7,104 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. The Public and Its Climate: Exploring the Relationship Between Public Discourse and Opinion on Global Warming

      Shreck, Brian, and Arnold Vedlitz. "The Public And Its Climate: Exploring The Relationship Between Public Discourse And Opinion On Global Warming." Society & Natural Resources 29.5 (2016): 509-524. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Mar. 2016.

      Within Society and Natural Resources: An International Journal, Shreck and Vedlitz claim that there appears to be a positive association between people engaging in conversation about climate change and the strong belief that climate change actually exists. They go on to further state that this conversation about climate change is occurring on both sides of the debate spectrum, which later will force both sides to address the issue.

    2. Brian Shrecka* & Arnold Vedlitz

      Brian Shreck is a joint appointment in the Department of Political Science and the National Wind Institute. He focuses his area of study specifically on wind energy and public policy. I see him as being highly qualified as he is at Texas Tech University as a Postdoctoral Research Scholar. He obviously has credibility on the subject of climate change and how it is being addressed throughout society. http://perg-tamu.com/people/brian-shreck

      Furthermore, Shreck's co author Arnold Vedlitz is obviously just as qualified as him, as he is "holder of the Bob Bullock Chair in Government and Public Policy and director of the Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy (ISTPP) in the Bush School of Government and Public Service". He has done a lot throughout his career pertaining to the environment which only adds to his credibility. http://bush.tamu.edu/faculty/avedlitz/

    3. Second, for the exchange to be truly deliberative, citizens must be open to receiving and considering this new information and new arguments and, ultimately, to changing their minds when confronted with convincing new arguments or contradictory evidence that make their current positions indefensible.

      This point is a good way to increase credibility as the authors are addressing that people should listen to and welcome refutations of the arguments. Therefore, every aspect of the argument is addressed.

    4. We fielded a national survey to collect opinions, knowledge, and engagement on climate change, including individuals’ informal public discourse with family members, friends, and coworkers

      I would be interested in seeing the survey. I want to know if the same size was large enough to constitute the results of the survey. Who received the survey? Are the questions potentially biased?

    5. However, the polarization on the issue of climate change calls into question what the result of more public discourse might look like. Would the result be an emerging consensus toward belief in the reality of climate change—and accompanying support for public policies to curb human impacts? Or would the outcome be more of the same polarization that we see now?

      This is an interesting point. Because very little people are engaging in conversation about climate change currently, would increasing talk about climate change only cause more polarization on the subject or bring a new light to the subject?

    6. These data give us a unique opportunity to analyze empirically how, and how much, the U.S. public engages in discussion of this very important but technically complex and politically contested issue.

      Here is what "they" are saying. Shreck and Vedlitz are saying that in order for this issue to be truly understood it needs to be looked at two ways. First, is that people need to have an open-mind. One must consider the other sides perspectives and stay impressionable to the argument being made. Second, people need to realize that in order to engage in deliberative democratic theory they must have an active, engaged, and knowledgeable political entity that will consider all ideas equally and will reconsider its existing ideas in the face of new evidence or arguments.Because of this, they will be exposed to new information and ideas which will either help deepen their initial position or help sway them in the opposite direction.

  2. Feb 2016
    1. How were human beings created? • Where did they obtain their knowledge, and how did they provide for themselves?

      1) Human beings were created by birth from mother and father.

      2) The father passed on his offspring and that his how they gained knowledge.

    2. What was the source of life? • What were the differences between Earth-mother and Sky-father? • Where did the moon and stars come from?

      1) The animals were taking care of humans that were in need of help.

      2) The difference was day and night. The mother and father both created the light and darkness in the day. Bringing the moon, sun and earth.

      3) The sky-father created the moon and stars for the night time.

  3. Jan 2016
    1. What were the three major crops developed in the Americas? What impact did they have?

      The three major crops were corn, beans and squash which all had nutritional needs that sustained the cities and civilizations.

    2. The last global ice age trapped much of the world’s water in enormous continental glaciers. Twenty thousand years ago, ice sheets, some a mile thick, extended across North America as far south as modern-day Illinois and Ohio.

      The ice age across North America left many people to panic on how they were going to survive these harsh temperatures. They had to find many ways to stay warm and finding food was tough because they would be trapped from going out in the cold.

