3 Matching Annotations
- Aug 2024
www.youtube.com www.youtube.com
that's why the computer can never be conscious because basically he has none of the characteristics of qualia and he certainly doesn't have free will and Free Will and conscious must work together to create these fields that actually can can direct their own experience and create self-conscious entities from the very beginning
for - AI - consciousness - not possible - Frederico Faggin
the brain is Islam Islam is it is lousy and it is selfish and still it is working yeah look around you working brains wherever you look and the reason for this is that we totally think differently than any kind of digital and computer system you know of and many Engineers from the AI field haven't figured out that massive difference that massive difference yet
for - comparison - brain vs machine intelligence
comparison - brain vs machine intelligence - the brain is inferior to machine in many ways - many times slower - much less accurate - network of neurons is mostly isolated in its own local environment, not connected to a global network like the internet - Yet, it is able to perform extraordinary things in spite of that - It is able to create meaning out of sensory inputs - Can we really say that a machine can do this?
- Sep 2023
www.frontiersin.org www.frontiersin.org
The zombie has functional consciousness, i.e., all the physical and functional conscious processes studied by scientists, such as global informational access. But there would be nothing it is like to have that global informational access and to be that zombie. All that the zombie cognitive system requires is the capacity to produce phenomenal judgments that it can later report.
- for: AI - consciousness, zombies, question, question - AI - zombie
- question: AI
- is AI a zombie?
- It would seem that by interviewing AI, there would be no way to tell if it's a zombie or not
- AI would say all the right things that would try to convince you that it's not a zombie