7,850 Matching Annotations
  1. Jan 2024
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This paper makes important contributions to the structural analysis of the DNA replication-linked nucleosome assembly machine termed Chromatin Assembly Factor-1 (CAF-1). The authors focus on the interplay of domains that bind DNA, histones and replication clamp protein PCNA.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors analyze soluble complexes containing full-length versions of all three fission yeast CAF-1 subunits, an important accomplishment given that many previous structural and biophysical studies have focused on truncated complexes. New data here supports previous experiments indicating that the KER domain is a long alpha helix that binds DNA. Via NMR, the authors discover structural changes at the histone binding site, defined here with high resolution. Most strikingly, the experiments here show that for the S. pombe CAF-1 complex, that the WHD domain at the C-terminus of the large subunit lacks DNA binding activity observed in the human and budding yeast homologs, indicating a surprising divergence in the evolution of this complex. Together, these are important contributions to the understanding of how the CAF-1 complex works.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Given the strong structural predication about the roles of residues L359 and F380 (Fig. 2f), mutation of these residues would be the definitive test of their contribution to histone binding.

      2. Could it be that the apparent lack of histone deposition by the delta-WHD mutant complex occurs because this mutant complex is unstable when added to the Xenopus extract?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study investigates the role of PARP-1 in transcriptional regulation. Biochemical and ChIP-seq analyses demonstrate specific binding of PARP-1 to active histone marks, particularly H4K20me, in polytene chromosomes of Drosophila third instar larvae. Under heat stress conditions, PARP-1's dynamic repositioning from the Hsp70 promoter to its gene body is observed, facilitating gene activation. PARP-1, in conjunction with PR-Set7, plays a crucial role in the activation of Hsp70 and a subset of heat shock genes, coinciding with an increase in H4K20me1 levels at these gene loci. This study proposes that H4K20me1 is a key facilitator of PARP-1 binding and gene regulation. However, there are several critical concerns that are yet to be addressed. The experimental validation and demonstration of results in the main manuscript are scant. Recent developments in the area are omitted, as an important publication hasn't been discussed anywhere in the work (PMID: 36434141). The proposed mechanism operates quite selectively, and any extrapolations require intensive scientific evidence.

      Major Comments:

      1. PARP1 hypomorphic mutant validation data must be provided at RNA levels as the authors have mentioned about its global reduction in RNA levels.

      2. The authors should provide immunoblot data for global Poly (ADP) ribosylation levels in PARP1 hypomorphic mutant condition as compared to the control. They must also provide the complete details of the mouse anti-pADPr antibody used in their immunoblot in Figure 5B.

      3. PR-Set7 mutant validation results should be provided in the main manuscript, as done by the authors using qRT-PCR. Also, immunoblot data for the PR-set7 null condition should be supplemented in the main manuscript as the authors have already mentioned their anti-PR-Set7 (Rabbit, 1:1000, Novus Biologicals, 44710002) antibody in the materials and methods section.

      4. The authors have probably missed out on a very important recent report (PMID: 36434141), suggesting the antagonistic nature of the PARP1 and PR-SET7 association. In light of these important observations, the authors must check for the levels of PR-Set7 in PARP1 hypomorphic conditions.

      5. Also, the results of the aforementioned study should be adequately discussed in the present study along with its implications in the same.

      6. Gene transcriptional activation requires open chromatin and RNA polymerase II binding to the promoter. Since, differentially expressed genes in both PR-Set7 null and PARP1 hypomorph mutants, co-enriched with PARP-1 and H4K20me1 were mainly upregulated, the authors should provide RNA polymerase II occupancy data of these genes via RNA-Pol II ChIP-seq to further attest their claims.

      7. As discussed in Figure 4, the authors found transcriptional activation of group B genes even after a significant reduction of H3K20me1 in their gene body after heat shock. Given the dynamic equilibrium shift in epigenetic marks that regulate gene expression and their locus-specific transcriptional regulation, the authors should further look for the enrichment of other epigenetic marks and even H4K20me1 specific demethylases such as PHF8 (PMID: 20622854), and their cross-talk with PARP1 to further bridge the missing links of this tale. This will add more depth to this work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Ngoune et al. present compelling evidence that Slender cells are challenged to infect tsetse flies. They explore the experimental context of a recent important paper in the field, Schuster et al., that presents evidence suggesting the proliferative Slender bloodstream T.brucei can infect juvenile tsetse flies. Schuster et al. was disruptive to the widely accepted paradigm that the Stumpy bloodstream form is solely responsible for tsetse infection and T.brucei transmission potential.

      Evidence presented here shows that in all cases, Stumpy form parasites are exponentially more capable of infecting tsetse flies. They further show that Slender cells do not infect mature flies.

      However, they raise questions of immature tsetse immunological potential and field transmission potential that their experiments do not address. Specifically, they do not show that teneral tsetse flies are immunocompromised, that tsetse flies must be immunocompromised for Slender infection nor that younger teneral tsetse infection is not pertinent to field transmission.

      Strengths:<br /> Experimental Design is precise and elegant, outcomes are convincing. Discussion is compelling and important to the field. This is a timely piece that adds important data to a critical discussion of host:parasite interactions, of relevance to all parasite transmission.

      Weaknesses:<br /> As above, the authors dispute the biological relevance of teneral tsetse infection in the wild, without offering evidence to the contrary. Statements need to be softened for claims regarding immunological competence or relevance to field transmission.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The authors develop reporter constructs in E. coli that are repressed by the mammalian Musashi-1 (MSI-1) RNA-binding protein. Using a set of rigorously controlled experiments, the authors convincingly show that MSI-1 can be directed to control translation, and that translational control by MSI-1 can be modulated allosterically by oleic acid. This is a potentially useful tool for synthetic biologists, with the advantage over transcriptional regulation that one gene in an operon could be targeted. The authors' MSI-1-regulated reporter constructs could also be useful for mechanistic studies of MSI-1.

      The authors initial construct design led to only weak regulation by MSI-1, presumably because the MSI-1 binding sites were not suitably positioned to repress translation initiation. A more rationally designed construct led to considerably greater repression. A minor weakness of the paper is that the authors used their initial, weakly regulated construct to assess the effect of MSI-1 binding site mutations and for their mathematical modeling; these experiments would be better suited to the more strongly regulated construct.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors aim to address a critical challenge in the field of bioinformatics: the accurate and efficient identification of protein binding sites from sequences. Their work seeks to overcome the limitations of current methods, which largely depend on multiple sequence alignments or experimental protein structures, by introducing GPSite, a multi-task network designed to predict binding residues of various molecules on proteins using ESMFold.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. Benchmarking. The authors provide a comprehensive benchmark against multiple methods, showcasing the performances of a large number of methods in various scenarios.

      2. Accessibility and Ease of Use. GPSite is highlighted as a freely accessible tool with user-friendly features on its website, enhancing its potential for widespread adoption in the research community.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Lack of Novelty. The method primarily combines existing approaches and lacks significant technical innovation. This raises concerns about the original contribution of the work in terms of methodological development. Moreover, the paper reproduces results and analyses already presented in previous literature, without providing novel analysis or interpretation. This further diminishes the contribution of this paper to advancing knowledge in the field.

      2. Benchmark Discrepancies. The variation in benchmark results, especially between initial comparisons and those with PeSTo. GPSite achieves a PR AUC of 0.484 on the global benchmark but a PR AUC of 0.61 on the benchmark against PeSTo. For consistency, PeSTo should be included in the benchmark against all other methods. It suggests potential issues with the benchmark set or the stability of the method. This inconsistency needs to be addressed to validate the reliability of the results.

      3. Interface Definition Ambiguity. There is a lack of clarity in defining the interface for the binding site predictions. Different methods are trained using varying criteria (surfaces in MaSIF-site, distance thresholds in ScanNet). The authors do not adequately address how GPSite's definition aligns with or differs from these standards and how this issue was addressed. It could indicate that the comparison of those methods is unreliable and unfair.

      While GPSite demonstrates the potential to surpass state-of-the-art methods in protein binding site prediction, the evidence supporting these claims seems incomplete. The lack of methodological novelty and the unresolved questions in benchmark consistency and interface definition somewhat undermine the confidence in the results. Therefore, it's not entirely clear if the authors have fully achieved their aims as outlined.

      The work is useful for the field, especially in disease mechanism elucidation and novel drug design. The availability of genome-scale binding residue annotations GPSite offers is a significant advancement. However, the utility of this tool could be hampered by the aforementioned weaknesses unless they are adequately addressed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors have developed a zebrafish model of glioblastoma and characterized this, with a particular focus on the role of recruited myeloid cells in the tumours. Microglia/macrophages in the tumours are proposed to have an inflammatory phenotype and are engaged in phagocytosis. Knockout of Irf7 and Irf8 genes enhanced tumour initiation. Depleting mature myeloid cell types with chlodronate also enhanced tumour intitiation. It is proposed that in early-stage tumours, microglia/macrophages have tumour suppressive activity.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors have generated a novel glioblastoma model in zebrafish. Two key strengths of the zebrafish model are that early-stage tumours can be studied and in vivo visualization can be readily performed. The authors show a video of microglia/macrophages adopting the ameboid phenotype in tumours (as is observed in human tumours) and engaging in phagocytosis. Video 1 was very impressive in my opinion and shows the model is a very useful tool to study microglia/macrophage:glioblastoma cell interactions. The irf7/irf8 knockdown and the chlodronate experiments are consistent with a role for mature myeloid cells in suppressing tumour initiation, suggesting that the model may also be very valuable in understanding immune surveillance in glioblastoma initiation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> EGFRvIII is mainly associated with the classical subtype, so the mesenchymal subtype might be unexpected here. This could be commented on. Some more histologic characterization of the tumours would be helpful. Are they invasive, do larger tumours show necrosis and microvascular proliferation? This would help with understanding the full potential of the new model. Current thinking in established human glioblastoma is that the M1/M2 designations for macrophages are not relevant, with microglia macrophage populations showing a mixture of pre- and anti-inflammatory features. Ideally, there would be a much more detailed characterization of the intratumoral microglia/macrophage population here, as single markers can't be relied upon. Phagocytosis could have antitumour effects through the removal of live cancer cells, or could be cancer-promoting if apoptotic cancer cells are being rapidly cleared with concomitant activation of an immunosuppressive phenotype in the phagocytes (i.e. efferocytosis). It may be possible to distinguish between these two types of phagocytosis experimentally. Do the irf7/8 and chlodronate experiments distinguish between effects on microglia/macrophages and dendritic cells?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, the authors investigate a very interesting but often overlooked aspect of abstract vs. concrete processing in language. Specifically, they study if the differences in processing of abstract vs. concrete concepts in the brain are static or dependent on the (visual) context in which the words occur. This study takes a two-step approach to investigate how context might affect the perception of concepts. First, the authors analyze if concrete concepts, expectedly, activate more sensory systems while abstract concepts activate higher-order processing regions. Second, they measure the contextual situatedness vs. displacement of each word with respect to the visual scenes it is spoken in and then evaluate if this contextual measure correlates with more activation in the sensory vs. higher-order regions respectively.

      Strengths:<br /> This study raises a pertinent and understudied question in language neuroscience. It also combines both computational and meta-analytic approaches.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Overall, the study had many intermediary steps that required manual subsection / random sampling and variable choices (like the time lag of analysis) with almost no visualization and interpretation of how these choices affect the observed results. The approach was also roundabout.

      Peaks and Valleys Analysis:<br /> 1. Doesn't this method assume that the features used to describe each word, like valence or arousal, will be linearly different for the peaks and valleys? What about non-linear interactions between the features and how they might modulate the response?<br /> 2. Doesn't it also assume that the response to a word is infinitesimal and not spread across time? How does the chosen time window of analysis interact with the HRF? From the main figures and Figures S2-S3 there seem to be differences based on the timelag.<br /> 3. Were the group-averaged responses used for this analysis?<br /> 4. Why don't the other terms identified in Figure 5 show any correspondence to the expected categories? What does this mean? Can the authors also situate their results with respect to prior findings as well as visualize how stable these results are at the individual voxel or participant level? It would also be useful to visualize example time courses that demonstrate the peaks and valleys.

      Estimating contextual situatedness:<br /> 1. Doesn't this limit the analyses to "visual" contexts only? And more so, frequently recognized visual objects?<br /> 2. The measure of situatedness is the cosine similarity of GloVE vectors that depend on word co-occurrence while the vectors themselves represent objects isolated by the visual recognition models. Expectedly, "science" and the label "book" or "animal" and the label "dog" will be close. But can the authors provide examples of context displacement? I wonder if this just picks up on instances where the identified object in the scene is unrelated to the word. How do the authors ensure that it is a displacement of context as opposed to the two words just being unrelated? This also has a consequence on deciding the temporal cutoff for consideration (2 seconds).<br /> 3. While the introduction motivated the problem of context situatedness purely linguistically, the actual methods look at the relationship between recognized objects in the visual scene and the words. Can word surprisal or another language-based metric be used in place of the visual labeling? Also, it is not clear how the process identified in (2) above would come up with a high situatedness score for abstract concepts like "truth".<br /> 4. It is a bit hard to see the overlapping regions in Figures 6A-C. Would it be possible to show pairs instead of triples? Like "abstract across context" vs. "abstract displaced"? Without that, and given (2) above, the results are not yet clear. Moreover, what happens in the "overlapping" regions of Figure 3?

      Miscellaneous comments:<br /> 1. In Figure 3, it is surprising that the "concrete-only" regions dominate the angular gyrus and we see an overrepresentation of this category over "abstract-only". Can the authors place their findings in the context of other studies?<br /> 2. The following line (Pg 21) regarding the necessary differences in time for the two categories was not clear. How does this fall out from the analysis method?<br /> 3. Both categories overlap **(though necessarily at different time points)** in regions typically associated with word processing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Wagstyl et al. describes an extensive analysis of gene expression in the human cerebral cortex and the association with a large variety of maps capturing many of its microscopic and macroscopic properties. The core methodological contribution is the computation of continuous maps of gene expression for >20k genes, which are being shared with the community. The manuscript is a demonstration of several ways in which these maps can be used to relate gene expression with histological features of the human cortex, cytoarchitecture, folding, function, development and disease risk. The main scientific contribution is to provide data and tools to help substantiate the idea of the genetic regulation of multi-scale aspects of the organisation of the human brain. The manuscript is dense, but clearly written and beautifully illustrated.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Despite numerous studies on quinidine therapies for epilepsies associated with GOF mutant variants of Slack, there is no consensus on its utility due to contradictory results. In this study Yuan et al. investigated the role of different sodium selective ion channels on the sensitization of Slack to quinidine block. The study employed electrophysiological approaches, FRET studies, genetically modified proteins and biochemistry to demonstrate that Nav1.6 N- and C-tail interacts with Slack's C-terminus and significantly increases Slack sensitivity to quinidine blockade in vitro and in vivo. This finding inspired the authors to investigate whether they could rescue Slack GOF mutant variants by simply disrupting the interaction between Slack and Nav1.6. They find that the isolated C-terminus of Slack can reduce the current amplitude of Slack GOF mutant variants co-expressed with Nav1.6 in HEK cells and prevent Slack induced seizures in mouse models of epilepsy. This study adds to the growing list of channels that are modulated by protein-protein interactions, and is of great value for future therapeutic strategies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this preprint, Zhang et al. describe a new tool for mapping the connectivity of mouse neurons. Essentially, the tool leverages the known peculiar infection capabilities of Rabies virus: once injected into a specific site in the brain, this virus has the capability to "walk upstream" the neural circuits, both within cells and across cells: on one hand, the virus can enter from a nerve terminal and infect retrogradely the cell body of the same cell (retrograde transport). On the other hand, the virus can also sometimes spread to the presynaptic partners of the initial target cells, via retrograde viral transmission.

      Similarly to previously published approaches with other viruses, the authors engineer a complex library of viral variants, each carrying a unique sequence ('barcode'), so they can uniquely label and distinguish independent infection events and their specific presynaptic connections, and show that it is possible to read these barcodes in-situ, producing spatial connectivity maps. They also show that it is possible to read these barcodes together with endogenous mRNAs, and that this allows spatial mapping of cell types together with anatomical connectivity.

      The main novelty of this work lies in the combined use of rabies virus for retrograde labeling together with barcoding and in-situ readout. Previous studies had used rabies virus for retrograde labeling, albeit with low multiplexing capabilities, so only a handful of circuits could be traced at the same time. Other studies had instead used barcoded viral libraries for connectivity mapping, but mostly focused on the use of different viruses for labeling individual projections (anterograde tracing) and never used a retrograde-infective virus.

      The authors creatively merge these two bits of technology into a powerful genetic tool, and extensively and convincingly validate its performance against known anatomical knowledge. The authors also do a very good job at highlighting and discussing potential points of failure in the methods.

      Unresolved questions, which more broadly affect also other viral-labeling methods, are for example how to deal with uneven tropism (ie. if the virus is unable or inefficient in infecting some specific parts of the brain), or how to prevent the cytotoxicity induced by the high levels of viral replication and expression, which will tend to produce "no source networks", neural circuits whose initial cell can't be identified because it's dead. This last point is particularly relevant for in-situ based approaches: while high expression levels are desirable for the particular barcode detection chemistry the authors chose to use (gap-filling), they are also potentially detrimental for cell survival, and risk producing extensive cell death (which indeed the authors single out as a detectable pitfall in their analysis). This is likely to be one the major optimisation space for future implementations of this barcoding approach.

      Overall the paper is well balanced, the data are well presented and the conclusions are strongly supported by the data. Impact-wise, the method is definitely going to be very useful for the neurobiology community.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      Summary: In the revised manuscript, the authors aim to investigate brain-wide activation patterns following administration of the anesthetics ketamine and isoflurane, and conduct comparative analysis of these patterns to understand shared and distinct mechanisms of these two anesthetics. To this end, they perform Fos immunohistochemistry in perfused brain sections to label active nuclei, use a custom pipeline to register images to the ABA framework and quantify Fos+ nuclei, and perform multiple complementary analyses to compare activation patterns across groups.

      In the latest revision, the authors have made some changes in response to our previous comments on how to fix the analyses. However, the revised analyses were not changed correctly and remain flawed in several fundamental ways.

      Critical problems:

      (1) Before one can perform higher level analyses such as hiearchal cluster or network hub (or PC) analysis, it is fundamental to validate that you have significant differences of the raw Fos expression values in the first place. First of all, this means showing figures with the raw data (Fos expression levels) in some form in Figures 2 and 3 before showing the higher level analyses in Figures 4 and 5; this is currently switched around. Second and most importantly, when you have a large number of brain areas with large differences in mean values and variance, you need to account for this in a meaningful way. Changing to log values is a step in the right direction for mean values but does not account well for differences in variance. Indeed, considering the large variances in brain areas with high mean values and variance, it is a little difficult to believe that all brain regions, especially brain areas with low mean values, passed corrections for multiple comparisons test. We suggested Z-scores relative to control values for each brain region; this would have accounted for wide differences in mean values and variance, but this was not done. Overall, validation of anesthesia-induced differences in Fos expression levels is not yet shown.

      (2) Let's assume for a moment that the raw Fos expression analyses indicate significant differences. They used hierarchal cluster analyses as a rationale for examining 53 brain areas in all subsequent analyses of Fos expression following isoflurane versus home cage or ketamine versus saline. Instead, the authors changed to 201 brain areas with no validated rationale other than effectively saying 'we wanted to look at more brain areas'. And then later, when they examined raw Fos expression values in Figures 4 and 5, they assess 43 brain areas for ketamine and 20 brain areas for isoflurane, without any rationale for why choosing these numbers of brain areas. This is a particularly big problem when they are trying to compare effects of isoflurane versus ketamine on Fos expression in these brain areas - they did not compare the same brain areas.

      Less critical comments:

      (3) The explanation of hierarchical level's in lines 90-95 did not make sense.

      (4) I am still perplexed by why the authors consider the prelimbic and infralimbic cortex 'neuroendocrine' brain areas in the abstract. In contrast, the prelimbic and infralimbic were described better in the introduction as "associated information processing" areas.

      5- It looks like overall Fos levels in the control group Home (ISO) are a magnitude (~10-fold) lower than those in the control group Saline (KET) across all regions shown. This large difference seems unlikely to be due to a biologically driven effect and seems more likely to be due to a technical issue, such as differences in staining or imaging between experiments. The authors discuss this issue but did not answer whether the Homecage-ISO experiment or at least the Fos labeling and imaging performed at the same time as for the Saline-Ketamine experiment?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors ran a series of experiments with separate subject populations, different stimuli, and on two different MRI scanners (one 3T, one 7T) to establish a scenes-selective region on the intraparietal gyrus that they decided to name PIGS. I think that IPA (intraparietal place area) would also have been a good choice with an allusion to a beverage rather than a domestic animal. The authors show that PIGS can be detected robustly through a series of experiments. They anatomically and functionally separate PIGS from nearby V6, which encodes optic flow. The authors determined that PIGS encodes ego-motion.

      Strengths:<br /> The robust detection of PIGS in several experiments with different sets of participants and on different scanners makes these results convincing. The functional differentiation is well executed.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The distinction of PIGS from nearby OPA, which has also been implied in navigation and ego-motion, is not as clear as it could be.

      Impact:<br /> Overall, this is a valuable contribution to the cognitive neuroscience of the visual system. It shows that there is still room for discovering details of visual processing, given recent advances in scanning technology, statistical methods, and larger sample sizes.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The present study evaluates the role of visual experience in shaping functional correlations between extrastriate visual cortex and frontal regions. The authors used fMRI to assess "resting-state" temporal correlations in three groups: sighted adults, congenitally blind adults, and neonates. Previous research has already demonstrated differences in functional correlations between visual and frontal regions in sighted compared to early blind individuals. The novel contribution of the current study lies in the inclusion of an infant dataset, which allows for an assessment of the developmental origins of these differences.

      The main results of the study reveal that correlations between prefrontal and visual regions are more prominent in the blind and infant groups, with the blind group exhibiting greater lateralization. Conversely, correlations between visual and somato-motor cortices are more prominent in sighted adults. Based on these data, the authors conclude that visual experience plays an instructive role in shaping these cortical networks. This study provides valuable insights into the impact of visual experience on the development of functional connectivity in the brain.

      Strengths:<br /> The dissociations in functional correlations observed among the sighted adult, congenitally blind, and neonate groups provide strong support for the study's main conclusion regarding experience-driven changes in functional connectivity profiles between visual and frontal regions.

      In general, the findings in sighted adult and congenitally blind groups replicate previous studies and enhance the confidence in the reliability and robustness of the current results.

      Split-half analysis provides a good measure of robustness in the infant data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There is some ambiguity in determining which aspects of these networks are shaped by experience.

      This uncertainty is compounded by notable differences in data acquisition and preprocessing methods, which could result in varying signal quality across groups. Variations in signal quality may, in turn, have an impact on the observed correlation patterns.

      The study's findings could benefit from being situated within a broader debate surrounding the instructive versus permissive roles of experience in the development of visual circuits.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Songbirds provide a tractable system to examine neural mechanisms of sequence generation and variability. In past work, the projection from LMAN to RA (output of the anterior forebrain pathway) was shown to be critical for driving vocal variability during babbling, learning, and adulthood. LMAN is immediately adjacent to MMAN, which projects to HVC. MMAN is less well understood but, anatomically, appears to resemble LMAN in that it is the cortical output of a BG-thalamocortical loop. Because it projects to HVC, a major sequence generator for both syllable phonology and sequence, a strong prediction would be that MMAN drives sequence variability in the same way that LMAN drives phonological variability. This hypothesis predicts that MMAN lesions in a Bengalese finch would reduce sequence variability. Here, the authors test this hypothesis. They provide a surprising and important result that is well motivated and well analyzed: MMAN lesions increase sequence variability - this is exactly the opposite result from what would be predicted based on the functions of LMAN.


      1. A very important and surprising result shows that lesions of a frontal projection from MMAN to HVC, a sequence generator for birdsong, increase syntactical variability.

      2. The choice of Bengalese finches, which have complex transition structures, to examine the mechanisms of sequence generation, enabled this important discovery.

      3. The idea that frontal outputs of BG-cortical loops can generate vocal variability comes from lesions/inactivations of a parallel pathway from LMAN to RA. The difference between MMAN and LMAN functions is striking and important.


      1. If more attention was paid to how syllable phonology was (or was not) affected by MMAN lesions then the claims could be stronger around the specific effects on sequence.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors investigated causal inference in the visual domain through a set of carefully designed experiments, and sound statistical analysis. They suggest the early visual system has a crucial contribution to computations supporting causal inference.

      Strengths:<br /> I believe the authors target an important problem (causal inference) with carefully chosen tools and methods. Their analysis rightly implies the specialization of visual routines for causal inference and the crucial contribution of early visual systems to perform this computation. I believe this is a novel contribution and their data and analysis are in the right direction.

      Weaknesses:<br /> In my humble opinion, a few aspects deserve more attention:

      1. Causal inference (or causal detection) in the brain should be quite fundamental and quite important for human cognition/perception. Thus, the underlying computation and neural substrate might not be limited to the visual system (I don't mean the authors did claim that). In fact, to the best of my knowledge, multisensory integration is one of the best-studied perceptual phenomena that has been conceptualized as a causal inference problem. Assuming the causal inference in those studies (Shams 2012; Shams and Beierholm 2022; Kording et al. 2007; Aller and Noppeney 2018; Cao et al. 2019) (and many more e.g., by Shams and colleagues), and the current study might share some attributes, one expects some findings in those domains are transferable (at least to some degree) here as well. Most importantly, underlying neural correlates that have been suggested based on animal studies and invasive recording that has been already studied, might be relevant here as well. Perhaps the most relevant one is the recent work from the Harris group on mice (Coen et al. 2021). I should emphasize, that I don't claim they are necessarily relevant, but they can be relevant given their common roots in the problem of causal inference in the brain. This is a critical topic that the authors may want to discuss in their manuscript.

      2. If I understood correctly, the authors are arguing pro a mere bottom-up contribution of early sensory areas for causal inference (for instance, when they wrote "the specialization of visual routines<br /> for the perception of causality at the level of individual motion directions raises the possibility that this function is located surprisingly early in the visual system *as opposed to a higher-level visual computation*."). Certainly, as the authors suggested, early sensory areas have a crucial contribution, however, it may not be limited to that. Recent studies progressively suggest perception as an active process that also weighs in strongly, the top-down cognitive contributions. For instance, the most simple cases of perception have been conceptualized along this line (Martin, Solms, and Sterzer 2021)<br /> and even some visual illusion (Safavi and Dayan 2022), and other extensions (Kay et al. 2023). Thus, I believe it would be helpful to extend the discussion on the top-down and cognitive contributions of causal inference (of course that can also be hinted at, based on recent developments). Even adaptation, which is central in this study can be influenced by top-down factors (Keller et al. 2017). I believe, based on other work of Rolfs and colleagues, this is also aligned with their overall perspective on vision.

      3. The authors rightly implicate the neural substrate of causal inference in the early sensory system. Given their study is pure psychophysics, a more elaborate discussion based on other studies that used brain measurements is needed (in my opinion) to put into perspective this conclusion. In particular, as I mentioned in the first point, the authors mainly discuss the potential neural substrate of early vision, however much has been done about the role of higher-tier cortical areas in causal inference e.g., see (Cao et al. 2019; Coen et al. 2021).

      There were many areas in this manuscript that I liked: clever questions, experimental design, and statistical analysis.

      Bibliography<br /> \============

      Aller, Mate, and Uta Noppeney. 2018. "To Integrate or Not to Integrate: Temporal Dynamics of Bayesian Causal Inference." Biorxiv, December, 504118. .

      Cao, Yinan, Christopher Summerfield, Hame Park, Bruno Lucio Giordano, and Christoph Kayser. 2019. "Causal Inference in the Multisensory Brain." Neuron 102 (5): 1076-87.e8. .

      Coen, Philip, Timothy P. H. Sit, Miles J. Wells, Matteo Carandini, and Kenneth D. Harris. 2021. "The Role of Frontal Cortex in Multisensory Decisions." Biorxiv, April. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 2021.04.26.441250. .

      Kay, Kendrick, Kathryn Bonnen, Rachel N. Denison, Mike J. Arcaro, and David L. Barack. 2023. "Tasks and Their Role in Visual Neuroscience." Neuron 111 (11). Elsevier: 1697-1713. .

      Keller, Andreas J, Rachael Houlton, Björn M Kampa, Nicholas A Lesica, Thomas D Mrsic-Flogel, Georg B Keller, and Fritjof Helmchen. 2017. "Stimulus Relevance Modulates Contrast Adaptation in Visual Cortex." Elife 6. eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd: e21589.

      Kording, K. P., U. Beierholm, W. J. Ma, S. Quartz, J. B. Tenenbaum, and L. Shams. 2007. "Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception." PloS One 2: e943. .

      Martin, Joshua M., Mark Solms, and Philipp Sterzer. 2021. "Useful Misrepresentation: Perception as Embodied Proactive Inference." Trends Neurosci. 44 (8): 619-28. .

      Safavi, Shervin, and Peter Dayan. 2022. "Multistability, Perceptual Value, and Internal Foraging." Neuron, August. .

      Shams, L. 2012. "Early Integration and Bayesian Causal Inference in Multisensory Perception." In The Neural Bases of Multisensory Processes, edited by M. M. Murray and M. T. Wallace. Frontiers in<br /> Neuroscience. Boca Raton (FL).

      Shams, Ladan, and Ulrik Beierholm. 2022. "Bayesian Causal Inference: A Unifying Neuroscience Theory." Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 137 (June): 104619. .

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths. This paper starts with an exceptionally fair and balanced introduction to a topic, the mirror neuron literature, which is often debated and prone to controversies even in the choice of the terminology. In my opinion, the authors made an excellent job in this regard, and I really appreciated it. Then, they propose a novel method to look at population dynamics to compare neural selectivity and alignment between execution and observation of actions performed with different types of grip.

      Weakness. Unfortunately, the goal and findings within this well-described framework are less clear to me. The authors aimed to investigate, using a novel analytic approach, whether and to what extent a match exists between population codes and neural dynamics when a monkey performs an action or observes it performed by an experimenter. This motivation stems from the fact that the general evidence in the literature is that the match between visual and motor selectivity of mirror neuron responses is essentially at a chance level. While the approach devised by the author is generally well-described and understandable, the main result obtained confirms this general finding of a lack of matching between the two contexts in 2 out of the three monkeys. Nevertheless, the authors claim that the patterns associated with execution and observation can be re-aligned with canonical correlation, indicating that these distinct neural representations show dynamical similarity that may enable the nervous system to recognize particular actions. This final conclusion is hardly acceptable to me, and constitutes my major concern, at least without a more explicit explanation: how do we know that this additional operation can be performed by the brain? Is this a computational trick to artificially align something that is naturally non-aligned, or can it capture something real and useful?<br /> Based on the accumulated evidence on space-constrained coding of others' actions by mirror neurons (e.g., Caggiano et al. 2009; Maranesi et al. 2017), recent evidence also cited by the authors (Pomper et al. 2023), and the most recent views supported even by the first author of the original discovery (i.e., Vittorio Gallese, see Bonini et al. 2022 on TICS), it seems that one of the main functions of these cells, especially in monkeys, might be to prepare actions and motor responses during social interaction rather than recognizing the actions of others - something that visual brain areas could easily do better than motor ones in most situations. In this perspective, and given the absence of causal evidence so far, the lack of visuo-motor congruence is a potentially relevant feature of the mechanism rather than something to be computationally cracked at all costs.

      Specific comments on Results/Methods:<br /> I can understand, based on the authors' hypothesis, that they employed an ANOVA to preliminarily test whether and which of the recorded neurons fit their definition of "mirror neurons". However, given the emphasis on the population level, and the consolidated finding of highly different execution and observation responses, I think it could be interesting to apply the same analysis on (at least also) the whole recorded neuronal population, without any preselection-based on a single neuron statistic. Such preselection of mirror neurons could influence the results of EXE-OBS comparisons since all the neurons activated only during EXE or OBS are excluded. Related to this point, the authors could report the total number of recorded neurons per monkey/session, so that also the fraction of neurons fitting their definition of mirror neuron is explicit.<br /> Furthermore, the comparison of the dynamics of the classification accuracy in figures 4 and 5, and therefore the underlying assumption of subspaces shift in execution and observation, respectively, reveal substantial similarities between monkeys despite the different contexts, which are clearly greater than the similarities among neural subspaces shifts across task epochs: to me, this suggests that the main result is driven by the selected neural populations in different monkeys/implants rather than by an essential property of the neuronal dynamics valid across animals. Could the author comment on this issue? This could easily explain the "strange" result reported in figure 6 for monkey T.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Hariani et al. presents experiments designed to improve our understanding of the connectivity and computational role of Unipolar Brush Cells (UBCs) within the cerebellar cortex, primarily lobes IX and X. The authors develop and cross several genetic lines of mice that express distinct fluorophores in subsets of UBCs, combined with immunocytochemistry that also distinguishes subtypes of UBCs, and they use confocal microscopy and electrophysiology to characterize the electrical and synaptic properties of subsets of so-labelled cells, and their synaptic connectivity within the cerebellar cortex. The authors then generate a computer model to test possible computational functions of such interconnected UBCs.

      Using these approaches, the authors report that:<br /> 1) GRP-driven TDtomato is expressed exclusively in a subset (20%) of ON-UBCs, defined electrophysiologically (excited by mossy fiber afferent stimulation via activation of UBC AMPA and mGluR1 receptors) and immunocytochemically by their expression of mGluR1.

      2) UBCs ID'd/tagged by mCitrine expression in Brainbow mouse line P079 is expressed in a similar minority subset of OFF-UBCs defined electrophysiologically (inhibited by mossy fiber afferent stimulation via activation of UBC mGluR2 receptors) and immunocytochemically by their expression of Calretinin. However, such mCitrine expression was also detected in some mGluR1 positive UBCs, which may not have shown up electrophysiologically because of the weaker fluorophore expression without antibody amplification.

      3) Confocal analysis of crossed lines of mice (GRP X P079) stained with antibodies to mGluR1 and calretinin documented the existence of all possible permutations of interconnectivity between cells (ON-ON, ON-OFF, OFF-OFF, OFF-ON), but their overall abundance was low, and neither their absolute or relative abundance was quantified.

      4) A computational model (NEURON ) indicated that the presence of an intermediary UBC (in a polysynaptic circuit from MF to UBC to UBC) could prolong bursts (MF-ON-ON), prolong pauses (MF-ON-OFF), cause a delayed burst (MF-OFF-OFF), cause a delayed pause (MF-OFF-ON) relative to solely MF to UBC synapses which would simply exhibit long bursts (MF-ON) or long pauses (MF-OFF).

      The authors thus conclude that the pattern of interconnected UBCs provides an extended and more nuanced pattern of firing within the cerebellar cortex that could mediate longer lasting sensorimotor responses.

      The cerebellum's long known role in motor skills and reflexes, and associated disorders, combined with our nascent understanding of its role in cognitive, emotional, and appetitive processing, makes understanding its circuitry and processing functions of broad interest to the neuroscience and biomedical community. The focus on UBCs, which are largely restricted to vestibular lobes of the cerebellum reduces the breadth of likely interest somewhat. The overall design of specific experiments is rigorous and the use of fluorophore expressing mouse lines is creative. The data that is presented and the writing are clear.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors provide a thorough demonstration of the role that one particular type of voltage-gated potassium channel, Kv1.8, plays in a low voltage-activated conductance found in type I vestibular hair cells. Along the way, they find that this same channel protein appears to function in type II vestibular hair cells as well, contributing to other macroscopic conductances. Overall, Kv1.8 may provide especially low input resistance and short time constants to facilitate encoding of more rapid head movements in animals that have necks. Combination with other channel proteins, in different ratios, may contribute to the diversified excitability of vestibular hair cells.

      Strengths:<br /> The experiments are comprehensive and clearly described, both in the text and in the figures. Statistical analyses are provided throughout.

      Weaknesses:<br /> None.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Zhang et. al. presents compelling results that support the identification of epigenetically mediated control for the recognition of dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) gene expression that is linked with cancer treatment resistance 5-fluorouracil. The experimental approach was developed and pursued with in vitro and in vivo strategies. Combining molecular, cellular, and biochemical approaches, the authors identify a germline variant with compromised enhancer control. Several lines of evidence were presented that are consistent with increased CEBP recruitment to the DPYD regulatory domain with consequential modifications in promoter-enhancer interactions that are associated with compromised 5-fluorouracil resistance. Functional identification of promoter and enhancer elements was validated by CRISPRi and CRISPRa assays. ChIP and qPCR documented histone marks that can account for the control of DPYD gene expression were established. Consistency with data from patient-derived specimens and direct assessment of 5-fluorouracil sensitivity provides confidence in the proposed mechanisms. The model is additionally supported by genome data from a population with high "compromised allele frequency". It can be informative to directly demonstrate DPYD promoter-enhancer interactions. However, the genetic variants support the integration of regulatory activities.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors originally investigated the function of p53 isoforms with an alternative C-terminus encoded by the Alternatively Spliced (AS) exon in place of exon 11 encoding the canonical "α" C-terminal domain. For this purpose, the authors create a mouse model with a specific deletion of the AS exon.

      Strengths:<br /> Interestingly, wt or p53ΔAS/ΔAS mouse embryonic fibroblasts did not differ in cell cycle control, expression of well-known p53 target genes, proliferation under hyperoxic conditions, or the growth of tumor xenografts. However, p53-AS isoforms were shown to confer male-specific protection against lymphomagenesis in Eμ-Myc transgenic mice, prone to highly penetrant B-cell lymphomas. In fact, p53ΔAS/ΔAS Eμ-Myc mice were less protected from developing B-cell lymphomas compared to WT counterparts. The important difference that the authors find between WT and p53ΔAS/ΔAS Eμ-Myc males is a higher number of immature B cells in p53ΔAS/ΔAS vs WT mice. Higher expression of Ackr4 and lower expression of Mt2 was found in p53+/+ Eμ-Myc males compared to p53ΔAS/ΔAS counterparts, suggesting that these two transcripts are in part regulators of B-cell lymphomagenesis and enrichment for immature B cells.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript is interesting but the data are not so striking and are very correlative. The authors should add functional experiments to reinforce their hypotheses and to provide, beyond potential prognostic factors, any potential mechanism at the basis of the different rates of B-cell lymphomagenesis in males vs females individuals and in WT vs p53ΔAS/ΔAS Eμ-Myc males.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript "comparative transcriptomics reveal a novel tardigrade specific DNA binding protein induced in response to ionizing radiation" aims to provide insights into the mediators and mechanisms underlying tardigrade radiation tolerance. The authors start by assessing the effect of ionizing radiation (IR) on the tardigrade lab species, H. exemplaris, as well as the ability of this organism to recover from this stress - specifically, they look at DNA double and single-strand breaks. They go on to characterize the response of H. exemplaris and two other tardigrade species to IR at the transcriptomic level. Excitingly, the authors identify a novel gene/protein called TDR1 (tardigrade DNA damage response protein 1). They carefully assess the induction of expression/enrichment of this gene/protein using a combination of transcriptomics and biochemistry - even going so far as to use a translational inhibitor to confirm the de novo production of this protein. TDR1 binds DNA in vitro and co-localizes with DNA in tardigrades.

      Reverse genetics in tardigrades is difficult, thus the authors use a heterologous system (human cells) to express TDR1 in. They find that when transiently expressed TDR1 helps improve human cell resistance to IR.

      This work is a masterclass in integrative biology incorporating a holistic set of approaches spanning next-gen sequencing, organismal biology, biochemistry, and cell biology. I find very little to critique in their experimental approaches.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. Use of trans/interdisciplinary approaches ('omics, molecular biology, biochemistry, organismal biology)<br /> 2. Careful probing of TDR1 expression/enrichment<br /> 3. Identification of a completely novel protein seemingly involved in tardigrade radio-tolerance.<br /> 4. Use of multiple, diverse, tardigrade species of 'omics comparison.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. No reverse genetics in tardigrades - all insights into TDR1 function from heterologous cell culture system.<br /> 2. Weak discussion of Dsup's role in preventing DNA damage in light of DNA damage levels measured in this manuscript.<br /> 3. Missing sequence data which is essential for making a complete review of the work.

      Overall, I find this to be one of the more compelling papers on tardigrade stress-tolerance I have read. I believe there are points still that the authors should address, but I think the editor would do well to give the authors a chance to address these points as I find this manuscript highly insightful and novel.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Szathmary and colleagues explore the parabolic growth regime of replicator evolution. Parabolic growth occurs when nucleic acid strain separation is the rate-limiting step of the replication process which would have been the case for non-enzymatic replication of short oligonucleotide that could precede the emergence of ribozyme polymerases and helicases. The key result is that parabolic replication is conducive to the maintenance of genetic diversity, that is, the coexistence of numerous master sequences (the Gause principle does not apply). Another important finding is that there is no error threshold for parabolic replication except for the extreme case of zero fidelity.

      Strengths:<br /> I find both the analytic and the numerical results to be quite convincing and well-described. The results of this work are potentially important because they reveal aspects of a realistic evolutionary scenario for the origin of replicators.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are no obvious technical weaknesses. It can be argued that the results represent an incremental advance because many aspects of parabolic replication have been explored previously (the relevant publications are properly cited). Obviously, the work is purely theoretical, experimental study of parabolic replication is due. In the opinion of this reviewer, though, these are understandable limitations that do not actually detract from the value of this work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their manuscript, Arjun et al. investigate the role of the histone acetyltransferase Gcn5 in the control of drosophila blood cell homeostasis in the larval lymph gland. They use gcn5 zygotic mutants as well as targeted knock-down and over-expression of Gcn5 in various lymph gland populations to show that these modulations impact (in a rather haphazard manner) niche cell number, blood cell progenitor maintenance, plasmatocyte differentiation, crystal cell differentiation or DNA damage accumulation. Their results suggest that Gcn5 controls autophagy and they show that decreasing the expression of the autophagy machinery increases blood cell differentiation. Using drugs to modulate the mTOR pathway, they conclude that Gcn5 levels are regulated by mTOR but that the impact of this pathway on blood cell homeostasis can override Gcn5 function.

      While the authors did a lot of experiments and good quantifications of the blood cell phenotypes, many results do not make much sense or do not bring valuable information about Gcn5 mode of action. Several conclusions of the manuscripts are not backed by solid data (e.g. that Gcn5 action is mediated by TFEB and the autophagy machinery) and different aspects of the literature are not well taken into consideration. Some results (such as the validation of the knockdown and overexpression of Gcn5) seem flawed. There are some concerns about the results obtained with gcn5 zygotic mutants and an interpretation of the phenotypes observed upon manipulation of Gcn5 expression in different cell types is missing.

      Important revisions are needed to improve the quality of the manuscript and confirm the authors' findings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This study describes all tangential neurons of the lobula plate (LOPs) of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Importantly, this is done in a complete manner, for the first time in any species. This means that for the first time, all neurons involved in transmitting wide-field optic flow information to the central brain are known. Exploiting known structure-function relations in these neurons (which are based on solid physiological data in different species of flies), the authors provide estimates of the physiological properties of all described neurons. Combined with transmitter predictions of these cells, this yields a full account of what information about wide-field motion is available to the central fly brain in order to derive behavioral commands from. The study goes one step further and includes anatomical descriptions and physiological property predictions for all major downstream target cells of LOPs.

      Main strengths:

      The paper is exceptional in three ways. First, it is the first comprehensive account of all tangential neurons of the lobula plate of an insect. This now provides the ground truth for similar studies in other insects. In particular, these results will allow neurons emerging in other species to be confidently described as novel/different from Drosophila, if they were not found in the current study. This is a major change from previously, when confidence in the non-existence of neuronal cell types in this system was impossible, as that system was not fully described.

      Second, the rigorous prediction of physiological characteristics (flow-field encoding) in all anatomically described neurons provides a solid basis for system-wide modeling of optic flow encoding in Drosophila. Importantly, the presented physiological predictions include the downstream partner cells of the LOPs in the central brain, neurons for which only very few physiological descriptions exist, but which are essential for transforming optic flow input into behavioral outputs. This paper therefore opens a path towards closing the gap between sensory processing and behavior not only for a few identified and well-studied pathways, but for all wide-field motion processing that exists in a species.

      Third, the connectomics work is not only based on one individual sample, but incorporates two EM volumes, analyzed with two different methods (manual tracing and auto segmentation/proofreading), using interhemispheric correspondence and inter-individual correspondence to validate the obtained neuron catalogue. Additionally, light microscopical data was used to validate the EM data. All of this provides exceptional levels of confidence in the presented results.

      Main weaknesses:

      While the authors compare their results with data from both larger flies and other work in Drosophila, a recent paper (Henning et al 2022) that presented novel data on the distribution of preferred motion directions in the fly lobula plate is not mentioned. This is unfortunate, as the claim of that paper is that the lobula plate contains six instead of four main tuning directions, both at the level of LOPs and T4/T5 input cells - a claim that could likely be directly confirmed or dismissed, or at least incorporated in the data presented in the current study. How would the flow-field predictions change if the data from Henning et al on T4 neurons was used as an input for the modeling rather than the classic four tuning directions?

      While the authors nicely perform comparison to other fly species, a more general discussion of how the found cells relate to other insects, e.g. cells known from bees (e.g. Honkanen et al., 2023) or older work from locusts, could give the data more general relevance. While the comparison can likely not be done on a cell type level, given that the structure of the lobula complex is very different between those insects, the types of projections found and their physiologies, i.e. the overall patterns of how wide field motion is sent to the central brain, might be comparable and informative for highlighting general principles of motion processing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study examined whether mitochondrial acyl-CoA thioesterase-2 (ACOT2) regulates mitochondrial matrix acyl-CoA levels. Acot2 deletion in murine skeletal muscle (SM) resulted in acyl-CoA build-up. When energy demand and pyruvate availability were elevated, a lack of ACOT2 activity promoted glucose oxidation. This preference for glucose over fatty acid oxidation was recapitulated in C2C12 myotubes with acute depletion of Acot2. In mice fed a high-fat diet, ACOT2 enabled the accretion of acyl-CoAs and ceramide derivatives in glycolytic SM, and this was associated with worse glucose homeostasis compared to when ACOT2 was absent. The authors suggest that ACOT2 supports CoASH availability to facilitate β-oxidation in glycolytic SM when lipid supply is modest. However, when lipid supply is high, ACOT2 enables acyl-CoA and lipid accumulation, CoASH sequestration, and poor glucose homeostasis. Thus, ACOT2 regulates matrix acyl-CoA concentration in glycolytic muscle, and its impact depends on lipid supply.

      Based on the data provided in this study, the authors propose that ACOT2 regulates mitochondrial matrix acyl-CoA levels in white skeletal muscle to facilitate fatty acid oxidation β-oxidation. However, I do not believe the data supports this concept, since ACOT2 deletion actually increased fatty acid oxidation in the mitochondrial JO2 studies. In addition, there are some problems with the experimental data that the authors need to address. This includes the experimental conditions used to assess JO2 in the mitochondria, and not using Cre control mice.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors focused on genetic variability in relation to insulin resistance. The used genetically different lines of mice and exposed them to the same diet. They found that genetic predisposition impacts the overall outcome of metabolic disturbances.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      The authors use a high-throughput sequencing-based enrichment assay to measure how individual amino acids substitutions in the Rep proteins of AAV change the production of AAV. The key experiment involved the creation of all possible single codon mutations of the AAV2 rep gene in a barcoded format, transfection of the library into HEK293T cells for production of AAV, and sequencing to see which rep variants were enriched in the viral particles produced from the library. As the library rep variants were flanked by inverted terminal repeats for packaging into viral particles, the authors could use high-throughput sequencing of the barcodes to determine how much each rep variant supported the production of AAV. The rep gene libraries were cleverly made through a cloning process that ensured each mutant was attached to an exactly known 20nt barcode included in each mutagenic oligo (and subsequently moved to the end of the library genes by another cloning step). This allowed the authors to confidently observe nearly all rep variants in their experiments, resulting in a comprehensive map between Rep protein variants and AAV production. The overall map should act as a useful guide for AAV engineering. Not only did certain variants improve AAV production by ~2-fold and show generality across AAV capsid serotypes, the map might be used to predict greater effects through combinations of mutations, especially if augmented by natural evolutionary datasets and statistical learning.

