10,885 Matching Annotations
  1. Sep 2020
    1. spiritual life

      underline purple

    2. affected

      underline red

    3. nobles and merchants

      underline blue

    4. burning

      underline red

    5. priests, monks, and nuns

      underline blue

    6. hell

      underline red

    7. priests

      underline blue

    8. tracts

      underline black

    9. mocking immoral

      underline red

    10. satirical

      underline black

    11. shot

      underline red

    12. literature

      underline blue

    13. Medieval and early-modern

      underline purple

    14. pervaded

      underline red

    15. slack

      underline red

    16. Laypeople

      underline blue underneath underline green

    17. concubines, had children, and worked to ensure that their children receive lucrative positions in the Church

      underline blue

    18. many cases

      underline blue

    19. lived

      underline purple

    20. nobles

      underline blue

    21. live

      underline purple

    22. continued

      underline purple

    23. elite churchmen were all nobles

      underline blue

    24. since

      underline purple

    25. across Europe

      underline in green

    26. remote

      underline green underneath underline in blue

    27. simply

      underline blue

    28. priesthood

      underline blue

    29. everyday life

      underline purple

    30. papacy

      underline black

    31. generally failed

      underline red

    32. priests

      underline blue

    33. relative

      underline blue

    34. piety

      underline black

    35. lifestyles

      underline purple

    36. reform

      underline light green

    37. attempts

      underline blue

    38. princes

      underline blue

    39. papacy

      underline black

    40. bad example

      underline red

    41. live

      underline purple

    42. continued

      underline purple

    43. popes

      underline blue

    44. elite churchmen

      underline blue

    45. same time,

      underline purple

    46. authority

      underline red

    47. patronage

      underline blue

    48. pope

      underline blue

    49. monarchs

      underline blue

    50. priests

      underline blue

    51. both laypeople

      underline blue

    52. successful

      underline blue

    53. monarchs

      underline blue

    54. France

      underline green

    55. bishops and priests

      underline blue

    56. kingdoms

      underline blue and underline underneath the blue in green

    57. England

      underline green

    58. Finally

      underline purple

    59. secular affairs

      underline blue

    60. monarchies

      underline red

    61. centralized,

      underline blue

    62. period

      underline purple

    63. states

      underline green

    64. stronger

      underline red

    65. authority

      underline red

    66. Church’s

      underline blue

    67. Church

      underline blue

    68. hell

      underline red

    69. doomed

      underline red

    70. sacraments

      underline black

    71. popes

      underline blue

    72. fought

      underline red

    73. rituals

      underline blue

    74. fight

      underline red

    75. intervene

      underline red

    76. spiritual salvation

      underline blue

    77. losing

      underline red

    78. powerful

      underline red

    79. fifteenth century

      underline purple

    80. power

      underline red

    81. Catholic

      underline blue

    82. marriages, contracts, wills

      underline blue

    83. seventy-five

      underline orange

    84. Renaissance era

      underline light green and underline underneath the light green in purple

    85. soul

      underline blue

    86. priests

      underline blue

    87. Church

      underline blue

    88. intervention

      underline red

    89. God Himself

      underline blue

    90. deaths

      underline red

    91. law

      underline light green

    92. implication

      underline black

    93. law

      underline light green

    94. births

      underline purple

    95. Church

      underline blue

    96. priests, monks, nuns, or members of lay

      underline blue

    97. person

      underline blue

    98. society

      underline green

    99. European

      underline green

    100. early-modern

      underline purple

    101. omnipresent

      underline black

    102. Church

      underline blue

    103. one

      underline orange

    104. orders

      underline light green

    105. Church

      underline blue

    106. state

      underline green

    107. Catholic Church

      underline blue

    108. strange

      underline red

    109. late fifteenth century

      underline purple

    110. Reformation

      underline light green

    1. growing popularity

      underline orange

    2. Church

      underline blue

    3. change

      underline red

    4. Church

      underline blue

    5. peers and superiors

      underline blue

    6. corruption

      underline red

    7. live

      underline purple

    8. abhorred

      underline black for words that i dont know the meaning of

    9. priests, monks, and nuns

      underline blue

    10. Numerous

      underline orange

    11. Church’s

      underline blue

    12. address

      underline green for location, country, town, state, and address

    13. Catholic

      underline blue

    14. Catholic

      underline blue

    15. denominations

      underline black because i dont know what the word means

    16. Protestant churches

      underline blue

    17. Christian

      underline in blue which is for any word that is not being underlined in any other color its also for names and meaning words.

