. A speech that is too short won't relay information to your audience well, and a speech that is too long will bore your audience.

    1. Despite the fact that first impressions aren’t formed with much conscious effort, they form the basis of inferences and judgments about a person’s personality

      This reflects on last weeks textbook reading discussing the Horn effect and other phsychological phenomenon where first impressions can taint future interactions. If someone begins a speech in a poor manner, it can effectively ruin the rest of the talking time between the speaker and the audience. If you cracked a bad joke or came off as rude, nervous, unconfident, etc, it can make the audience not trust the speaker, and by extension the speech itself. It's important to get your introduction to anything spot on, because first impressions are so crucial in relationships.

    1. While this is an important contribution to society, Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly or credible source.

      I just mentioned this in my last annotation, ha! Although Wikipedia may not be a reliable source of information, I do like to use it as a cesspool of related information on a topic. While anyone can edit it or whatnot, skimming through an article can give me a good idea of what type of information to look for in relation to a particular subject. So while I don't use Wikipedia as a direct source, I do use it as a directory of information.

    2. At most colleges and universities, you can find a reference librarian who has at least a master’s degree in library and information sciences, and at some larger or specialized schools, reference librarians have doctoral degrees.

      I actually didn't know that this was a thing. In middle and high school, teachers always told us things like "Wikipedia is not a reliable source," but never really provided other widespread sources of information for reasearch. Knowing that their are librarians whos literal job is to find credible research on a topic is game-changing and pretty amazing if you ask me. I will definitely be using the library as a resource during this class as well.

    1. They use several credit cards so they don’t have to worry about finances until after graduation.


    2. They have few friends, because social relationships distract one from academics.


    3. They eat fast food so they have more time for studying.


    4. They develop their writing skills.

    5. They avoid talking with their instructors, so they can remain anonymous.


    6. Are you a “traditional” or “returning” student? List an important advantage you have as a result of being in this classification:

      I am a traditional student, one advantage of being a traditional student is that I can quickly transition from high school to college keeping my knowledge from the previous year and not having to refresh

    7. They know how to speed-read so they don’t have to underline or highlight in their textbooks.


    8. They know better than to try to think on their own.


    9. They don’t need to schedule study periods because they study at every available moment every day.


    10. They know how to stay motivated.

    11. __________________________________________________________________

      I think I'm more of a traditional student because I'm in highschool and not doing a full college education.An advantage of being a traditional student is not having big responsibilities like if I was living on my own getting a degree.

    1. exists

      Note to self Remember to look and read the the captions! STOP IGNORING THESES!

    2. text

      This will be helpful to me as I just learned that I am a passive reader.

    1. Abu al-‘Abbas’s successor, Al-Mansur, welcomed non-Arab Muslims to his court. While this helped integrate Arab and Persian cultures, it alienated the Arabs who had supported the Abbasids in their battles against the Umayyads


    1. While a polished delivery is important and will be discussed more in the chapter titled "Delivering a Speech", good speaking skills must be practiced much earlier in the speech-making process.

      I feel like this can be reflecting in anything in life. One thing you hear a lof is "Practice makes percfect" and public speaking can be included in this. If you go into something unprepared, you can easily become overwhelmed and stressed, causing mistakes. I feel that this causes a lot of anxiety around public speaking; not being prepared to deliver a speach in front of other people.

    1. eye contact

      The key point of eye contact is to hold non verbal communication with another person. I'm an introverted person and I don't talk as much as a extroverted person would be "social butterfly". Since I don't talk to a lot of people I tend to avoid eye contact. I'm hoping that I will embrace a new change and start to maintaining more eye contact with others.

    1. emotion sharing

      Emotion sharing is an action one does to communicate a circumstance of an emotional event. An example of this is a character named Gray in the anime called Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima. When Gray was growing up learning more about his ice make magic his teacher Ur sacrificed herself to save him from the demon Deliora. Fastforward, Gray is in the guild called Fairy Tail when he was on a mission with Lucy (another member of the Fairy Tail guild) and Natsu, he sees Deliora cased in ice, he eventually tells Lucy and Natsu about his past with Deliora.