      In interpreting the results of this study, the reader should bear in mind that what has been measured and validated in high throughput is the production of intact genome-containing AAVs. The authors also successfully show transduction for selected high production variants. This is important as the efficiency by which an AAV preparations transduce cells is most relevant property for gene therapy.

      Overall, this is a well-executed and well-analyzed study. The results support the conclusions and claims of the work. I see this work as a useful resource for engineering recombinant AAVs to increase their production, which should have broad impact as the use of AAVs in gene therapy grows.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript Nie et al investigate the effect of PARG KO and PARG inhibition (PARGi) on pADPR, DNA damage, cell viability and synthetic lethal interactions in HEK293A and Hela cells. Surprisingly, the authors report that PARG KO cells are sensitive to PARGi and show higher pADPR levels than PARG KO cells, which is abrogated upon deletion or inhibition of PARP1/PARP2. The authors explain the sensitivity of PARG KO to PARGi through incomplete PARG depletion and demonstrate complete loss of PARG activity when incomplete PARG KO cells are transfected with additional gRNAs in the presence of PARPi. Furthermore, the authors show that the sensitivity of PARG KO cells to PARGi is not caused by NAD depletion but by S-phase accumulation of pADPR on chromatin coming from unligated Okazaki fragments, which are recognized and bound by PARP1. Consistently, PARG KO or PARG inhibition show synthetic lethality with Pol beta, which is required for Okazaki fragment maturation. PARG expression levels in ovarian cancer cell lines correlate negatively with their sensitivity to PARGi.


      The authors show that PARG is essential for removing ADP-ribosylation in S-phase.


      1) This begs the question as to the relevant substrates of PARG in S-phase, which could be addressed, for example, by analysing PARylated proteins associated with replication forks in PARG-depleted cells (EdU pulldown and Af1521 enrichment followed by mass spectrometry).<br /> 2) The results showing the generation of a full PARG KO should be moved to the beginning of the Results section, right after the first Results chapter (PARG depletion leads to drastic sensitivity to PARGi), otherwise the reader is left to wonder how PARG KO cells can be sensitive to PARGi when there should be presumably no PARG present.<br /> 3) Please indicate in the first figure which isoforms were targeted with gRNAs, given that there are 5 PARG isoforms. You should also highlight that the PARG antibody only recognizes the largest isoform, which is clearly absent in your PARG KO, but other isoforms may still be produced, depending on where the cleavage sites were located.<br /> 4) FACS data need to be quantified. Scatter plots can be moved to Supplementary while quantification histograms with statistical analysis should be placed in the main figures.<br /> 5) All colony formation assays should be quantified and sensitivity plots should be shown next to example plates.<br /> 6) Please indicate how many times each experiment was performed independently and include statistical analysis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Hu et al. performed sc-RNA-seq analyses of kidney cells with or without virus infection, vaccines, and vaccines+virus infections from pooled adult zebrafish. They compared within these experimental groups as well as kidney vs spleen. Their analyses identified expected populations but also revealed new hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell (HSPC), even in the spleen. Their analyses show that HSPCs in the kidney can respond to virus infection differentially and can be trained to recognize the same infection and argue that zebrafish kidney can serve as a secondary immune organ. The findings are important and interesting. The manuscript is well written and a pleasure to read. However, there are several issues with their figure presentation and figure qualities, as well as the lack of clarity in some of figure legends. Some of the data presentation can be improved for better clarity. It is also important to outline what is conserved and what is unique for fish.

      Major concerns:

      1. The visualization for several figure panels is very poor. Please provide high resolution images and larger font sizes for gene list or Y and X axis labels. This includes Figure 1B, Figure 1-figure supplement 2, Figure 2B-2C, 3A-3D, 4F, 5B, 6G, Figure 6-figure supplement 1B, Figure 6-figure supplement 2. Figure 7B, 8C-8E, Figure 8-figure supplement 1., 10F, 10G-10J, Figure 10-figure supplement 1.<br /> 2. What are the figures at the end of the manuscript without any figure legends?<br /> 3. It would be better to use a Table to organize the gene signatures that define each unique population of immune cells such as T, B, NK, etc.<br /> 4. What are the similarities for HSPC and immune cell populations between fish and man based on this research? It is better to form a table to compare and discuss.<br /> 5. It is highly likely that sex and age could be the biological variation for how HSPC responds to virus infections and vaccination. The author should clearly state the fish sex and age from their samples and discuss their results taking into consideration of these variations.<br /> 6. The authors claim that the spleen and kidney share HSPCs. However, their data did not demonstrate this result clearly in Figure 4A. Perhaps they should use different color to make the overlay becoming more obvious? Or include a table to show which HSPCs are shared between the kidney and spleen? Are they sure if these are just HSPCs seeding the spleen to differentiate into B cells or other immune cells?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This useful work provides insight into agonist binding to muscle nicotinic receptors. The authors want to understand the fundamental steps in ligand binding to muscle nicotinic receptors using computational methods. The study builds on a large basis of empirical studies of the various states involved in receptor activation. However, the evidence supporting the conclusions is incomplete, because little support is available for the starting structures that are derived from ligand docking. This work is a useful starting point for more detailed work on ligand binding to this important class of receptors.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths include the number of ligands tried, and the relation to the mature analysis of the receptor function.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The weaknesses are the brevity of the simulations, the concomitant lack of scope of the simulations, the lack of depth in the analysis, and the incomplete relation to other relevant work.

    1. Reviewer #3 (Public Review):


      In the manuscript "Ebola Virus Sequesters IRF3 in Viral Inclusion bodies to Evade Host Antiviral Immunity " by Lin Zhu et al, the authors elucidated an evasion mechanism by which EBOV evades host innate immunity.


      Using data from immunofluorescence analysis, TEM and Western Blot, the authors conclude that Ebola virus VP35 protein evades host antiviral immunity by interacting with STING to sequester IRF3 into IBs and inhibit type-I interferon production.


      Similar mechanisms have already been found in other viruses, such as SFTSV, RSV and so on. In addition, the presented results are also relatively rough, and the mechanism explained is not deep enough, so this story is not innovative

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Bian et al showed that biomarker-informed PhenoAgeAccel was consistently related to an increased risk of site-specific cancer and overall cancer within and across genetic risk groups. The results showed that PhenoAgeAccel and genetic liability of a bunch of cancers serve as productive tools to facilitate the identification of cancer-susceptible individuals under an additive model. People with a high genetic risk for cancer may benefit from PhenoAgeAccel-informed interventions.

      As the authors pointed out, the large sample size, the prospective design UK Biobank study, and the effective application of PhenoAgeAccel in predicting the risk of overall cancer are the major strengths of the study. Meanwhile, the CPRS seems to be a solid and comprehensive score based on incidence-weighted site-specific polygenic risk scores across 20 well-powered GWAS for cancers.

      It wouldn't be very surprising to identify the association between PhenoAgeAccel and cancer risk, since the PhenoAgeAccel was constructed as a predictor for mortality which attributed a lot to cancer. Although cancer is an essential mediator for the association, sensitivity analyses using cancer-free mortality may provide an additional angle. It would be interesting to see, to what extent, PhenoAgeAccel could be reversed by environmental or lifestyle factors. G by E for PhenoAgeAccel might be worth a try.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of the C. trachomatis effector Cdu1 on the ubiquitination of proteins in infected host cells and its correlation with the previously identified role of Cdu1 in facilitating Golgi distribution around the Chlamydia inclusion.

      To achieve this, the authors created a cdu1-null mutant in C. trachomatis and employed proteomics to analyze ubiquitinated proteins in cells infected with Cdu1-producing and Cdu1-deficient chlamydiae, comparing them to mock-infected cells. The results revealed that, among the proteins specifically ubiquitinated after infection with Cdu1-deficient chlamydiae, three were other C. trachomatis effectors (InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480), members of a large family of Chlamydia effectors (Incs) that insert in the inclusion membrane.

      Subsequently, the authors focused on understanding how Cdu1 shields InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480 from ubiquitination and the implications of this protection for the protein levels and functions of these Incs during infection. Data is presented showing that Cdu1 can bind to InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480, and protects these Incs and itself from ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation. This protective role of Cdu1 is dependent on its acetylation, but not on its deubiquitinating activity. Host cells infected by the cdu1 null mutant displayed defects resembling those observed in cells infected by inaC, ipaM, or ctl0480 null mutants.

      Additionally, it was previously established that CTL0480 inhibits a chlamydial egress pathway involving the extrusion of the inclusion. This study now revealed that InaC and IpaM also play a role in promoting the extrusion of C. trachomatis inclusion, and the cdu1 null mutant exhibited a defect in this process. This leads to the title's conclusion that Cdu1 regulates chlamydial exit from host cells by safeguarding specific C. trachomatis effectors from degradation.

      In summary, this work is excellent and impressive, both technically and conceptually, providing mechanistic insights into the action of Cdu1. The data provides convincing support for the proposed model, illustrating how the acetylation activity of Cdu1 protects itself and three Incs (InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480) from degradation. While the study indicates that the observed phenotypes in cells infected by the cdu1 null mutant are linked to reduced levels of InaC, IpaM, and CTL0480, these Incs are still detectable in cells infected by the cdu1 null mutant. Even if very unlikely, this leaves room for the possibility that Cdu1 directly promotes assembly of F-actin and Golgi repositioning around the inclusion, MYPT1 recruitment to the inclusion, and extrusion of the inclusion. Nevertheless, the major significance of this work lies in the integration of proteomics and chlamydial genetics to unveil a unique mechanism in which one effector controls the levels of other effectors, emphasizing the intricate relationships among bacterial effectors injected into host cells.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This article by Navratna et al. reports the first structure of human HGSNAT in an acetyl-CoA-bound state. Through careful structural analysis, the authors propose potential reasons why certain human mutations lead to lysosomal storage disorders and outline a catalytic mechanism. The structural data are of good quality, and the manuscript is clearly written. This study represents an important step toward understanding the mechanism of HGSNAT and is valuable to the field. I have the following suggestions:

      1. The authors should characterize whether the purified protein is active. Otherwise, how does one know if the detergent used maintains the protein in a biologically relevant state? The authors should at least attempt to do so. If these prove to be challenging, at the very least, the authors should try a cell-based assay to demonstrate that the GFP tag does not interfere with the function.

      2. In Figure 5, the authors present a detailed schematic of the catalytic cycle, which I find to be too speculative. There is no evidence to suggest that this enzyme undergoes isomerization, similar to a transporter, between open-to-lumen and open-to-cytosol states. Could it not simply involve some movements of side chains to complete the acetyl transfer?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this paper, the authors developed an image analysis pipeline to automatically identify individual ‎‎neurons within a population of fluorescently tagged neurons. This application is optimized to deal with ‎‎multi-cell analysis and builds on a previous software version, developed by the same team, to resolve ‎‎individual neurons from whole-brain imaging stacks. Using advanced statistical approaches and ‎‎several heuristics tailored for C. elegans anatomy, the method successfully identifies individual ‎‎neurons with a fairly high accuracy. Thus, while specific to C. elegans, this method can ‎become ‎instrumental for a variety of research directions such as in-vivo single-cell gene expression ‎analysis ‎and calcium-based neural activity studies.‎

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, the authors examined the putative functions of hypothalamic groups identifiable through Foxb1 expression, namely the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA and the PMd Foxb1, emphasizing innate defensive responses. First, they reported that chemogenetic activation of Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups led to tachypnea. The authors tend to attribute this effect to the activation of hM3Dq expressed in the parvofox Foxb1 but did not rule out the participation of the PMd Foxb1 cell group, which may as well have expressed hM3Dq, particularly considering the large volume (200 nl) of the viral construct injected. Notably, the activation of the Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups in this experiment did not alter the gross locomotor activity, such as time spent immobile state. Thus, this contrasts with the authors' finding on the optogenetic activation of the Foxb1hypothalamic fibers projecting to the dorsolateral PAG. In the second experiment, the authors applied optogenetic ChR2-mediated excitation of the Foxb1+ cell bodies' axonal endings in the dlPAG, leading to freezing and, in a few cases, bradycardia. The effective site to evoke freezing was the rostral PAGdl, and fibers positioned either ventral or caudal to this target had no response. Considering the pattern of Foxb1hypothalamic cell groups projection to the PAG, the fibers projecting to the rostral PAGdl are likely to arise from the PMd Foxb1 cell group and not from the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA. Here, it is important to consider that activation of PMd CCK cell group, which consists of around 90% of the PMd cells, evokes escape, not freezing. According to the present findings, a specific population of PMd Foxb1 cells may be involved in producing freezing. In addition, only a few of the animals with correct fiber placement presented sudden onset of bradycardia in response to the photostimulation. Considering the authors' findings, the Foxb1+ hypothalamic groups are likely to mediate behavioral responses related to innate defensive responses, where the parvofox Foxb1 of the LHA would be involved in promoting tachypnea and the PMd Foxb1group in mediating freezing and bradycardia. These findings are exciting, and, at this point, they need to be tested in a scenario of actual exposure to a natural predator.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study investigates the underlying mechanisms of information-seeking in infancy. Eight-month-old Dutch infants were tested in a screen-based eye-tracking task in which one of two geometrical shape cues (differing in their shape and motion) either announced the location of an upcoming reward cartoon (informative) or not (non-informative). The authors measured the infants' pupil size before the cartoon appeared. Infants showed smaller pupil sizes when presented with the informative cue as compared to the noninformative cue. The decrease in pupil size in the informative condition emerged over the course of trials whereas infants' pupil size remained unchanged in the noninformative condition. The authors interpret their findings as supportive evidence of statistical learning and generalization processes organizing infants' information-seeking.

      It was a pleasure to read the paper and I think the study makes a valuable contribution to our understanding of information-seeking in infancy. The manuscript is very well written and the study is cleverly designed. My following comments are based on my reading of the manuscript and the supplemental materials. It should be noted that evaluating the details of the statistical procedure the authors used lies outside my expertise. The same applies to some decisions of the authors related to pre-processing and filtering the pupil data. I very much appreciate that the authors shared all their raw data and analysis scripts openly accessible on the Open Science Framework. The study was unfortunately not preregistered, making it difficult to trace when in the study process certain decisions or assumptions were made.

      My two main concerns relate to the conceptualization and definition of information-seeking and the proposed speed of the mechanisms explaining infants' behavior. I outline my general comments below before listing some more concrete issues.

      1) While reading the manuscript, I was sometimes confused about what the authors refer to when talking about information-seeking - both in terms of the broader conceptualization of the phenomenon as well as when referring to their own study. What information are infants seeking? The informative value of the cue shape in terms of their motion (because it carries information about the location of a rewarding animation)? Or is the target (the rewarding video) the information being sought? From how the study is set up, I assume the authors refer mainly to the first aspect, but I think the manuscript would benefit from some clearer distinctions and definitions of terms.

      More specifically, I think it could help if the authors would specify the different aspects involved in information-seeking in the introduction (e.g., seeking information "directly", seeking cues guiding them towards information, etc.). Secondly, it would help if they would sharpen their (already in some parts existing) definitions for their study and then keep consistent with their definitions throughout the methods, results, and discussion. Is the cue the information being sought or the "behavior" (motion) of the cue? Or is the target animation the information being sought and guided via the cueing?

      2) Speed of the generalization process:<br /> From my understanding of the study design, the shape of the geometrical shape gains informative value over time (serving as an informative cue) and the *motion* of the shape is the actual informative or non-informative visual cue in that it either reliably highlights the actual target region (or all regions). In the generalization trials, only the shape was manipulated while the motion aspect remained consistent with the previous trials. Based on infants' behavior across learning and generalization trials, the authors make an argument about two distinct processes taking place: a slower allowing to learn where to find info and a faster generalization process. Apologies if I missed something, but given that the motion remains consistent, it's maybe not surprising that the generalization trials are "faster"? Maybe the generalization process would have been slower if not only the shape had changed but if also a novel informative motion had been introduced. Also, it would be helpful if the authors could clarify what they mean by the statistical learning process being more "data-hungry" (line 274).

      3) I would find it very helpful if the authors would discuss statistical learning and information-seeking processes from other possible mechanisms such as reward learning mechanisms. For example, the authors use a "rewarding" (not informative) stimulus as the target-wouldn't it be possible that the results can be also explained by reinforcement learning processes? Relatedly, in line 396 they write that they used TD learning to predict whether "information will be delivered" and contrast this with the approach being used to predict whether a reward will be delivered. But in their study reward was being delivered, too (in the form of the target), in addition to the informative motion of the cue.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript uses optical coherence tomography (OCT) to visualize tissue microstructures about 1-2 mm under the finger pad skin surface. Their geometric features are tracked and used to generate tissue strains upon skin surface indentation by a series of transparent stimuli both normal and tangential to the surface. Then movements of the stratum corneum and the upper portion of the viable epidermis are evaluated. Based upon this data, across a number of participants and ridges, around 300 in total, the findings report upon particular movements of these tissue microstructures in various loading states. A better understanding of the mechanics of the skin microstructures is important to understand how surface forces propagate toward the locations of mechanoreceptive end organs, which lie near the edge of the epidermis and dermis, from which tactile responses of at least two peripheral afferents originate. Indeed, the microstructures of the skin are likely to be important in shaping how neural afferents respond and enhance their sensitivity, receptive field characteristics, etc.

      Strengths:<br /> The use of OCT in the context of analyzing the movements of skin microstructures is novel. Also novel and powerful is the use of distinct loading cases, e.g., normal, tangential, and stimulus features, e.g., edges, and curves. I am unaware of other empirical visualization studies of this sort. They are state-of-the-art in this field. Moreover, in addition to the empirical imaging observations, strain vectors in the tissues are calculated over time.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The interpretation of the results and their framing relative to the overall hypotheses/questions and prior works could be articulated more clearly. In particular, the major findings of the manuscript are in newly describing a central concept regarding "ridge flanks," but such structures are neither anatomically nor mechanistically defined in a clear fashion. For example, "... it appears that the primary components of ridge deformation and, potentially, neural responses are deformations of the ridge flanks and their relative movement, rather than overall bending of the ridges themselves." From an anatomical perspective, I think what the authors mean by "ridge flanks" is a differential in strain from one lateral side of a papillary ridge to the other. But is it unclear what about the continuous layers of tissue would cause such behaviors. Perhaps a sweat duct or some other structure (not visible to OCT) would subdivide the "flanks" of a papillary ridge somehow? If not due to particular anatomy, then is the importance of the "ridge flank" due to a mechanistic phenomenon of some sort? Given that the findings of the manuscript center upon the introduction of this new concept, I think a greater effort should be made to define what exactly are the "ridge flanks." It is clear from the results, especially the sliding case, that there is something important that the manuscript is getting at with this concept.

      The OCT used herein cannot visualize deep and fully into what the manuscript refers to as a "ridge" (note others have previously broken apart this concept apart into "papillary", "intermediate" and "limiting" ridges) near locations of the mechanoreceptive end organs lie at the epidermal-dermal border. Therefore, the OCT must make inferences about the movements of these deeper tissues, but cannot see them directly, and it is the movements of these deeper tissues that are likely driving the intricacies of neural firing. Note the word "ridge" is used often in the manuscript's abstract, introduction, and discussion but the definition in Fig. 1 and elsewhere differs in important ways from prior works of Cauna (expert in anatomy). Therefore, the manuscript should clarify if "ridge" refers to the papillary ridge (visible at the exterior of the skin), intermediate ridge (defined by Cauna as what the authors refer to as the primary ridge), and limiting ridge (defined by Cauna as what the authors refer to as the secondary ridge). What the authors really mean (I think) is some combination of the papillary and intermediate ridge structures, but not the full intermediate ridge. The manuscript acknowledges this in the "Limitations and future work" section, stating that these ridges cannot be resolved. This is important because the manuscript is oriented toward tracking this structure. It sets up the narrative and hypotheses to evaluate the prior works of Cauna, Gerling, Swensson, and others who all directly addressed the movement of this anatomical feature which is key to understanding ultimately how stresses at these locations might move the peripheral end organs (i.e., Merkel cells, Meissner corpuscles).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study aims to identify gene expression differences exclusively caused by cis-regulatory genetic changes by utilizing hybrid cell lines derived from human and chimpanzee. While previous attempts have focused on specific tissues, this study expands the comparison to six different tissues to investigate tissue specificity and derive insights into the evolution of gene expression.

      One notable strength of this work lies in the use of composite cell lines, enabling a comparison of gene expression between human and chimpanzee within the same nucleus and shared trans factors environment. However, a potential weakness of the methodology is the use of bulk RNA-seq in diverse tissues, which limits the ability to determine cell-type-specific gene expression and chromatin accessibility regions. Their approach, using hybrid lines, naturally accounts for cell type heterogeneity avoiding the risk of false positives introduced by the otherwise confounding differences in cell type abundances between species, albeit the challenge of false negatives remains an issue. The authors now dully acknowledge this limitation in the manuscript.

      Another concern is the use of two replicates derived from the same pair of individuals. While the authors produced cell lines from two pairs of individuals in a previous study (Agloglia et al., 2021). The reason for this experimental design is cost limitations. The authors now acknowledge that the use of replicates could enhance the ability to detect "more" species-specific changes in expression and chromatin accessibility. I would emphasize that replicates would increase robustness to the present findings, given that they are derived from a single pair of individuals.

      Furthermore, the study offers the opportunity to relate inter-species differences to trends in molecular evolution. The authors discovered that expression variance and haploinsufficiency score do not fully account for the enrichment of divergence in cell-type-specific genes. The reviewer suggested exploring this further by incorporating external datasets that bin genes based on interindividual transcriptomics variation as a measure of extant transcriptomics constraint (e.g., GTEx reanalysis by Garcia-Perez et al., 2023 - PMID: 36777183). The authors considered this question to be out of the scope of the paper, yet in my opinion this would enhance one of the main findings of this study.

      Additionally, stratifying sequence conservation on ASCA regions, which exhibit similar enrichment of cell-type-specific features, using the Zoonomia data mentioned also in the text (Andrews et al., 2023 -- PMID: 37104580) could provide valuable insights. While the author did not find Zoonomia Phastcons values available, they used PhastCons derived from a 470-way alignment of mammals. I commend the authors for their diligent efforts, which undoubtedly bolster their findings that an enrichment in ASCA is evident across all levels of sequence conservation. However, this recent analysis indicates the presence of a potential relationship between sequence conservation and ASCA. It may be advantageous to consider evaluating more quantile subdivisions of maxZ values and pPhastCons values, with the inclusion of these results in the supplementary materials. This approach would be preferable, even if the precise reasons behind the observed discrepancy are not fully elucidated.

      Another potential strength of this study is the identification of specific cases of paired allele-specific expression (ASE) and allele-specific chromatin accessibility (ASCA) with biological significance. Prioritizing specific variants remains a challenge, and the authors apply a machine learning approach to identify potential causative variants that disrupt binding sites in two examples (FABP7 and GAD1 in motor neurons). However, additional work is needed to convincingly demonstrate the functionality of these selected variants. Strengthening this section with additional validation of ASE, ASCA, and the specific putative causal variants identified would enhance the overall robustness of the paper. The authors have opted to defer these validations to future studies.

      Additionally, the authors support the selected ASE-ASCA pairs by examining external datasets of adult brain comparative genomics (Ma et al., 2022) and organoids (Kanton et al., 2019). While these resources are valuable for comparing observed species biases, the analysis is not systematic, even for the two selected genes. For example, it would be beneficial to investigate if FABP7 exhibits species bias in any cell type in Kanton et al.'s organoids or if GAD1 is species-biased in adult primate brains from Ma et al. Comparing these datasets with the present study, along with the Agoglia et al. reference, would provide a more comprehensive perspective. In the revised version of the manuscript the authors have evaluated the expression of GAD1 in Ma et al, and FABP7 in Sousa et al 2017. For instance, GAD1 show cell type specific species biases in the later. The authors opted for not showing this in the manuscript, However, it remains unclear why certain datasets were favored over others, or why FABP7 should not be evaluated in Kanton et al.

      The use of the term "human-derived" in ASE and ASCA has now been avoided.

      Finally, throughout the paper, the authors refer to "hybrid cell lines." It has been suggested to use the term "composite cell lines" instead to address potential societal concerns associated with the term "hybrid," which some may associate with reproductive relationships (Pavlovic et al., 2022 -- PMID: 35082442). The authors have presented an eloquent and persuasive explanation that I found to be highly informative.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this manuscript, the authors introduced an explicit ion model using the coarse-grained modelling approach to model the interactions between nucleosomes and evaluate their effects on chromatin organization. The strength of this method lies in the explicit representation of counterions, especially divalent ions, which are notoriously difficult to model. To achieve their aims and validate the accuracy of the model, the authors conducted coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations and compared predicted values to the experimental values of the binding energies of protein-DNA complexes and the free energy profile of nucleosomal DNA unwinding and inter-nucleosome binding. Additionally, the authors employed umbrella sampling simulations to further validate their model, reproducing experimentally measured sedimentation coefficients of chromatin under varying salt concentrations of monovalent and divalent ions.

      The significance of this study lies in the authors' coarse-grained model which can efficiently capture the conformational sampling of molecules while maintaining a low computational cost. The model reproduces the scale and, in some cases, the shape of the experimental free energy profile for specific molecule interactions, particularly inter-nucleosome interactions. Additionally, the authors' method resolves certain experimental discrepancies related to determining the strength of inter-nucleosomal interactions. Furthermore, the results from this study support the crucial role of intrinsic physicochemical interactions in governing chromatin organization within the nucleus.

      The authors have successfully addressed the majority of my key concerns. I appreciate the clarification regarding the parameterization from Pablo's lab and the addition of comparisons of energy profiles as a function of inter-nucleosome distances.

      However, the statement "The agreement is evident" may not sufficiently capture the essence of Figure S4, as there is a shortage of substantial agreement. The authors rightly acknowledge it but should delineate the nature of the observed discrepancies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Continuous attractor networks endowed with some sort of adaptation in the dynamics, whether that be through synaptic depression or firing rate adaptation, are fast becoming the leading candidate models to explain many aspects of hippocampal place cell dynamics, from hippocampal replay during immobility to theta sequences during run. Here, the authors show that a continuous attractor network endowed with spike frequency adaptation and subject to feedforward external inputs is able to account for several previously unaccounted aspects of theta sequences, including (1) sequences that move both forwards and backwards, (2) sequences that alternate between two arms of a T-maze, (3) speed modulation of place cell firing frequency, and (4) the persistence of phase information across hippocampal inactivations.

      I think the main result of the paper (findings (1) and (2)) are likely to be of interest to the hippocampal community, as well as to the wider community interested in mechanisms of neural sequences. In addition, the manuscript is generally well written and the analytics are impressive. However, several issues should be addressed, which I outline below.

      Major comments:

      In real data, population firing rate is strongly modulated by theta (i.e., cells collectively prefer a certain phase of theta - see review paper Buzsaki, 2002) and largely oscillates at theta frequency during run. With respect to this cyclical firing rate, theta sweeps resemble "Nike" check marks, with the sweep backwards preceding the sweep forwards within each cycle before the activity is quenched at the end of the cycle. I am concerned that (1) the summed population firing rate of the model does not oscillate at theta frequency, and (2) as the authors state, the oscillatory tracking state must begin with a forward sweep. With regards to (1), can the authors show theta phase spike preference plots for the population to see if they match data? With regards to (2), can the authors show what happens if the bump is made to sweep backwards first, as it appears to do within each cycle?

      I could not find the width of the external input mentioned anywhere in the text or in the table of parameters. The implication is that it is unclear to me whether, during the oscillatory tracking state, the external input is large compared to the size of the bump, so that the bump lives within a window circumscribed by the external input and so bounces off the interior walls of the input during the oscillatory tracking phase, or whether the bump is continuously pulled back and forth by the external input, in which case it could be comparable to the size of the bump. My guess based on Fig 2c is that it is the latter. Please clarify and comment.

      I would argue that the "constant cycling" of theta sweeps down the arms of a T-maze was roughly predicted by Romani & Tsodyks, 2015, Figure 7. While their cycling spans several theta cycles, it nonetheless alternates by a similar mechanism, in that adaptation (in this case synaptic depression) prevents the subsequent sweep of activity from taking the same arm as the previous sweep. I believe the authors should cite this model in this context and consider the fact that both synaptic depression and spike frequency adaptation are both possible mechanisms for this phenomenon. But I certainly give the authors credit for showing how this constant cycling can occur across individual theta cycles.

      The authors make an unsubstantiated claim in the paragraph beginning with line 413 that the Tsodyks and Romani (2015) model could not account for forwards and backwards sweeps. Both the firing rate adaptation and synaptic depression are symmetry breaking models that should in theory be able to push sweeps of activity in both directions, so it is far from obvious to me that both forward and backward sweeps are not possible in the Tsodyks and Romani model. The authors should either prove that this is the case (with theory or simulation) or excise this statement from the manuscript.

      The section on the speed dependence of theta (starting with line 327) was very hard to understand. Can the authors show a more graphical explanation of the phenomenon? Perhaps a version of Fig 2f for slow and fast speeds, and point out that cells in the latter case fire with higher frequency than in the former?

      I had a hard time understanding how the Zugaro et al., (2005) hippocampal inactivation experiment was accounted for by the model. My intuition is that while the bump position is determined partially by the location of the external input, it is also determined by the immediate history of the bump dynamics as computed via the local dynamics within the hippocampus (recurrent dynamics and spike rate adaptation). So that if the hippocampus is inactivated for an arbitrary length of time, there is nothing to keep track of where the bump should be when the activity comes back on line. Can the authors please explain more how the model accounts for this?

      Can the authors comment on why the sweep lengths oscillate in the bottom panel of Fig 5b during starting at time 0.5 seconds before crossing the choice point of the T-maze? Is this oscillation in sweep length another prediction of the model? If so, it should definitely be remarked upon and included in the discussion section.

      Perhaps I missed this, but I'm curious whether the authors have considered what factors might modulate the adaptation strength. In particular, might rat speed modulate adaptation strength? If so, would have interesting predictions for theta sequences at low vs high speeds.

      I think the paper has a number of predictions that would be especially interesting to experimentalists but are sort of scattered throughout the manuscript. It would be beneficial to have them listed more prominently in a separate section in the discussion. This should include (1) a prediction that the bump height in the forward direction should be higher than in the backward direction, (2) predictions about bimodal and unimodal cells starting with line 366, (3) prediction of another possible kind of theta cycling, this time in the form of sweep length (see comment above), etc.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The study isolated extracellular vesicles (EV) from healthy controls (HCs) and Parkinson patients (PwP), using plasma from the venous blood of non-fasting people. Such EVs were characterized and validated by the presence of markers, their size, and their morphology. The main aim of the manuscript is to correlate the presence of synaptic proteins, namely SNAP-25, GAP-43, and SYNAPTOTAGMIN-1, normalized with HSP70, with the clinical progression of PwP. Changes in synaptic proteins have been documented in the CSF of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients. The demographics of participants are adequately presented. One important limiting, as well as puzzling aspect, is the fact that authors did not find differences between groups at the beginning of the study nor after one year, after age and sex adjustment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors used several zebrafish reporter lines to demonstrate the presence, regional distribution, and transcriptional profile of the immune cells in adult zebrafish brains. They identified DC-like cells distinct from microglia or other macrophages, resembling murine cDC1s. Analysis of different mutants further revealed that this DC population was dependent on Irf8, Batf3, and Csf1rb, but did not rely on Csf1ra.

      Strengths:<br /> It is an elegantly designed study providing compelling evidence for further heterogeneity among brain mononuclear phagocytes in zebrafish, consisting of microglia, macrophages, and DC-like cells. This will provide a better understanding of the immune landscape in the zebrafish brain and will help to better distinguish the different cell types from microglia, and to assign specific functions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While scRNA-seq data clearly revealed different subsets of microglia, macrophages, and DCs in the brain, it remains somewhat challenging to distinguish DC-like cells from P2ry12- macrophages by immunohistochemistry or flow cytometry.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This is a detailed description of the role of PKCδ in Drosophila learning and memory. The work is based on a previous study (Placais et al. 2017) that has already shown that for the establishment of long-term memory, the repetitive activity of MP1 dopaminergic neurons via the dopamine receptor DAMB is essential to increase mitochondrial energy flux in the mushroom body.

      In this paper, the role of PKCδ is now introduced. PKCδ is a molecular link between the dopaminergic system and the mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism of mushroom body Kenyon cells. For this purpose, the authors establish a genetically encoded FRET-based fluorescent reporter of PKCδ-specific activity, δCKAR.

      Strengths:<br /> This is a thorough study of the long-term memory of Drosophila. The work is based on the extensive, high-quality experience of the senior authors. This is particularly evident in the convincing use of behavioral assays and imaging techniques to differentiate and explore various memory phases in Drosophila. The study also establishes a new reporter to measure the activity of PKCδ - the focus of this study - in behaving animals. The authors also elucidate how recurrent spaced training sessions initiate a molecular gating mechanism, linking a dopaminergic punishment signal with the regulation of mitochondrial pyruvate metabolism. This advancement will enable a more precise molecular distinction of various memory phases and a deeper comprehension of their formation in the future.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Apart from a few minor technical issues, such as the not entirely convincing visualisation of the localisation of a PKCδ reporter in the mitochondria, there are no major weaknesses. Likewise, the scientific classification of the results seems appropriate, although a somewhat more extensive discussion in relation to Drosophila would have been desirable.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript reports the effects of a heterozygous mutation in the KCNT1 potassium channels on the properties of ion currents and the firing behavior of excitatory and inhibitory neurons in the cortex of mice expressing KCNT1-Y777H. In humans, this mutation as well as multiple other heterozygotic mutations produce very severe early-onset seizures and produce a major disruption of all intellectual function. In contrast, in mice, this heterozygous mutation appears to have no behavioral phenotype or any increased propensity to seizures. A relevant phenotype is, however, evident in mice with the homozygous mutation, and the authors have previously published the results of similar experiments with the homozygotes. As perhaps expected, the neuronal effects of the heterozygous mutation presented in this manuscript are generally similar but markedly smaller than the previously published findings on homozygotes. There are, however, some interesting differences, particularly on PV+ interneurons, which appear to be more excitable than wild type in the heterozygotes but more excitable in the heterozygotes. This raises the interesting question (which could be more explicitly discussed by the authors) as to whether the reported changes represent homeostatic events that suppress the seizure phenotype in the mouse heterozygotes or simply changes in excitability that do not reach the threshold for behavioral outcomes.

      Strengths and Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The authors find that the heterozygous mutation in PV+ interneurons increases their excitability, a result that is opposite from their previous observation in neurons with the corresponding homozygous mutation. They propose that this results from the selective upregulation of a persistent sodium current INaP in the PV+ interneurons. While the observations are very interesting, there are three issues concerning this interpretation that should be addressed:<br /> A) The protocol for measuring the INaP current could potentially lead to results that could be (mis)interpreted in different ways in different cells. First, neither K currents nor Ca currents are blocked in these experiments. Instead, TTX is applied to the cells relatively rapidly (within 1 second) and the ramp protocol is applied immediately thereafter. It is stated that, at this time, Na currents and INaP are fully blocked but that any effects on Na-activated K currents are minimal. In theory, this would allow the pre- to post-difference current to represent a relatively uncontaminated INaP. This would, however, only work if activation of KNa currents following Na entry is very slow, taking many seconds. A good deal of literature has suggested that the kinetics of activation of KNa currents by Na influx vary substantially between cell types, such that single action potentials and single excitatory synaptic events rapidly evoke KNa currents in some cell types. This is, of course, much faster than the time of TTX application. Most importantly, the kinetics of KNa activation may be different in different neuronal types, which would lead to errors that could produce different estimates of INaP in PV+ interneurons vs other cell types.<br /> B) As the authors recognize, INaP current provides a major source of cytoplasmic sodium ions for the activation. An expected outcome of increased INaP is, therefore, further activation of KNa currents, rather than a compensatory increase in an inward current that counteracts the increase in KNa currents, as is suggested in the discussion.<br /> C) Numerical simulations, in general, provide a very useful way to evaluate the significance of experimental findings. Nevertheless, while the in-silico modeling suggests that increases in INaP can increase firing rate in models of PV+ neurons, there is as yet insufficient information on the relative locations of the INaP channels and the kinetics of sodium transfer to KNa channels to evaluate the validity of this specific model.

      2) The greatest effect of TTX application would be expected to be the elimination of large transient inward sodium currents. Why are no such currents visible in the control (pre-TTX) or the difference currents (Fig. 2)? Is it possible I missed something in the methods?

      3) As expected, the changes in many of the measured parameters are smaller in the present study with heterozygotes than those previously reported for the homozygous mutation. Some of the statements on the significance of some of the present findings need to be stated more clearly. For example, in the results section describing Fig. 2, it is stated that "In glutamatergic and NFS GABAergic YH-HET neurons, the overall KNa current was increased ...as measured by a significant effect of genotype ...." Later in the same paragraph it is stated that the increases in KNa current are not significant. Apparently, different tests lead to different conclusions. Both for the purpose of understanding the pathophysiological effects of changes in KNa current and for making further numerical simulations, more explicit clarifying statements should be made.

      4) The effects of the KCNT1 channel blocker VU170 on potassium currents are somewhat larger and different from those of TTX, suggesting that additional sources of sodium may contribute to activating KCNT1, as suggested by the authors. Because VU170 is, however, a novel pharmacological agent, it may be appropriate to make more careful statements on this. While the original published description of this compound reported no effect on a variety of other channels, there are many that were not tested, including Na and cation channels that are known to activate KCNT1, raising the possibility of off-target effects.

      5) The experiments were carried out at room temperature. Is it possible that different effects on firing patterns in heterozygotes and homozygotes would be observed at more physiological temperatures?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: This paper reported interesting aberrant calcium microwaves in the hippocampus when synapsin promoter driven GCaMPs were expressed for a long period of time. These aberrant hippocampal Ca2+ micro-waves depend on the viral titre of the GECI. The microwave of Ca2+ was not observed when GECI was expressed only in a sparse set of neurons.

      Strengths: These findings are important to the wide neuroscience community, especially considering a great number of investigators are using similar approaches. Results look convincing and are consistent across several laboratories.

      Weaknesses: One important question is needed to further clarify the mechanisms of aberrant Ca2+ microwaves as described below.

      Synapsin promoter labels both excitatory pyramidal neurons and inhibitory neurons. To avoid aberrant Ca2+ microwave, a combination of Flex virus and CaMKII-Cre or Thy-1-GCaMP6s and 6f mice were tested. However, all these approaches limit the number of infected pyramidal neurons. While the comprehensive display of these results is appreciated, a crucial question remains unanswered. To distinguish whether the microwave of Ca2+ is caused selectively via the abnormality of interneurons, or just a matter of pyramidal neuron density, testing Flex-GCaMP6 in interneuron specific mouse lines such as PV-Cre and SOM-Cre will be critical.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study delves into the roles of dact1 and dact2 during zebrafish embryonic axis formation and craniofacial morphogenesis. The researchers seek to unravel the mechanisms by which dact1/2 influences Wnt signaling modulation throughout embryonic development and patterning. They propose distinct spatiotemporal roles for Dact1 and Dact2 proteins in zebrafish embryonic development, highlighting their involvement in modulating noncanonical Wnt signaling during convergent extension events. Their findings demonstrate that dact1 and dact2 exhibit distinct spatiotemporal expression domains during development and that dact1/2 mutation leads to convergent extension defects. Furthermore, the study attempts to establish a link between convergent extension defects resulting from dact1/2 mutation and subsequent craniofacial abnormalities during development. To investigate the connection between dact1 and dact2, compound mutants were employed since single mutants did not exhibit craniofacial phenotypes. Additionally, the research encompasses comprehensive transcriptomics and pathway analyses of differentially expressed genes in dact1/2 mutants. This analysis reveals the overexpression of a calcium-dependent cysteine protease, calpain 8. The study suggests a connection between the upregulation of calpain 8 and the observed craniofacial dysmorphology in dact1/2 mutants, implying a potential link between the altered expression of calpain 8 and the craniofacial abnormalities observed in these mutants.

      Strengths:<br /> The study beautifully recapitulates previous findings on the role of dact1/2 in modulating convergent extension during zebrafish embryogenesis.

      A combination of multiple approaches, including in vivo time-lapse imaging, has been employed to elucidate the etiology of the rod-like neurocranial phenotype in dact1/2 double mutant.<br /> This study utilizes and discusses several 'traditional' mutant lines and newly created ones, analyzing them through single-cell transcriptomics.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. Enhancing Reproducibility and Robustness:<br /> To enhance the reproducibility and robustness of the findings, it would be valuable for the authors to provide specific numbers of animals used in each experiment.<br /> Explicitly stating the penetrance of the rod-like neurocranial shape in dact1/2-/- animals would provide a clearer understanding of the consistency of this phenotype.

      2. Strengthening Single-Cell Data Interpretation:<br /> To further validate the single-cell data and strengthen the interpretation of the gene expression patterns, I recommend the following:<br /> -Provide a more thorough explanation of the rationale for comparing dact1/2 double mutants with gpc4 mutants.<br /> -Employ genotyping techniques after embryo collection to ensure the accuracy of animal selection based on phenotype and address the potential for contamination of wild-type "delayed" animals.<br /> -Supplement the single-cell data with secondary validation using RNA in situ or immunohistochemistry techniques.

      3. Directly Investigating Non-Cell-Autonomous Effects:<br /> To directly assess the proposed non-cell-autonomous role of dact1/2, I suggest conducting transplantation experiments to examine the ability of ectodermal/neural crest cells from dact1/2 double mutants to form wild-type-like neurocranium.

      4. Further Elucidating Calpain 8's Role:<br /> To strengthen the evidence supporting the critical role of Calpain 8, I recommend conducting overexpression experiments using a sensitized background to enhance the statistical significance of the findings.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this work Wu, J., et al., highlight the importance of a previously overlooked region on kinases: the αC-β4 loop. Using PKA as a model system, the authors extensively describe the conserved regulatory elements within a kinase and how the αC-β4 loop region integrates with these important regulatory elements. Previous biochemical work on a mutation within the αC-β4 loop region, F100A showed that this region is important for the synergistic high affinity binding of ATP and the pseudo substrate inhibitor PKI. In the current manuscript, the authors assess the importance of the αC-β4 loop region using computational methods such as Local Spatial Pattern Alignment (LSP) and MD simulations. LSP analysis of the F100A mutant showed decreased values for degree centrality and betweenness centrality for several key regulatory elements within the kinase which suggests a loss in stability/connectivity in the mutant protein as compared to the WT. Additionally, based on MD simulation data, the side chain of K105, another residue within the αC-β4 loop region had altered dynamics in the F100A mutant as compared to the WT protein. While these changes in the αC-β4 loop region seem to be consistent with the previous biochemical data, the manuscript can be strengthened with additional experiments.

      Comments on the revised version:

      Additional experiments (both computational and experimental) assessing the role of the αC-β4 loop region (especially residues such as K105) are needed to bolster their hypothesis. My initial assessment therefore remains unchanged. While this manuscript falls short of expectations when it comes to experimental findings, it is an excellent review on the structural elements of kinases and how the newly identified αC-β4 loop region integrates with these important regions. Perhaps the experimental section (LSP analysis and MD simulation data) could be removed and this manuscript could be converted into a Review Article?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors try to use a gene therapy approach to cure urofacial symptoms in an HSPE2 mutant mouse model.


      The authors have convincingly shown the expression of AAV9/HSPE2 in pelvic ganglion and liver tissues. They have also shown the defects in urethra relaxation and bladder muscle contraction in response to EFS in mutant mice, which were reversed in treated mice.


      Some important and interesting data are missing. For example, whether the gene therapy can extend the life span of these mutants? The overall in vivo voiding function is missing. AAV9/HSPE2 expression in the bladder wall is not shown.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> Here the authors have tethered a Pgp substrate to strategically place cysteine residues in the protein. Notably, the cysteine-linked substate (ANC-DNPT)- stimulate ATP hydrolyse and so are able to undergo IF to OF transitions. The authors then determined cryo-EM structures of these complexes and MD simulations of bound states. By capturing unforeseen OF conformations with substate they propose that TM1 undergoes local conformational changes that are sufficient to translocate substrates, rather than large bundle movements.

      Strengths: This paper provides the first substrate (ANC-DNPT)- bound conformations of PgP and a new mechanistic model of how substrates are translocated.

      Weaknesses: Although the cross-links stimulate ATP hydrolysis, it is unclear if the TM1 conformations are exactly the same under physiological conditions, since they have been covalently-trapped to the substrate.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The authors previously showed that expressing formate dehydrogenase, rubisco, carbonic anhydrase, and phosphoribulokinase in Escherichia coli, followed by experimental evolution, led to the generation of strains that can metabolise CO2. Using two rounds of experimental evolution, the authors identify mutations in three genes - pgi, rpoB, and crp - that allow cells to metabolise CO2 in their engineered strain background. The authors make a strong case that mutations in pgi are loss-of-function mutations that prevent metabolic efflux from the reductive pentose phosphate autocatalytic cycle. The authors also use proteomic analysis to probe the role of the mutations in crp and rpoB. While they do not reach strong conclusions about how these mutations promote autotrophic growth, they provide some clues, leading to valuable speculation.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have thoroughly addressed the reviewers' comments. The major addition to the paper is the proteomic analysis of single and double mutants of crp and rpoB. These new data provide clues as to the role of the crp and rpoB mutations in promoting autotrophic growth, which the authors discuss. The authors acknowledge that it will require additional experiments to determine whether the speculated mechanisms are correct. Nonetheless, the new data provide valuable new insight into the role of the crp and rpoB mutations. The authors have also expanded their description of the crp and rpoB mutations, making it clearer that the effects of these mutations are likely to be distinct, albeit with potential for overlap in function.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths<br /> This is an interesting paper that concludes that hiring more women will do more to improve the gender balance of (US) academia than improving the attrition rates of women (which are usually higher than men's). Other groups have reported similar findings but this study uses a larger than usual dataset that spans many fields and institutions, so it is a good contribution to the field.

      Weaknesses<br /> The paper uses a mixture of mathematical models (basically Leslie matrices, though that term isn't mentioned here) parameterised using statistical models fitted to data. However, the description of the methods needs to be improved significantly. The author should consider citing Matrix Population Models by Caswell (Second Edition; 2006; OUP) as a general introduction to these methods, and consider citing some or all of the following as examples of similar studies performed with these models:<br /> Shaw and Stanton. 2012. Proc Roy Soc B 279:3736-3741<br /> Brower and James. 2020. PLOS One 15:e0226392<br /> James and Brower. 2022. Royal Society Open Science 9:220785<br /> Lawrence and Chen. 2015. []<br /> Danell and Hjerm. 2013. Scientometrics 94:999-1006

      The analysis also runs the risk of conflating the fraction of women in a field with gender diversity! In female-dominated fields (e.g. Nursing, Education) increasing the proportion of women in the field will lead to reduced gender diversity. This does not seem to be accounted for in the analysis. It would also be helpful to state the number of men and women in each of the 111 fields in the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Herneisen et al characterise the Toxoplasma PDK1 orthologue SPARK and an associated protein SPARKEL in controlling important fate decisions in Toxoplasma. Over recent years this group and others have characterised the role of cAMP and cGMP signalling in negatively and positively regulating egress, motility, and invasion, respectively. This manuscript furthers this work by showing that SPARK and SPARKEL likely act upstream, or at least control the levels of the cAMP and cGMP-dependent kinases PKA and PKG, respectively, thus controlling the transition of intracellular replicating parasites into extracellular motile forms (and back again).

