53 Matching Annotations
  1. May 2024
  2. Feb 2024
    1. what do we do when a problem is either too small or too big to see with our eyes we have to look with our minds

      for - similar to - hyperobject - Timothy Morton

  3. Jan 2024
  4. Jul 2023
    1. I personally think that there needs 00:03:26 to be some kind of of religion scale energy uh quality um to the way in which human beings confront this problem
      • for: inner/outer transformation, inner transformation, rapid whole system change
      • quote
        • I think that there needs to be some kind of religion-scale energy or quality to the way in which human beings confront this problem
      • author
        • Timothy Morton
      • for: inner/outer transformation, transformation, rapid whole system change,
      • Title
        • The Human Form Divine
      • Speaker
        • Timothy Morton
  5. Feb 2023
    1. tectonic 00:00:26 plates global warming nuclear radiation evolution these are hyper objects entities that are massively distributed in time and space at least relative to human scales
      • = Definition = Hyperobject
      • Timothy Morton defined a "hyperobject" as a conception of an in object that is so temporally and spatially large that it is beyond ordinary human scale.
  6. Jul 2022
    1. the 1911 paper by william morton wheeler is called the ant colony as an organism not a super organism because superorganism implies that nest mate would be the true organism

      Check out the 1911 William Morton Wheeler paper on Ant Colonies as organisms. Does Wheeler actually call the colony an organism rather than a superorganism?

  7. May 2022
  8. Nov 2021
    1. In “Dark Ecology,” Morton writes that we must cultivate a “spirituality of care” toward the objects of the world—not just the likable parts but the frightening ones. Morton suggests that, instead of burying nuclear waste, we might store it aboveground, in a visible place, where we can learn to take more responsibility for it—perhaps even building an aesthetically interesting enclosure. The kind of care Morton envisions is as interested in piles of sulfur as in trees; it is concerned with both polar bears and circuit boards. Morton wants us to care for plutonium. At a minimum, Morton thinks that this kind of caring could cure us of the idea that we are in control; it might show us that we are part of a vast network of interpenetrating entities that come to know one another without dispelling their mystery. At a maximum, Morton seems to feel that this omnidirectional, uncanny form of care could help save the world.

      dark ecology is an honesty to looking at the role industrialization has terraformed our planet.

    2. The next day, I assumed we would begin our quest to find signs of hyperobjects in and around the city of Houston

      This would make an excellent Stop Reset Go (SRG) Deep Humanity (DH) BEing Journey

    1. Fundamental features of human psychology can constrain the perceived personal relevance and importance of climate change, limiting both action and internalization of the problem. Cognitive shortcuts developed over millennia make us ill-suited in many ways to perceiving and responding to climate change (152), including a tendency to place less emphasis on time-delayed and physically remote risks and to selectively downplay information that is at odds with our identity or worldview (153). Risk perception relies on intuition and direct perceptual signals (e.g., an immediate, tangible threat), whereas for most high-emitting households in the Global North, climate change does not present itself in these terms, except in the case of local experiences of extreme weather events. Where strong concern does exist, this tends to be linked to care for others (154) combined with knowledge about the causes and possible consequences of climate change (155).

      This is indeed a problematic feature of human evolution. It has given rise to what Timothy Morton refers to as "hyperobjects", objects of such vastness in space and time that it defeats human mechanisms of perception at local scale: https://www.upress.umn.edu/book-division/books/hyperobjects https://hyp.is/xROjpD_jEey4a6-Urbh4_Q/www.newyorker.com/culture/persons-of-interest/timothy-mortons-hyper-pandemic

      This psychological constraint is worth demonstrating to individuals to illustrate how we construct our values and responses. These constraints can be demonstrated in a vivid way within the context of Deep Humanity open source praxis BEing journeys.

      As in the New Yorker interview with Morton, we can take Deep Humanity participants on BEing journeys, walkabouts to identify hyperobjects.

