- Oct 2015
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He answered me that such a time his master roasted him, and that himself did eat a piece of him, as big as his two fingers, and that he was very good meat.
what?! i mean little options i guess but wow!
I knew that He laid upon me less than I deserved
She thinks she deserves more punishment? For what?
Then also I took my Bible to read, but I found no comfort here neither, which many times I was wont to find.
Interesting that she admits that her religion failed her at times!
forgetting where I was, and what my condition was
Forgot where you are? Are you losing it Mary?
and I considered their horrible addictedness to lying,
Soo they're probably fucking with her and no one actually ate her son?
He answered me that such a time his master roasted him, and that himself did eat a piece of him, as big as his two fingers, and that he was very good meat.
What the hell?!?
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she found me sitting and reading in my Bible; she snatched it hastily out of my hand, and threw it out of doors.
religion used as a weapon here. literally!
It was upon a Sabbath-day-morning
intense start! sabbath day
I told them the skin was off my back
Then one of the company drew his sword, and told me he would run me through if I did not go presently.
A bit of an overreaction
I found six acorns, and two chestnuts, which were some refreshment to me.
who seemed to me the best friend that I had of an Indian
He has been relatively kind to her...
she found me sitting and reading in my Bible; she snatched it hastily out of my hand, and threw it out of doors
Understandable...Mary's religion has given the Natives a lot of grief
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a very generous Token of his Favour.
hmm...curious to know what this "token" is
they must be Stript, and Scourg'd, and run the Gantlet through the whole Army of Indians
They have to run naked through a crowd of Natives?
Nor did their praying Friends among our selves, forbear to Pour out Supplications for them.
They had other people praying for them as well
which were from Two to Seventeen years of Age
That's quite a range in ages!
he would Ride away with That which he should in this Extremity find his Affections to pitch most upon, and leave the Rest unto the care of the Divine Providence
So he'll pick his favorites to save and leave the rest in the hands of God? I thought parents didn't have favorites?!
that he found it impossible for him to Distinguish any one of them from the rest; wherefore he took up a Courageous Resolution to Live and dy with them all.
That's better...
Little Army of Unarmed Children
Love this phrase
they dash'd out the Brains of the Infant, against a Tree;
Gruesome...some Native were more kind to the children than others, I see.
were soon sent unto their Long Home
Interesting way to say "were killed"
Indeed these Idolaters were like the rest of their whiter Brethren, Persecutors; and would not endure, that these poor Women should Retire to their English Prayers, if they could hinder them.
They weren't going to let the prisoners pray if they could help it
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That they are the vanity of vanities, and vexation of spirit, that they are but a shadow, a blast, a bubble, and things of no continuance.
Great sentence
Affliction I wanted, and affliction I had, full measure (I thought), pressed down and running over.
Soo...she thinks she "got what she asked for"?
Still the Lord went along with us
Hey, I live near here!
Like capital T Thanksgiving?
thinking how it suffered with its wounds, and I was no way able to relieve it; and how it was buried by the heathen in the wilderness from among all Christians.
This is going to haunt her forever, but there's nothing more she could've done
The twenty pounds, the price of my redemption, was raised by some Boston gentlemen
They had to buy her back??
I met with my dear husband
It seems strange to me that she found her husband so quickly...wouldn't it take more time to figure out where he was?
In my travels an Indian came to me and told me, if I were willing, he and his squaw would run away, and go home along with me.
Yet another nice gesture
Now the heathen begins to think all is their own
All was their own...until the English showed up and commandeered it
yet triumphed and rejoiced in their inhumane, and many times devilish cruelty to the English.
The English do the same thing after victories over the Natives. This is quite a hypocritical stance
I was with the enemy eleven weeks and five days,
Damn...that's a long time
They would eat horse’s guts, and ears, and all sorts of wild birds which they could catch; also bear, venison, beaver, tortoise, frogs, squirrels, dogs, skunks, rattlesnakes; yea, the very bark of trees
That sounds....great....
They could go in great numbers over, but the English must stop.
The English were incapable of figuring out a way to cross the river...they lack the knowledge of the land that the Natives have
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I told them, they had as good knock me in head as starve me to death.