    18. against corruption

      underline red

    19. protest movement

      underline red

    20. unable

      underline red

    21. earlier

      underline purple

    22. nothing

      underline red

    23. sinful breaks

      underline red

    24. new

      underline purple

    25. difference

      underline red

    26. less

      would underline this as red cause it is in with the term of dangers and it also said less so it gets underlined red.

    27. number


    28. evolved

      would underline this word as purple cause it is a term that is in with years and age.

    29. multiple

      would underline this as orange cause it is a number term.

    30. "Protestant"

      quote or words in quotation that would be bracketed in the color purple.

    1. Using the same equation, we find that light at 700 nm corresponds to 40.9 kcal/mol.

      The question wanted the answer to be in kj/mol not kcal/mol.

    1. Figure\PageIndex{7}: An origin of replication. The sequence specific DNA duplex is melted then the primase synthesizes RNA primers from which bidirectional DNA replication begins as the two replication forks head off in opposite directions. The leading and lagging strands are shown along with Okazaki fragments. Note the 5’ and 3’ orientation of all strands. (Original-Locke-CC:AN)

      This diagram needs a better labelling.

    1. We still need a reason to accept

      We still need some other justication for accepting

    2. argument

      do you need it. Cleaner without

    3. For example, we might consider that the writer should present some statistical evidence, like a survey, to show that a majority of people say they would feel justified in crossing a border illegally under desperate circumstances.

      For example, in this case the writer could present statistical evidence, like a survey......

    4. If we have thought of exceptions, then maybe the reason needs more support to show that the exceptions are not common.

      If we have thought of exceptions to the reason, then perhaps more support is needed to show that the exceptions are not common.

    5. people.


    6. we can imagine that one thing might lead to another

      we can imagine that it might...

    7. take certain action.

      take a certain action.

    8. or highly probable

      delete...a bit vague

    9. escaping.

      escaping from.

    10. to try


    11. argument

      delete, don't need it.

    12. reasons


    13. that

      delete for aesthetics....sounds better without two in one sentence

    14. is not necessarily true

      did you mean "only partially true" "Necessarily is a bit vague.

    15. an employer can tell employees

      employers can tell their workers...

    16. For example,

      Delete. Just said it above and it reads fine without it.

    17. If the argument has not

      Was this meant to be deleted, or is something left off?