      Hyperobjects are also cognitive and highly abstract in nature. This is a clue to another idea that could be enlightening to understanding the problematic context of appreciating hyperobjects such as climate change, and that is the idea of Jakob Von Uexkull's Umwelt:

      "Uexküll was particularly interested in how living beings perceive their environment(s). He argued that organisms experience life in terms of species-specific, spatio-temporal, 'self-in-world' subjective reference frames that he called Umwelt (translated as surrounding-world,[9] phenomenal world,[10] self-world,[10] environment[11] - lit. German environment). These Umwelten (plural of Umwelt) are distinctive from what Uexküll termed the "Umgebung" which would be the living being's surroundings as seen from the likewise peculiar perspective or Umwelt of the human observer. Umwelt may thus be defined as the perceptual world in which an organism exists and acts as a subject. By studying how the senses of various organisms like ticks, sea urchins, amoebae, jellyfish and sea worms work, he was able to build theories of how they experience the world. Because all organisms perceive and react to sensory data as signs, Uexküll argued that they were to be considered as living subjects. This argument was the basis for his biological theory in which the characteristics of biological existence ("life") could not simply be described as a sum of its non-organic parts, but had to be described as subject and a part of a sign system.

      The biosemiotic turn in Jakob von Uexküll's analysis occurs in his discussion of the animal's relationship with its environment. The Umwelt is for him an environment-world which is (according to Giorgio Agamben), "constituted by a more or less broad series of elements [called] "carriers of significance" or "marks" which are the only things that interest the animal". Agamben goes on to paraphrase one example from Uexküll's discussion of a tick, saying,

      "...this eyeless animal finds the way to her watchpoint [at the top of a tall blade of grass] with the help of only its skin’s general sensitivity to light. The approach of her prey becomes apparent to this blind and deaf bandit only through her sense of smell. The odor of butyric acid, which emanates from the sebaceous follicles of all mammals, works on the tick as a signal that causes her to abandon her post (on top of the blade of grass/bush) and fall blindly downward toward her prey. If she is fortunate enough to fall on something warm (which she perceives by means of an organ sensible to a precise temperature) then she has attained her prey, the warm-blooded animal, and thereafter needs only the help of her sense of touch to find the least hairy spot possible and embed herself up to her head in the cutaneous tissue of her prey. She can now slowly suck up a stream of warm blood."[12]

      Thus, for the tick, the Umwelt is reduced to only three (biosemiotic) carriers of significance: (1) The odor of butyric acid, which emanates from the sebaceous follicles of all mammals, (2) The temperature of 37 degrees Celsius (corresponding to the blood of all mammals), (3) The hairiness of mammals." ( From Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jakob_Johann_von_Uexk%C3%BCll)

      The human umwelt limits us to a relatively small range of sensed signs. CO2 particles is not one of them. We rely on scientific narratives but these are far removed from direct sensing, into the field of conceptualization and abstraction. We have evolved to respond to danger that is sensed, less so to danger that is conceptualized.

  9. Sep 2015
    1. Platoes Commonwealth

      Plato? Is he talking about the Natives having a Republic-like government? Wasn't that one of Plato's ideas?

    2. From this place for England failed mine Host in a Plimmouth ship, (that came into the Land to fish upon the Coast,) that landed him safe in England at Plimmouth : and he stayed in England until the ordinary time for shipping to set forth for these parts, and then returned

      He found a ship going to England, he got on that. Stayed in England for awhile, then sailed back to Mare-mount. No big deal.

    3. and would bring bottles of strong liquor to him

      That's friendship right there

    4. But when he was brought to the ships for that purpose, no man durst be so foolhardy as to undertake carry him.

      No one will take crazy Morton

    5. for they were now to fit in Counsel on the cause

      Are they having a sort of trial/sentencing for Morton?

    6. some of them were so violent that they would have a slice with scabbard and all for haste

      They want to capture Morton so bad, they're acting like animals!