      The authors use quantitative (phospho)proteomic techniques to elegantly demonstrate the upstream role of SPARK in controlling cAMP and cGMP pathways. They use sophisticated analysis techniques (at least for parasitology) to show the functional association between cGMP and cAMP signalling pathways. They therefore begin to unify our understanding of the complicated signalling pathways used by Toxoplasma to control key regulatory processes that control the activation and suppression of motility. The authors then use molecular and cellular assays on a range of generated transgenic lines to back up their observations made by quantitative proteomics that are clear in their design and approach.

      The authors then extend their work by showing that SPARK/SPARKEL also control PKAc3 function. PKAc3 has previously been shown to negatively regulate differentiation into bradyzoite forms and this work backs up and extends this finding to show that SPARK also controls this. The authors conclude that SPARK could act as a central node of regulation of the asexual stage, keeping parasites in their lytic cell growth and preventing differentiation. Whether this is true is beyond the scope of this paper and will have to be determined at a later date.

      Strengths:<br /> This is an exceptional body of work. It is elegantly performed, with state-of-the-art proteomic methodologies carefully being applied to Toxoplasma. Observations from the proteomic datasets are masterfully backed up with validation using quantitative molecular and cellular biology assays.

      The paper is carefully and concisely written and is not overreaching in its conclusions. This work and its analysis set a new benchmark for the use of proteomics and molecular genetics in apicomplexan parasites.

      Weaknesses:<br /> This reviewer did not identify any weaknesses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors previously demonstrated that species-specific variation in primate CD4 impacts its ability to serve as a functional receptor for diverse SIVs. Here, Warren and Barbachano-Guerrero et al. perform population genetics analyses and functional characterization of great ape CD4 with a particular focus on gorillas, which are natural hosts of SIVgor. They first used ancestral reconstruction to derive the ancestral hominin and hominid CD4. Using pseudotyped viruses representing a panel of envelopes from SIVcpz and HIV strains, they find that these ancestral reconstructions of CD4 are more similar to human CD4 in terms of being a broadly susceptible entry receptor (in the context of mediating entry into Cf2Th cells stably expressing human CCR5). In contrast, extant gorilla and chimpanzee CD4 are functional entry receptors for a narrower range of HIV and SIVcpz isolates. Based on these differences, authors next surveyed gorilla sequences and identified several CD4 haplotypes, specifically in the region encoding the CD4 D1 domain, which directly contacts the viral glycoprotein and thus may impact the interaction. Consistent with this possibility, the authors demonstrated that gorilla CD4 haplotypes are, on average, less capable of supporting entry than human CD4, and that some are largely unable to function as SIV entry receptors. Interestingly, individual residues found at key positions in the gorilla CD4 D1 when tested in the context of human CD4 reduce entry of some virions pseudotyped with diverse SIVcpz envelopes, suggesting that individual amino acids can in part explain the observed differences across gorilla CD4 haplotypes. Finally, the authors perform statistical tests to infer that CD4 from great apes with endemic SIV (i.e., chimpanzees and gorillas) but not non-reservoirs (i.e., orangutans, bonobos) or recent spillover hosts (i.e., humans), have been subject to selection as a result of pressure from endemic SIV.

      The conclusions of this paper are mostly well supported by data.

      Strengths:<br /> The functional assays are appropriate to test the stated hypothesis, and the authors use a broad diversity of envelopes from HIV and SIVcpz strains. The authors also partially characterize one potential mechanism of gorilla CD4 resistance - receptor glycosylation at the derived N15 found in 5/6 gorilla haplotypes.

      Ancestral reconstruction provides a particularly interesting aspect of the study, allowing authors to infer the ancestral state of hominid CD4 relative to modern CD4 from gorillas and chimpanzees. This, coupled with evidence supporting SIV-driven selection of gorilla CD4 diversity and the characterization of functional diversity of extant haplotypes provides several interesting findings.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The major inference of the work is that SIV infection of gorillas drove the observed diversity in gorilla CD4. This is supported by the majority of SNPs being localized to the CD4 D1, which directly interacts with the envelope, and the demonstrated functional consequences of that diversity for viral entry. However, SIVgor (to the best of my knowledge) only infects Western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and one Gorilla gorilla diehli and three Gorilla beringei graueri individuals were included in the haplotype and allele frequency analyses. The presence of these haplotypes or the presence of similar allele frequencies in Eastern lowland and mountain gorillas would impact this conclusion. It would be helpful for the authors to clarify this point.

      The authors appear to use a somewhat atypical approach to assess intra-population selection to compensate for relatively small numbers of NHP sequences (Fig. 6). However, they do not cite precedence for the robustness of the approach or the practice of grouping sequences from multiple species for the endemic vs other comparison. They also state in the methods that some genes encoded in the locus were removed from the analysis "because they have previously been shown to directly interact with a viral protein." This seems to undercut the analysis and prevents alternative explanations for the observed diversity in CD4 (e.g., passenger mutations from selection at a neighboring locus).

      Data in Figure 5 is graphed as % infected cells instead of virus titer (TDU/mL). It's unclear why this is the case, and prevents a comparison to data in Figure 2 and Figure 4.

      The lack of pseudotyping with SIVgor envelope is a surprising omission from this study, that would help to contextualize the findings. Similarly, building gorilla CD4 haplotype SNPs onto the hominin ancestor (as opposed to extant human CD4) may provide additional insights that are meaningful toward understanding the evolutionary trajectory of gorilla CD4.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Wang et al investigated the evolution, expression, and function of the X-linked miR-506 miRNA family. They showed that the miR-506 family underwent rapid evolution. They provided evidence that miR-506 appeared to have originated from the MER91C DNA transposons. Human MER91C transposon produced mature miRNAs when expressed in cultured cells. A series of mouse mutants lacking individual clusters, a combination of clusters, and the entire X-linked cluster (all 22 miRNAs) were generated and characterized. The mutant mice lacking four or more miRNA clusters showed reduced reproductive fitness (litter size reduction). They further showed that the sperm from these mutants were less competitive in polyandrous mating tests. RNA-seq revealed the impact of deletion of miR-506 on the testicular transcriptome. Bioinformatic analysis analyzed the relationship among miR-506 binding, transcriptomic changes, and target sequence conservation. The miR-506-deficient mice did not have apparent effect on sperm production, motility, and morphology. Lack of severe phenotypes is typical for miRNA mutants in other species as well. However, the miR-506-deficient males did exhibit reduced litter size, such an effect would have been quite significant in an evolutionary time scale. The number of mouse mutants and sequencing analysis represent a tour de force. This study is a comprehensive investigation of the X-linked miR-506 miRNA family. It provides important insights into the evolution and function of the miR-506 family.

      The conclusions of this preprint are mostly supported by the data except being noted below. Some descriptions need to be revised for accuracy.

      L219-L285: The conclusion that X-linked miR-506 family miRNAs are expanded via LINE1 retrotransposition is not supported by the data. LINE1s and SINEs are very abundant, accounting for nearly 30% of the genome. In addition, the LINE1 content of the mammalian X chromosome is twice that of the autosomes. One can easily find flanking LINE1/SINE repeat. Therefore, the analyses in Fig. 2G, Fig. 2H and Fig. S3 are not informative. In order to claim LINE1-mediated retrotransposition, it is necessary to show the hallmarks of LINE1 retrotransposition, which are only possible for new insertions. The X chromosome is known to be enriched for testis-specific multi-copy genes that are expressed in round spermatids (PMID: 18454149). The conclusion on the LINE1-mediated expansion of miR-506 family on the X chromosome is not supported by the data and does not add additional insights. I think that the LINE1 related figure panels and description (L219-L285) need to be deleted. In discussion (L557-558), "...and subsequently underwent sequence divergence via LINE1-mediated retrotransposition during evolution" should also be deleted. This section (L219-L285) needs to deal only with the origin of miR-506 from MER91C DNA transposons, which is both convincing and informative.

      Fig. 3A: can you speculate/discuss why the miR-506 expression in sperm is higher than in round spermatids?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The cohesin complex maintains sister chromatid cohesion from S phase to anaphase. Beyond that, DSBs trigger cohesin recruitment and post-replication cohesion at both damage sites and globally, which was originally reported in 2004. In their recent study, Ayra-Plasencia et al reported in telophase, DSBs are repaired via HR with re-coalesced sister chromatids (Ayra-Plasencia & Machín, 2019). In this study, they show that HR occurs in a Smc3-dependent way in late mitosis.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors take great advantage of the yeast system, they check the DSB processing and repair of a single DSB generated by HO endonuclease, which cuts the MAT locus in chromosome III. In combination with cell synchronization, they detect the HR repair during G2/M or late mitosis. and the cohesin subunit SMC3 is critical for this repair. Beyond that, full-length Scc1 protein can be recovered upon DSBs.

      Weaknesses:<br /> These new results basically support their proposal although with a very limited molecular mechanistic progression, especially compared with their recent work.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript reports that a combination of two small molecules, 2C (CHIR99027 and A-485) enabled to induce the dedifferentiation of hESC-derived cardiomyocytes (CMs) into regenerative cardiac cells (RCC). These RCCs had disassembled sarcomeric structures and elevated expression of embryonic cardiogenic genes such as ISL1, which exhibited proliferative potential and were able to differentiate into cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. Lineage tracing further suggested that RCCs originated from TNNT2+ cells, not pre-existing ISL1+ cells. Furthermore, 2C treatment increased the numbers of RCC cells in neonatal rat and adult mouse hearts and improved cardiac function post-MI in adult mice. Mechanistically, bulk RNA-seq analysis revealed that 2C led to elevated expression of embryonic cardiogenic genes while down-regulation of CM-specific genes. Single-cell RNA-seq data showed that 2C promoted cardiomyocyte transition into an intermediate state that is marked with ACTA2 and COL1A1, which subsequently transformed into RCCs. Finally, ChIP-seq analysis demonstrated that CHIR99027 enhanced H3K9Ac and H3K27Ac modifications in embryonic cardiac genes, while A-485 inhibited these modifications in cardiac-specific genes. These combined alterations effectively induced the dedifferentiation of cardiomyocytes into RCCs.


      Overall, this work is quite comprehensive and is logically and rigorously designed. The phenotypic and functional data on 2C are strong.


      The mechanistic insights of 2C are primarily derived from transcriptomic and genomic datasets without experimental verification.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript authored by Stockner and colleagues delves into the molecular simulations of Na+ binding pathway and the ionic interactions at the two known sodium binding sites site 1 and site 2. They further identify a patch of two acidic residues in TM6 that seemingly populate the Na+ ions prior to entry into the vestibule. These results highlight the importance of studying the ion-entry pathways through computational approaches and the authors also validate some of their findings through experimental work. They observe that sodium site 1 binding is stabilized by the presence of the substrate in the s1 site and this is particularly vital as the GABA carboxylate is involved in coordinating the Na+ ion unlike other monoamine transporters and binding of sodium to the Na2 site stabilizes the conformation of the GAT1 by reducing flexibility among the helical bundles involved in alternating access.

      Strengths:<br /> The study displays results that are generally consistent with available information from experiments on SLC6 transporters particularly GAT1 and puts forth the importance of this added patch of residues in the extracellular vestibule that could be of importance to the ion permeation in SLC6 transporters. This is a nicely performed study and could be improved if the authors could comment on and fix the following queries.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. How conserved are the residue pair of D281-E283 in other SLC6 transporters. The authors commented on the presence of these residues in SERT but it would be nice to know how widespread these residues are in other SLC6 transporters like NET, GlyT, and DAT.

      2. Further, one would like to see the effect of individual mutations D281A and E283A on transport, surface expression, and EC50 of Na+ to gauge the effect on transport.

      3. A clear figure of the S1 site where Na+ tends to stay prior to Na1 site interactions needs to be provided with a clear figure. Further, it is not entirely clear how access to S1 is altered if the transporter is in an outward-occluded conformation if F294 is blocking solvent access. Please comment.

      4. The p-value of the EC50 differences between GAT1WT and GAT1double mutant need to be mentioned. The difference in sodium dependence EC50 seems less than twofold and it would be useful to mention how critical the role of the recruitment site is. Since the transport is not affected the site could play a transient role in attracting ions.

      5. It would be very nice to know how K+ ions are attracted by this recruitment site. This could further act as a control simulation to test the preference for Na+ ions among SLC6 members.

      6. Some of the important figures are not very clear. For instance, there should be a zoomed-in view of the recruitment site. The current one in Fig. 1b and 1c could be made clearer. Similarly as mentioned earlier the Na residence at the S1 site away from the Na1 and Na2 sites needs to be shown with greater clarity by putting side chain information in Fig. 6d.

      7. The structural features that comprise the two principle components PC1 and PC2 should be described in greater detail.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Bendzunas, Byrne et al. explore two highly topical areas of protein kinase regulation in this manuscript. Firstly, the idea that Cys modification could regulate kinase activity. The senior authors have published some standout papers exploring this idea of late, and the current work adds to the picture of how active site Cys might have been favoured in evolution to serve critical regulatory functions. Second, BRSK1/2 are understudied kinases listed as part of the "dark kinome" so any knowledge of their underlying regulation is of critical importance to advancing the field.

      Strengths:<br /> In this study, the author pinpoints highly-conserved, but BRSK-specific, Cys residues as key players in kinase regulation. There is a delicate balance between equating what happens in vitro with recombinant proteins relative to what the functional consequence of Cys mutation might be in cells or organisms, but the authors are very clear with the caveats relating to these connections in their descriptions and discussion. Accordingly, by extension, they present a very sound biochemical case for how Cys modification might influence kinase activity in cellular environs.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I have very few critiques for this study, and my major points are barely major.

      Major points<br /> 1. My sense is that the influence of Cys mutation on dimerization is going to be one of the first queries readers consider as they read the work. It would be, in my opinion, useful to bring forward the dimer section in the manuscript.

      2. Relatedly, the effect of Cys mutation on the dimerization properties of preparations of recombinant protein is not very clear as it stands. Some SEC traces would be helpful; these could be included in the supplement.

      3. Is there any knowledge of Cys mutants in disease for BRSK1/2?

      4. In bar charts, I'd recommend plotting data points. Plus it is crucial to report in the legend what error measure is shown, the number of replicates, and the statistical method used in any tests.

      5. In Figure 5b, the GAPDH loading control doesn't look quite right.

      6. In Figure 7 there is no indication of what mode of detection was used for these gels.

      9. Recombinant proteins - more detail should be included on how they were prepared. Was there a reducing agent present during purification? Where did they elute off SEC... consistent with a monomer of higher order species?

    1. Joint Public Review:

      This article is a direct follow-up to the paper published last year in eLife by the same group. In the previous article, the authors discovered a zinc finger protein, Kipferl, capable of guiding the HP1 protein Rhino towards certain genomic regions enriched in GRGGN motifs and packaged in heterochromatin marked by H3K9me3. Unlike other HP1 proteins, Rhino recruitment activates the transcription of heterochromatic regions, which are then converted into piRNA source loci. The molecular mechanism by which Kipferl interacts specifically with Rhino (via its chromodomain) and not with other HP1 proteins remained enigmatic.

      In this latest article, the authors go a step further by elucidating the molecular mechanisms important for the specific interaction of Rhino and not other HP1 proteins with Kipferl. A phylogenetic study carried out between the HP1 proteins of 5 Drosophila species led them to study the importance of an AA Glycine at position 31 located in the Rhino chromodomain, an AA different from the AA (aspartic acid) found at the same position in the other HP1 proteins. The authors then demonstrate, through a series of structure predictions, biochemical, and genetic experiments, that this specific AA in the Rhino-specific chromodomain explains the difference in the chromatin binding pattern between Rhino and the other Drosophila HP1 proteins. Importantly, the G31D conversion of the Rhino protein prevents interaction between Rhino and Kipferl, phenocopying a Kipfer mutant.


      The authors' effective use of phylogenetic analyses and protein structure predictions to identify a substitution in the chromodomain that allows Rhino's specific interaction with Kipferl is very elegant. Both genetic and biochemical approaches are applied to rigorously probe the proposed explanation. They used a point mutation in the endogenous locus that replaces the Rhino-specific residue with the aspartic acid residue present in all other HP1 family members. This novel allele largely phenocopies the defects in hatch rate, chromatin organization, and piRNA production associated with kipferl mutants, and does not support Kipferl localization to clusters. The data are of high quality, the presentation is clear and concise, and the conclusions are generally well-supported.


      The reviewers identified potential ways to further strengthen the manuscript.

      1) The one significant omission is RNAseq on the rhino point mutant, which would allow direct comparison to cluster, transposon, and repeat expression in kipferl mutants.

      2) The manuscript would benefit from adding more evolutionary comparisons. The following or similar analyses would help put the finding into a broader evolutionary perspective: i) Is Kipferl's surface interacting with Rhino also conserved in Kipferl orthologs? In other words, are the Rhino-interacting amino acids of Kipferl under any pressure to be conserved? ii) The remarkable conservation of Rhino's G31 is at odds with the arms race that is proposed to be happening between the fly's piRNA pathway proteins and transposons. Does this mean that Rhino's chromodomain is "untouchable" for such positive selection?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      My main concern is the use of the 700K SNP dataset. This set of SNPs suffers from a heavy ascertainment bias, which can be seen in the PCA in the supplementary material where all the aurochs cluster in the center within the variation of cattle. Given the coverage of some of the samples, multiple individuals would have less than 10K SNP covered. The majority of these are unlikely to be informative here given that they would just represent fixed positions between taurine and indicine or SNPs mostly variable in milk cattle breeds. The authors would get a much better resolution (i.e. many more SNPs to work with their very low genome coverage data) using the 1000 bull genome project VCF data set: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena/browser/view/PRJEB42783 which based on whole genome resequencing data from many cattle. This will certainly help with improving the resolution of qpAdm and f4 analysis, which have huge confidence intervals in most cases. Right now some individuals have huge confidence intervals ranging from 0 to 80% auroch ancestry...

      I agree with the authors that qpAdm is likely to give quite a noisy estimate of ancestry here (likely explain part of the issue I mentioned above). Although qpAdm is good for model testing here for ancestry proportion the authors instead could use an explicit f4 ratio - this would allow them to specify a model which would make the result easier to interpret.

      The interpretation of the different levels of allele sharing on X vs autosome being the result of sex-bias admixture is not very convincing. Could these differences simply be due to a low recombination rate on the X chromosome and/or lower effective population size, which would lead to less efficient purifying selection?

      The authors suggest that 2 pop model rejection in some domestic population might be due to indicine ancestry, this seems relatively straightforward to test.

      The first sentence of the paper is a bit long-winded, also dogs were domesticated before the emergence of farming societies.

      It would be good to be specific about the number of genomes and coverage info in the last paragraph of the intro.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Doxorubincin has long been known to cause bone loss by increasing osteoclast and suppressing osteoblast activities. The study by Wang et al. reports a comprehensive investigation into the off-target effects of doxorubicin on bone tissues and potential mechanisms. They used a tumor-free model with wild-type mice and found that even a single dose of doxorubicin has a major influence by increasing leukopenia, DAMPs, and inflammasomes in macrophages and neutrophils, and inflammation-related cell death (pyroptosis and NETosis). The gene knockout study shows that AIM2 and NLRP3 are the major contributors to bone loss. Overall, the study confirmed previous findings regarding the impact of doxorubicin on tissue inflammation and expanded the research further into bone tissue. The presented data are consistent; however, a major question remains regarding whether doxorubicin drives inflammation and its related events. Most in vitro studies showed that the effect of doxorubincin cannot be demonstrated without LPS priming. This observation raises the question of whether doxorubincin itself could activate the inflammasome and the related events. In vivo study, on the other hand, suggested that it doesn't require LPS. The inconsistency here was not explained further. Moreover, a tumor-free mouse model was used for the study; however, immune responses in tumor-bearing models would likely be distinct from tumor-free ones. The justification for using tumor-free models is not well-established.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper includes a comprehensive study that shows the effects of doxorubincin on cytokine levels in serum, the release of DAMPs and NETosis, and leukopenia using both in vivo and in vitro models. Bone marrow cells, macrophages, and neutrophils were isolated from the bone marrow, and the levels of cytokines in serum were also determined.

      They employed multiple knockout models with a deficiency in Aim 2, Nlirp3, and double deficiencies to dissect the functional involvement of these two inflammasomes.

      The experiments in general are well designed. The paper is also logically written, and the figures were clearly labeled.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Most of the data presented are correlative, and there is not much effort to dissect the underlying molecular mechanism.

      It is not entirely clear why a tumor-free model is chosen to study immune responses, as immune responses can differ significantly with or without tumor-bearing.

      Immune responses in isolated macrophages, neutrophils, and bone marrow cells require priming with LPS, while such responses are not observed in vivo. There is no explanation for these differences.

      The band intensities on Western blots in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 are not quantified, and the numbers of repeats are also not provided.

      Many abbreviations are used throughout the text, and some of the full names are not provided.

      Fig. 5B needs a label on the X axis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary and strengths:

      This is an interesting, timely and informative article. The authors used publicly available data (made available by a funding agency) to examine some of the academic characteristics of the individuals recipients of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) k99/R00 award program during the entire history of this funding mechanism (17 years, total ~ 4 billion US dollars (annual investment of ~230 million USD)). The analysis focuses on the pedigree and the NIH funding portfolio of the institutions hosting the k99 awardees as postdoctoral researchers and the institutions hiring these individuals. The authors also analyze the data by gender, by whether the R00 portion of the awards eventually gets activated and based on whether the awardees stayed/were hired as faculty at their k99 (postdoctoral) host institution or moved elsewhere. The authors further sought to examine the rates of funding for those in systematically marginalized groups by analyzing the patterns of receiving k99 awards and hiring k99 awardees at historically black colleges and universities.

      The goals and analysis are reasonable and the limitations of the data are described adequately. It is worth noting that some of the observed funding and hiring traits are in line with the Matthew effect in science (Merton, 1968: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.159.3810.56) and in science funding (Bol et al., 2018: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1719557115). Overall, the article is a valuable addition to the research culture literature examining the academic funding and hiring traits in the United States. The findings can provide further insights for the leadership at funding and hiring institutions and science policy makers for individual and large-scale improvements that can benefit the scientific community.


      The authors have addressed my recommendations in the previous review round in a satisfactory way.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript deftly combines cryo-EM and electrophysiology to investigate gating mechanisms of human CLC-2. Although another structure of CLC-2 was recently reported, this is the first structure to report density for the absolutely critical gating glutamate, and - an even more exciting result - the first structure to identify the N-terminal gating peptide that is the heart of this manuscript. There has been previous controversy over such a gating peptide in CLC-2, but the combined structural/functional approach appears to establish a role for this peptide in gating, and sets up future experiments to understand why its effects might change under different physiological scenarios. The experiments reported here are thoughtful and well-controlled and the data presentation is excellent. For the electrophysiology experiments, the use of inhibitor AK-42 (developed by the current senior author's lab) to establish a zero current level is a welcome advance and should become standard for electrophysiological studies of CLC-2.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the best genetically and biochemically understood model of eukaryotic DNA replication, the budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the genomic locations at which DNA replication initiates are determined by a specific sequence motif. These motifs, or ARS elements, are bound by the origin recognition complex (ORC). ORC is required for loading of the initially inactive MCM helicase during origin licensing in G1. In human cells, ORC does not have a specific sequence binding domain and origin specification is not specified by a defined motif. There have thus been great efforts over many years to try to understand the determinants of DNA replication initiation in human cells using a variety of approaches, which have gradually become more refined over time.

      In this manuscript Tian et al. combine data from multiple previous studies using a range of techniques for identifying sites of replication initiation to identify conserved features of replication origins and to examine the relationship between origins and sites of ORC binding in the human genome. The authors identify a) conserved features of replication origins e.g. association with GC-rich sequences, open chromatin, promoters and CTCF binding sites. These associations have already been described in multiple earlier studies. They also examine the relationship of their determined origins and ORC binding sites and conclude that there is no relationship between sites of ORC binding and DNA replication initiation. While the conclusions concerning genomic features of origins are not novel, if true, a clear lack of colocalization of ORC and origins would be a striking finding. However, the majority of the datasets used do not report replication origins, but rather broad zones in which replication origins fire. Rather than refining the localisation of origins, the approach of combining diverse methods that monitor different objects related to DNA replication leads to a base dataset that is highly flawed and cannot support the conclusions that are drawn, as explained in more detail below.

      Methods to determine sites at which DNA replication is initiated can be divided into two groups based on the genomic resolution at which they operate. Techniques such as bubble-seq, ok-seq can localise zones of replication initiation in the range ~50kb. Such zones may contain many replication origins. Conversely, techniques such as SNS-seq and ini-seq can localise replication origins down to less than 1kb. Indeed, the application of these different approaches has led to a degree of controversy in the field about whether human replication does indeed initiate at discrete sites (origins), or whether it initiates randomly in large zones with no recurrent sites being used. However, more recent work has shown that elements of both models are correct i.e. there are recurrent and efficient sites of replication initiation in the human genome, but these tend to be clustered and correspond to the demonstrated initiation zones (Guilbaud et al., 2022).

      These different scales and methodologies are important when considering the approach of Tian et al. The premise that combining all available data from five techniques will increase accuracy and confidence in identifying the most important origins is flawed for two principal reasons. First, as noted above, of the different techniques combined in this manuscript, only SNS-seq can actually identify origins rather than initiation zones. It is the former that matters when comparing sites of ORC binding with replication origin sites, if a conclusion is to be drawn that the two do not co-localise.

      Second, the authors give equal weight to all datasets. Certainly, in the case of SNS-seq, this is not appropriate. The technique has evolved over the years and some earlier versions have significantly different technical designs that may impact the reliability and/or resolution of the results e.g. in Foulk et al. (Foulk et al., 2015), lambda exonuclease was added to single stranded DNA from a total genomic preparation rather than purified nascent strands), which may lead to significantly different digestion patterns (ie underdigestion). Curiously, the authors do not make the best use of the largest SNS-seq dataset (Akerman et al., 2020) by ignoring these authors separation of core and stochastic origins. By blending all data together any separation of signal and noise is lost. Further, I am surprised that the authors have chosen not to use data and analysis from a recent study that provides subsets of the most highly used and efficient origins in the human genome, at high resolution (Guilbaud et al., 2022).


      Akerman I, Kasaai B, Bazarova A, Sang PB, Peiffer I, Artufel M, Derelle R, Smith G, Rodriguez-Martinez M, Romano M, Kinet S, Tino P, Theillet C, Taylor N, Ballester B, Méchali M (2020) A predictable conserved DNA base composition signature defines human core DNA replication origins. Nat Commun, 11: 4826

      Foulk MS, Urban JM, Casella C, Gerbi SA (2015) Characterizing and controlling intrinsic biases of lambda exonuclease in nascent strand sequencing reveals phasing between nucleosomes and G-quadruplex motifs around a subset of human replication origins. Genome Res, 25: 725-735

      Guilbaud G, Murat P, Wilkes HS, Lerner LK, Sale JE, Krude T (2022) Determination of human DNA replication origin position and efficiency reveals principles of initiation zone organisation. Nucleic Acids Res, 50: 7436-7450

      Update in response to authors' comments on the original review:

      While the authors have clarified their approach to some aspects of their analysis, I believe they and I are just going to have to disagree about the methodology and conclusions of this work. I do not find the authors responses sufficiently compelling to change my mind about the significance of the study or veracity of the conclusions. In my opinion, the method for identification of strong origins is not robust and of insufficient resolution. In addition, the resolution and the overlap of the MCM Chip-seq datasets is poor. While the conclusion of the paper would indeed be striking and surprising if true, I am not at all persuaded that it is based on the presented data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The mutation rate and spectrum have been found to differ between populations as well as across individuals within the same population. Hypothesizing that some of the observed variation has a genetic basis, the authors of this paper have made important contributions in the past few years in identifying genetic variants that modify mutation rate or spectrum in natural populations. This paper makes one significant step further by developing a new method for mapping genetic variants associated with the mutation spectrum, which reveals new biological insights.

      Using traditional quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping in the BXD mouse recombinant inbred lines (RILs), the authors of this paper previously identified a genetic locus associated with C>A mutation rate. However, this approach has limited power, as it suffers from multiple testing burden as well as noise in the "observed mutation spectrum phenotype" due to rarity and randomness of mutation events. To overcome these limitations, the authors developed a new method that they named "aggregate mutation spectrum distance" (AMSD), which in short measures the difference in the aggregate mutation spectrum between two groups of individuals with distinct genotypes at a specific genomic locus. With this new approach, they recover the previously reported candidate mutator locus (near Mutyh gene) and identify a new candidate locus that modifies the C>A mutation rate on only the mutator allele genetic background at the Mutyh locus. Using more rigorous statistical testing, the authors show convincingly synergistic epistatic effects between the mutator alleles at the two loci.

      Overall, the analyses presented are well done and provide convincing evidence for the major findings, including the new candidate mutator locus and its epistatic interaction with the Mutyh locus. The new AMSD method introduced is innovative and outperforms traditional QTL mapping under most conditions, as demonstrated by extensive simulations. I identify no major issues with this paper and think it is very well written.

      One of the major advantages of the AMSD method over QTL mapping is alleviation of the multiple testing burden, as one comparison tests for any changes in the mutation spectrum, including simultaneous, small changes in the relative abundance of multiple mutation types. The flip side of this advantage of AMSD is that, when a significant association is detected, it is not immediately clear which mutation type is driving the signal. To narrow the signal to specific candidate mutation type(s), additional analyses are needed, such as testing for differential proportions of each mutation type between individuals with or without the candidate mutator allele. However, such analysis may be less powerful when the mutator allele leads to small changes in the relative abundance of multiple mutation types. This will be an area of improvement for future studies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is an interesting study by Pinos and colleagues that examines the effect of beta carotene on atherosclerosis regression. The authors have previously shown that beta carotene reduces atherosclerosis progress and hepatic lipid metabolism, and now they seek to extend these findings by feeding mice a diet with excess beta carotene in a model of atherosclerosis regression (LDLR antisense oligo plus Western diet followed by LDLR sense oligo and chow diet). They show some metrics of lesion regression are increased upon beta carotene feeding (collagen content) while others remain equal to normal chow diet (macrophage content and lesion size). These effects are lost when beta carotene oxidase (BCO) is deleted. The study adds to the existing literature that beta carotene protects from atherosclerosis in general, and adds new information regarding regulatory T-cells. However, the study does not present significant evidence about how beta-carotene is affecting T-cells in atherosclerosis. For the most part, the conclusions are supported by the data presented, and the work is completed in multiple models, supporting its robustness. However there are a few areas that require additional information or evidence to support their conclusions and/or to align with the previously published work.

      Specific additional areas of focus for the authors:<br /> The premise of the story is that b-carotene is converted into retinoic acid, which acts as a ligand of the ROR transcription factor in T-regs. The authors measure hepatic markers of retinoic acid signaling (retinyl esters, Cyp26a1 expression) but none of these are measured in the lesion, which calls into question the conclusion that Tregs in the lesion are responsible for the regression observed with b-carotene supplementation.

      There does not appear to be a strong effect of Tregs on the b-carotene induced pro-regression phenotype presented in Figure 5. The only major CD25+ cell dependent b-carotene effect is on collagen content, which matches with the findings in Figure 1 +2. This mechanistically might be very interesting and novel, yet the authors do not investigate this further or add any additional detail regarding this observation. This would greatly strengthen the study and the novelty of the findings overall as it relates to b-carotene and atherosclerosis.

      The title indicates that beta-carotene induces Treg 'expansion' in the lesion, but this is not measured in the study.

      Revised manuscript:<br /> In the revised manuscript, the authors provide quantification of an RA-responsive gene in the plaque as evidence that RA signalling is indeed elevated upon b-carotene supplementation. It is not reduced upon blocking CD25 (Tregs) which implies that other cells in addition to Tregs are impacted by b-carotene supplementation that favourably remodels the plaque. The authors properly account for this by tempering their conclusions and recognize that Tregs are only partially responsible for the plaque phenotype upon b-carotene supplementation.

      The authors chose not to further investigate why b-carotene impacted collagen production, instead including a discussion point. In this reviewer's opinion, it is a missed opportunity but hopefully something that can be investigated further by others.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors demonstrate that the immunosuppressive environment in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) can be mitigated by a combination of ionizing radiation (IR), CCR5 inhibition, and PD1 blockade. This combination therapy increases tissue-resident natural killer (trNK) cells that facilitate CD8 T cell activity, resulting in a reduction of E-cadherin positive tumor cells. They identify a specific "hypofunctional" NK cell population in both mouse and human PDAC that supports CD8 T cell involvement. A trNK signature is found to be associated with better survival outcomes in PDAC and other solid tumors.


      Overall, I think this is an interesting study that combines testing of therapeutic concepts in mice with bioinformatics analysis of single-cell transcriptome data in primary tumors and exploration of clinical outcomes using signature genes in TCGA data. The key finding is that immunoregulatory properties of tumor-infiltrating/resident CD56-bright NK cells (assumed to be non-cytotoxic) are beneficial for outcome through cross-talk with DC and recruitment of CD8 T cells. The latter is specifically induced by irradiation combined with CCR5i and PD1 blockade.

      "These results collectively support the notion that IR/CCR5i/αPD1 combination treatment alters immune infiltration by reducing Tregs and increasing NK and CD8 T cells, thereby resulting in greater local tumor control." I agree with this conclusion.


      There are a few points to discuss and that the authors may want to address.

      1) "Notably, CCR5i significantly reduced Treg infiltration but had no effect on the infiltration of other immune cells, indicating the active recruitment of CCR5+ Tregs in PDAC (Figure 2B)."<br /> CCR5i treatment seems to inhibit infiltration of CD8 T cells and NK cells to a greater extent, in relative terms, compared to Treg, albeit it is not statistically significant. If this visual inspection of the graph does not reflect reality, additional experiments may be needed to verify the selective targeting of Tregs or confirm the fact that also CD8 T cells and NK cells are affected by single agent CCR5i. The reduced recruitment of Treg, NK cells, and CD8T cells was completely reversed when combined with irradiation. In the data shown in Figure 3E it seems as if CCR5i induced infiltration of Tregs along with other immune cells. However, this said, I agree with the conclusion of the authors that this combined treatment leads to an altered immune composition and ratio between Tregs and effector cells (CD8T cells and NK cells). Could this altered composition be displayed more clearly?

      2) The definition of active and hypofunctional NK cells based on solely NKG2D expression alone seems like an oversimplification. I realize it is not trivial to test tumor-infiltrating NK cells from these tumors functionally but perhaps scRNAseq of the tumors would allow for characterization of cytotoxicity scores using KEGG or GO analysis or reversed gene set enrichment in responders/non-responders. It seems as if the abstract refers to this phenotype incorrectly since the "hyporesponsive" subset is described as NKG2C-negative.

      3) "The NK_C1 cluster correlates best with the hypofunction NK phenotype observed in mice as similarly displayed reduced activation (reduced NKG7, NKp80, GZMA, and PRF1) with additional expression of tissue residency markers CD103, CD49a and, surprisingly, the adaptive activating receptor NKG2C (KLRC2) (Figure 5B, C)."

      There is no doubt that NK_C1 represents tumor-infiltrating NK cells with a CD56bright gene signature with a strong tissue resident score. However, the transcriptional expression of KLRC2 on these is not surprising! It is well established that KLRC2 transcripts (but not protein) are highly expressed on conventional CD56bright NK cells. There are several published sources where the authors can find such data for confirmation. Thus, this is not to be confused with adaptive NK cells having an entirely different transcriptional signature and expressing high levels of NKG2C at the cell surface. I strongly recommend re-interpreting the results based on the fact that KLRC2 is expressed at high levels in conventional CD56bright NK cells. If not, it would be important to verify that these tissue-resident NK cells express NKG2C and not NKG2A at the cell surface.

      4) NCAM1 transcript alone is not sufficient to deconvolute CD56bright NK cells in TCGA data (Figure 7A). As a single marker, it likely reflects NK cell infiltration without providing further evidence on the contribution of the bright/dim components. Therefore, the use of the bright Tr NK signature described in Table 1 is very important (Figure 7B). Table 1 is not provided. Nor Supplementary Table 1. There is only one supplementary figure in the ppt attached.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):


      The study demonstrates that deletion of a small cytoplasmic membrane protein, Tmem263, caused severe impairment of longitudinal bone growth and that the impaired bone growth was caused by suppression of expression and/or protein levels of growth hormone receptor in the liver.


      The experimental design of the study is sound and the results are in general of supportive of the conclusions.


      The study lacks mechanistic investigation into how the deletion of a gene corresponding to a small cytoplasmic membrane protein would lead to substantial reduction in the gene expression of growth hormone receptor, which takes place in the nuclei. Accordingly, the manuscript is of largely descriptive nature.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> Developing vaccination capable of inducing persistent antibody responses capable of broadly neutralizing HIV strains is of high importance. However, our ability to design vaccines to achieve this is limited by our relative lack of understanding of the role of T-follicular helper (Tfh) subtypes in the responses. In this report Verma et al investigate the effects of different prime and boost vaccination strategies to induce skewed Tfh responses and its relationship to antibody levels. They initially find that live-attenuated measles vaccine, known to be effective at inducing prolonged antibody responses has a significant minority of germinal center Tfh (GC-Tfh) with a Th1 phenotype (GC-Tfh1) and then explore whether a prime and boost vaccination strategy designed to induce GC-Tfh1 is effective in the context of anti-HIV vaccination. They demonstrate that a vaccine formulation referred to as MPLA induces higher GC-Tfh1 and link this to increased antibody production.

      Strengths:<br /> While there is a lot of literature on Tfh subtypes in blood, how this related to the germinal centers is not always clear. The strength of this paper is that they use a relevant model to allow some longitudinal insight into the detailed events of the germinal center Tfh (GC-Tfh) compartment across time and how this related to antibody production.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors focus strongly on the proportion of GC-Tfh1 of GC-Tfh. There seems to be an assumption that since the MPLA vaccine has a higher number of GC-Tfh1 that this explains the higher levels of antibodies. This is not an entirely unreasonable assumption but the mechanistic link between the two is never tested.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors isolated a novel marine Planctomycetes bacterium with unique characteristics using a budding mode of division from the deep-sea cold seep sediment and named it Poriferisphaera heterotrophicis ZRK32. This work demonstrated that strain ZRK32 preferred nutrient-rich medium, moreover, the addition of nitrate or ammonia promoted the growth of strain ZRK32 and further caused the release of bacteriophage without killing the host. These results are interesting, well presented and documented in the revised manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this article, Vardakalis et al. propose a novel model of hippocampal oscillations whereby an external input (emulating the medial septum) can drive theta rhythms. This model displays phase-amplitude coupling of gamma oscillations, as well as theta resetting, which are known features of physiological theta that have been missing in previous models. The end goal proposed by the authors is to have a framework to explore the mechanisms of neurostimulation, which have shown promising applications in pathological conditions, but for which the underlying dynamics remain largely unknown. To reach this objective, the authors implement an existing biophysical model of the hippocampus that is able to generate gamma oscillations, and receives inputs from a set of Kuramoto oscillators to emulate theta drive originating from the medial septum.

      Overall, the hypotheses and results are clearly presented and supported by high quality figures. The study is presented in a didactic way, making it easy for a broad audience to understand the significance of the results. The study does present some weaknesses that could easily be addressed by the authors. First, there are some anatomical inaccuracies: line 129 and fig1C, the authors omit medial septum projections to area CA1 (in addition to the entorhinal cortex). Moreover, in addition to CA1, CA3 also provides monosynaptic feedback projections to the medial septum CA3. Finally, an indirect projection from CA1/3 excitatory neurons to the lateral septum, which in turn sends inhibitory projections to the medial septum could be included or mentioned by the authors. This could be of particular relevance to support claims related to effects of neurostimulations, whereby minutious implementation of anatomical data could be key. If not updating their model, the authors could add this point to their limitation section, where they already do a good job of mentioning some limitations of using the EC as a sole oscillatory input to CA1. The authors test conditions of low theta inputs, which they liken to pathological states (line 112). It is not clear what pathology the authors are referring to, especially since a large amount of 'oscillopathies' in the septohippocampal system are associated with decreased gamma/PAC, but not theta oscillations (e.g. Alzheimer's disease conditions). While relevant for the clinical field, there is overall a missed opportunity to explain many experimental accounts with this novel model. Although to this day, clinical use of DBS is mostly restricted to electrical (and thus cell-type agnostic) stimulation, recent studies focusing on mechanisms of neurostimulations have manipulated specific subtypes in the medial septum and observed effects on hippocampal oscillations (e.g. see Muller & Remy, 2017 for review). Focusing stimulations in CA1 is of course relevant for clinical studies but testing mechanistic hypotheses by focusing stimulation on specific cell types could be highly informative. For instance, could the author reproduce recent optogenetic studies (e.g. Bender et al. 2015 for stimulation of fornix fibers; Etter et al., 2019 & Zutshi et al. 2018 for stimulation of septal inhibitory neurons)? Cell specific manipulations should at least be discussed by the authors.

      Beyond these weaknesses, this study has a strong utility for researchers wanting to explore hypotheses in the field of neurostimulations. In particular, I see value in such models for exploring more intricate, phase specific effects of continuous, as well as close loop stimulations which are on the rise in systems neuroscience.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In recent years, Auxin treatment is frequently used for inducing targeted protein degradation in Drosophila and various other organisms. This approach provides the way to acutely alter the levels of specific proteins. In this manuscript, the authors carefully examine the impact of Auxin treatment and provide strong evidence that Auxin treatment elicits alterations in feeding activity, survival rates, lipid metabolism, and gene expression patterns. Researchers need to be aware of these effects to design experiment/controls and interpret their data.

      Strengths:<br /> Regarding widespread usage of Auxin mediated gene manipulation method, it is important to address whether the application of Auxin itself causes any physiological changes. Authors provide evidence of several Auxin effects on lipid metabolism, feeding behavior and gene expression changes. Experiments are suitably designed with appropriate sample size, data analysis methods.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Data shown here are limited for certain method of treatment. No time course, dose dependency information is provided, and cell-type-specific responses are unknown. Therefore, this work basically provides the cautionary note for the field for researchers who use this method suggesting the importance that they should thoroughly check the gene expression pattern for their specific tissue of interest under their normal standard or altered food conditions.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      In this work, Xie et al. developed SCA-seq, which is a multiOME mapping method that can obtain chromatin accessibility, methylation, and 3D genome information at the same time. SCA-seq first uses M.CviPI DNA methyltransferase to treat chromatin, then perform proximity ligation followed by long-read sequencing. This method is highly relevant to a few previously reported long read sequencing technologies. Specifically, NanoNome, SMAC-seq, and Fiber-seq have been reported to use m6A or GpC methyltransferase accessibility to map open chromatin, or open chromatin together with CpG methylation; Pore-C and MC-3C have been reported to use long read sequencing to map multiplex chromatin interactions, or together with CpG methylation. Therefore, as a combination of NanoNome/SMAC-seq/Fiber-seq and Pore-C/MC-3C, SCA-seq is one step forward. The authors tested SCA-seq in 293T cells and performed benchmark analyses testing the performance of SCA-seq in generating each data module (open chromatin and 3D genome). The QC metrics appear to be good and I am convinced that this is a valuable addition to the toolsets of multi-OMIC long-read sequencing mapping.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This research article by Watabe T and colleagues characterizes PKA waves triggered by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). What the author discovered is that waves of PKA occur both in vitro, in MDCK epithelial monolayers, and in vivo, in the ear epidermis in mice. The PKA waves are the consequence PGE2 discharge, that in turn is triggered by Calcium bursts. Calcium level and ERK activity intensity control that mechanism by acting at different levels.<br /> This article is a technological tour de force using different biosensors and optogenetic actuators. However, what makes this article interesting is the ability of combining these tools together to dissect a complex signaling pathway at the single-cell level and with highly dynamic processes. For this reason, this paper represents the essence of modern cell biology and paves the way for the cell biology of the future.

      However, we think that the paper in this stage is still partly descriptive in its nature, and more measurements are needed to increase the strength of the mechanistic insights. Here below the points that we believe that need some improvement.

      1)Even though the phenomenon of PGE2 signal propagation is elegantly demonstrated and well described, the whole paper is mostly of descriptive nature - the PGE2 signal is propagated via intercellular communication and requires Ca transients as well as MAPK activity, however function of these RSPAs in dense epithelium is not taken into consideration.<br /> What is the function of these RSPAs in cellular crowding? - Does it promote cell survival or initiate apoptosis? Does it feed into epithelial reorganization during cellular crowding? Still something else? The authors discuss possible roles of this phenomenon in cell competition context, but show no experimental or statistical efforts to answer this question. I believe some additional analysis or simple experiment would help to shed some light on the functional aspect of RSPAs and increase the importance of all the elegant demonstrations and precise experimental setups that the manuscript is rich of. Monolayer experiments using some perturbations that challenge the steady state of epithelial homeostasis - drug treatments/ serum deprivation/ osmotic stress/ combined with live cell imaging and statistical methods that take into account local cell density might provide important answers to these questions. The authors could consider following some of these ideas to improve the overall value of the manuscript.

      2) In the line 82-84 the authors claim: "We found that the pattern of cAMP concentration change is very similar to the activity change of PKA, indicating that a Gs protein-coupled receptor (GsPCR) mediates RSPA". In our opinion, this conclusion is not well-supported by the results. The authors should at least show that some measurement of the two patterns show correlation. Are the patterns of cAMP of the same size as the pattern of PKA? Do they have the same size depending on cell density? Do they occur at the same frequency as the PKA patterns, depending on the cell density? Do they have an all or nothing activation as PKA or their activation is shading with the distance from the source?

      3) In general, the absolute radius of the waves is not a good measurement for single-cell biology studies, especially when comparing different densities or in vivo vs in vitro experiments. We suggest the authors to add the measurement of the number of the cells involved in the waves (or the radius expressed in number of cells).

      4) In 6D, the authors should also show the single-cell trajectories to understand better the correlation between PKA and ERK peaks. Is the huger variability in ERK activity ratio dues to different peak time or different ERK activity levels in different cells? The authors should show both the variability in the time and intensity.

      5) In lines 130-132, the authors write, "This observation indicates that the amount of PGE2 secretion is predetermined and that there is a threshold of the cytoplasmic calcium concentration for the triggered PGE2 secretion". How could the author exclude that the amount of PGE2 is not regulated in its intensity as well? For sure, there is a threshold effect regarding calcium, but this doesn't mean that PGE2 secretion can be further regulated, e.g. by further increasing calcium concentration or by other mechanisms.

      6) The manuscript shows that not all calcium transients are followed by RSPAs. Does the local cell density/crowding increase the probability of overlap between calcium transients and RSPAs?

      The revision of the Watabe T paper provides additional data and analyses in response to the reviewers' comments. On our side, we are satisfied by these improvements.<br /> In the answer to our first question, the authors claim that they did multiple experiments to understand the function of RSPA in MDCK cell, all providing negative results. The authors could consider publishing the negative results as well, as they can be useful for the community.

      In sum, we are convinced of the value of this article, and we thank the authors for the work that has been done.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Here, Boor et al focus on the regulation of daf-7 transcription in the ASJ chemosensory neurons, which has previously shown to be sensitive to a variety of external and internal signals. Interestingly, they find that soluble (but not volatile) signals released by food activate daf-7 expression in ASJ, but that this is counteracted by signals from the ASIC channels del-3 and del-7, previously shown to detect the ingestion of food in the pharynx. Importantly, the authors find that ASJ-derived daf-7 can promote exploration, suggesting a feedback loop that influences locomotor states to promote feeding behavior. They also implicate signals known to regulate exploratory behavior (the neuropeptide receptor PDFR-1 and the neuromodulator serotonin) in the regulation of daf-7 expression in ASJ. Additionally, they identify a novel role for a pathway previously implicated in C. elegans sensory behavior, HEN-1/SCD-2, in the regulation of daf-7 in ASJ, suggesting that the SCD-2 homolog ALK may have a conserved role in feeding and metabolism.

