24 Matching Annotations
  1. Apr 2024
    1. It occursat many levels of animal life

      for -: zombies - David Chalmers - UTOK - Unifed Theory of Knowledge - Gregg Henriques

      • comment
        • As David Chalmer observes with the philosophical idea of "zombies", strictly speaking, we impute the existence of other consciousnesses, including other human consciousnesses
        • This construction of the "other consciousness" begins at birth with the socialization of the neonate and infant from its mother and father.
      • To claim that other species display consciousness is an imputation.and based upon external signs, not internal experience.
  2. Sep 2023
    1. The zombie has functional consciousness, i.e., all the physical and functional conscious processes studied by scientists, such as global informational access. But there would be nothing it is like to have that global informational access and to be that zombie. All that the zombie cognitive system requires is the capacity to produce phenomenal judgments that it can later report.
      • for: AI - consciousness, zombies, question, question - AI - zombie
      • question: AI
        • is AI a zombie?
        • It would seem that by interviewing AI, there would be no way to tell if it's a zombie or not
          • AI would say all the right things that would try to convince you that it's not a zombie
  3. Mar 2021
  4. Mar 2018
    1. A class of pesticides known as pyrethroids, which are used to control native stinkbugs, initially appeared to work just as well on the brown marmorated kind—until a day or two later, when more than a third of the ostensibly dead bugs rose up, Lazarus-like, and calmly resumed the business of demolition.

      OMG! Zombie Stinkbugs!

  5. Oct 2016
    1. Memory and desire, stirring

    2. To get yourself some teeth.

      You only get one set of teeth, and the only way to get new ones is through an artificial process. In this case the cycle of death and rebirth is disrupted not by a failure of rebirth or by death, but rather by the desire to preserve life.

  6. Oct 2015
    1. V. DEATH BY WATER Phlebas the Phoenician, a fortnight dead, Forgot the cry of gulls, and the deep seas swell And the profit and loss.                           A current under sea  315 Picked his bones in whispers. As he rose and fell He passed the stages of his age and youth Entering the whirlpool.                           Gentile or Jew O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,  320 Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

      Throughout the text there are numerous allusions to the undead; characters especially seem to all be passing through a liminal phase between life and death. In The Waste Land, death has “undone so many”: the London Bridge crowd “walking round in a ring” like mindless zombies, the husband in A Game of Chess who has been “demobbed” and made unreachable, the “corpse” in The Burial of the Dead which may “bloom this year”, the Fisher King who is a “wreck”, even Tiresias is “throbbing between two lives” in The Fire Sermon. In this section, Phlebas the Phoenician’s journey follows a similar trajectory; he becomes fragmented as he “passed the stages of his age and youth”. However unlike the other figures of Eliot’s poem, he is granted a death without renewal or resurrection. Image DescriptionThe line “Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall” is written in the past tense; this cautionary tale confirms the prophecy of Madame Sosostris, who previously draws the ‘drowned sailor’ card. This renewal of faith-ability may represent a wider renewal in Eliot’s psyche. In The Waste Land, the characters are not the only aspects trapped in an interim stage; language and mythology too has become “a heap of broken images”, awaiting death or resurrection. Here in Death by Water, through allowing the historical figure of Phlebas to die, Eliot consoles himself in his abilities as a poet to enter the great Western poetic tradition. This section is a turning point in the poem, following after the all-important pre-cursor ‘The Fire Sermon’; where following from the Buddhist ritual of liberation from suffering through sensory detachment Eliot completes the modernist process of ‘cleansing’ and purifying words and language.Image Description

    2. And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you; I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
         THE BURIAL OF THE DEAD points out that "dead" perhaps should not newly be taking on that title.
         Lives being lived carry something unnatural, even their shadows are evidence. In death we all become dust and the claim to "show fear in a handful of dust" is the residue of a zombified life; one not lived naturally. The degrees of unnatural life vary and hide, “And I will show you something different from either Your shadow at morning striding behind you Or your shadow at evening rising to meet you”.

      Image Description

       These zombies reproduce, and the question as to what has become of Stetson’s corpse he has planted is a catalyst to the idea of The Wasteland. The hypocrite lecturer seems to be the reader, part of this Wasteland, though to what degree? The dog is man’s friend though he’ll dig a zombie out, naturally, unknowing of harm. To keep the dog away would be applying the vitality water brings to the poem, and lives of The Wasteland. 
        You, reading, gave the hyacinths the false everything, the nothing, and heart of light. You, reader, become responsible here, or else slip into the nonliving. The Wasteland is nurtured with water, and the death of Phlebas the Phoenician cleansed, as he is able to forget his troubles when passing on. Zombies are a product of The Wasteland completely here. 
  7. teaching.lfhanley.net teaching.lfhanley.net
    1. Consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

      "Death by Water" tells a story of a Phoenician named Phlebas, who was apparently great in his lifetime, but has now died and "enters the whirlpool" (the river Styx, which is said to exist in between earth and the underworld), as death has disregarded his greatness. The speaker says "consider Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you," reminding the reader of mortality's indifference and the possibility of death's exile.

    2. Dry bones can harm no one.

      Are the zombies not out to hurt anyone?

    3. But red sullen faces sneer and snarl
    4. He who was living is now dead We who were living are now dying
    5. Picked his bones in whispers.

      This tone is rather foreboding as he continues to age and awaits death within the current.

    6. And walked among the lowest of the dead.
    7. when the eyes and back Turn upward from the desk
    8. father’s death before him. White bodies naked on the low damp ground
    9. lidless eyes and waiting for a knock upon the door.

      Is this similar to ..."Knocking on heaven's door?" or rather death awaits on the other side?

    10. “Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?”
    11. dead men lost their bones.
    12. staring forms Leaned out, leaning,

      What are these staring forms? Reading this line gave me chills and I am left wondering if these forms are lifeless.

    13. “Are you alive, or not? Is there nothing in your head?”

      lack of communication between wife and disabled husband

    14. I see crowds of people, walking round in a ring

      these occupants of the waste land seem mindless

    15. And walked among the lowest of the dead
    16. Where the dead men lost their bones

      The dead men that are undead "Zombies" The lost bones are possibly scattered away from the dead men hence "fragments"