    2. emotions

      Emotions are behavioral stimuli reactions that we experience as emotional. We all know the familiar feeling of happiness, anger, fear, sadness etc. A good example to describe emotions is a character called Natsu in the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima. His personality constantly changing, which matches his magic which is fire (he's a dragon slayer, I don't want to into detail describing what a dragon slayer is).

    3. communication

      Communication is a process of sending and receiving verbal and nonverbal information in multiple contexts. A popular way to use communication is social media. According to Nashville Film Institute. edu " Social media is any digital technology that allows users to instantly generate and share information with the public." Using social media apps such as Instagram, Facebook etc is the fastest way to communicate with others in the public.

    4. group cohesion.

      Group cohesion is an attractiveness to one goal among the members of the group. For example the Pittsburgh Steelers, had a hard time grasping their group cohesion. According to britannica. com " Rooney watched the Steelers struggle in 1950's and the 60's until their fortunes turned around with the arrival of head coach Chuck Noll in 1969." With this encouragement from Chuck Noll the Steelers began to become more successful in their franchise eventually leading to win six Super Bowl titles. Art Rooney a Pittsburgh resident founded the franchise in 1933 ( britannica. com).

    1. This interpretation corroborates historical evidence of severe starvation in the colony during the harsh winter of 1609–1610.

      It's remarkable to me that forensic anthropologists are able to uncover truths about historical events, even if they took place hundreds of years ago.

    2. By analyzing human remains such as decomposed bodies or skeletons, or tissue samples such as skin or hair, forensic anthropologists discern what they can about the nature of a crime and the people involved.

      This particular subfield of anthropology is very fascinating to me and it plays a pivotal role in solving crimes.

    3. Biological anthropologists frequently combine research among primates with evidence from the human fossil record, genetics, neuroscience, and geography to answer questions about human evolution.

      It is interesting that by combining these methods of information collection, biological anthropologists are able to piece insights together.

    4. biological anthropologists study the origins, evolution, and diversity of our species.

      Rephrasing this definition into more simple terms is helpful for people such as myself, who aren't very familiar with these concepts.

    5. focuses on the earliest processes in the biological and sociocultural development of human beings as well as the biological diversity of contemporary humans.

      this is a helpful and descriptive definition

    6. He concluded that the skeleton belonged to a 14-year-old girl who had been cannibalized by other settlers after she died.

      I was quite surprised that there were able to make such an accurate prediction on something that happened so long ago. It makes me think about how well they can determine scenes from much longer ago like the B.C era

    1. Repetition. Vocalic cues reinforce other verbal and nonverbal cues (e.g., saying “I’m not sure” with an uncertain tone).

      When reading sarcasm is can be really difficult to pic up on these tones. Because sarcasm often relies on the subtle manipulation of vocalic cues it is almost impossible sometimes given the context of the story to understand. Bu that makes it essential to pay attention. You have to not only to what is said but also to how it is said by fully grasping the situation of the novel.

    1. When breaches of personal space occur, it is a social norm to make nonverbal adjustments such as lowering our level of immediacy, changing our body orientations, and using objects to separate ourselves from others.

      For some reason I think I am overly sensitive to this one. Not in the way of like being upset when someone comes close to me but just totally aware of everyone's relative proximity and body tilt. When someone just a little to close or too far away I can literally feel it. Or when another person tilts their body toward another, I am always picking up on things like that.

    1. nce people with nonverbal communication competence are already more likely to have larger social support networks,

      When first entering HS I was pretty unsocial, this led to a much more limited social circle. It was difficult but with awareness and practice, I was able improve my nonverbal communication skills. Throughout the rest of HS I was able to expand my friend group and support network over time. Now I am better able to connect with others, understand their emotions, and respond empathetically, leading to stronger and more meaningful connections.