      Strengths:<br /> The studies reported here, particularly the quantitation of gene expression and the careful behavioral analysis, are rigorously done and interpreted appropriately. The results suggest that, with respect to food, DAF-7 expression encodes a state of "unmet need" - the availability of nearby food to animals that are not currently eating. This is an interesting finding that reinforces and extends our understanding of the neurobiological significance of this important signaling pathway. The identification of a role for ASJ-derived daf-7 in motor behavior is a valuable advance, as is the finding that SCD-2 acts in the AIA interneurons to influence daf-7 expression in ASJ.

      Weaknesses:<br /> A limitation of the work is that some mechanistic relationships between the identified signaling pathways remains unclear, but this provides interesting opportunities for future work. There are some minor concerns about the statistical analysis in the paper, but these are unlikely to affect the authors' interpretation of their results.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors' aim was to test to what extent atypical organization of language is associated with a mirrored brain organization of other cognitive functions. In particular, they focused on the inferior frontal gyri (IFG) by studying the inhibitory control network. This allowed them to directly test support for the Causal hypothesis of hemispheric specialization, arguing for fast sequences of cognitive processes being better performed by a single hemisphere, versus the Statistical hypothesis of lateralization, postulating an independent lateralization of each cognitive function.

      Previous studies on this topic did not focus on functions involving homotopic language regions. This limitation is bypassed in this study by assessing inhibition with a Stop-Signal Task which also engages the IFG in the contralateral site to the verb generation task. By studying a combination of structural and functional information, in addition to the activation contrasts, the authors are able to test whether atypical organization is accompanied by stronger interhemispheric connectivity. Although relying mainly on correlations and lacking important methodological information that may be critical to understand the reported effects, the results are quite straightforward. However the bilingual/monolingual status and gender of the participants is not reported which might affect the relationship between language and inhibitory control.

      The conclusions of the paper are supported by the data. With their design, the authors observed that, as a group, individuals with atypical organization show a mirror organization of the whole inhibitory network to the contralateral site, supporting the Causal hypothesis at the group level. However, individual data support the Statistical hypothesis, since the segregation between language and inhibition was not observed in all individuals and a variety of configurations in bilateral and bilateral organisation of language and inhibition were also observed.

      The results of this study have important implications for our understanding of the independence of different cognitive functions, which is crucial when addressing brain damage and rehabilitation. This aspect also indirectly speaks to researchers interested in evolution and in bilingualism and its relation to cognitive control. These aspects are not discussed but incorporating them would broaden the interest of the paper beyond the current implications mentioned.

    1. Joint Public Review

      In this study, Mitra and coworkers extend their previous analyses of the functional role of Orai in the excitability of central dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila. The authors show that a dominant-negative mutant of Orai (OraiE180A) significantly alters the gene expression profile of flight-promoting dopaminergic neurons (fpDANs), including that of Set2, E(z), and Trl, thereby shifting the level of epigenetic signatures that modulate gene expression. The Orai-Trl-Set2 pathway modulates the expression of voltage gated calcium channels, which, in turn, are involved in dopamine release. The study is generally well-done, is in-depth, and comprehensive. The finding that SOCE regulates a wide range of neuronal genes necessary for neuronal excitability and effector signaling by controlling chromatin remodeling genes is a noteworthy discovery.

      The authors have adequately answered the previous concerns.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      The existence of hox gene complexes conserved in animals with bilateral symmetry and in which the genes are arranged along the chromosome in the same order as the structures they specify along the anteroposterior axis of organisms is one of the most spectacular discoveries of recent developmental biology. In brief, homeotic mutations leads to the transformation of a given body segment of the fly into the copy of the next adjacent segment. For the sake of understanding the main observation of this work, it is important to know that in loss-of-function (LOF) alleles, a given segment develops like a copy of the segment immediately anterior to it, and in gain-of-function mutations (GOF), the affected segment develop like a copy of the immediately posterior segment. Over the last 30 years the molecular lesions associated with GOF alleles led to a model where the sequential activation of the hox genes along the chromosome result from the sequential opening of chromosomal domains. Most of these GOF alleles turned out to be deletions of boundary elements (BE) that define the extend of the segment-specific regulatory domains. The fruit fly Drosophila is a highly specialized insect with a very rapid mode of segmentation. Furthermore, the hox clusters in this lineage have split. Given these specificities it is legitimate to question whether the regulatory landscape of the BX-C we know of in D.melanogaster is the result of very high specialization in this lineage, or whether it reflects a more ancestral organization. In this article, the authors address this question by analyzing the continuous hox cluster in butterflies. They focus on the integenic region between the Antennapedia and the Ubx gene, where the split occurred in D.melanogaster. Hi-C and ATAC-seq data suggest the existence of a boundary element between 2 Topologically-Associated-Domain (TAD) which is also characterized by the presence of CTCF binding sites. Butterflies have 2 pairs of wings originating form T2 (forewing) specified by Antp and T3 specified by Ubx (hindwing). Remarkably, CRISPR mutational perturbation of this boundary leads to the hatching of butterflies with homeotic clones of cells with hindwings identities in the forewing (a posteriorly oriented homeotic transformation). In agreement with this phenotype, the authors observe ectopic expression of Ubx in these clones of cells. In other words, CRISPR mutagenesis of this BE region identified by molecular tool give rise to homeotic transformations directed towards more posterior segment as the boundary mutations that had been 1st identified on the basis of their posterior oriented homeotic transformation in Drosophila. None of the mutant clones they observed affect the hindwing, indicating that their scheme did not affect the nearby Ubx transcription unit. This is a reassuring and important 1st evidence that some of the regulatory paradigm that have been proposed in fruit flies are also at work in the common ancestor to Drosophilae and Lepideptora.

      Given the large size of the Ubx transcription unit and its associated regulatory regions it is not surprising that the authors have identified ncRNA that are conserved in 4 species of Nymphalinae butterflies, some of which also present in D.melanogaster. Attempts to target the promoters by CRISPR give rise to clones of cells in both forewings and hindwings, suggesting the generation of regulatory mutations associated with both LOF and GOF transformations. The presence of clones with dual homeosis suggest the targeting of Ubx activator and repression CRMs. Unfortunately, these experiments do not allow us to make further conclusions on the role of these ncRNA or in the identification of specific regulatory elements. To the opinion of this referee, some recent papers addressing the role that these ncRNA may play into boundary function should be taken with caution, and evidences that ncRNA(s) regulate boundaries in the BX-C in a WT context are still lacking.

      Strengths: the convincing GOF phenotype resulting from the targeting of the Antp-Ubx_BE

      Weaknesses: the lack of comparisons with the equivalent phenotypes obtained in D.melanogaster with for example the Fub mutation

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Butkovic et al. perform a genome-wide association (GWA) study on Arabidopsis thaliana inoculated with the natural pathogen turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) in laboratory conditions, with the aim to identify genetic associations with virus infection-related parameters. For this purpose, they use a large panel of A. thaliana inbred lines and two strains of TuMV, one naïve and one pre-adapted through experimental evolution. A strong association is found between a region in chromosome 2 (1.5 Mb) and the risk of systemic necrosis upon viral infection, although the causative gene remains to be pinpointed.

      This project is a remarkable tour de force, but the conclusions that can be reached from the results obtained are unfortunately underwhelming. Some aspects of the work could be clarified, and presentation modified, to help the reader.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Gametocytes are erythrocytic sexual stages of the malaria-causing parasite Plasmodium, and are essential for parasite transmission and reproduction in the mosquito vector. In this study, Murata et al investigated the mechanisms of gene regulation in female gametocytes in the rodent malaria model parasite Plasmodium berghei. According to current views, gene regulation in Plasmodium parasites is dominated by the family of AP2 transcription factors (TFs), such as the AP2-G TF, which drives sexual commitment. The same authors previously identified one AP2 TF, called AP2-FG, as an essential TF mediating differentiation of female gametocytes. Here, they identified a novel protein, called PFG (for partner of AP2-FG, also described as Fd2 in a recently published study), which cooperates with AP2-FG to regulate a subset of female gametocyte genes.

      PFG was identified among AP2-G targets, but possesses no known DNA binding or other characterized domain. The authors show that PFG-knockout P. berghei parasites can form male and female gametocytes yet cannot transmit to mosquitoes, due to a defect in female gametocyte development. Using RNA-seq, they show that many female-specific genes are down-regulated in PFG(-)parasites. Chromatin immunoprecipitation combined with DNA sequencing (ChIP-seq) revealed that PFG colocalizes with AP2-FG on a ten-base motif that is enriched upstream of female-specific genes. Importantly, the ChIP-seq profile of PFG is unchanged in the absence of AP2-FG, suggesting that PFG binds to DNA independently of AP2-FG. Mutation of the ten-base motif in one target gene using CRISPR-Cas9 demonstrates that this motif is required for PFG localization at the gene locus. The data also show that binding of AP2-FG is affected in the absence of PFG, with disruption of AP2-FG interaction with the ten-base motif, but conservation of AP2-FG binding to distinct five-base motifs. Using a recombinant AP2 domain from AP2-FG, the authors demonstrate that the AP2 domain of AP2-FG binds to the five-base motifs. Using CRISPR they show that disruption of the five-base motifs in the genome abrogates AP2-FG binding, and using a reporter expression system they confirm that these motifs act as a cis-activating promoter element.

      Through the analysis of target genes based on the presence of the ten- versus five-base motifs, the authors propose a model where AP2-FG can function in two forms, associated or not with PFG, and acting on the ten- or five-base motifs, respectively, to regulate distinct gene subsets during development of female gametocyte development.

      The paper is well written, with a clear narrative, and the work is very well performed, relying on robust molecular approaches. Generally the conclusions and the model proposed by the authors are well supported by the data. Nevertheless, the study as it stands raises a number of questions. While the data convincingly show that PFG and AP2-FG cooperate to regulate the expression of a subset of female-specific genes, the paper does not show whether the two proteins actually interact with each other to form a complex. Also, how PFG binds to DNA and whether the protein has transactivating activity remains elusive, as the protein apparently possesses no known DNA-binding or activating domain. These points could be discussed in more detail in the manuscript and/or be the subject of follow up studies.

      In summary, this work reveals the essential role of a Plasmodium protein with no known DNA binding or regulatory domain, illustrating that unknown facets remain to be uncovered in this fascinating pathogen.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Xie et al. propose that the asymmetric segregation of the NuRD complex is regulated in a V-ATPase-dependent manner, and plays a crucial role in determining the differential expression of the apoptosis activator egl-1 and thus critical for the life/death fate decision.

      While the model is very intriguing, the reviewers raised concerns regarding the rigor of the method. One issue is with statistics (either insufficient information or inadequate use of statistics), and second is the concern that the asymmetry observed may be caused by one cell dying (resulting in protein degradation, RNA degradation etc). We recommend that the authors address these issues.

      Major #1:

      There are still many misleading statements/conclusions that are not rigorously tested or that are logically flawed. These issues must be thoroughly addressed for this manuscript to be solid.

      1. Asymmetry detected by scRNA seq vs. imaging may not represent the same phenomenon, thus should not be discussed as two supporting pieces of evidence for the authors' model, and importantly each method has its own flaw. First, for scRNA seq, when cells become already egl-1 positive, those cells may be already dying, and thus NuRD complex's transcripts' asymmetry may not have any significance. The data presented in FigS1D, E show that there are lots of genes (6487 out of 8624) that are decreased in dying cells. Thus, it is not convincing to claim that NuRD asymmetry is regulated by differential RNA amount.

      2. Regarding NuRD protein's asymmetry, there are still multiple issues. Most likely explanation of their asymmetry is purely daughter size asymmetry. Because one cell is much bigger than the other (3 times larger), NuRD components, which are not chromatin associated, would be inherited to the bigger cell 3 times more than the smaller daughter. Then, upon nuclear envelope reformation, NuRD components will enter the nucleus, and there will be 3 times more NuRD components in the bigger daughter cell. It is possible that this is actually the underling mechanism to regulate gene expression differentially, but this possibility is not properly acknowledged. Currently, the authors use chromatin associated protein (Mys-1) as 'symmetric control', but this is not necessarily a fair comparison. For NuRD asymmetry to be meaningful, an example of protein is needed that is non-chromatin associated in mitosis, distributed to daughter cells proportional to daughter cell size, and re-enter nucleus after nuclear envelope formation to show symmetric distribution. And if daughter size asymmetry is the cause of NuRD asymmetry, other lineages that do not undergo apoptosis but exhibit daughter size asymmetry would also show NuRD asymmetry. The authors should comment on this (if such examples exist, it is fine in that in those cell types, NuRD asymmetry may be used for differential gene expression, not necessarily to induce cell death, but such comparison provides the explanation for NuRD asymmetry, and puts the authors finding in a better context).

      3. For the analysis of protein asymmetry between two daughters in Fig S4C, the method of calibration is unclear, making it difficult to interpret the results.

      4. As for pHluorin experiments, the authors were asked to test the changes in fluorescence observed are due to changes in pH or changes in the amount of pHluorin protein. They need to add a ratio-metric method in this manuscript. A brief mention to Page 12 line 12 is insufficient to clarify this issue.

      Major #2:

      Some issues surrounding statistics must be resolved.

      1. Fig. 1FG, 2D, 3BDEG, 5BD and 6B used either one-sample t-test or unpaired two-tailed parametric t-test for statistical comparison. These t-tests require a verification of each sample fitting to a normal distribution. The authors need to describe a statistical test used to verify a normal distribution of each sample.

      2. Fig. 2D, 3D, and 3G have very small sample size (N=3-4, N=6, N=3, respectively), it is possible that a normal distribution cannot be verified. How can the authors justify the use of one-sample t-test and unpaired parametric t-test ?

      3. Statistical comparison in Fig. 2D and Fig. 6B should be re-assessed. For Fig. 2D, the authors need to compare the intensity ratio of HDA-1/LIN53 between sister cells dying within 35 min and those over 400 min. For Fig. 6B, they need to compare the intensity ratio of VHA-17 between DMSO- and BafA1- treated cells at the same time point after anaphase.

    1. The first time the ratio of length to width was written in a letter dated 25 October 1786. This letter was from the German Georg Christoph Lichtenberg to Johann Beckmann. He wrote here about the advantages of basing paper on a √2 ratio. Lichtenberg is known for the ratio between length and width of a surface which remains the same after the narrated halving of the surface. The result is 1:√2.

      Sourcing? Look this up.<br /> https://www.a5-size.com/history/

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Huang C-K. and colleagues in this work address the understudied role of environmental conditions and external forces in cell extrusion as a fundamental part of epithelial homeostasis. They suggest that hydrostatic stress plays a significant role in counteracting cell extrusion forces through the indirect regulation of the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) - protein kinase B (AKT) survival pathway. The team nicely exploits their expertise in fabricating cell culture substrates to control hydrostatic stress on a common epithelial cell model from the kidney (i.e., MDCK). This was done by creating waving surfaces with different lengths from 50µm to 200 µm, thus creating a heterogenous distribution of monolayer forces towards the substrate. Finally, using a specific inhibitor for FAK, they suggest that the survivor pathway FAK-AKT is involved in the observed phenomenon.

      In conclusion, the presented data underline the importance of considering external forces and tissue geometry in regulating epithelial homeostasis and the selective transport of water and solutes. These results may have a significant impact on understanding the basic mechanisms of epithelial physiology and pathology, such as in the kidney, intestine, or retina.

      Comments on the revised version:

      Overall, most of my comments were reasonably addressed. Nevertheless, one comment was not convincingly addressed ("Recommendation 5" - reviewer #1).

      The authors did not show that the FAK inhibitor directly induced the reduction of AKT phosphorylation but used this experiment to conclude that FAK - AKT survivor pathway is involved in the observed phenomenon (Fig. 4). The authors mentioned that additional immunoblotting experiments are currently underway. This is a minor control for the manuscript message, but I feel it is necessary. The connection between the levels of FAK and p-AKT shown in Fig. 4E is purely correlative and can be caused by ECM adhesion-independent reasons.

      Alternatively, the authors could reduce the stress on the FAK - AKT survivor pathway's involvement and conclude only on the involvement of FAK.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors use a combination of structural and MD simulation approaches to characterize phospholipid interactions with the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel, GLIC. By analyzing the MD simulation data using clusters of closed and open states derived previously, the authors also seek to compare lipid interactions between putative functional states. The ultimate goal of this work is to understand how lipids shape the structure and function of this channel.

      The strengths of this article include the following:

      1) The MD simulation data provide extensive sampling of lipid interactions in GLIC, and these interactions were characterized in putative closed and open states of the channel. The extensive sampling permits confident delineation of 5-6 phospholipid interaction sites per subunit. The agreement in phospholipid binding poses between structures and the all-atom MD simulations supports the utility of MD simulations to examine lipid interactions.

      2) The study presents phospholipid binding sites/poses that agree with functionally important lipid binding sites in other pLGICs, supporting the notion that these sites are conserved. For example, the authors identify interactions of POPC at an outer leaflet intersubunit site that is specific for the open state. This result is quite interesting as phospholipids or drugs that positively modulate other pLGICs are known to occupy this site. Also, the effect of mutating W217 in the inner leaflet intersubunit site suggests that this residue, which is highly conserved in pLGICs, is an important determinant of the strength of phospholipid interactions at this site. This residue has been shown to interact with phospholipids in other pLGICs and forms the binding site of potentiating neurosteroids in the GABA(A) receptor.

      Comments on the revised version:

      We appreciate the authors' thorough response and revisions.

      Specifically, the authors address the issue of interaction times by providing measures of the diffusion coefficients and mean displacements of the lipids. These show that there is sufficient movement of lipids within the first shell to indicate that certain residues are forming binding interactions with lipids while others are not. Longer simulation times would be necessary to determine the strength of these interactions and how they may differ between different conformations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, single neurons were recorded, using tetrodes, from the parahippocampal cortex of 5 rats navigating a double-Y maze (in which each arm of a Y-maze forks again). The goal was located at any one of the 4 branch terminations, and rats were given partial information in the form of a light cue that indicated whether the reward was on the right or left side of the maze. The second decision point was un-cued and the rat had no way of knowing which of the two branches was correct, so this phase of the task was more akin to foraging. Following the outbound journey, with or without reward, the rat had to return (inbound journey) to the maze start, to begin again.

      Neuronal activity was assessed for correlations with multiple navigation-relevant variables including location, head direction, speed, reward side, and goal location. The main finding is that a high proportion of neurons showed an increase in firing rate when the animal made a wrong turn at the first branch point (the one in which the correct decision was signalled). This increase, which the authors call rate remapping, persisted throughout the inbound journey as well. It was also found that head direction neurons (assessed by recording in an open field arena) in the same location in the room were more likely to show the rate change. The overall conclusion is that "during goal-directed navigation, parahippocampal neurons encode error information reflective of an animal's behavioral performance" or are "nodes in the transmission of behaviorally relevant variables during goal-directed navigation."

      Overall I think this is a well-conducted study investigating an important class of neural representation: namely, the substrate for spatial orientation and navigation. The analyses are very sophisticated - possibly a little too much so, as the basic findings are relatively straightforward and the analyses take quite a bit of work to understand. A difficulty with the study is that it was exploratory (observational) rather than hypothesis-driven. Thus, the findings reveal correlations in the data but do not allow us to infer causal relationships. That said, the observation of increased firing in a subset of neurons following an erroneous choice is potentially interesting. However, the effect seems small. What were the actual firing rate values in Hz, and what was the effect size?

      I also feel we are lacking information about the underlying behavior that accompanies these firing rate effects. The authors say "one possibility is that the head-direction signal in the parahippocampal region reflects a behavioral state related to navigational choice or the lack of commitment to a particular navigational route" which is a good thought and raises the possibility that on error trials, rats are more uncertain and turn their heads more (vicarious trial and error) and thus sample the preferred firing direction more thoroughly. Another possibility is that they run more slowly, which is associated with a higher firing rate in these cells. I think we therefore need a better understanding of how behaviour differed between error trials in terms of running speed, directional sampling, etc. A few good, convincing raw-data plots showing a remapping neuron on an error trial and a correct trial on the same arm would also be helpful (the spike plots were too tiny to get a good sense of this: fewer, larger ones would be more helpful). It would be useful to know at what point the elevated response returned to baseline, how - was it when the next trial began, and was the drop gradual (suggesting perhaps a more neurohumoral response) or sudden?

      Comments on the revised submission:

      The authors have clarified a number of points arising from my original review but some remain.

      On the issue of hypotheses: I was really referring, and apologies that I was unclear on this, to the hypothesis about the neural responses predicted in this experiment. The authors aimed to "examine whether spatial representations flexibly adapt to behaviorally relevant factors" but this is not really a hypothesis as such, in the true mechanistic sense so much as "let's see what we can find" which is not an invalid reason to do this type of study. However, no manipulations were made that test causal relationships arising from the study. It thus remains observational. It does however raise testable hypotheses which is valuable. The strongest in my mind is that the rise in firing rates is a catecholamine response to frustration, a conclusion supported by the slow temporal dynamics of the changes.

      On the issue of running speed: it needs to be ruled out that this might have been the cause of the altered firing rates since running speeds were different. More generally, the lack of other concurrent behavioral data means we cannot rule out other possible behavioral bases to this effect that are unrelated to error but are related to the motor correlates of the error.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors set out to determine the causal influence of the rIFG on stop-signal inhibition by using the innovative method of focused ultrasound to modulate this area during a stop-signal task. They report that tFUS during the stop signal only (and not the go) affected the probability of making a stop (only for long SSD) and reduced reaction time. tFUS also looked to affect some ERP components thus lending 'causal' evidence for the role of rIFG in stopping behavior and N200/P300 dynamics. The background and premise seem solid, the experimental design looks appropriate with good controls however, I do not think the authors' conclusions are supported. The methods are difficult to understand, and lack citations (background for performing these analyses/pre-processing) - some are listed but not in the reference list - but also leave out important methodology and detail. Despite the fact that there are many statistical tests in the results there are none for their main conclusions that the P300 latency indexes stop-signal inhibition - this is only descriptive. Individuals with expertise in the field of stop signal inhibition are encouraged to read this pre-print to gauge the veracity of the authors' conclusions and the appropriateness of their methodology.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In their revised manuscript, the authors analyze the evolution of the gasdermin family and observe that the GSDMA proteins from birds, reptiles and amphibians does not form a clade with the mammalian GSDMAs. Moreover, the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins share a conserved caspase-1 cleavage motif at the predicted activation site. The authors provide several series of experiments showing that the non-mammalian GSDMA proteins can indeed be activated by caspase-1 and that this activation leads to cell death (in human cells). They also investigate the role of the caspase-1 recognition tetrapeptide for cleavage by caspase-1 and for the pathogen-derived protease SpeB.

      Strengths:<br /> The evolutionary analysis performed in this manuscript appears to use a broader data basis than what has been used in other published work. An interesting result of this analysis is the suggestion that GSDMA is evolutionary older than the main mammalian pyroptotic GSDMD, and that birds, reptiles and amphibians lack GSDMD but use GSDMA for the same purpose. The consequence that bird GSDMA should be activated by an inflammatory caspase (=caspase1) is convincingly supported by the experiments provided in the manuscript.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While the cleavability of bird/reptile GSDMA by caspase-1 is well-supported by several experiments, the role of this cleavage for pyroptotic cell killing is addressed more superficially. The experiments performed to this end all use human cells; it is likely - but not guaranteed - that the human model recapitulaes the physiological role of non-mammalian GSDMA proteins. While the data provided in this paper help to understand GSDMA evolution and the activation mechanism of bird/reptile GSDMA, it does not address the still elusive activation mechanism for mammalian GSDMA

      As a consequence, the significance of this finding is mostly limited to birds and reptiles.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Their absolute quantification PCR results with the sumo reference gene led the authors to conclude that A. flavus has two copies of tor and tapA in its genome. However, the the genomic location of the additional copies of tor and tapA are unknown.

      I have concerns about the conclusion for the following reasons:

      First, the authors should provide more convincing data showing that tor and tapA genes are indeed duplicated genes in A. flavus. The authors appeared to use the A. flavus PTS strain as a parental strain for constructing the tor and tapA mutants. If so, the A. flavus CA14 strain (Hua et al., 2007) should be the parental wild-type strain for the A. flavus PTS strain. I did a BLAST search in NCBI for the torA (AFLA_044350) and tapA (AFLA_092770) genes using the most recent CA14 genome assembly sequence (GCA_014784225.2) and only found one allele for each gene: torA on chromosome 7 and tapA on chromosome 3. I could not find any other parts with similar sequences. Even in another popular A. flavus wild-type strain, NRRL3357, both torA and tapA exist as a single allele. Based on the published genome assembly data for A. flavus, there is no evidence to support the idea that tor and tapA exist as copies of each other. Therefore, the authors could perform a Southern blot analysis to further verify their claim. If torA and tapA indeed exist as duplicate copies in different chromosomal locations, Southern blot data could provide supporting results.

      If the tor and tapA genes indeed exist as dual copies, do the duplicate genes have identical DNA and protein sequences? If they have different DNA or protein sequences, they should be named differently as paralogs, such as torA and torB or tapA and tapB.

      Second, the authors should consider the possibility of aneuploidy for their constructed mutants. When an essential gene is targeted for deletion, aneuploidy often occurs even in a fungal strain without the "ku" mutation, which results in seemingly dual copies of the gene. As the authors appear to use the A. flavus PTS strain having the "ku" mutation, the parental strain has increased genome instability, which may result in enhanced chromosomal rearrangements. So, it will be necessary to Illumina-sequence their tor and tapA mutants to make sure that they are not aneuploidy.

      Furthermore, the genetic nomenclature +/- and -/- should be reserved for heterozygous and homozygous mutants in a diploid strain. As A. flavus is not a diploid strain, this type of description could cause confusion for the readers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The preprint by Laganowsky and co-workers describes the use of mutant cycles to dissect the thermodynamic profile of specific lipid recognition by the ABC transporter MsbA. The authors use native mass spectrometry with a variable temperature source to monitor lipid binding to the native protein dimer solubilized in detergent. Analysis of the peak intensities (that is, relative abundance) of 1-3 bound lipids as a function of solution temperature and lipid concentration yields temperature-dependent Kds. The authors use these to then generate van't Hoff plots, from which they calculate the enthalpy and entropy contributions to binding of one, two, and in some cases, three lipids to MsbA. The authors have previously demonstrated that MS can indeed extract thermodynamic contributions to lipid binding. The authors then employ mutant cycles, in which basic residues involved in headgroup binding are mutated to alanine. By comparing the thermodynamic signatures of single and double (and in one instance triple) mutants, they aim to identify cooperativity between the different positions. They furthermore use inward and outward locking conditions which should control access to the different binding sites determined previously. The main conclusion is that lipid binding to MsbA is driven mainly by energetically favorable entropy increase upon binding, which stems from the release of ordered water molecules that normally coordinate the basic residues, which helps to overcome the enthalpic barrier of lipid binding. The authors also report an increase in lipid binding at higher temperatures which they attribute to a non-uniform heat capacity of the protein. Although they find that most residue pairs display some degree of cooperativity, particularly between the inner and outer lipid binding sites, they do not provide a structural interpretation of these results.

      Strengths:<br /> The use of double mutant cycles and mass spectrometry to dissect lipid binding is novel and interesting. For example, the observation that mutating a basic residue in the inner and one in the outer binding site abolishes lipid binding to a greater extent than the individual mutations is highly informative even without having to break it down into thermodynamic terms. The method and data reported here opens new avenues for the structure/activity relationship of MsbA. The "mutant cycle" approach is in principle widely applicable to other membrane proteins with complex lipid interactions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The use of double mutant cycles to dissect binding energies is well-established, and has, as the authors point out, been employed in combination with mass spectrometry to study protein-protein interactions. Its application to extract thermodynamic parameters is robust in cases where a single binding event is monitored, e.g. the formation of a complex with well-defined stoichiometry, where dissociation constants can be determined with high confidence. It is, however, complicated significantly by the fact that for MsbA-lipid interactions, we are not looking at a single binding event, but a stochastic distribution of lipids across different sites. Even if the protein is locked in a specific conformation, the observation of a single lipid adduct does not guarantee that the one lipid is always bound to a specific site. The authors discuss this issue in the manuscript. As they point out, one can assume that the most high-affinity sites will be populated first. Hence, the Kd values determined by MS likely describe (mostly) lipid binding to these sites, although this does not seem to hold universally true, as seen for example for the two (in principle equivalent) binding sites in the vanadate-locked protein. In addition, mutation of a binding site (which the authors show reduces lipid binding) may instead allow the lipid to bind to a lower-affinity site elsewhere. In summary, the Kds are an approximation.<br /> (Minor comment: The protein concentrations used for MS titration experiments should be stated in the methods.)

      The authors conclude that solvation entropy is a major factor driving lipid binding (Figure 6). If the increase in entropy upon lipid binding comes from the release of ordered water molecules around the basic residues, we should see a smaller increase in entropy for proteins where several basic residues have been changed to alanine, which is not the case. The authors explain this by stating that other entropic factors likely are at play. Judging from their data, that is certainly correct, but why then focus on solvation entropy in the discussion if its contribution to the total entropy change cannot be determined?

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Bacteria exhibit species-specific numbers and localization patterns of flagella. How specificity in number and pattern is achieved in Gamma-proteobacteria needs to be better understood but often depends on a soluble GTPase called FlhF. Here, the authors take an unbiased protein-pulldown approach with FlhF, resulting in identifying the protein FipA in V. parahaemolyticus. They convincingly demonstrate that FipA interacts genetically and biochemically with previously known spatial regulators HubP and FlhF. FipA is a membrane protein with a cytoplasmic DUF2802; it co-localizes to the flagellated pole with HubP and FlhF. The DUF2802 mediates the interaction between FipA and FlhF, and this interaction is required for FipA function. Altogether, the authors show that FipA likely facilitates the recruitment of FlhF to the membrane at the cell pole together with the known recruitment factor HupB. This finding is crucial in understanding the mechanism of polar localization. The authors show that FipA co-occurs with FlhF in the genomes of bacteria with polarly-localized flagella and study the role of FipA in three of these organisms: V. parahaemolyticus, S. purtefaciens, and P. putida. In each case, they show that FipA contributes to FlhF polar localization, flagellar assembly, flagellar patterning, and motility, though the details differ among the species. By comparing the role of FipA in polar flagellum assembly in three different species, they discover that, while FipA is required in all three systems, evolution has brought different nuances that open avenues for further discoveries.<br /> <br /> Strengths:

      The discovery of a novel factor for polar flagellum development. The solid nature and flow of the experimental work.

      The authors perform a comprehensive analysis of FipA, including phenotyping of mutants, protein localization, localization dependence, and domains of FipA necessary for each. Moreover, they perform a time-series analysis indicating that FipA localizes to the cell pole likely before, or at least coincident with, flagellar assembly. They also show that the role of FipA appears to differ between organisms in detail, but the overarching idea that it is a flagellar assembly/localization factor remains convincing.

      The work is well-executed, relying on bacterial genetics, cell biology, and protein interaction studies. The analysis is deep, beginning with discovering a new and conserved factor, then the molecular dissection of the protein, and finally, probing localization and interaction determinants. Finally, the authors show that these determinants are important for function; they perform these studies in parallel in three model systems.


      The comparative analysis in the different organisms was on balance, a weakness. Mixing the data for the organisms together made the text difficult to read and took away key points from the results. The individual details crowded out the model in its current form. Indeed, because some of the phenotypes and localization dependencies differ between model systems, the comparison is challenging to the reader. The authors could more clearly state what these differences mean, why they arise, and (in the discussion) how they might relate to the organism's lifestyle. 

      More experiments would be needed to fully analyze the effects of interacting proteins on individual protein stability; this absence slightly detracted from the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study delineates an important set of uninjured and injured periosteal snRNAseq data that provides an overview of periosteal cell responses to fracture healing. The authors also took additional steps to validate some of the findings using immunohistochemistry and transplantation assays. This study will provide a valuable publicly accessible dataset to reexamine the expression of the reported periosteal stem and progenitor cell markers.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. This is the first single-nuclei atlas of periosteal cells that are obtained without enzymatic cell dissociation or targeted cell purification by FACS. This integrated snRNAseq dataset will provide additional opportunities for the community to revisit the expression of many periosteal cell markers that have been reported to date.

      2. The authors delved further into the dataset using cutting-edge algorithms, including CytoTrace, SCENIC, Monocle, STRING, and CellChat, to define the potential roles of identified cell populations in the context of fracture healing. These additional computation analyses generate many new hypotheses regarding periosteal cell reactions.

      3. The authors also sought to validate some of the computational findings using immunohistochemistry and transplantation assays to support the conclusion.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. The current snRNAseq datasets contain only a small number of nuclei (1,189 nuclei at day 0, 6,213 nuclei on day 0-7 combined). It is unclear if the number is sufficient to discern subtle biological processes such as stem cell differentiation.

      2. The authors' designation of Sca1+CD34+ cells as SSPCs is not sufficiently supported by experimental evidence. It will be essential to demonstrate stem/progenitor properties of Sca1+CD34+ cells using independent biological approaches such as CFU-F assays. In addition, the putative lineage trajectory of SSPCs toward IIFCs, osteoblasts, and chondrocytes remains highly speculative without concrete supporting data.

      3. The designation of POSTN+ clusters as injury-induced fibrogenic cells (IIFCs) is not fully supported by the presented data. The authors' snRNAseq datasets (Figure 1d) demonstrate that there are many POSTN+ cells prior to injury, indicating that POSTN+ cells are not specifically induced in response to injury. It has been widely recognized that POSTN is expressed in the periosteum without fracture. This raises a possibility that the main responder of fracture healing is POSTN+ cells, not SSPCs as they postulate. The authors cannot exclude the possibility that Sca1+CD34+ cells are mere bystanders and do not participate in fracture healing.

      4. Detailed spatial organization of Sca1+CD34+ cells and POSTN+ cells in the uninjured periosteum with respect to the cambium layer and the fibrous layer is not demonstrated.

      5. Interpretation of transplantation experiments in Figure 5 is not straightforward, as the authors did not demonstrate the purity of Prx1Cre-GFP+SCA1+ cells and Prx1Cre-GFP+CD146- cells to pSSPCs and IIFCs, respectively. It is possible that these populations contain much broader cell types beyond SSPCs or IIFCs.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript Rubin and Aso provide important new tools for the study of learning and memory in Drosophila. In flies, olfactory learning and memory occurs at the Mushroom Body (MB) and is communicated to the rest of the brain through Mushroom Body Output Neurons (MBONs). Previously, typical MBONs were thoroughly studied. Here, atypical MBONs that have dendritic input both within the MB lobes and in adjacent brain regions are studied. The authors describe new cell-type-specific GAL4 drivers for the majority of atypical MBONs (and other MBONs) and using an optogenetic activation screen they examined their ability to drive behaviors and learning.

      The experiments in this manuscript were carefully performed and the results are clear. The tools provided in this manuscript are of great importance to the field.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The manuscript "Drosophila Visuomotor Integration: An Integrative Model and Behavioral Evidence of Visual Efference Copy" provides an integrative model of the visuomotor control in Drosophila melanogaster. This model presents an experimentally derived model based on visually evoked wingbeat pattern recordings of three strategically selected visual stimulus types with well-established behavioral response characteristics. By testing variations of these models, the authors demonstrate that the virtual model behavior can recapitulate the recorded wing beat behavioral results and those recorded by others for these specific stimuli when presented individually. Yet, the novelty of this study and their model is that it allows predictions for natural visual scenes in which multiple visual stimuli occur simultaneously and may have opposite or enhancing effects on behavior. Testing three models that would allow interactions of these visual modalities, the authors show that using a visual efference copy signal allows visual streams to interact, replicating behavior recorded when multiple stimuli are presented simultaneously. Importantly, they validated the prediction of this model in real flies using magnetically tethered flies, e.g., presenting moving bars with varying backgrounds. In conclusion, the presented manuscript presents a commendable effort in developing and demonstrating the validity of a mixture model that allows predictions of the behavior of Drosophila in natural visual environments.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, the manuscript is well-structured and clear in its presentation, and the modeling and experimental research are methodically conducted and illustrated in visually appealing and easy-to-understand figures and their captions.

      The manuscript employs a thorough, logical approach, combining computational modeling with experimental behavioral validation using magnetically tethered flies. This iterative integration of simulation and empirical behavioral evidence enhances the credibility of the findings.

      The associated code base is well documented and readily produces all figures in the document.

      Suggestions:<br /> However, while the experiments provide evidence for the use of a visual efference copy, the manuscript would be even more impressive if it presented specific predictions for the neural implementation or even neurophysiological data to support this model. Or, at the very least, a thorough discussion. Nonetheless, these models and validating behavioral experiments make this a valuable contribution to the field; it is well executed and addresses a significant gap in the modeling of fly behavior and holistic understanding of visuomotor behaviors.

      Here are a few points that should be addressed:<br /> 1. The biomechanics block (Figure 2) should be elaborated on, to explain its relevance to behavior and relation to the underlying neural mechanisms.<br /> 2. It is unclear how the three integrative models with different strategies were chosen or what relevance they have to neural implementation. This should be explained and/or addressed.<br /> 3. There should be a discussion of how the visual efference could be represented in the biological model and an evaluation of the plausibility and alternatives.

    1. when we're investing in the stock market, we're mostly just hoping that the value of those shares will rise. That money is not actually reaching companies and being used in productive ways. And that's true. We can see it with private equity too.
      • for: speculative investing - example

      • example - speculative investing

        • stock market
          • money is not reaching companies and being used in a productive way
          • part of it must be, but whenever shareholders take earnings, then it's extracted out
        • private equity
          • when private equity firms buy companies then layoff staff and cut back spending on services, they pocket all that money for the shareholders. It's a way for the rich to maintain their supremacy position
      • comment

        • In its simplest expression, it is greed in action
        • It is what maintains the 1% / 99% divide
      • epiphany

      • new meme
        • We need to replace WALL street with WELL street!
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The proposed study provides an innovative framework for the identification of muscle synergies taking into account their task relevance. State-of-the-art techniques for extracting muscle interactions use unsupervised machine-learning algorithms applied to the envelopes of the electromyographic signals without taking into account the information related to the task being performed. In this work, the authors suggest to include the task parameters in extracting muscle synergies using a network information framework previously proposed. This allows the identification of muscle interactions that are relevant, irrelevant, or redundant to the parameters of the task executed.

      The proposed framework is a powerful tool to understand and identify muscle interactions for specific task parameters and it may be used to improve man-machine interfaces for the control of prostheses and robotic exoskeletons.

      With respect to the network information framework recently published, this work added an important part to estimate the relevance of specific muscle interactions to the parameters of the task executed.

      It is not clear how the well-known phenomenon of cross-talk during the recording of electromyographic muscle activity may affect the performance of the proposed technique and how it may bias the overall outcomes of the framework.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Gap junction channels establish gated intercellular conduits that allow the diffusion of solutes between two cells. Hexameric connexin26 (Cx26) hemichannels are closed under basal conditions and open in response to CO2. In contrast, when forming a dodecameric gap-junction, channels are open under basal conditions and close with increased CO2 levels. Previous experiments have implicated Cx26 residue K125 in the gating mechanism by CO2, which is thought to become carbamylated by CO2. Carbamylation is a labile post-translational modification that confers negative charge to the K125 side chain. How the introduction of a negative charge at K125 causes a change in gating is unclear, but it has been proposed that carbamylated K125 forms a salt bridge with the side chain at R104, causing a conformational change in the channel. It is also unclear how overall gating is controlled by changes in CO2, since there is significant variability between structures of gap-junction channels and the cytoplasmic domain is generally poorly resolved. Structures of WT Cx26 gap-junction channels determined in the presence of various concentrations of CO2 have suggested that the cytoplasmatic N-terminus changes conformation depending on the concentration of the gas, occluding the pore when CO2 levels are high.

      In the present manuscript, Deborah H. Brotherton and collaborators use an intercellular dye-transfer assay to show that Cx26 gap-junction channels containing the K125E mutation, which mimics carbamylation caused by CO2, is constitutively closed even at CO2 concentrations where WT channels are open. Several cryo-EM structures of WT and mutant Cx26 gap junction channels were determined at various conditions and using classification procedures that extracted more than one structural class from some of the datasets. Together, the features on each of the different structures are generally consistent with previously obtained structures at different CO2 concentrations and support the mechanism that is proposed in the manuscript. The most populated class for K125E channels determined at high CO2 shows a pore that is constricted by the N-terminus, and a cytoplasmic region that was better resolved than in WT channels, suggesting increased stability. The K125E structure closely resembles one of the two major classes obtained for WT channels at high CO2. These findings support the hypothesis that the K125E mutation biases channels towards the closed state, while WT channels are in an equilibrium between open and closed states even in the presence of high CO2. Consistently, a structure of K125E obtained in the absence of CO2 appeared to also represent a closed state but at lower resolution, suggesting that CO2 has other effects on the channel beyond carbamylation of K125 that also contribute to stabilizing the closed state. Structures determined for K125R channels, which are constitutively open because arginine cannot be carbamylated, and would be predicted to represent open states, yielded apparently inconclusive results.

      A non-protein density was found to be trapped inside the pore in all structures obtained using both DDM and LMNG detergents, suggesting that the density represents a lipid rather than a detergent molecule. It is thought that the lipid could contribute to the process of gating, but this remains speculative. The cytoplasmic region in the tentatively closed structural class of the WT channel obtained using LMNG was better resolved. An additional portion of the cytoplasmic face could be resolved by focusing classification on a single subunit, which had a conformation that resembled the AlphaFold prediction. However, this single-subunit conformation was incompatible with a C6-symmetric arrangement. Together, the results suggest that the identified states of the channel represent open states and closed states resulting from interaction with CO2. Therefore, the observed conformational changes illuminate a possible structural mechanism for channel gating in response to CO2.

      Some of the discussion involving comparisons with structures of other gap junction channels are relatively hard to follow as currently written, especially for a general readership. Also, no additional functional experiments are carried out to test any of the hypotheses arising from the data. However, structures were determined in multiple conditions, with results that were consistent with the main hypothesis of the manuscript. No discussion is provided, even if speculative, to explain the difference in behavior between hemichannels and gap junction channels. Also, no attempt was made to measure the dimensions of the pore, which is relevant because of the importance of identifying if the structures indeed represent open or closed states of the channel.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study identifies a family of solute transports in the enteric protist, Blastocystis, that may mediate the transport of glycolytic intermediates across the mitochondrial membrane. The study builds on previous observations suggesting that Blastocystis (and other Stramenopiles) are unusual in having a compartmentalized glycolytic pathway with enzymes involved in upper and lower glycolysis being located in the cytosol and mitochondria, respectively. In this study, the authors identified two putative Stamenopile metabolite transporters that are related to plant di/tricarboxylic acid transporters that might mediate the transport of glycolytic intermediates across the mitochondrial membrane. These GIC-transporters were localized to the Blastocystis mitochondrion using specific rabbit antibodies and shown to bind several glycolytic intermediates (including GAP, DHAP, and PEP) based on thermostability shift assays. Direct evidence for transport activity was obtained by reconstituting native proteins in proteoliposomes and measuring the uptake of 14C-malate or 35S-sulphate against unlabelled substrates. This assay showed that GIC-2 transported DHAP, GAP, and PEP. However, significant transport activity was not observed for bGIC-2. Overall, the study provides strong, but not conclusive evidence that bGIC-1 is involved in transporting glycolytic intermediates across the inner membrane of the mitochondria, while the function of GIC-2 remains unclear, despite exhibiting the same metabolite binding properties as bGIC-2 in thermostability assays.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, the findings are of interest in the context of understanding the diversity of core metabolic pathways in evolutionarily diverse eukaryotes, as well as the process by which cytosolic glycolysis evolved in most eukaryotes. The experiments are carefully performed and clearly described.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness of the study is the lack of direct evidence that either bGIC-1 and/or bGIC2 are active in vivo. While it is appreciated that the genetic tools for disrupting GIC genes in Blastocystis are limited/lacking, are there opportunities to ectopically express or delete these genes in other Stamenopiles, such as Phaeodactylum triconuteum, to demonstrate function in vivo?

      The authors demonstrate that both bGIC-1 and bGIC-2 are targeted to the mitochondrion, based on immunofluorescence studies. However, the precise localization and topology of these carriers in the inner or outer membrane are not defined. The conclusions of the study would be strengthened if the authors could show that one/both transporters are present in the inner membrane using protease protection experiments following differential solubilization of the outer and inner mitochondrial membranes.

      It is not clear why hetero-exchange reactions were not performed for bGIC-1 (only for bGIC-2).

      The summary slide depicted in Fig 7 is somewhat simplified and inaccurate. First, the authors show that TPI is located in the mitochondria in this study, while in the summary figure, TPI is shown to be present in both the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix. A cytosolic localization for TPI provides a functional rationale for having a triose-P carrier in the inner membrane - however, this is not supported by the data shown here. Second, if bGIC1/2 uses PEP as a counter ion to import GA3P and DHAP into the mitochondrion, as proposed in Fig 7, the lower glycolytic pathway would be effectively truncated at PEP, removing substrate for pyruvate kinase and formation of pyruvate/ATP. Third, the authors suggest that DHAP may have other functions in the mitochondria although these are not shown in the figure.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this study, Yan et al. investigate the molecular bases underlying mating type recognition in Tetrahymena thermophila. This model protist possesses a total of 7 mating types/sexes and mating occurs only between individuals expressing different mating types. The authors aimed to characterize the function of mating type proteins (MTA and MTB) in the process of self- and non-self recognition, using a combination of elegant phenotypic assays, protein studies, and imaging. They showed that the presence of MTA and MTB in the same cell is required for the expression of concavalin-A receptors and for tip transformation - two processes that are characteristic of the costimulation phase that precedes cell fusion. Using protein studies, the authors identify a set of additional proteins of varied functions that interact with MTA and MTB and are likely responsible for the downstream signaling processes required for mating. This is a description of a fascinating self- and non-self-recognition system and, as the authors point out, it is a rare example of a system with numerous mating types/sexes. This work opens the door for the further understanding of the molecular bases and evolution of these complex recognition systems within and outside protists.

      The results shown in this study point to the unequivocal requirement of MTA and MTB proteins for mating. Nevertheless, some of the conclusions regarding the mode of functioning of these proteins are not fully supported and require additional investigation.

      Strengths:<br /> 1. The authors have established a set of very useful knock-out and reporter lines for MT proteins and extensively used them in sophisticated and well-designed phenotypic assays that allowed them to test the role of these proteins in vivo.

      2. Despite their apparent low abundance, the authors took advantage of a varied set of protein isolation and characterization techniques to pinpoint the localization of MT proteins to the cell membrane, and their interaction with multiple other proteins that could be downstream effectors. This opens the door for the future characterization of these proteins and further elucidation of the mating type recognition cascade.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The manuscript is structured and written in a very clear and easy-to-follow manner. However, several conclusions and discussion points fall short of highlighting possible models and mechanisms through which MT proteins control mating type recognition:

      1. The authors dismiss the possibility of a "simple receptor-ligand system", even though the data does not exclude this possibility. The model presented in Figure 2 S1, and on which the authors based their hypothesis, assumes the independence of MTA and MTB proteins in the generation of the intracellular cascade. However, the results presented in Figure 2 show that both proteins are required to be active in the same cell. Coupled with the fact that MTA and MTB proteins interact, this is compatible with a model where MTA would be a ligand and MTB a receptor (or vice-versa), and could thus form a receptor-ligand complex that could potentially be activated by a non-cognate MTA-MTB receptor-ligand complex, leading to an intracellular cascade mediated by the identified MRC proteins. As it stands, it is not clear what is the proposed working model, and it would be very beneficial for the reader for this to be clarified by having the point of view of the authors on this or other types of models.