    1. Skip to main content Adopted or used LibreTexts for your course? We want to hear from you. BiologyBusinessChemistryEngineeringEspañolGeosciencesHumanitiesMathematicsMedicinePhysicsSocial SciencesStatisticsWorkforce Sat, 15 Aug 2020 21:51:37 GMTThe Beer-Lambert Law37473747{ }AnonymousAnonymous User2falsefalse[ "article:topic", "authorname:clarkj", "Beer-Lambert Law", "showtoc:no", "molar absorptivity" ][ "article:topic", "authorname:clarkj", "Beer-Lambert Law", "showtoc:no", "molar absorptivity" ] Search site Search Search Go back to previous article Username Password Sign in Sign in Sign in Registration Forgot password Expand/collapse global hierarchy Home Bookshelves Physical & Theoretical Chemistry Supplemental Modules (Physical and Theoretical Chemistry) Spectroscopy Electronic Spectroscopy Expand/collapse global location The Beer-Lambert Law Last updated Save as PDF /*<![CDATA[*/ window.hypothesisConfig = function () { return { "showHighlights": false }; }; window.beelineEnabled = true;/*]]>*/ Page ID3747 /*<![CDATA[*/window.addEventListener('load', LibreTexts.TOC);/*]]>*/ /*<![CDATA[*/ $('head').prepend($('#mt-print-css')); $('head').prepend($('#mt-screen-css')); //CORS override LibreTexts.getKeys().then(()=>{ if(!$.ajaxOld){ $.ajaxOld = $.ajax; $.ajax = (url, options)=> { if(url.url && url.url.includes('.libretexts.org/@api/deki/files')) { let [subdomain, path] = LibreTexts.parseURL(); let token = LibreTexts.getKeys.keys[subdomain]; url.headers = Object.assign(url.headers || {}, {'x-deki-token':token}); } else if (typeof url === 'string' && url.includes('.libretexts.org/@api/deki/files')){ let [subdomain, path] = LibreTexts.parseURL(); let token = LibreTexts.getKeys.keys[subdomain]; options.headers = Object.assign(options.headers || {}, {'x-deki-token':token}); } return $.ajaxOld(url, options); } } }); /*document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ let tagsString = document.getElementById("pageTagsHolder").innerText; if (!tagsString || !tagsString.includes('"article:topic"')) return false; let html = $('.mt-content-container').html(); let replaceCounter = {}; let title = document.getElementById('title').innerText; if(title.match(/^[0-9.A-z]*?: /)) title = title.match(/^[0-9.A-z]*?(?=: )/)[0]; else title =''; let result = html.replace(/\(\(autonum:(.*?)\)\)/g, function(match, p1, p2, p3, offset, string){ let count = 1; if(replaceCounter[p1]) count = ++replaceCounter[p1]; else replaceCounter[p1] = 1; return `${p1} ${(title ? `${title}.`:'')}${count}`; }); if(result !== html) $('.mt-content-container').html(result); });*//*]]>*/ Contributed by Jim ClarkFormer Head of Chemistry and Head of Science at Truro School in Cornwall The Absorbance of a SolutionThe Beer-Lambert LawThe Importance of ConcentrationThe importance of the container shapeMolar AbsorptivityContributors and Attributions The Beer-Lambert law relates the attenuation of light to the properties of the material through which the light is traveling. This page takes a brief look at the Beer-Lambert Law and explains the use of the terms absorbance and molar absorptivity relating to UV-visible absorption spectrometry. The Absorbance of a Solution For each wavelength of light passing through the spectrometer, the intensity of the light passing through the reference cell is measured. This is usually referred to as \(I_o\) - that's \(I\) for Intensity. Figure \(\PageIndex{1}\): Light absorbed by sample in a cuvette The intensity of the light passing through the sample cell is also measured for that wavelength - given the symbol, \(I\). If \(I\) is less than \(I_o\), then the sample has absorbed some of the light (neglecting reflection of light off the cuvette surface). A simple bit of math is then done in the computer to convert this into something called the absorbance of the sample - given the symbol, \(A\). The absorbance of a transition depends on two external assumptions. The absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration (\(c\)) of the solution of the sample used in the experiment. The absorbance is directly proportional to the length of the light path (\(l\)), which is equal to the width of the cuvette. Assumption one relates the absorbance to concentration and can be expressed as \[A \propto c \label{1}\] The absorbance (\(A\)) is defined via the incident intensity \(I_o\) and transmitted intensity \(I\) by \[ A=\log_{10} \left( \dfrac{I_o}{I} \right) \label{2}\] Assumption two can be expressed as \[A \propto l \label{3}\] Combining Equations \(\ref{1}\) and \(\ref{3}\): \[A \propto cl \label{4}\] This proportionality can be converted into an equality by including a proportionality constant (\(\epsilon\)). \[A = \epsilon c l \label{5}\] This formula is the common form of the Beer-Lambert Law, although it can be also written in terms of intensities: \[ A=\log_{10} \left( \dfrac{I_o}{I} \right) = \epsilon