Valid point!
but lay sucking, gnawing, chewing and slabbering of it in the mouth and hand.
Great vocal here! Makes the children seem like wild animals
and one of them my own sister’s.
How does she just keep happening to find relatives?!
I saw an Englishman stripped naked, and lying dead upon the ground, but knew not who it was
Disturbing image
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Some of the Indians ran one way, and some another.
Interesting how they're able and willing to separate
“No,” said he, “none will hurt you.” Then came one of them and gave me two spoonfuls of meal to comfort me, and another gave me half a pint of peas;
The Natives' kindness is what is really standing out to me in these re-tellings of Mary's story
So many different ways to refer to the Natives!
“I shall not die but live, and declare the works of the Lord: the Lord hath chastened me sore yet he hath not given me over to death”
A powerful moment to read that particular passage...must have resonated a lot with them
he Lord gave, the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord
He sure has taken away quite a lot though...
my son Joseph unexpectedly came to me.
This kid just keeps appearing!
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I told them it was the Sabbath day, and desired them to let me rest, and told them I would do as much more tomorrow; to which they answered me they would break my face.
They don't understand the importance of the Sabbath because they have no understanding of her religion. Of course they think its ridiculous that she requests a day off...she's their prisoner!
yet they were sweet and savory to my taste.
So now you like the filthy trash
to get down their filthy trash
Wow...harsh way of putting it.
they boiled an old horse’s leg
I carried only my knitting work
She's been knitting in captivity? Sounds pretty laid-back...
On the Saturday they boiled an old horse’s leg which they had got, and so we drank of the broth, as soon as they thought it was ready, and when it was almost all gone, they filled it up again.
Little resources, little options
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One of the Indians that came from Medfield fight, had brought some plunder, came to me, and asked me, if I would have a Bible, he had got one in his basket. I was glad of it, and asked him, whether he thought the Indians would let me read? He answered, yes.
The amount of relative kindness that the Natives show to their captives kind of solidifies their overall humaneness to me
Oh, the hideous insulting and triumphing that there was over some Englishmen’s scalps that they had taken
That's a pretty gruesome picture
I really like this word!
which was at that time twenty-three
Wow, that's a lot!
my son came to me, and asked me how I did.
That's a hell of a sign! She's lamenting about her children and her son just appears
And as I was going along, my heart was even overwhelmed with the thoughts of my condition, and that I should have children, and a nation which I knew not, ruled over them.
Her condition as a mother is so bleak and hopeless right now.
and afterward sold for a gun
Wow, high price...
I must and could lie down by my dead babe, side by side all the night after
Ugh, breaking my heart
About two hours in the night, my sweet babe like a lamb departed this life on Feb. 18, 1675.
So sad...
but as they carried him
The Natives are going through a lot to keep these English alive
and as He wounded me with one hand, so he healed me with the other.
That's one way to look at it...
I then remembered how careless I had been of God’s holy time; how many Sabbaths I had lost and misspent, and how evilly I had walked in God’s sight
Yes, this is the perfect time to think about how you've misused your past Sundays. You're in captivity, Mary! Now's not the time!
now merciless enemies)
Were they not considered merciless enemies before?
from Wednesday night to Saturday night, except only a little cold water.
Wow, that's a long time. I'm hungry just thinking about it.
One of the Indians got up upon a horse, and they set me up behind him, with my poor sick babe in my lap
I wonder why these "inhumane creatures" are going through all this trouble to keep Mary & the child alive in captivity. They probably could've sent a similar message by killing them. What is their purpose for the kidnapping?
nd she very big with child, and had but one week to reckon, and another child in her arms, two years old
where I saw the ground was newly digged, and there they told me they had buried it.
How do you feel about the secret burial? Should she have been told?
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I may see the wonderful power of God
I suppose in this situation, God is the only thing she has to believe in. With nothing else to have faith in, I guess believing in your religion is a good way to keep yourself alive.
and having no Christian friend near me, either to comfort or help me.
Are there no other captives with her? Is it just her and the child?
there being no furniture upon the horse’s back,
interesting way to refer to a saddle!
“I shall die, I shall die.”
I didn't realize the baby could speak...I though it was an infant!