  4. Dec 2015
    1. “Consumers will conclude that these people have not done anything in spite of what they’ve been saying, and that becomes a credibility issue,” he said. “For a company like Chipotle, which talks a lot about the integrity of its food, that’s seriously damaging.”

      I AGREE

    2. Today” show to apologize to the people who became sick most recently. “I’m sorry for the people who got sick. They’re having a tough time and I feel terrible about that,” Mr. Ells said in an interview.

      Its not really his fault, but then again it is because his company hires anybody. If Ells cared that much about implementing food with integrity, he should have a policy of hiring "experienced" workers.

    3. The company’s shares dropped $19.07, to $522.01, after the new outbreak came to light. The stock is down 30 percent from its high of $757.77 in August.

      I am not surprised that the shares dropped that low

    4. Chipotle says it is working to put in place programs to monitor the safety of each of the 68 ingredients it uses, using methods like high-resolution testing and additional food-safety training for its employees

      The company should've been considered this option

    5. The same bacteria has sickened 53 people in eight other states

      This is bad

    1. 60 samples of every 2,000 pounds of steak will be tested before it's sent to stores.

      This should have been an option

    2. "Food With Integrity"

      Do Chipotle's food really have Integrity?

    3. Onions will be dipped in boiling water to kill germs before they're chopped. Raw chicken will be marinated in resealable plastic bags, rather than in bowls. Cilantro will be added to freshly cooked rice so the heat gets rid of microbes in the garnish.

      If every Chipotle restaurant in the world consider this option, the company will overcome the harmful outbreak.

    4. So they will remain chopped on in restaurants, along with lemons, limes, and jalapenos. All will now be blanched to kill germs.

      So are "automation" foods safer to eat, rather than fresh produce since the fresh produce has a high risk for foodborne illness?

    1. No single food item has been identified as a source of illness.

      CDC, FDA and state health officials need to check again because there has to be something wrong with the food if people are getting sick.

    2. The restaurant chain is also increasing food safety training of its employees and making improvements to its ingredient testing

      Is it really going to be an improvement?

    3. More E. coli cases linked to Chipotle; may be a different outbreak

      What do the reporter mean by "a different outbreak"?

    4. Symptoms, which include diarrhea and abdominal pain, usually begin two to eight days after a person has been exposed to the bacteria and resolve within a week. Some cases are severe and patients can develop hemolytic uremic syndrome, or HUS, which is a type of kidney failure. There have been no cases of HUS or deaths from this outbreak, although 20 of those who have become ill have been hospitalized.

      Abdominal pain is severe. Abdominal pain can lead to Unitary Tract Infections, and very painful menstrual periods.

  5. Sep 2015
    1. 等值


    2. 提取

      retirer ex.: 提款=提钱 取款机 🏧 提现

    3. 境外

      !=国外 在中国的用法中,“境外”包括港澳台。

    4. 连续多日

      J+1, J+2, J+3...

    5. 同日


    6. 隔日


    7. 防范


    8. 警惕


    9. 个人


    10. 分拆

      =拆分 拆分 chāifēn 动把整体或成套的东西拆开分解。 这家企业被拆分 | 拆分机器设备

    11. 获悉


    12. 加强

      renforcer <-> 减弱 affaiblir

    13. 下发

      上级给下级发(文件/命令/……) 下发 xiàfā 动发送到下级或基层。 本文件下发县(团)级 | 救灾物资要迅速下发。

    14. 独家


    15. 外汇局


    16. 购汇


    17. 独家:外汇局下发特急文件加强蚂蚁搬家式购汇管理

      S1-3 : économie chinoise T6

    18. 特急

      特别急迫 extrêmement urgent ex.: 特快/特效

    1. 量化宽松


    2. 近期动态很重要,因为它表明,中国当局尚未找到解决这三个难题的办法。更糟糕的是,他们在过去7年里所尝试的权宜之计甚至已使困境变得更麻烦。或许,市场先生已预感到,中国的处境将是多么的艰难,而中国可能会采取的一些选项实际上会造成多么大的动荡。中国的选项包括货币贬值、超低利率,甚至还有量化宽松。如果真是如此,当前市场动荡或许并不显得愚蠢。全球储蓄过剩可能变得更严重。那会让所有人都受到影响。