l c \label{6} \] The constant \(\epsilon\) is called molar absorptivity or molar extinction coefficient and is a measure of the probability of the electronic transition. On most of the diagrams you will come across, the absorbance ranges from 0 to 1, but it can go higher than that. An absorbance of 0 at some wavelength means that no light of that particular wavelength has been absorbed. The intensities of the sample and reference beam are both the same, so the ratio \(I_o/I\) is 1 and the \(\log_{10}\) of 1 is zero. Example \(\PageIndex{1}\) In a sample with an absorbance of 1 at a specific wavelength, what is the relative amount of light that was absorbed by the sample? Solution This question does not need Beer-Lambert Law (Equation \(\ref{5}\)) to solve, but only the definition of absorbance (Equation \(\ref{2}\)) \[ A=\log_{10} \left( \dfrac{I_o}{I} \right)\nonumber\] The relative loss of intensity is \[\dfrac{I-I_o}{I_o} = 1- \dfrac{I}{I_o}\nonumber\] Equation \(\ref{2}\) can be rearranged using the properties of logarithms to solved for the relative loss of intensity: \[ 10^A= \dfrac{I_o}{I}\nonumber\] \[ 10^{-A}= \dfrac{I}{I_o}\nonumber\] \[ 1-10^{-A}= 1- \dfrac{I}{I_o}\nonumber \] Substituting in \(A=1\) \[ 1- \dfrac{I}{I_o}= 1-10^{-1} = 1- \dfrac{1}{10} = 0.9\nonumber\] Hence 90% of the light at that wavelength has been absorbed and that the transmitted intensity is 10% of the incident intensity. To confirm, substituting these values into Equation \(\ref{2}\) to get the absorbance back: \[\dfrac{I_o}{I} = \dfrac{100}{10} =10 \label{7a}\] and \[\log_{10} 10 = 1 \label{7b}\] The Beer-Lambert Law You will find that various different symbols are given for some of the terms in the equation - particularly for the concentration and the solution length. The Greek letter epsilon in these equations is called the molar absorptivity - or sometimes the molar absorption coefficient. The larger the molar absorptivity, the more probable the electronic transition. In uv spectroscopy, the concentration of the sample solution is measured in mol L-1 and the length of the light path in cm. Thus, given that absorbance is unitless, the units of molar absorptivity are L mol-1 cm-1. However, since the units of molar absorptivity is always the above, it is customarily reported without units. Example \(\PageIndex{2}\): Guanosine Guanosine has a maximum absorbance of 275 nm. \(\epsilon_{275} = 8400 M^{-1} cm^{-1}\) and the path length is 1 cm. Using a spectrophotometer, you find the that \(A_{275}= 0.70\). What is the concentration of guanosine? Solution To solve this problem, you must use Beer's Law. \[A = \epsilon lc \] 0.70 = (8400 M-1 cm-1)(1 cm)(\(c\)) Next, divide both side by [(8400 M-1 cm-1)(1 cm)] \(c\) = 8.33x10-5 mol/L Example \(\PageIndex{3}\) There is a substance in a solution (4 g/liter). The length of cuvette is 2 cm and only 50% of the certain light beam is transmitted. What is the extinction coefficient? Solution Using Beer-Lambert Law, we can compute the absorption coefficient. Thus, \(- \log \left(\dfrac{I_t}{I_o} \right) = - \log(\dfrac{0.5}{1.0}) = A = {8} \epsilon\) Then we obtain that \(\epsilon\) = 0.0376 Example \(\PageIndex{4}\) In Example 3 above, what is the molar absorption coefficient if the molecular weight is 100? Solution It can simply obtained by multiplying the absorption coefficient by the molecular weight. Thus, \(\epsilon\) = 0.0376 x 100 = 3.76 L·mol-1·cm-1 The Importance of Concentration The proportion of the light absorbed will depend on how many molecules it interacts with. Suppose you have got a strongly colored organic dye. If it is in a reasonably concentrated solution, it will have a very high absorbance because there are lots of molecules to interact with the light. However, in an incredibly dilute solution, it may be very difficult to see that it is colored at all. The absorbance is going to be very low. Suppose then that you wanted to compare this dye with a different compound. Unless you took care to make allowance for the concentration, you couldn't make any sensible comparisons about which one absorbed the most light. Example \(\PageIndex{4}\) In Example \(\PageIndex{3}\) above, how much is the beam of light is transmitted when 8 g/liter ? Solution Since we know \(\epsilon\), we can calculate the transmission using Beer-Lambert Law. Thus, \(log(1) - log(I_t) = 0 - log(I_t)\) = 0.0376 x 8 x 2 = 0.6016 \(log(I_t)\) = -0.6016 Therefore, \(I_t\) = 0.2503 = 25% Example \(\PageIndex{5}\) The absorption coefficient of a glycogen-iodine complex is 0.20 at light of 450 nm. What is the concentration when the transmission is 40 % in a cuvette of 2 cm? Solution It can also be solved using Beer-Lambert Law. Therefore, \[- \log(I_t) = - \log_{10}(0.4) = 0.20 \times c \times 2\] Then \(c\) = 0.9948 The importance of the container shape Suppose this time