    1. Nonverbal cues such as length of conversational turn, volume, posture, touch, eye contact, and choices of clothing and accessories can become part of a player’s social game strategy

      In romantic situations, people use nonverbal cues to express their interest and feelings. It's as simple as making eye contact to show you're attracted, smiling to convey happiness, using gentle touches to create a connection, adjusting your body language to stay engaged, and dressing well to make a good impression. These subtle actions help communicate emotions and build a romantic connection between individuals. But most the time it is done with intention. I know many teenage girls that spend time thinking about how to min max these cues.

    2. As with verbal communication, most of our nonverbal signals can be linked to multiple meanings,

      Facial expressions can be very ambiguous unless you have been around a person long enough. That can convey curiosity, skepticism, or surprise, leaving the recipient uncertain about how the person really feels. Connecting back to the earlier chapter on decoding, in these situations active listening and accurately decoding the signal can help bridge the gap and bring clearer understanding between individuals.

    1. Communication Competence refers to the values that differentiate successful, and non successful speakers. it involves a balance of both appropriate and effective communication, where omitting one or the other characteristics could damage peoples perceptions of your communication skills. Gauging these aspects to tailor to certain people and situations is the most effective strategy; communication that is successful in one context may go awfully in another dependent on culture, personal morals of your listener, etc. The way you successfully communicate with a child would not bode well if used during a college conference.

      Although general applications of communication vary; individuals who have a degree of communication competence generally share similar personal values and skills that help achieve greater communication. Skillfullness, or the ability to take note of and work around/correctly use situational cues to approach a conversation the best they can, is one of these characteristics. The ability to work and adapt under stressful and pressured situations is another important skill to a competent communicator. Having a general idea of possible sources of error, and being able to switch on the fly to make light of those failed situations can be just as important as having a line of communication go exactly as planned. Involvement and understanding the audience tend to go hand in hand, where involvement ties into persuasiveness and excitability of the audience, and understanding is more of an emotional tie-in that creates a deeper, empathetic bond between speaker and audience to tap into their feelings to attempt to seem as genuine and "human" as possible. The last two characteristics, cognitive complexity and self-monitoring, both are skills that typically take practice and a lot of inward thinking to achieve. Cognitive complexity means saying the same thing in different ways. It can either mean changing verbiage to different synonyms, or completely altering a sentence while still maintaining the original meaning. Providing different way to comprehend the same message opens a wider range of people to interact and find your message valuable. Self Monitoring is the hardest of these characteristics to get, as it means turning inwards to focus on your behaviors and manipulate said behavior for your advantage. This can mean having pre-meditated points of conversation to follow, being very aware of the flow of the conversation, having a "meta" sense of your self and paying attention to things like body language, etc.

    1. In fact, people in almost all nations, both men and women, and people of all ages report that they are satisfied—at least above the neutral point—on ratings of well-being

      still not generalizable

    1. found that people interpreted events more positively when they were sitting in an upright position rather than a slumped position.

      How we behave reflects who we are inside regardless of our awareness of it. What we consciously do is in the shadow of what unconsciously compels us.

    2. When the participants were aware that their moods might have been influenced by the weather, they realized that the moods were not informative about their overall well-being, and so they no longer used this information.


    3. found that people who were smiling were also less prejudiced.

      Does this mean that we are less likely to ridgely adhere to out schemas if we are in a good mood?

    1. Where are you headed next in your career development path?

      Exploring. I'm already kinda half way in since i've invested time in becoming a Medical Assistant which for me is a boost wehn majoring in Nursing!

    2. Provide the 2 descriptions you identify with the most from your career development stage.

      Currently i'm just trying to find my purpose, my genuine career. I've always been adamant about my career plan until i recently enrolled into college. I still don't have anything else besides nursing in mind but i do want explore options

    3. What challenges are you facing now in your career development?

      challenges with myself are more the issue. I feel lost now that i've enrolled into IVC. Its making me debate whether college overall is for me. But i'm just trying to motivate myself to keep trying... I just don't have any confidence.

    4. Which stage of career development do you feel you are in currently?

      I feel as if i'm in stage 2, Growing..