    3. 现在,这给中国当局留下了三个巨大的经济难题。第一个是清理过去金融过度行为的遗产,同时避免发生金融危机。第二个是重塑经济,使增长更依赖私人与公共部门的消费,减轻对超高水平投资的依赖。第三个是在实现以上所有目标的同时维持总需求的强劲增长。


    4. 可持续


    5. 这种对总需求不足的担忧由来已久。自从西方的金融危机以来,这就成了一个非常令人担心的问题,因为危机摧毁了对于中国出口的需求。正因如此,中国自己推动了一次信贷助长的投资繁荣。潜在产出增长率下降的同时,投资占GDP的比例却在显著地(并令人担忧地)升高。长期来看,这两种状况的组合是不可持续的。


    6. 边际回报率
    7. 假设这是真的。根据官方数据,2014年固定资产投资占国内生产总值(GDP)的44%。投资数字有可能比GDP数字更准确。但是,一个经济体的投资占到GDP的44%,增长率却仅为5%,这在经济上合理吗?不合理。这些数据反映了超低的(如果不是负值的话)边际回报率。如果这样,投资可能大幅下降。如果首先砍掉浪费性投资的话,这或许不会降低潜在增长率,但将造成需求大减。中国当局在做的每一件事都表明,他们担心的正是这一点。


    8. 中国经济已然放缓。“新常态”的说法承认了这一现实。但共识经济学公司(Consensus Economics)提出了不同的增长预测。新预测的平均值显示,在截至2015年第四季度的一年内,中国经济增速将仅为5.3%(见图表)。


    9. 看待近期事态,必须考虑到更深层次的担忧。问题在于,中国当局是否有能力、并且愿意实现经济从投资驱动转型为消费主导,同时维持总需求。如果能办到,中国经济还将保持6%至7%的增长率。否则,就可能发生经济和政治动荡。


    10. 以上并非中国当局的行为让人有理由担心的唯一方面。其他方面还有8月11日的人民币贬值。就本身而言,这不算重大事件,迄今人民币兑美元汇率累计跌幅仅为2.8%。但人民币贬值有重要的含义。中国当局想要大幅降息的空间,如同本周二降息那样。这再次突出显示了他们对经济健康状况的担心。另一个可能的含义是,北京方面或许在寻求重振出口驱动的增长。我发现这一点难以置信,因为它的全球后果将是毁灭性的。但至少,对其破坏稳定的可能性感到担忧是合理的。最后一个可能的含义是,中国当局开始准备容忍资本外流。如果是这样,美国将会自食其果。华盛顿方面一直敦促中国放开资本项目管制。那么,美国或许不得不忍受破坏稳定的短期后果:人民币贬值。


    11. 重振


    12. 然而,由于两个相互关联的原因,中国股市行情有了更重要的含义。第一个原因是,中国当局决定押上巨大的资源、甚至他们的政治权威,试图阻止股市泡沫破裂(这一努力没有成功并非意外)。第二个是,他们一定是出于担心经济才这么做的。如果他们担心到对这样渺茫的希望下注的地步,我们其他人也应当感到担忧。


    13. 重塑


    14. 权宜之计

      权宜 quányí 形暂时适宜的;临时变通的。 权宜之举 | 权宜之计 Mesure / disposition temporaire prise en raison des circonstances. 可以说:不得不采取/采用权宜之计

    15. 押③动以财物作担保。 把房子押出去 | 押金 | 抵押 押金 yājīn ①名作为抵押的钱。 领取客房钥匙要先交押金。 ②名预付款。 住院要先付押金 押宝 yābǎo 动赌博的一种,参赌的人在赌具“宝”的几种可能中凭猜测下注,猜对了为胜;比喻指望靠运气来进行某项活动。

    16. 敦促

      敦促 dūncù 动催促。 敦促作者早日交稿。

    17. 自食其果

      自食其果 zìshíqíguǒ 自(己)(吞)食(其:自己的,自己种出的)(苦:因此是贬义)果。比喻做了坏事,结果自己受到惩罚。

    18. 难以置信

      不容易相信 程度不同的表达有:无法置信/不可置信……

    19. 暴涨暴跌


    20. 容忍


    21. 新常态
    22. 已然

      =已经 ①动已经是这样。 优胜劣汰,自古已然。 ②副已经。 往事已然逝去

    23. 下注

      下(赌)注 赌注 dǔzhù 名赌博时所押的钱物;比喻进行冒险活动所投入的力量。 下赌注

    24. 渺茫

      渺茫 miǎománg ①形遥远而模糊不清。 渺茫的远山 ②形难以预测。 前景渺茫 | 希望渺茫 用法说明 不要写作“淼茫”。

    25. 中国股市并不正常。它甚至比大多数股市更像赌场,每个玩家都希望找到一个“更大的傻瓜”,在最后一刻之前把价格过高的筹码传递到他们手上。这样的市场注定会暴涨暴跌。但这种变幻莫测的行情,应该反映不了中国的宏观经济状况。