It is not my tongue, or pen, can express the sorrows of my heart, and bitterness of my spirit that I had at this departure: but God was with me in a wonderful manner,
Hmm...she was extremely sorrowful, to the point that words can't describe it, yet she still felt God with her under such bleak conditions? That's faith.
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There remained nothing to me but one poor wounded babe, and it seemed at present worse than death that it was in such a pitiful condition, bespeaking compassion, and I had no refreshing for it, nor suitable things to revive it.
Wow...to lose all that and still have the burden to care for a baby that she has no means to help. She's in tough shape.
a lively resemblance of hell.
Is hell generally considered lively? If hell is a party like this, sign me up!
those black creatures in the night, which made the place a lively resemblance of hell.
The Indians are just signing and dancing. How is this a resemblance of hell?
barbarous creatures
Not even a sentence in and already barbarous creatures reference? #Herewego
- Sep 2015
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Platoes Commonwealth
Plato? Is he talking about the Natives having a Republic-like government? Wasn't that one of Plato's ideas?
I've been thinking this was a misprint of "savage" the whole time, but maybe "salvage" was the terminology for the natives seen as being pulled from the debris.
According to humane reafon, guided onely by the light of nature, thefe people leades the more happy and freer
Transcendentalist smacks forehead I guess it's basically saying that living a happy life is crying shame without the features of capitalism and the gospel. The negative connotation of "savage" isn't as strong in morton's work. Maybe it carried a more "blissful" connotation.
From this place for England failed mine Host in a Plimmouth ship, (that came into the Land to fish upon the Coast,) that landed him safe in England at Plimmouth : and he stayed in England until the ordinary time for shipping to set forth for these parts, and then returned
He found a ship going to England, he got on that. Stayed in England for awhile, then sailed back to Mare-mount. No big deal.
and would bring bottles of strong liquor to him
That's friendship right there
But when he was brought to the ships for that purpose, no man durst be so foolhardy as to undertake carry him.
No one will take crazy Morton
for they were now to fit in Counsel on the cause
Are they having a sort of trial/sentencing for Morton?
some of them were so violent that they would have a slice with scabbard and all for haste
They want to capture Morton so bad, they're acting like animals!
Yet, to save the effusion of so much worthy blood, as would have issued out of the veins of these nine worthies of New Canaan, if mine Host should have played upon them out at his port holes
Morton restrains himself from firing on his captors, because (in his mind) he would do too much damage if he acted
this Supposed Monster, (this seven headed hydra, as they termed him,
It fascinates me that Morton is referring to himself like this, in the third person and in such an exaggerated way
there he prepared powder, three pounds dried, for his present employment, and four good guns for him and the two affirmants left at his house. He provides bullets of several sizes, three hundred or there- Zs. ume ‘ about, to be used if the conspirators should pursue him there
Prepares to fight his captors if they come looking for him
Captain Shrimp
Lol Captain Shrimp
up gets mine Hoft and got to the fecond dore that hee was to paffe, which, notwithstanding the lock, hee got open, and fliut it after him with fuch violence that it affrighted fome of the confpirators. The word, which was given with an alarme, was, he ‘s gon, he ‘s gon, what fhall wee doe, he ‘s gon !
Morton sneaks away from his captors in the middle of the night
feafted their bodies
"feasted their bodies"???
mine hoft muft indure to be their prifoner untill they could contrive it fo that they might fend him for England,
Morton is the prisoner of the Separatists until they can send him out of the country
become Mailers
Become who?
that he would not say whether he had, or he had not done as they had been informed.
I plead the fifth!
who it was that was author of that information, that seemed to be their ground for what they now intended.
Wanted to know where the conspirators had got their incriminating info?
which they divulged should be consumed with fire
Burn for your sins! (much like you would in hell)
accounting of him as of a great monster.
Who is the "monster"? Is Morton the monster? Why does he keep referring to himself in third person?
envying the prosperity and hope of the Plantation at Ma-re Mount,
I love that he sees the other settlement as "envying" his settlement
of the precise Separatists
"precise Separatists" = "stuck up Separatists"
that lived in hope to have wifes brought over to them, that would save them a labour to make a voyage to fetch any over,
Yeah, it would be too much work to go and find your own wife...