that you had a very dilute solution of the dye in a cube-shaped container so that the light traveled 1 cm through it. The absorbance is not likely to be very high. On the other hand, suppose you passed the light through a tube 100 cm long containing the same solution. More light would be absorbed because it interacts with more molecules. Again, if you want to draw sensible comparisons between solutions, you have to allow for the length of the solution the light is passing through. Both concentration and solution length are allowed for in the Beer-Lambert Law. Molar Absorptivity The Beer-Lambert law (Equation \(\ref{5}\)) can be rearranged to obtain an expression for \(\epsilon\) (the molar absorptivity): \[ \epsilon = \dfrac{A}{lc} \label{8}\] Remember that the absorbance of a solution will vary as the concentration or the size of the container varies. Molar absorptivity compensates for this by dividing by both the concentration and the length of the solution that the light passes through. Essentially, it works out a value for what the absorbance would be under a standard set of conditions - the light traveling 1 cm through a solution of 1 mol dm-3. That means that you can then make comparisons between one compound and another without having to worry about the concentration or solution length. Values for molar absorptivity can vary hugely. For example, ethanal has two absorption peaks in its UV-visible spectrum - both in the ultra-violet. One of these corresponds to an electron being promoted from a lone pair on the oxygen into a pi anti-bonding orbital; the other from a \(\pi\) bonding orbital into a \(\pi\) anti-bonding orbital. Table 1 gives values for the molar absorptivity of a solution of ethanal in hexane. Notice that there are no units given for absorptivity. That's quite common since it assumes the length is in cm and the concentration is mol dm-3, the units are mol-1 dm3 cm-1. Table\(\PageIndex{1}\) electron jump wavelength of maximum absorption (nm) molar absorptivity lone pair to \(\pi\) anti-bonding orbital 290 15 \(\pi\) bonding to \(\pi\) anti-bonding orbital 180 10,000 The ethanal obviously absorbs much more strongly at 180 nm than it does at 290 nm. (Although, in fact, the 180 nm absorption peak is outside the range of most spectrometers.) You may come across diagrams of absorption spectra plotting absorptivity on the vertical axis rather than absorbance. However, if you look at the figures above and the scales that are going to be involved, you aren't really going to be able to spot the absorption at 290 nm. It will be a tiny little peak compared to the one at 180 nm. To get around this, you may also come across diagrams in which the vertical axis is plotted as log10(molar absorptivity). If you take the logs of the two numbers in the table, 15 becomes 1.18, while 10,000 becomes 4. That makes it possible to plot both values easily, but produces strangely squashed-looking spectra! Contributors and Attributions Jim Clark (Chemguide.co.uk) Gamini Gunawardena from the OChemPal site (Utah Valley University) /*<![CDATA[*/ $(function() { if(!window['autoDefinitionList']){ window['autoDefinitionList'] = true; $('dl').find('dt').on('click', function() { $(this).next().toggle('350'); }); } });/*]]>*/ /*<![CDATA[*/ var front = "auto"; if(front=="auto"){ front = "The Beer-Lambert Law"; if(front.includes(":")){ front = front.split(":")[0]; if(front.includes(".")){ front = front.split("."); front = front.map((int)=>int.includes("0")?parseInt(int,10):int).join("."); } front+="."; } else { front = ""; } } front = front.replace(/_/g," "); MathJaxConfig = { TeX: { equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "all", formatNumber: function (n) { if(false){ return front + (Number(n)+false); } else{return front + n; } } }, macros: { PageIndex: ["{"+front+" #1}",1], test: ["{"+front+" #1}",1] }, Macros: { PageIndex: ["{"+front+" #1}",1], test: ["{"+front+" #1}",1] }, SVG: { linebreaks: { automatic: true } } } }; MathJax.Hub.Config(MathJaxConfig); MathJax.Hub.Register.StartupHook("End", ()=>{if(activateBeeLine)activateBeeLine()}); /*]]>*/ /*<![CDATA[*/window.addEventListener('load', function(){$('iframe').iFrameResize({warningTimeout:0, scrolling: 'omit'});})/*]]>*/ Back to top Electromagnetic Radiation Using UV-visible Absorption Spectroscopy Recommended articles There are no recommended articles. Article type Section or Page Author Jim Clark Show TOC no on page Tags Beer-Lambert Law molar absorptivity © Copyright 2020 Chemistry LibreTexts Powered by MindTouch ® The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by MindTouch® and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. Unless otherwise noted, LibreTexts content is licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Have questions or comments? 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    2. The