    7. Yet, to save the effusion of so much worthy blood, as would have issued out of the veins of these nine worthies of New Canaan, if mine Host should have played upon them out at his port holes

      Morton restrains himself from firing on his captors, because (in his mind) he would do too much damage if he acted

    8. this Supposed Monster, (this seven headed hydra, as they termed him,

      It fascinates me that Morton is referring to himself like this, in the third person and in such an exaggerated way

    9. there he prepared powder, three pounds dried, for his present employment, and four good guns for him and the two affirmants left at his house. He provides bullets of several sizes, three hundred or there- Zs. ume ‘ about, to be used if the conspirators should pursue him there

      Prepares to fight his captors if they come looking for him

    10. Captain Shrimp

      Lol Captain Shrimp

    11. up gets mine Hoft and got to the fecond dore that hee was to paffe, which, notwithstanding the lock, hee got open, and fliut it after him with fuch violence that it affrighted fome of the confpirators. The word, which was given with an alarme, was, he ‘s gon, he ‘s gon, what fhall wee doe, he ‘s gon !

      Morton sneaks away from his captors in the middle of the night

    12. feafted their bodies

      "feasted their bodies"???

    13. mine hoft muft indure to be their prifoner untill they could contrive it fo that they might fend him for England,

      Morton is the prisoner of the Separatists until they can send him out of the country

    14. become Mailers

      Become who?

    15. that he would not say whether he had, or he had not done as they had been informed.

      I plead the fifth!

    16. who it was that was author of that information, that seemed to be their ground for what they now intended.

      Wanted to know where the conspirators had got their incriminating info?

    17. which they divulged should be consumed with fire

      Burn for your sins! (much like you would in hell)

    18. accounting of him as of a great monster.

      Who is the "monster"? Is Morton the monster? Why does he keep referring to himself in third person?

    19. envying the prosperity and hope of the Plantation at Ma-re Mount,

      I love that he sees the other settlement as "envying" his settlement

    20. of the precise Separatists

      "precise Separatists" = "stuck up Separatists"

    21. that lived in hope to have wifes brought over to them, that would save them a labour to make a voyage to fetch any over,

      Yeah, it would be too much work to go and find your own wife...

    22. To cure the hart opprejl with greife,

      Liquor cures a grieving heart...he's on to something here!

    23. Make greene garlons, bring bottles out And fill fweet Neclar freely about. Vncover thy head and feare no harme, For hers good liquor to kccpe it warme.

      Let's get drunk!

    24. knowinge the wine would make them Proteftants

      Wine = blood of Christ?

    25. hee would put in to an Ifland neere, and make fome flay where hee thought to tempt his Mafter to walke the woods, and fo be gone

      Who is this "master" that they are trying to leave on an island? Is it Morton?

    26. he illiterate multitude,

      the Native people?

    27. give me a man hath the guiftes of the fpirit, not a booke in hand

      Give me a preacher/priest that has a gift of God, not one that reads from a book in his teachings

    28. Facilis defcenfus avemi

      is this Latin?

    29. stabbers, or Cutthroats: and this name was received by those that came thereafter for good, being then unacquainted with the signification of it, for many years following…

      the Europeans now get the reputations of being "savages"

    30. are therein fo compaffionate that, rather than one mould ftarve through want, they would ftarve all.

      They are such compassionate people that they would all starve before they let just one of their tribe members starve.

    31. will not be troubled with fuperfluous commodities. Such things as they finde they are taught by neceffity to make ufe of, they will make choife of, and feeke to purchafe with induftry

      They live without lavish, only possessing useful objects--the things that they need to survive.

    32. They leade a life, being voyde of care

      Good for them!

    33. A bifket cake given to one, that one breakes it equally into fo many parts as there be perfons in his com- pany, and diftributes it.

      The Natives are not selfish & share their possessions equally among one another

    34. they buy many commodities of our Nation

      trade between Natives & Europeans

    35. are all the capital crimes that can be imagined; all other are nothing in respect; of those

      Lying and stealing are pretty bad. If you can live your life without doing those two things, you're a pretty good person in my opinion (Englishman or not).

    36. become an Englishman ; and then he would be a good man.

      Englishman = good man? I'm not so sure about that

    37. Kytan

      Their version of "God"

    38. house of Kytan,

      kind of like the Native version of heaven?

    39. get children

      "get" children...interesting way to put it

    40. they are not altogether without the knowledge of God

      finally someone recognizes that the Natives have religion!