To cure the hart opprejl with greife,
Liquor cures a grieving heart...he's on to something here!
Make greene garlons, bring bottles out And fill fweet Neclar freely about. Vncover thy head and feare no harme, For hers good liquor to kccpe it warme.
Let's get drunk!
knowinge the wine would make them Proteftants
Wine = blood of Christ?
hee would put in to an Ifland neere, and make fome flay where hee thought to tempt his Mafter to walke the woods, and fo be gone
Who is this "master" that they are trying to leave on an island? Is it Morton?
that they fell upon him as if they would have eaten him : some of them were so violent that they would have a slice with scabbard and all for haste
This is insane!!!
The Captain ripped and tore his clothes for anger, to see the empty nest, and their bird gone.
Agreed, great imagery. Nice to read something humerous
he illiterate multitude,
the Native people?
he as peremptorily replied, that he would not say whether he had, or he had not done as they had been informed.
Seems really unnecessary to not tell.
give me a man hath the guiftes of the fpirit, not a booke in hand
Give me a preacher/priest that has a gift of God, not one that reads from a book in his teachings
Facilis defcenfus avemi
is this Latin?
stabbers, or Cutthroats: and this name was received by those that came thereafter for good, being then unacquainted with the signification of it, for many years following…
the Europeans now get the reputations of being "savages"
ey did creepe and winde into the good opinion of the illiterate multitude,
Saying the indians are easily influenced because they are illiterate?
are therein fo compaffionate that, rather than one mould ftarve through want, they would ftarve all.
They are such compassionate people that they would all starve before they let just one of their tribe members starve.
will not be troubled with fuperfluous commodities. Such things as they finde they are taught by neceffity to make ufe of, they will make choife of, and feeke to purchafe with induftry
They live without lavish, only possessing useful objects--the things that they need to survive.
They leade a life, being voyde of care
Good for them!
A bifket cake given to one, that one breakes it equally into fo many parts as there be perfons in his com- pany, and diftributes it.
The Natives are not selfish & share their possessions equally among one another
they buy many commodities of our Nation
trade between Natives & Europeans
are all the capital crimes that can be imagined; all other are nothing in respect; of those
Lying and stealing are pretty bad. If you can live your life without doing those two things, you're a pretty good person in my opinion (Englishman or not).
become an Englishman ; and then he would be a good man.
Englishman = good man? I'm not so sure about that
Their version of "God"
house of Kytan,
kind of like the Native version of heaven?
get children
"get" children...interesting way to put it
they are not altogether without the knowledge of God
finally someone recognizes that the Natives have religion!
hanging salvages about their necks,)
Wow, shocking 180 here
many commodities of our Nation, yet they keepe but fewe, and thofe of fpeciall ufe
What commodities?
savages‘ where they imagine is the habitation of the Devil) the other,
Savages and Devil compared side by side? Justifiable?
and made God so angry that he let in the sea upon them, and drowned the greater part of them
Wow. Very graphic but also irritates me that God is depicted as causing such chaos and violence. Who established this??
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arth hath enough of what you will. Then let not go what thou maist find For things unknown only in mind.
Earthly possessions mean nothing compared to the health of your mind
Earth hath enough of what you will. Then let not go what thou maist find For things unknown only in mind."
Forget your spirituality, Earthly pleasures are plentiful and should be taken advantage of!
Doth Contemplation feed thee so Regardlessly to let earth go? Can Speculation satisfy Notion without Reality?
Pretty universal questions/doubts about religion/afterlife/spirituality
One Flesh was call'd, who had her eye On worldly wealth and vanity; The other Spirit, who did rear Her thoughts unto a higher sphere.
love this idea of the spirit and the flesh as siblings!
My christian mother would always condemn things that are "worldly". Funny how christians tend to make the physical planet a symbol of evil, yet the urge to consume it is labeled "manifest destiny".
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Art can do much, but this maxim's most sure: A weak or wounded brain admits no cure.
Stay strong mentally, or you got nothing!
For such despite they cast on female wits, If what I do prove well, it won't advance-- They'll say it was stolen, or else it was by chance.
Love the anti-patriarchy vibe here
Who says my hand a needle better fits.
gender roles!
