21 Matching Annotations
  1. Mar 2016
    1. using the rhizome as a conceptual frameworkfor teaching and learning in a MOOC.

      Was the rhizome used as a conceptual framework, or was it a metaphor? (joke!)



    1. The rhizome itself assumes very diverse forms, from ramified surface extension in all directions to concretion into bulbs and tubers.


    2. A system of this kind could be called a rhizome. A rhi-zome as subterranean stem is absolutely different from roots and radicles. Bulbs and tubers are rhizomes. Plants with roots or radicles may be rhizomorphic in other respects altogether: the question is whether plant life in its specificity is not entirely rhizomatic. Even some animals are, in their pack form. Rats are rhizomes.

      Definition of a rhizome

    3. As for the war machine in itself, it seems to be irreduc-ible to the State apparatus, to be outside its sovereignty and prior to its law: it comes from elsewhere.

      Food for thought

  2. Feb 2016
    1. a problem I hadlived but not labeled, so to speak.


    2. longitude and latitude,

      I think these are Spinoza's terms

    3. ‘there’s nothing to explain, nothing to understand, nothing to interpret’

      YES! Stop looking for meaning!

    4. ‘Philosophy’s like a novel: you have to ask “What’s going tohappen?,” “What’s happened?

      Well, continental philosophy certainly. Analytic?

    5. ‘built upon the not-so-controversial ideathat how we conceive the world is relevant to how we live in it.’

      cf Wittgenstein

    6. is reading with love.


    7. So you will never get to the bottom of a concept like multiplicity, you will never beable to figure out what it really means, nor, if you become the least bit Deleuzian,will you want to

      There is no such as thing as what it really means"



  3. Jan 2016
    1. D

      (human) existence. Heidegger rejected "being there" as an interpretation

    2. 01).Hedealswithithoweverbysuggestingthat“...ifchangeswhicharepresent-at-handhavebeenpositedempir-ically‘inme’,itisnecessarythatalongwiththesesomethingpermanentwhichispresent-at-handshouldbepositedempirically‘outsideofme’.Whatisthuspermanentistheconditionwhichmakesitpossibleforthechanges‘inme’tobepresent-at-hand.”(Heidegger1962p.248).

      This is, according to Heidegger, part of the "proof for the 'Dasein of things outside of me'"

    3. ideaofreflec-tionaspartofthemethodofaction.Thenotionof“being”positsthatthe“present-at-hand”and“ready-to-hand”objectsandconceptsareusedinourdailydecisionsandactions.

      I'm not convinced that the authors understand what these mean. Something which is "present-at-hand" is like a broken hammer - it comes to my attention because I can't use it. A hammer which is "ready-to-hand" is one I can pick up and use without paying attention to it.