      2. The presence of MTA/MTB proteins is required for costimulation (Figure 2), and supplementation with non-cognate extracellular fragments of these proteins (MTAxc, or MTBxc) is a positive stimulator of pairing. However, alone, these fragments do not have the ability to induce costimulation (Figure 5). Based on the results in Figures 5 and 6 the authors suggest that MT proteins mediate both self and non-self recognition. Why do MTAxc and MTBxc not induce costimulation alone? Are any other components required? How to reconcile this with the results of Figure 2? A more in-depth interpretation of these results would be very helpful, since these questions remain unanswered, making it difficult for the reader to extract a clear hypothesis on how MT proteins mediate self- and non-self-recognition.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Fita-Torró et al. study the toxic effects of the intermediary lipid degradation product trans-2-hexadecenal (t-2-hex) on yeast mitochondria and suggest a mechanism by which Hfd1 safeguards Tom40 from lipidation by t-2-hex and its consequences, such as mitochondrial protein import inhibition, cellular proteostasis deregulation, and stress-responses.<br /> The authors aimed to dissect a mechanism for t-2-hex' apoptotic consequences in yeast and they suggest it is via lipidation of Tom40 but really under the tested conditions everything seems lipidated. Thus, it is unclear whether Tom40 is the crucial causal target. They also do not provide much biochemical experiments to investigate this phenomenon further functionally. Tom40 is one possible and perhaps, given the cellular consequences, a reasonable candidate but not validated beyond in vitro lipidation by exogenous t-2-hex.

      Strengths:<br /> The effects of lipids and their metabolic intermediates on protein function are understudied thus the authors' research contributing to elucidating direct effects of a single lipid is appreciated. It is particularly unknown by which mechanism t-2-hex causes cell death in yeast. The authors elegantly use modulation of the levels of enzyme Hfd1 that endogenously catabolizes t-2-hex as an approach to studying t-2-hex stress. Understanding the cause and consequences of this stress is relevant for understanding fundamental regulation mechanisms, and also to human health since the human homolog of Hfd1, ALDH3A2, is mutated in Sjögren-Larsson Syndrome. The application of a variety of global transcriptomic, functional genomic, and chemoproteomic approaches to study t-2-hex stress targets in the yeast model is laudable.

      Weaknesses:<br /> - The extent of the contribution of Tom40 lipidation to the general t-2-hex stress phenotype is unclear. Is Tom40 lipidation alone enough to cause the phenotype? An alteration of the cysteine residue in question could help answer this key question.<br /> - It is unclear whether the exogenously applied amounts of t-2-hex (concentrations chosen between 25-200 uM) are physiologically relevant in yeast cells. For comparison, Chipuk et al. (2012) used at most 1 uM on mitochondria of human cells, while Jarugumilli et al. (2018) considered 25 uM a 'lower dose' on human cells. Since the authors saw responses below 10 uM (Fig. 3B) and at the lowest selected concentration of 25 uM (Fig. 8), why were no lower, likely more specific, concentrations applied for the global transcriptomic and chemoproteomic experiments? Key experiments have to be repeated with the lower concentrations.<br /> - The amount of t-2-hex applied is especially important to consider in light of over 1300 proteins lipidated to an extent equal to or greater than Tom40 (Supp. Table 6). This chemoproteomic experiment (Fig. 8B, Supp. Table 6) is also weakened by the inclusion of only 2 replicates, thus precluding assessment of statistical significance. The selection of targets in Fig. 8B as "among the best hits" is neither immediately comprehensible nor further explained and represents at best cherry-picking. Further evidence based on statistical significance or validation by other means should be provided.<br /> - The authors unfortunately also underuse the possible contribution of mass spectrometry technology to in addition determine the extent and localization of lipidation on a global scale (especially relevant since Cohen et al. (2020) suggest site-specific mechanisms).<br /> - The general novelty of studying t-2-hex stress is lowered in light of existing literature in humans (see e. g. Chipuk et al., 2012; Cohen et al., 2020; Jarugumilli et al., 2018), and in yeast by the same authors (Manzanares-Estreder et al., 2017) and as the authors comment themselves, a significant part of the manuscript may represent rather a confirmation of the already described consequences of t-2-hex stress

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Weber et al. investigated the role of human DDX6 in messenger RNA decay using CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout (KO) HEK293T cells. The authors showed that stretches of rare codons or codons known to cause ribosome stalling in reporter mRNAs leads to a DDX6 specific loss of mRNA decay. The authors moved on to show that there is a physical interaction between DDX6 and the ribosome. Using co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP) experiments, the authors determined that the FDF-binding surface of DDX6 is necessary for binding to the ribosome, the same domain which is necessary for binding several decapping factors such as EDC3, LSM14A, and PatL. However, they determine the interaction between DDX6, and the ribosome is independent of the DDX6 interaction with the NOT1 subunit of the CCR4-NOT complex. Interestingly, the authors were able to determine that all known functional domains, including the ATPase activity of DDX6, are required for its effect on mRNA decay. Using ribosome profiling and RNA-sequencing, the authors were able to identify a group of 260 mRNAs that exhibit increased translational efficiency (TE) in DDX6 Knockout cells, suggesting that DDX6 translationally represses certain mRNAs. The authors determined this group of mRNAs has decreased GC content, which has been previously noted to coincide with low codon optimality, the authors thus conclude DDX6 may translationally repress transcripts of low codon optimality. Furthermore, the authors identify 35 transcripts that are both upregulated in DDX6 KO cells and exhibit locally increased ribosome footprints (RBFs), suggestive of a ribosome stalling sequence. Lastly, the authors showed that both endogenous and tethering of DDX6 to reporter mRNAs with and without these translational stalling sequences leads to a relative increase in ribosome association to a transcript. Overall, this work confirms that the role of DDX6 in mRNA decay shares several conserved features with the yeast homolog Dhh1. Dhh1 is known to bind slow-moving ribosomes and lead to the differential decay of non-optimal mRNA transcripts (Radhakrishnan et al. 2016). The novelty of this work lies primarily in the identification of the physical interaction between DDX6 and the ribosome and the breakdown of which domains of DDX6 are necessary for this interaction. This work provides major insight into the role of the human DDX6 in the process of mRNA decay and emphasizes the evolutionary conservation of this process across Eukaryotes.<br /> Strengths: Weber et al. take our knowledge of dhh1, the yeast homolog of the human DDX6, and determine several features that are conserved across eukaryotes. The authors take our understanding of DDX6 a step further by identifying the specific domains involved in the interaction between DDX6 and the ribosome. As well as, differentiating those interactions from other factors known to interact with DDX6, such as NOT1. All of this is necessary and important to understand how mRNA decay plays a role in post-transcriptional gene regulation in humans.<br /> Weaknesses: The authors fail to truly define codon optimality, rare codons, and stalling sequences in their work, all of which are distinct terminologies. They use reporters with rare codon usage but do not mention what metrics they use to determine this, such as cAI, codon usage bias, or tAI. The distinction between the type of codon sequences that DDX6 affects is very important to differentiate and should be done here as certain stretches of codons are known to lead to different quality control RNA decay pathways that are not reliant on canonical mRNA decay factors. Likewise, the authors sort their Ribo-seq data to determine genes that might exhibit a DDX6 specific mRNA decay effect but fail to go into great depth about common features shared among these genes other than GO term analysis, GC content, and coding sequence (CDS) length. The authors then sort out 35 genes that are both upregulated at the mRNA level and have increased local ribosome footprint along the ORF. They are then able to show that 6 out of 9 of those genes had a DDX6-dependent mRNA decay effect. There was no comment or effort as to why 2 out of those 6 genes tested did not show as strong of a DDX6-dependent decay effect relative to the other targets tested. Thus, the efforts to identify mRNA features at a global level that exhibited DDX6-dependent mRNA decay effects are lacking in this analysis.<br /> Overall, the work done by Weber et al. is sound, with the proper controls. The authors expand significantly on the knowledge of what we know about DDX6 in the process of mRNA decay in humans, confirming the evolutionary conservation of the role of this factor across eukaryotes. The analysis of the RNA-seq and Ribo-seq data could be more in-depth, however, the authors were able to show with certainty that some transcripts containing known repetitive sequences or polybasic sequences exhibited a DDX6-mRNA decay effect.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      In this paper the authors present an existing information theoretic framework to assess the ability of single cells to encode external signals sensed through membrane receptors. The main point is to distinguish actual noise in the signaling pathway from cell-cell variability, which could be due to differences in their phenotypic state, and to formalize this difference using information theory. After correcting for this cellular variability, the authors find that cells may encode more information than one would estimate from ignoring it, which is expected. The authors show this using simple models of different complexities, and also by analyzing an imaging dataset of the IGF/FoxO pathway.

      I am only partially satisfied by the authors response. To me, the main question that was unanswered, while being at the core of the claim of the paper, was the magnitude of within-cell variability across repetitions of the stimulus.

      This can only be done on the IGF/FoxO system because, as the authors acknowledge, the EGF/EGFR system does not have any data to support any claim about single-cell information that's not heavily informed by models, which assume by construction that this variability is small, naturally leading the desired conclusion.

      The authors now measure within-cell, across-repetition variability (delta_0) for IGF/FoxO, but:<br /> - they compare it to cell-to-cell variability, finding that it's smaller. That's good and that supports the main claim of the paper that single cells are more precise than a mean cell. However they don't show it in the paper, but only in the response.<br /> - they also don't compare it to within-cell, within-stimulation variability across time. But this latter variability is what they (wrongly) used to estimate information, and still do in this revision. However I think this is approximated by the blue "simulation" violin plot in Reviewer Figure 2. The true variability is clearly larger than previously assumed. So it's strange that they conclude that "our estimates of cell-to-cell variability signaling fidelity are stable and reliable."<br /> - they don't use this delta_0 variability to revise their estimate of the information accordingly.<br /> - since variability is small compared to the differences between distinct stimulations, of which there are only 4, all information quantities they get are around 2 bits, which is not approaching the information capacity but merely a statement that the number of tested doses is small.

      I strongly recommend that the authors actually report the figure they provided as Reviewer Figure 2 in the manuscript. In addition, they should not claim that the within-cell variability (captured by the variability across distinct presentations of the stimulus) is well captured by their initial estimate (based on the variance within a single presentation of the stimulus).

    1. Joint Public Review:

      This work by Liu CSC et al. is an extension of the author's previous work on the role of Piezo1 mechano-sensor in human T cell activation. In this study, the authors address whether Piezo1 plays a role in T-cell chemotactic migration.

      The authors used CD4+ T cells or Jurkat T cells to test the effects of siRNA-mediated depletion of Piezo1 on chemotactic migration. They establish that Piezo1 is implicated in chemotactic migration, although the effects of depletion are relatively moderate.

      They show that Piezo1 is redistributed to the leading edge of T-cells.

      They identify that relocation of Piezo1 to the leading edge follows an increase in membrane tension.

      In Piezo-1 depleted cells, they observe a moderate reduction of LFA-1 polarity. With the use of specific inhibitors, they propose Piezo1 activation to be downstream of focal adhesion formation and upstream of calpain-mediated LFA-1, integrin alpha L beta 2, or CD11a/CD18 recruitment at the leading edge.


      Together with their 2018 paper, this study presents Pieszo1 as a regulator of T-cell activation, implicating it as a player in the coordination of the chemotactic immune response.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Most of the effects observed are relatively modest. The authors did not challenge the cells with various physico-mechanical conditions to see when Piezo-1 might become really important. For instance, there are no experiments that expose T cells to varying counter-acting forces to see how piezo1 might affect migration.

      Technical weaknesses:

      The authors state that "these high tension edges are usually further emphasized at later time points", but after ten minutes the median tension and tension (Figure 2C and Supplementary Figure 2C respectively) reduce down to the pretreatment time point. It would be clearer if the author stated within which timeframe the tension edges are "further emphasized".

      Figures 3 and 4 - The author states the number of cells quantified from the images, but it is not clear whether the data is actually from 3 biological replicates.

      Some of the data has no representative images or videos included. There is no video in the supplementary for Figures 1 A and B. There are no representative images of transwell migration assay in Figures 1 D and E.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Iske et al. provide experimental data that NAD+ lessens disease severity in bacterial sepsis without impacting on the host pathogen load. They show that in macrophages, NAD+ prevents Il1b secretion potentially mediated by Caspase11.

      While the in vivo and in vitro data is interesting and hints towards a crucial role of NAD+ to promote metabolic adaptation in sepsis, the manuscript has shortcomings and would profit from several changes and additional experiments that support the claims.

      Conceptually, the definition of sepsis is outdated. Sepsis is not SIRS, as in sepsis-2. Sepsis-3 defines sepsis as infection-associated organ dysfunction. This concept needs to be taken into account for the introduction and when describing the potential effects of NAD+ in sepsis. Also, LPS application cannot be considered an appropriate sepsis model, since it only recapitulates the consequence of TLR-4 activation. It is a model of endotoxemia. Also, the LPS data does not allow to draw conclusions about bacterial clearance (L135).

      The authors state that protective effects by NAD were independent of the host pathogen load. This clearly indicates that NAD confers protection via enhancing a disease tolerance mechanism, potentially via reducing immunopathology. This aspect is not considered by the authors. The authors should incorporate the concept of disease tolerance in their work, cite the relevant literature on the topic and discuss it their findings in light of the published evidence for metabolic alteration sand adaptations in sepsis.

      For the in vitro data, the manuscript would benefit from additional experiments using in vitro infection models.

      The figure legend should not repeat the methods and materials section. The nomenclature for mouse protein and genes needs to be thoroughly revised.

      L350. The authors write that they dissect the capacity of NAD+ to dampen auto- and alloimmunity. In this work, no data that supports this statement is shown and experiments with autoantigens or alloantigens are not performed. If this refers to another previous publication by the same group, it needs to be put into this context and appropriately cited.

      L163 The authors describe pyroptosis but in the figure legend call it apoptosis (Fig.2D). Specific markers for each cell death should be measured and determined which cell death mechanisms is involved.

      Animal data comes from an infection model and LPS application. The RNAseq data is obtained from cells primed with Pam3CSK4 and subsequently subjected to LPS. It is unclear how the cell culture model reflects the animal model. As such the link between IFN signaling and the bacterial infection/LPS model are not convincing and need to be further elaborated.

      Further experiments with primary cells from Il10 k.o. and Caspase11 k.o. animals should be provided that support the findings in macrophages.

    1. Joint Public Review:


      In this manuscript, the authors set out to understand how different TLR4 agonists trigger Myddosome assembly and seek to examine how the potent LPS agonist induces a heightened TLR4 response. A strength of the study is that the authors employ a novel light sheet imaging modality coupled to nanopipette delivery of TLR4 ligands. The authors use this technological innovation to resolve the dynamics of Myddosome formation within the whole cell volume of macrophage cell lines expressing MyD88-YFP. The main finding is that the kinetics of Myddosome formation is slower for the weaker agonist Abeta than LPS. However, Abeta amyloids resulted in the formation of larger MyD88-YFP puncta that persisted for longer. The authors suggest the slower kinetics of formation and larger puncta size reflect how Abeta amyloids are a less efficient TLR4 agonist. Many Toll-like receptors are now known to recognize endogenous produced danger signals and microbially derived molecules. This work is the first to compare the signaling kinetics of endogenous versus microbially derived TLR agonists.


      A key strength of this work is the technological achievement of imaging Myddosomes within the entire cell volume and using a nanopipette to administer ligands directly to single cells. The authors also combine this light sheet microscopy with STORM imaging to gain a super-resolved view of the assembly of Myddosomes. These findings suggest that Myddosomes formed in response to Abeta have a more irregular morphology. We conclude that these technological achievements are significant in improving our understanding of the dynamics of TLR4 signaling in response to diverse agonists. Given the limited literature on the molecular dynamics of innate immune signal transduction, this study is an important addition to the field.


      One limitation of the paper is that a suitable explanation for how larger Myddosomes would contribute to an attenuated downstream signaling response. Do the larger clusters of nucleated MyD88 polymers reflect inefficiency in assembling fully formed Myddosomes that contain IRAK4/2? Could the MyD88-GFP puncta be stained with antibodies against IRAK4 (or IRAK2) to determine the frequency and probably of the two ligands to stimulate signal transduction beyond MyD88 assembly?

      A second weakness is the discussion. The authors should explore other explanations for the observed differences in Myddosome formation between TLR4 agonists. For example, could the observed delay in Myddosome assembly in response to Abeta be due to different binding affinity or kinetics to TLR4? Can this be ruled out?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Zink et al set out to identify selective inhibitors of the pyridoxal phosphatase (PDXP). Previous studies had demonstrated improvements in cognition upon removal of PDXP, and here the authors reveal that this correlates with an increase in pyridoxal phosphate (PLP; PDXP substrate and an active coenzyme form of vitamin B6) with age. Since several pathologies are associated with decreased vitamin B6, the authors propose that PDXP is an attractive therapeutic target in the prevention/treatment of cognitive decline. Following high throughput and secondary small molecule screens, they identify two selective inhibitors. They follow up on 7, 8 dihydroxyflavone (DHF). Following structure-activity relationship and selectivity studies, the authors then solve a co-crystal structure of 7,8 DHF bound to the active site of PDXP, supporting a competitive mode of PDXP inhibition. Finally, they find that treating hippocampal neurons with 7,8 DHF increases PLP levels in a WT but not PDXP KO context. The authors note that 7,8 DHF has been used in numerous rodent neuropathology models to improve outcomes. 7, 8 DHF activity was previously attributed to activation of the receptor tyrosine kinase TrkB, although this appears to be controversial. The present study raises the possibility that it instead/also acts through modulation of PLP levels via PDXP, and is an important area for future work.

      Strengths:<br /> The strengths of the work are in the comprehensive, thorough, and unbiased nature of the analyses revealing the potential for therapeutic intervention in a number of pathologies.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Potential weaknesses include the poor solubility of 7,8 DHF that might limit its bioavailability given its relatively low potency (IC50= 0.8 uM), which was not improved by SAR. However, the compound has an extended residence time and the co-crystal structure could aid the design of more potent molecules and would be of interest to those in the pharmaceutical industry. The images related to crystal structure could be improved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors introduced a compelling study that explored an innovative regenerative treatment for pediatric craniofacial bone loss, with a particular focus on investigating the impacts of JAGGED1 (JAG1) signaling.


      Building on their prior research involving the effect of JAG1 on murine cranial neural crest cells, the authors demonstrated successful bone regeneration in an in vivo murine bone loss model with a critically-sized cranial defect, where they delivered JAG1 with pediatric human bone-derived osteoblast-like cells in the hydrogel. Additionally, their findings unveiled a crucial mechanism wherein JAG1 induces pediatric osteoblast commitment and bone regeneration through the phosphorylation of p70 S6K. This discovery offers a promising avenue for potential treatment, involving targeted delivery of JAG1 and activation of downstream p70 s6K, for pediatric craniofacial bone loss. Overall, the experimental design is appropriate, and the results are clearly presented.


      Several methodology details need to be clearly included and gender differences should be evaluated and discussed.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Makiko Kashio et al aimed to uncover a potential role of exocrine gland-expressing TRPV4 in perspiration. Pharmacological and genetic tools were employed to verify a TRPV4-dependent cytosolic Ca2+ increase, which may contribute to sweat in mice.


      (1) The authors identified a functional expression of TRPV4 in sweat glands.<br /> (2) The lower expression of TRPV4 in anhidrotic skin from patients with AIGA suggested a potential role of TRPV4 in perspiration.


      (1) Measurement of secreted amylase could be seen as direct evidence of sweating, however, how to determine the causal relationship between climbing behavior and sweating? Friction force may also be reduced when there is too much fingertip moisture.

      (2) For the human skin immunostaining, did the author use the same TRPV4 antibody as used in the mouse staining? Did they validate the specificity of the antibody for the human TRPV4 channel?

      (3) In lines 116-117, the authors tried to determine "the functional interaction of TRPV4 and ANO1 is involved in temperature-dependent sweating", however, they only used the TRPV4 ko mice and did not show any evidence supporting the relationship between TRPV4 and ANO1.

      (4) Figure 3-4 is quite confusing. At 25˚C, no sweating difference was observed between TRPV4 and wt mice (Fig 3A-3D), suggesting both Ach-induced sweating and basal sweating are TRPV4-independent at 25˚C, however, the climbing test was done at 26-27 ˚C and the data showed a climbing deficit in TRPV4 ko mice. How to interpret the data is unclear.

      (5) Was there any gender differences associated with sweating in mice? In Figure 3, the mouse number for behavior tests should be at least 5.

      (8) 8- to 21-week-old mice were used in the immunostaining, the time span is too long.

      (6) The authors used homozygous TRPV4 ko mice for all experiments. What are control mice? Are they littermates of the TRPV4 ko mice?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This work extends previous agent-based models of murine muscle regeneration by the authors (especially Westman et al., 2021) and by others (especially Khuu et al, 2023) by incorporating additional agent rules (altogether now based on over 100 published studies), threshold parameters and interactions with fields of cytokines and growth factors as well as capillaries (dynamically changing through damage and angiogenesis) and lymphatic vessels. The estimation of 52 unknown parameters against three time courses of tissue-scale observables (muscle cross-sectional area recovery, satellite stem cell count and fibroblast cell count) employs the CaliPro algorithm (Joslyn et al., 2021) and sensitivity analysis. The model is validated against additional time courses of tissue-scale observables and qualitative perturbation data, which match for almost all conditions. This model is here used to predict (also non-monotonic) responses of (combinations of) cytokine perturbations but it moreover represents a valuable resource for further analysis of emergent behavior across multiple spatial scales in a physiologically relevant system.


      This work (almost didactically) demonstrates how to develop, calibrate, validate and analyze a comprehensive, spatially resolved, dynamical, multicellular model. Testable model predictions of (also non-monotonic) emergent behaviors are derived and discussed. The computational model is based on a widely-used simulation platform and shared openly such that it can be further analyzed and refined by the community.


      While the parameter estimation approach is sophisticated, this work does not address issues of structural and practical non-identifiability (Wieland et al., 2021, DOI:10.1016/j.coisb.2021.03.005) of parameter values, given just tissue-scale summary statistics, and does not address how model predictions might change if alternative parameter combinations were used. Here, the calibrated model represents one point estimate (column "Value" in Suppl. Table 1) but there is specific uncertainty of each individual parameter value and such uncertainties need to be propagated (which is computationally expensive) to the model predictions for treatment scenarios.<br /> Suggested treatments (e.g. lines 484-486) are modeled as parameter changes of the endogenous cytokines (corresponding to genetic mutations!) whereas the administration of modified cytokines with changed parameter values would require a duplication of model components and interactions in the model such that cells interact with the superposition of endogenous and administered cytokine fields. Specifically, as the authors also aim at 'injections of exogenously delivered cytokines' (lines 578, 579) and propose altering decay rates or diffusion coefficients (Fig. 7), there needs to be a duplication of variables in the model to account for the coexistence of cytokine sub-types. One set of equations would have unaltered (endogenous) and another one have altered (exogenous or drugged) parameter values. Cells would interact with both of them.

      This work shows interesting emergent behavior from nonlinear cytokine interactions but the analysis does not provide insights into the underlying causes, e.g. which of the feedback loops dominates early versus late during a time course.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Taking advantage of the Alphafold-multimer program, which predicts the tertiary structure of the macromolecular complex, the authors analyzed the interaction of essential factors involved in sperm-egg fusion. In particular, the authors predicted that the presence of a large complex of the novel factor TMEM81 with IZUMO1, SPACA6, JUNO, and CD9.


      The authors postulated that the type I transmembrane sperm protein TMEM81 may be involved in gamete fusion, as predicted by the Alphafold-multimer.


      All data except Figure 1 are mere predictive models, and their physiological importance is extremely unreliable. In addition, the data lacks experimental validation compared to another group's preprint (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.07.27.550750v1).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript by Singh et al proposes a new theoretical model for the phenomenon of planar cell polarity (PCP). The new model is simulating the emergence of the subcellular polarity of the Fat-Ds pathway, based on the interactions of the protocadherins Fat and Ds at the boundary between cells and in response to external gradients. Several mathematical models for PCP have been previously developed focusing on different aspects of PCP, including non-autonomy domineering (Amonlirdviman et al.), the effect of stochasticity on polarity (Burak et al.), gradient sensing (Mani et al), formation of molecular bridges (Fisher et al.) to name a few. The current modeling approach suggests a new model, based on a relatively simple set of equations for membrane Fat and Ds and their interactions, both in 1D (line of cells) and in 2D (hexagonal array). The equations are relatively simple on one hand, allowing performing tractable computational analysis as well as analytical approximations, while on the other hand allowing tracking membrane protein levels, which is what is measured experimentally. It has been previously shown that achieving polarity requires local feedback that amplify complexes in one orientation at the expense of complexes in the opposite orientation (e.g. Mani et al.). Interestingly, the current manuscript shows that a simple assumption, that Fat-DS complexes are stabilized when bound is sufficient to induce PCP when concentrations are high enough. The authors use the model to show how it captures several experimental observations, as well as to analyze the sensitivity to noise, the response to gradients, and the response to local perturbations (mutant clones). The manuscript is clear and the analysis is mostly coherent and sensible (although some parts need to be clarified, see below). The main issue I have with the manuscript is that it mostly describes how it captures different features that were mostly explained in previous models. I do think the authors should do more with their model to explain features that were not explained by other models, and/or generate non-trivial predictions that can be tested experimentally.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors seek to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of macrophage polarization during Salmonella infection. They undertake intravital microscopy of Salmonella Typhimurium infection in the hindbrain ventricle of zebrafish larvae and couple this with transcriptomic analysis of macrophages from infected tissues. They find that macrophages and neutrophils are rapidly recruited to the site of infection within hours after inoculation. Macrophage abundance is significantly increased in the persistent infection stage at 4 days post-inoculation (dpi), compared to in the early stage, hours post-inoculation. The authors observe that Salmonella bacilli selectively co-localize with aggregates of macrophages, but not neutrophils, during persistent infection. Furthermore, they show that in early infection stage, a markedly higher fraction of macrophages at the site of infection expressed tnfa and exhibits stronger transcriptional signature of pro-inflammatory, M1-like phenotype, compared to macrophages in persistent infection stage. Additionally, the authors find that genes involved in cell-cell adhesion are down-regulated in persistent stage macrophages and these cells have reduced motility. This study's approach, further developing and employing a zebrafish S. Typhimuirum infection model and intravital microscopy of whole living animals, presents an exciting strategy to investigate macrophage responses and their roles during vacuolar intracellular bacterial infection in vivo, complementary to the more commonly utilized murine infection models. The study's findings are useful and largely observational. The data presented have the potential but additional analyses and experiments are needed to clarify and support the conclusions.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper combines a number of cutting-edge approaches to explore the role of a specific mouse retinal ganglion cell type in visual function. The approaches used include calcium imaging to measure responses of RGC populations to a collection of visual stimuli and CNNs to predict the stimuli that maximally activate a given ganglion cell type. The predictions about feature selectivity are tested and used to generate a hypothesized role in visual function for the RGC type identified as interesting. The paper is impressive; my comments are all related to how the work is presented.

      Is the MEI approach needed to identify these cells?<br /> To briefly summarize the approach, the paper fits a CNN to the measured responses to a range of stimuli, extracts the stimulus (over time, space, and color) that is predicted to produce a maximal response for each RGC type, and then uses these MEIs to investigate coding. This reveals that G28 shows strong selectivity for its own MEI over those of other RGC types. The feature of the G28 responses that differentiate it appears to be its spatially-coextensive chromatic opponency. This distinguishing feature, however, should be relatively easy to discover using more standard approaches.<br /> The concern here is that the paper could be read as indicating that standard approaches to characterizing feature selectivity do not work and that the MEI/CNN approach is superior. There may be reasons why the latter is true that I missed or were not spelled out clearly. I do think the MEI/CNN approach as used in the paper provides a very nice way to compare feature selectivity across RGC types - and that it seems very well suited in this context. But it is less clear that it is needed for the initial identification of the distinguished response features of the different RGC types.<br /> What would be helpful for me, and I suspect for many readers, is a more nuanced and detailed description of where the challenges arise in standard feature identification approaches and where the MEI/CNN approaches help overcome those challenges.

      Interpretation of MEI temporal structure<br /> Some aspects of the extracted MEIs look quite close to those that would be expected from more standard measurements of spatial and temporal filtering. Others - most notably some of the temporal filters - do not. In many of the cells, the temporal filters oscillate much more than linear filters estimated from the same cells. In some instances, this temporal structure appears to vary considerably across cells of the same type (Fig. S2). These issues - both the unusual temporal properties of the MEIs and the heterogeneity across RGCs of the same type - need to be discussed in more detail.<br /> Related to this point, it would be nice to understand how much of the difference in responses to MEIs in Figure 4d is from differences in space, time, or chromatic properties. Can you mix and match MEI components to get an estimate of that? This is particularly relevant since G28 responds quite well to the G24 MEI.

      Explanation of RDM analysis<br /> I really struggled with the analysis in Figure 5b-c. After reading the text several times, this is what I think is happening. Starting with a given RGC type (#20 in Figure 5b), you take the response of each cell in that group to the MEI of each RGC type, and plot those responses in a space where the axes correspond to responses of each RGC of this type. Then you measure euclidean distance between the responses to a pair of MEIs and collect those distances in the RDM matrix. Whether correct or not, this took some time to arrive at and meant filling in some missing pieces in the text. That section should be expanded considerably.

      Centering of MEIs<br /> How important is the lack of precise centering of the MEIs when you present them? It would be helpful to have some idea about that - either from direct experiments or using a model.

    1. Reviewer #2 (Public Review):

      This MS reveals that plants that have long been said to push are not, in fact, doing so, but are trapping and killing pests, thereby reducing pest outbreaks. The volatiles data of Desmodium are stable and useful. And the method of showing volatiles data is great.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The author tried to figure out whether neutrophil extracellular traps are involved in aristolochic acid nephropathy. Overall, this study provided some novel findings to support the conclusion. But the generation of knockin mice, IL-19 function in vivo, and the underlying mechanism by which PSTPIP2 influences NF-KB-IL-19 need to be further clarified.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript the authors describe the expression and regulatory function of a self-cleaving ribozyme in the Cpeb3 gene. Cpeb3 knockout is associated with altered memory formation, and there are tempting correlations from the mid-2000s between a human CPEB3 SNP at the ribozyme cleavage site and memory performance, suggesting that regulation of Cpeb3 protein expression could impact memory. Here the authors test the impact of inhibiting Cpeb3 ribozyme self-excision with the hypothesis that this will promote splicing and Cpeb3 protein expression. They study the temporal regulation of ribozyme cleavage and find that it is in sync with transcription. Then they use their in vitro cleavage assay to identify an ASO that blocks cleavage. The validation of the effects of the ASO on ribozyme cleavage, and Cpeb3 mRNA expression and processing in membrane depolarized neurons and in the hippocampus in vivo are rigorous and establish the molecular function of the ribozyme. The authors also show an increase in CPEB3 protein expression and increased expression (and polyadenylation) of known translational targets of CPEB3 in cultures and in vivo with the latter only in the presence of elevated neural activity, consistent with an effect on protein synthesis. The final part of the study assesses the regulation and function of CPEB3 in the context of learning and memory.

      The significance of this study lies in the molecular analysis of the ribozyme function. This ribozyme is well established and the gene in which it lies has important links to synaptic plasticity. Gene regulation is known to be important in the context of learning and memory and this is a new mechanism that the authors show has the potential to influence this process.

  2. Dec 2023
    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The evolution of dioecy in angiosperms has significant implications for plant reproductive efficiency, adaptation, evolutionary potential, and resilience to environmental changes. Dioecy allows for the specialization and division of labor between male and female plants, where each sex can focus on specific aspects of reproduction and allocate resources accordingly. This division of labor creates an opportunity for sexual selection to act and can drive the evolution of sexual dimorphism.

      In the present study, the authors investigate sex-biased gene expression patterns in juvenile and mature dioecious flowers to gain insights into the molecular basis of sexual dimorphism. They find that a large proportion of the plant transcriptome is differentially regulated between males and females with the number of sex-biased genes in floral buds being approximately 15 times higher than in mature flowers. The functional analysis of sex-biased genes reveals that chemical defense pathways against herbivores are up-regulated in the female buds along with genes involved in the acquisition of resources such as carbon for fruit and seed production, whereas male buds are enriched in genes related to signaling, inflorescence development and senescence of male flowers. Furthermore, the authors implement sophisticated maximum likelihood methods to understand the forces driving the evolution of sex-biased genes. They highlight the influence of positive and relaxed purifying selection on the evolution of male-biased genes, which show significantly higher rates of non-synonymous to synonymous substitutions than female or unbiased genes. This is the first report (to my knowledge) highlighting the occurrence of this pattern in plants. Overall, this study provides important insights into the genetic basis of sexual dimorphism and the evolution of reproductive genes in Cucurbitaceae.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Translating discoveries from model organisms to humans is often challenging, especially in neuropsychiatric diseases, due to the vast gaps in the circuit complexities and cognitive capabilities. Kajtor et al. propose to bridge this gap in the fly models of Parkinson's disease (PD) by developing a new behavioral assay where flies respond to a moving shadow by modifying their locomotor activities. The authors believe the flies' response to the shadow approximates their escape response to an approaching predator. To validate this argument, they tested several PD-relevant transgenic fly lines and showed that some of them indeed have altered responses in their assay.

      Strengths: This single-fly-based assay is easy and inexpensive to set up, scalable, and provides sensitive, quantitative estimates to probe flies' optomotor acuity. The behavioral data is detailed, and the analysis parameters are well-explained.

      Weaknesses: While the abstract promises to give us an assay to accelerate fly-to-human translation, the authors need to provide evidence to show that this is indeed the case. They have used PD lines extensively characterized by other groups, often with cheaper and easier-to-setup assays like negative geotaxis, and do not offer any new insights into them. The conceptual leap from a low-level behavioral phenotype, e.g. changes in walking speed, to recapitulating human PD progression is enormous, and the paper does not make any attempt to bridge it. It needs to be clarified how this assay provides a new understanding of the fly PD models, as the authors do not explore the cellular/circuit basis of the phenotypes. Similarly, they have assumed that the behavior they are looking at is an escape-from-predator response modulated by the central complex- is there any evidence to support these assumptions? Because of their rather superficial approach, the paper does not go beyond providing us with a collection of interesting but preliminary observations.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The focus of this manuscript was to investigate the role of Cldn9 in the development of the mammalian cochlea. The main rationale of the study is the fact that cochlear hair cells do not regenerate, so when damaged they are lost forever, causing irreparable hearing loss. The authors have attempted to address this problem by inducing the ectopic production of additional hair cells and testing whether they acquire the morphological and functional characteristics of native hair cells. They show that downregulation of Cldn9 using a well-established genetic manipulation of transgenic mice led to the production of extra numerary inner hair cells, which were able to survive for several months. By performing a large battery of experiments, the authors were able to determine that the native and ectopic inner hair cells have comparable morphological and physiological characteristics. There are several conclusions highlighted by the authors in different parts of the manuscript, including the key role of Cldn9 in coordinating embryonic and postnatal development, the differentiation of supporting cells into inner hair cells, and the possible use of Cldn9 to induce inner hair cell differentiation following deafness induced by hair cell loss.

      Strengths:<br /> Several of the conclusions in this study are well supported by the experimental work.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Some aspects of the data and its interpretation needs better explanation and requires further investigation.

      1) The Results section is the most difficult part to read and understand. It contains a very limited, and in some places confusing and repetitive, description of the data. Statistical analysis is missing for some of the key data (e.g., ABRs), and in some places the text contradicts the data presented in the figures (e.g., Figure 8). I am sure a careful revision of the text would clarify some of these issues.

      2) One puzzling finding that is not addressed in the manuscript is the lack of functional benefit from these additional inner hair cells. In fact, it appears to be detrimental based on the increased ABR thresholds. Maybe it would be useful to analyze the wave 1 characteristics.

      3) It is not clear what direct evidence there is, apart from some immunostaining, indicating that the ectopic inner hair cells derive from the supporting cells. This part would benefit from a more careful consideration and maybe an attempt at a more direct experimental approach.

      4) One point that should be made clear throughout the manuscript is that the ectopic inner hair cells are generated in a cochlea that is undergoing normal maturation. Thus, there is no guarantee that modulating the expression levels of Cldn9 in a deaf mouse lacking hair cells would produce the same result as that shown in this study. My guess is that it probably won't, but I am sure this could be tested (maybe in the future) using the excellent experimental approach applied in this study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      MacDonald et al., investigated the consequence of double knockout of substance P and CGRPα on pain behaviors using a newly created mouse model. The investigators used two methods to confirm knockout of these neuropeptides: traditional immunolabeling and a neat in vitro assay where sensory neurons from either wildtype or double knock are co-cultured with substance P "sniffer cells", HEK cells stably expressing NKR1 (a substance P receptor), GCaMP6s and Gα15. It should be noted that functional assays confirming CGRPα knockout were not performed. Subsequently, the authors assayed double knockout mice (DKO) and wildtype (WT) mice in numerous behavioral assays using different pain models, including acute pain and itch stimuli, intraplanar injection of Complete Freund's Adjuvant, prostaglandin E2, capsaicin, AITC, oxaliplatin, as well as the spared nerve injury model. Surprisingly, the authors found that pain behaviors did not differ between DKO and WT mice in any of the behavioral assays or pain paradigms. Importantly, female and male mice were included in all analyses. These data are important and significant, as both substance P and CGRPα have been implicated in pain signaling, though the magnitude of the effect of a single knockout of either gene has been variable and/or small between studies.

      The conclusions of the study are largely supported by the data; however, additional experimental controls and analyses would strengthen the authors claims.

      1) The authors note that single knockout models of either substance P or CGRPα have produced variable effects on pain behaviors that are study-dependent. Therefore, it would have strengthened the study if the authors included these single knockout strains in a side-by-side analysis (in at least some of the behavioral assays), as has been done in prior studies in the field when using double- or triple-knockout mouse models (for example, see PMID: 33771873). If in the authors hands, single knockouts of either peptide also show no significant differences in pain behaviors, then the finding that double knockouts also do not show significant differences would be less surprising.

      2) It is unclear why the authors only show functional validation of substance P knockout using "sniffer" cells, but not CGRPα. Inclusion of this experiment would have added an additional layer of rigor to the study.

      3) The authors should be a bit more reserved in the claims made in the manuscript. The main claim of the study is that "CGRPα and substance P are not required for pain transmission." However, the authors also note that neuropeptides can have opposing effects that may produce a net effect of no change. In my view, the data presented show that double knockout of substance P and CGRPα do not affect somatic pain behaviors, but do not preclude a role for either of these molecules in pain signaling more generally. Indeed, the authors also note that these neuropeptides could be involved in nociceptor crosstalk with the immune or vascular systems to promote headache. The authors only assayed pain responses to glabrous skin stimulation. How the DKO mice would behave in orofacial pain assays, migraine assays, visceral pain assays, or bone/joint pain assays, for example, was not tested. I do not suggest the authors include these experiments, only that they address the limitations/weaknesses of their study more thoroughly.

      4) A more minor but important point, the authors do not describe the nature of the WT animals used. Are the littermates or a separately maintained colony of WT animals? The WT strain background should be included in the methods section.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      People can perform a wide variety of different tasks, and a long-standing question in cognitive neuroscience is how the properties of different tasks are represented in the brain. The authors develop an interesting task that mixes two different sources of difficulty, and find that the brain appears to represent this mixture on a continuum, in the prefrontal areas involved in resolving task difficulty. While these results are interesting and in several ways compelling, they overlap with previous findings and rely on novel statistical analyses that may require further validation.

      Strengths<br /> 1. The authors present an interesting and novel task for combining the contributions of stimulus-stimulus and stimulus-response conflict. While this mixture has been measured in the multi-source interference task (MSIT), this task provides a more graded mixture between these two sources of difficulty.

      2. The authors do a good job triangulating regions that encoding conflict similarity, looking for the conjunction across several different measures of conflict encoding. These conflict measures use several best-practice approaches towards estimating representational similarity.

      3. The authors quantify several salient alternative hypothesis, and systematically distinguish their core results from these alternatives.

      4. The question that the authors tackle is important to cognitive control, and they make a solid contribution.

      Concerns<br /> 1. The framing of 'infinite possible types of conflict' feels like a strawman. While they might be true across stimuli (which may motivate a feature-based account of control), the authors explore the interpolation between two stimuli. Instead, this work provides confirmatory evidence that task difficulty is represented parametrically (e.g., consistent with literatures like n-back, multiple object tracking, and random dot motion). This parametric encoding is standard in feature-based attention, and it's not clear what the cognitive map framing is contributing.

      2. The representations within DLPFC appear to treat 100% Stoop and (to a lesser extent) 100% Simon differently than mixed trials. Within mixed trials, the RDM within this region don't strongly match the predictions of the conflict similarity model. It appears that there may be a more complex relationship encoded in this region.

      3. To orthogonalized their variables, the authors need to employ a complex linear mixed effects analysis, with a potential influence of implementation details (e.g., high-level interactions and inflated degrees of freedom).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study is focused on an important aspect of axon guidance at the central nervous system (CNS) midline: how neurons extend axons that either do or do not cross the CNS midline. The authors here address contradictory work in the field relating to how cell surface expression of the slit receptor Robo1 is regulated to generate crossed and non-crossed axon trajectories during Drosophila neural development. They use fly genetics, cell lines, and biochemical assessments to define a complex consisting of the commissureless, Nedd4 and Robo1 proteins necessary for regulating Robo1 protein expression. This work resolves certain remaining questions in the field regarding midline axon guidance, with strengths outweighing weaknesses; however, addressing some of these weaknesses would strengthen this study.

      Strengths:<br /> Strengths include:<br /> -The use of well-controlled genetic gain-of-function (overexpression) approaches in vivo in Drosophila to show that phosphorylation sites (there are 2, and this study allows for assessment of the contributions made by each) in the commissureless (Comm) protein are indeed required for Comm function with respect to regulating axon midline guidance via their role in directing Comm-mediated Robo1 ubiquitination and degradation in the lysosome.<br /> -The demonstration that in vitro, and in a sensitized genetic background in vivo, the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligase regulates Robo1 protein cell surface distribution and also midline axon crossing in vivo.<br /> -Important evidence here that serves to resolve many questions raised by previous studies (not from these authors) regarding how Robo1 is regulated by Comm and Nedd4 family ubiquitin ligases. Further, these results are likely to have implications for thinking about the regulation of midline guidance in more complex nervous systems.

      Weaknesses:<br /> -The authors in part rely on GOF genetic approaches to infer roles for Comm and Nedd4, and this is understood in light of the lack of phenotypes in certain mutant backgrounds, providing evidence for their capabilities in these GOF paridigms. However, there are a few missed opportunities in some experiments that would allow for conclusions to be drawn regarding endogenous Comm function, some involving relatively simple inclusion of null mutants in the sensitized genetic backgrounds used here.<br /> -A weakness beyond the purview of revision but important to mention is that the authors chose not to complement their GOF experiments with gene editing approaches to generate endogenous PY mutant alleles of Comm that might have been useful in genetic interaction experiments directed toward revealing roles for endogenous Comm in the regulation of Robo1.<br /> -There are very minor concerns regarding protein expression levels in various experiments that should be easy to address.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript reports a series of experiments examining category learning and subsequent generalization of stimulus representations across spatial and nonspatial domains. In Experiment 1, participants were first trained to make category judgments about sequences of stimuli presented either in nonspatial auditory or visual modalities (with feature values drawn from a two-dimensional feature manifold, e.g., pitch vs timbre), or in a spatial modality (with feature values defined by positions in physical space, e.g., Cartesian x and y coordinates). A subsequent test phase assessed category judgments for 'rotated' exemplars of these stimuli: i.e., versions in which the transition vectors are rotated in the same feature space used during training (near transfer) or in a different feature space belonging to the same domain (far transfer). Findings demonstrate clearly that representations developed for the spatial domain allow for representational generalization, whereas this pattern is not observed for the nonspatial domains that are tested. Subsequent experiments demonstrate that if participants are first pre-trained to map nonspatial auditory/visual features to spatial locations, then rotational generalization is facilitated even for these nonspatial domains. It is argued that these findings are consistent with the idea that spatial representations form a generalized substrate for cognition: that space can act as a scaffold for learning abstract nonspatial concepts.

      Strengths:<br /> I enjoyed reading this manuscript, which is extremely well-written and well-presented. The writing is clear and concise throughout, and the figures do a great job of highlighting the key concepts. The issue of generalization is a core topic in neuroscience and psychology, relevant across a wide range of areas, and the findings will be of interest to researchers across areas in perception and cognitive science. It's also excellent to see that the hypotheses, methods, and analyses were pre-registered.

      The experiments that have been run are ingenious and thoughtful; I particularly liked the use of stimulus structures that allow for disentangling of one-dimensional and two-dimensional response patterns. The studies are also well-powered for detecting the effects of interest. The model-based statistical analyses are thorough and appropriate throughout (and it's good to see model recovery analysis too). The findings themselves are clear-cut: I have little doubt about the robustness and replicability of these data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I have only one significant concern regarding this manuscript, which relates to the interpretation of the findings. The findings are taken to suggest that "space may serve as a 'scaffold', allowing people to visualize and manipulate nonspatial concepts" (p13). However, I think the data may be amenable to an alternative possibility. I wonder if it's possible that, for the visual and auditory stimuli, participants naturally tended to attend to one feature dimension and ignore the other - i.e., there may have been a (potentially idiosyncratic) difference in salience between the feature dimensions that led to participants learning the feature sequence in a one-dimensional way (akin to the 'overshadowing' effect in associative learning: e.g., see Mackintosh, 1976, "Overshadowing and stimulus intensity", Animal Learning and Behaviour). By contrast, we are very used to thinking about space as a multidimensional domain, in particular with regard to two-dimensional vertical and horizontal displacements. As a result, one would naturally expect to see more evidence of two-dimensional representation (allowing for rotational generalization) for spatial than nonspatial domains.

      In this view, the impact of spatial pre-training and (particularly) mapping is simply to highlight to participants that the auditory/visual stimuli comprise two separable (and independent) dimensions. Once they understand this, during subsequent training, they can learn about sequences on both dimensions, which will allow for a 2D representation and hence rotational generalization - as observed in Experiments 2 and 3. This account also anticipates that mapping alone (as in Experiment 4) could be sufficient to promote a 2D strategy for auditory and visual domains.

      This "attention to dimensions" account has some similarities to the "spatial scaffolding" idea put forward in the article, in arguing that experience of how auditory/visual feature manifolds can be translated into a spatial representation helps people to see those domains in a way that allows for rotational generalization. Where it differs is that it does not propose that space provides a *scaffold* for the development of the nonspatial representations, i.e., that people represent/learn the nonspatial information in a spatial format, and this is what allows them to manipulate nonspatial concepts. Instead, the "attention to dimensions" account anticipates that ANY manipulation that highlights to participants the separable-dimension nature of auditory/visual stimuli could facilitate 2D representation and hence rotational generalization. For example, explicit instruction on how the stimuli are constructed may be sufficient, or pre-training of some form with each dimension separately, before they are combined to form the 2D stimuli.

      I'd be interested to hear the authors' thoughts on this account - whether they see it as an alternative to their own interpretation, and whether it can be ruled out on the basis of their existing data.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: The authors explored correlations between taste features of botanical drugs used in ancient times and therapeutic uses, finding some potentially interesting associations between intensity and complexity of flavors and therapeutic potential, plus some more specific associations described in the discussion section. I believe the results could be of potential benefit for the drug discovery community, especially for those scientists working in the field of natural products.


      Owing to its eclectic and somehow heterodox nature, I believe the article might be of interest for a general audience. In fact, I have enjoyed reading it and my curiosity was raised by the extensive discussion.

      The idea of revisiting a classical vademecum with new scientific perspectives is quite stimulating.

      The authors have undertaken a significant amount of work, collecting 700 botanical drugs and exploring their taste and association with known uses via eleven trained panellists.


      I have some methodological concerns. Robustness in the panelists' perceptions has not been addressed, and not every panellist tasted every drug because of time constrains. The breaks between tasting different samples was not standardized, and depended on the persistence of chemosensory perception, possibly also due to time constraints.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors set out to determine how chemical variation on kinase inhibitors determines selection of Erk2 conformations and how inhibitor binding affects ERk2 structure and dynamics.