A weak or wounded brain admits no cure
Great line!!!
But simple I according to my skill.
does not think much of herself in comparison to others (as a writer)
For such despite they cast on female wits, If what I do prove well, it won't advance-- They'll say it was stolen, or else it was by chance.
Oh, so this prologue is basically saying "Here's my material. I'm a woman, so nobody's going to take it seriously, but I'm going to do it (in the shadow of this Greek guy) anyway."
Nor perfect beauty where's a main defect: My foolish, broken, blemished Muse so sings; And this to mend, alas, no art is able, 'Cause nature made is so, irreparable.
it sounds like she's putting down her own writing here, especially when she compares herself to Bartas. I wonder why she opens up with such insecurity right away ...
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which made the place a lively resemblance of hell.
Seems a bit rude
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to my own Religion again
That admitt this bee the true God whom we worship, and that be his word, yet why may not the Popish Religion bee the right? They have the same God, the same Christ, the same word; they only interprett it one way, wee another. This hath sometimes stuck with me, and more it would, but the vain fooleries that are in their Religion,
Interesting that she recognizes that the Catholics' religion is essentially the same as hers, just with more "fluff"
Have I not found that operation by it that no humane Invention can work upon the Soul?
Nothing but the spiritual/religious can help your soul
for in Truth, it is the absence and presence of God that makes Heaven or Hell.
either in granting the thing I prayed for, or else in satisfying my mind without it; and I have been confident it hath been from him, because I have found my heart through his goodnes enlarged in thankfullnes to him.
I mean, if a belief gives your mind peace, it can't be so bad
If at any time you are chastened of God, take it as thankfully and Joyfully as in greatest mercyes, for if yee bee his yee shall reap the greatest benefit by it.
If life ever gets hard, trust that God is just testing you because it will be rewarding in the end
sometimes he hath smott a child with sicknes
She believes that God punishes her "mistakes" by making her children sick?! That's awful
he hath never suffered me long to sitt loose from him, but by one affliction or other hath made me look home, and search what was amisse
Whenever she strayed away from God & religion, something happened to her that forced her to renew her faith
ost mee many prayers and tears before I obtained one
She wanted a child so bad it breaks my heart...a baby was pretty much a woman's only validation during this time (as long as it was in wedlock).
into this Contry
I changed my condition and was marryed
Was her "condition" being single? If so, I'm also afflicted with this condition.
my Condition
her condition of what? of being a "sinner"?
I could not be at rest till by prayer I had confest it unto God
her "sins" haunted her this much at 7 years old?
but that you may gain some spiritual Advantage by my experience. I have not studied in this you read to show my skill, but to declare the Truth — not to sett forth myself, but the Glory of God.
She wants to leave her children with a message about faith and religion...not necessarily a personal note
much lesse to All
how many children did she have?
But as I grew up to bee about 14 or 15 I found my heart more carnall, and sitting loose from God, vanity and the follyes of youth take hold of me.
What, she had her first crush?
not to sett forth myself, but the Glory of God.
this type of phrase always ends up in our readings one way or another. it must have just been a figure of speech, like how we would swear to god.
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Now say, have women worth, or have they none? Or had they some, but with our Queen is't gone?
Her focus on gender issues fascinates me...such an early forming of feminism
Ph{oe}nix Queen
she will rise again, like a phoenix?
Yet for our Queen is no fit parallel
She admires Queen Elizabeth so much...I wonder if it is because they both break gender boundaries, so she identifies with that?
what is with the parentheses in her writing?
The rude untamed Irish
seems a bit stereotypical
Interesting word...
Was ever people better rul'd than hers? Was ever Land more happy, freed from stirs? Did ever wealth in England so abound? Her Victories in foreign Coasts resound?
Basically, Queen Elizabeth was a badass...and a great ruler
The Salic Law
Salic Law of Succession : the rule by which, in certain sovereign dynasties, persons descended from a previous sovereign only through a woman were excluded from succession to the throne.
She hath wip'd off th' aspersion of her Sex, That women wisdom lack to play the Rex.
Elizabeth's reign challenged gender norms
No memories, nor volumes can contain, The nine Olymp'ades of her happy reign, Who was so good, so just, so learn'd, so wise, From all the Kings on earth she won the prize.