    1. What does the writer want us to believe? What does the writer most want to convince us of? Where is the writer going with this? If the writer had to make their point in just one sentence, what would they say?

      I need to practice asking myself these questions, or I should ask myself these questions before reading a text. It will improve my reading and comprehension.

      What does the writer want us to beleive? What is the writer trying to convince us of? If the writer had to make their point in one sentence what would they say? Where is the writer going with this?

      • that last one is a big one because all of us have had this moment of, "what the hell are they trying to say? Get to the point!"
    1. esearch can lead us to develop an argument of our own

      This would be very helpful because sometimes I find that I latch on to others ideas and it's hard for me to develop an argument of my own. I would like to strengthen this

    1. There are four steps in the digestion process

      ingestion, mechanical and chemical breakdown, and swallowing

    2. excreted


    3. "catabolism" or a "catabolic reaction"

      the breakdown of complex molecules into smaller, simpler molecules.

    4. Sights and smells influence your body’s preparedness for food.

      your senses help detect when you are hungry

    1. carbon atom

      backbone of life because it can bond to 4 other elements.

    2. one-celled organism must be organized to perform these essential processes

      all cells have to go through the basic processes of life

    3. Who you are has been determined because of two cells that came together inside your mother’s womb.

      2 cells are the cause for my existence.

    1. Will you eat your way to health with probiotic foods?

      I already actively ingest probiotics.

    2. Irina gave the grains to the Blandov brothers who mass-produced kefir from these kernels. To this day, kefir is one of the most widely enjoyed beverages in Russia.

      She ended up getting the grains anyways.

    3. Irina was kidnapped and brought back to marry him

      ..and this is where it went wrong.

    4. The Blandov brothers had a beautiful employee, Irina Sakharova, whom they sent to the courts of the Caucasus tribe of Prince Bek-Mirza Barchorov in order to charm the recipe out of him.

      This couldn't possibly go wrong.

    5. fermented milk

      reason for long lifespans and resistance to disease

    6. Russian doctor of immunology, Elie Metchnikoff


    1. The formula for diffraction phenomena was given by W. H. Bragg. So it is known as Bragg equation.

      A device called X-Ray Diffractometer is used to determine the angle through which the x-ray is diffracted.

    2. Tiatanium Oxide has a white colour.

    1. ou have a rectangular metal surface that is 3.81X1023in long by 4.22x10-2yards wide that you wish to make a platinum catalyst with. To do this


    1. if w⃗ ∈W,w→∈W,\vec{w}\in W, there exists v⃗ ∈Vv→∈V\vec{v}\in V such that T(v⃗ )=w⃗ T(v→)=w→T(\vec{v})=\vec{w}.


    1. which a solute dissolves depends upon the size of the solute particles. Dissolving is a surface phenomenon, since it depends on solvent molecules colliding with the outer surface of the solute. A given quantity of solute dissolves faster when it is ground into small particles than if it is in the form of a large chunk, because more surface area is exposed. The packet of granulated sugar exposes far more surface area to the solvent and dissolves more quickly than the sugar cube.

      this is because in cube of sugar the molecules are stucked together but in granuels there are not stuked and have occupied more surface area because they are scattered here and there is why it effects dissolving because in cube of sugar after dissolving outer layer of sugar only we can dissolve sugar inside it so it takes take but in granules there is more surface area exposed i mean that it scatttered or dispersed into many so we can dissolve it faster