      Strengths:<br /> The study is beautifully presented both verbally and visually. The NMR experiments and the HDX experiments complement each other for the study of Erk2 solution dynamics. X-ray crystallography of Erk2 complexes with inhibitors show small but distinct structural changes that support the proposed model for the impact of inhibitor binding.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Specifically controlling the level of proteins in bacteria is an important tool for many aspects of microbiology, from basic research to protein production. While there are several established methods for regulating transcription or translation of proteins with light, optogenetic protein degradation has so far not been established in bacteria. In this paper, the authors present a degradation sequence, which they name "LOVdeg", based on iLID, a modified version of the blue-light-responsive LOV2 domain of Avena sativa phototropin I (AsLOV2). The authors reasoned that by removing the three C-terminal amino acids of iLID, the modified protein ends in "-E-A-A", similar to the "-L-A-A" C-terminus of the widely used SsrA degradation tag. The authors further speculated that, given the light-induced unfolding of the C-terminal domain of iLID and similar proteins, the "-E-A-A" C-terminus would become more accessible and, in turn, the protein would be more efficiently degraded in blue light than in the dark.

      Indeed, several tested LOVdeg-tagged proteins show clearly lower cellular levels in blue light than in the dark. Depending on the nature and expression level of the target protein, protein levels are reduced modestly to strongly (2 to 20x lower levels upon illumination). Accordingly, the authors propose to use their system in combination with other light-controlled expression systems and provide data validating this approach. The LOVdeg system allows to modulate protein levels to a similar degree and with comparable kinetics as optogenetic systems controlling transcription or translation of protein, and can be combined with such systems.

      The manuscript and the figures are generally very well-composed and follow a clear structure. The schematics nicely explain the underlying principles. Besides the advantages of the LOVdeg approach, including its complementarity to controlled expression of proteins, the revised version of the manuscript also highlights the limitations of the method more clearly, e.g., (i) the need to attach a C-terminal tag of considerable size to the protein of interest, (ii) the limited efficiency (slightly less efficient and slower than EL222, a light-dependent transcriptional control mechanism), and (iii) the incompletely understood prerequisites for its application. Taken together, this manuscripts describes the LOVdeg system as a valuable addition to the tool box for controlling protein levels in prokaryotic cells.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript "Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) pathway in Sertoli cells regulates age-dependent changes in sperm DNA methylation", the authors proposed to test if the balance of mTOR complexes in Sertoli cells may play a significant role in age-dependent changes in the sperm epigenome. The paper could be of interest and has a good scientific aim but there are too many drawbacks that hamper the initial enthusiasm. All sections need extensive revision. The paper is mostly descriptive without a mechanistic-orientated explanation for the observed results.

      Specific comments:

      1. The abstract is poorly written. There is a lot of unnecessary introduction that does not provide a rationale for the work. It is not possible to understand the experimental approach or the major data just by reading the abstract. It does not clearly represent the work.

      2. The introduction is somewhat vague and does not provide a clear rationale for the hypothesis. There should be more focus more on the role of mTOR in Sertoli cells that goes far beyond BTB. That will give more focus on mTOR. Then it is important to focus on BTB and mTOR: what is known? What is the gap and how can it be solved? Several relevant references are missed concerning mTOR and Sertoli cells.

      3. The Material and Methods section needs improvement. There is much important information missing. For instance: how many animals were used per group and how was the breeding done? At what age? Statistical analysis should be explained in detail.

      4. The results description could be improved. It is vague without highlighting how much difference was detected. The results should be numerically described when possible and the differences should be highlighted. A 10% difference may be significant but not biologically relevant. To correctly evaluate the differences it is important to describe them with some degree of detail.

      5. There is no discussion of the data. The authors just summarize their findings without a comprehensive analysis of the literature and how the effects can be mediated. mTOR interacts with different pathways (mTORC1 and mTORC2 are even mediators of distinct pathways). This would be very relevant to discuss. In addition, there are many study limitations not discussed. There is no clear mechanistic explanation of the way by which the mTOR pathway in Sertoli cells regulates age-dependent changes in sperm DNA methylation. The paper seems preliminary.

      6. Figure 1 is too simple and does not provide any schematic support for the text.

      7. Figure 2 lacks some detail. For instance, how many animals were used for each step?

      8. Taking into consideration the roles of mTOR on sperm, particularly mTORC1, it is not clear whether there were any differences in sperm motility.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The molecular interactions that determine infection (and disease) trajectory following human exposure to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) are critical to understanding mycobacterial pathogenicity and tuberculosis (TB), a global public health threat that disproportionately impacts a number of high-burden countries and, owing to the emergence of multidrug-resistant Mtb strains, is a major contributor to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In this submission, Qin and colleagues extend their own previous work which identified a potential role for host galectin-9 in recognizing the major Mtb cell wall component, arabinogalactan (AG). First, the authors present data indicating that galectin-9 inhibits mycobacterial growth during in vitro culture in liquid and on solid media and that the inhibition depends on carbohydrate recognition by galectin-9. Next, the authors identify anti-AG antibodies in sera of TB patients and use this observation to inform isolation of monoclonal anti-AG antibodies (mAbs) via an in vitro screen. Finally, they apply the identified anti-AG mAbs to inhibit Mtb growth in vitro via a mechanism that proteomic and microscopic analyses suggest is dependent on the disruption of the cell wall structure. In summary, the dual observation of (i) the apparent role of naturally arising host anti-AG antibodies to control infection and (ii) the potential utility of anti-AG monoclonal antibodies as novel anti-Mtb therapeutics is compelling; however, as noted in the comments below, the evidence presented to support these insights is inadequate and the authors should address the following:

      1. The experiment that utilizes lactose or glucose supplementation to infer the importance of carbohydrate recognition by galectin-9 cannot be interpreted unequivocally owing to the growth-enhancing effect of lactose supplementation on Mtb during liquid culture in vitro.

      2. Similar to the comment above, the apparent dose-independent effect of galectin-9 on Mtb growth in vitro is difficult to reconcile with the interpretation that galectin is functioning as claimed.

      3. The claimed differences in galectin-9 concentration in sera from tuberculin skin test (TST)-negative or TST-positive non-TB cases versus active TB patients are not immediately apparent from the data presented.

      4. Neither fluorescence microscopy nor electron microscopy analyses are supported by high-quality, interpretable images which, in the absence of supporting quantitative data, renders any claims of anti-AG mAb specificity (fluorescence microscopy) or putative mAb-mediated cell wall swelling (electron microscopy) highly speculative.

      5. Finally, the absence of any discussion of how anti-AG antibodies (similarly, galectin-9) gain access to the AG layer in the outer membrane of intact Mtb bacilli (which may additionally possess an extracellular capsule/coat) is a critical omission - situating these results in the context of current knowledge about Mtb cellular structure (especially the mycobacterial outer membrane) is essential for plausibility of the inferred galectin-9 and anti-AG mAb activities.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors report on the development of the first cord blood DNA methylation score to capture the epigenetic effects of maternal smoking. The score was built in a White European cohort and tested in White European and South Asian ancestry cohorts. Additionally, epigenome-wide association studies were conducted to quantify the impact of maternal smoking on newborn health.


      The main strengths include the use of multiple cohorts of different ancestries. This is also the first study to build a cord blood predictor of maternal smoking.


      The manuscript could benefit from a more detailed description of methods, especially those used to derive MRS for maternal smoking, which appears to involve overfitting. In particular, the addition of a flow chart would be very helpful to guide the reader through the data and analyses. The FDR correction in the EWAS corresponds to a fairly liberal p-value threshold.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The major strength of this work is its scope, including detailed mouse phenotyping, inter-disciplinary methods, and numerous complementary experiments. The antibiotic depletion and FMT experiments provide support for a role of the gut microbiota in this mouse model.

      A major limitation is the lack of studies narrowing down which microbes are responsible. Sequencing data is shown, but no follow-up studies are done with bacterial isolates or defined communities.

      The link to GABA is also somewhat tenuous. While it does match the phenotypic data, there are no targeted experiments in which GABA producing microbial communities/strains are compared to a control community/strain. As such, it seems difficult to know how much of the effects in this model are due to GABA vs. other metabolites.

      My major recommendation would be to revise the title, abstract, and discussion to provide more qualification and to consider alternative interpretations.

      Some key controls are also missing, which could be addressed by repeat experiments in the mouse model. The antibiotic depletion experiment would be improved by testing the effect of antibiotics in the absence of metformin, to see if the effect is just driven by the model itself as opposed to an interaction between metformin and antibiotics. The FMT experiment lacks a control group and suffers from pseudoreplication: multiple donors from metformin treated and untreated mice could be used to colonize separate groups of recipient mice.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Starting from an unbiased search for somatic mutations (from COSMIC) likely disrupting binding of clinically approved antibodies the authors focus on mutations known to disrupt binding between two ERBB2 mutations and Pertuzamab. They use a combined computational and experimental strategy to nominate a position that when mutated could result in restoring the therapeutic activity of the antibody. Using in vitro assays the authors confirm that the engineered antibody binds to the mutant ERBB2 and prevents ERBB3 phosphorylation

      Strengths:<br /> 1. In my assessment, the data sufficiently demonstrates that a modified version of Pertuzamab can bind both the wild-type and S310 mutant forms of ERBB2.

      2. The engineering strategy employed is rational and effectively combines computational and experimental techniques.

      3. Given the clinical activity of HER2-targeting ADCs, antibodies unaffected by ERBB2 mutations would be desired.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. There is no data showing that the engineered antibody is equally specific as Pertuzamab i.e. that it does not bind to other (non-ERBB2) proteins.

      2. There is no data showing that the engineered antibody has the desired pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics properties or efficacy in vivo.

      3. Computational approaches are only used to design a phage-screen library, but not used to prioritize mutations that are likely to improve binding (e.g. based on predicted impact on the stability of the interaction). A demonstration of how computational pre-screening or lead optimization can improve the time-intensive process would be a welcome advance.

      Context:<br /> The conflict of interest statement is inadequate. Most authors of the study (but not the first author) are employees of Biolojic, a company developing multi-specific antibodies, but the statements do not clarify whether the presented antibodies represent Biolojic IP, whether the company sponsored the research, and whether the company is further developing the specific antibodies presented.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors put forth the hypothesis that hepatocyte and/or non-parenchymal liver MCT1 may be responsible for physiologic effects (lower body weight gain and less hepatic steatosis) in MCT1 global heterozygote mice. They generate multiple tools to test this hypothesis, which they combine with mouse diets that induce fatty liver, steatohepatitis and fibrosis. Novel findings include that deletion of hepatocyte MCT1 does not change liver lipid content, but increases liver fibrosis. Deletion of hepatic stellate cell (HSC) MCT1 does not substantially affect any liver parameter, but concomitant HSC MCT1 deletion does reverse fibrosis seen with hepatocyte MCT1 knockout or knockdown. In both models, plasma lactate levels do not change, suggesting that liver MCT1 does not substantially affect systemic lactate. In general, the data match conclusions of the manuscript, and the studies are well-conducted and well-described. Further work would be necessary to dissect mechanism of fibrosis with hepatocyte MCT1, and whether this is due to changes in local lactate (as speculated by the authors) or another MCT1 substrate. This would be important to understand this novel potential cross-talk between hepatocytes and HSCs.

      A parallel and perhaps more important advance is the generation of new methodology to target HSC in mice, using modified siRNA and by transduction of AAV9-Lrat-Cre. Both methods would reduce the need to cross floxed mice with the Lrat-Cre allele, saving time and resources. These tools were validated to an extent by the authors, but not sufficiently to ensure that there is no cross-reactivity with other liver cell types. For example, AAV9-Lrat-Cre-transduced MCT1 floxed mice show compelling HSC but not hepatocyte Mct1 knockdown, but other liver cell types should be assessed to ensure specificity. This is particularly important as overall liver Mct1 decreased by ~30% in AAV9-Lrat-Cre-transduced mice, which may exceed HSC content of these mice, especially when considering a 60-70% knockdown efficiency. This same issue also affects Chol-MCT1-siRNA, which the authors demonstrate to affect hepatocytes and HSC, but likely affects other cell types not tested. As this is a new and potentially valuable tool, it would be important to assess Mct1 expression across more non-parenchymal cells (i.e. endothelial, cholangiocytes, immune cells) to determine penetration and efficacy.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this paper, the authors investigate the impact of fecal microbiota transfer (FMT) on intestinal recovery from enterotoxigenic E. coli infection following antibiotic treatment. Using a piglet model of intestinal infection, the authors demonstrate that FMT reduces weight loss and diarrhea and enhances the expression of tight junction proteins. Sequencing analysis of the intestinal microbiota following FMT showed significant increases in Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis. Using additional mouse and organoid models, the authors examine the impact of these microbes on intestinal recovery and modulation of the Wnt signaling pathway. Overall, the data support the notion that FMT following ETEC infection is beneficial, however, additional investigation is required to fully elucidate the mechanisms involved.

      Strengths:<br /> Initial experiments used a piglet model of infection to test the value of FMT on recovery from E. coli. The FMT treatment was beneficial and the authors provide solid evidence that the treatment increased the diversity of the microbiota and enhanced the recovery of the intestinal epithelium. Sequencing data highlighted an increase in Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis after FMT.

      The mouse data are consistent with the observations in pigs, and reveal that daily gavage with A. muciniphila or B. fragilis enhances intestinal recovery based on histological analysis, expression of tight junction proteins, and analysis of intestinal barrier function.

      The authors demonstrate the benefit of probiotic treatment following infection using a range of model systems.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Without sequencing the pre-infection pig microbiota or the FMT input material itself, it's challenging to firmly say that the observed bloom in Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis stemmed from the FMT.

      The lack of details for the murine infection model, such as weight loss and quantification of bacterial loads over time, make it challenging for a reader to fully appreciate how treatment with Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis is altering the course of infection. Bacterial loads of E. coli were only quantified at one time point, and the mice that received A. muciniphila and B. fragilis had very low levels of E. coli. Therefore, it is not clear if all mice were subjected to the same level of infection in the first place. The reduced translocation of E. coli to the organs and enhanced barrier function may just reflect the low level of infection in these mice. Further, the authors' conclusion that the effect is specific to A. muciniphila or B. fragilis would be more convincing if the experiments included an inert control bacterium, to demonstrate that gavage with any commensal microbe would not elicit a similar effect.

      Many of the conclusions in the study are drawn from the microscopy results. However, the methods describing both light microscopy and electron microscopy lack sufficient detail. For example, it is not clear how many sections and fields of view were imaged or how the SEM samples were prepared and dehydrated. The mucus layer does not appear to be well preserved, which would make it challenging to accurately measure the thickness of the mucus layer.

      Gene expression data appears to vary across the different models, for example, Wnt3 expression in mice versus organoids. Additional experiments may be required to clarify the mechanisms involved. Considering that both of the bacteria tested elicited similar changes in Wnt signaling, this pathway might be broadly modulated by the microbiota.

      The unconventional choice to not include references in the results section makes it challenging for the reader to put the results in context with what is known in the field. Similarly, there is a lack of discussion acknowledging that B. fragilis is a potential pathogen, associated with intestinal inflammation and cancer (Haghi et al. BMC Cancer 19, 879 (2019) ), and how this would impact its utility as a potential probiotic.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Tiedje et al. investigated the transient impact of indoor residual spraying (IRS) followed by seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) on the plasmodium falciparum parasite population in a high transmission setting. The parasite population was characterized by sequencing the highly variable DBL$\alpha$ tag as a proxy for var genes, a method known as varcoding. Varcoding presents a unique opportunity due to the extraordinary diversity observed as well as the extremely low overlap of repertoires between parasite strains. The authors also present a new Bayesian approach to estimating individual multiplicity of infection (MOI) from the measured DBL$\alpha$ repertoire, addressing some of the potential shortcomings of the approach that have been previously discussed. The authors also present a new epidemiological endpoint, the so-called "census population size", to evaluate the impact of interventions.

      This study provides a nice example of how varcoding technology can be leveraged, as well as the importance of using diverse genetic markers for characterizing populations, especially in the context of high transmission. The data are robust and clearly show the transient impact of IRS in a high transmission setting, however, some aspects of the analysis are confusing.

      1) Approaching MOI estimation with a Bayesian framework is a well-received addition to the varcoding methodology that helps to address the uncertainty associated with not knowing the true repertoire size. It's unfortunate that while the authors clearly explored the ability to estimate the population MOI distribution, they opted to use only MAP estimates. Embracing the Bayesian methodology fully would have been interesting, as the posterior distribution of population MOI could have been better explored.

      2) The "census population size" endpoint has unclear utility. It is defined as the sum of MOI across measured samples, making it sensitive to the total number of samples collected and genotyped. This means that the values are not comparable outside of this study, and are only roughly comparable between strata in the context of prevalence where we understand that approximately the same number of samples were collected. In contrast, mean MOI would be insensitive to differences in sample size, why was this not explored? It's also unclear in what way this is a "census". While the sample size is certainly large, it is nowhere near a complete enumeration of the parasite population in question, as evidenced by the extremely low level of pairwise type sharing in the observed data.

      3) The extraordinary diversity of DBL$\alpha$ presents challenges to analyzing the data. The authors explore the variability in repertoire richness and frequency over the course of the study, noting that richness rapidly declined following IRS and later rebounded, while the frequency of rare types increased, and then later declined back to baseline levels. The authors attribute this to fundamental changes in population structure. While there may have been some changes to the population, the observed differences in richness as well as frequency before and after IRS may also be compatible with simply sampling fewer cases, and thus fewer DBL$\alpha$ sequences. The shift back to frequency and richness that is similar to pre-IRS also coincides with a similar total number of samples collected. The authors explore this to some degree with their survival analysis, demonstrating that a substantial number of rare sequences did not persist between timepoints and that rarer sequences had a higher probability of dropping out. This might also be explained by the extreme stochasticity of the highly diverse DBL$\alpha$, especially for rare sequences that are observed only once, rather than any fundamental shifts in the population structure.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: TRAIL (Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand) is a potent inducer of apoptosis in tumor cells. Initially, this finding raised high expectations on the possibility to induce tumor-specific apoptosis by activation of TRAIL-receptors DR4 and DR5. However, attempted TRAIL-based anti-tumor therapies failed so far, and several tumor types were found to resist TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Yin Luo and colleagues provide an explanation for these observations with the potential to provide a new important biomarker for future TRAIL-based anti-tumor therapies and to reduce resistance. The authors reveal that sensitivity towards TRAIL correlates inversely with heparan sulfate (HS) expression levels at the surface of tumor cells, suggesting that HS functions as a tumor suppressor. These observations are explained by two two mechanisms: First, HS induces the assembly of higher-order oligomers from soluble TRAIL trimers, and second, TRAIL and HS form a ternary complex with DR5 to promote its cellular internalization. Therefore, this timely and important work provides a better mechanistic understanding of TRAIL-induced apoptosis and TRAIL resistance of some tumor types, with the potential to improve therapy.

      Strengths: The major novel finding of this study is that extracellular heparan sulfate (HS) acts as a positive regulator of TRAIL-induced tumor cell apoptosis, and that HS expression of different tumor cell lines correlates with their capacity to induce cell death. The authors first show by affinity chromatography and SPR that murine and human TRAIL bind strongly to heparin (heparin is a highly sulfated, and thus strongly negatively charged form of HS that is derived from connective tissue type mast cells), and identify three basic amino acids on the TRAIL N-terminus that are required for the interaction. Size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and multiangle light scattering (MALS) revealed that TRAIL exists as a trimer that requires a minimum heparin length of 8 sugar residues for binding, and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) showed that TRAIL interaction with longer oligosaccharides induced higher order multimerization of TRAIL. Consistent with these biochemical and biophysical analyses, HS on tumor cells contributes to TRAIL-binding to their cell surface and subsequent apoptosis. The study also describes domain swapping observed by TRAIL trimer crystallization, and demonstrates different degrees of HS core protein and DR receptor expression in different tumor cell types. These findings are well supported and together with the advanced and established methodology used by the authors are the strengths of this paper. The paper will be of great interest to medical biologists studying TRAIL-resistance of tumors, to biologists interested in DR4 and DR5 receptor function and the effects of receptor internalization, and to glycobiologists aiming to understand the multiple important roles that HS plays in development and disease. The authors also raise the important point (and support it well) that routine heparin treatment of cancer patients potentially interferes with TRAIL-based therapies, providing one possible reason for their failure.

      Weaknesses: Despite the importance and the clear strengths of the paper, some of its aspects could have been developed further. First, the authors findings that HS at the tumor surface promotes TRAIL binding, and that HS promotes TRAIL-induced breast cancer and myeloma cell apoptosis, are based on pre-treatment of cells with heparinase to remove surface HS prior to TRAIL-treatment, or on the addition of soluble heparin to compete with cell-surface HS for TRAIL binding. A more direct way to establish such new HS function could have been the genetic manipulation of cancer cells to overexpress HS or to express less or undersulfated HS. Changed susceptibility of these cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis would have greatly underlined the physiological significance of the authors findings. Second, the mechanistics of TRAIL-induced, HS-modulated tumor cell apoptosis could have been more clearly defined. For example, the authors demonstrate convincingly that cell surface HS is essential for TRAIL-induced apoptosis in MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells, and show that a tumor cell line (IM-9 cells) that expresses HS and the core protein to which HS is attached to only limited degrees is the most resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. However, Indeed, the authors later also report that cell surface HS promotes TRAIL-induced myeloma cell apoptosis regardless of the sensitivity levels, and that other factors - the degree of TRAIL multimerization or DR4/DR5 receptor internalization - are also important. Therefore, HS levels do not play a sole determining role in TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Along the same line, the authors show that RPMI-8226 cell-surface HS promotes DR5 internalization despite the absence of direct DR5/heparin interactions. This suggests that HS at the cell surface may also affect apoptosis indirectly. To test this hypothesis, it would have been worthwhile to include the binding characteristics and HS-dependent internalization of DR4 into the study.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The idea is that inversions capture genetic variants that have antagonistic effects on male sexual success (via some display traits) and survival of females (or both sexes) until reproduction. A series of simulations are presented and show that the scenario works at least under some conditions. While a polymorphism at a single locus with large antagonistic effects can be maintained for a certain range of parameters, a second such variant with somewhat smaller effects tends to be lost unless closely linked. It becomes much more likely for genomically distant variants that add to the antagonism to spread if they get trapped in an inversion; the model predicts this should drive the accumulation of sexually antagonistic variants on the inversion versus standard haplotype, leading to the evolution of haplotypes with very strong cumulative antagonistic pleiotropic effects. This idea has some analogies with one of the predominant hypotheses for the evolution of sex chromosomes, and the authors discuss these similarities. To provide empirical support for this idea, the authors study the dynamics of inversions in population cages over one generation, tracking their frequencies through amplicon sequencing, from the parental generation through embryos to aged adults of either sex. Out of four inversions included in the experiment, two show patterns consistent with antagonistic effects on male sexual success (competitive paternity) and the survival of offspring, especially females, until old age, which the authors interpret as consistent with their theory.

      This is an interesting idea, and the authors should be praised for combining a model with experimental data. However, in addition to the potential for improvement of presentation (details below), the study has some substantial weaknesses that could be addressed with additional simulations and additional experiments.

      (1) The authors claim that the negative frequency dependence that maintains polymorphism in their model results from a non-linear relationship between the display trait and sexual success. I am not convinced about that. It seems to me that the "best of n" female choice implemented in the model (l. 741ff and Figure 2) does not lead to negative frequency dependence. Let p be the frequency of the competitively inferior male genotype. Assuming no noise in the male display, a female will mate with an inferior male only if all males among the n males sampled by the female are of the inferior genotype, which will be the fraction p^n, the remaining 1-p^n matings will go to the superior males. Thus, per capita, the inferior males will achieve (p^n)/p or p^(n-1) matings while the per-capita matings per superior male will be (1-p^n)/(1-p). Thus, the ratio of the mating success of the inferior to the superior males will be (1-p) p^(n-1) / (1- p^n). For the range of p from 0 to 1, this is an increasing function of p. E.g., with n = 2, the sexual fitness of the inferior genotype relative to that of the superior phenotype is p/(1+p). Thus, at least in the absence of noise in the mate choice, this generates positive rather than negative frequency dependence. Maybe I missed something, but the authors do not provide support for their claim about the negative frequency-dependence of sexual selection in their simulations. To do so they could (1) extract the relationship between the relative mating success of the two male types from the simulations and (2) demonstrate that polymorphism is not maintained if the relationship between male display trait and mating success is linear.

      (2) The authors only explore versions of the model where the survival costs are paid by females or by both sexes. We do not know if polymorphism would be maintained or not if the survival cost only affected males, and thus if sexual antagonism is crucial.

      (3) The authors assume no cost to aneuploidy, with no justification. Biologically, investment in aneuploid eggs would not be recoverable by Drosophila females and thus would potentially act against inversions when they are rare.

      (4) The authors appear to define balanced polymorphism as a situation in which the average allele frequency from multiple simulation runs is intermediate between zero and one (e.g., Figure 3). However, a situation where 50% of simulation runs end up with the fixation of allele A and the rest with the fixation of allele B (average frequency of 0.5) is not a balanced polymorphism. The conditions for balanced polymorphism require that selection favors either variant when it is rare.

      (5) Possibly the most striking result of the experiment is the fact that for 14 out of 16 combinations of inversion x maternal background, the changes in allele frequencies between embryo and adult appear greater in magnitude in females than in males irrespective of the direction of change, being the same in the remaining two combinations. The authors interpret this as consistent with sexually antagonistic pleiotropy in the case of In(3L)Ok and In(3R)K. The frequencies of adult inversion frequencies were, however, measured at the age of 2 months, at which point 80% of flies had died. For all we know, this may have been 90% of females and 70% of males that died at this point. If so, it might well be that the effects of inversion on longevity do not systematically differ between the ages and the difference in Figure 9B results from the fact that the sample includes 30% longest-lived males and 10% longest-lived females.

      (6) Irrespective of the above problem, survival until the age of 2 months is arguably irrelevant from the viewpoint of fitness consequences and thus maintenance of inversion polymorphism in nature. It would seem that trade-offs in egg-to-adult survival (as assumed in the model), female fecundity, and possibly traits such as females resistance to male harm would be much more relevant to the maintenance of inversion polymorphisms.

      (7) The experiment is rather minimalistic in size, with four cages in total; given that each cage contains a different female strain, it essentially means N=1. The lack of replication makes statements like " In(2L)t and In(2R)NS each showed elevated survival with all maternal strains except ZI418N" (l. 493) unsubstantiated because the claimed special effect of ZI418N is based on a single cage subject to genetic drift and sampling error. The same applies to statements on inversion x female background interaction (e.g., l. 550), as this is inseparable from residual variation. It is fortunate that the most interesting effects appear largely consistent across the cages/female backgrounds. Still, I am wondering why more replicates had not been included.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This manuscript presents a model in which combined action of the transporter-like protein DISP and the sheddases ADAM10/17 promote shedding of a mono-cholesteroylated Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) species following cleavage of palmitate from the dually lipidated precursor ligand. The authors propose that this leads to transfer of the cholesterol-modified SHH to HDL for solubilization. The minimal requirement for SHH release by this mechanism is proposed to be the covalently linked cholesterol modification because DISP could promote transfer of a cholesteroylated mCherry reporter protein to serum HDL. The authors used an in vitro system to demonstrate dependency on DISP/SCUBE2 for release of the cholesterol modified ligand. These results confirm previously published results from other groups (PMC3387659 and PMC3682496).

      A strength of the work is the use of a bicistronic SHH-Hhat system to consistently generate dually-lipidated ligand to determine the quantity and lipidation status of SHH released into cell culture media.

      Key shortcomings include the unusual normalization strategies used for many experiments and the lack of quantification/statistical analyses for several experiments. Due to these omissions, it is difficult to conclude that the data justify the conclusions. The significance of the data provided is overstated because many of the presented experiments confirm/support previously published work. The study provides a modest advance in understanding of the complex issue of SHH membrane extraction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The authors have previously employed micrococcal nuclease tethered to various Mcm subunits to the cut DNA to which the Mcm2-7 double hexamers (DH) bind. Using this assay, they found that Mcm2-7 DH are located on many more sites in the S. cerevisiae genome than previously shown. They then demonstrated that these sites have characteristics consistent with origins of DNA replication, including the presence of ARS consensus sequences, the location of very inefficient sites of initiation of DNA replication in vivo, and for the most part are free of nucleosomes. They contain a G-C skew and they locate to intergenic regions of the genome. The authors suggest, consistent with published single molecule results, that there are many more potential origins in the S. cerevisiae genome than previously annotated, but also conclude that many of the newly discovered Mcm2-7 DH are very infrequently used as active origins of DNA replication.

      The results are convincing and are consistent with prior observations. The analysis of the origin associated features is informative.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      This study provides evidence on the ability of sublethal imidacloprid doses to affect growth and development of honeybee larva. While checking the effect of doses that do not impact survival or food intake, the authors found changes in the expression of genes related to energy metabolism, antioxidant response, and P450 metabolism. The authors also identified cell death in the alimentary canal, and disturbances in levels of ROS markers, molting hormones, weight, and growth ratio. The study strengths come from employing these different approaches to investigate the impacts of imidacloprid exposure. The study weaknesses come from the lack of a in depth investigation and drawing many conclusions solely from punctual gene expression, that are not representative of complete biological processes. Though relevant to understand the impacts on neonicotinoid contamination on insect pollinators, the study conclusions should be carefully weighted as they are often not fully substantiated. Follow up studies using in-depth investigation and more robust methodological design testing whether the impacts observed lead to post-metamorphosis effects and impacts in the colony would have a significant impact.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Precision guided sterile insect technology (pgSIT) is a means of mosquito vector control that aims to simultaneously kill females while generating sterile males for field release. These sterile males are expected to mate with 'wild' females resulting in very few eggs being laid or low hatching rates. Repeated releases are expected to result in the suppression of the mosquito population. This method avoids cumbersome sex-sorting while generating the sterile males. Importantly, until release, the two genetic elements that bring about female lethality and male sterility - the Cas9 and the gRNA carrying mosquitoes - are maintained as separate lines. They are crossed only prior to release, and therefore, this approach is considered to be more safe than gene drives.

      The authors had made a version of this pgSIT in their 2021 paper where they targeted *β-Tubulin 85D*, which is only expressed in the male testes and its loss-of-function results in male sterility. In that pgSIT, they did not have female lethality, but generated flightless females by simultaneously targeted *myosin heavy chain,* which is expressed only in the female wings. Here the authors argue, that the survival of females is not ideal, and so modify their 2021 approach to achieve female lethality/sterility.

      To do this, they target two genes - the female specific isoform of Dsx and intersex. They use multiple gRNAs against these genes and validate their ability to cause female lethality/sterility. Having verified that these do indeed affect female fertility, they combine gRNAs against Dsx and ix to generate female lethality/sterility and use *β-Tubulin 85D* to generate male sterility (previously validated). When these gRNA mosquitoes are crossed to Cas9 and the progeny crossed to WT (the set-up for pgSIT), they find that very few eggs are laid, larval death is high, and what emerges are males or intersex progeny that are sterile.

      As this is the requirement for pgSIT, the authors then test if it is able to induce population suppression. To do this, they conduct cage trials and find that only when they use 20:1 or 40:1 ratio of pgSIT:WT cages, does the population crash in 4-5 generations. They model this pgSIT's ability to suppress a population in the wild. Unfortunately, I was not able to assess what parameters from their pgSIT were used in the model and therefore the predicted efficacy of their pgSIT, (though the range of 0-.1 is not great, given that the assessment is between 0-0.15).

      Finally, they also develop a SENSR with a rapid fluorescence read-out for detecting the transgene in the field. They show that this sensor is specific and sensitive, detecting low copy numbers of the transgene. This would be important for monitoring any release.

      Overall, the data are clear and well presented.

      Comments on revised version:

      The authors have addressed the major issues raised by reviewers related to off target effects, writing and figures, and comparisons with other vector control methods and claims made in passing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In an era of increasing antibiotic resistance, there is a pressing need for the development of novel sustainable therapies to tackle problematic pathogens. In this study, the authors hypothesize that pyoverdines - metal-chelating compounds produced by fluorescent pseudomonads - can act as antibacterials by locking away iron, thereby arresting pathogen growth. Using biochemical, growth, and virulence assays on 12 opportunistic pathogens strains, the authors demonstrate that pyoverdines induce iron starvation, but this effect was highly context-dependent. This same effect has been demonstrated for plant pathogens, but not for human opportunistic pathogens exposed to natural siderophores. Only those pathogens lacking (1) a matching receptor to take up pyoverdine-bound iron and/or (2) the ability to produce strong iron chelators themselves experienced strong growth arrest. This would suggest that pyoverdines might not be effective against all pathogens, thereby potentially limiting the utility of pyoverdines as global antibacterials.

      Strengths:<br /> The work addresses an important and timely question - can pyoverdines be used as an alternative strategy to deal with opportunistic pathogens? In general, the work is well conducted with rigorous biochemical, growth, and virulence assays. The work is clearly written and the findings are supported by high-quality figures.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I do not think there are any 'weaknesses' as such. However, it is well known that siderophore production is highly plastic, typically being upregulated in response to metal limitation (as well as toxic metal stress). Did the authors quantify whether pyoverdine supplementation altered siderophore production in the focal pathogens (either through phenotypic assays / transcriptomics)? Could such a phenotypic plastic response result in an increased capacity to scavenge iron from the environment? Importantly, increased expression of siderophores has been shown to enhance pathogen virulence (e.g. Lear et al 2023: increased pyoverdine production is linked with increased virulence in Pseudomonas aeruginosa). I really appreciate the amount of work the authors have put into this study, but I would suggest expanding the discussion a bit to include a few sentences on (1) unintentional consequences of pyoverdine treatment (e.g. changes in gene expression and non-siderophore-related mutations (e.g. biofilm formation)) on disease dynamics/pathogen virulence , and (2) the efficacy of siderophore treatment under more natural conditions, i.e. when the pathogens have to compete with other species in the resident community (i.e. any other effects than resistance evolution through HGT of pyoverdine receptors as mentioned).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The nuclease protein TnpB is ubiquitous across microorganisms. It is associated with the stabilization of transposable genetic elements and is a putative precursor of the RNA-guided endonuclease Cas9 from the CRISPR system. Despite its potential as a gene-editing tool, TnpB is not well understood. In this study, the authors use a fluorescence-based construct to individually quantify the transposable-element excision rate and the abundance of the two ancillary proteins TnpA and TnpB. They develop a mathematical model describing the role of TnpB in transposable-element stabilization.

      Strengths:<br /> The methodology (with schematic shown in Figure 1A) is powerful and sophisticated. The authors are able to de-convolve excision events from the individual abundances of TnpA and TnpB.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The claim that TnpB expression level correlates positively (and significantly) with the probability of a growth-disrupting integration (called 'b') is not well-supported by the data shown in Fig. 3D. The modelling of results shown in Figure 4 are not tied directly to the experimental data shown in Figures 1-3.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> In this manuscript, Hagihara et al. characterized the relationship between the changes in lactate and pH and the behavioral phenotypes in different animal models of neuropsychiatric disorders at a large-scale level. The authors have previously reported that increased lactate levels and decreased pH are commonly observed in the brains of five genetic mouse models of schizophrenia (SZ), bipolar disorder (BD), and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In this study, they expanded the detection range to 109 strains or conditions of animal models, covering neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative disorders. Through statistical analysis of the first 65 strains/conditions of animal models which were set as exploratory cohort, the authors found that most strains showed decreased pH and increased lactate levels in the brains. There was a significant negative correlation between pH and lactate levels both at the strain/condition level and the individual animal level. Besides, only working memory was negatively correlated with brain lactate levels. These results were successfully duplicated by studying the confirmative cohort, including 44 strains/conditions of animal models. In all strains/conditions, the lactate levels were not correlated with age, sex, or storage duration of brain samples.

      Strengths<br /> 1. The manuscript is well-written and structured. In particular, the discussion is really nice, covering many potential mechanisms for the altered lactate levels in these disease models.<br /> 2. Tremendous efforts were made to recruit a huge number of various animal models, giving the conclusions sufficient power.

      Weaknesses<br /> 1. The biggest concern of this study is the limited novelty. The point of "altered pH and/or lactate levels in the brains from human and rodent animals of neuropsychiatric disorders" has been reported by the same lab and other groups in many previous papers.<br /> 2. This study is mostly descriptive, lacking functional investigations. Although a larger cohort of animal models were studied which makes the conclusion more solid, limited conceptual advance is contributed to the relevant field, as we are still not clear about what the altered levels of pH and lactate mean for the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders.<br /> 3. The experiment procedure is also a concern. The brains from animal models were acutely collected without cardiac perfusion in this study, which suggests that resident blood may contaminate the brain samples. The lactate is enriched in the blood, making it a potential confounded factor to affect the lactate levels as well as pH in the brain samples.<br /> 4. The lactate and pH levels may also be affected by other confounded factors, such as circadian period, and locomotor activity before the mice were sacrificed. This should also be discussed in the paper.<br /> 5. Another concern is the animal models. Although previous studies have demonstrated that dysfunctions of these genes could cause related phenotypes for certain disorders, many of them are not acknowledged by the field as reliable disease models. Besides, gene deficiency could also cause many known or unknown unrelated phenotypes, which may contribute to the altered levels of lactate and pH, too. In this circumstance, the conclusion "pH and lactate levels are transdiagnostic endophenotype of neuropsychiatric disorders" is somewhat overstated.<br /> 6. The negative correlationship between pH and lactate is rather convincing. However, how much the contribution of lactate to pH is not tested. In addition, regarding pH and lactate, which factor contributes most to the pathogenesis of neuropsychiatric disorders is also unclear. These questions may need to be addressed in the future study.<br /> 7. The authorship is open to question. Most authors listed in this paper may only provide mice strains or brain samples. Maybe it is better just to acknowledge them in the acknowledgements section.<br /> 8. The last concern is about the significance of this study. Although the majority of strains showed increased lactate, some still showed decreased lactate levels in the brains. These results suggested that lactate or pH is an endophenotype for neuropsychiatric disorders, but it is hard to serve as a good diagnostic index as the change is not unidirectional in different disorders. In other words, the relationship between lactate level and neuropsychiatric disorders is not exclusive.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Loss of skeletal muscle tissue from traumatic injury is debilitating. Restoring muscle mass and function remains a challenge. Using a mouse model, the authors performed punch biopsy injuries of the tibialis anterior in which the volume of muscle loss was varied to result in either successful muscle regeneration with a smaller injury or the unsuccessful outcome of fibrosis with a larger injury. For both conditions, a novel lipidomic profiling approach was used to evaluate pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory lipids at key time points post-injury with respect to collagen deposition, macrophage infiltration, muscle fiber regeneration, and force produced during isometric contractions. A key finding was that while all lipids increased at 3 days post-injury (dpi) and then declined through 14 dpi, pro-inflammatory lipids remained elevated during recovery from greater muscle loss which led to fibrosis. Maresin 1 was identified as an anti-inflammatory lipid that, when injected into injured muscle, reduced fibrosis, improved muscle regeneration, and partially restored the strength of contraction.

      Strengths: The metabolipidomic profiling demonstrated here represents a novel approach to identifying pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory mediators of successful vs unsuccessful skeletal muscle regeneration. These findings may translate into a new therapeutic approach for promoting successful regeneration following volumetric muscle loss.

      Weaknesses: Certain aspects of the data are overinterpreted; while some measures appear to have an adequate sample size to make sound conclusions, other measures are likely to lack sufficient statistical power given their variability. Presentation of the results would be strengthened by adhering to consistent terminology and labeling of figures throughout; specific examples are identified in recommendations to the authors. Several of the images used to illustrate differences between treatments are unconvincing because differences are not readily.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this work George et al. describe RatInABox, a software system for generating surrogate locomotion trajectories and neural data to simulate the effects of a rodent moving about an arena. This work is aimed at researchers that study rodent navigation and its neural machinery.

      Strengths:<br /> + The software contains several helpful features. It has the ability to import existing movement traces and interpolate data with lower sampling rates. It allows varying the degree to which rodents stay near the walls of the arena. It appears to be able to simulate place cells, grid cells, and some other features.<br /> + The architecture seems fine and the code is in a language that will be accessible to many labs.<br /> + There is convincing validation of velocity statistics. There are examples shown of position data, which seem to generally match between data and simulation.

      Weaknesses:<br /> + There is little analysis of position statistics. I am not sure this is needed, but the software might end up more powerful and the paper higher impact if some position analysis was done. Based on the traces shown, it seems possible that some additional parameters might be needed to simulate position/occupancy traces whose statistics match the data.<br /> + The overall impact of this work is somewhat limited. It is not completely clear how many labs might use this, or have a need for it. The introduction could have provided more specificity about examples of past work that would have been better done with this tool.<br /> + Presentation: Some discussion of case studies in Introduction might address the above point on impact. It would be useful to have more discussion of how general the software is, and why the current feature set was chosen. For example, how well does RatInABox deal with environments of arbitrary shape? T-mazes? It might help illustrate the tool's generality to move some of the examples in supplementary figure to main text - or just summarize them in a main text figure/panel.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This article proposes a new statistical approach to identify which of several experimenter-defined strategies best describes a biological agent's decisions when such strategies are not fully observable by choices made in a given trial. The statistical approach is described as Bayesian but can be understood instead as computing a smoothed running average (with decay) of the strategies' success at matching choices, with a winner-take-all inference across the rules. The article tests the validity of this statistical approach by applying it to both simulated agents and real data sets in mice and humans. It focuses on dynamically changing environments, where the strategy best describing a biological agent may change rapidly.

      The paper asks an important question, and the analysis is well conducted; the paper is well-written and easy to follow. However, there are several concerns that limit the strength of the contribution. Major concerns include the framing of the method, considerations around the strategy space, limitations in how useful the technique may be, and missing details in analyses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Farhat-Younis and colleagues demonstrate tumor-specific IgM's capacity to induce tumor cell death in monocyte-derived dendritic cell cultures. They subsequently designed a chimeric receptor based on high-affinity FcRI. However, the authors found that the transfection process was more efficient when either the variable light or heavy chain was transfected individually rather than the entire scFv. This scFv construct led to an endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress response and scFv degradation. A considerable portion of the manuscript is dedicated to the negative scFv expression results. The authors pivoted to a modified FcgRI capable of transmitting IgM signals. This represents a tremendous amount of work in the development of this chimeric receptor, the critical experiment showing efficacy in vivo was not presented, and instead various in vitro assays are shown. Thus, this manuscript will markedly benefit from showing improved responses to tumors in vivo when macrophages express FcgRI-IgM.

      1. In a mouse tumor model, the authors demonstrated that monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDCs) treated with IgG immune complexes (ICs) were more effective at preventing tumor growth compared to those treated with IgM ICs (as shown in Figure 1B). In Figure 1C, their in vitro experiments revealed that IgM resulted in tumor cell death, as well as increased production of nitric oxide (NO) and granzyme B.<br /> How do the authors reconcile IgG IC-treated MoDCs performing better in preventing tumors in vivo than IgM IC-treated MoDCs, despite the in vitro results with IgM-ICs. The authors speculate that IgG IC-treated MoDCs might trigger T cell immunity but do not show T cell involvement.

      2. The authors report distinct functional consequences of MoDCs incubated with tumor-IgG complexes and tumor IgM complexes. Tumor growth was inhibited and T cell immunity induced with the former. The latter, however, elicited robust anti-tumor killing. What happens if MoDCs are incubated with both IgG and IgM complexes? If this combined treatment induces effective killing and T cell memory, would this impact the design of the chimeric receptor to include IgG responsiveness as well?

      3. In Figure 5H, the authors demonstrate the ability of the chimeric receptor construct to deplete tumor cells in vitro. The ms would improve if the authors could show the chimeric receptor construct results in tumor cell death and/or prevention in an in vivo model. Similarly, if combined stimulation with IgG and IgM complexes enhances tumor response, this should be incorporated into the therapeutic strategy.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This paper aims to explain recent experimental results that showed deactivating the PPC in rats reduced both the contraction bias and the recent history bias during working memory tasks. The authors propose a two-component attractor model, with a slow PPC area and a faster WM area (perhaps mPFC, but unspecified). Crucially, the PPC memory has slow adaptation that causes it to eventually decay and then suddenly jump to the value of the last stimulus. These discrete jumps lead to an effective sampling of the distribution of stimuli, as opposed to a gradual drift towards the mean that was proposed by other models. Because these jumps are single-trial events, and behavior on single events is binary, various statistical measures are proposed to support this model. To facilitate this comparison, the authors derive a simple probabilistic model that is consistent with both the mechanistic model and behavioral data from humans and rats. The authors show data consistent with model predictions: longer interstimulus intervals (ISIs) increase biases due to a longer effect over the WM, while longer intertrial intervals (ITIs) reduce biases. Finally, they perform new experiments using skewed or bimodal stimulus distributions, in which the new model better fits the data compared to Bayesian models.

      The mechanistic proposed model is simple and elegant, and it captures both biases that were previously observed in behavior, and how these are affected by the ISI and ITI (as explained above). Their findings help rethink whether our understanding of contraction bias is correct.

      On the other hand, the main proposal - discrete jumps in PPC - is only indirectly verified. The majority of the behavioral predictions stem from the probabilistic model, which is consistent with the mechanistic one, but does not necessitate it.<br /> The revised submission uses the self-paced nature of the experiments to confirm the systematic change in bias with inter-trial-interval, as predicted by the model. This analysis strengthens the hypothesis.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Schmid et al. investigate the question of how sensory learning in animals and artificial networks is driven both by passive exposure to the environment (unsupervised) and from reinforcing feedback (supervised) and how these two systems interact. They first demonstrate in mice that passive exposure to the same auditory stimuli used in a discrimination task modify learning and performance in the task. Based on this data, they then tested how the interaction of supervised and unsupervised learning in an artificial network could account for the behavioural results.

      The clear behavioural impact of the passive exposure to sounds on accelerating learning is a major strength of the paper. Moreover, the observation that passive exposure had a positive impact on learning whether it was prior to the task or interleaved with learning sessions provides interesting constraints for modelling the interaction between supervised and unsupervised learning. A practical fallout for labs performing long training procedures is that the periods of active learning that require water-restriction could be reduced by using passive sessions. This could increase both experimental efficiency and animal well-being.

      The modelling section clearly exhibits the differences between models and the step-by-step presentation building to the final model provides the reader with a lot of intuition about how supervised and unsupervised learning interact. In particular the authors highlight situations in which the task-relevant discrimination does not align with the directions of highest variance, thus reinforcing the relevance of their conclusions for the complex structure of sensory stimuli. A great strength of these models is that they generate clear predictions about how neural activity should evolve during the different training regimes that would be exciting to test.

      As the authors acknowledge, the experimental design presented cannot clearly show that the effect of passive exposure was due to the specific exposure to task-relevant stimuli since there is no control group exposed to irrelevant stimuli. Studies have shown that exposure to a richer sensory environment, even in the adult, swiftly (ie within days) enhances responses even in the adult and even when the stimuli are different from those present in the task (1-3). Clearly distinguishing between these two options would require further experiments and could be a possible direction for future research.

      1. Mandairon, N., Stack, C. & Linster, C. Olfactory enrichment improves the recognition of individual components in mixtures. Physiol. Behav. 89, 379-384 (2006).<br /> 2. Alwis, D. S. & Rajan, R. Environmental enrichment and the sensory brain: The role of enrichment in remediating brain injury. Front. Syst. Neurosci. 8, 1-20 (2014).<br /> 3. Polley, D. B., Kvašňák, E. & Frostig, R. D. Naturalistic experience transforms sensory maps in the adult cortex of caged animals. Nature 429, 67-71 (2004).