She was better than all the kings (all male rulers)
Queen Elizabeth
So great's thy glory, and thine excellence, The sound thereof raps every human sense That men account it no impiety To say thou wert a fleshly Deity.
Such a highly honored, god-like queen
(though out of date)
is this bradford's hipster way of saying that paying respects to Queen Elizabeth is retro, since she died so long before the poem was published?
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If for thy Father askt, say, thou hadst none;
A man played no role in her work...it is hers
I wash'd thy face, but more defects I saw, And rubbing off a spot, still made a flaw.
This seems like a very perfectionist thought. No matter how much she tried, she couldn't perfect her work.
My rambling brat (in print)
love that she refers to her work as her "brat"
At thy return my blushing was not small,
she was embarrassed
Thou ill-form'd offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth did'st by my side remain,
what ill-formed thoughts? unrefined works maybe?
And for thy Mother, she alas is poor, Which caus'd her thus to send thee out of door.
this is heartwarming to me ... she's basically telling her genius thoughts (her offspring) that she would never forsake them despite being kicked out by her own mother!
Thou ill-form'd offspring of my feeble brain, Who after birth did'st by my side remain, Till snatcht from thence by friends, less wise than true, Who thee abroad expos'd to public view,
this sounds like its about idea stealing. I love how you can have a creative thought, but if you don't record it, it'll abandon you. Keep the good ones hidden from the snatchers! Good advice.
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The very thought of any joy arising in me, on any consideration of my own amiableness, performances, or experiences, or any goodness of heart or life, is nauseous and detestable to me.
Impressive, but makes sense. You can't "will" yourself to be humble. It has to come from within. At this point, it's easier for him to be humble because taking joy in himself is nauseating.
incapable of being expressed or described in words
Matt. 18:3
Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Matt. 18:3
Matthew 18:3 And he said: "Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.
Psal. 119:28
Psalm 119:28 My soul is weary with sorrow; strengthen me according to your word.
showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
pretty much
pretty much? seems like slightly modern language to be used here
From about that time, I began to have a new kind of apprehensions and ideas of Christ. and the work of redemption, and the glorious way of salvation by him.
Seeing all the same stuff he's studied his entire life in a new way.
how happy I should be, if I might enjoy that God, and be rapt up to him in heaven, and be as it were swallowed up in him for ever!
He is finally doing more than just reading the scriptures, he is realizing the personal implications of it
in choosing whom he would to eternal life, and rejecting whom he pleased
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our corrupte natures,
Just accepting your corrupt? God's plan too?
long used it in old England
not a unique practice to this "heathen land"
for first the mare, and then ye cowe, and ye rest of ye lesser catle, were kild before his face, according to ye law, Levit: 20. 15. and then he him selfe was executed.
he had to watch all his animal-lovers die before he died...
others with them were brought before him, and he declared which were they, and which were not.
he recognizes his sheep-lovers...how nice
but sundrie times before, and at severall times with all ye rest of ye forenamed in his indictmente; and this his free-confession was not only in private to ye magistrats, (though at first he strived to deney it,) but to sundrie, both ministers & others, and afterwards, upon his indictmente, to ye whole court & jury
he just confessed to everyone didn't he?
I forbear perticulers.
thank you, Bradford
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kill their katle, and lye in ambush for them as they went abroad upon their occasions; and all this they might easily doe without any or litle danger to them selves
So being sneaky bastards is the moral way to to things?
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t may be thought strang that these people should fall to these extremities in so short a time,
These people, to indians, to barbarians? Such a change
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and spoke to them in broken English
Wait, Bradford, who's speaking in broken English?
[T]hey that before had been boone companions in drinking & joyllity in ye time of their health & wellfare, begane now to deserte one another in this calamitie, saing they would not hasard ther lives for them, they should be infected by coming to help them in their cabins, and so, after they came to dye by it, would doe litle or nothing for them, but if they dyed let them dye…
This is SO SAD. He didn't need to add this bit, but it must have been out of guilt. He could have easily said, "We ye done ye everything we could do ye, but to no avail." but he offers true sincerity here.
Northerne parts of Virginia,
they're not in the cape??