    26. 在中国股市的带领下,全球股市确实已开始了调整。从6月的顶点至周二,上证综指下跌了43%。不过,中国股市较2014年初仍高出50%。10年内第二次中国股市泡沫内爆似乎仍未结束。(见图表)。


    27. 我没有聪明到理解“市场先生”(Mr Market)行为的程度,也没有愚蠢到认为自己能理解他的地步。“市场先生”是投资大师本杰明•格雷厄姆(Benjamin Graham)虚构出的患有燥狂抑郁症的人物。但是,市场先生的确处于抑郁之中。背后的原因似乎是对中国的担忧。市场先生的焦躁是合理的吗?简单说,是的。


    28. 我们必须分清哪些事值得担忧,哪些事不值得。中国股市下跌就属于后一类。真正值得担忧的是,中国当局明显连一次股市泡沫破裂都没有能力很好地应对,但他们面对的任务却非常之艰巨。


    29. 为什么应该担心中国?

      S1-2 : économie chinoise T1 Texte en anglais

    30. 当局

      当局 dāngjú 名指政府、政党、学校等方面的掌权者。 此事由市政当局处理 | 学校当局

    31. 宏观经济



    32. 变幻莫测




    33. 筹码

      fiche, jeton

    34. 内爆

      爆炸:explosion 不说“外爆”;


    35. 下跌


    36. 上证综指


      SSE Composite Index

    37. 非常之


    38. 破裂


    39. 泡沫


    40. 焦躁

      焦急烦躁 “焦躁”与“躁狂”的比较:前者强调心中焦急,因此跺脚;后者强调跺脚已经达到发疯的地步。后者程度更甚。

    41. 担忧


    42. 的确


    43. 抑郁

      dépressif 忧郁:mélancolique

    44. 燥狂

      燥->躁 躁狂:manie

    45. 虚构


    46. 愚蠢


    47. Mr Market
  6. Jul 2015
  7. Apr 2015
    1. You won't get sick immediately from eating old cooking oil, but having oil that has been sitting around for a while means the oil has very likely gone rancid.
    1. According to both Ukrainian Armed Forces and Russian Federation Armed Forces officers at the observation point, an unidentified “third party” was provoking the two sides.
    1. Интересно, что в познеровском монологе на путинском ТВ картина дебатов выглядела несколько иначе. Мэтр отечественного телевидения заявил, что дебаты закончились "почти вничью" (49% за "диалог", 51% — против), после чего пустился в рассуждения о невежественной канадской аудитории, будто бы ничего не знающей о России и находящейся во власти пропаганды. Простим господину Познеру, что он — случайно или по старой советской привычке — "подрезал" процентик у оппонентов. Гораздо важнее, что он скромно умолчал о том факте, что изначально аудитория гораздо больше симпатизировала именно его позиции, а изменение настроений аудитории — это результат дебатов, которые Познер с Коэном проиграли, а не мифической антироссийской пропаганды. Подобное поведение иначе как потерей лица не назовешь. В конце концов, нет ничего постыдного в том, чтобы проиграть в честном поединке, а вот заниматься передергиваниями — это действительно позор.
  8. Feb 2014
    1. Chapter 1, The Art of Community We begin the book with a bird’s-eye view of how communities function at a social science level. We cover the underlying nuts and bolts of how people form communities, what keeps them involved, and the basis and opportunities behind these interactions. Chapter 2, Planning Your Community Next we carve out and document a blueprint and strategy for your community and its future growth. Part of this strategy includes the target objectives and goals and how the community can be structured to achieve them. PREFACE xix Chapter 3, Communicating Clearly At the heart of community is communication, and great communicators can have a tremendously positive impact. Here we lay down the communications backbone and the best practices associated with using it

      Reading the first 3 chapters of AoC for discussion in #coasespenguin on 2013-02-11.