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, the authors describe an improved miniscope they name "E-scope" combining in vivo calcium imaging with electrophysiological recording and use it to examine neural correlates of social interactions with respect to cerebellar and cortical circuits. Through correlations between electrophysiological single units of Purkinje cells and dentate nucleus neurons as well as with calcium signals imaging of neurons from the anterior cingulate cortex, the authors provide correlative data supporting the view that intracerebellar circuits and cerebello-cortical communications take part in the modulation of social behavior. In particular, the electrophysiological dataset reflects the PC-DN connection and strongly suggests its involvement in social interactions. Cross-correlations analyses between PC / DN single units and ACC calcium signals suggest that the recorded cerebellar and cortical structures both take part in the brain networks at play in social behavior.

      Comments on revised submission:

      While the authors have, to some extent, replied to most of my comments, they seem to have chosen not to respond to the part concerning the different types of social interactions that are not addressed in the manuscript, as also pointed out by reviewer 3. However, I feel that given the scope of the paper, which aims at demonstrating the value of the E-scope new device, this should not preclude the current study from being published.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This is a clear and rigorous study of intracranial EEG signals in the prefrontal cortex during a visual awareness task. The results are convincing and worthwhile, and strengths include the use of several complementary analysis methods and clear results. The only methodological weakness is relatively small sample size of only 6 participants compared to other studies in the field. Interpretation weaknesses are claims that their task removes the confound of report (it does not), and claims of primacy in showing early prefrontal cortical involvement in visual perception using intracranial EEG (several studies already have shown this). Also the shorter reaction times for perceived vs not perceived stimuli (confident vs not confident responses) has been described many times previously and is not a new result.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In the manuscript by Urban et al., the authors attempt to further delineate the role with which non-neuronal CNS cells play in the development of ALS. Towards this goal, the transmembrane signaling molecule ephrinB2 was studied. It was found that there is an increased expression of ephrinB2 in astrocytes within the cervical ventral horn of the spinal cord in a rodent model of ALS. Moreover, reduction of ephrinB2 reduced motoneuron loss and prevented respiratory dysfunction at the NMJ. Further driving the importance of ephrinB2 is an increased expression in the spinal cords of human ALS individuals. Collectively, these findings present compelling evidence implicating ephrinB2 as a contributing factor towards the development of ALS.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this study, Nuria Martin-Flores, Marina Podpolny and colleagues investigate the role of Dickkopf-3 (DKK3), a Wnt antagonist in synaptic dysfunction in Alzheimer's disease. Loss of synapses is a feature of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia such as frontotemporal dementia and linked amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (FTD). The authors utilise a broad range of experimental approaches. They show that DKK3 levels are increased in Alzheimer's disease and that this occurs early in disease. This is an important finding since early disease changes are believed to be the most important. They also show increases in DKK3 in transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer's disease and that DKK3 knockdown restores synapse number and memory in one such model. Finally, they link these DKK3 increases to loss of excitatory synapses via the blockade of the Wnt pathway and subsequent activation of GSK3B; GSK3B is strongly linked to both Alzheimer's disease and FTD. The quality of the data is good and the conclusions well supported by these data. There are no major weaknesses. The findings support studies that target the Wnt pathway as a potential therapeutic for Alzheimer's disease.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Jafarinia et al. have made an interesting contribution to unravel the molecular mechanisms underlying pathological phenotypes of repeat expansion of the C9orf72 gene.

      The repeat expression leads to expression of polyPR proteins. Using coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations, the authors identify putative binding partners involved in nucleocytoplasmic transport (NCT), and conjecture that polyPR affects essential processes by binding to NCT-related proteins.

      The results are well-reported, but only putative, and need experimental support to be more conclusive. Also, comparison with results from all-atom MD simulations in explicit water could help verify the results. But even without these, the work is very useful as a first step to unravel the role of polyPR and related peptides.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Summary:<br /> Guma and colleagues set out to compare to what extent differences in total and regional brain volumes, as measured by structural magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are conserved or not, between humans and mice. The rationale for this work is to inform the best use of the mouse as a model system to carry out mechanistic studies of how sex differences arise in brain volumes, based on convergence to humans. This has practical implications for multiple fields in neuroscience. The authors find a modest convergence on these measures highlighting important areas for further mechanistic study.

      Strengths:<br /> The main strengths of the study lie in the use of a cross-species technology, i.e. structural MRI, using tools and methods that have been extensively validated.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Limitations of the study include, as acknowledged by the authors, the focus on a specific age range in mice and humans (which may not be congruent) and the lack of information regarding sex differences earlier or later in life. This has relevance with regard to the ages of onset for psychiatric and neurological disorders for example, which show apparent sex differences in prevalence. The paper also does provide data for an intermediate phylogenic level of analysis, such as data from primates. Lastly, these data do not provide any evidence as to the mechanisms underlying sex differences, when they arise, and to what extent they impact behavior.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: Using a cross-modal sensory selection task in head-fixed mice, the authors attempted to characterize how different rules reconfigured representations of sensory stimuli and behavioral reports in sensory (S1, S2) and premotor cortical areas (medial motor cortex or MM, and ALM). They used silicon probe recordings during behavior, a combination of single-cell and population-level analyses of neural data, and optogenetic inhibition during the task.

      Strengths: A major strength of the manuscript was the clarity of the writing and motivation for experiments and analyses. The behavioral paradigm is somewhat simple but well-designed and well-controlled. The neural analyses were sophisticated, clearly presented, and generally supported the authors' interpretations. The statistics are clearly reported and easy to interpret. In general, my view is that the authors achieved their aims. They found that different rules affected preparatory activity in premotor areas, but not sensory areas, consistent with dynamical systems perspectives in the field that hold that initial conditions are important for determining trial-based dynamics.

      Weaknesses: The manuscript was generally strong. The main weakness in my view was in interpreting the optogenetic results. While the simplicity of the task was helpful for analyzing the neural data, I think it limited the informativeness of the perturbation experiments. The behavioral read-out was low dimensional -a change in hit rate or false alarm rate- but it was unclear what perceptual or cognitive process was disrupted that led to changes in these read-outs. This is a challenge for the field, and not just this paper, but was the main weakness in my view. I have some minor technical comments in the recommendations for authors that might address other minor weaknesses.

      I think this is a well-performed, well-written, and interesting study that shows differences in rule representations in sensory and premotor areas and finds that rules reconfigure preparatory activity in the motor cortex to support flexible behavior.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This manuscript provides potentially important new information about ipsilateral cortical impact on locomotion. A number of issues need to be addressed.

      Strengths:<br /> The primary appeal and contribution of this manuscript are that it provides a range of different measures of ipsilateral cortical impact on locomotion in the setting of impaired contralateral control. While the pathways and mechanisms underlying these various measures are not fully defined and their functional impacts remain uncertain, they comprise a rich body of results that can inform and guide future efforts to understand cortical control of locomotion and to develop more effective rehabilitation protocols.


      1. The authors state that they used a cortical stimulation location that produced the largest ankle flexion response (lines 102-104). Did other stimulation locations always produce similar, but smaller responses (aside from the two rats that showed ipsilateral neuromodulation)? Was there any site-specific difference in response to stimulation location?

      2. Figure 2: There does not appear to be a strong relationship between the percentage of spared tissue and the ladder score. For example, the animal with the mild injury (based on its ladder score) in the lower left corner of Figure 2A has less than 50% spared tissue, which is less spared tissue than in any animal other than the two severe injuries with the most tissue loss. Is it possible that the ladder test does not capture the deficits produced by this spinal cord injury? Have the authors looked for a region of the spinal cord that correlates better with the deficits that the ladder test produces? The extent of damage to the region at the base of the dorsal column containing the corticospinal tract would be an appropriate target area to quantify and compare with functional measures.

      3. Lines 219-221: The authors state that "phase-coherent stimulation reinstated the function of this muscle, leading to increased burst duration (90{plus minus}18% of the deficit, p=0.004, t-test, Fig. 4B) and total activation (56{plus minus}13% of the deficit, p=0.014, t-test, Fig. 3B). This way of expressing the data is unclear. For example, the previous sentence states that after SCI, burst duration decreased by 72%. Does this mean that the burst duration after stimulation was 90% higher than the -72% level seen with SCI alone, i.e., 90% + -72% = +18%? Or does it mean that the stimulation recovered 90% of the portion of the burst duration that had been lost after SCI, i.e., -72% * (100%-90%)= -7%? The data in Figure 4 suggests the latter. It would be clearer to express both these SCI alone and SCI plus stimulation results in the text as a percent of the pre-SCI results, as done in Figure 4.

      4. Lines 227-229: The authors claim that the phase-dependent stimulation effects in SCI rats are immediate, but they don't say how long it takes for these effects to be expressed. Are these effects evident in the response to the first stimulus train, or does it take seconds or minutes for the effects to be expressed? After the initial expression of these effects, are there any gradual changes in the responses over time, e.g., habituation or potentiation?

      5. Awake motor maps (lines 250-277): The analysis of the motor maps appears to be based on measurements of the percentage of channels in which a response can be detected. This analytic approach seems incomplete in that it only assesses the spatial aspect of the cortical drive to the musculature. One channel could have a just-above-threshold response, while another could have a large response; in either case, the two channels would be treated as the same positive result. An additional analysis that takes response intensity into account would add further insight into the data, and might even correlate with the measures of functional recovery. Also, a single stimulation intensity was used; the results may have been different at different stimulus intensities.

      6. Lines 858-860: The authors state that "All tests were one-sided because all hypotheses were strictly defined in the direction of motor improvement." By using the one-sided test, the authors are using a lower standard for assessing statistical significance that the overwhelming majority of studies in this field use. More importantly, ipsilateral stimulation of particular kinds or particular sites might conceivably impair function, and that is ignored if the analysis is confined to detecting improvement. Thus, a two-sided analysis or comparable method should be used. This appropriate change would not greatly modify the authors' current conclusions about improvements.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Rook et al examined the role of BMP signaling in cerebellum development, using chick as a model alongside human tissue samples. They first examined p-SMADs and found differences between the species, with human samples retaining high p-SMAD after foliation, while in chick, BMP signaling appears to decrease following foliation. To understand the role of BMP during early development, they then used early chick embryos to modulate BMP, using either a constitutively active BMP regulator to increase BMP signaling or overexpressing the negative intracellular BMP regulator to decrease BMP signaling. After validating the constructs in ovo, the authors then examined GNP morphology and migration. They then determined whether the effects were cell autonomous.

      Strengths:<br /> The experiments were well-designed and well-controlled. The figures were extremely clear and convincing, and the accompanying drawings help orient the reader to easily understand the experimental set up. These studies also help clarify the role of BMP at different stages of cerebellum development, suggesting early BMP signaling is required for dorsalization, not rhombic lip induction, and that later BMP signaling is needed to regulate the timing of migration and maturation of granule neurons.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Given the species-specific differences in pSmad localization and abundance in human and chick cerebellum, caution is warranted when making the link to the treatment of human medulloblastoma through modulation BMP signaling. While these studies certainly hint that BMP modulation may affect tumor growth, this was not explicitly tested here. Future studies are required to generalize the functional role of BMP signaling in normal cerebellum development to malignant growth.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This paper sets out to achieve a deeper understanding of the effects of hydrogen sulfide on C. elegans behavior and physiology, with a focus on behavior, detection mechanism(s), physiological responses, and detoxification mechanisms.

      Strengths:<br /> The paper takes full advantage of the experimental tractability of C. elegans, with thorough, well-designed genetic analyses.<br /> Some evidence suggests that H2S may be directly detected by the ASJ sensory neurons.<br /> The paper provides interesting and convincing evidence for complex interactions between responses to different gaseous stimuli, particularly an antagonistic role between H2S and O2 detection/response.<br /> Intriguing roles for mitochondria and iron homeostasis are identified, opening the door to future studies to better understand the roles of these components and processes.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The claim that worms' behavioral responses to H2S are mediated by direct detection is incompletely supported. While a role for the chemosensory neuron ASJ is implicated, it remains unclear whether this reflects direct detection. Other possibilities, including indirect effects of ASJ and the guanylyl cyclase daf-11 on O2 responses, are also consistent with the authors' data.

      The role of H2S-mediated damage in behavioral responses, particularly when detoxification pathways are disrupted, remains unclear.

      The findings of the paper are somewhat disjointed, such that a clear picture of the relationships between H2S detection, detoxification mechanisms, mitochondria, and iron does not emerge from these studies. Most importantly, the relative roles of H2S detection and integration, vs. general and acute mitochondrial crisis, in generating behavioral responses are not convincingly resolved.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> General Comments<br /> The authors present an interesting study that aims to resolve the contribution of the sodium-activated potassium channel (KNa1.1) to acquired, trauma-induced epilepsy. To this end, the authors first aim to develop a mouse model that consistently generates seizures. Using controlled cortical impact (CCI) methods to induce traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) that range from mild to severe, the authors demonstrate that behavioral deficits correlate with the extent of brain damage. Interestingly, despite the differences in behavioral scores, the spontaneous seizure phenotype was similar across mice with a range of TBI-associated tissue loss. However, when challenged with the chemoconvulsant pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), mice with more severe TBI exhibited more severe seizures.

      After establishing a model of moderate TBI, the authors then show that moderate brain injury transiently upregulates the perilesional expression of KNa1.1. Moreover, the authors provide some evidence that the expression of inhibitory neuron markers is downregulated in the perilesional region following moderate TBI, whereas the expression of excitatory neuron markers is unchanged. Consistent with this finding is the functional observation that neurons receive less inhibitory signaling following TBI, whereas excitatory signaling is unchanged. Inhibitory neurons also fire less robustly following moderate TBI.

      The authors then show that deletion of KNa1.1 in mice provides a moderate level of protection against pharmacologically induced seizures following TBI. In aggregate, the authors propose a model wherein inhibitory neuron-specific upregulation of KNa1.1 following TBI selectively reduces the excitability of inhibitory neurons. In turn, this reduced excitability of inhibitory neurons promotes perilesional tissue hyperexcitability and, ultimately, seizures. Although this model is compelling, readers should be aware that the authors only utilized PTZ-induced seizures following TBI to resolve differences between WT and KO animals. It remains unclear whether WT mice have a robust spontaneous seizure phenotype 14 days after moderate TBI, and whether deleting KNa1.1 reduces this spontaneous seizure phenotype. In general, the combined use of TBI and a chemoconvulsant to evaluate epileptic phenotypes diminishes this reviewer's enthusiasm for the clinical impact of the author's conclusions; although, I appreciate that "capturing [spontaneous] seizures is challenging in terms of animal numbers and long-term recording, which hinders high-throughput studies" (line 302).

      Finally, the authors seemed to have missed an opportunity to determine if the electrophysiological changes observed in WT mice following TBI (i.e., Figure 5) are eliminated in the KNa1.1 KO mouse. That is, the authors show that KNa1.1 contributes to the intrinsic firing properties of uninjured tissue (Figure 6). But does deleting KNa1.1 also restore inhibitory neuron excitability associated with TBI? The inclusion of such data would strengthen the conclusion that the reduced inhibitory neuron excitability following TBI is indeed the result of changes in KNa1.1 expression.

      Strengths:<br /> (1) The development of a TBI model with a range of behavioral phenotypes.

      (2) The inclusion of knockout mouse.

      (3) The inclusion of functional data regarding the intrinsic and synaptic properties of neurons following TBI.

      Weaknesses:<br /> (1) A missed opportunity to better utilize the knockout animal to test the hypothesis that KNa1.1 drives changes in intrinsic excitability following TBI.

      (2) The combined use of TBI and chemoconvulsants to suss out differences in seizure phenotypes.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Using concurrent in vivo whole-cell patch clamp and dendritic calcium imaging, the authors characterized how functional synaptic inputs across dendritic arborizations of mouse primary visual cortex layer 2/3 neurons emerge during the second postnatal week. They were able to identify spatially and functionally separated domains of clustered synapses in these neurons even before eye-opening and characterize how the clustering changes from P8 to P13.

      Strengths:<br /> The work is technically challenging and the findings are novel. The results support previous EM and immunostaining studies but provide in vivo evidence on the time course and the trajectory of how functional synaptic input develops.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are some missing details about how the experiments were performed, and I also have some questions about the analyses.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> Tobón and Moser reveal a remarkable amount of presynaptic diversity in the fundamental Ca dependent exocytosis of synaptic vesicles at the afferent fiber bouton synapse onto the pilar or mediolar sides of single inner hair cells of mice. These are landmark findings with profound implications for understanding acoustic signal encoding and presynaptic mechanisms of synaptic diversity at inner hair cell ribbon synapses. The paper will have an immediate and long-lasting impact in the field of auditory neuroscience.

      Main findings: 1) Synaptic delays and jitter of masker responses are significantly shorter (synaptic delay: 1.19 ms) at high SR fibers (pilar) than at low SR fibers (mediolar; 2.57 ms). 2) Masked evoked EPSC are significantly larger in high SR than in low SR. 3) Quantal content and RRP size are 14 vesicles in both high and low SR fibers. 4) Depression is faster in high SR synapses suggesting they have a higher release probability and tighter Ca nanodomain coupling to docked vesicles. 5) Recovery of master-EPSCs from depletion is similar for high and low SR synapses, although there is a slightly faster rate for low SR synapses that have bigger synaptic ribbons, which is very interesting. 6) High SR synapses had larger and more compact (monophasic) sEPSCs, well suited to trigger rapidly and faithfully spikes. 7) High SR synapses exhibit lower voltage (~sound pressure in vivo) dependent thresholds of exocytosis.

      Strengths:<br /> Great care was taken to use physiological external pH buffers and physiological external Ca concentrations. Paired recordings were also performed at higher temperatures with IHCs at physiological resting membrane potentials and in more mature animals than previously done for paired recordings. This is extremely challenging because it becomes increasingly difficult to visualize bouton terminals when myelination becomes more prominent in the cochlear afferents. In addition, perforated patch recordings were used in the IHC to preserve its intracellular milieu intact and thus extend the viability of the IHCs. The experiments are tour-de-force and reveal several novel aspects of IHC ribbon synapses. The data set is rich and extensive. The analysis is detailed and compelling.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) Materials and Methods: Please provide whole-cell Rs (series resistance ) and Cm (membrane capacitance) average +/- S.E.M. (or SD) values for IHC and afferent fiber bouton recordings. The Cm values for afferents have been estimated to be about 0.1 pF (Glowatzki and Fuchs, 2002) and it would be interesting to know if there are differences in these numbers for high and low SR afferents. Is it possible to estimate Cm from the capacitative transient time constant? Minimal electronic filtering would be required for that to work, so I realize the authors may not have this data and I also realize that the long cable of the afferents do not allow accurate Cm measurements, but some first order estimate would be very interesting to report, if possible.

      2) Page 20, 26 and Figure 4: With regard to synaptic delays at auditory hair cell synapses: please see extensive studies done in Figure 11 of Chen and von Gersdorff (JNeurosci., 2019); this showed that synaptic delays are 1.26 ms in adult bullfrog auditory hair cells at 31oC, which is very similar to the High SR fibers (1.19 ms; Fig.4B and page 20). During ongoing depolarizations (e.g. during a sustained sine wave) the synaptic delay can be reduced to just 0.72 ms for probe EPSCs, which is a more usual number for mature fast synapses. This paper should, thus, be cited and briefly discussed in the Discussion. So a significant shortening of delay occurs for the probe response and this is also observed in young rat IHC synapses (see Goutman and Glowatzki, 2011).

      3) Gaussian-like (and/or multi-peak) EPSC amplitude distributions were obtained in more mature rat IHCs by Grant et al. (see their Figure 4G; JNeurosci. 2010; postnatal day 19-21). The putative single quanta peak was at 50 pA and the main peak was at 375 pA. The large mean suggests a low CV (probably < 0.4). However, Fig. 2F shows a mean of about 100 pA and CV = 0.7 for spontaneous EPSCs. This major difference deserves some more discussion. I suppose that one possible explanation may be that the current paper holds the IHC membrane potential fixed at -58 mV, whereas Grant et al. (2010) did not control the IHC membrane potential and spontaneous fluctuations in the Vm may have depolarized the IHC, thus producing larger evoked EPSCs that are triggered by Ca channel openings. Some discussion that compares these differences and possible explanations would be quite useful for the readers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this manuscript, Sang et al. proposed a pair of IR60b-expressing pharyngeal neurons in Drosophila use IR25a, IR76b, and IR60b channels to detect high Na+ and limit its consumption. Some of the key findings that support this thesis are: 1) animals that lacked any one of these channels - or with their IR60b-expressing neurons selectively silenced - showed much reduced rejection of high Na+, but restored rejection when these channels were reintroduced back in the IR60b neurons; 2) animals with TRPV artificially expressed in their IR60b neurons rejected capsaicin-laced food whereas WT did not; 3) IR60b-expressing neurons exhibited increased Ca2+ influx in response to high Na+ and such response went away when animals lacked any of the three channels.

      Strengths:<br /> The experiments were thorough and well designed. The results are compelling and support the main claim. The development and the use of the DrosoX two-choice assay put forward for a more quantitative and automatic/unbiased assessment for ingestion volume and preference.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are a few inconsistencies with respect the the exact role by which IR60b neurons limit high salt consumption and the contribution of external (labellar) high-salt sensors in regulating high salt consumption. These weaknesses do not significantly impact the main conclusion, however.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors set up a pipeline for automated high-throughput single-molecule fluorescence imaging (htSMT) in living cells and analysis of molecular dynamics.

      Strengths:<br /> htSMT reveals information on the diffusion and bound fraction of molecules, dose-response curves, relative estimates of binding rates, and temporal changes of parameters. It enables the screening of thousands of compounds in a reasonable time and proves to be more sensitive and faster than classical cell-growth assays. If the function of a compound is coupled to the mobility of the protein of interest, or affects an interaction partner, which modulates the mobility of the protein of interest, htSMT allows identifying the modulator and getting the first indication of the mechanism of action or interaction networks, which can be a starting point for more in-depth analysis.

      Weaknesses:<br /> While elegantly showcasing the power of high-throughput measurements, the authors disclose little information on their microscope setup and analysis procedures. Thus, reproduction by other scientists is limited. Moreover, a critical discussion about the limits of the approach in determining dynamic parameters, the mechanism of action of compounds, and network reconstruction for the protein of interest is missing. In addition, automated imaging and analysis procedures require implementing sensitive measures to assure data and analysis quality, but a description of such measures is missing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      In this manuscript, the authors performed single nucleus RNA-seq for perirenal adipose tissue (PRAT) at different ages. They concluded a distinct subpopulation of adipocytes arises through brown-to-white conversion and can convert to a thermogenic phenotype upon cold exposure.


      PRAT adipose tissue has been reported as an adipose tissue that undergoes browning. This study confirms that brown-to-white and white-to-beige conversions also exist in PRAT, as previously reported in the subcutaneous adipose tissue.


      1. There is overall a disconnection between single nucleus RNA-seq data and the lineage chasing data. No specific markers of this population have been validated by staining.<br /> 2. It would be nice to provide more evidence to support the conclusion shown in lines 243 to 245 "These results indicated that new BAs induced by cold exposure were mainly derived from UCP1- adipocytes rather than de novo ASPC differentiation in puPRAT". Pdgfra-negative progenitor cells may also contribute to these new beige adipocytes.<br /> 3. The UCP1Cre-ERT2; Ai14 system should be validated by showing Tomato and UCP1 co-staining right after the Tamoxifen treatment.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors have presented data showing that there is a greater amount of spontaneous differentiation in human pluripotent cells cultured in suspension vs static and have used PKCβ and Wnt signaling pathway inhibitors to decrease the amount of differentiation in suspension culture.

      Strengths:<br /> This is a very comprehensive study that uses a number of different rector designs and scales in addition to a number of unbiased outcomes to determine how suspension impacts the behaviour of the cells and in turn how the addition of inhibitors counteracts this effect. Furthermore, the authors were also able to derive new hiPSC lines in suspension with this adapted protocol.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness of this study is the lack of optimization with each bioreactor change. It has been shown multiple times in the literature that the expansion and behaviour of pluripotent cells can be dramatically impacted by impeller shape, RPM, reactor design, and multiple other factors. It remains unclear to me how much of the results the authors observed (e.g. increased spontaneous differentiation) was due to not having an optimized bioreactor protocol in place (per bioreactor vessel type). For instance - was the starting seeding density, RPM, impeller shape, feeding schedule, and/or any other aspect optimized for any of the reactors used in the study, and if not, how were the values used in the study determined?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors develop a method to fluorescently tagged peptides loaded onto dendritic cells using a three step method. These include a pre blocking step to block endogenous cysteine motifs on the DC surface, loading a tetracystein motif modified peptide on surface MHC and a labelling step done on the surface of live DC using a dye with high affinity for the added motif. The results are convincing in demonstrating in vitro and in vivo T cell activation and efficient label transfer to specific T cells in vivo. The label transfer technique will be useful to identify T cell that have recognised a DC presenting a specific peptide antigen to allow the isolation of the T cell and cloning of its TCR subunits, for example. It may also be useful as a general assay for in vitro or in vivo T-DC communication that can allow detection of genetic or chemical modulators.

      Strengths:<br /> The study include both in vitro and in vivo analysis including flow cytometry and two photon laser scanning microscopy. The results are convincing and the level of T cell labelling with the fluorescent pMHC is surprisingly robust and suggests that the approach is potentially revealing something about fundamental mechanisms beyond the state of the art. They also provide practical information about the challenges of the method and discuss limitations.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The method is demonstrated only at high pMHC density and it would need to be re-optimised to determine if it can be used at lower densities that may often be encountered physiologically.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this manuscript, Shimonty and colleagues study the effects of FNDC5/irisin deletion on osteocytes in a sex-specific manner using models of lactation-induced bone loss and bone loss due to low calcium diet (LCD). Consistent with the previous findings of Kim et al. (2018), the authors report 'protective' effects of irisin deficiency in lactating female FNDC5-null mice due to reduced osteocytic osteolysis. Interestingly, FNDC5 null mice show distinct changes when placed on LCD, with mutant females showing some protection from hyperparathyroidism-induced bone loss, while mutant males (which have more cortical bone at baseline) show increased LCD-induced bone loss. Furthermore, new insights into irisin's role in osteocytes regarding cellular energetic metabolism were provided by sex and gene-dependent transcriptomic datasets. Strengths of the well-written manuscript include a clear description of sex-dependent effects, strong transcriptomic datasets, and a focus on cortical bone changes using microCT, histomorphometry, BSEM, and serum analysis. Despite these strengths, important weaknesses are noted (below) which could be addressed to improve the impact of the work for a broad audience.

      Major comments:

      1. Overall, the magnitude of the effect size due to FNDC5 deficiency in both male and female mice is rather modest. Looking at the data from a qualitative perspective, it is clear that knockout females still lose bone during lactation and on the low calcium diet (LCD). It is difficult to assess the physiologic consequence of the modest quantitative 'protection' seen in FNDC5 mutants since the mutants still show clear and robust effects of lactation and LCD on all parameters measured. Similarly, the magnitude of the 'increased' cortical bone loss in FNDC5 mutant males is also modest and perhaps could be related to the fact that these mice are starting with slightly more cortical bone. Since the authors do not provide a convincing molecular explanation for why FNDC5 deficiency causes these somewhat subtle changes, I would like to offer a suggestion for the authors to consider (below, point #2) which might de-emphasize the focus of the manuscript on FNDC5. If the authors chose not to follow this suggestion, the manuscript could be strengthened by addressing the consequences of the modest changes observed in WT versus FNDC5 KO mice.

      2. The bone RNA-seq findings reported in Figures 4-6 are quite interesting. Although Youlten et al previously reported that the osteocyte transcriptome is sex-dependent, the work here certainly advances that notion to a considerable degree and likely will be of high interest to investigators studying skeletal biology and sexual dimorphism in general. To this end, one direction for the authors to consider might be to refocus their manuscript toward sexually-dimorphic gene expression patterns in osteocytes and the different effects of LCD on male versus female mice. This would allow the authors to better emphasize these major findings, and to then use FNDC5 deficiency as an illustrative example of how sexually-dimorphic osteocytic gene expression patterns might be affected by deletion of an osteocyte-acting endocrine factor. Ideally, the authors would confirm RNA-seq data comparing male versus female mice in osteocytes using in situ hybridization or immunostaining.

      3. Along the lines of point #2 (above), the presentation of the RNA-seq studies in Figures 4-6 is somewhat confusing in that the volcano plot titles seem to be reversed. For example, Figure 4A is titled "WT M: WT F", but the genes in the upper right quadrant appear to be up-regulated in female cortical bone RNA samples. Should this plot instead be titled "WT F: WT M"? If so, then all other volcano plots should be re-titled as well.

      4. Have the authors compared male versus female transcriptomes of LCD mice?

      5. It would be appreciated if the authors could provide additional serum parameters (if possible) to clarify incomplete data in both lactation and low-calcium diet models: RANKL/OPG ratio, Ctx, PTHrP, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D levels.

      6. Lastly, the data that overexpressing irisin improved bone properties in Fig 2G was somewhat confusing. Based on Kim et al.'s (2018) work, irisin injection increased sclerostin gene expression and serum levels, thus reducing bone formation. Were sclerostin levels affected by irisin overexpression in this study? Was irisin's role in modulating sclerostin levels attenuated with additional calcium deficiency?

    1. Review #1 (Public Review)

      Watanuki et al used metabolomic tracing strategies of U-13C6-labeled glucose and 13C-MFA to quantitatively identify the metabolic programs of HSCs during steady-state, cell-cycling, and OXPHOS inhibition. They found that 5-FU administration in mice increased anaerobic glycolytic flux and decreased ATP concentration in HSCs, suggesting that HSC differentiation and cell cycle progression are closely related to intracellular metabolism and can be monitored by measuring ATP concentration. Using the GO-ATeam2 system to analyze ATP levels in single hematopoietic cells, they found that PFKFB3 can accelerate glycolytic ATP production during HSC cell cycling by activating the rate-limiting enzyme PFK of glycolysis. Additionally, by using Pfkfb3 knockout or overexpressing strategies and conducting experiments with cytokine stimulation or transplantation stress, they found that PFKFB3 governs cell cycle progression and promotes the production of differentiated cells from HSCs in proliferative environments by activating glycolysis. Overall, in their study, Watanuki et al combined metabolomic tracing to quantitatively identify metabolic programs of HSCs and found that PFKFB3 confers glycolytic dependence onto HSCs to help coordinate their response to stress.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      This study used ATAC-Seq to characterize chromatin accessibility during stages of GABAergic neuron development in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived from both Dravet Syndrome (DS) patients and healthy donors. The authors report accelerated GABAergic maturation to a point, followed by further differentiation into a perturbed chromatin profile, in the cells from patients. In a preliminary analysis, valproic acid, an anti-seizure medication commonly used in patients with DS, increased open chromatin in both patient and control iPSCs in a nonspecific manner, and to different degrees in cultures derived from different patients. These findings provide new information about DS-associated changes in chromatin, and provide further evidence for developmental abnormalities in interneurons with DS.


      This is a novel study that aims to investigate the epigenetic changes that occur in a sodium channel model of epilepsy; these changes are often ignored but may be an interesting area for future therapeutics. In general, the flow of the paper is good, and the figures are well-designed.


      The most substantial weakness relates to the observation that DS is often viewed as a monogenic form of epilepsy. It is directly linked to SCN1A gene haploinsufficiency (Yu et al, 2006; Ogiwara et al, 2007). The gene product is Nav1.1, the alpha subunit of voltage-gated sodium channel type I that regulates neuronal excitability. Yet, analysis was conducted at time points of GABAergic interneuron differentiation in which SCN1A is likely not expressed. The paper would be strengthened if SCN1A expression and Nav1.1 protein were examined across the experimental time course. If SCN1A is not yet expressed, this would complicate any explanation of how the observed epigenetic changes might arise. It also seems counterintuitive that the absence of a sodium channel can accelerate differentiation, when, a priori, one might expect the opposite (a 'less neuronal' signal).

      Related to this, another important limitation of the study is that the controls are cells derived from healthy individuals and not from isogenic lines. The usage of isogenic lines is extremely relevant for every study in which iPSC-derived somatic cells are used to model a disease, but specifically in diseases like DS, in which the genetic background has an ascertained impact on disease phenotype (Cetica et al, 2017 and others). This serious limitation should be considered. In addition, the authors should provide data on variability across cell lines and differentiations to help convince the reader that the results can be attributed to genetic defects, rather than variability across individuals.

      Additionally, the authors acknowledge the variability of the differentiations and cell lines, which is commendable, and they attribute this to "possibly reflecting cell line specific and endogenous differences reported previously", but could also have to do with cell death. This is a large confounding factor for ATAC-seq. Certainly, Sup Fig 1C shows lower FrIP scores, consistent with cell death, and there seems to be a lot of death in the representative images. Moreover, the iGABA neurons are very difficult to keep alive, especially to 65 days, without co-culturing with glia and/or glutamatergic neurons. The authors should comment on how much these factors may have influenced their results.

      Finally, changes in gene expression are only inferred, as no RNA levels were measured. If RNA-seq was not possible it would have been good to see at least some of the key genes/findings corroborated with RNA/protein levels vs chromatin accessibility alone, particularly given that these molecular readouts do not always correlate.

      Additional Points:

      1. Representative images for cell-identity markers for only D65 are shown, and not D0, D19, and D35 though it is stated in the text that this was performed. At a minimum, these representative images should be shown for all lines.<br /> 2. What QC was performed on iPSC lines, i.e. karyotype/CNV analysis and confirmation of genotypes?<br /> 3. Were all experiments performed on a single differentiation? Or multiples? Were the differentiations performed with the same type? If not, was batch considered in the analysis? I also assume that technical replicates were merged, and then all three biological replicates were kept for each analysis and outliers were not removed, e.g. Control_D19_8F seems like an example of an outlier.<br /> 4. In Figure 1C, it is intriguing that the ATACseq signal gets stronger in imN. One might expect it to be strongest in the iPSCs which are undifferentiated and have the highest levels of open chromatin. Is this a function of sequencing depth, or are all the Y-axes normalized across all time points?<br /> 5. In Figure 1F, are these all enriched terms, or were they prioritized somehow?<br /> 6. In Figure 1G (also the same plots in Fig 2/3), are all these images normalized i.e. there is no scale bar for each track, and do they represent and aggregate BAM/bigwig? It would be good to show in supplement the variability across cell lines/diffs - particularly given the variability in the heatmap/PCA - and demonstrate the rigor/reproducibility of these results. This comment applies to all these plots across the 3 figures, particularly as in some instances the samples appear to cluster by individual first and then time point (Sup Fig 3B). How confident are the authors that these effects are driven by genotype and not a single cell line? In the Fig 3D representation of NANOG, it is very difficult to see any difference between patient and control.<br /> 7. For the changes in occupancy annotation (UTR/exon/intron etc), are these differences still significant after correcting for variability from cell line to cell line at each time point? I.e. rather than average across all three samples, what is the range?<br /> 8. The VPA timepoint is not well-justified. Given that VPA would be administered in patients with fully mature inhibitory neurons, it is difficult to determine the biological relevance. I appreciate that this is a limitation of the model, but this should at least be addressed in the manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors provide mechanistic insights into how the loss of function of MBOAT7 promotes alcohol-associated liver disease. They showed that hepatocyte-specific genetic deletion of Mboat7 enhances ethanol-induced hepatic steatosis and increased ALT levels in a murine model of ethanol-induced liver disease. Through lipidomic profiling, they showed that mice with Mboat7 deletion demonstrated augmented ethanol-induced endosomal and lysosomal lipids, together with impaired transcription factor EB (TFEB)-mediated lysosomal biogenesis and accumulation of<br /> autophagosomes.

      Strengths:<br /> -Alcohol-induced liver disease (ALD) and metabolic-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD) are major global health problems, and polymorphism near the gene encoding MBOAT7 has been associated with these conditions. This paper is timely as it is important to gain insights on how loss of MBOAT function contributes to liver disease as this may eventually lead to therapeutic strategies.<br /> -The conclusions of the paper are mostly well supported by data.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) In regards to circulating levels of MBOAT7 products, a comparison of heavy drinkers with ALD versus heavy drinkers without ALD would be more clinically relevant.<br /> 2) A few typos need to be addressed. For Figure 1 - figure supplement 1, should the second column heading be "Heavy drinkers" instead of "Healthy drinkers"? Also, in the same figure, it is unclear what the "healthy" subcategory under MELD means.<br /> 3) Some of the data in the tables need to be addressed/discussed. For instance, the white blood cell count (WBC) in Figure 1 - figure supplement 1 for "healthy controls" is 34, compared to 13.51 for drinkers. A WBC of 34 is not at all healthy and should be explained. The vast difference between BMI and also between racial distribution within the two cohorts should also be explained. Is it possible that some of these differences contributed to the different levels of circulating MBOAT7 products that were measured?<br /> 4) The representation of the statistical difference between the bars in the results figures by using alphabets is a bit confusing. For instance, in figure 2C, does that mean all the bars labelled A are significantly different from B? The solid black bar seems to be very similar to the open red bar; please double check.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The extra macrochaetae (emc) gene encodes the only Inhibitor of DNA binding protein (Id protein) in Drosophila. Its best-known function is to inhibit proneural genes during development. However, the emc mutants also display non-proneural phenotypes. In this manuscript, the authors examined four non-proneural phenotypes of the emc mutants and reported that they are all caused by inappropriate non-apoptotic caspase activity. These non-neuronal phenotypes are: reduced growth of imaginal discs, increased speed of the morphogenetic furrow, and failure to specify R7 photoreceptor neurons and cone cells during eye development. Double mutants between emc and either H99 (which deletes the three pro-apoptotic genes reaper, grim, and hid) or the initiator caspase dronc suppress these mutant phenotypes of emc suggesting that the cell death pathway and caspase activity are mediating these emc phenotypes. In previous work, the authors have shown that emc mutations elevate the expression of ex which activates the SHW pathway (aka the Hippo pathway). One known function of the SHW pathway is to inhibit Yorkie which controls the transcription of the inhibitor of apoptosis, Diap1. Consistently, in emc clones the levels of Diap1 protein are reduced which might explain why caspase activity is increased in emc clones giving rise to the four non-neural phenotypes of emc mutants. However, this increased caspase activity is not causing ectopic apoptosis, hence the authors propose that this is non-apoptotic caspase activity. In the last part of the manuscript, the authors ruled out that Wg, Dpp, and Hh signaling are the target of caspases, but instead identified Notch signaling as the target of caspases, specifically the Notch ligand Delta. Protein levels of Delta are increased in emc clones in an H99- and dronc-dependent manner. The authors conclude that caspase-dependent non-apoptotic signaling underlies multiple roles of emc that are independent of proneural bHLH proteins.

      Strengths:<br /> Overall, this is an interesting manuscript and the findings are intriguing. It adds to the growing number of non-apoptotic functions of apoptotic proteins and caspases in particular. The manuscript is well written and the data are usually convincingly presented.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. One major concern I have is the observation by the authors in Figure 3C in which protein levels of Diap1 are still reduced in emc H99 double mutant clones. If Diap1 is still reduced in these clones, shouldn't caspases still be de-repressed? Given that emc H99 double mutants rescue all emc phenotypes examined, the observation that Diap1 levels are still reduced in emc H99 clones is inconsistent with the authors' model. The authors need to address this inconsistency.

      2. Are Diap1 protein levels reduced in all emc clones, including clones anterior to the furrow? This is difficult to see in Figure 3B. it is also recommended to look in emc mosaic wing discs.

      3. The authors speculate that Delta may be a direct target of caspase cleavage (Figure 9B), but then rule it out for a good reason. However, I assume that the increased protein levels of Delta in emc clones (Figure 7) are the results of increased transcription. In that case, shouldn't caspases control the transcriptional machinery leading to Delta expression?

      4. How does caspase activity in emc clones cause reduced growth? Is this also mediated through Delta signaling?

      5. Figure 1M: Is there a similar result with emc dronc mosaics?

    1. La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la investigación y el mundo académico, facilitando desde la redacción del manuscrito hasta el análisis de datos. Pero, la IA no “pisa la calle”. La IA sigue confinada al ámbito digital y es incapaz de involucrarse en interacciones humanas para indagar sobre dinámicas interpersonales o comprender el contexto. Ante este panorama, ¿se debería aceptar que la IA revise artículos de investigación enviados a una revista? ¿Cómo debe adaptarse la academia ante el auge de la IA generativa? El presente artículo reflexiona sobre el impacto de la IA en la investigación y el mundo académico, ofreciendo una definición y caracterización de la IA generativa, presentando herramientas de IA que asisten en la investigación, y analizando cuatro escenarios futuros posibles: democratización de la investigación, desaprovechamiento de la IA, aumento de la desigualdad y rezagados digitales. Se concluye sugiriendo estrategias de acción como mayor formación en herramientas de IA, fomento de una educación basada en investigación, y necesidad de abrir un debate sobre el uso de la IA en la gestión de las revistas científicas.

      Comentario 21/12/2023 público

    1. La inteligencia artificial (IA) está revolucionando la investigación y el mundo académico, facilitando desde la redacción del manuscrito hasta el análisis de datos. Pero, la IA no “pisa la calle”.

      Comentario 21/12/2023 público

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Roget et al. build on their previous work developing a simple theoretical model to examine whether ageing can be under natural selection, challenging the mainstream view that ageing is merely a byproduct of other biological and evolutionary processes. The authors propose an agent-based model to evaluate the adaptive dynamics of a haploid asexual population with two independent traits: fertility timespan and mortality onset. Through computational simulations, their model demonstrates that ageing can give populations an evolutionary advantage. Notably, this observation arises from the model without invoking any explicit energy tradeoffs, commonly used to explain this relationship.

      Additionally, the theoretical model developed here indicates that mortality onset is generally selected to start before the loss of fertility, irrespective of the initial values in the population. The selected relationship between the fertility timespan and mortality onset depends on the strength of fertility and mortality effects, with larger effects resulting in the loss of fertility and mortality onset being closer together. By allowing for a trans-generational effect on ageing in the model, the authors show that this can be advantageous as well, lowering the risk of collapse in the population despite an apparent fitness disadvantage in individuals. Upon closer examination, the authors reveal that this unexpected outcome is a consequence of the trans-generational effect on ageing increasing the evolvability of the population (i.e., allowing a more effective exploration of the parameter landscape), reaching the optimum state faster.

      The simplicity of the proposed theoretical model represents both the major strength and weakness of this work. On one hand, with an original and rigorous methodology, the logic of their conclusions can be easily grasped and generalised, yielding surprising results. Using just a handful of parameters and relying on direct competition simulations, the model qualitatively recapitulates the negative correlation between lifespan and fertility without requiring energy tradeoffs. This alone makes this work an important milestone for the rapidly growing field of adaptive dynamics, opening many new avenues of research, both theoretically and empirically.

      On the other hand, the simplicity of the model also makes its relationship with living organisms difficult to gauge, leaving open questions about how much the model represents the reality of actual evolution in a natural context. In particular, a more explicit discussion of how the specifics of the model can impact the results and their interpretation is needed. For example, the lack of mechanistic details on the trans-generational effect on ageing makes the results difficult to interpret. Even if analytical results are obtained, most of the observations appear derived from simulations as they are currently presented. Also, the choice of parameters for the simulations shown in the paper and how they relate to our biological knowledge are not fully addressed by the authors. Finally, the conclusions of evolvability are insufficiently supported, as the authors do not show if the wider genotypic variability in populations with the ageing trans-generational effect is, in fact, selected.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The authors' earlier deep mutational scanning work observed that allosteric mutations in TetR (the tetracycline repressor) and its homologous transcriptional factors are distributed across the structure instead of along the presumed allosteric pathways as commonly expected. Especially, in addition, the loss of the allosteric communications promoted by those mutations, was rescued by additional distributed mutations. Now the authors develop a two-domain thermodynamic model for TetR that explains these compelling data. The model is consistent with the in vivo phenotypes of the mutants with changes in parameters, which permits quantification. Taken together their work connects intra- and inter-domain allosteric regulation that correlate with structural features. This leads the authors to suggest broader applicability to other multidomain allosteric proteins.

      Here the authors follow their first innovative observations with a computational model that captures the structural behavior, aiming to make it broadly applicable to multidomain proteins. Altogether, an innovative and potentially useful contribution.


      None that I see, except that I hope that in the future, if possible, the authors would follow with additional proteins to further substantiate the model and show its broad applicability. I realize however the extensive work that this would entail.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Shoemaker and Grilli analyze publicly available sequencing data to quantify how the microbial diversity of ecosystems changes with the taxonomic scale considered (e.g., diversity of genera vs diversity of families). This study builds directly on Grilli's 2020 paper which used this data to show that for many different microbial species, the distribution of abundances of the species across sampling sites belongs to a simple one-parameter family of gamma distributions. In this work, they show that the gamma distribution also describes the distribution of abundances of higher taxonomic levels. The distribution now requires two parameters, but the second parameter can be approximately derived by treating the distributions of lower-level taxonomic units as being independent. The difference between the species-level result and the result at higher taxonomic levels suggests that in some sense microbial species are ecologically meaningful units.

      While the higher-level taxon abundance distributions can be well-approximated assuming independence of the constituent species, this approach substantially underestimates variation in community richness and diversity among sampling sites. Much of this extra variability appears to be driven by variability in sample size across sites. It is not clear to me how much this variation in sample size is itself due to variation in sampling effort versus variation in overall microbial densities. This variation in sample size also produces correlations between taxon richness at lower and higher taxonomic levels. For instance, sites with large samples are likely to have both many species within a genus and many genera. The authors also consider taxon diversity (Shannon index, i.e. entropy), which is constructed from frequencies and is therefore less sensitive to sample size. In this case, correlations between diversity across taxonomic scales instead appear to depend on the idiosyncratic correlations among species abundances.

      This paper's results are presented in a fairly terse manner, even when they are describing summary statistics that require a lot of thought to interpret. I don't think it would make sense to try to understand it without having first worked through the 2020 paper. But everyone interested in a general understanding of microbial ecology should read the 2020 paper, and once one has done that, this paper is worth reading as well simply for seeing how the major pattern in that paper shifts as one moves up in taxonomic scale.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study examined the impact of exogenous microapplication of acetylcholine (Ach) on metrics of novelty detection in the anesthetized rat auditory cortex. The authors found that the majority of units showed some degree of modulation of novelty detection, with roughly similar numbers showing enhanced novelty detection, suppressed novelty detection or no change. Enhanced novelty responses were driven by increases in repetition suppression. Suppressed novelty responses were driven by deviance suppression. There were no compelling differences seen between auditory cortical subfields or layers, though there was heterogeneity in the Ach effects within subfields. Overall, these findings are important because they suggest that fluctations in cortical Ach, which are known to occur during changes in arousal or attentional states, will likely influence the capacity for individual auditory cortical neurons to respond to novel stimuli.

      Strengths:<br /> The work addresses an important problem in auditory neuroscience. The main strengths of the study are that the work appears to be systematically done with appropriate controls (cascaded stimuli) and utilizes a classical approach that ensures that drug application is isolated to the micro-environment of the recorded neuron. In addition, the authors do not isolate their study to only primary auditory cortex, but examine the impact of Ach across all known auditory cortical subfields.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1. As acknowledged by the authors, this study explicitly examines a phenomenon of high relevance to active listening, but is done in anesthetized animals, limiting its applicability to the waking state.<br /> 2. The authors do not make any attempt to determine, by spike shape/duration, if their units are excitatory or inhibitory, which may explain some of the variance of the data.<br /> 3. The application of exogenous Ach, potentially in supra-physiological amounts, makes this study hard to extrapolate to a behaving animal. A more compelling design would be to block Ach, particularly at particular receptor types, to determine the effect of endogenous Ach

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The manuscript by Heyndrickx et al describes protein crystal formation and function that bears similarity to Charcot-Leyden crystals made of galectin 10, found in humans under similar conditions. Therefore, the authors set out to investigate CLP crystal formation and their immunological effects in the lung. The authors reveal the crystal structure of both Ym1 and Ym2 and show that Ym1 crystals trigger innate immunity, activated dendritic cells in the lymph node, enhancing antigen uptake and migration to the lung, ultimately leading to induction of type 2 immunity.


      We know a lot about expression levels of CLPs in various settings in the mouse, but still know very little about the functions of these proteins, especially in light of their ability to form crystal structures. As such data presented in this paper is a major advance to the field.

      Resolving the crystal structure of Ym2 and the comparison between native and recombinant CLP crystals is a strength of this manuscript that will be a very powerful tool for further evaluation and understanding of receptor, binding partner studies including ability to aid mutant protein generation.

      The ability to recombinantly generate CLP crystals and study their function in vivo and ex vivo has provided a robust dataset whereby CLPs can activate innate immune responses, aid activation and trafficking of antigen presenting cells from the lymph node to the lung and further enhances type 2 immunity. By demonstrating these effects the authors directly address the aims for the study. A key apoint of this study is the generation of a model in which crystal formation/function an important feature of human eosinophilic diseases, can be studied utilising mouse models. Excitingly, using crystal structures combined with understanding the biochemistry of these proteins will provide a potential avenue whereby inhibitors could be used to dissolve or prevent crystal formation in vivo.

      Generation of the crystal structure for Ym2 is a particular strength of the authors work and highlights the similarities between Ym1 and Ym2. Whilst the authors did not specifically examine Ym2 function, they have provided a discussion on this and speculate that Ym2 will function in a similar manner to Ym1.

      The data presented flows logically and formulates a well constructed overall picture of exactly what CLP crystals could be doing in an inflammatory setting in vivo. Leaves open a clear and exciting future avenue (currently beyond the scope of this work) for determining whether targeting crystal formation in vivo could limit pathology.


      It would have been nice for the authors to confirm whether Ym2 has similar functions to Ym1 using the in vivo and in vitro systems. However, they have discussed these points and raised it as a potential for future studies.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      This manuscript describes the development of an oral THC consumption model in mice where THC is added to a chocolate flavored gelatin. The authors compared the effects of THC consumed in this highly palatable gelatin (termed E-gel) to THC dissolved in a less palatable gelatin (CTR-gel), and to i.p. injections of multiple doses of THC, on the classic triad of CB1R dependent behaviors (hypolocomotion, antinociception, and body temperature).

      The authors found that they could achieve consumption of higher concentrations of THC in the E-gel than the CTR-gel, and that this led to larger total dose exposure and decreases in locomotor activity, antinociception, and body temperature reductions similar to 3-4 mg/kg THC when tested after 2 hour consumption and roughly 10 mg/kg if tested immediately after 1 hour consumption. The majority of THC E-gel consumption was found to occur in the first hour on the first exposure day. THC E-gel consumption was lower than VEH E-gel consumption and this persisted on a subsequent consumption day, suggesting that the animals may form a taste aversion and that THC at the dose consumed likely has aversive properties, consistent with the literature on i.p. dosing. The authors also report the pharmacokinetics in brain and plasma of THC and metabolites after 1 or 2 hour consumption, finding high levels of THC in the brain that begins to dissipate at 2.5 hours is gone 24 hours later. Finally, the authors tested THC effects on the acoustic startle response and found an inverted dose response that was more pronounced in males than females after i.p. dosing and a greater startle response in males after E-gel dosing.

      Overall, the authors find that voluntary oral consumption of THC can achieve levels of intake that are consistent with the present and prior reported literature on i.p. dosing.


      The strengths of the article include a direct comparison of voluntary oral THC consumption to noncontingent i.p. administration, the use of multiple THC doses and oral THC formulations, the inclusion of multiple assays of cannabinoid agonist effects, and the inclusion of males and females. Additional strengths include monitoring intake over 10 minute intervals and validating that effects are CB1R dependent via antagonist studies.


      1. The abstract does not discuss the reduction of E-gel consumption that occurs after multiple days of exposure to the THC formulation, but rather implies that a new model for chronic oral self-administration has been developed. Given that only two days of consumption was assessed, it is not clear if the model will be useful to determine THC effects beyond the acute measures presented here. The abstract should clarify that there was evidence of reduced consumption/aversive effects with repeated exposures.<br /> 2. In the results section, the authors sometimes describe effects in terms of the concentration of gel as opposed to the dose consumed in mg/kg, which can make interpretation difficult. For example, the text describing Figure 1i states that significant effects on body temperature were achieved at 4 mg CTR-gel and 5 mg THC-gel, but were essentially equivalent doses consumed? It would be helpful to describe what average dose of THC produced effects given that consumption varied within each group of mice assigned to a particular concentration.<br /> 3. The description of the PK data in Figure 3 did not specify if sex differences were examined. Prior studies have found that males and females can exhibit stark differences in brain and plasma levels of THC and metabolites, even when behavioral effects are similar. However, this does depend on species, route, timing of tissue collection. It would be helpful to describe the PK profile of males and females separately.<br /> 4. In Figure 5, it is unclear how the predicted i.p. THC dose could be 30 mg/kg when 30 mg/kg was not tested by the i.p. route according to the figure, and if it had been it would have likely been almost zero acoustic startle, not the increased startle that was observed in the 2 hr gel group. It seems more likely that it would be equivalent to 3 mg/kg i.p. Could there be an error in the modeling, or was it based on the model used for the triad effects? This should be clarified.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      This study investigates the structuring of long calls in orangutans. The authors demonstrate long calls are structured around full pulses, repeated following a regular tempo (isochronic rhythm). These full pulses are themselves structured around different sub-pulses, themselves repeated following an isochronic rhythm. The authors argue this patterning is evidence for self-embedded, recursive structuring in orangutang long calls.

      The analyses conducted are robust and compelling and they support the rhythmicity the authors argue is present in the long calls. Furthermore, the authors went above and beyond and confirmed acoustically the sub-categories identified were accurate.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> In this work, the authors study whether the human brain uses long-term priors (acquired during our lifetime) regarding the statistics of auditory stimuli to make predictions respecting auditory stimuli. This is an important open question in the field of predictive processing.

      To address this question, the authors cleverly profit from the naturally existing differences between two linguistic groups. While speakers of Spanish use phrases in which function words (short words like articles and prepositions) are followed by content words (longer words like nouns, adjectives, and verbs), speakers of Basque use phrases in the opposite order. Because of this, speakers of Spanish usually hear phrases in which short words are followed by longer words, and speakers of Basque experience the opposite. This difference in the order of short and longer words is hypothesized to result in a long-term duration prior that is used to make predictions regarding the likely durations of incoming sounds, even if they are not linguistic in nature.

      To test this, the authors used MEG to measure the mismatch responses (MMN) elicited by the omission of short and long tones that were presented in alternation. The authors report an interaction between the language background of the participants (Spanish, Basque) and the type of omission MMN (short, long), which goes in line with their predictions. They supplement these results with a source-level analysis.

      Unfortunately, serious concerns regarding the predictions put forward by the authors, and the interaction effect found, make the interpretation of these results difficult.

      Strengths:<br /> This work has many strengths. To test the main question, the authors profit from naturally occurring differences in the everyday auditory experiences of two linguistic groups, which allows them to test the effect of putative auditory priors consolidated over years. This is a direct way of testing the effect of long-term priors.

      The fact that the priors in question are linguistic, and that the experiment was conducted using non-linguistic stimuli (i.e. simple tones), allows for testing of whether these long-term priors generalize across auditory domains.

      The experimental design is elegant and the analysis pipeline is appropriate. This work is very well written. In particular, the introduction and discussion sections are clear and engaging. The literature review is complete.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are two main issues in this work. The first one pertains to the predictions put forward by the researchers, and the second with the interaction effect reported.

      1) With respect to the predictions, the authors propose that the subjects, depending on their linguistic background and the length of the tone in a trial, can put forward one or two predictions. The first is a short-term prediction based on the statistics of the previous stimuli and identical for both groups (i.e. short tones are expected after long tones and vice versa). The second is a long-term prediction based on their linguistic background. According to the authors, after a short tone, Basque speakers will predict the beginning of a new phrasal chunk, and Spanish speakers will predict it after a long tone.

      In this way, when a short tone is omitted, Basque speakers would experience the violation of only one prediction (i.e. the short-term prediction), but Spanish speakers will experience the violation of two predictions (i.e. the short-term and long-term predictions), resulting in a higher amplitude MMN. The opposite would occur when a long tone is omitted. So, to recap, the authors propose that subjects will predict the alternation of tone durations (short-term predictions) and the beginning of new phrasal chunks (long-term predictions).

      The problem with this is that subjects are also likely to predict the completion of the current phrasal chunk. In speech, phrases are seldom left incomplete. In Spanish is very unlikely to hear a function-word that is not followed by a content-word (and the opposite happens in Basque). On the contrary, after the completion of a phrasal chunk, a speaker might stop talking and a silence might follow, instead of the beginning of a new phrasal chunk.

      Considering that the completion of a phrasal chunk is more likely than the beginning of a new one, the prior endowed to the participants by their linguistic background should make us expect a pattern of results actually opposite to the one reported here.

      2) The authors report an interaction effect that modulates the amplitude of the omission response, but caveats make the interpretation of this effect somewhat uncertain. The authors report a widespread omission response, which resembles the classical mismatch response (in MEG) with strong activations in sensors over temporal regions. Instead, the interaction found is circumscribed to four sensors that do not overlap with the peaks of activation of the omission response. Furthermore, the boxplot in Figure 2E suggests that part of the interaction effect might be due to the presence of two outliers (if removed, the effect is no longer significant). Overall, it is possible that the reported interaction is driven by a main effect of omission type which the authors report, and find consistently only in the Basque group (showing a higher amplitude omission response for long tones than for short tones).

      Because of these points, it is difficult to interpret this interaction as a modulation of the omission response. It should also be noted that in the source analysis, the interaction only showed a trend in the left auditory cortex, but in its current version the manuscript does not report the statistics of such a trend.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The global decline of amphibians is primarily attributed to deadly disease outbreaks caused by the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). It is unclear whether and how skin-resident immune cells defend against Bd. Although it is well known that mammalian mast cells are crucial immune sentinels in the skin and play a pivotal role in the immune recognition of pathogens and orchestrating subsequent immune responses, the roles of amphibian mast cells during Bd infections are largely unknown. The current study developed a novel way to enrich X. laevis skin mast cells by injecting the skin with recombinant stem cell factor (SCF), a KIT ligand required for mast cell differentiation and survival. The investigators found an enrichment of skin mast cells provides X. laevis substantial protection against Bd and mitigates the inflammation-related skin damage resulting from Bd infection. Additionally, the augmentation of mast cells leads to increased mucin content within cutaneous mucus glands and shields frogs from the alterations to their skin microbiomes caused by Bd.

      Strengths:<br /> This study underscores the significance of amphibian skin-resident immune cells in defenses against Bd and introduces a novel approach to examining interactions between amphibian hosts and fungal pathogens.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The main weakness of the study is the lack of functional analysis of X. laevis mast cells. Upon activation, mast cells have the characteristic feature of degranulation to release histamine, serotonin, proteases, cytokines, and chemokines, etc. The study should determine whether X. laevis mast cells can be degranulated by two commonly used mast cell activators IgE and compound 48/80 for IgE-dependent and independent pathways. This can be easily done in vitro. It is also important to assess whether in vivo these mast cells are degranulated upon Bd infection using avidin staining to visualize vesicle releases from mast cells. Figure 3 only showed rSCF injection caused an increase in mast cells in naïve skin. They need to present whether Bd infection can induce mast cell increase and rSCF injection under Bd infection causes a mast cell increase in the skin. In addition, it is unclear how the enrichment of mast cells provides protection against Bd infection and alternations to skin microbiomes after infection. It is important to determine whether skin mast cells release any contents mentioned above.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary: This study brings new information about the function of serotonin-gated ion channels 5-HT3AR, by describing the conformational changes undergoing during ligands binding. These results can be potentially extrapolated to other members of the Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels. By combining fluorescence microscopy with electrophysiological recordings, the authors investigate structural changes inside and outside the orthosteric site elicited by agonists, partial agonists, and antagonists. The results are convincing and correlate well with the observations from cryo-EM structures. The work will be of important significance and broad interest to scientists working on channel biophysics but also drug development targeting ligand-gated ion channels.

      Strengths: The authors present an elegant and well-designed study to investigate the conformational changes on 5-HT3AR where they combine electrophysiological and fluorometry recordings. They determined four positions suitable to act as sensors for the conformational changes of the receptor: two inside and two outside the agonist binding site. They make a strong point showing how antagonists produce conformational changes inside the orthosteric site similarly as agonists do but they failed to spread to the lower part of the ECD, in agreement with previous studies and Cryo-EM structures. They also show how some loss-of-function mutant receptors elicit conformational changes (changes in fluorescence) after partial agonist binding but failed to produce measurable ionic currents, pointing to intermediate states that are stabilized in these conditions. The four fluorescence sensors developed in this study may be good tools for further studies on characterizing drugs targeting the 5-HT3R.

      Weaknesses: Although the major conclusions of the manuscript seem well justified, some of the comparison with the structural data may be vague. The claim that monitoring these silent conformational changes can offer insights into the allosteric mechanisms contributing to signal transduction is not unique to this study and has been previously demonstrated by using similar techniques with other ion channels.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In their revised manuscript, the authors have addressed all the concerns raised earlier (written below for completeness).


      These types of analyses use many underlying assumptions about the data, which are not easy to verify. Hence, one way to test how the algorithm is performing in a task is to study its performance on synthetic data in which the properties of the variable of interest can be apriori fixed. For example, for burst detection, synthetic data can be generated by injected bursts of known durations, and checking if the algorithm can pick it up. Burst detection is difficult in the spectral domain since direct spectral estimators have high variance (see Subhash Chandran et al., 2018, J Neurophysiol). Therefore, detected burst lengths are typically much lower than injected burst lengths (see their Figure 3). This problem can be solved by doing burst estimation in the time domain itself, for example, using Matching Pursuit (MP). I think the approach presented in this paper would also work since this model is also trained on data in the time domain. Indeed, the synthetic data can be made more "challenging" by injecting multiple oscillatory bursts that are overlapping in time, for which a greedy approach like MP may fail. It would be very interesting to test whether this method can "keep up" as the data is made more challenging. While showing results from brain signals directly (e.g., Figure 7) is nice, it will be even more impactful if it is backed up with results obtained from synthetic data with known properties.

      I was wondering about what kind of "synthetic data" could be used for the results shown in Figure 8-12 but could not come up with a good answer. Perhaps data in which different sensory systems are activated (visual versus auditory) or sensory versus movement epochs are compared to see if the activation maps change as expected? We see similarities between states across multiple runs (reproducibility analysis) and across tasks (e.g. Figure 8 vs 9) and even methods (Figure 8 vs 10), which is great. However, we should also expect emergence of new modes specific to sensory activation (say auditory cortex for an auditory task). This will allow us to independently check the performance of this method.

      The authors should explain the reproducibility results (variational free energy and best run analysis) in the Results section itself, to better orient the reader on what to look for.

      Page 15: the comparison across subjects is interesting, but it is not clear why sensory-motor areas show a difference and the mean lifetime of the visual network decreases. Can you please explain this better? The promised discussion in section 3.5 can be expanded as well.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Batra, Cabrera, Spence et al. present a model which integrates histone posttranslational modification (PTM) data across cell models to predict gene expression with the goal of using this model to better understand epigenetic editing. This gene expression prediction model approach is useful if a) it predicts gene expression in specific cell lines b) it predicts expression values rather than a rank or bin, c) it helps us to better understand the biology of gene expression, or d) it helps us to understand epigenome editing activity. Problematically for points a) and b) it is easier to directly measure gene expression than to measure multiple PTMs and so the real usefulness of this approach mostly relates to c) and d).

      Other approaches have been published that use histone PTM to predict expression (e.g. 27587684, 36588793). Is this model better in some way? No comparisons are made. The paper does not seem to have substantial novel insights into understanding the biology of gene expression. The approach of using this model to predict epigenetic editor activity on transcription is interesting and to my knowledge novel but I doubt given the variability of the predictions (Figures 6 and S7&8) that many people will be interested in using this in a practical sense. As the authors point out, the interpretation of the epigenetic editing data is convoluted by things like sgRNA activity scoring and to fully understand the results likely would require histone PTM profiling and maybe dCas9 ChIP-seq for each sgRNA which would be a substantial amount of work.

      Furthermore from the model evaluation of H3K9me3 it seems the model is not performing well for epigenetic or transcriptional editing- e.g. we know for the best studied transcriptional editor which is CRISPRi (dCas9-KRAB) that recruitment to a locus is associated with robust gene repression across the genome and is associated with H3K9me3 deposition by recruitment of KAP1/HP1/SETDB1 (PMID: 35688146, 31980609, 27980086, 26501517). However, it seems from Figures 2&4 that the model wouldn't be able to evaluate or predict this.

      The model seems to predict gene expression for endogenous genes quite well although the authors sometimes use expression and sometimes use rank (e.g. Figure 6) - being clearer with how the model predicts expression rather than using rank or fold change would be very useful.

      One concern overall with this approach is that dCas9-p300 has been observed to induce sgRNA-independent off-target H3K27Ac (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8349887/ see Figure S5D) which could convolute interpretation of this type of experiment for the model.

      Figure 2<br /> It seems this figure presents known rather than novel findings from the authors' description. Please comment on whether there are any new findings in this figure. Please comment on differences in patterns of repressive and activating histone PTMs between cell lines (e.g. H1-Esc H3K27me3 green 25-50% is more enriched than red 0-25%).

      Figure 3&4<br /> There are a number of approaches including DeepChrome and TransferChrome that predict endogenous gene expression from histone PTMs. I appreciate that the authors have not used the histone PTM data to predict gene expression levels of an "average cell" but rather that they are predicting expression within specific cell types or for unseen cell types. But from what is presented it isn't clear that the author's model is better or enabling beyond other approaches. The authors should show their model is better than other approaches or make clear why this is a significant advance that will be enabling for the field. For example is it that in this approach they are actually predicting expression levels whereas previous approaches have only predicted expressed or not expressed or a rank order or bin-based ranking?

      Figure 5<br /> From the methods, it seems gene activation is measured by qpcr in hek293 transfected with individual sgRNAs and dCas9-p300. The cells aren't selected or sorted before qPCR so how are we sure that some of the variability isn't due to transfection efficiency associated with variable DNA quality or with variable transfection efficiency?

      Figure 6<br /> The use of rank in 6D and 6E is confusing. In 6D a higher rank is associated with higher expression while in 6E a higher rank seems to mean a lower fold change e.g. CYP17A1 has a low predicted fold-change rank and qPCR fold-change rank but in Figure 5 a very high qPCR fold change. Labeling this more clearly or explaining it in the text further would be useful.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      Glenn et al. present solid evidence that both lab and clinical Enterobacteriaceae strains rapidly migrate towards human serum using an exciting approach that combines microfluidics, structural biology, and genotypic analysis. The authors succeed in bringing to light a novel context for the role of serine as a bacterial chemoattractant as well as documenting what is likely to be a key step in bloodstream entry for some of the main sepsis-associated pathogens during gastrointestinal bleeding. They aim to expand their conclusions from a single lab serovar of Salmonella enterica to a range of clinical serovars and other species within the Enterobacteriaceae family. This is a powerful approach that greatly increases the scope of their findings but I find that some of their conclusions here are not always supported by strong evidence.

      I would also like to note that, while I enjoyed the interdisciplinary scope of this study, I am personally not well positioned to review the protein structural aspects of this work.

      Strengths:<br /> - The authors first characterise migration towards serum in detail using a well-characterised lab strain but one of the main strengths of this study is that they then expand their scope to observe equivalent behaviours in several clinical serovars. This strongly supports the clinical relevance of the key behaviours that they document.

      - The interdisciplinary nature of this study is a real strength and greatly increases the scope of the conclusions presented. Working from a structural understanding of chemoreceptor-ligand binding through to a larger-scale genetic analysis of chemoreceptor phylogeny allows the authors to draw important (although I find not always definitive) conclusions about bacterial migration towards human serum across a wide range of bacterial species (including many important pathogens). This is a very exciting approach and I was particularly interested to see the authors follow this up with observations of migration in C. koseri (a clinical isolate with little known about its chemotactic capabilities).

      - The authors use experiments that compete migrating strains against each other and these offer an exciting glimpse into how bacterial movement and navigation could play out in multi-species environments like the human gut.

      - The authors successfully identify a single component of human serum (i.e. serine) as one specific attractant driving the bacterial migration response seen here. Teasing apart the response of bacteria to complex stimuli like human serum is an important step here.

      Weaknesses:<br /> There are several issues that I would personally like to see addressed in this study:

      1) The authors refer to human serum as a chemoattractant numerous times throughout the study (including in the title). As the authors acknowledge, human serum is a complex mixture and different components of it may act as chemoattractants, chemo-repellents (particularly those with bactericidal activities), or may elicit other changes in motility (e.g. chemokinesis). The authors present convincing evidence that cells are attracted to serine within human serum - which is already a well-known bacterial chemoattractant. Indeed, their ability to elucidate specific elements of serum that influence bacterial motility is a real strength of the study. However, human serum itself is not a chemoattractant and this claim should be re-phrased - bacteria migrate towards human serum, driven at least in part by chemotaxis towards serine.

      2) Linked to the previous point, several bacterial species (including E. coli - one of the bacterial species investigated here) are capable of osmotaxis (moving up or down gradients in osmolality). Whilst chemotaxis to serine is important here, could movement up the osmotic gradient generated by serum injection play a more general role? It could be interesting to measure the osmolality of the injected serum and test whether other solutions with similar osmolality elicit a similar migratory response. Another important control here would be to treat human serum with serine racemase and observe how this impacts bacterial migration.

      3) The inference of the authors' genetic analysis combined with the migratory response of E. coli and C. koseri to human serum shown in Fig. 6 is that Tsr drives movement towards human serum across a range of Enterobacteriaceae species. The evidence for the importance of Tsr here is currently correlative - more causal evidence could be presented by either studying the response of tsr mutants in these two species (certainly these should be readily available for E. coli) or by studying the response of these two species to serine gradients.

      4) The migratory response of E. coli looks striking when quantified (Fig. 6C), but is really unclear from looking at Panel B - it would be more convincing if an explanation was offered for why these images look so much less striking than analogous images for other species (E.g. Fig. 6A).

      5) It is unclear why the fold-change in bacterial distribution shows an approximately Gaussian shape with a peak at a radial distance of between 50 -100 um from the source (see for example Fig. 2H). Initially, I thought that maybe this was due to the presence of the microcapillary needle at the source, but the CheY distribution looks completely flat (Fig. 3I). Is this an artifact of how the fold-change is being calculated? Certainly, it doesn't seem to support the authors' claim that cells increase in density to a point of saturation at the source. Furthermore, it also seems inappropriate to apply a linear fit to these non-linear distributions (as is done in Fig. 2H and in the many analogous figures throughout the manuscript).

      6) The authors present several experiments where strains/ serovars competed against each other in these chemotaxis assays. As mentioned, these are a real strength of the study - however, their utility is not always clear. These experiments are useful for studying the effects of competition between bacteria with different abilities to climb gradients. However, to meaningfully interpret these effects, it is first necessary to understand how the different bacteria climb gradients in monoculture. As such, it would be instructive to provide monoculture data alongside these co-culture competition experiments.

      7) Linked to the above point, it would be especially instructive to test a tsr mutant's response in monoculture. Comparing the bottom row of Fig. 3G to Fig. 3I suggests that when in co-culture with a cheY mutant, the tsr mutant shows a higher fold-change in radial distribution than the WT strain. Fig. 4G shows that a tsr mutant can chemotax towards aspartate at a similar, but reduced rate to WT. This could imply that (like the trg mutant), a tsr mutant has a more general motility defect (e.g. a speed defect), which could explain why it loses out when in competition with the WT in gradients of human serum, but actually seems to migrate strongly to human serum when in co-culture with a cheY mutant. This should be resolved by studying the response of a tsr mutant in monoculture.

      8) In Fig. 4, the response of the three clinical serovars to serine gradients appears stronger than the lab serovar, whilst in Fig. 1, the response to human serum gradients shows the opposite trend with the lab serovar apparently showing the strongest response. Can the authors offer a possible explanation for these slightly confusing trends?

      9) In Fig. S2, it seems important to present quantification of the effect of serine racemase and the reported lack of response to NE and DHMA - the single time-point images shown here are not easy to interpret.

      10) Importantly, the authors detail how they controlled for the effects of pH and fluid flow (Line 133-136). Did the authors carry out similar controls for the dual-species experiments where fluorescent imaging could have significantly heated the fluid droplet driving stronger flow forces?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Strengths:<br /> The authors first perform several important controls to show that the expressed mutant actin is properly folded, and then show that the Arp2/3 complex behaves similarly with WT and mutant actin via a TIRF microscopy assay as well as a bulk pyrene-actin assay. A TIRF assay showed a small but significant reduction in the rate of elongation of the mutant actin suggesting only a mild polymerization defect.

      Based on in silico analysis of the close location of the actin point mutation and bound cofilin, cofilin was chosen for further investigation. Faster de novo nucleation by cofilin was observed with mutant actin. In contrast, the mutant actin was more slowly severed. Both effects favor the retention of filamentous mutant actin. In solution, the effect of cofilin concentration and pH was assessed for both WT and mutant actin filaments, with a more limited repertoire of conditions in a TIRF assay that directly showed slower severing of mutant actin.

      Lastly, the mutated residue in actin is predicted to interact with the cardiomyopathy loop in myosin and thus a standard in vitro motility assay with immobilized motors was used to show that non-muscle myosin 2A moved mutant actin more slowly, explained in part by a reduced affinity for the filament deduced from transient kinetic assays. By the same motility assay, myosin 5A also showed impaired interaction with the mutant filaments.

      The Discussion is interesting and concludes that the mutant actin will co-exist with WT actin in filaments, and will contribute to altered actin dynamics and poor interaction with relevant myosin motors in the cellular context. While not an exhaustive list of possible defects, this is a solid start to understanding how this mutation might trigger a disease phenotype.

      Weaknesses:<br /> Potential assembly defects of the mutant actin could be more thoroughly investigated if the same experiment shown in Fig. 2 was repeated as a function of actin concentration, which would allow the rate of disassembly and the critical concentration to also be determined.

      The more direct TIRF assay for cofilin severing was only performed at high cofilin concentration (100 nM). Lower concentrations of cofilin would also be informative, as well as directly examining by the TIRF assay the effect of cofilin on filaments composed of a 50:50 mixture of WT:mutant actin, the more relevant case for the cell.

      The more appropriate assay to determine the effect of the actin point mutation on class 5 myosin would be the inverted assay where myosin walks along single actin filaments adhered to a coverslip. This would allow an evaluation of class 5 myosin processivity on WT versus mutant actin that more closely reflects how Myo5 acts in cells, instead of the ensemble assay used appropriately for myosin 2.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The authors are trying to distinguish between four models of the role of glypicans (HSPGs) on the Dpp/BMP gradient in the Drosophila wing, schematized in Fig. 1: (1) "Restricted diffusion" (HSPGs transport Dpp via repetitive interaction of HS chains with Dpp); (2) "Hindered diffusion" (HSPGs hinder Dpp spreading via reversible interaction of HS chains with Dpp); (3) "Stabilization" (HSPGs stabilize Dpp on the cell surface via reversible interaction of HS chains with Dpp that antagonizes Tkv-mediated Dpp internalization); and (4) "Recycling" (HSPGs internalize and recycle Dpp).

      To distinguish between these models, the authors generate new alleles for the glypicans Dally and Dally-like protein (Dlp) and for Dpp: a Dally knock-out allele, a Dally YFP-tagged allele, a Dally knock-out allele with 3HA-Dlp, a Dlp knock-out allele, a Dlp allele containing 3-HA tags, and a Dpp lacking the HS-interacting domain. Additionally, they use an OLLAS-tag Dpp (OLLAS being an epitope tag against which extremely high affinity antibodies exist). They examine OLLAS-Dpp or HA-Dpp distribution, phospho-Mad staining, adult wing size.

      They find that over-expressed Dally - but not Dlp - expands Dpp distribution in the larval wing disc. They find that the Dally[KO] allele behaves like a Dally strong hypomorph Dally[MH32]. The Dally[KO] - but not the Dlp[KO] - caused reduced pMad in both anterior and posterior domains and reduced adult wing size (particularly in the Anterior-Posterior axis). These defects can be substantially corrected by supplying an endogenously tagged YFP-tagged Dally. By contrast, they were not rescued when a 3xHA Dlp was inserted in the Dally locus. These results support their conclusion that Dpp interacts with Dally but not Dlp.

      They next wanted to determine the relative contributions of the Dally core or the HS chains to the Dpp distribution. To test this, they over-expressed UAS-Dally or UAS-Dally[deltaHS] (lacking the HS chains) in the dorsal wing. Dally[deltaHS] over-expression increased the distribution of OLLAS-Dpp but caused a reduction in pMad. They do a critical experiment, making the Dally[deltaHS] allele, they find that loss of the HS chains is nearly as severe as total loss of Dally (i.e., Dally[KO]). These results indicate that the HS are critical for Dally's role in Dpp distribution and signaling.

      Prior work has shown that a stretch of 7 amino acids in the Dpp N-terminal domain is required to interact with heparin but not with Dpp receptors (Akiyama, 2008). The authors generated an HA-tagged Dpp allele lacking these residues (HA-dpp[deltaN]). It is an embryonic lethal allele, but they can get some animals to survive to larval stages if they also supply a transgene called "JAK" containing dpp regulatory sequences. In the JAK; HA-dpp[deltaN] mutant background, they find that the distribution and signaling of this Dpp molecule is largely normal. While over-expressed Dally can increase the distribution of HA-dpp[deltaN], over-expression of Dally[deltaHS] cannot. These latter results support the model that the HS chains in Dally are required for Dpp function but not because of a direct interaction with Dpp.

      In the last part of the results, they attempt to determine if the Dpp receptor Thickveins (Tkv) is required for Dally-HS chains interaction. The 2008 (Akiyama) model posits that Tkv activates pMad downstream of Dpp and also internalizes and degrades Dpp. A 2022 (Romanova-Michaelides) model proposes that Dally (not Tkv) internalizes Dpp. To distinguish between these models, the authors deplete Tkv from the dorsal compartment of the wing disc and found that extracellular Dpp increased and expanded in that domain. These results support the model that Tkv is required to internalize Dpp. They then tested the model that Dally antagonizes Tkv-mediated Dpp internalization by determining whether the defective extracellular Dpp distribution in Dally[KO] mutants could be rescued by depleting Tkv. Extracellular Dpp did increase in the D vs V compartment, potentially providing some support for their model. The results are statistically significant but the statistics are buried in an excel file without a read-me page. The code for the statistics is available from Github. These p values should be made more readily accessible and/or intelligible to the reader.

      Strengthens:<br /> 1. New genomically-engineered alleles<br /> A considerable strength of the study is the generation and characterization of new Dally, Dlp and Dpp alleles. These reagents will be of great use to the field.

      2. Surveying multiple phenotypes<br /> The authors survey numerous parameters (Dpp distribution, Dpp signaling (pMad) and adult wing phenotypes) which provides many points of analysis.

      Weaknesses (minor):<br /> 1. The results are statistically significant but the statistics are buried in a dense excel file without a read-me page. The code for the statistics is available from Github. These p values should be made more readily accessible to the reader.

      An appraisal of whether the authors achieved their aims, and whether the results support their conclusions.<br /> The authors' model is that Dally (not Dlp) is required for Dpp distribution and signaling but that this is not due to a direct interaction with Dpp. Rather, they posit that Dally-HS antagonize Tkv-mediated Dpp internalization. Currently the results of the experiments could be considered consistent with their model. Finally, their results support the idea that one or more as-yet unidentified proteins interact with Dally-HS chains to control Dpp distribution and signaling in the wing disc.

      There is much debate and controversy in the Dpp morphogen field. The generation of new, high quality alleles in this study will be useful to Drosophila community, and the results of this study support the concept that Tkv but not Dally regulate Dpp internalization. Thus the work could be impactful and fuel new debates among the morphogen researchers.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> The authors perform a multidisciplinary approach to describe the conformational plasticity of P-Rex1 in various states (autoinhibited, IP4 bound, and PIP3 bound). Hydrogen-deuterium exchange (HDX) is used to reveal how IP4 and PIP3 binding affect intramolecular interactions. While IP4 is found to stabilize autoinhibitory interactions, PIP3 does the opposite, leading to deprotection of autoinhibitory sites. Cryo-EM of IP4 bound P-Rex1 reveals a structure in the autoinhibited conformation, very similar to the unliganded structure reported previously (Chang et al. 2022). Mutations at observed autoinhibitory interfaces result in a more open structure (as shown by SAXS), reduced thermal stability, and increased GEF activity in biochemical and cellular assays. Together their work portrays a dynamic enzyme that undergoes long-range conformational changes upon activation on PIP3 membranes. The results are technically sound (apart from a few points mentioned below) and the conclusions are justified. The main drawback is the limited novelty due to the recently published structure of unliganded P-Rex1, which is virtually identical to the IP4 bound structure presented here. Novel aspects suggest a regulatory role for IP4, but the exact significance and mechanism of this regulation have not been explored.

      Strengths:<br /> The authors use a multitude of techniques to describe the dynamic nature and conformational changes of P-Rex1 upon binding to IP4 and PIP3 membranes. The different approaches together fit well with the overall conclusion that IP4 binding negatively regulates P-Rex1, while binding to PIP3 membranes leads to conformational opening and catalytic activation. The experiments are performed very thoroughly and are technically sound (apart from a few comments mentioned below). The results are clear and support the conclusions.

      Weaknesses:<br /> 1) The novelty of the study is compromised due to the recently published structure of unliganded P-Rex1 (Chang et al. 2022). The unliganded and IP4-bound structure of P-Rex1 appear virtually identical, however, no clear comparison is presented in the manuscript. In the same paper, a very similar model of P-Rex1 activation upon binding to PIP3 membranes and Gbeta/gamma is presented.

      2) The authors demonstrate that IP4 binding to P-Rex1 results in catalytic inhibition and increased protection of autoinhibitory interfaces, as judged by HDX. The relevance of this in a cellular setting is not clear and is not experimentally demonstrated. Further, mechanistically, it is not clear whether the biochemical inhibition by IP4 of PIP3 activated P-Rex1 is due to competition of IP4 with activating PIP3 binding to the PH domain of P-Rex1, or due to stabilizing the autoinhibited conformation, or both.

      3) It is difficult to judge the error in the HDX experiments presented in Sup. data 1 and 2. In the method section, it is stated that the results represent the average from two samples. How is the SD error calculated in Fig.1B-C?

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> During the last decades, extensive studies (mostly neglected by the authors), using in vitro and in vivo models, have elucidated the five-step mechanism of intoxication of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs). The binding domain (H chain) of all serotypes of BoNTs binds polysialogangliosides and the luminal domain of a synaptic vesicle protein (which varies among serotypes). When bound to the synaptic membrane of neurons, BoNTs are rapidly internalized by synaptic vesicles (SVs) via endocytosis. Subsequently, the catalytic domain (L chain) translocates, a process triggered by the acidification of these organelles. Following translocation, the disulfide bridge connecting the H chain with the L chain is reduced by the thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxin system, and it is refolded by the chaperone Hsp90 on SV's surface. Once released into the cytosol, the L chains of different serotypes cleave distinct peptide bonds of specific SNARE proteins, thereby disrupting neurotransmission.

      In this study, Yeo et al. extensively revise the neuronal intoxication model, suggesting that BoNT/A follows a more complex intracellular route than previously thought. The authors propose that upon internalization, BoNT/A-containing endosomes are retro-axonally trafficked to the soma. At the level of the neuronal soma, this serotype then traffics to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via the Golgi apparatus. The ER SEC61 translocon complex facilitates the translocation of BoNT/A's LC from the ER lumen into the cytosol, where the thioredoxin reductase/thioredoxin system and HSP complexes release and refold the catalytic L chain. Subsequently, the L chain diffuses and cleaves SNAP25 first in the soma before reaching neurites and synapses.

      Strengths:<br /> I appreciate the authors' efforts to confirm that the newly established methods somehow recapitulate aspects of the BoNTs mechanism of action, such as toxin binding and uptake occurring at the level of active synapses. Furthermore, even though I consider the SNAPR approach inadequate, the genome-wide RNAi screen has been well executed and thoroughly analyzed. It includes well-established positive and negative controls, making it a comprehensive resource not only for scientists working in the field of botulinum neurotoxins but also for cell biologists studying endocytosis more broadly.

      Weaknesses:<br /> I have several concerns about the authors' main conclusions, primarily due to the lack of essential controls and validation for the newly developed methods used to assess toxin cleavage and trafficking into neurons. Furthermore, there is a significant discrepancy between the proposed intoxication model and existing studies conducted in more physiological settings. In my opinion, the authors have omitted over 20 years of work done in several labs worldwide (Montecucco, Montal, Schiavo, Rummel, Binz, etc.). I want to emphasize that I support changes in biological dogma only when these changes are supported by compelling experimental evidence, which I could not find in the present manuscript.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary:<br /> This study examines the spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence and the interspecific associations within a terrestrial mammalian community along human disturbance gradients. They conclude that human activity leads to a higher incidence of positive associations.

      Strengths:<br /> The theoretical framework of the study is brilliantly introduced. Solid data and sound methodology. This study is based on an extensive series of camera trap data. Good review of the literature on this topic.

      Weaknesses:<br /> The authors use the terms associations and interactions interchangeably. It is not clear what the authors mean by "associations". A brief clarification would be helpful. Also, the authors do not delve into the different types of association found in the study. A more ecological perspective explaining why certain species tend to exhibit negative associations and why others show the opposite pattern (and thus, can be used as indicator species) is missing. Also, the authors do not distinguish between significant (true) non-random associations and random associations. In my opinion, associations are those in which two species co-occur more or less than expected by chance. This is not well addressed in the present version of the manuscript.

      The obtained results support the conclusions of the study.

      Anthropogenic pressures can shape species associations by increasing spatial and temporal co-occurrence, but above a certain threshold, the positive influence of human activity in terms of species associations could be reverted. This study can stimulate further work in this direction.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      The manuscript has helped address a long-standing mystery in splicing regulation: whether splicing occurs co- or post-transcriptionally. Specifically, the authors (1) uniquely combined smFISH, expansion microscopy, and live cell imaging; (2) revealed the ordering and spatial distribution of splicing steps; and (3) discovered that nascent, not-yet-spliced transcripts move more slowly around the transcription site and undergo splicing as they move through the clouds. Based on the experimental results, the authors suggest that the observation of co-transcriptional splicing in previous literature could be due to the limitation of imaging resolution, meaning that the observed co-transcriptional splicing might actually be post-transcriptional splicing occurring in proximity to the transcription site. Overall, the work presented here clearly provides a comprehensive picture of splicing regulation.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      Summary<br /> While DNA sequence divergence, differential expression, and differential methylation analysis have been conducted between humans and the great apes to study changes that "make us human", the role of lncRNAs and their impact on the human genome and biology has not been fully explored. In this study, the authors computationally predict HSlncRNAs as well as their DNA Binding sites using a method they have developed previously and then examine these predicted regions with different types of enrichment analyses. Broadly, the analysis is straightforward and after identifying these regions/HSlncRNAs the authors examined their effects using different external datasets.

      I no longer have any concerns about the manuscript as the authors have addressed my comments in the first round of review.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      While the approach used in this study cannot identify cause and effect, the whole brain approach identified clusters representing circuits of potential importance and a series of new hypotheses to explore. The importance of the role of sexual behavior, specifically ejaculations rates, is worth emphasizing for the formation of pair bonds. It suggests that the role of sexual behavior in contributing to the strength of pair bonds should be explored more. It is also important to add that males and females in the study were screened for sexual receptivity. The identification of brain regions for pair bond maintenance centered around the amygdala was also intriguing.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):

      In this article, different machine learning models (pan-specific, peptide-specific, pre-trained, and ensemble models) are tested to predict TCR-specificity from a paired-chain peptide-TCR dataset. The data consists of 6,358 positive observations across 26 peptides (as compared to six peptides in NetTCR version 2.1) after several pre-processing steps (filtering and redundancy reduction). For each positive sample, five negative samples were generated by swapping TCRs of a given peptide with TCRs binding to other peptides. The weighted loss function is used to deal with the imbalanced dataset in pan-specific models.

      The results demonstrate that the redundant data introduced during training did not lead to performance gain; rather, a decrease in performance was observed for the pan-specific model. The removal of outliers leads to better performance.<br /> <br /> To further improve the peptide-specific model performance, an architecture is created to combine pan-specific and peptide-specific models, where the pan-specific model is trained on pan-specific data while keeping the peptide-specific part of the model frozen, and the peptide-specific model is trained on a peptide-specific dataset while keeping the pan-specific part of the model frozen. This model surpassed the performance of individual pan-specific and peptide-specific models. Finally, sequence similarity-based predictions of TCRbase are integrated into the pre-trained CNN model, which further improved the model performance (mostly due to the better discrimination of binders and non-binders).<br /> <br /> The prediction for unseen peptides is still low in a pan-specific model; however, an improvement in prediction is observed for peptides with high similarity to the ones in the training dataset. Furthermore, it is shown that 15 observations show satisfactory performance as compared to the ~150 recommended in the literature.<br /> <br /> Models are evaluated on the external dataset (IMMREP benchmark). Peptide-specific models performed competitively with the best models in the benchmark. The pre-trained model performed worst, which the authors suggested could be because of positive and negative sample swapping across training and testing sets. To resolve this issue, they applied the redundancy removal technique to the IMMER dataset. The results agreed with the earlier conclusion that the pre-trained models surpassed peptide-specific models and the integration of similarity-based methods leads to performance boost. It highlights the need for the creation of a new benchmark without data redundancy or leakage problems.

      The manuscript is well-written, clear, and easy to understand. The data is effectively presented. The results validate the drawn conclusions.

    1. Joint Public Review:

      Here, the authors compare how different operationalizations of adverse childhood experience exposure related to patterns of skin conductance response during a fear conditioning task. They use a large dataset to definitively understand a phenomenon that, to date, has been addressed using a range of different definitions and methods, typically with insufficient statistical power. Specifically, the authors compared the following operationalizations: dichotomization of the sample into "exposed" and "non-exposed" categories, cumulative adversity exposure, specificity of adversity exposure, and dimensional (threat versus deprivation) adversity exposure. The paper is thoughtfully framed and provides clear descriptions and rationale for procedures, as well as package version information and code. The authors' overall aim of translating theoretical models of adversity into statistical models, and comparing the explanatory power of each model, respectively, is an important and helpful addition to the literature. However, the analysis would be strengthened by employing more sophisticated modelling techniques that account for between-subjects covariates and the presentation of the data needs to be streamlined to make it clearer for the broad audience for which it is intended.

      Strengths<br /> Several outstanding strengths of this paper are the large sample size and its primary aim of statistically comparing leading theoretical models of adversity exposure in the context of skin conductance response. This paper also helpfully reports Cohen's d effect sizes, which aid in interpreting the magnitude of the findings. The methods and results are generally thorough.

      Weaknesses<br /> The largest concern is that the paper primarily relies on ANOVAs and pairwise testing for its analyses and does not include between-subjects covariates. Employing mixed-effects models instead of ANOVAs would allow more sophisticated control over sources of random variance in the sample (especially important for samples from multi-site studies such as the present study), and further allow the inclusion of potentially relevant between-subjects covariates such as age (e.g. Eisenstein et al., 1990) and gender identity or sex assigned at birth (e.g. Kopacz II & Smith, 1971) (perhaps especially relevant due to possible to gender or sex-related differences in ACE exposure; e.g. Kendler et al., 2001). Also, proxies for socioeconomic status (e.g. income, education) can be linked with ACE exposure (e.g. Maholmes & King, 2012) and warrant consideration as covariates, especially if they differ across adversity-exposed and unexposed groups. On a related methodological note, the authors mention that scores representing threat and deprivation were not problematically collinear due to VIFs being <10; however, some sources indicate that VIFs should be <5 (e.g. Akinwande et al., 2015).

      Additionally, the paper reports that higher trait anxiety and depression symptoms were observed in individuals exposed to ACEs, but it would be helpful to report whether patterns of SCR were in turn associated with these symptom measures and whether the different operationalizations of ACE exposure displayed differential associations with symptoms. Given the paper's framing of SCR as a potential mechanistic link between adversity and mental health problems, reporting these associations would be a helpful addition. These results could also have implications for the resilience interpretation in the discussion (lines 481-485), which is a particularly important and interesting interpretation.

      Given that the manuscript criticizes the different operationalizations of childhood adversity, there should be greater justification of the rationale for choosing the model for the main analyses. Why not the 'cumulative risk' or 'specificity' model? Related to this, there should also be a stronger justification for selecting the 'moderate' approach for the main analysis. Why choose to cut off at moderate? Why not severe, or low? Related to this, why did they choose to cut off at all? Surely one could address this with the continuous variable, as they criticize cut-offs in Table 2.

      In the Introduction, the authors predict less discrimination between signals of danger (CS+) and safety (CS-) in trauma-exposed individuals driven by reduced responses to the CS+. Given the potential impact of their findings for a larger audience, it is important to give greater theoretical context as to why CS discrimination is relevant here, and especially what a reduction in response specifically to danger cues would mean (e.g. in comparison to anxiety, where safety learning is impacted).

    1. Joint Public Review:

      The present work establishes 14-3-3 proteins as binding partners of spastin and suggests that this binding is positively regulated by phosphorylation of spastin. The authors show evidence that 14-3-3 - spastin binding prevents spastin ubiquitination and final proteasomal degradation. By using drugs and peptides that separately inhibit 14-3-3 binding or spastin activity, they show that both proteins are necessary for axon regeneration in cell culture and in vivo models in rats.

      Major strengths<br /> -The data establishing 14-3-3 and spastin as binding partners is convincing, as is its regulation by phosphorylation and its impact on protein levels related to the activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome system.

      -The effects of FC-A on locomotor recovery after spinal cord contusion is very interesting.

      Major weaknesses<br /> -Given that spastazoline has a major impact on neurite outgrowth suggests that cells simply cannot grow in the presence of the inhibitor and raises serious questions about any selectivity for the concomitant effect FC-A - dependent growth.

      -The histological data and analyses following spinal cord injury are not convincing. For example, the colabeling of NF and 5-HT is not convincingly labeling fibers. Also, the quality, resolution and size of the images is insufficient to support the quantitative data and it is hence difficult to interpret the data. Reviewers recognize that during the review process, efforts were made to improve the quality of the images.

      -Reviewers also observed that the data to infer Spastin actions on Microtubules across different experimental models is weak and that claims about "MT severing" and "microtubules dynamics" were wrongly used given the provided evidence.

      -The manuscript lacks direct evidence that a 14-3-3 and spastin function as a complex in the same pathway to promote regeneration. It is recognized, however, that the authors had made changes in the manuscript title and claims not to imply that the current evidence is sufficient in that matter.

    1. Reviewer #1 (Public Review):


      The paper by Majeed et al has a valuable and worthwhile aim: to provide a set of tools to standardize the quantification of synapses using fluorescent markers in the nematode C. elegans. Using current approaches, the identification of synapses using fluorescent markers is tedious and subject to significant inter-experimenter variability. Majeed et al successfully develop and validate a computational pipeline called "WormPsyQi" that overcomes some of these obstacles and will be a powerful resource for many C. elegans neurobiologists.


      The computational pipeline is rigorously validated and shown to accurately quantitate fluorescent puncta, at least as well as human experimenters. The inclusion of a mask - a region of interest defined by a cytoplasmic marker - is a powerful and useful approach. Users can take advantage of one of four pre-trained neural networks, or train their own. The software is freely available and appears to be user-friendly. A series of rigorous experiments demonstrates the utility of the pipeline for measuring differences in the number of synaptic puncta between sexes and across developmental stages. Neuron-to-neuron heterogeneity in patterns of synaptic growth during development are convincingly demonstrated. Weaknesses and caveats are realistically discussed.